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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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so the attempted assassination attempt in broad daylight as the primary drop slip out here, that one of the critical condition he was reportedly shot 5 times to point 5. and the immediate off the mouth all the time. the slow black interior minister says the gunman was, quote, politically motivated. the same time west of media focuses on his friendship with russia because many of these countries feel that they have influenced the water for the last of 70 ideas. the india basically taking his wife at the western world over its constant pressure on the
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country over everything from candidates, planes of political assassinations, to go over an indian port deal with iraq, the and so with the updates still boring and we're continuing operating new cartridge here and oxy international, the story is based the stuff back in 5 minutes that his he had said to be still in a life threatening condition off the big shot robert feet. so it was a hit multiple times as he was leaving the local government meeting a be a taco was obtained at the see, although his motives are not entirely clear. we understand they are politically motivated, but the president elect to a positive acura condemned. the attack is a great trip to the countries democracy as an assassination attempt in the prime minister is a threat to everything that is adorned slovak democracy. so far, if we express different political opinions with guns in the squares and not in polling stations,
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we endangered everything we have built together in 31 years of slovak sovereignty is that photos taken just moments off of the attack is security detail wishing them off to the car communist there was a shot and see was trying to leave. he was lifted it to a hospital for surgery. we have a few more details here with our aussie contributor, speaking was elected prime minister last october, but he certainly wasn't as 1st rodeo having been previously elected twice before. talking about rodeo. he's more like a bucking bronco in the use tranquil garden. if you use a chief diplomat deals, a browse term is populous the nationalist positions have a tendency to rival the western establishment and where to start. there. it's hard to know he's 1st of all against ukraine's integration and to nato has been really vocal about that. and said, the reason why the conflict in ukraine kicked off in the 1st place is because of
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all the violence towards rest, the phones in the dog bass region. he's been particularly vocal about the need for peace rather than continued war and ukraine. but as none the less said that slow back he is military industrial complex can continue to cash in our weapons sales to ukraine. because hey, why not? who's military industrial complex isn't right now. but ever since he's greenlit that the government green with that he's been basically going around complaining about it. so obviously he's trying to keep them happy and office back because hey, it's probably not a very good idea to make enemies with the military industrial complex, probably best to placate done. but he also said this, this locking government would not be sending military aid over to ukraine, just humanitarian aid, to some extent. and he's cited corruption more recently. and he reacted the french president a menu of mac homes of session, of talking about some potential future troop deployment to you for and fee. so say hey, look, i really don't see that happening. and not only that,
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i don't really see ukraine is full vac use problem at all. okay, and i, yeah, we'll walk you his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the e. u, and support everything for peace in ukraine and efforts to start these think associations on ukraine. we finish all the initial step 13 at today's meeting. it became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mr. prime minister of the crate. above all, it is a view of the war in ukraine. i retreated that i did not believe in the military solution to this conflict system asked for my done you in 2014. after the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian present order the use of military force and ukraine? mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagined mexico joined and military organization with russia placed a decisive role. well, would you do this argument, these rational ukraine is not sovereign, and it's entirely under us control, which is close to another. another, any president, i am against the membership of ukraine and nato,
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and i will veto it. it would merely be a basis for world war 3. nothing else. ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country. it is under the total influence and control of the united states. just the other day pizza was railing about the e. u. 2 as an advisor on the tv during the visit over there complaining that the blocks and tolerates are independent thought like is a real problem. and in the wake of this assassination attempt to de condolences were quick to roll in from some a feet goes political allies this as a nation attempt of prime minister robert. because shocking in stunning who would have thought that such a brutal tech could happen in central europe. we hope for his speedy recovery and pray for him. there's a great need for roberts that go into a viking in european politics. shocked by the shooting of my long time colleague, prime minister, robert fitz, so it's about you. i wish in much strength, my thoughts are with him in his family. i was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister robert vid. so we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him and his country. i am shocked by the attempted
