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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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stretching time, but again, it's not, we don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the lock. it disagrees with. the government doesn't agree with stuff in the systems to create it. it's breaking news . so, analysing international as motives are revealed about who's gone down. the slope, like prime minister, was angry at the government's policies, including the stoppage, opened west the supplies to ukraine. that's according to the nations ontario, minnesota. beijing, rolling out the red carpet for vladimir putin state visit every semester with a variable in wealth demand kind words from his chinese count a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that he will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. this prescription of life infinity has led is about to engage in the,
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in this genocide which shots the conscience of humanity and south africa, which is the international court of justice to take action to preserve the rights of public opinion. as israel continues at the bombing campaign of cross guns, the size make shifts on today's tube. political chessboard. we've got your newest covered life for most. so we start with breaking news, us our here on, on to you, the very latest on the assassination attempt on the back of the slow back, 5 minutes to the press conference. earlier the interior minister said the gunman had been, i'm good at government policies, including the stop age of um, supplies to ukraine. i should i still on the impulse, but at each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends night,
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but they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine to sort of these based off of the statements from a show. officials, we understand that there is a nation wide and bar go on informations related to the attacks. the officials of course did hence at some possibility, such as the motives of the attack, suggesting that they could have been political or otherwise, without going into too much detail as these statements is essentially considered. the general approach of the media. it's also taken into consideration the political divide within the country or so many, many reports within the country claimant. there's also been a great deal of opposition with respect to how the local media has been treating the attack. there are more reports that are emerging with respect to the assailants and his motives for the attack. we understand that. over the course of the last few years, he has had a drastic change and i the on the j. what was once designated,
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a pro russian stance in 2016 and quickly turned into a pro ukrainian or pro western position in 2022. and since then, many people within his close circle has essentially come out to say that's of the arguments that they've been having has increased. that's become a little bit more violent than some, uh for, for lack of a better word. so this media, so social circle has also realized that there's been a change in his attitude, which essentially highlights a number of differences as social media posts over the course of the last few months or years is also answer to that as well. is positioned on ukraine is position within the country of to walk you in and of itself, the government's policies all in one form or another type into the assassination attempt. what kind of slow they brought, such as this? he's simply an aggressive who committed an attack very well. the times when comrades kicked out on his communist from the party. there were times when i threw stones at the russian tanks because they came to the greatest duplex face when the
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young most co, this little bit prime minister has a good reputation and brought and we'll just say directed at the hodge call of the . unfortunately, however, interesting days is government has to be labeled as a mafia state. is that association with the mafia is very responsible for another matter we need to consider is of course the lock is position within this geography . it's a member of the european union. as a member of nato, and we understand that role that fits those policies or it's government has been quite vocal in putting a stop in an end to warm supplies and age 2 payments also take into consideration. it's an opposition to ukraine, joining nato. so there's a crate to a great and list of essential policies that could have led to the attack, or at least given reason to some sort of some form of motive. but what we also understand is, of course, of the countries position over the course of the last couple decades is the slovakian parameters. so it has had some position within the government. she has been in politics since 1992. and since and up until this point has policies haven't
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changed much, and he has been elected into office time and time again, essentially highlighting the will of the people in and one and one form. and this is also a matter of great concern because the officials did provide a statement supporting that as well as the will of the people that it shows that i gave you the biggest tragedy. the pos time was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented himself, presented his opinions as passive, has to become an extremist take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last month's was so i is the back you. this was no coincidence. problem, pizza is nothing you put edition. he's been in politics since 1992. that's 32 years on if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media and then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism still won the elections,
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then it breaks the question, how can we criticize him if he still wants to vote on somebody floating close to one more matter of great concern, just based on the statement that was provided by some auction officials highlights the importance of ensuring that the country does not essentially boil into chaos so that the prospect of a civil war should be the last thing people should be considering and taking into consideration the government tends to walk in. leadership is trying to seek some form of a solver in foreign policy and an identity for itself, something that is independent from that of the european union or the nato alliance . and this has been a matter of great concern within the country, but also across the greater european block. and this is one of the many reasons that is believed to be the motivation behind these statements attack. an assassination attempt against the slovak in prime minister has been applied to my food and has just landed this past hour on the next leg of his trip to the chinese city of hobbin. earlier hailing the strategic partnership. but in my food and was
