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tv   News  RT  May 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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the that the system, the good little issues and, you know, the, again, the headlines here are not say a high ranking russian defense official is detained on corruption charges and submit allegations of him taking the large mcbride. thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thank you for thank you. thank you so much. thanks. thanks with thankful words sampled your price. president given credit where credit is due, tracking is west and sponsors for the latest 60 plus $1000000000.00 of imagery support. that's as forces on the battlefield. continued a rough couple offices and with the trouble makers going out the protests inconclusive and go iraq,
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south side door to george's parliament as little make us cost this transparency bill. that's police move in for the arrest. we have a who's sponsoring the violent riots and you may not be surprised. it is the usual assessment the from the thought to the police, the in washington to moscow. it's a full deck of your top storage where it is a role right now. you are not so starting all the domestic front as one more high ranking official from russia's ministry of defends, detained on charges of corruption commerce, just weeks after a deputy minister was arrested. lieutenant general, you are the cause. that's office accused of taking the launch. bry that goes into the investigation in 2021, 2023. as the head of the 8th directories of the general stuff on the armed forces of the russian federation was itself received particularly large bride from representatives of commercial structures for committing southern actions. invest
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favor off to searching the residences of this your equipment, solve the investigative committee, found over $1000000.00 worth of various currencies, gold coins, and valuable luxury items. and this is an offense that if he actually committed this, it could blend them in prison for up to 15 years, according to russia's penal code, he served as the head of the general staff in russia, from 20102023. this is a position that requires dealing with lots of state secrets connected to the russian ministry of defense. and just last year, he became main personnel directory for the russian ministry of defense as well. late last months, the deputy head of the russian ministry of defense was detained. he's still in the team and right now being held on again, bribery charges like equipment solve. and it's specifically what he's being charged with is accepting favors from military contractors to the tune of over $10000000.00 . so that's even more than what we're looking at with the equipment. so this is at
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the same time as vladimir put in and suggested a replacing the head of the russian ministry of defense or de shy, go with someone else, a, an economist by trade, a man named andre uh below. so. so of course, we don't know if these corruption scandals are directly connected to this re shuffling of these sort of high ranking officials in the ministry of defense. but it looks like perhaps the administration is looking to take a bit of a different approach. corruption is something that occurs all over the world, the varying degrees depending on the country. but it's definitely in light of the russian military operation, something that ukraine is probably paying attention to and following itself, we have to address down. that was russia is actively, uh, you know, challenging corruption in the country, finding these corrupt officials and holding them accountable. your praise essentially letting them ransacked the military. we've seen tons of reports that are billions of dollars may have been stolen during the construction of ukrainian
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defenses. in the heart of region and that those defensive, those defenses weren't even completely constructed as, according to the plans that were put forward as well. it was some ukrainian soldiers have even been talking about this over 2 years. concrete fortifications with 3 floors of depth should have been established on the for any and border and there were not even any land mines. we're coming to the conclusion that this was either because of in seen, staffed or deliberate sabotage. i know that those who abandoned the positions of the a 125th territorial defense brigade were made to sign acceptance and transfer certificates for fortifications. not even 30 percent of which were fully built. i hope that the perpetrators will be punished on the case of ukraine. it goes without saying that this kind of corruption is not very surprising, really, because even before the russian military operation began ukraine was one of the most corrupt countries in europe. and then as this never ending flow of western
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weapons and money going, who knows where in ukraine, this corruption problems that the government and ukraine has had for the longest time, has just been spiraling more out of control than it was before. as mentioned a bit earlier, you're creating your forces and now truly facing such an option to baffle russian troops have now taken control of the town of a girl. that's good. that's in the heart of golf region right down here. but that is just one of the many villages captured in just the last few days. and what seems to be an effort to maybe turn the tide or is it just a big piece stunned us the secretary of state anthony blinking, arising and key is on a so called surprised of the recent mobilization was a difficult decision. but a necessary one. the defenders who have so courageously held a line for more than 2 years need help. they need rest. well, the handshake said about passing the photo upcoming and it continued russian military gains all across the front line. that blinking this presence isn't the end
