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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the us top of the depths of my hands. anything that makes a surprise visit the keys off the grains or feed off his position on the ground. awesome faces tough questions about them into this simple. how do you have pictures of visibility in ukraine when there's a polluted, as far as the us is concerned with russia, but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally of these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are we're talking about apples and apples here and that is just simply not the case that's going out into the question. good, good for you and i do see the palestinian refugees reopens is east jerusalem headquarters office sites them. why fi is way ahead of operation?
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it says his experience in an exclusive interview with oxy. so heavy smoke couldn't safe and while i'm spraying i was being hit by stones and i was being stolen by the by the local community which is complete next to the us. so it goes to impose sanctions against india, india, how the agent went agreement to operate the scene for the iran, the full glossing from moscow. every hour of the day. this is on the i'm road to allow me to go ahead 9 stories is choose our top story, us a secretary of state i'm can evening has arrived in give for a previously announced diplomatic commission. the high level visit came on through a series of russian movie gains in the northeastern ukraine. lincoln's presence was
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intended to show continued us support phone keys as the rooms up it's weapon supplies. it was a 1st visit to buy a bite and ministration official says congress last month. improve is $61000000000.00 aid package fee train of the several months of heavy discussions processes all continuing to improve their time to go positions on the front lines. over the past 2 days, the russian army is take control of 9 villages in the in class article region. so let's keep reactive by fire in the top come on the, his troops in the province was defiance. minutes of your has re leased video footage of ukrainian soldiers explaining why they decided to surrender. remembered in the future, we were in physicians together with our comrades in the morning. there wasn't a salt camino where a few of us loved the initial lane and we took up
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a defensive position. then close to the evening. there was another salt and i realized orest around. it was gone far from all directions and grenades flew into our try and shut off the truck, no ones. and we decided to lay down on arms voting their way to do that. we were fighting against the russians in a battle on may 10. they weren't drunk, renee did us. we took cover in the bunker. one of our comrades designated a renee to avoid being taken prisoner after that was the renters, and we raised our hands back not to be killed and came out. we were treated well. they attended to all the wounded. i don't want to fight anymore. it's very psychologically challenging because many of my friends have died overall in the crate in the armed forces. the risk coming less petrovich isn't being felt this because the war is difficult with significant losses. meanwhile the us state depaula's, the deputies 1st person, found himself in hot water, as he was grilled about us,
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double stab is over the conflicts and he prayed and gauze. how do you have better visibility in ukraine? when there's the ability to send files to us is concerned with russia, but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally. and these are your question is rooted in the premise that these are, we're talking about apples and apples here. and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine to the concert. and gaza, but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars so we can hear, but she will be here. but we also seem to be talking about and i'm using allies. we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable radios. the russians are doing nowadays, right? isn't in some us are doing is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into this. so it's not, it's not,
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it's not you. so what about the governments of is why we give them depression? how could you have eyes in the grade to determine because i took an account of the i think what you mean by violating international law that you have to prove. and this is a send for intent to finalize. but how did you have the intend to define the end to end with the russian army to violate international law when you concluded that action army did war crimes in your brain, and you couldn't find that was your loss. so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances, which one was the question. so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel broken international humanitarian law? or was this a us investigation, aided by the through the is realize we're not involved in the production of the
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united states as national security memorandum that's going on. and so the question, god, god, the mailout blink and has slides its convince the purpose of the us trees old countries. similarly, regardless of whether they are washington's allies on we don't have double standards. we treat israel, one of our closest allies and partners just as we would treat any other country. it's absolute double standards and look at how the united states has been speaking about russia and in regards to its conflict with the ukraine. you know, it's, it condemns russia. uh for the things that, that uh, frankly, is nothing compared to with israel is doing is reopen, isn't fast. a mass referring children, it's killing journalist. it's committing for risk fines against humanity in a way the world is never seen. certainly in a way that russia is not doing so for the, for, for america to condemn russia. while at the same time,
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arm is real to commit crimes against humanity shows an extremely disgusting, double, standard, and photography. the united states needs to stay out of these international conflicts. it has no business leasing russia, and it has no business supporting israel to do things that are unimaginable, that, that countries like russia and many others have condemned around the world. while less than politicians are slugging off of the 2 agents situation. any plan that blame me moscow for their own refusal to import russian energy supplies. that's according to british prime asset refused to knock as is the cause of expense. and once again, the west is shooting itself in the foot. and once again, it scape coding russia with the u. k, as prime minister pointing the finger at moscow for all of his energy was pollutants. recklessness has taken us closer to a dangerous nuclear escalation than at any point since the cuban missile crisis.
