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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the the, as you can see behind me, this is the often more of a you cried new attack on a residential building in belgrade city. yes. and the destruction of the russian region of belgrade, once again find itself in. the cravings cross has with almost 20 civilians killed as bestsellers and shells rained down on the main cities failing to success, deli agrees to run a t. ronnie, in ports despite passive into ron from western function and so, and the speeds of this content hold on stops the breaks on the folks with the train
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ain that resolving a dispute over food imports which had prompted fuse protest. i am very police thomas, the hello the welcome to our team to national reaching you live for my niece center with moscow. i a michael put you up with the updates now in the neighboring bel garage in the region, how far to use have been evacuating locals? from the town of that rather than i met, it's right, the strikes the and that's according to the regions governor multiple mess all the tax on sunday. let 19 people, dad and partially collapsed a 10 story apartment building the
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we were in our apartment. i was in a room and when this phone ring, my girlfriend showed it to me that there was smoke. i looked up the window quickly . when the start ended, we saw a pile of dust. we thought that something had hit the arch, went out and saw that, but there was still a roof. it fell in front of our eyes. one of are still here on the playground still shows us. that's when the defense siren came on. i went into the bathroom because it seems to be the safest place i was sitting right in the bath tub, and then i had a loud explosion on went out and looked out the window and everything was white. i got close and realized that that was just
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a column of dust and nothing was visible. i thought maybe i would see something from the balcony. i walked to the balcony, but it was completely destroyed. oh, the gloss was lying on the floor who are tasty. sweeney spent in this report from the scene of a tried to be as you can see behind me, this is the often loss of a ukrainian, or attack on a residential building in belgrade city. on sunday morning. now this attack was carried out according to the authorities with western supplied weapons. it's been described as a terror attack. 10 stories of this building collapse and at least 15 people. we know what killed in the initial strike. many people have been wounded, emergency services work throughout the day yesterday and overnight in a desperate attempt to pull people from the rubble. the belgrade governor has praised locals for their actions as well. many people from the local community, from the local area volunteer to pull the elderly men, women,
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and children from the rubble. now, those efforts were hung put, taught these because the part of the building collapsed and 3 emergency workers were injured as a result of that. but also ukraine targeted behavior, again, causing them to the emergency relief efforts to be stopped on these 5 occasions, obviously humping these attempts to pull any of those that were left in the rubble . now another building nearby was also struck during those that strikes 3 people. we understand were killed in the attack on a number more wounded. so that takes the desk told to 18, but with many of those still in the hospital being treated for the injuries indeed dot toll could rise. now, a belle grove has come under a biology of work and this all the time, including from the top and bottom par, ms alls and just to give some indication of what its like for the residents here.
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we received uh 6 the arrived in bell road on sunday evening. we received almost a constant slew of messages by some telegram and text messages warning of incoming be solved, then edging residents to take shelter. now, of course, a bell road has come on to intensify the track, your member back on december, the 30th one of the dead me, it's a tech. so 25 people killed since then. bell road has been subjected to a number of attempted incursions with to be withheld by the russian all forces and those frequent missile rookie, i'm thrown strikes with to targeted. the civilian is just last monday. 7 people were killed and 40 wounded, including children, offered kamikaze, road struck passenger transport vehicles taking people to work. now it was worth reiterating once again that this is
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a residential area of the people living in this apartment proper. not so just attacking civilians is of course a war crime. and this latest attack on belle grove comes soon after the other. like to pay the british photo. sec, philo, david cameron, green lighted a tax on russian territory. not those comments received widespread condemnation from russian officials, but he hasn't wrote back on those. in fact, he's taking a formal belligerent stones towards russia and it comes just weeks off to a russian human rights organizations that have leaked information about left tenant general antonio due to was, in fact the person that was most demanding. the attacks on the belgrade a region, deliberately targeting somebody, and as part of a plan to re covet segment. they're all know civilians only. and the reason that he said to be the shadow, come on, drove the crating on forces in the wake of the stocking of generals emotionally.
