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tv   Direct Impact  RT  May 14, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm EDT

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d to and so if joe biden wants to do right by the palestinian people and to force change and force respect for human rights, he has to cut off arms transfers to israel. i'm very glad that you brought up the word genocide. i have a very close friend is a former deputy attorney general of the united states. he's a constitutional scholar and he talks a lot about genocide and he said that there's a very specific definition. internationally recognized your definition of genocide and we're seeing it right now in gaza. this is a genocide. yeah, exactly, exactly, junk your yahoo is a host of the whistle blows program, which is a great show. i enjoyed very, very much it is a this and you doing a great job on covering very uncomfortable truths, john, so i appreciate your hard work and we look forward to so much seeing you again soon . thanks for your time. my pleasure. thanks. have a great night and thank you for your time and joining us, your nazi international. we all back soon with the
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oh, the the, the power body. i'm rick sanchez. and these are the stories that you need to know about today. russia advances in the ukraine on a post key word on a pose while ukraine has been firing missiles and the russian apartment buildings. we've got the video, it's amazing to watch. by the way, there's a holocaust survivor who has come out against what israel is doing in gaza. let me say that again, a holocaust survivor and the unlikely is true feller in the us government is being
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attacked by all sides. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. let's do it the . so here's what we're going to do. we're going to start with the big story that's coming out of ukraine, that all the media is talking about. russian forces are now making huge territorial gains and they're doing so mostly on opposed. i'm. i mentioned to you last week the troops were moving into some of those regions that we had been showing you and we taking entire cities. i looked it up by the way, after i saw that report, member, i mentioned this to you because i was curious. and i found out that there was only one civilian casualty in that huge territorial gain and troop movement that the russian military had advanced onto. i thought it was either surprising or impressive or both for one person by the way,
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slightly injured in that entire move that we reported on throughout last week. we well ukraine's military this week and i think this is significant in terms of comparison right? this week on ukraine's military bombed apartment complex in russia, using a coach cob ballistic missiles, a apparently killed at least 9 people. the injured 22 children died. russia says it, their air defense system took out 12 of the missiles, but apparently one got hit and then the fragments came down. the missile fell in an apartment complex, and that's how they describe it. we've got the pictures, here's what it looked like. this is belgrade, the
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so this is looking like as well. now i want to bring you in on this. it's new thing like this is the strategy, the new strategy, the, the m o or the ukranian military. it's not so much hold turf or even re take turf. it's all. 1 hitting russia and the sad part about this is there heating civilians and, and it looks like they're doing so purposely now. yeah, i mean, striking innocent civilians is always against international law no matter what kind
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of war this is. so let's get some, some points here about where this is happening. so belgrade is about 40 kilometers from the ukraine border. so it's kind of in the general vicinity of the don bass region. and as we know under the key, every gene bombardment has been happening there since 2014. we're 10 years in too heavy bombardment by key of ever since then. and the western hypocrisy, the mainstream media have progress. see here, never saying a word right when russian civilians are attacked, i mean the media. and when they do mention attacks like this, they say it's russian air defenses that you know attack themselves. and this is all unco, although you don't like the rush. i won't tell you this though. i will tell you this lately. i'm seeing a change in that. the video that i went through when i was preparing this uh, this newscast. and this conversation between us, i looked it up and it was on the bbc, the post ran this huge video of this,
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a pad showing russian children. i'm showing people running around and, and there's a comparative part of this that i want to show you now because i think this is interesting and it's from the bbc. so here, let's get into that real quick. i want to, i want you to look at the russian troop movement over the weekend. and this is reporting that i learned of from the b, b, c. look, the bbc is no friend of russia. and they don't usually write things that are in any way positive, or even fair about russia. they write the bbc is writing that russian troops have been advancing and taking back much of the territory around car cave. and they're doing so mostly without facing any opposition. and they're also not targeting, injuring, or till in any civilians. here's. here's what the crane commander told the bbc reporters there it is right about why russians are not facing any resistance. so he
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says, quote, there was no 1st line of defense. we saw it, he says the russians just, they just walked in, they walked in to this territory. they just met the and he goes on to say that the ukrainian defenses are no longer existence. quote, either it was an act of negligence or corruption. it wasn't a failure, it was a betrayal. what he's saying, this is a, this is a ukrainian commander who is saying that he watched the russians walk in, nobody's stopping them. there were no defences, there was no fortification. and then he saying in the 2nd part of his quote that this has less to do with the washer and more to do with ukraine and corruption. help us figure that out. well, well rick, i mean there, there's 2 sides to this media narrative, right? like this belgrade thing it, it's, it's just like north stream, right? the russians like to bomb themselves. that's one narrative that's they always do
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that. but then when you come here to the story about what's happening at the front lines, in this case over by car cube, the problem here wreck is that sadly ukraine is running out of man. i mean, there's no other way for me to put it there running out of train soldiers. we've seen videos come out and merge year after year now of, of ukrainian force is forcing conscription by guys, you know, going to pick up a pizza. you're right. going to the grocery store, they can't man these lines because they're simply not enough bodies to do so. so what are your thoughts scenario is going to become more common when you put these 2 together, but that's what i think is so fascinating, right? i mean, so what we're saying, and these are bbc reports, new york post reports. this is western media, basically say ukraine cannot stop the russians from moving into this re taken territory. however, they are sending missiles into russia. that's the story, that's the m o,