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russia has poisoned people with chemical weapons. and when food can cut off the gas supplies, they had a devastating impact on people's lives and present our energy security. and about su, next, main life that moscow allegedly stop supplying energy resources. so the remaining operational thread pipeline be of the nord stream to gas pipeline system is still operational. but it's closed on the west side. the heads of european countries in particular, sholtes openly admit that they can hardly imagine the operation of the preserved gas pipeline. why? because they forbid it in washington. nato says it was lot of mere potent who single handedly had gas problem. close the valves on gas exports to the west for a long time when it comes to politics. we thought that if you have a mutual economic relationship between nations, we will never have morgan. well, that has been proven roll because we thought we had
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a contract with gospel. we thought we bought our oil and gas from a company. but if this were, that wasn't true when put and set the gas from close the valve, they did it. it's not in that contract, only someone with the memory span of a gold fish could forget that it was the west own anti russian policies that force russia to shut off the gas back in 2022 gas problem pleated with siemens to restore damage turbines to working order along the north stream, one pipeline. but the western sanctions made sure that was a no go. instead of lifting them, europe piled on more band russian colon ports and put similar measures on seaborne crude oil. more recently, brussels even voted to allow for the banding of russian alan g. i'm with all those constraints on the west own energy supply. the leaders of the so called free world had been nothing but ecstatic. today to get his ended all inputs of russian liquefied natural gas were cutting, put an offer from funding his illegal war and support in countries around the world
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to reduce their own dependency. we must cut rushes revenues, which fortune uses to finance is atrocious. lauren, ukraine, and now a work of the last month really pays off because at the beginning of the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent only. see which one said i know a little yes, the rest of the data obtained significant revenue from 2020 to state because the price of sky rocketed with we're still dependent on russian gas and oil. there is no longer the case to run this. one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost 0 russian gas and oil revenues are down 46 percent on last january 9 and present. i know, i know that let me russian gas will have cost for you or, but it's not only the right thing to do from a moral standpoint. is going to put us on
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a much stronger strategic footage. the west justifies all these restrictions as part of the campaign to restrict funding for us is military operation. at the same time though, the u. k just struck a multi 1000000000 pound deal with the french fuel giant total energies. a company the trades in russian gas total energy is one of the largest bias of russian gas globally. they've played a key role in bringing pollutants, l. n. g, a crucial lifeline for russians. war time economy to market for government focused on energy security and supporting ukraine. buying gas from title should be a non starter. on top of that, new delhi is importing a record amount of oil from russia. and britain is importing 175 percent more oil from india, then it was at the beginning of the military operation. according to india's external affairs minister, the whole situation has been of great help to india's energy in ports. and it's contributed to deeper cooperation with russia. you know, there is a big debate about this,
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our buying item from dish that debate started because people that trying to finish advise us not to do it. and we headed off position or shot has become a big not to the source provider for india. we used to have k dot grade levels with $10.00 to $15000000.00 annually clear the crossing 60 maybe $70000000.00 with fresh. why a good. it's not only only because oil is high quality cole, it, this metals of various kinds that this fucked eliza is, it looks like the more sanctions, the west, the ploy is, the more loopholes appear along side. the a convenient way for western leaders to pay lip service to their own anti russian policies. and actually in rich russia's partners by buying oil at a 3rd party premium. the united nations or agencies past ian refugees has reopened,
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is still in east jerusalem. now that is according to the old as a says west bank direct to seeking an exclusive interview with us. he said the office had previously been forced to close off the is ready to set his on fire twice for 3 days. the main office, the palace team was a little worn down. i see it another bilingual tag when the compound was set on fire and they had stated that it was closed temporarily pending the restoration of proper security. we're the 1st journalist on the ground and as the agency is about to announce that it's reopened, this whole thing was a brush fire all the way down. it started around this bus stop area and we have it all on cctv us. yeah, we saw this when something, something,