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the attacks also take place at a time when russia is making advances on the possible field in the talk of region that has been in 10 spots which taking place do crating authorities have spoken of these intense bottles very close to the all the way the bells are what region now the russian defense ministry says that it plans to create a buffers. i'm with most of these attacks on belgrade emanating from the cock of region. and that whole thing the, this buffers i will provide some relief to those citizens. but for now, the situation relates of all it's all about poland suspended talks with ukraine, a in that resolving a dispute over food in ports and that scene angry police farmers sticking to the streets. a comes that made corrupt and allegations against them of kias negotiate us. the negotiations were interrupted because some of their representatives were
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accused of corrupt activities. we planned the next round of negotiations for may 14th, but it was canceled no details on the corruption allegations, way given or very involved. it's also not clear when or is the top so i'd like me to review all of it comes, i meant the huge farm i protests, the head swept the country for months against the uncontrolled imports of food up from the trade and the green initiatives of the you which they say damaging to the industry. the to pharma started the project by blocking at the start of this year. and the
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continue on to this day, i won't points the demonstration, even turn the balance when prices are up in front of the father mentioned warsaw told between the agriculture minister and representatives of the several farming mobilizations and unions next to an agreement to suspend him. 4th of the 3 and the 4th of approved up to poland, and that translates to our countries now let's get more on this now and bring in the senior research fellow how the global policy institute. george saw me already. georgia, i'm happy to have you join me right now. we're here for point claims about the widespread problem of corruption in the tray and now we see even the store has been stopped over. busy the issue, oh well, anyone know or anything that done to resolve this? no, i don't think so. we'll have to keep in mind that the corruption issue has been of
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course, well known for years and years and years by the great. so there's nothing new about that. the problem has raise this issue as a way of avoiding making a decision. the governments that runs poland today that the government of donald to us is driven by any of the all legit to the in the nato. be the origin of a waging a to comp some war against russia and using ukraine to do so. now they have a problem on their hands, which is the public is very, very angry about the livelihood being damaged by a cheap on the cost of ukrainian drain input. and they want to expect the reason of the, the government to do something about it. but this government doesn't want to do anything about it because they they want to use ukraine for the purposes i,
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i just said. so they've raised this issue that the red focus, the issue of corruption in order to avoid having to make a decision. but everything else, the problem does, is in favor of integrating your ukraine within the you and of continuing to, uh, use your brain for its belligerent purposes. all right, now obviously it's a new cravings own interest to resolve this issues we've, it's a record to export how much of a blow is this suspension as well? i mean, obviously it's a, uh, it is a problem that you have to keep in mind that this, there's no justification whatever for this uh, ukrainian grain dumping in your, uh, uh, when,
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when this policy was 1st uh, announced in a bully uh 2022. it was done in order to make up for a suppose that ukrainian loss is of great an expos through the black sea there. why if you crank and get its uh, green exports out to the black sea, then we should allow them to um, use your up. um, but ukraine is able to get its, uh, uh, gray and exports out through the black sea. those are basically, that's the, there isn't any longer any problem. the ukrainian green exports of the black sea pretty much a pre war levels. so the, the arguments about this of using europe makes no sense. and particularly it makes no sense than that. but the whole issue of you, or if it been that they going to use your, of as like, of transit route, full grain expos, that's going to go elsewhere,
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not in the outside of your but that's not what's happened. these, the grain is coming into poland and hungary romania and it's saying that and that was never the plan. and the e. u hasn't done anything about it. and the buddhist government that donald tools also isn't willing to do anything about. all right, we have to leave you here now george samuel, the senior research fellow of the global policies to do thank you so much for you inside him. thank you. great to more bombs falling on gas. that is the way to end the conflict. and that's the message from us senator lindsey graham, however, maybe consolidate the green light for easel to use the need. the option, just like america did to decimate to a japanese cities in the world war 2 and that were full of civilians. we decided to end the war by the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki with nuclear weapons. that was the right decision,
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is all the bombs that you need to end the war. they can't afford to lose. now that did not fit well have across the world wide web reaction was swift to pull him out as comments flooding. questioning his state of mind. linzie graham is throwing a tantrum when a progressive palestinian american woman of color called for freedom and peace, biden slandered her and threw her under the bus. but when far right extreme, mr. republican lindsey graham says we should drop a nuclear bomb and palestine bite and says nothing. lindsey graham contest also to hiroshima and nagasaki. yes. really. he says ron wants to kill all the jews because they have a $2000000000.00 worth of old production. he doesn't mention the $1000000.00 he received from impact to be israel's mouth piece. now for more on this legs cross now live to peter cause make professor of history and the director of the nuclear