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that's the strategy that we're seeing right now. mean that's those are the facts on the ground, am i wrong? well, well, look, right, prior to the war you create already had this population problem. they were always hovering at about 40000000 people, and prior to the war, 6000000 people were always living and working abroad. never to come back. right. so this dwindled the population even further. so even if the us and nato continues to continue to r t f, that's fine. but if you don't have the manpower to operate them, you're going to hear more stories just like the special forces commander saying that, you know, the russians just rolled in and there was no pushback whatsoever. yeah, there is none because there's not enough bodies to do it. that's the key point, and i'm glad you made it. by the way, similar story developing here in the united states. tens of thousands of protesters who are demonstrating on behalf of the palestinians have been generally peaceful yet the media is calling them terrorist. we've seen all the reports, all you gotta do is flip on cnn, send the data bass or somebody like are now look at this video. we got what you're
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about to see here are pro israel protesters violently. you'll see it for yourself. attacking pro palestinian protestors. right, and, and the witness describes what happened here to the last number of accounts of price associate up the account since at around $755.00, the bigger on friday. if i was needing cabinets that were friends on screeches as well. i think a lot of the projectiles we know that that was taken to use my counter price. i said as well again the st. helen for which the most part has been peaceful since thursday morning. it's fascinating that we only hear the complaints about one side, and by the way, i'm not here to tell you that the pro palestinian protesters have been perfect in everything that they've done. i don't think they should be shutting down campuses,
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etc, etc. i don't think they should make it difficult for people to just to be able to go to class. i understand some of the complaints about that, but to say that they've been violated when we have video of the other side. big violet, that just seems hypocritical to be. am i wrong? yeah, i mean, rick, you know, i'm from los angeles, so i have kind of my ear to the ground on what's happening or what was happening at the you still a campus. and with the you see a lay protesters. i have it from a reliable source that the, the pro is real counter. protestors were hurling bottles of get this hurling bottles of the urine into the account minutes. now i'm not a fan of vandalism that were displayed by the pro guys a protest. correct? well, but relative to the violence that's brought on by these counter demonstrators and hurling biological hazards like throwing bottles of p. and then obviously we're seeing explosive devices of some sort, whether it's fireworks or not. these are things that can actually physically really
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seriously harm people. and that is not being displayed. and on show mainstream media, i want to show you somebody now who i care about and think we should listen to. i've spent much of my life as a reporter covering wars riots traveling all over the world. as one of the things that impressed me the most was when i went to uh, israel cover stories, there is a country i really admired in so many ways where i met a group of holocaust survivors. while i was there in israel, i found them to be the most honest and outspoken about their own country's policies . i remember one of them was a guy mental guy named mr. elijah, is what i, what i called them and we kind of became friends. and he taking me there at the time, at the way his own country was kicking out palestinians from the west bank and replacing them with settlers was wrong, was criticizing his own country's policies. i thought about that just as weekend when i saw this holocaust survivor come out on the news criticizing. you're going
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to listen to him said for himself, he's criticizing the nothing yahoo government for its actions. and guys, as i say this as a holocaust survivor, that the genocide in gaza is not happening in my name and in our name. the way that the is early government is using the memory of the locals in order to justify that doing to the guidance is a complete insult to the memory of the whole of cost is the amount rate. when i sold the is early and best of the, to the united nations putting on a yellow star or stomach to somebody who had to buy that yellow star like myself and my entire family. i'm insulted by that. i am insulted by that. i dropped yeah, i mean, rick, survivors of war tend to always skew toward the advancement of peace. that's the
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bottom line. as these octogenarians, these nano generic ends that's people in their ninety's. as they begin to pass away, they're passing away. i fear their messaging will also die out with them, and we will then be in the do loop, doomed to repeat these same sins of history. i mean, they would just look at the, the, you know, putting on the star of david that was obviously a display like a, a dramatic piece of, of theater that they were doing at the un. come on, rick. i mean, you yeah. heard it from this man. you know, we always are and we, we, i and i've had people in, i'm not trying to besmirch them in any way, but i've always heard people who talk about, well, i had a grandfather who died in the holocaust and that's why i have this way of thinking or i had, you know, somebody in my family who was affected by something where i had, you know, the, you know, every african american, you know, has, can say that there have somebody in the family who was a slave. and,
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and obviously i'm not trying to take anything away from that, but there's a huge difference between somebody who was a holocaust survivor or someone who has had to deal with a hardship and somebody who knows somebody who's had to deal with a hardship. and i just want people to recognize the difference between the stories being told yes, from those who say they know someone and someone who actually lived it themselves, middle of thanks so much, i appreciate talking to you, let's talk going real soon. we will as a matter of fact, but we're out of time on this 1st one. so let's do this. i want to share something with you now, which i think is, is really important because it's someone who has come out and said something that has caused her to receive a lot of punishment. so much. so she's had to leave the country. her story, when we come back, stay right there. the
