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tv   News  RT  May 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, as you can see behind me, this is the often loss of a ukrainian or attack on a residential building in belle grove, city. the rest of the region about belgrade, once again finding itself with ukraine's cross has run, the found almost 20 civilians killed us. miss aisles and shells rang down on the main safe. i'm subbing the seats of discontent as i have looked at this opponent slaps the breaks on, told with ukraine it basically ended resolving a dispute of food imports. basically had come to shoot protests by the very angry polish fathers sailing to success in the program with new daily agreeing to run
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a key iranian port. this is a slight pressure on toronto. of course, from western side of the card. it is only monday and this week is up to a running stop. load your top story stacked up for a busy program. here. we're not kicking off right now straight to a rush or a quarter sc region way once. have it in kill the others injured in a ukrainian drone attack. have a look at the map right here for you. local authorities reporting the cause with simply traveling along the highway when they were targeted. explosive devices was dropped on them during the past week. that code of screeching has come under several drawn attacks. a while in the neighboring of belle grove, regional authorities have been evacuating locals from the town of assume that the threat of strikes there was, well, that's according to the regions governor or grandest on multiple missed all attacks
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on sunday. like 19 people that an apostrophe collapse. the tennis story apartment building you can see right behind me the moment we were in our apartment, i was in a room and when the sound ring, my girlfriend showed it to me that there was smoke. i looked up the window quickly when the start ended, we saw a pile of dust. we thought that something had hit the arch,
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went out and saw that. but there was still a roof. it fell in front of our eyes when we're still here on the playground still shows us that's when the defense siren came on. i went into the bathroom because it seems to be the safest place. august sitting right in the bath tub. and then i had a loud explosion on went out and looked out the window and everything was white. i got close and realized that that was just a column of dust and nothing was visible. i thought maybe i would see something from the balcony. i walked to the balcony, but it was completely destroyed. all the cloth was lying on the floor. at the scene of the attack, a correspondent statesman. as you can see behind me, this is the often loss of a ukrainian attack on a residential building in belgrade city. on sunday morning. now this attack was carried out according to the authorities with western supplied weapons. it's been described as a terror attack at 10 stories of this building collapse and at least 15 people we
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know what killed in the initial strike. many will have been wounded emergency services work throughout the day yesterday and overnight and a desperate attempt to pull people from the rubble. the belgrade governor has praised locals for the actions as well. many people from the local community, from the local area volunteer to pull the elderly men, women, and children from the rubble. now, those efforts were hung put, taught the because the part of the building collapse and 3 emergency workers were injured as a result of that. but also ukraine targeted behavior, again, causing them the, the emergency relief efforts to be stopped on these 5 occasions. obviously hum, picking the attempts to pull any of those that were left in the rubble. now, another building nearby was also struck during those that strikes 3 people we understand were killed in the attack on
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a number more wounded. so that takes the desk told to 18, but with many of those still in the hospital being treated for the injuries indeed dot toll could rise. now, a belle grove has come under a biology of rookie and miss all the tracks, including from the torch, go and vampire. miss 1000. just to give some indication of what it is like for the residents here. we received since we arrived in bel wrote on sunday evening, we received almost a constant slew of messages by some telegram and text messages warning of incoming be solved, and edging residents to take shelter. now, of course the bell road has come on the intensified attack. you remember back on december, the 13, it's one of the dead b as a tech. so 25 people killed since then. bell road has been subjected to a number of attempted incursions, which would be repelled by the russian,
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all forces. and those frequent missile rocky. i'm drone strikes, which are targeted. the civilian area is just last monday. 7 people were killed and 40 wounded, including children, offer a kamikaze drone struck pass and get transport vehicles taking people to work. now it was worth reiterating once again, that this is a residential area. the people living in this apartment brought for not soldiers attacking civilians is of course, a war crime. and this latest attack on belle grove comes soon off to the other. like to pay the purchase for us at the low david cameron green lighted a tax on russian territory. now those comments received widespread condemnation from russian officials, but he hasn't wrote back on those. in fact, he's taking a formal belligerent stones towards russia and it comes just weeks off to a rushing human rights organizations that have leaked information about left tenant general and tony a,
