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tv   News  RT  May 9, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the, the prussian flying aces, so off their top plus skills, highlighting, they're just silver moscow's and pick the retail rate, all that in our special coverage converting the trend of this. so we have people that are putting admonishes, the less for distorting the historical memory of world war 2 in white washing neo naziism for lunches and mercury of history. and the desire to justify the cutter and follow is of the nazis a part of the general policy of the west. and it leads to insight new regional conflicts, ethnic and religious hostility. and rolling alongside the trips for reading it through the red square russian infinity. our military vehicles and putting yars
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intercontinental ballistic missile terriers serving as part of the russian nuclear shield. that'd be great, dismay. moscow agents say these are mobile missed are very difficult to track. the part of russia is very modern. nuclear to tear the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international on our special coverage of x ray today. but it is a special day for russia and the world mark in the 79th anniversary of the red armies defeat of naziism in the great patriotic war. today we commemorate the unwavering resilience of the soviet people and their triumph over fascism and our
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special coverage from our studio at the very heart of moscow. the, you know, when you hear about russian national on some, even for an ex spot like myself, it's still fillasy with such as census fried, just the sound of the russian national lance. and it's such a moving, moving on them. and of course, very strong words from the russian president vladimir food and basically saying 79 years old. and since the defeat of nonsense and yet there are certain people in the world, certain players who, who wants to whitewash the history of not just in from the 2nd world hill, some actors in the west. they don't want to recognize what was the soviet union's
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enormous sacrifice and vice during the 2nd world war. the great war, as it is not here in the russian federation. today we see how some are trying to distort the truth about the 2nd world war. the truth is inconvenient for those who are used to building their colonial policy on hypocrisy and lines. they demolish memorials to the true fighters against not all well putting traitors and accomplices of the nazis on a pedestal. they erased the memory of the heroism of the liberator soldiers of their great sacrifice, revenge as a mockery of history and the desire to justify the current followers of the nazis are part of the general policy of the western and leads to incite new regional conflicts, ethnic and religious hostility, we reject the claims of any country or alliance for exclusivity. we know what the northern to see of such a emissions leads to rush. i will do everything to prevent the global clash. but at the same time, we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always on alert.
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let's get back now to i don't cold at dawn, florida. yeah. down there on red square that you've been really getting close into a real close meeting. great for you. that was all the crews tell me what's going on . how is it that way you oh, that's right, very well. it's snowing on and off here, but like you said, the weather might be called, but that is not stops. anyone who wanted to come to see this a nor mostly amazing ceremony to come and see this, but it's not gonna stop anyone who has the opportunity to see this up close because it's just so incredible really we haven't even gotten to the armored portion yet. and yet, uh, you know, i just got goosebumps watching the columns go by god, how, how well there marching, how, how the echoes of their screens as you can just hear behind me just echoes throughout red square. really gives you a sense of just how the mice and power of the russian military, especially, and it's a very important time for russian people to understand that the military has the
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capability to defend themselves against the threats from all over the world. specifically from the west, i mean something the bottom are put and mentioned in his features that uh, the people who are fighting and the russian military right now on the front lines in the special military operation or zeros. some of the russian federation. because right now what they're doing is continuing the legacy of the red army soldiers who destroyed fascism in the 2nd world war. and we're expecting around $75.00 armored vehicles in tanks to go through red square after this. and for 3 portion goes by. that's definitely going to be very impressive, very loud. in fact, also if you think this is loud, i mean having the both modern and tags. so in the great patriotic war, going by as a very loud experience. i mean, i've never been this close before, so we're going to have to see how that goes. but it's definitely something that i'm very lucky to see. and i'm sure the veterans here that are behind the camera right
