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tv   News  RT  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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was this, we went to the the attempted assassination in broad daylight. the prime minister of both out here is in critical condition off to being shown 5 times point blank countries defense minister say it was a political assault. it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well and i can't cope with that internally. in the immediate off the bottom of the attack, as far back into terry administer says the government was quoted politically motivated. the same time, the west of media remains fixated on feats. those friendship with russia, outside of my food and touching down in china. will that be covering the ones that
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head for the russian president on his post trip abroad since it's really the right, the breaking news continues here at austin international. is that much of your reels in shock up in today's shooting attack? because the slovak prime minister is said to be in a life threatening condition off the he was gun down robot feet. so was shot multiple times as he was leaving a local government meeting it tucker was arrested on seeing the country's defense. but as i was saying, the assassination attempt was politically motive was a, it is beyond any doubt that it was a political assault with a political background. you all know that very well, and i can't cope with that internally or the attack on a robot feed. so it was the 1st assassination attempt on a you leader in the last 22 years, the president who liked office that actually a condemned it as a grave threat to the countries democracy. an assassination attempt in the prime
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minister is a threat to everything that is adorned slovak democracy. so far. if we expressed different political opinions with guns in the squares and not in poland stations, we endangered everything. we have built together in 31 years of slovak sovereignty . we heard from the law and order, a member of the european parliament enforced the vacuum, the highlights what the motives might have been with us. i wouldn't blame society for this effect. i think that most i'll select citizens are where the peaceful people who don't agree of course are with this effect. i think perhaps the ones who are to blame for this i thought, are full additions and perhaps journalists who fuels of the hate amongst them and people and then less stable people simply explode, dig around, and they start shooting at the politicians. so this is probably domain, the reason of course, this association at them to wheel has a sort of strong political consequences on select politics because this has never
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happened before. and this is where a critical situation. i think that one of the biggest outcomes of will, which we will have to change is to hate speech being sprayed by may seem pro western media against only think of openness because these hate speech from the media is the source of the fashion political things on in select society and we see the result, we see the result, we see the shooting on the streets on public representatives. and this kind of these acceptance anymore. or we don't know exactly about the reasons which were behind it and thought they were obviously political reasons. and it is very possible that one of the reasons was also this recording team. i totally amongst look, citizens and i'm on an excellent a communications. please don't worry, come on to call for peace to call for cancelling on production st. john's. also our party suppose decent road and also we go for counseling other hand sanctions. and
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we see that our political opponents are willing to take their fight against these opening, the very extreme actions. and because i cited before this has to stop because if they start to shooting or to even killing people because of political opinions, because of quoting for peace or calling for canceling sanctions of each artist throwing our industry this so very unfortunate situation the which has to be some of the it's actually the 4 digit taken just 5 minutes off of the attack. the prime minister was shot and see was basically trying to leave lighter lifted for surgery in the hospital. it's got some country now with all the contributor rachel boston. the people was elected prime minister last october, but he certainly wasn't that his 1st rodeo having been previously elected twice before talking about rodeo. he's more like a bucking bronco in the use tranquil garden. if you use
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a chief diplomat deals a browse term, his populace the nationalist positions, have a tendency to rival the western establishment and where to start there. it's hard to know he's 1st of all, against ukraine's integration and to nato. he's been really vocal about that and said, the reason why the conflict in ukraine kicked off in the 1st place is because of all the violence towards rest, the phones in the don bass region. he's been particularly vocal about the need for peace rather than continued war and ukraine. but as none the less said that slovak he is military industrial complex can continue to cash in our weapons sales to ukraine. because hey, why not? who's military industrial complex isn't right now? but ever since he's greenlit that the government greenwood that he's been basically going around complaining about it. so obviously he's trying to keep them happy and off his back. because hey, it's probably not a very good idea to make enemies with the military industrial complex probably best to placate on. but he also said this,
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this will rocketing governor would not be sending military aid over to ukraine, just humanitarian aid to some extent. and he's cited corruption more recently. he reacted to french president a menu, and that comes up session of talking about some potential future troop deployment to ukraine feed. so said hey, look, i really don't see that happening. and not only that, i don't really see ukraine is back use problem at all. okay, and i, it's, we'll walk you his other and bigger problems than ukraine. we don't agree with the army in ukraine. this will do everything also as a part of the issue and support efforts for peace in ukraine and efforts to start peace negotiations on ukraine. the initial step 13 at today's meeting became clear that i have different opinions on some topics with mister prime minister of ukraine . above all, it is a view of the war and ukraine. i retreated that i did not believe you in the military solution to this conflict system asked for my done you in 2014. after the my done ukraine became entirely controlled by the us. why did the russian present order the use of military force and ukraine?