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a due to was in fact the person that was most demanding. the attacks on the battle garage region deliberately targeting civilian areas, as part of a plan to wreak havoc saying that they're all know civilians only. and the reason that he said to be the shadow, come on, drove the crating and on falls in the wake of the sucking of generals and listening . the attacks also take place at a time when russia is making advances on the possible field in the talk of the region that has been in 10 spots which taking place do crating authorities have spoken of these intense bottles very close to the all the way the bell road region . now the russian defense ministry says that it plans to create a buffers with most of these attacks on bell road emanating from the cock of region . and that hoping the this buffers will provide some relief to those citizens. but for now, the situation remains of all that's all the potent has suspended,
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told with ukraine it's aimed at resulting a dispute of a food import at seeing many angry publish farmers hitting the streets. and it comes amid allegations of corruption. again, some of keeps negotiating. the negotiations were interrupted because some of their representatives were accused of corrupt activities. we planned the next round of negotiations for may 14th, but it was canceled. well, no precise details on the allegation was given, so, so not clear when or if the tools are likely to resume. and one of the comments i made a huge farmer protested of being sweeping the country club months against the uncontrolled impulse of products from the crate. and basically the green initiatives of the you
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the, if you didn't know already, the problem is actually begun that protests at the start of this year. they continue to this day. one point cashier is even a rough, it in front of the parliament and also an senior research fellow at the global policies that do george's, i mean, well he believes opponent is using the corruption issue to avoid taking political decisions. how about this and for this the corruption issue has been if it was well known for years and years and years by differential. there's nothing new about that problem has raised this issue as a way of um, avoiding making a decision. the governments that runs poland today, but the government of donald, to us, is driven by any d, o. j, the in the nato community ology of the waging,
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a con symbol against russia and using ukraine to do so. now they have a problem on their hands, which is the public is very, very angry about the livelihood being damaged by a cheap on the cost of ukrainian drain imports. and they want expect reasonably the government to do something about it. but this government doesn't want to do anything about it because they, they want to use ukraine for the purposes i, i just said. so they've raised this issue that the red, bogus issue of corruption in order to avoid having to make a decision. but everything else, the colon does, is in favor of integrating your ukraine within the you and continuing to use your brain for its belligerent
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purposes. so off the years of negotiations and in the face of western sanctions, a tyrone is going to deal with new daily the we'll see in the take control of a portion of an a ronnie in port i promised to have a big impact on trade and basically do a politics for both countries. the very clear the expectation is that the uh, the job a heart bolt at least, that part of the drum model that we are involved in that will definitely see more to investments. it will see more connectivity linkages coming out of the boat. and we believe to day the connectivity is a very big issue in the box international knots, how transport caught it all which we are doing with it on to our shop job. i will connect us to that also to send to alicia chapel holidays. the only oceanic pool the around ample with direct access to the indian ocean. it is set to be a key point along the north,
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south transport. colorado mentioned just that by the foreign minister. it's connecting a boss long to, to, from india, to rupture. have a look at this map. the road is estimated to be around 40 percent shorter, and the 40 percent cheaper than traditional car doors. well, let's learn more crossing. we'll have to political. i lived a professor at 10 wrong university size, my husband, but i ended up joining us later on. how to international a very well welcome to you. so a bricks meant, but it's right here who was sitting here right now. good brotherly relations. what iran being one of the latest end up bees into the bricks family. and here's, here's india linking a deal. i mean, if, if they sent me home mistaking it were india's interest with his port, it goes back to 2003 they, they, they agreed to 1st develop the shaheed, the hatch, the port sanctions and with the threatening and looming. i've had of course it will kicked off 2017. the india did send a shipment of i've gotten a song through the type of hob port uh to to us getting this done. i should say. um, but right now it's gone a step further. the india has now reached a deal over this port