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look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a trust rather than fit the various job with artificial intelligence real summoning the theme and the robot must protect his phone, existence was on the
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pay. welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. this is a direct impact, so tara reed was an aide who work for joe biden, the 1993. many years later, she accused him publicly of sexual assault story, never gain fraction except perhaps in the political sphere, which she says is because of media bias. since then, she says her e mails her social media accounts of all been hot cancelled. and recently she just decided to leave the country. and she's now residing in moscow. she's been there now for quite some time, and she's good enough to join us from there to talk about her plight. so tara, thanks so much for joining us. a. hi, and it's the irish pronunciation. so tara is the name. thank you. thank you. then you can call me ricardo. ah, so before we go about it, before we get into this conversation,
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i'm just wondering how do you been able to settle in there? what? what's it like for an american who makes the decision one day they're, they're going to start living, living in the, in, in, in another country in russia and allow us well, actually, um, you know, uh recently i, uh, tucker, carlson was here visiting moscow and he interviewed me and that is, has since aired. and i go into quit great detail as we talked about the fact that i had come here on vacation to moscow. and it was overseeing the translation of my book, interaction. and midway through staying here. it became obvious that if i went back to the united states, i was going to be arrested. but for wonder, what was what, what, what, why would you be arrest to? apparently violations of sanctions because i had done an appearance on channel. one is what they were threatening and there was talk about the far act, which is the foreign agent relations act. um, but where did you get the,
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where did you get the information that you were going to be arrested? how, how, how, how do you? i yes, well halfway through the visit, like i said, i had gotten some intelligence. former intelligence people had told me that real whistle blowers and then i talked to my attorneys. my attorneys had the same fear. and then i talked to representative congressman that gates and he told me we had a very frank conversation and he said that he was concerned for my personal safety . back in the states i had been about to testify in june. i was going to walk down on the senate floor and demand. my son at files be opened because joe biden had had them sealed their sealed and the university of delaware. and that's where my complaint against job item that i made at the time. and 1993 is, is still sealed. i had been demanding an investigation into biden, and i wanted to testify for it for them,
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but also about my case. but also on the whistle blower panel, which is known heard about i'm sure i'm talking about the weapon ization of the judge and the f. b. i. um. so what, so the harassment that you were talking about wasn't just coming from random people, the f, b i n t o j did sealed warrants on my twitter account and my e mails and everything and impaneled a grand jury and opened a case, but would not tell me what the case was. am i to this day? it's still sealed. a grand jury was in panel. there's been no indictment as of yet that i know of but, but the assumption was by my attorneys research is that it was against that. so what all of this, why would they have started? why would they do that? right, well, there's a 1000000 people who criticize the united states and there's a 1000000 people who criticized politicians and everybody and criticize the president. and there have been a lot of people who come forward with stories about every president and what they did or did not do. why do you think they specifically would go after you and
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threaten you with arrest to i think i'm not the only person that they're doing this too right now. i think it's a ways of a change that's happening in the last since the 20 twenty's since joe biden has come into office so that he's weaponized the d o j and f b i against political opponents. but specifically about me, i have witnesses and i was pushing for an investigation into joe biden, and he didn't want that to happen. so um, by silencing my story by marginalizing me by making sure that the media smeared me, which you did. um, you know, that happened. so matt, how did the video say, are you, how did the media smear you? that's a, that's a fact well, the new york times that i don't know how the name google my name and you will see the hip uses. i mean, that's all you'll see. yeah, it's a barry, the pieces that were done that were fair and investigative like, you know,
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by ryan graham and by a you know, my interview is i'm making kelly and my interview for a former interviews with tucker carlson as well. as the most recent one shows are hard to find me, but the 1st one that comes up is that political smear peace calling me horrible names. um so, so you know, that's just it they, they don't want me to be taken seriously. and the me to move in his dad that doesn't even exist, it only exists for if they want to target a republican. so you just have a predator class right now that has is controlling the narrative and they're going to do it every means necessary. so is it happened to me? is this happening to others? yeah. is there a way that if i ask you now, because it's so important to be able to deal with these things on a factual basis? if i ask you now, is there a way if tomorrow there were a court proceeding,
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and you could arrive in that court proceeding and all things were equal and fair? do you feel you would be able to make a convincing arg meant that this indeed happened because these things are always so hard to deal with these issues. do you feel that you couldn't make that convincing argument it have you and, and what would and how would you do that? well i think it's more relevant is there needs to be an investigation which there hasn't been, there's been a cover up before you even get to a jude occasion. you know, i have a lot of gray is, you know, rec, and, and before you get to that process, you have to have an investigation. and then what i've been yelling about the whole time is i shouldn't have lost my career. i shouldn't have been threatened. and i shouldn't have been in a position like this in the 1st place. so did you believe the okay, so that, that's a great point. let's start their investigation. did you go to the police and tell them the story and expect them to investigate?