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studies institute at american university. professor cruz bank is good to have the are joining me right now. can i get your thoughts on the us senate a statement say that these are old must be provided with more bombs to end the war? well, 1st, a talking, talking about the result to using nukes on japan as such a great event. let's hear you say something on this. a lindsey graham is a unique space, ease of human scott. and has been that for many, many years. he is donald trump's biggest ass kicker in the republic. it gets there in the republican party. and he used to say again in 2015. you said trump is a race baiting xena folded big it. he said, if there's is only one way to make america great again, held donald trump to go to hell. he said we should have to kick trump out of the party and then he becomes trump best friend,
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the biggest border. so we're dealing with a person who is very morally, ethically, and intelligence wise compromised. if you look at his statement, so it makes no sense. secondly, it's historically inaccurate. and thirdly, it's morally reprehensible. so lindsey graham is the lowest of the low and is willing to say and do pretty much anything in order to support those who have real power because eliza graham's own insecurities. now, rom statements contradict the recent position of president joe biden, who, early a whole to delivery, says us bombs to weasel. what reaction to this should we expect from the white house and do a bite in particular a kid is by then an easy target. invite is behavior throughout
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their 1st october 7th, a reprehensible attack against israeli civilians, by whom us israel. and but israel was in that position because netanyahu put them in that position. they had the war plans for a year. they knew that that a mouse was practicing. they saw and yet that he, i'll pose the troops away from the guys a fraud to protect the settlers in the west bank or something the palestinian citizens there after he divided the country with is the additional reform. so that a lot of this lies that netanyahu's foot steps, which is not to excuse anything that her most bit, but israel responds to that has been. so over the top set to create a such a slaughter, such a humanitarian catastrophe. that's in defense of button biden. has provided the weapons to make that possible for, since, since these rally so began so,
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but now by they could claim the moral high ground because he's always holding some of the heavy as bombs. because he could attack people who are even more reprehensible then his behavior has been. so lindsey graham provides a convenient and easy target for the white house and anybody else to say, you know, we might be bad, but we're not that bad. this is that he's and graham is the 1st about going to do that. tim walberg, a republican congressman from michigan at said back at the end of march that we should get it. and he said, we shouldn't provide any humanitarian a we shouldn't build the board. he said it should be like he received it in august, actually get it over quick. but they have this truth in their mind and it is beyond rep. we have support the world is watching what's going on. not the same as the asa claims of america. dropping the bomb on hiroshima and nagasaki ended the
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war. but a number of experts say it was an ineffective move. what are your thoughts on this competing narrative? it will have to compact japan and gaza. i've been writing about this for years and it was not the bonds that end of the war. in fact, if you go to the officially u. s. navy museum here in washington, dc. their display about the end of the war says explicitly in the japanese cabinet meetings, leading up to the surrender. there was almost no mention of the atomic bombs. the discussion was all about the soviet invasion in manchuria and going beyond manchuria, american intelligence at this same for months. so that when the soviets entered the war, while japanese but realized that further resistance is futile. a truman understood that by the gentle treatment when they had lunch with ranger style in pots them at july 17th. and he goes, he writes in his journal style of the, in the jap war,
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by august 15th, they need jobs. so when that occurs, he rides home to his wife best the next day, the russians are coming in. well then the war year center. now think of all the kids who won't be killed. and yet we go ahead and use the bomb, knowing that there is no military excused. trimming refers to the intercept of july, attend telegram as the telegram from the jeff and for asking for peace. they knew the jobs were defeated, the japanese habit of new, they were defeated. the russian invasion made that even more certain. and then we use that bomb and it was dropped not only against the japanese, but also against the soviets. we were sending a clear message that if the soviets interfered with america's plans, in europe or in asia, this was what they were going to get and war and much, much worse. and that was exactly how it was interpreted in the kremlin because they knew the japanese were desperate to surrender because the japanese had been soliciting russian support to try to get them better surrendered terms. so this was
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travis, they but ram is such an idiot. he doesn't know any of his history. all right, we have to live here now. thank you so much, professor of a history and director all the new studies institute of america university, to cosmic. thank you so much for your time. and off the years of negotiations and even in the face of western functions, the ron's inc. a deal with new daily that we'll see in the run, the key you're running on port. it promises to have a significant impact on the trade in geo politics for both countries. the very clear, the expectation is that the, uh, the job, a hot report at least, that part of the job motor boat that we are involved in that will definitely see more to investments. it will see more connectivity linkages coming out of the boat . and we believe to day that the kind of activity is
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a very big issue and i thought international not so transport caught it all, which we are doing with it on to our shop job. i would connect us to that also to send to la shop chub, a hot is the only iranian port with direct access to the indian ocean. it's set to be a key point along the north, south transport car to mentioned bob before administer area, which connects the vast area from india up to russia. and the roots estimated to be around 40 percent shorter and 30 percent cheaper than traditional car does. a former indian box, so the problem with the all spelled out just why this trade route is so significant for new delhi. this really tries to be in india and there are we not only boost on the try. like, for example, we need the know got to stop, but good handle the new age or in the tree. strong ship like