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mentioned mexico next to you with his defense ministry, an entire political scene, including the present and government under full russian control. now imagined mexico joined in military organization with russia. police, a decisive role. what would you do this argument, these rational ukraine is not sovereign, and it's entirely under us control, discuss, residents. i am against the membership of ukraine in nato, and i will veto it. it would merely be a basis for world war 3. nothing else. ukraine is not an independent and sovereign country, it is under the total influence and control of the united states. just the other day pizza was railing about the u. 2 as or by johnny tv during the visit over there complaining that the blocks and tolerates of independence thought like is a real problem. and in the wake of this assassination attempt to de condolences were quick to roll in from some of fee goes political allies. this as a nation attempting prime minister rubbers because shocking and stunning who would have thought that such a brutal tech would happen in central europe. we hope for his speed of recovery and pray for him. there's great need for roberts to go instill of i can in european
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politics. shocked by the shooting of my long time. colleague prime minister, robert fitz, so as the block. yeah. i wish him much strength. my thoughts are with him in his family. i was deeply shocked. by the heinous attack against my friend prime minister robert vid. so we pray for his health and quick recovery. god bless him in his country. i am shocked by the attempted assassination of robert fitz. so a great friend to me and to serve you. dear friend, i pray for you and for your health. the commission prizes and ursula vander lined, defacto queen of europe also denounced the active violence. she also sent her guest spots to the family and to be so no wishes for a speedy recovery. though guess he's free to take his time during the presidential election in march feet. those opponents were drumming up fear over citizens voting for a seat. so ally peter pelligrini, but well people voted for him anyway in the presidential election. we'll decide if
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slovakia truly stays in western club or joins hungry or bela roost. the fear is that pelligrini will act hand in hand with fee goes direction of foreign policy, which could have a devastating effect on slovakia. here that folks you should probably theory on democracy. well now some of the features allies are straight up painting this attack on the 5 that was created by opposition. politicians like that and also the media rhetoric that went along with it. most of the bonnie ladies and gentlemen role that fee so is not only the prime minister of the slovak republic, but also offering on behalf of the political party submit a slight vac social democracy. i want to condemn in the strongest possible times. what happened today in hand gloves, and at the same time express my deep discussed of what you've been doing here for the last few years. you the liberal media of the political opposition or hatred, you're spreading against robot. besides, what a gallows. you have
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a rex. it for heavily this anger this rage and this hatred is the result of your actions today. progressive for me, ty, opposition to the liberal media, keeping you just the reaction of the western process has been interesting if not totally predictable, qualifying feats. so 1st and foremost, as an ally of russian president, binary pulse and because of course, everything everywhere has to automatically be related back to pretend and russia. nothing can exist. vacuum all on its own. britons telegraph newspaper also reported on the attack saying and the headline that feed. so had turns on vac. yeah. into one of brushes, only allies, kind of like see, look what happens to you when your friends, which is a 180 degree turn, or a bare bach free. 60. if you're in germany from the usual take, that would be it's punch in the enemies who get this type of treatment and now they're saying it's his friends too. so i guess just really cameron. i think that speaking with a full month, new jersey, superior court judge and
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a host of the port costs of judging freedom. and during the point a ton of now he says robot feet. so it was a patriot who puts his nation's interests fast. i am surprised at what happened. i am surprised that a lot of people are not surprised. i thought that the euro of assassinations was over and maybe this is what we in america call a one off. you know, just one's one isolated outlier event by a crazy person. not something a orchestrated by a group, not the beginning of another series of, of assassinations. from my perspective. mister feet. so is, and was a great man who stood up to the west and i hope that he recovers and can still do so. but i shouldn't have to do so at the risk of his life. i know he was well protected. i don't know who the fellow was that shot him or how he got close enough to do what i guess we'll find that out shortly with the passage of time. people