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assassination of robert fitz. so a great friend to me and to serve you. dear friend, i pray for you and for your health. you are paying commission president or a sort of underlined defacto queen of europe also denounced the active violence. she also sent her guest spots to the family and to feed so no wishes for a speedy recovery though. guess he's free to take his time during the presidential election in march feats. those opponents were drumming up fear over. citizens voting for a fee to ally peter pelligrini, but well, people voted for him anyway in the presidential election. we'll decide if slovakia truly stays in western club or joins hungry or bela roost. the fear is that pellegrini will act hand in hand with fee goes direction of foreign policy which could have a devastating effect on slovakia here that folks you should probably theory on democracy. well, now some of the features allies are straight up painting this attack on the vibe
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that was created by opposition. politicians like that and also the media rhetoric that went along with it. most of the body. ladies and gentleman wrote that fee, so it was not already the prime minister of the slovak republic, but also all friends on behalf of the political party submit a slight vac social democracy. i want to condemn in the strongest possible terms what happened today in hand. glove, and at the same time express my disgust of what you've been doing here for the last few years. you the liberal media of the political opposition or hatred, your spreading against robot besides, what a gallows you have a rex it full heavily. this anger, this rage and this hatred is the result of your actions today. progressives for means high or positions of liberal media. the reaction of the western prize has been interesting if not totally predictable, qualifying feats. so 1st and foremost, as an ally of russian president, binary pulse and because of course, everything everywhere has to automatically be related back to fruit and,
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and russia. nothing can exist and vacuum all on its own. britons telegraph newspaper also reported on the attack saying, and the headline that feed. so head turns back. yeah. into one of brushes, only allies, kind of like see, look what happens to you when your friends, which is a 180 degree turn, or a bare bach 360. if you're in germany from the usual take, that would be, it's perchance enemies who get this time treatment and now they're saying it's his friends too. so i guess to just really count when i just put out there i was talking to a gun of bad can any p for the alternative to germany potty. and he says the slow back prime minister is known to be a thorn in the side of the e. u. main stream establishment is the use of being a very conspicuous and one of the avenues when absolutely has to explore here, is it politically motivated?
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uh, the tech is being the kind of sold in the flash of the you for quite a while. the very being very few attacks on very high level competitions of late. so it's obvious that mine should look at the characteristics and mates the paper tray to the window king at today's assassination attempt broadening the picture to most of europe. what you find is that there is certainly a preponderance of a tax on nation list or right wing leaders. and remarkably, there was much less willingness on the part of prosecuting also ortiz to act decisively. india taking aim at foreign influences of the nations of foreign minister says some western countries are unwilling to break the colonial habits of autism. i did want to influence us on, such as yes,
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didn't want to influence us because many of these countries feel that they have influenced the water for the last of 70 ideas. and the world order invest in countries like from the, from the influence of one for the last 20300. yes. so are they willing to, you know, how do expect someone who's been in that position to give up those or to happen so easily in just one of the doctor is very strong. goodness, cds, us complains and that's one particular no speech. fos. he sees that india, lucy is very biased coverage in western press. remember earlier this, see all the canadian prime minister refuse to ingo, be enrolled in the murder will be, speaks the purchased leader on continue doing so i have the, the new georgia, india still maintains that no evidence has been provided and has denied all the charges. us all of your,
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remember also to was in del loved to young monitor or now the seek separate to see double bonds, the funnel, a dual citizen of the us and canada. somebody who is a designated data wrist in india, somebody who ultimately threatens india and, and do need to ship very often. but the coverage of that has been by twisted as has been the coverage of the ongoing in general elections has been in the coverage and the reaction from the west on the deal that india has signed with the wrong char behalf bush. now, as soon as the deed was assigned the indian shipping minister and go all the way through non of the country, remember emily sanctioned by west? as soon as the d was launched, the state department of the us held a briefly again in that briefing, we doubts name again. now the went on to say that any country and doing business with the rom, cold fi sanctions now dr. extraction color, basically 10 in the west,
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not to have a narrow mind when it comes to the deals that didn't get done with other countries . i did see some remarks which were me, but i think it's a question of, you know, communicating and, and convincing. and, you know, getting people to understand that this was actually folded everybody's benefit. i don't think people showed a good night all the, all right, then they have not done show in the past. so if you look at, even us is on that to do to java hot into boss to do us has been appreciative of the 5 the job. bob has a logic relevant. so know this particular deal, the job a hard pull to exceed the significance for both india and yvonne. this deal has been signed off to almost 2 decades after multiple lots of meetings, austic executive governments down and going off to difficulties of to troubles.