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a partial operation. is this significant for iran professor to yes, it's very important for a ron. it's also very important for russia. i think there was a major re think after the war in ukraine began russia. it became much more interested in job a hot and so did the indians. and of course so did the ronnie. and so they began to push harder to develop the north south transport corps during that links. russia 3 run to the persian gulf and also the indian ocean. and because of russia, the caucus is and central asia as well as asked on this on the indians, also to see this as a vital connection route. and this port therefore in future will be extremely
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important and it does not need to go through the red sea or the mediterranean. it's a lot shorter, a lot less costly. and i think it will help push make in the less reliant on the west as well. i think it's a really good point is it's so interesting what's happening these days? profess that you know, you talk about this boss, north south transport corda, let's talk about, you know, the one belt one road initiative. let's talk about the arctic sea root cord, or as well with, with seeing some amazing global play is on the well stage. had a really jumping up and being a part of what is becoming a global network that's going to be really ins of dollars and currency of trade. i mean, you know, the guy's getting it, getting it on this, doing the right thing is this really, i mean, when it, when it comes to a ronald, this, it, it does seem that iran is, is much more willing to stand a desire to feed these days in the face of what is continued western pressure, it realizes perhaps that the multi poto world is really kicking off. it has got
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a lot of friends in high places. do you think the interest between russia and india in this port could, could make any threats for russia or in the could india for example. now be the, again, under the threat of sanctions with this will have they actually just kind of flip the bowed to the people who issue the sanctions. it would be very hard for the americans to sanction india because they've already sanctioned the russians. iranians of chinese and if they succeed in marginalizing india, that would basically destroy any hope for them to have major influence across asia. what do you want and russia are attempting to do is to create a stronger relationship with india. so that asian integration, an increase in pace and especially since you, ron and russia are both a sanctioned by the way that you have
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a great incentive to improve these networks. so, as you pointed out, the about road initiative is also to pass through iran in russia. it helps connect the ron and russia to central asia, to china and the north south corner. of course, as we've already discussed, we'll have a huge role as well. so if we look at the bigger picture, we'll be seeing how russia instead of trading with the west, india instead of trading with the west of iran instead of trading with the bass, or at least focusing on the west. that would be focusing on a much larger markets, the whole of asia with neighbors which is much less expensive. countries which are much more friendly. and since they are neighbors, the very fact that this, this trade expands, creates a much more modern and advanced a continent. yeah, it's, it's, it's
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a great encompassing state when you made that professor and i just can't really find it any part of me to disagree with you here. i mean we, we almost like seeing these multiple contemporary silk roads, so to speak, that criss crossing, being developed in part of the world here that really shows how the world is changing. you remember when president g came to moscow after his re election last year he came here, he said, witnessing the biggest changes in 100 years. and now we're looking at this. i don't know how to code to describe a multi polar trade world order as a financial mechanisms on the economic heavy weights of being centralized in the eastern part of the world. is it a, is that part of us that because it's like balancing respect in the world by having mutually beneficial trade and being respectful the a partners? yes, i think that outside of the west, the global south of the non western world, their relationships are far more balance and the west by constantly demonizing
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countries by a sanctioning countries by engaging in wars dirty wars and, and also in genocide. now as we see in gaza, they have marginalized themselves and they've also through their own actions. they forced the many government and sort of law to close the red sea to is riley, the shipping of this raven regime, or, i mean american and british shipping because of their violence against the i'm and so the west has not only marginalize itself and distance. the rest of the world from itself, but it's also creating trouble with its own in its own, to see roots by antagonizing countries in the region and through it's a horrific behavior in palestine, so as to the west loses clout as it loses its trade routes as it loses its trading partners. we see asia developing ties. we've seen you networks for trade and business. the north south transport port are developed in road and other