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like think so should not fear to speak the truth and one year handed the reins of government power. you should not fear to do the right thing. in this case. the thing you believe that you were elected to do merely because that runs against the green of the prevailing authorities in the west. but unfortunately, that's the wherever we live in right now. but again, i have to say, i hope that this is just a one off and not the beginning of some series of, of catastrophic horrific events. violence of the, the multi po, the world right before our eyes. russia is leading states. when right? the truck came down the stairs, all 3 talks down in china or about 45 minutes ago. it is, but still i'd also like to make proteins to day trip and this 1st trip abroad since last week and organization. plenty on the agenda from a building bricks, the new silk road ukraine add more correspondence in the region. explain the
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one thing that you can see when you arrive in virginia is opportunity. it seems that big money's around of recording here and this year as well. my visit here is no exception, so a lot of my food. indeed, that is his 1st visit since his 5th annual gratian as leader of russia. and of course, he is said to meet with shooting, paying on the what quite interesting the vladimir put it will be joined by 2, both a full my car into ministers of defense of russia. the surgery show who and, and right below. so respectively is it's uh, also other ministers, it's diplomats, it's businessman and it's advisors and they are not traveling empty handed. they do have a 6 stack of documents ready to be signed, then many of them are probably of commercial in nature. so what it basically translates is big money and big business deals are about to be signed here. and of course we will have to see which ones. exactly. but of course,
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the relationship between russia and china, what both countries that have been trying to do for years now, they want to show an alternative to basically a western based of mine, of doing things. 90 percent of all transactions between multiple and paging are done in the local currencies in rouble and you on. if you look at the letter and put them on the lab reports personal relation, relationship with the west. i mean, remember he, there is a warrant on his arrest issued by the international criminal court by him visiting china. and of course, by shooting ping, the chinese leader giving him a very warm welcome. he. yeah, it kind of, it is all about diplomatic signal. a good conduct shows it is very of a very in your face gesture towards western nations who have been trying to isolate russia and china is just showing, well, look at this, you don't get, you'll say here, and you won't get it your way. so of course it is very symbolic,
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it is very simple, can on both sides, both on the russian side with the russian president picking no other nation in the world, but china, to visit and changing things as the 1st 4 lead he's about to see in person off to his no duration, but also on behalf of china. again show with the rest of the world. well, the chinese going to pursue its own independence politics and it will conduct business as it sees fit here inside of it, which has all the locals will tell you, is a city of 10 medium that was originally found the just over a 100 years ago, by russian construction workers, what building a railway to is those surprised that they chose these safety is the 2nd venue full full like to be approved in strip because it also borders 5 russian regions of the far east. and there is a rich program here for glad to be able to heal open a russian chinese. expose a forum on regional cooperation,
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the full forum and regional cooperation the far east. you'll also visit the university where you'll have a conversation, a bit of a you a tool to chinese students, perhaps even take questions. this is like that because the visits the boss, he is his 1st visit. since he is a little victory. and there's no gratian again, this is something with being repeat, exists for, for several years now. relations between bosher and china, our to historic high eighties. there's honestly a difficult to over estimate was over state. how far relations have come. they seem like many other countries, once the ukrainian crisis to be finished with google, it wants peace, it has put forward, but it was realistic piece plans that have been put forward like the west approach
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way, but you can't get everything at once. russia gets nothing and gets humiliated to boot beijing's pigs peace. cloud is much more based than real politics and that is located but bunch of bunch looking about what you came on and trying to come to touch drug defied coleman, got compromised to establish a sci fi. and the long lasting piece vladimir people had said repeatedly, and he is once again reiterated that the chinese piece blind could well be the foundation on which negotiations with you can put take place beijing propose as practicable and constructive steps to achieve peace by refraining from pursuing vested interests and constant escalation of tensions minimizing the negative impact of the conflict on the global economy and the stability of global value change. the steps build on the idea that we need to forego with the cold war mentality.