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a corporation with central asia and russia. i think it's a very, very state that can be much we'll know that the us policy is to isolate it on the same shared spot to see some other list in the united states. believe that there is friendship with the wrong because a significant all sticker. the view is just the size, but the fact is that the iran religious tradition really be by the do i didn't jeffrey last. yeah, i'll do good business launched this. when did you bought this? you get the clear is it meant to the bottom. i just dialed the wrong, specially in the area all energy at all for creed drop ship birds and read the cooperation. is like a bad the. it's really expensive,
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but we did our or to allow water bottles there they did guns on this. i'll keeping with new dallas relations with nations and the global south china has knocked off of the united states as india is largest trading partner. and that's according to numbers from the global trades research institute initiative, which highlights the turn of events and the 2024 fiscal year. so far. the according to the data, while china and the united states maintain over a $100000000000.00 of trade with india. last year saw a decrease in new dallas trade with washington, with india is paid side imports from promising a 20 percent you. busy over year it comes as b, g officials that have advocated for a rise in biological trade, that we hold more businesses from china could come to india to do business here on an equal basis. indian china have
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a lot of space for bilateral corporation. on top of that, a gallup poll reveal that chinese influence as being recognized in other parts of the world as well. in africa, for instance, respondents welcomed aging leadership role compared to how washington, se, training place is china now leads the united states and its approval on the continent. now for more on this, let's cross live to phase all ahmed author of the belgian road initiative. your political and julie can all make aspect, so he's always good to have you join me right now. all right, thank you. fantastic. now we have seen that china has picking the ratings again, you know, meeting. i'm being the top trading partner was in the head of the united states, but been able to see this coming inside. this is very interesting because this is
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destined to happen because india and china have uh, been uh, you know, media partner for each other. no, uh, the usual is not very new. we have to look at it from the back at all like 10 years, 15 years or so. we have seen something on the us and we do that and you know, comprehensively can only partnership in which both india and china had been, bobby, to be done. they had been, you know, trying to develop that their lessons doing the, uh, have to below the citing lot of concerns in 2019. but then if you look at it, india has already engaging the other 3 and negative means these have been a new thing and that's what a new if the is what i say, which has been very helpful. now interestingly, that up to things that i want to point out here, one is how lose that relations between the gloves of police. and these are very important for the cd. china came up in 2020 responded was i pollution policy. and in the as often new, but
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a lot of the we talked about of both of these policies do also collision was not be a, you're looking for the c. v straight to not only will get extra holes of pollution, but also in the nation has been focusing on the domestic, you know, join is the economic needs and conjunctions within the country. but the same time uh when awesome, the 4 with 90 park. well, some of the new bottles had been built in hands in the domestic product of capacity . now, because of these group policies, we have seen that lot of developments have happened in the country. and uh, both of them have lovely, become insult, will be on their fine to become dependent on each other. the other point is the name of the policy is my other point is also the united states in the united states as to is a human being for the reading level. now, when we talk about the b, b to the prospect to be partnership. so it does not provide those type of 3 of
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getting these to the countries in east asia, and i've been doing the peasantry. that'd be awesome in building and building the south central issue. and so therefore, these countries have gotten very uh, you know, uh, the interesting be that they want to look at china. this each, i know, and the see india has been somewhat on the 3 of them. are they going to be the one example use of the young countries, which includes vietnam and other countries or what, what dependent on china and india and they want to enhance the relations of india and china. ready so the idea, uh, we just come up very suddenly is that if you look at the, you know, the united states in the region, which in which united states is not being seen by countries as a very, very elaborate partner. they don't see the visa, diesel, the president. they don't see the united states as if it is either dated by any more and then know that logically and their defendants phone, china,
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and india. video report is always full. then that is basically even doing the post will be the even after that. ringback i think that is one of the major reasons why the, there's a gradual shift in how these going to be solved the united states make. it does have it that they've given us the and some 72 years ago. and it to be that how they want to see the independence and 3 bathrooms and the 3 or 4, you know, export. and he bought root along with china and india. both of them deliver to that is a visa. and today, as we know that this, the, you know, the teens. so when the stuff like, had been disrupted, the global genes really just bear being disrupted. so it is huge. i know we tend to develop the global religions respect and we are made the change. and it is india,
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we also brought the videos and all that is how young china i've been, i mean, looking uh, you're gonna have to develop that button as you can 3. okay, so we have to leave it here. now phase, i'll ahmed tell a professor of international business. thank you so much for your insight. i think is all right. well that's all from me now. my colleague rotary associate will be with you at the top of the hour with more stories and update by now the i'm action are 10, so you're welcome back to going underground broken.


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