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tv   Documentary  RT  May 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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the, the, the, the the the news that we will lose each kilogram going any sort of bed. so but shift so you do have that experience for the rest of the
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material to put on the details. frontier files oscar. no. more than that, i might have just just, just when she was doing this by junior 1st the prep or go to the other spring and then i'll put you on something. so it's good to see where i'm from. cooper style, new investment. should they still got the trouble up? it's probably not. i'm not we've been here. thank you pretty do the the anything i beautiful here beginning page here. tiffany:
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between this big it is easy to saw. also, you may see the year 0 piece response from the doing money. if someone else could give me like support even numbers a bought the cade. yeah, upgrades. clothes, of course he didn't, you know, i did cheap. i'm was doing that to them and that's too much business, especially chest cleaning, coming up. the more people i read him, what's the good to me? so i'm just going to ask you to do that's the get. the pass code is always to even look what they're going to is and you might have mutual, even though they're on the front of the dispute. it's going to happen. so it needs to be noticed that that will be no argument when you're doing the,
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the okay and so you mean the park has already out as much as i'm for the keys for you my see me just give us a phone. the e will by me, but aside i'm not sure if they've got the we've got that expression, incorrect name and the deal with the thing. and those burleson me what's up the show? if i'm progress, mention to player, that's what they just give me and they're only within the budget. you're spending the deal. it's uh, bringing you have to purchase. not sure. could it be helpful, but you're moving with and since you, well, it's nice, but i see what's your number, your phone, me and george just give you the one that actually comes to my problem was you know that those numbers someone that was a subject associated with that the quote was over, i wish i was wrong. person you. where is it? probably almost like a place, but then you break your grammar. you have gain a close as you are the most case of the orders components. i'm showing a functional company story sheer transfer from without that his condition was this
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of this some comparative local probably now black one are called to most of games that go more than just a single given mutual serial number. but it isn't e o, but you're not drinking pretty sufficient consortia, right? but the possibility knows this is for bringing a plan deal unless of course of the law should have them come on it able to attend the subsystem that i've seen a choice. the see one of the 4. yep. or his little facebook space took care of them. want them that shows him special order for 3. what was the last thing i'm gonna research company on the last what part is almost the story on the last couple months? i'm used to sure the unless you think the why should we we broke for for a going to come one of them is beatrice returning across a bottom you split into what's the level of the video patrol, but he's supposed to get
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a problem. comment for someone can present it the whole sandwich. it has to be the posts for shifting almost level where you see the fortune water slips can use it them. which thing go into my system printed only, you know, put americans with a general thing rushing scale, which is quite interesting. isn't show any of that, but i have them. when you look at this on the left that i have to see if the can you please you the, the choice jane process before you so much for like going a couple years to mostly keep going. as i mentioned, this is i've just typical plan with finality express here submit item. so you may have to and that has only can cause us boomers to, to watch the rates. they show play wireless, and the goal is on his end or bands to ship his camera cause he drove to the front . i know the engineer from his designs. hello, rick,
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on this is glenn named sky successful scott. as soon as i show up pretty with us concerning the question, i thought i will get seeking answers. yes. so it's likely that the idea thing and i, if you want to know boating of some of the, one of the for himself. awesome. very well. some of the machine you a little bit of food if the thor appraisal of uh, november 3rd. so she wasn't watching out of our of this. somebody will take full given. yeah. it was mission so that you just must deal with the child smile. most of most of the name please, or some of the ceiling. we saw somebody over. i knew it was your, most of your sure about that this is way me showing just almost page one. you will not the case the following a thank you. lost the store up on the only thoughts you might have for the most young people chats. that's for the rest of the rest of the story. the normal both the just give show pumps in the of the when the least. the mutually confuse meaning . you know, where i'm would you prefer if i listed in june 30th please. sonya with multiple oil
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change and the full full change because you do solution. jeremy, unfortunately, is only in the warehouse we have, you mentioned village and when we somebody looked before you fully when they split the old stuff coming pop up. well, no, we somebody on both these guys on yours. if you need it on the phone, what was someone your priority but it's a, it's a bunch of really fast on the phone with you. the truth, let me, i will. the ticket though the, the east professionally polluted me. see those this into a, it's a huge deal with from you if this was your compatibility below a little with someone with a smooth and scraps a new pull chance please. someone will discuss those with you only when you,
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which you are cool enough that the last on the board she didn't open yet. it seemed to have this, isn't it? it will control really to know when you are well one of course to, to, and truthful and also things for us not to go. let's get someone to, to, to look up the order me, which just me process. and as i mentioned, receipts here through each through each. so here and increase. can you visual fight them on the only e and your new every night to play is it wasn't sure what the visiting the impression was. do i have that alone? if the issue, if at the phone, will the chief storm, please visit the gardener's, we have to pass off colin moore's at the desk at the point of the void village k e said you so we can push name and the pricing as a court order. mean, right, yeah. they even the pointing it just doing.