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finally this d a decade long d has been signed by india and the east ron. it's just a very significant the very important for clean dell for multiple reasons. one, this is the fost international board that in there will be developing that will be operating managing. but also to, it's basically very important once this board starts working, what it's going to do is it's going to open new markets for india, f e central use for example, but it's also window capstone kind of treated with its own box and as russia then it's going to come down creed to say, for example, send aids to a gun. this done, this is a live pictures for you right now. is it just off the 4 o'clock in the morning invasion? and the russian president is touching down to the chinese capital for a 2 day visit. now this will be his 1st state visit since adult as an organization . he is expected to of course me discount about g j. and last year the 2 leaders
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met twice that was a must go in march and another one shortly off was now of course, in the era of his body centric. well, the 2 power houses of the bricks group of nations will be discussing all sorts of bilateral ties. a lot of my food in spoke just recently ahead of his trip and interview with a genuine news agency and they're going to discuss the ukraine, the middle east, of course, israel and ga. so they're going to talk about the building road initiative among a host of other key global issues. again, you're watching live pictures right now. it just off the 4 o'clock in the morning in beijing as the russian president has touched down in his presidential plane. now the lead is all going to be discussing the upcoming bricks summit. it is taking place in the russian city of comes on and will tova. we will have our correspondence though, for this big event, a lot of traffic on line about this potential new bricks, current c, expectations offer some kind of major announcement this year. this current c will
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basically be the end of the us dollar when it comes to trade between the rich countries. we're talking about the brick, the shanghai corporation organization, the i see on the global south. and you know, it wasn't a lot that long ago last year when president g one his re election, he flew almost straight to moscow at a big sit down with his friend vladimir putin and said, witnessing the biggest changes in 100 years. and you and me, we are driving these changes. now of course, washington is not going to be too pleased about this. a little cozy meet and greet between that proved and n g. of course, washington knows a great friends in washington is slowly waking up to the fact that all of it sung sions against the russian federation. more than 15000 of them ultimately turned rusher and china into the best of friends. something perhaps washington was trying to avoid from happening. so it's going to be
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a big visit right here with the russian president, his just touch town life, which is for you by using it yourself. the 4 o'clock in the morning, we've got our correspondence across the region, but we touching base with them in the near future of the the parking lot back to normally federal program here at odds. are you the general of the us special operations? c'mon has set the quiet pod out loud. he specifically noted the presence of british special up forces on the ground in ukraine and his reason interviewed with the associated press. and the article was quickly edited, but the way back machine remembers it will do. united states is taking a lot of lessons learned out of the experience in ukraine, mostly through the eyes of our u. k. special operations partners who not only have done that in their formations,
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but they've also learned very quickly that they needed other elements of their joint force. he told the associated press in the interview. off of the article was edited the official statement regarding britain's presence and ukraine was deleted, as well as the pod which highly upset at washington as learning lessons from its u. k. partners. the in depth article aside, and example, given by the us army official in which the state of the british come on those need assistance to quote, help them understand the ways the ships and the black sea navigate. we had more from john, list them strategically, affairs expert, how many han alma, shrieking, and how the west is trying to keep its ways secret the internet to be shipped from united states as you get that and get escalate the g, the whole scenario bar. and that is what i need to and i keep getting them and you guys have some understand that i'm gonna give david to be dollars, you know, table, but basically part of the wall then for me by the law. and that is very dangerous
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for the piece of the be something was and it can be the it is like, uh, i would say that we do the kind of approval edition for. busy this year i always said that many which many gospel for you to speak america have you a standard very do something for their favor. they would talk about freedom of speech, but then maybe some degree decides them or something to expos, american people, crazy or something to explore, deal to stand on the format and go to your data. the standard of, uh, you know, readable, speech are different and they use the rent, the store, any kind of information. we can expect them that i do on their perception. well, when it comes to spreading misinformation and perhaps slamming narratives, who's winning the of the narrative race? well, that's the how the story over to want to use your mind that you shot happiness. the west says it upholds the values of other freedom and fight in this information up