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something an incendiary. i don't know what it was and it came all the way it went very fast and the fire same all the way down this way. so in this a very densely populated residential area, apartment buildings everywhere. and then we had a 2nd fire 2 hours later and the other end of the compound or small fire was contained quickly. but it was very close to the petrol tank because we have a fuel station. yeah. so it petrol and diesel tank there. and that that would have been a nightmare because it would be a huge explosion, right? thousands of leaders of fuel myself as a director, i grabbed the fire extinguisher from my office and ran down to the fire and i was putting up the fire myself. and you know, it's crazy in retrospect, but i was holding the, for the fire extinguisher at the base of one of the big flames and shielding myself is a smoke, was tremendous because this is like a wildfire. so heavy smoke couldn't see. and while i'm spring i was being hit by stones. oh wow. i was being stolen by the, by the local community which is complete madness. you know? but the fans is so high, so it is high. but these items that went through,
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you know, smaller stones and then a lot of people are up in the balconies here in this residential block, watching what was going on, you know, clamping down with on the one or is a terrace organization. whatever they were yelling. and so i think they were watching it as if it was like a, you know, football match or something the office has been temporarily closed. i was, it was sad that uh, it will remain closed until uh, securities restored, correct? yeah. now we are as far as i understand the 1st drum this on the ground. uh when you i bought to announce that it reopened. so secure which is restored. now you feel safe, so thursday not this will happen thursday night last week. yep. we close the office that evening and friday we we work on monday to friday schedule in the duracell office. and this is the west bank field office supporting the west bank and east jerusalem. friday we were closed. we did have an emergency meeting of our donors and partners that day to explain exactly what happens and to also communicate the severity of this. this isn't our send attack on a un installation in a city, in
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a very busy city. and so we were the, i think they understood, and we're really grateful for the, the, the statements made by all of our different member states. understanding the severity and we close in order to assess a number of things. we had to assess all the, any of the damage. we had to check the old, the hoses, the water hoses, fire hoses, some of them had a defective nozzles. we fix that. we had to recharge and replace fire extinguishers that we had to use during the fire. so we had to do a number of things like that. we increased our security around the compound. we double checked, all of the cameras are still working because sometimes the smoke can affect the cameras. so all of that was was done. we made our official complaint and report to the police or doing the investigation. we had a meeting today with the police, as i said, no way we did what we feel we could in order to reopen the office today, which we did that sounds to me like you are expecting more attacks and like the threat is still there, the injury is still there,
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but you are just better prepared. they were better prepared. yeah. and i really hope that it is calm down. um you know, i, i really think the police understood the severity of this. you're in the middle of the orthodox community here. and you said you've been always the neighbor absolutely much. yeah. so what happened when did change? it's really strange actually because we've never had any issues at all of any kind with the community that's here. nothing. they have their, their lives. then we go about our business, this is an office, you know, this is not a busy bustling place. people come in on buses and cars, they do their job and then they go home at the end of the day. so it's actually quite quiet as a, as a, as an office is quite large. but it's, you know, with different offices and warehouses and things like that disturbing. yeah. yeah. but it's not a disturbing, noisy place. so nothing at all. but, but i think lately there's been a lot of intense rhetoric and the media statements made by political figures. a lot of attacks on, on right, as an organization that we are somehow we are home us or we are, you know,
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part of the problem and part of the conflict when we're not, we're a mandated you an agency to provide services to the palestinians until there is a just solution to the conflict. so we're a political, you know, in a way caught up in this very political situation. and that i think is what happens is that the community often children and others in the, in the neighborhood has now been, i don't know. ready instrumental lives, there's something has now been pulled into this conflict and they're seeing all of these demonstrations and they're somehow getting involved in a way which is very violent. the anger within israel towards another was started building after earlier this year. israel claimed that over a dozen employees of the un bothering took part in the how misled attacks back in october, which resulted in hundreds of civilians and military mode and scores kidnapped under what has repeatedly denied all the negations. but is really wrong to an activist. have started stage in multiple protests in front of the agencies offices ever since. so we think the taxpayers are coming from this community because of what we did see