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got upset over that. right. got you what she did the principal no way to of the meanwhile, in some petersburg, local enthusiasts have been a designated, they'll blow a drain, just my phone or phone. yeah, i do is off my way to the practical things that figured i went on session where it was in the bathroom such as always thinking consolidated score. i kind of for instance, that on got things. yeah. but the flow guy see, when i looked at is the partial uh, what i see is the schedule that got them is the one that we shift so so you know, i'm pretty familiar with the models or can i see what's your 1st name of the fun get on it was chosen got things you really just send me a letter to you what i was doing. yeah. at the promotion,
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you'll actually put that at the school. no problem. this 15 still police. there was english for the new semester. come on because i asked them which despite extended see the 15 way model and shows the lesson plan was to have my own personal personal affairs and the assignment, assume assignment goes with the jumping. so now opinion workers for, for my, for what if somebody about the, of going through my shoulder almost portfolio from our fairly for when they go from the drop off coupon for the vice principal to finish your photo existing. yep. so this could be a little difficult to talk to you, was it, it's more of them that are coming up on your pro. well that's what i knew was not going to be computers. i don't know which of these parts of the group were you previously performed. i don't know if the movie just listening for fun up to the negative from i thought of stone, cuz for me nothing or preventive about the service didn't work and it wouldn't take producing me no problem. no, no, but up in the front. and then for the 5th,
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and you know, for was the to the section. that's when you might, you might want to know what it brings to, for a moment, proof for those types of products that are going to have to remove that. a couple of the functional components of that as a matter of payoff for particularly the corner of my name is going lower. so figured out way off of the shape. so the other one was with the affordable. somebody put the window,
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open them this for word. so between that but i thought of as to the throne of the last one is duly got things or letters below to in your words edition, each one you have to yes. in your so blood work, do i get out of your system and your more just let us know. nice part is, is the phone to postpone the efficient but it was 5 years ago. so no more than one way or the other side of the record. we, we used the thing and i knew we what was, but it's not in there so that there's still i get, i'm and spencer was fit to be done in minutes when to produce quarter the which in the nipple citizen and we were chest. that's what i was right without the technical team we plastic, but i let something always be pushed to, but the only put it on the funds and let them know is that on the phone, i'm talking to the specific junior for the experience to the flow and you know, so i think we look at them and they also know is it shows in the month of the
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sample size, but that is one of those items. why didn't some of the extensions plant sale on me but the else can you go to the the pool 2 minutes in the future, but that is not yet, but yeah, yeah, i bought
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a in the show. yeah, that's it. the name of the court, the which has some will show up with the soft impression requested by one of those 3 that always reduce the loop as to the fullest by the new most. but it was not anything that's not sure that on the seller, when we did, and part of the the, the
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the response, if you can, because it goes ends in the last to the other. what is just be the voice me a little a customer and what is this just we're still going missing stuff, which i'm not going to have always just to remember. i don't know if the program was wondering if at the low is just for the deepest book, right. of course and the scope of the requirements districts do me a little. it's a lot of lots of books to all of the good good items that are always on the
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i didn't answer. so yes, this is of the one on the 4th floor there was the phone number where they were, they found it. so i don't think that's what they're nicholas video says, blow switch, and i know for the new exposure. so if there's only thing where if it's in a separate, you know, the positively a lot, that's the nature of the cast gun troops are ready to collaborate with the hydro. and you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school and try and lab wastage of a full amount authority on the 1st level with this transcript. if uh, it depends on the muffler because from those questions, you know, it's like a default as of just just bear with me. if it doesn't become part of
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the software for them, which company plus the score below, but the escrow, the 2nd competitive genuine was so no no no no problem, but it was a pleasure function of the people below. but the problem is this, the public wafaa 1st of the mother's birthday, just, you know, somebody, i thought i was a polite unit, the window to put it in
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a little simpler and send it through it to learn this for the last one was everybody was size voice news to me of the silly, lovely speed it sounds like it was like and many of nice you know, so if somebody is willing to bring with us from the 1st living room so i can move it on for the 1st thing was that them really interested me when i pulled up the most of them that did not giving me a list of what the company is, let us know kind of in the middle of the a desk and one of those a lot of ways. but the most of the do, the modeling pick them, put it in as a new brush on consort, will just throw that on. you move with them. no, because you to consider them going to the lowest and they say there's going to sit the 0 and the
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see trust. you know, these are still watching it, you know, go from ice cream and used to the both of the 3 and nothing was happening as over a stuff you my shrink bought a t. e, a how to from saying i'm from the city and i'm both. it used to be much cheaper simply if these things are very, i mean you name is be if it ever but that she has the one of the most of the book junior, the but from the finish of chief of yeah, submitting those mist isn't good when you thought of them girls, i'm a product. so we're going to ask the customer is what the, what the either on the on the
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surface from way back just to be sure to make it right that you got the hip and you got the what the kind of would would make sure you put the lady up, god does that number once here you have 0 from a little tree bump, bump it off to bump a little bit into some of the additional value. my number one got all the the most . so bringing it to that is what that is very useful when you ask them that is the best. so based on the rules of how to strengthen the assessment, so i'm always here at least not a mind there. goodness, and i don't want to do it myself so brilliant. but i'm set off or back to normal clinic. so some of the things i just keep going here,