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given a very well wilson from his chinese counterpart, the start of the 2 days state visit of china. we are covering every step of the way, right here on the, at the start of the visit have food in met g uh right outside the grand total of the people that that's in the heart of beijing have on the you can hear the music has the tuesday,
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that's what reading each of the national anthems of their respective countries. right now, it's not an approved united changing thing. praise the enduring relations between russia. i am very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address . on the occasion when i was re elected as the russian president, thank you very much for your invitation. in march last year, immediately after you were elected head of the people's republic of china. you also visited moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our countries. this is a true sign of the importance that must go in badging later on. consistent development of bilateral ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic co operation, sending the dear president food in my great friend. i welcome you to china on a state visit a couple of days ago. you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people,
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i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national development. over the past 3 quarters of a century, china and russia is relations have been forged under difficult conditions. they have withstood tests under changing international situations and they've become a standard for relations between major states to the hague. now, with the international court of justice is hearing arguments regarding the rising to meditate and crisis across gaza resounding fee and method. israel has disregarded palestinian human rights. that type of eve is openly ignoring the previous order. so the international court. so definitely guys, travel is here today to do what it's going to attempt to stop the ongoing general side. the try beauty of the tips, but acquiring urgent and speedy proceedings to present the lives of the student and people is right, assuming that the breaches,
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the binding resolutions of the united nations security council and honest with the leading from the lack of content managers by the international community that it is exempt from having to respect international know this institutionalized community has let, is allowed to engage in this genocide which has shopped the conscience of humanity . 7 months ago, south africa with north heavy imagines that would now be mostly wiped off the walls . so the officer did. it's annoying, as well as the present to the argument today and is all i'm will deliver it's response tomorrow. but also that's opening statements of from, for tourism back to the, to the middle is the voice him was the my guns, a lot of the representatives, the force of africa took the floor and it was the professor, john, do god, who made it clear that to over the course of the month, the follow to the eyes. today's reading is what has nots abided by the board and
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has continued to commit genocide of games to police scene and people in the gaza strip. and he says that even as the court found that put a scene is have a principal rights to be protected from acts of genocide. it's due for the states of back to the action in the the final blow to put the see me is that's a move on that is actions are in violation of fundamental rules a few minutes here. but in addition, they provide the evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles to a, b, c, and d, of the genocide conveys as the president, members of the quote this attack, it is the final blow that he's intended to destroy the palestinian group in gauze. what is also very important from these arguments was the rights to self defense. as you would know, that is law and his allies have insisted that
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a bomb being so justified because it has the right to self defense and a substance wise that can be no doubt that to the attack on the 7th of october did constitute an attack. and turns off the soldier required by the law as well. how is the icy j and his opinions denied is all the rights of self defense. that is such a tax for many reasons and one can stop at one that watch is the right to self defense. and that's just justified, as well as killing of almost $40000.00 per diem is. so that's because representative do nothing. so have a listen to this. the rights of self defense does not give a stage a license to use unlimited filings set good. nothing, not self defense. so anything else can ever justify genocide, the prohibition on genocide is an absolute. so the court road in
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2004, there is no rights of self defense by an occupying state, the case, the territory, the depot pike's. the 2nd last presentation focusing on so that because occupants that these walking tends to eradicate for the seniors and guys of what's from advocate to me based on what i told before, i'll do that for the scene is i need less words as if i'm denunciations of these walls conduct what the immediate action and solutions move i taught beside to speeches and statements from both for the existence and military officials. all doing that, those insights of genocide and previously you would know that. so that's good to all you. that's such statements of breach of the genocide convincing is moved from here. this is the minnesota finance develop. smotts is a member of the scituate, the cabinet has a subset in terms that i know half of those are off the bottom are by law no sort of full time on the nation. it goes on to say we are negotiating
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with the ones that should not have existed for a long time in an interview abroad costs the one who's the to the vision on city may 20 to the default device of the international of the liquid party, the part to to, to which is the prime minister, belongs states that i think we need to engage with alpha yesterday to go in and to get to the the know i'm involved. we need to go in and kill and kill and kill neither of them. know any of the other is, are in a few 1000 civilians insights into juvenile side against the policy. you know, stuff in profit, you to a much less honest in i'm not so. so that's for, to argue that miss a total lack of accountability and a complete international failure to protect the police. the news people from the