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a lot. yeah. because we took kids on bicycles riding around others that came the word in front of the um, the compound is kind of a mix of people. some that were seem to be more local and others that were coming in from, from settlements. um, you know, we had even one uh, one adult that was in a kind of military uniform. didn't look very official, but in kind of army fatigues with a rifle. so when you start adding angry people, rocks sticks, guns, fit it, it's very dangerous. and so we're hopeful that all of this remains. tom, you are responsible for on the activity and look at, look at the kids. yeah, yep. yep. so some kids that are just going by. yeah. yeah. but there's always what they were, and i didn't know that there's always a lot of a lot of elders showing here. and that's how they say hello the throwing stones. yeah. but the kids that are probably lease board and somehow feel that they need to
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be involved in some kind of i don't know what rebellion there is a fence here and it's supposed to protect us. but they, they take usually small stones that go through easily. but we'll get this, that's a big one and that would really hurt you. if it is all my goal is over the fence. yeah, some of them i think should be placed on was this now waiting for the change from there by the kids? that's what they need. why you're in doing this you day am times here. he said, we don't want to hear. do you think it's kind of feeler of these really forces? i mean, since security is supposed to be provided by israel, and do you see it as a favor from this side? well, i think i can do better. and, and this is what came up in our conversation today. is that a few weeks ago or months ago, there were protests that were very organized. the police came, they set up a metal barrier that kept everyone away from the gate. like on the other side of the street,
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there were many protests. there were people with megaphones and making statements and battery watches over the very much an organized kind of demonstration, but far away from the gates. we had perfect access to both of our entrance points that somehow deteriorated. and so last tuesday, when we had this very aggressive demonstration, there were police there, but they were not managing the crowd. then we said, we told them we said this is not, it's not hard to do. you know, i think normally if the police are there and they keep people back, you keep them away from the gate because we need access to these gates in case there's any emergency ambulance or fire, anything that we experienced there. so yeah, just to happen. yeah, i think that they, they need to do probably a more structured job like they had done in the past. it could be dangerous, you know, having people throwing rocks that you was a dangerous thing. so we're hoping that community also can help calm things down. the police were also discussing this today that maybe they need to work with a rabbis. also make it clear that you know, this is dangerous. yes. and the most, this is dangerous behavior. as we were leaving the wall headquarters,
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the crowd of youngsters armed with stones started growing bigger and bigger. the office might be reopened, but this threat is still there. grief notional at t is the rest of them. but to other so is out of india could face us senses over business ties with iran or he didn't made that switch off of the to asian countries find a deal on the use of a 12 foot root through the indian ocean. is there any uh, and the anyone concerned business uh, deals with their on they need to be aware of the potential risk that they are opening themselves up to and the potential risk of sanctions dissolved an exemption . sorry on inc. a deal with new day this week off the use of negotiations. it will say india and take control of portion of
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a t in in port. the very clear, the expectation is that the, uh, the job a hot or cold or at least that part of the drum model that we are involved in that will definitely see more investments. it will see more connectivity. linkage is coming out of the boat and we believe today the connectivity is a very big issue in the bach international knots, how drawn support caught it all which we are doing with it under our shop job. i will connect us to that also to send to alicia. java. hi is the only uranium port with direct access to the indian ocean through which is i somebody seems to be around 40 percent, shows a, a 30 percent cheaper in travel costs. the other 2 additional calls will car, those were the details, his odds ease use of do that a on the wall and aim to cross for it was southeastern port
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city of trouble, har into a pivotal tries the top and central asia on monday. the 20 sions sealed a deal to enhance and develop this written report. over the next decade, department was formalized and finalized into one with the indian minister of ports shipping and waterways sub and now in the us and know that his iranian counterpart, man, dog bass. bosh signing the attack and the capital $100.00. this is pretty much india will invest a substantial $370000000.00 to bolster the infrastructure of java. our port focusing on expanding burbs and transport facilities for children are serves as it was. so she added port and serves as a crucial range between the one in india. so the indian ocean is also actively integrating the port city into its national railway network, which one assume connect nor parks. i'll get ron including it's