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now in the bleachers as well as the, the veterans and the, sorry, the, the participants of them, especially military operation in ukraine, which are here in attendance right now. they're definitely looking forward to seeing that as well. it's a great occasion for everyone here as well as the foreign dignitaries that have been invited to witness this as well. we're looking at, you know, the president subject us then took minus them bella. ruth, a lot of other cows expand as well, among many others as well as for and delegations from countries outside the raising . and for a former soviet sphere, we're looking at a delegation from law allows, which is as of late to become very, very close with russian terms in terms of economic and political operation as well as cuba. the cuban president himself is here attending this year's red square military parade in honor of 79 years of victory over fascism and he and his
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delegation are here, of course, enjoying this rest, taking parade that's going on behind me. so really, this is an occasion that anyone who receives an invitation, anyone who has the opportunity to see these military parades and on are those who fotz in the great patriotic award to free the world from fascism. anyone who has the opportunity to see something like that. okay, done. okay, towing? yeah, listen, it's income. the boys with a big tories right now with, with the homage on the vehicles, the post and l carriers. other times we're going to be seeing a nuclear, a triad today. the components of the have on dog system. all we're going to see the change all the hypersonic geiger attached underneath. the su, quite jets. that will be fine, right? of our red square as well. so let's, so let's learn more now because one of our colleagues is also an absolute ministry expert and done on his story and as well shape. oh, that's good. the shape is right now. shy. i know you're right in the thick of it. even enjoying this as well. this is really you will compensate for sure. what are
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you seeing where you are now? so these are sort of law, you know, our reconnaissance vehicles. some of the teague are, which are, uh, lighter economy, recall since vehicle. but as you can see, when we go how i just know are the years a ballistic missile cutters terriers, which are part of rushes, the nuclear fleet actually as well. and they're escorted via, via the yard. yeah, i'm are the vehicle as you can see, jaime studies the roll them all saw about a month ago. they're great dismay. and some people in the west suggesting that this is so sort of the strategic move of why moscow, on the engines is absolutely insane. and these are mobile missed are launchers, very difficult to track. the part of russia is very modern, nuclear deterrent. remember russia probably as the biggest, are still of nuclear weapons on earth. and the probably as the most modern ones,
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including at disarm on this side of a recent development, which can be deployed from this boss in the water naval fleet as well as $400.00 a year. but again, the s 401 of the best, if not the best across the defense system on our own roy. really, we're a little bit patriots on iris tease in your great for the s 400 on now the s 500, which is in developing the scientist, is without the best, if not the best anti aircraft system on earth. and it provides a huge amount of cobra to tubes in the symbol. let's our cross over here. he goes down off our correspondence. tiny bond, the local airfield who's, who's gear and not for the fly of a go to is rory here. i hope you can hear me. okay. tell me where you are and what
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you're setting up for. what's it like then now? absolutely, rory. we are on the nashville just outside moscow. in fact, about 60 kilometers away from most go and fighter jets are taking off right now. as i speak, the swift, one of the best aerobatics teams in the world is about to take to the skies and to head to the red square. it has to be in a couple of days since be here on an i feel just outside most cool to russian aerobatics themes. the swift and the russian nights are done with the final preparations. pilots are in the cockpit. it's about to take off for the red square, [000:00:00;00] the
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they are those are among the best in the world. they both had kind of a free this yeah. today make 29 and 230 as a fighter. jets well and also they go. it's been a couple of years in spite of just 2 parts of the victory. the blue sky is about the red square. well, it's the rarest of sites to behold. some of these people relax the swan retrofitted great enough to can you hear the from the main victory day event, the red square parade has now wrapped up just about an hour ago, but make sure to follow our special coverage commemorating the triumph of the soviet people here on our tea, throughout the day
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a the russians around the world to join it so called a motorized lament events to commemorate their ancestors deeds during the great patriotic war. they probably carry portraits of the soviet heroes who died to protect the world against nazi germany. the event is traditionally held in dozens of countries worldwide on the 8th or 9th of may. though some european states have banned public display of russian or soviet symbols in recent times. meanwhile, in the united states, more than a 100 people have joined to the immortal resume in advance at the russian embassy in washington. the diplomatic missions, employees together with students from the embassies school march, to through the embassy carrying posters of their relatives, veterans of the great patriotic war. the event ended with congratulations from the russian ambassador to the united states and until they entered off and the performance from the mission school children. the diplomat honored those who gave their lives for their homelands during the war,