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unfortunately, neither ukraine nor it's west and patrons support these initiatives. they are not ready to engage in an equal honest, an open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other's interests. they are reluctant to discuss the underlying causes, the very origins of the global crisis. instead, western the leads are stubbornly working to punish russia to isolate than we can it supplying the key of authorities with money and arms. they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets. they are turning a blind eye to the resurgence of nazis and, and to ukraine, sponsor terrorist attacks. you know, territory when it comes to sight of russian relations. you can at the end of the day, ease a minor footnote, they all based on, well that may approve the squads is a trust. and. 1 open dialogue, but there's of course much more a to it than that to year to date. russian chinese trade has grown by almost
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25 percent straight. is it about the close of it's really in dollars so very shortly. much further to go in motion. try these relations and black me a piece of the highlights, a look at the west economic predicament. look at the how they are stumbling quite naturally. d d, d d. like last the group. now look at the way the russia and china a development. and he says, the p, the russians pivots towards the east towards asia, has been proven to be historically the right decision in the taking a but foreign influence as the nation's foreign minister says, some southern western countries seem unwilling to break the colonial habits. have a listen for us. dave wants to influence us on, such as yes, didn't want insights us because many of these countries feel that they have
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influenced the water for the last of 70 at diaz and the world order in western countries. actually from the influence of one for the last 20300. yes. so are they willing to, you know, how do expect someone who's been in that position to give up those old habits? so using, in just pulling up this, the doctor is very strong. goodness, cds, us complains and that's one particular now speech fos, he said that india, lucy is very biased coverage in west and breast. remember earlier the see all the canadian prime minister refuse to ingo be enrolled into motor will be speaks the purchased leader on continue doing so i heard the signature, india still maintains the new evidence has been provided and has denied all the charges. us of you all remember also he was in del loved to young motor one now to seek separate, to see double bonds, the funnel, a dual citizen of the us and canada. somebody who is
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a designated data risk in india. somebody who ultimately threatens india and, and do need a shift very often. but the coverage of that has been by twisted as has been the coverage of the ongoing in general elections has been in the coverage and the reaction from the west on the the deal that they have signed with the wrong child behind bush. now as soon as the deed was shot, assigned the indian shipping minnesota, and go all the way through non of countries. remember, emily sanctioned by west? as soon as the d was launched, the state department of the us held a briefly, again in that briefing with doubts name again. now the went on to say that any country and doing business with the wrong code fees, sanctions now dr. extraction color, basically 10 in the west, not to have a novel mind when it comes to the deals that didn't get done with other countries. i did see some remarks which were me, but i think it's a question of, you know,
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communicating and, and convincing. and, you know, getting people to understand that this was actually folded everybody's benefit. i don't think people should a good night. all the, all right, then they have not done show in the past. so if you look at, even us is on that to do a good job of how the boss to do us has been appreciative of the 5 the job. bob has a logic relevant so know the deal, the job, a hard pull. she's extremely significant for both india and yvonne. this deal has been signed off to almost 2 decades after multiple by dr. meetings, austic, executive governments, government going after difficulties after troubles. finally this d a decade long d has been signed by india and the east rhonda. this is a very significant,
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the very important books we can do for multiple reasons. one, this is the fost international board that in there will be developing that will be operating, managing, but also to it strategically. very important, once this board starts working, what is going to do is it's going to open a new markets for india, f e central use for example, but it's also window capstone kind of treated with its own box. and as russia then is going to come down creed to say, for example, send age too, god honest on this of this board and the boss 2 boxes onto it. strategically. you bought the boarding guy's going to be heavily investing in a the company operating this for to will be spending around 1200000 to one of those on the board itself. it goes around to $15000000.00 around the board to build the infrastructure. so what's the sport for india, and no matter how many trips wins domino's we, if i send you a already for you to,