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initiatives coming together to bring about a much better future, hopefully for the people of asia despite the west. but it seems in order to have the best, a brighter future professor. it almost seems that's going to have to take the dismantling of the uni centric world order. and as you say, with all these new alliances being made worldwide geostrategic economic with the bricks and the global south and all of these new international trade, which is almost like, hey guys, a europe, hey america, you've missed the boat on this. if the train has left the station, you know, you could have actually been involved in this, you could have made loads of money, but instead, what are you going to do? you're going to sanction the very people who are creating this that's right. and that i think the world recognizes that we've moved beyond that uni polar moment. and the wes, despite the, the,
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the bubble that exists in washington and in some of the capitals in europe where they continue to think that they are exceptional and that they are above and beyond the rest of us. the rest of the world has as see a can see that this multi polar world emerging, where latin america, africa, and asia play, a greater role. but i think asia, in particular because of its huge population because of his diversity and because of very powerful countries such as china, iran, russia, india, saying to me in increasing the important role in the world today. i think this is going to be the future powerhouse, both for the global economy, but also for global politics. the west could have had the best of both worlds, but because of their inherent premises and they cannot come to terms with reality,
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nor can they respect, see others as they are equal. yeah, yeah, yeah, i play to you professor a political i listen to a wrong university professor side mohammed but added joining us live for anaki international. thank you very kids. thank you. but palestinian students a television university. they say if it is ready, officials refused to give them permission to mock the $7069.00 of our 3 of the not, but that's just a bit later this month. and we will fight for all right to hold the annual knock. but ceremony in anton square was submitted a petition to the high court of justice, the mind in order for the police to withdraw the bad on holding the ceremony. the invitation attempts by the bank via police will not due to us from continuing to fight against the war and the occupation for the sake of recognizing the naga box and building adjust society tom, but not by means catastrophe. in arabic, it's used to describe the expulsion of palestinian history, the 1948 hour of his riley war during israel as founding its uh, um,
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forces drive up to a 1000000 palestinians from that homes may 15th each year. palestinians commemorate the day is a symbol of the historic struggle. what we heard from the secretary of the hud bash students organization at television, a mean of us and he who basically says a palestinian students are ready to take that co that case to that whole. the supreme court, as we do instead of going to proceed the very to the snack by day. so i'm on a for the past 12 years. unfortunately, the police did not allow us to do the ceremony this year. and on wednesday we'll be in supreme court and we're to try to defend the rights to, to come to the ceremony. the police gave me a few answer. one of them was a we can that they can know what is going to be like in the next week. and they said like, we might to invade to buy the we might have
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a hostage deal. and this event because it's barbara massey can be really nice, bathroom weekend too if need be. okay, to have anything the public space on the police just don't want the knock but to be in the east or at the conversation. this ceremony is the use when the like was the past 12 busy, which was uh like, uh, a friend. we cheese the a difficult to do, i say, and he's really street. doesn't like to speak about the not the bus so much. you've been, instead of instead of b, which is the most people out of the bigger the senior off the, during the war doing the terrible role and got the we, he decided that we still want to do the ceremony was saying it's more important than ever. it's important to show that the next phase continuing the same,
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a photos which we saw from both the 8th of the hundreds of thousands of other senior refugees, villages destroyed everything you see going on by the is the government today and does things in the west bank have a good look at this because basically i go to any and trucks packed with vital a for gaza, attacked by israeli settlers. and the incident coming is the red cross issued a warning about how desperate the situation across the enclave has become jointed civilians and guys are hungry, thirsty. they are in desperate need for protection and they have no access to health care or sanitation surfaces. many residents, elderly and sick, as such, they are in a week in state and at the elevated risk of dying from coming down. this is, according to these radio officials, many families had to evacuate without the availability of health care service.