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calling on their descendants to cherish the memory of their grandfathers and great grandfather's as well. the parade is wrapped up here, full victory, day 2024. but it's been such as they talk to a day hit today with old emitted 3 hardware on display. we thought about correspondence positioned across the major line monks, the iconic landmarks of the capital of the russian federation. it really has been a, a day of pride, but also a day of solidarity mocking 79 years since the end of the defeat of naziism fascism, the end of the 2nd world war. well, i'm role research a with my special guest. alexander, as the panel is a military export, joining us here call continues special coverage or analogy international. you've seen some of the parade, you saw some of the fly of us. what was your general impression of what you saw today? the main impression that, uh, as you mentioned,
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is the solid arity that we could see today. and not only here in moscow, but all over the world. russians commemorates and uh, the memory of the full and soldiers during the 2nd world war. and understand that now we can feel this connection between the periods like historical periods. and now we could see more than $1000.00 special military operation veterans here. and that's from the red square that i'm now protecting our model and the to now protecting our borders. and the future of our children as well. and that thing that the future of europe right now, or is being protected too, because we can see that again and again, we are fighting against lapses. and what we could see uh do you are in
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the speech of solve the wish to concert as leaders. what are they going to back? why this without talking about the future possible escalation and bill small, what you will see the possible next level of the ex collation can be very unpredictable. so that's why it's is very important to understand and to learn the history, to lam, uh, what we can understand that the future world depends right now on the decision of the world leaders as well and on the dialect. yeah. those li, exactly, exactly. i think it's a very, very good point. very well said to alexander the end of the day. it is a stressful time for parts of the world today, gee, or politics. that when it comes to the global chessboard, there's a lot of movements happening on the global chessboard you talk about. so i didn't have to attend. the often likes to remind professional partners in the west. don't
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forget the mistakes made in all pos, recent history don't allow them to happen. again. i'm present improvement, had some very strong comments during his speech here. an hour and a half ago on red square. do you think he was sending any signals to the international community during his speech? i think that we are trying to send those signals and our lead to every time is mentioning that this tool we have to bring peace and to build and you know, to pull a world, i don't understand that it's better to corporate them to. 3 the war, the real data or conflict between nato and the russian federation. it's impossible to understand the meaning of all possible negative uh steps of this escalation, but just now being provided by the western countries. so i think that's our lead to try to send
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a message that it's better to talk. it's better to understand each uh point of view, but uh frank, this weekend, our partners from the west. some countries don't try this out of they don't really say don't listen to the whole. maybe they did many, many decades ago. i saw that they don't just anymore, which is something that person who has been saying, he said, i've been speaking to a professional partners in the west. i've been trying, it's almost like he's been buying his head against a brick wall. they just don't want to listen to him. let me i, if i kind of let me ask you about this, the parade today, the, the display of military hardware, some people will say, look, what russia is doing. it's, it's showing office ministry weapons. it's stable, ruffling, is that it's not how you see it, or surely not the 1st of all we kind of for to mention that it's our national position. we are commemorating, recommend marie to now grandfather's that have protected our mainland,
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our motherland, and things to them. now we are leaving now we're here, you know, or russian for duration these existing. and charlotte, swearing important that you are in the power that we can see are the leaders of ex, soviet countries. that's understand as well. that now the situation is very hot and we have to be united, we have to understand that the only costs can protect our national interest. so sovereignty and the future of our children as well. so. so that's why it is very important to be unites. is that those moments and uh to uh, strictly analyze, uh, the uh, historical options that we already had. yeah. yes. uh, alex, just just quickly, before i let you go, um, you mentioned the multi part of, well, i'm going to go, you look at the global south bricks i see on you look at the russian federation of