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a caspian see ports to java, how this movies into the goal to completely be international. no south transport quarter facility trade between eastern europe, russia, persian gulf nations. and of course india. it was minister of frozen urban development, submit the passport. emphasize that was to the heart is fully upgraded. it will not only boost trade between one in india, but also it has trade ties between russia and india. by offering a more efficient trade route, it considers its investment in trouble, har as a significant extra territorial engineering project. on the northern end of the north south quarter, russia is also collaborating with one to enhance the infrastructure of iran's caspian sea. port fletcher. russell advocated around 1.5 deep and daughters to construct a weird way. you might think it was northern city or fresh to aust,
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are off its sole development for trade along the i n s d c. even a get a said is looking to invest $35000000.00 in charter har, recognizing the potential benefits of this emerging trade routes for countries in west asia, central asia. and because this week, this fall is seen as a viable alternative to western control paths including this west can now you're washing goods face restrictions and sanctions due to the ongoing geopolitical tensions. but anything the development of trauma are for it signifies a significant whitfield, iran, and it's. 1 economic conditions imposed by western sanctions on to one despite the west's effort to cripple its economic infrastructure. a one has uh, successfully managed to attract foreign investments and i the to minister about ministers. the media pointed out,
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corporation will also bolster the cold ties between the 2 neighbors, and that's something that the u. s. has long been posting here. so as i said, well i'm a morality says many countries on the global, so off standing told not afraid to lay the foundations to be come in future power houses. it would be very hard for the americans to sanction india because they've already sanctioned the russians. iranians or chinese and if they succeed in marginalizing india, that would basically destroy any hope for them to have major influence across asia. if we look at the bigger picture, we'll be seeing how russia instead of trading with the west, india instead of training with the west, you run instead of training with the pastor at least focusing on the west. that will be focusing on a much larger market. the whole of asia with neighbors which is much less expensive
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. uh, countries which are much more friendly. and since they are neighbors, the very fact that this, this trade expands, uh, creates, uh, a much more modern and advanced uh, continent the world recognizes that we've moved beyond that new new polar moment. and the wes, despite the, the, the bubble that exists in washington and in some of the capitals in europe where they continue to think that they are exceptional and that they are above and beyond the rest of us. so the rest of the world has, has seen a, can see that this multi polar world emerging where latin america, africa, and asia obtained greater world. but i think asia, in particular, because it is huge population because of his diversity and because of very powerful
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countries such as china, iran, russia, india, taking a me in increasing the important role in the world today. i think this is going to be the future powerhouse is currently hosting an international economic florida with a focus on boosting ties with most of nathan's, representatives of more than the 18 country that taking part in the event in the central city of cousin. we heard from his ex was the use of her lovely head of the is loving chamber of commerce. he spoke about the prospect for corporations in russia, and almost a month. i am noticing a good development in that for on the study. so now i can say in general, it is the best and most important platform for connection for networking, for daniel, between russia and the whole uh this, let me quote which,
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which spread the grocery content. it's as, as we know for this reason, if it is the most important and the most comprehensive platform for the connection for the network for the day a little between the 2 boxes. if we can say this means we are expecting a lot. and this year, for them as being the big bed to cut about 15 trucks. i believe for the fittest time, since i started to, to photo that the, that for them, which should have present the importance of that is that for them. so from that you can imagine what you can expect you can expect. i know a lot of the things that the, i know lot of knowing each other directly. yes. where you live now in the old way and we call it like just a small village. but we don't need to know each other because of the


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