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there's still there limited resources of 8 supplies, including food, ranking, water, and fuel. there is no health care facility that can provide any basic health care service and, and to know the diet. nothing causes trip. the mean time guards and officials a whole into the few remaining hospitals that are still somehow functioning in the enclave on how totally verging on collapse. and as a number of those killed since october, not yours to was 35000 according to the un. more than 70000 of the dead kids, while the number of women still stands at about 5000 and that's been a revised down from previous figures. now those who seek shelter in refuge coms are also not safe eastern jabante or that's in the northern gods. it goes, this trip is where i one of the lodge comes, is located targeted overnight. 19 people reportedly killed a video circulating online, basically showing people running that covers the is ready for it has continued to advance well,
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as is really expands its ground defensive and tied up as well. it has taking a moment to water mold, palestinians, to flee, but the question is, where do they go? those seeking shelter in the eastern and central or are far they've been told to go know off, but basically that's where so many of them originally fled from the un says the situation for 360000 refugees is growing west by the day. many of them have been displaced now multiple times. the conditions or the fact of dia, nearly 360000 people have fled roughly since the 1st evacuation over a week ago. meanwhile, in north goza, bombardments and other evacuation, or does have created more displacements in 5th, a thousands of families, there's no way to go. there's no safety without to cease fire. or the calm before the potential storm, it has to hold of a pots over the phone from i many people have a heated the is really advice and got out of a some have chosen to remain to try and protect the homes for them. now,
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it's just the waiting game. you know that most of the we're now inside the area of the town which has become part of the red combat zone, as described by these really army. we were informed of the evacuation yesterday. we're back to it our families, but we, the us, remain in the area and state in our homes. it's in another way to protect our homes from the steps that occur in the areas of the casa strip after they are informed by these really army in the evacuation of citizens. the situation is now very dangerous in the background to compare the sounds of reconnaissance aircraft in artillery continuously launch themselves towards the homes of the citizens. just minutes ago, there wasn't artillery showing and several residents were injured. or a neighbor seeing the error were shelves. we hope that everything and soon and the blood should would stop so we can return to our homes. well, apparently more bombs forwarding on gaza. that's the right way to go. that's the message from us senator lindsey graham. for the many, you can sort of his brief diatribe, a green light for israel to use the nuclear option. is he tied in america's
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destruction of 2 japanese cities in world war 2. that was, of course, full of civilians. we decided to end the war by the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki with nuclear weapons. that was the right decision, is all the bombs they need to end the war. they can't afford to lose. well, she couldn't actually, that didn't set well, especially across the worldwide way. a reaction was with quoting amount and comments funded in questioning. the state of mind linzie graham is throwing attention when a progressive post in the, in american woman of color called for freedom and peace by then slandered her and threw her under the bus. but went far right extremist republican lindsey graham says, we should drop a nuclear bomb on palestine bite and says nothing. lindsey graham compassed also to hiroshima and nagasaki. yes. really. he says ron wants to kill all the jews because they have a $2000000000.00 worth of old production. he doesn't mention the $1000000.00 he
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receive from i packed to be israel's mouth piece. and so we took off the conversation with the director of the nuclear studies institute at american university, mr. peter, whose neck he highlighted a trio of reasons why lindsey graham is well wrong. you'll also discuss what his motives might be. you have a goodness, we're dealing with a person who's very marley, ethically, and intelligence wise compromised. if you look at his statement for so it makes no sense. secondly, it's historically inaccurate. and thirdly, it's morally reprehensible. so lindsey graham is the lowest of the low and is willing to say and do pretty much anything in order to court those who have real power. so lindsay graham provides a convenient and easy target for the white house. and anybody else to say, you know, we might be bad,
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but we're in has that bad so that he's and graham is the 1st drop of going to do that. tim walberg, a republican congressman from michigan, had said back at the end of march that we should get it. ready said we should provide any humanitarian aid we shouldn't build. the board is that it should be like here she met and nagasaki. get it over quick. they have the stroke in their mind and it is beyond reprehensible. do you uh, do you know about, let's pull barbara a show here on oxy sharing that name i india is accomplished to time of school when i produce a great mongo coupled sharing of view that india should incentivize women to work behind that camera. i've looked at i always was that is, that did my age. i just taught that very a just but as culture, you know, more than gender. we kind of, you know, not accept the young as an equal. so i colored my head like, you know,


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