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of the show, a washington's on wavering support for key over the pen to go on. again, wrapping up it's a weapons shipments. is the 1st visit though by a white house official since last month's approval of a 61000000000 dollar package for ukraine following months of congressional wrangling, ukrainian president certainly didn't hold back on expressing his scratch. thank you so much. thanks for coming to your grayness thank you that you came especially these days to thank you for this signal. also. i wanted to thank you from all my team, all your brains to uh, crucial package things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks prison, by the way, i think both apply my positive support cause well, we're central for, for these 2 americans to american people in the middle of the fines of washington's new weapons. more alarming reports are emerging over your crime unit attempts to recruit the very people to operate them. disturbing images ahead because we're
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going to show you a picture now of a young woman from odessa. she says she was beaten up by ukraine in enrollment officers off the fielding hub, boyfriend and being dragged away again. another warning you may find the video of the incident upset of the mean time, the us state department deputy spokesperson seemingly coming on glue with these days when pressed about why washington and con, clearly see evidence of war crimes committed by israel and gaza. he buckled unused a word solid to deflect. it's hard to really know what on a, he's talking about. how do you have better visibility in ukraine when there's ability to send files to us is concerned with russia. but you don't have that same level of visibility when you're dealing with an ally, and these are in your question, is rooted in the premise that these are we're talking about apples and apples here
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. and that is just simply not the case. people in the media enjoy making this comparison between israel and russia and the conflict in ukraine of the conflict and gaza. but we're, we're not even talking about apples and oranges. we're talking about apples and candy bars so we can hear, but she will be here, but it seems to be talking about these and allies. we're talking about 2 very distinct and different circumstances on the ground that are not even comparable radios. the russians are doing all this right, isn't and start doing is question was about to you visibility? how could you have our visibility into whether our visibility into whether a government has the ability to hold itself accountable is absolutely something that like is plays into this. so it's not, it's not, it's not, you saw the about the governments of his way to get under pressure. how could you have eyes in the grade to determine? because i took an account up the i think what you mean by violating international
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law that you have to prove. and this is a sense of trust incentive. by the way, how did you have the intern? uh, you find the incentive with the russian army to violate international law when you concluded that, gosh, an army did war prize and your brain and you couldn't find that was your loss. so again, we're talking about 2 very different and distinct circumstances, which one was the question? so was this an independent us investigation to decide whether or not israel had broken into an actual commodity in law? or was this a us investigation aided by the israel's, these really is we're not involved in the production of the united states as national security memorandum. that's going to the question. go ahead. joe, as well as george and little meg is about past a transparency, little requiring ngo's to reveal the funding sources. the nations president says
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she wants to veto the legislation passed by the countries parliament on tuesday. however, m p is kind of override that decision with another majority vote, some western back members of the public, the, to the streets of the capital, protesting the new law with the police. with that, so meet some of the agitators the
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yeah, you like this because i, interestingly enough, the so called civil society foundation, georgia set out by 9, although the international sponsor on troublemaker george soros has been an open supporter of the protests calling the goals of the transparency laws quote in the city was suggesting protests, we should not give in to the government to attempt to intimidate the population. the engineer website goes on to appraise itself with a $100000000.00 since alone in georgia over the years. as templates, flags on the streets outside members of the province jump into a may like the holding party report with as an opposition to representative during readings of the draft legislation. the bill will full and g o is to be transparent about where they getting the funding and that's a really good thing for the washington has condemned the little point to get
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a crime down on civil society for a while. some in congress, if you from franklin sciences, that is defined as a new bill mirroring similar legislation in the united, so disgusted with all the us applies. the double standard, the u. s. has position is it can intervene to an influence and, you know, exercise influence in other countries as well. all other countries are forbidden from intervening or having influence in the united states. it's as simple as that. so we have this far law, which again tries to monitor for an influence in the united states. but we want georgia to be totally open to us, influence and interference, especially because of course georgia borders. russia, of course, is a former soviet republic is very strategic to the united states is of interest
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in that region and it wants to be able to influence that country to these n g o z. and that's why it opposes this bill. again, not on any grounds. no, you know, there's no human rights violation here. international law violation bypassing this law rather does better to be western and you and then the manager and tribute the manager. and i think that's the problem because as i checked the decision and events laws as father semester need to do, you have questions, you know, that we have the same kind of problem that was happening in my country. also, us member, many and you speech we're actually invited to promote the on the inside of the people societies and also think that that, that can be expressed in the agenda. i'm trying to be into the beloved christian. how does law affect georgia?