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crimes that have been committed by is off these law has in fact committed more violations in some instances than it did in the time leading up to the prior portion of the war in the gaza. has certainly taking center stage of the global religious congress underway in iran, in health and the spiritual capital of the nation must have. that's where i use a giovanni now reports a senior village is connor's from different religions and different parts of the world have gathered annual and spiritual capital. mashhad, under the auspices over was us converts the custodian of the final b h u i mom raised their mission to 45 gigs or face ties and engage in dialogues. i'm pressing regional matters. central to their discussions is the shared value of justice across various face, which they believe is a remedy for many global crises, including the ongoing, these radio offensive and gaza. why we chose this, this is the question, a very good question. particularly after the case of the 2500
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women and children and martin and actually so today even in the west, people are really looking to do it justice. so we had the 100 papers coming from 35 countries from europe, from latin america, from africa. we have news here from the netherlands, from a spring, from review the united states. so i think this diversity is really important that some of them are not devin mullins because the, the, the, the have the concern of just the participant say, because of the conflict plan, sends religious boundaries and is not limited to the most the world. they say, view unfolding humanitarian tragedy. the enclave is the universal calamity that surpasses any religious doctrines. tolerance the concept. everybody knows as soon as it
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should be coverage to just say no, it's so easy to say no to the united states just of this conflicts. because switching guns are now spending over 7 months in claiming the lives of more than $35000.00 palestinians as intensified with these really force is advancing it to rough on the gas is last haven for approximately 300000 civilians. of the over 1000000000 seeking refuge, their habits, vacuumed it, following israel's orders. speaking of the gathering, give him a shot. it won't even president abraham, raise the war. but if these atrocities persist and would mark the end of as well, john is law underneath the muslim world, but the entire world has come to realize. the sign is regime is a tensor as q map this to man must be eradicated. for the sake of not any the region for the whole world to achieve peace and security today,
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this reality has been acknowledged world wide. what's even more tragic than us support for the scheme describe what was going to get to the conference for the level of support provided by the west to as well as reached a critical threshold, particularly as well faces the risk of another humanitarian crisis and rough. they argue that without substantial financial and material inc from the united states is around would have not been able to go this far. and it's military operations in gaza as well just closer to a potentially catastrophic escalation and rough activists. your 1st day was to reconsider its support for telling me this stance. they argue has not only alienated most time nations, but it also ignited public outrage within the united states, where students are leading a wave of problem with this cent declined. what they call the governments complicity. and because a crisis like are from a tradition in which we go to the streets and protests that we ask for our rights, we give them to america. if you don't demand your rights,
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you'll be rolled over. that's the reality of united states america. we're in a typical times right now. and i believe that if the by the administration doesn't listen to the cries of the people in the street, not just the muslims, even young jewish people. that i doubt that he's gonna be re elected in november, export your underscore, a pivotal moment for washington ward faces a mary cross routes continue with support for as well as actions in gaza or he global outcry, and we evaluate it steps. they argue that the us has stepped fast back getting cause of hold its global influence when even if so citizens now condemning it's policy, they say the solution is for each for work. but aside the ambivalence stop funding for the conflict. usability are too much hot. you're starting at 20 minutes past the hour here and most of us continue the story here on this program because a dining report on is really actions and gods are, has come out of the university network. the human rights is laid bad,
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that israel has clearly violated the un genocide convention. israel has committed genocidal acts of killing cause and serious home to and inflicting conditions of loss calculated to bring about the physical destruction of palestinians and gaz at protective group that forms a substantial part of the palestinian people. therefore it highlights the mass casualties of a code and the yanks. i've since october, the 7th nodes that around 70 percent of the home is airable being destroyed. therefore, looking at the gods as grim humanitarian situations as quotes catastrophic hung up pacific. for those across the area. well that's what i'm going across live to us, human and labor rights lloyd down, cause i like now joining us here in the wake of this report on how to use natural data. very welcome to use. so may, using to imagine was still discussing the tragedy in gaza, coined by so many as
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a genocide. and this report right here is combining all the suffering into one reviewed it. do you think the numbers are accurate then as well? i think the numbers are probably way underestimated. you know, we're hearing numbers around 35000, maybe 240000 dead in gaza. i think you can, you can probably triple or quadruple that number because for a few reasons, one because of the thousands of people still under rubble. but also because the numbers are coming from the palestinian health ministry. and of course they do the counting to the hospitals in israel's destroy it all the hospital. so we by the way is another evidence of the genocide but so i think there's a huge under account i think sadly. um, you know, when, when the smoke clears the number's going to be in the hundreds of thousands. and i don't say that with any relish, but i think that's true. ralph nader said that, um,