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and they just mentioned and ordered it. i went to the senate and they ignored me. and then um, there is now police report um, it's outside the statute of limitation, but the but i did go straight to the, to the senate. i went to the us senate and went to my supervisor, and i also told witnesses so and then my mother called larry king, which is, you know, everyone's heard about oral, the week document, the talks about it as well. where it's my, is it, what happened to me was referred to in the legal jacqueline, they only, there's a lot of cooperating evidence. so yes, they're definitely the real thing with these issues that always gets difficult. is the political ization of them, right. i mean, and you know that, i mean, you know, if it could be kept out of politics. so if it's, if it's a democrat going after a republican, one can help and think. there they go. again, vice versa, if it's a republican. busy after a democrat and everything becomes they did this because they're democrats on their bad people or they did this because of republic and then they're bad people then,
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then it becomes more difficult. it's like, that's why i mean, when, when you went to the senate, you went to, i imagine you went to the democrats and told them this, right? so i went to my supervisor and told them that there was a problem. and then i had gone to there they had back then this is 93. they didn't have a proper process. so it was like 8 hr, a kind of thing that you went to and because buried, it got sealed and it's still sealed in by those papers. and i was basically removed from an office and from my position, but i knew, you know, what i want to say about this is the joe biden. absolutely, sexually assault to be is still under the definition of rape. and it happened in a core door. it happened and i have never been able to get justice and that was in the 1990 through. and that was in 1993 and then i kept quiet from the media. however, i didn't keep quiet with people around me. so people knew,
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contemporaneously, people had heard about it, you know, and one of the reasons why some of the people that you see in the media say they believe me is because off camera, when they're meister off, they tell me they've heard the rumors about joe biden, they know about it, and in fact, one very prominent announcer, uh, mike wallace is mike wallace is son. yeah. um bruce was to, yes. his son, his wife, was at the vice president out of receiving line, and joe biden was inappropriate with his wife. in fact, he intervened and said, mr vice president, this is my wife and pulled her away. and she was shaken by cuz he had his hands all over her. and so he was like saying to me, i know what you're saying is true. and i've been told this by other people, like it's just the best kept secret in washington. right. or, or the world. i'm not sure. and that's why i think it's important to have these conversations because i think your story shouldn't hurt. and it should be heard by as many people as possible and, and we thank you for sure what i think,
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what's more important. rick is a weapon ization of the f b i n d o j. they've gone after january 6th. they've gone after they were who were group the back to black nationalist the same way they're going after me. donald trump on the same thing, even though of course, he's much more important than i am. right? but, but they're going after regular citizens like myself, and they're going after politicians, anyone who's a political opponent, to these a lead democrats. there's weaponized with this f, b i, d o j. but it's never been done at this level before. and my case is an example of that. i'm just one example. so you put aside for the sexual assault allegation and just look at that alone far. thank you so much for joining us. we really appreciate you sharing your story with us. thank you. take care before we go, i want to remind you of our mission really to try and you know, the side of the world with conversations and looking at things from different perspectives. so many people believe that their trust is only on their side, but the truth is everywhere. it's what we do and it's what we believe in i'm rick sanchez will be looking for you next time. here on direct impact
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the the,
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the russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community best. most all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians per day and split the ortiz vote net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you say from stephen twist, which is the
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interest to move, what does it for i have just signed, decrease to form a new government. i congratulate you. right? that a new day. but moscow because russian president vladimir putin welcomes his newly appointed array of ministers that will take part in leading his got thank you so much. thanks for coming. thank you. the thank you for. thank you. thank you so much . thanks. thanks quest angles where a sample you credit the president given credit where credit is due. banking is western sponsors for the late as 60 plus $1000000000.00 of military support. tasks as his fault is on, the battlefield continues to retrieve the troublemakers among the protesters.


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