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i mean, it's a tends to be closer to the west. i would imagine it will hurt that a bit. but look in the, in the west needs georgia. it needs to have influence in georgia. it is not going to of the issue that type of influence just because georgia pass as well. but what it's going to do is limit the ability of countries like the united states to exert influence in and under handed in scale. what i think that they will be out and i'll come back from that session is not now far bmc or georgie. urge you to be a union. and i'm not sure whether that's going to happen or not on the as of now what i understand like rebates i have to think and yeah, at least see as friendly as an offer. cd been in jobs. yeah. i understand that,
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you know, there is a guided everything diamond on to events in the independence. i have service audit and domestic politics. soft jobs. yeah. and i think the want to make the adjustments from job geography and try a bit of time to be 7, just a moment of those jobs. yeah. and that's the reason that is fine. but let me check the israel has accused egypt all preventing humanitarian aid from reaching gaza via the southern of alpha crossing. but despite his riley occupying the spot, the idea that is since the 7th of may. yesterday i spoke with you k for secretary, david cameron and german foreign minister, angelina bare bach about the need to persuade egypt to reopen the rock. a crossing to allow the continued the delivery of international humanitarian aid to gaza. today i will discuss the matter with a tele informed minister antonio touch on the world places the responsibility for
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the come mandatory and situation on israel. but the key to preventing the humanitarian crisis and gaza is now in the hands of our objection. friends that a border type point is vital which monetary and a to get in to gaza. israel is claim the cairo is blocking a to protest. the idea of takeover of the crossing or egypt says that it's being open from its side since the staff of the board adds the israel is the one distorting the fact. the foreign ministers strongly denounced the desperate attempts of these rarely side to hold egypt responsible for the unprecedented instruments. hiring crisis facing the gaza strip, which is the direct result of the israel's indiscriminate attacks on palestinians for more than 7 months. so live to cairo. we go, that's crossed out of market. both are also professor of political science and held one university. joining us at about quarter past 11 pm, cairo time. appreciate you joining us at this late evening. time. appreciate is uh what a story. this is it, you know, it just goes from 5 to was mr. bought process with the way this is going. i mean,
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it's quite a blaine game going on now between israel and egypt when it comes to the opening of the alpha crossing. can you tell me, mr. both of those who is responsible for the aid not reaching and the people have guys a now firstly, i have to mention that it's not political maneuvers between egypt and diesel. it now it's a national security of it. so egypt, it, the fluid political situation in the hot spots such as the middle east does not make people play with fire. now a phillips you following facts saying that egypt is blocking. the a to palestinians is hilarious. the egypt has been a key to the end of the blazing force because eh,
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very much keen to open its board. there seems to be a crisis it up to it. it'll be october. and egypt it is in the human a t, m. e. and at perspective, troy is trying to relieve because that's the c uh of the palestine use at so new ways it would as a block, the crossing. it's am just but there is no way that it continues opening it. winds the eh, why is right, is looking good from the other side. the, i'm so sorry to jump in professor i do apologize. i do apologize for interrupting. i'm just trying to understand right now, this is shed, border crossing or alpha who is in control of it is it,
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is it the gyptian side or the is rarely assign ink to set it solved and flies as to the disengagement between as well. uh and the guys uh huh. when they uh, lift garza what happens is b s. did she counter parts to control the boat? this dream she had the feet. uh uh, crossing. so egypt was maintaining security. according to the west of the is the riley. uh, counter parked. uh so what happens is the last about to 20 years, egypt has been in the control of the boat this. so when it comes to a violation of the agreement, so any violation of the agreement is owed 3 d eh,
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a good a. oh, so the whole agreement. uh no. um, it has to be by mutual agreement, note from one side. what's happened is, is it true volt egypt violated the agreement and a good it inside the or that zone flat didn't see a split or zone and need egypt withdrawal from that to area. so what do i expect you to do? yeah, yeah, sure. yeah, it's, i think the find the ways by the way, this is not being discussed in the mainstream media, by the way, you know, these angles, they are offering us right here. when the mainstream media continues to toe is pro is riley line there, then attacking egypt in the pro western mainstream media. i missed of both of those . let me ask you, if i can, i mean look that i saw, you know, on the,
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on the education is really border a now and now we've got a, this is really military and coach and going into it alpha you said to me, this border situation is a is a national security issue for egypt. how does the military incursion into it? it alpha effect, the national security of egypt? not. yes, but that's a very good question. what's happening now? since the 7th of october? they are eh, bushing it, it'd be palestinians to be displeased from god. they don't want guys to be exhibited by palestinians anymore. they want to drive them and displace them to something nice and keeping the family from egypt. and did you try the very blunt stand saying that there is no way egypt it will allow the, the policy is to be displaced because if the out of displace problem got so. so the,
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it was of checked before the palace geniune close, which is pushing them out of the land. then they, it would be a few applied by is right, and there will be a. is there any lead that's ending a pension of the strategy obese group? yeah, since 1948. yeah, i thought so. i was waiting for you. i was waiting for you to go back to 1948 and i appreciate you during that professor what, what do you think um, what do you think about the egyptian military right now? all of the ideas, they the idea of such a good enough troops now enough soldiers as fastened up the ring to really have a so called what a goal was a successful ground operation into or alpha is there any egyptian military contingent somewhere in that area that could fit radically end up locking