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rushers, now the presiding president of the bricks. finally, the bricks has about 1111 members, right now. laugh at all. rushes for ministers says there upwards of 13 more countries that want to join the bridge. 79 years old. since the 2nd world war, we're seeing a whole different level of new alliances being made. there is a shift, does it change the economic sense of the world is moving eastwards and yet we have these geo strategic alliances taking place? why are they taking place on x on the uh, surely a festival the they can develop because of the policy, all the western countries. all for now, colonial policy and the many countries of global cells of our country as well as trying uh oh uh, one of the main international partners. we understand that we have to construct our
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drop off uh uh, system of international relations that will provide festival options to all participants, global participants. i mean, uh that we have to understand that each country it has its own national interest has uh its uh, opportunities and capacities to develop its own uh, industry its own economy. so, uh, that's why new integration or platforms that'd be in the that. and that's why briggs is very important right now. yeah. and the role of russian federation as one of the main country is uh, one of the 1st country is uh that bro. why does this idea of bricks? uh, a model such a good idea. alexandra is your lots, a good idea. its been in a pipeline for a good number of years now, but only in the past,
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i think 2 years ago. so all we really seeing solid steps being made by all these different countries, whether they're in the brakes or whether they want to join the brakes that steining up on their own 2 feet. one of the things i think you were leaning towards was that many of these developing nations are in bold. that feeling a confidence, they feel the change is happening around the world. the g a political chessboard is changing and that is why now the uni centric. well, it's taking a back step as a multi polar world is also being forward. alexandra stefan, off as a ministry next. but joining us live here on the 5th through day 2024. it's been a pleasure having you here. thank you very, very much. thank you. thank you, and that's just about going to wrap up with special coverage here from this special stand up location with the kremlin some basel cathedral and the red square behind me as well, from all of us, all the international. thank you for joining us of the day 2024. and we look forward to seeing you soon. victory day, a day of immense celebration, but also reflection. knowing that triumphs came as such
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a colossal cost. 1418 days of a titanic struggle between good and evil light and darkness and a fight in which so many surrendered their lives so that others could live in freedom. and on this momentous occasion, technology is allowing us of virtual brands into the past. so that's a day on the 9th of may 2024. we can send them all the way back into 1945. and the final days of the war when the soviet people from victory to the world, although a, an immense price for that privilege. on the 1st of may 79 years ago, the soviet victory banner was raised over the reichstag signaling the end of nazi germany. by then, berlin was barely recognizable. once the beating hearts of the 3rd ranks of painful years of war had left it as shattered or ruined. soviet soldiers had lost 3 fights, street house to buy house, as the nazi army tried to hold on with everything it could still muster up in the
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sky. as you can see, the illusion ill to round attacked plains, buzzing behind it quickly became known as the flying along side of the ground based counterpart, the soviet t 34 battle tank both became iconic symbols of the great patriotic war. and the eventual victory super off $36.00 was just one of the $234.00 tanks to roll to the streets and the german capital during the battle for berlin. it wasn't until the 9th of may moscow time on. the nazi regime officially capitulated when the sylvia army marshal guard is you call that sign to the active military surrender in a supper bumper land. it's impossible to overestimate the toll taken on the silvia of people of what is the deadliest for humanities ever witnessed. $26600000.00 or soviet citizens pay the ultimate price. during reason victory day means so much to so many sacrifice that will not and cannot ever be forgotten
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on the eve of victory today, a photo exhibition dedicated to the events of the great patriotic war was organized in ethiopia. the exhibition was arranged at the russian house and the issue of the capital to commemorate the joint efforts of both countries. opening the exhibition rushes and basset, or to if you will be a noted that celebrations in the capital of if you will take place at a special time as a few days ago. the country marks of the victory day of if you will be in patriots in the war over fascist italy. meanwhile, the cadets of the countries minute as we have the sense expressed a gesture of support if you will be entered as rep messages for russian soldiers fighting in the dawn best. but well, abigail remembers and honors the victory and that war. some countries, especially in the west, have seemingly struggled to remember the history lessons of the past. are these marina customer eva has more? over the years, the western world has been brainwashed into believing that they were the want us to