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to them to come india, we continue with steve. he's a run around and you have signed a deal concerning the trouble report of any uh, entity, anyone concerned business uh, deals with their on they need to be aware of the potential risk that they're opening themselves up to and the potential risk of sanctions, insurance being and i don't need any point out to yours why the list is continues, people can, you know, continue see, criticizing in there for the decisions it makes for its country for its people to all the have the west, all the guys to be off to india, india foster drawing you're going to be in the world that does the cold, but confusing a relationship with the west. it's fine to say to the us, one way for india, eric garcia. he has been speaking to the local press. here. i've been singing praises about in there, and i think our relationship with some very good to great last year when you look
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at the historic number of visas that we put out, it's too strong. it's too vibrant. i often say if you want to see the future come to india, if you want to feel the future come to india and if you want to work on the future, come to india. and i have the great privilege of being able to do that. now no matter how. 2 reasons we've gone in deals we no matter how much the west we're trying to criticize india. what of the end of the match is this? the india will not get influenced by what the west saves in the highlands of funds and foreign policy. and india will do what was best for in the prime minister. for example, during the war the during the election speech is i've been sitting, i've been telling people that they'll fill us in a bottle of in the wall that are trying to influence the ongoing indian elections. but in yes, small items. so as the engine war time, and so i bring it back to moscow here on the program where it's not so much i do as
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they do. hundreds of couples getting hitched over the coming days as part of a wedding festival in the russian capital has hotties ran across the river. now explain the . this is a very old original way to get married, which is exactly what these a couples are doing. well, actually walking down the aisle and water in the aisle, it is. they are surrounded by strangers who also decided to choose the historic and beautiful part to have their wedding ceremony. let's check it out. the around $400.00 couples are expected to tied in knots by the end of the festival, which also offers lectures, master classes, concerts, the actual performances as showcase of different why didn't victuals and wedding
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dishes, you name it all calm and eating and the wedding flash small smile, it's really cool here. i didn't even expect in the dump like this to take place here with this such a huge box. i'm so happy. so all the couples are where in traditional garments from their region, because this is after all, a wedding festival parts of the russia regions exhibition, which celebrates the diversity of the biggest country in the world. and now we're approaching the big moments to say, i do the things that we get out here at the russia exhibition. we have a big family celebration in the center of most go 151 couples singleton. yes,
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we have registered that marriage. that means $151.00 new families have a pay it. we have an open to those who registered that the brochure expos will never get divorced. so we wish she made happy family holiday to ask for you. what is the perfect addition to the russian regions exhibition which has been so popular among locals and tourists. visitors can now get acquainted with not only the various exotic landscapes from different parts of the country, but also get to see what the brides and grooms look like. what they wear and for they eat as well as the how they celebrate. so all that's left to do is say good, good. which means better and russian and problems couples to kits and other wedding tradition here, which some find strange spots. it's supposed to make the 1st drink sweeter marina
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costs, whereby archie must go. the 2nd day of the russia is law. make world for many cars on has wrapped up. at the event correspond that had a chance to speak with a ron's adviser. that's a russia. it took about a western sanctions, for example, in how countries can form strong partnership submit difficult time, a law tom, my deputy beecham. i'm not so long ago. iran was the most sanctioned country, but now i have to admit the russian over took that title. however, i believe that the sanctions have primarily become opportunities. they did some damage to iran at 1st, but eventually they let us to the renewal of our own potential, not without the help from our own allies like russia. we are now planning to create an anti sanction coalition. around 25 countries in the world are under tangible sanctions. now, even though the scale differs, the idea of an anti sanction club has a lot of prospects as section countries must learn from each other,
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like iran and russia do. another thing is the new page and the history of our countries. that way we should strengthen our economic ties even further. utilize the potential of such organizations as the shanghai cooperation organization, the raising economic union and brooks of course. thank god, rest of the chairs, bricks this year. when iran has just joined, we all must work out a unified currency and walk away from the dollar addiction. i'm not saying it is possible to do that fast, but we must have a plan. sanctions by their nature are in humane as they target the civilian population and it's vulnerable segments. the hardest. the message that the western world should receive is that their leads are making decisions that not only tarnish the reputation, but also damage civilians and other countries disclose against any morals. and it violates human rights. when the covet pandemic struck, we eventually solve the crisis, but at 1st the west did not let us use our own resources.


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