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horns with the israeli military contingent in that area. the contingency plans of them. uh, so we already, if the splunk would ignite the whole uh, region, and it would just be from us because, uh, the uh, egyptian army has a strategy to defend its motherland. so when the motherland is preached, then this is the red line. otherwise, the do not was not at jack eh, i would have neighbors unless the neighbors eh, peach. i would vote this by preaching the vote. this could be directly by. is there any forces or forcing the police jeans to flew into egypt? this is a game,
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a violation of the national security of egypt. and this is this book that would again, i'm repeating myself. it would ignite the whole situation. yeah. for you. yeah. well, you say nobody wants this to happen, but there might be one person in the region. one particular is rarely prime minister who according to some, will continue to preserve his political shelf life by continuing alonzo wide a regional world. many people saying the only way for me, nothing. y'all to stay out of prison these days is continue being the leader of a war time situation. margaret bought it off is professor of political science at hello on university live in cairo, and about any hostile left in the evening. such a good conversation. thank you very much for your time. thank you. i enjoyed it. thank you very much. thank you. bye. this one is ready for us is i've been using palestinian children is human shields. that's not me saying it though it is.
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according to the rights group defense for children international. the claim is coming off for a number of youngsters gave testimony about a recent i. the raid in the west after the soldiers search the apartments in the building that i was entering before them. i asked them well crying where they were taking. one of them told me narrow back that they would take me with them to show them the way, in addition to opening the doors of the neighboring homes and entering before they did. the soldiers told me to knock on the doors of the apartments in the building while they were standing behind me at a fairly short distance and to ask the residents to come out. and this is what i did. they told me to walk in front of them in the alleys of the slomo neighborhood in the camp. they would hide in the alleys and telling me to see whether there was anyone around. after that, the untied my hands and whenever we passed a house or building, they would instruct me to enter and ask the residents to come out. we heard from the general director of defendants for children international holiday course. my
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now he said israel violates children's rights with total impunity because still to date, no one is brave enough to hold tennessee to account. and this is the 1st sign that there's right, it's hard to use just in has a human sheet, but this time is different than the previous times because they use the ideas to teach. and in the same time, they use all of the boys and therefore they're opposing the machine guns from this . how does this talk to should in different directions inside of there? but if you do get, so you've got an image in it just in the age of 2015 use or being subject to such trying to find. i'm sure thing you from the see sort that us and of course. 1 having them form and dying by pushing them to be doing this is that
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the never being in the 1st thing to do the work of the so just in order to keep the sort as in the center please, why is it in the higher distribution is i can see that the only step in the way of advocating kind of mr. continue getting into is there anybody there? the quote is in a systematic way, by lending the rights of course, to which one do they use the data that are causing the exact why the, on the send it as being not as i mean it will be it or that as an out of me it's a policy, but unfortunately is right in front of amenities and because of the wisdom, the charter was the c c. and then this is a receiving it as a kind of addiction and as a green light to continue the crimes is that is competing way primes,
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trends against the genocide by the army. and at the end of the day they're consider them says, is that more more of the? i mean the is the, it is so far the front of the sofa, the front of the humanities deal of it could be made. that is the water treatment as the do the site that alright, that story doesn't continue online at all to dot com or also across of got an older see a numerous telegram channels as well. auntie is never far away from the question. well, we're back to the top of the, the the, every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels,
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and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move forward to a customer and both of us to put some new doors at the post to be done as an issue to us from clean optic travels the highest island home to the biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land, occupied a go really asked me for i was my bush or more you have to do should. so it means if you have, when you feel when we see lots of modeling and then put some of the, some will stay on the old stuff. last time i feel like a mess almost a little know. see me is membership when you to i've got the, i'm saving the boys to the middle of please to join me instead of the optic pioneers main objective was to explore and come kind of these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management. now and, and then i can see kids remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so it's pretty at the course your system is a multiple and you have to go. but the team could,
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i have to deal with the issue the, it seems like in modern times, everything has a ranking from culture to economics. and of course, political sound lists are considered to be in achievement, to be included, while others are less desired sky. now here's an on this edition of $360.00 view. we're going to discuss a recent list of the top freedom fighters around the world. and if this is an honor which only places a larger target on their back, let's get started. the dan wooten who is a journalist and broadcaster from new zealand has just published a list of the 50.


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