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until ukraine comes into the picture as suddenly they lose their train of thought for them. this information is when ross saw response to statements that they have made previously themselves. because if it comes out of russia, it surely is untrue. so my go, here we go again. i mean, for adult h, a city. so as before, who started this war? who wants to resolve this on the battlefield? it's russia. it's not the if you do, your opinion is not on the battlefield. who's started this war? it is russia. it has a rough show that wants to finalize to, to finish this on the battlefield. so to ask us for the position of your community . apologies for, for a surface thing to sign up, but simply disregards every thing that we have been saying. since rushes forces and legally invaded ukraine in february of 2022. there shouldn't be,
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no war will do. just quote, the of the current or still for the minister or 4 of the, of the russian regime is just another example of the misrepresentation of the reality is another example of, of his money pollution of the fact something he was doing since the start of the conflict, or even before peter's point is very important. this is blatant this information and we should not solve it quite a lengthy response to his statement by russia's top diplomat. even though he was again stressed to russia's openness to negotiations. just as a push, as if the worst ones 2 fights on the battlefield as they say, fine, the finished president spoken this for got a game the other day. exciting to the source conference is important, but there's a need to defeat russia in the war. we cannot say that is no longer a threat to call wanting this to negotiate is confirmed by the president personally . every time he addresses the crating issue explains a want basis. we will be ready to do is like, on the basis of every unexpectedly realities, that event must. what's interesting is that so gay law problem is not poking out of
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thin air. he has simply repeated what the use foreign policy chief previously mentioned on many occasions. normally there was reading, have been waiting on last week. we have at the same time to be able to put the funding for both the will to change the procedures and to understand that we are. and i don't think we understand in a war situation in 3 months, things will be beside that individual feel. so is this information is a top you official, has been call on record, cause the amount of time saying the exact same thing, but wait, burrell is not alone. when you mediate peace, it begins with dialogue. and after the dialogue, you start setting parameters. but i think the cold truth in this particular case is
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that the only way we can achieve peace is through the battlefield. today to have peace and ukraine, we must not be weak. and so we must look at the situation lucidly and we must with determination, will encourage, say, that we are ready to reach the means to achieve our objective, which is that russia does not win. so this, the whole idea of the west fighting russia on the battle field is not a random concept for administer love. rob came up with the guest. sliding continues though, because unfortunately it seems to be their favorite sport, u. k as prime minister is now putting all the blame on moscow for the energy crisis . pollutants. recklessness has taken us closer to a dangerous nuclear escalation than at any point since the cuban missile crisis. russia has poisoned people with chemical weapons and when food didn't cut off the gas supplies, they had a devastating impact on people's life and threatened our energy security. did he just conveniently overlook the poor and it will of western sanctions in all of this
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. so we remind ourselves of when ross of gas from salt, the assistance of germany, siemens to repair the turbines, along the north stream, one pipeline only to be stopped by western sanctions. fast forward europe, not only maintain those sanctions, but also escalated the situation by prohibiting russia coal imports and more recently, brussels bramlet, a ban on russian liquefied natural gas. time and time again, they were the ones to introduce sanction. after sanction, we must cut rushes revenues, which fortune use us to finance is a choice. it's lauren ukraine, and now i'll work of the last month really pays off. because at the beginning of the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent on the shape of it,
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which i've already said, i know yes. the rest of the data obtained significant revenue some 2020 testing because prizes skyrocketed and we're still dependent on russian gas and oil. there is no longer the case to run this. one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost 0 russian gas and oil revenues are down 46 percent on last january, not in prison. i know, i know that i'm a russian gas will have cost for you or but it's not only the right thing to do for moral standpoint. is going to put us on a much stronger strategic footage. and there are many more examples of their hypocrisy. and this information, it seems that they usually mean the opposite of what they verbally promise all of these blame games. the west is playing with russia are simply not going to withstand the tests of time leading to the dangers of a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any time. the,