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defeat nazi germany. and this idea has penetrated every level of society who won world war 2. well, united states was part of that. there was other countries involved. we could start with uh, it's been a while to one. yeah. it's a, i guess it depends or us, but the allies, we did, we did. we did, i guess russia did at the time as well. i don't know. the you at the allied forces restaurant pressure, the united se scraper, in, um, i guess france came from hong and russia american america. clearly there is an awareness issue with history across the pond. lab, shut all. what else are people supposed to think when even in the movies they watch kind of firm that's false narrative, they heard about us. you probably heard wayne in the fraser taken we in the killing that yes,
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yes. yes. the, well, the russians, nowhere to be found in hollywood also likes to portray one particular battle. as the decisive one, hollywood continued to turn now to move them said, touched upon the day. they will be no shadow by steven spielberg saving private ryan, by centering on the mol her beach. however, the film caused considerable controversy by focusing mainly on them their connectivity. hollywood mythology, around world war 2, probably started right when the war began. i don't think there were ever any films maybe at the mall, maybe and in this and never during the war itself. there were sometimes maybe that, that wouldn't acknowledge the soviets in a way that was more positive. but i can't really think of it on my head of, of any films about world war 2 that ever showed to the soviets, in a positive light, with world war 2, world war 2 is
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a clearly good versus evil narrative. it's difficult to, it's difficult to like adolf hitler and the nazis. right. so it's very easy to create the narrative of, you know, americans of the good guys not use of the bad guys in 2004 rochester side by side with the allies to mark the 60th anniversary of the norm and the line. then for the very 1st time, thoughts by then the majority of americans and europeans had shifted their position on whose role was the game changer. if you're, it is how did the most to win the war. us apparently, definitely in their view and that of most of their allies. and here's another poll which really shows the evolution of this brain washing what after the war ended, 57 percent of the french thought must go have contributes of the most to the war effort. fast forward the few decades and it's most scope which a southerly replaced by washington says, well, let's just pause and remind ourselves over the casualties the soviet union last at
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least, 20000000 people during the great patriarch war, which is how world war 2 is referred to in russia, almost every household was effected, which is why most russians know the story. so well, as it has been recounted by each generation, especially those who actually lived it, it was the western allies extreme of good fortune that the russians and not themselves paid almost the entire butch's bill for the freezing nazi germany excepting 95 percent of the military casualties of the 3 major powers of the grand alliance, but those 5 sab being broke off said maybe it's the after effects of, of the cold war or. 8 a long term strategy for to your apps approach, which is most shocking as countries there are actively trying to erase and destroy anything that will contradict the west new narrative monuments. honorary soviets.
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soldiers are being torn down across the e. u and the latest is symbol gary, even though the monument owners soldiers, who liberated the country when it was allied with nazi germany, or some would argue that's disrespectful as this respectful, assigning it into law, which is exactly what be a sodium prime minister wants to do so that they can dismantle anything soviet that seems. it's potentially shop to the memorials to the soviet judge, low sector slide show much to safeco to see them. sensors are much better shopping, but those are not the targets. you know, this is a, an enormous ideological. a wall of is being waged probably go through simple metal the, the, the capital estate. there's coal in europe taking the leads in the destruction of hall memorials. the kind of motivation to. ready that of the function collaborators in various countries,
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which is showing the west frequently of kansas rush off propaganda. they are the masters who invented it just single to the american dream hollywood, the land of the free democracy. everyone falls forward at one point or another, but it's incredible how they can seduce even the country they one's bones. there has been no apology to japan. they did get to pay for craze, though from former us president brock obama, which they have on display at the hiroshima piece memorial museum. and it seems that was enough because they have a new and i me, russia continues to threaten to use a new career weapons which has continued to add to world wide concern. that's yet another catastrophe. buy new 3 away from use is a real possibility. quick reminder, the only time nuclear weapons have been used in warfare was by the united states


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