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sign in the goodness. and it looks like you've been doing pretty creative before the photos i needed to have the, you know, for the movies and then you, most of the pictures that you're wanting here's looking on this phone and somebody else got somebody who is a computer for and if you my bedroom, is that what they do? the ceiling chester, the phone on which it almost even though because you're getting it in the have come with this or is or most of you those keys are, but if i told you what was more of this to be grange, get boats us and there are what that for chase for what kind of that will be joke
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or i'm, can we my your oh unless it's a trip to come by. yeah. and you come for sure. what am i speaking to chicago for disappointment, for the position of how to go. i'm somebody, teddy. oh cool. so i don't typically see what you quoted, isaac quoted, or wifi or whatever. you want to go to the main main part, all those much them. i really don't have the controls. 3 for the boys can affordable in illinois was community out of the of i should do a little for sure what the startling i to this worker to spoil. i'm going to put enough space for so that'll be for sure. yes. shift. so a dozen language for us to use which of them. and there's a problem for us to do this because of the, the santa goals manufacturers, 1st 3 drones with tested by a camera man team called the brain one, the
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blue. i said that to be able to extend it will probably no problem in your so barbara, so we're just gonna cut off the table. some of those cells should stuff are mostly enough. one to loads almost at the moment when the system, the good english is and you know, the word in the face. cornerstone. diet pill, stall, what? no, nobody will smile. but i've got all the moisture which was at those up with me. yeah. doing so, did i i'm would you prefer english or the civic center? yes. the child. you have the phone both from boy, the girl was raised, the most bar number 01 was mention feeding at all, but the 1st month it's got when
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a property of the same i was i watched the video clip this last night, somebody me on the road or another couple of them with a deal and i'd like to do never machine political with the guys can use for fun. yeah. didn't show i there was a 0. i don't i didn't show amendments to lower the bakers like combat. drum is a booth. it's difficult to hit most mission anywhere. what so there's one can go to the or were young, i'm not sure that the way it was playing video, either one of my sheets, which wasn't when she of me sitting there. i'm or which of the bonus and the straight to the nation group at the and we're not, we're just letting them in your much improvisors thinking mutual for if that's what i'm doing. well, i'm going to throw that on. just let me know what it's gonna bring up to the menu
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and you're looking for new mr. orange and toyota. then especially when you have the due date, you're doing the blue ridge receiving the little cheer. when you're older than you on this, do i spell it? make sure i'm on the truck. if there was more that shows that i'm wondering what it was a key that perhaps i should. i knew unless you used the preferred not the the one bedroom. is this company or 2? sure it was a no story store. uh come with that. are these letters are coming out to the beach and to the short photograph from the fisher store, pretend to the drivers to get interesting to that sort of thing. that's what shows a little more. we just compressed you compare to go to the musician she wasn't as after we are the phone was lecturing, you can answer to an example coming up, and you don't wanna do something rather than continuously from costco. boston for lupus. producing list of things to do is to finish up the rest of research areas
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perform such as i prefer or should i should warn you. we're dish 4 door 3 here of showing symbol a pretty up us thing. it was not going to so will be due to construction work, but i'm going to scratch the what do you want to formally what they to me an option or shoot me with an line function? i somebody about them. i think that's a bureau which does voice voice is yep. along the verbal football is do. what we're going to do is when you're her last, joyce knew most of sooner. harris and your thoughts please showing you when you come in. you'll just, i'll just in the us deal with them for me or somebody off the story or both is usually 16 and a little to choose. and when do you ill finish? good news though too short on you. but why don't you just, i'm wondering if you can use
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a problem in those cop with yeah, windows, or could you go see what? well, the thing is, the flow discontinue the rituals of the door and there's ones, then you like mostly split the quite enough i've seen the what i'll talk with you only can use some some of the describes anybody gifts for remove some of this picnic boost operability issues purpose here uh will switch to store string is new or not. most of the key is you remember when you, molly, come on the, the stuff was new or rather can you from when can you guys and you, me a little send me some wireless views from using for spoke with me and it doesn't have the new and it goes to a split new yeah. for lots of things you just know a pro which, which so with, with the
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the, after the end of world war 2, great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories, 8 my la, devastated as a result of decades long fighting, extremely hard change in groups. and in 1948, the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency. in response patriots united him to the malay in people's liberation army. and began a guerrilla war. london decided to suppress resistance,
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georgia and mass deport agents. executions of civilians and sprain of chemicals, scale being and cutting off at these where the barbaric methods the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully, committed by the scots guards against the unarmed beds caused a particular stir. the entire male population became victims. trying to surprise the gorilla movement, the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses rule the boards fruits, the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent. the british army losses in the la were the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay in independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia.
3:00 pm
the, the, the headlines right here on off the international as a high ranking russian defense official is detained on corruption charges estimate allocations of him receiving a large bribe. thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you to thank you for. thank you. thank you so much. for thanks. thanks. well, thankful where a sampled credit the president given credit where credit is due. banking is western sponsors for the latest 60 plus $1000000000.00 of ministry support about such as forces on the battlefields continue to rack up losses and for the troublemakers into police. he got it. rob style tied. george's parliament as will make his policy transparency bill.


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