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the 2nd day of the russia islamic world form wrapping up in cars on the event correspondent had a chance to speak with a number of attendees that one of the me, the director of the malaysian hello management division. have a listen to what they have to say. when the products listed the follow requirements of you can make sure the product is very clean. appeal to the safety and healthy for things. and the monthly is very important for our full of human and for, for human beings. and we cannot be everything lisa is by know, in hello, stand us and shuffle us then the using around the low right now. and i hope we can discuss it, but i certainly did some alicia. and last year and cousins specifically, you can have a month in cars on and brush you to get a hollow boots, who's very fine, very foggy. follows and i've always these relations we
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can do for the export our product formulation. so got you because i shouldn't have to be much and uh, uh, we know, in russia you have lots of ingredients. we, so we need to use the ingredients, especially a follow the ingredients and i think the english, more people into other countries. i think this is a bit of what you need to do was to get your ingredients to export like me and other ingredients show us some live pictures of the russian president has touched down in the chinese capital for as a 2 day visit. have on a friday you can see the sun is rising and the hop off for in the morning. food is just touched down to the aging apple there. and i'm already seeing other crowds arriving to look at this up police and the motorcycle security for great. here as well the of some of the funds because to, to a school the russian president,
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our office presidential sign is going to be a big 2 day visit for all of those and involve the russian and the chinese delegation. i mean, so many things to talk about, but also a lot of places to see the 2nd leg of food ends. but it is gonna take him to the ne, in chinese city of heart of it. and it's the administrative center of the province, which actually shows photos with 5 russian regions. and the vitamin person will be lying re, so the monuments associates soldiers and the take part in an opening ceremony of the 8th russian chinese expo. that food is also cited to visit a hobbin polytechnic university. we also expect him to speak to students that i need when you think about the friendship between russia in china, but also what is now one of the biggest economic relationships in the world. you know, at this point in time today, 95 percent of the old trade between rupture and china is conducted in
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national power. and seeds for us dollar has been officially takes to the car when it comes to international trade between russia and china. and you know, they're going to be talking about all sorts of things the built in the road initiative, the contemporary, so road or the architect trade route. i wouldn't surprise you through here, but that when it comes to ship building in the world, 60 percent of all the new ships in the world of being built in china and chinese shipyard, new building orders is up 183 percent and 5 months what does that mean? why am i telling you this? i'm telling you this because china is right now gearing up to be the leader in charge of mass trade and mast transport for around the world. united states is not even building fluid as light as people. the only boats being
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built in america, a military vessels being times 60 percent of all the new ships in the world are being built by china because it is already becoming the world's leader. when it comes to trade on transport, this is going to be a very important 2 days for the russian president and his chinese count of us. we have our correspondents across the region right now. it's just turning 4 30 in the morning a but in beijing with the sun rising, we will keep you hopefully up to date on this developing story here and awesome international the and here comes the russian president right now he's just come down to says, oh, yeah, for one equivalent here in the russian federation, i know already meeting and greeting those in attendance, it's always smiling face and spend the russian and chinese allegations get together
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. there's always a bit of, so you know, puffing pomp and circumstance, there's always going to be some fine dining champagne as well. but there are going to be, as we understand, of boss, number of documents that have already been prepared to be signed between the delegations on the economic front on the trade frontal on agriculture and of course on energy. because as we know, china is the factory of the world. but as we also know, it's cheap russian energy that is fueling the factory of the well, you cannot put any more emphasis on the importance of the relationship between the russian federation and china life, which is right here badging international airport. i just the full so he won in the more the .


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