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over a month ago, maybe even 2 months ago, he was estimating 200000 dead cuz there's not really those on my boggling numbers that, that made. meantime it, it's be nice be in a analysed by a number of officials to as more rubble in gaza. then there is in ukraine when it comes to this report that it's going to be essentially united nations. i thought it was go, you think they'll be any, a consequences for israel as well. i'd like to believe there's going to be obviously the security council's a dead end because of the united states. i think you can count on it be towing any decision by the security council that would exact any real measures to stop this get side. i think the only hope in some folks have been advocating for this. the only hope is for the un to utilize something called uniting for peace in which the
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general assembly could bow to united for peace. and this genocide essentially circumventing the security council. and that can be done in the case of agreed use, you know, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide. and i think that's the case here. and i would advocate for that. yeah, yeah. if i play to fantastic then um, what about, i mean the reports, it's like somebody with a coal on other nations than to refrain from actions making them complicit in genocide who all these other nations the report is calling out as well. i think the number, the, the number one is the united states which provides it, you know, the lion's share of, of israel's arms and munitions. i think something like 70 percent or so. germany provides nearly 30 percent between those 2 countries. they're providing most of the arms, but a number of other countries provide arms. great britain, of course even jordan, quite shamefully. um, so those would be,
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you know, the number one countries complicit, but i would even say the countries providing oil to israel, which allows them also the, they can't prosecute this war without oil. i'd say those countries would be complicit and that, you know, you would count, you know, some of the air and number of the, or it's a months those. yeah. so there's a lot of complexity to go around, but certainly uh, the number 18 are and it better is the united states. and in fact, you know, most palestinians understand this is u. s. war against the palestinian people as much or more so than it is and is really war. and this is the kind of how much are you simply will not here in the west and media, the continues whether, you know, despite rain or sun to propagate, this pro is riley narrative. and yet so many months now into this war with how many victims you mention washington, and i'm going to go to dallas. there are in the white house,
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it's advocating against this large scale operation in or off fi. uh right now. even biden is pulling badly among democrats regarding the ongoing crisis and gauze during the war. did you think any pressure from the public or even as i'm potty, can you kind of can influence the administration at this point? i do believe that in that i think if i didn't have any hope for that, i wouldn't be marching in the streets all the time. is i am and is it many americans are? i think that the truth is the american people are the last back stop. a super fan, worst from happening. i think there's still a chance to say, gaza, i do same by and then his administration can be sway just to save their own political lives. though, you know, i saw a report, i forget where it was, but essentially, you know, saying that the, by the ministration from top to bottom is living in a bubble. they're delusional about what's really happening,
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delusional about their phone numbers and about how the american people view this. but you know, it's our job to convince them that we will re, is we say, on the streets. we will remember in november. so i hope i hope we can change this. yeah. and the fab play jump into big truth problems as well done, cuz i like schumann and libraries. laura joining us there are now to international a great pleasure. thanks so much. then thanks for all recreation. well, the british army has a bit of a bit of legacy and can you, london has tried to sketch responsibility for the death of a civilian coast by an explosive device to the military. the british military was training with the fact now it's only coming to live. 17 years later, we've pulled to the attorney of the victim's family, who said simply, london as lied a. unfortunately, i thought i'd suggest a better idea to do the investigations by they can see the findings of these investigations. they did not this closer for victims until recently,
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when we were able to, i think these, it shows the, you know, to the drain, freedom of information requests, but a handful of the declassified until able to obtain the findings of this report. which actually showed me was by a game that they will not the amount of time because of all, but the notes most likely, which is the local language and cannot leave alone. and now the english, which they are using to explain to again, they instructions to evaluate supposed to, you know, clear ideas. registrants, the, i mean, was that a t liable? they did investigations, baseball team daddy potsdam. so from michelle's they would have done, but they do not do it which, which makes them non negligent. and, and what's the phone now? they, they, they hi feels like quotes they do not show it to the bit during basic them. so you know, it all bucks most with deals that unfortunately is grandmother. and so i think unfortunately the time of i lost sight he had and she became the best you know, she's, she's willing to you because of that last,
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last and towards the one of the fault house was the last that and you know, the, i mean never took responsibility of building on a whole. they never took responsibility of issue. i think that found love as soon as i can start losing. i see, i think from the last for london has a, for decades, i send his troops to train in 10 years, go to permanent military base. there's electrically the largest british ministry presented the on the entire african continent. that was also being allegations against the you guys on the misconduct against locals. okay. and advocate, uh, once again, we just heard from the guest as now he's gonna come back on and tell us that it's such a military presence. basically violates the rights of kenya. i want to know the turn then uh uh for long time they say they leave the light on the, on the you know that the british i'm you was supposed to, the economy is but sony by some of the people have said to me, i am leaving a light van who has been telling us single story. indeed they suppose they call it
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a piece of metal community. but today we have seen that we have been on the losing and we cannot allow these training to continue at, you know, one of that is incompatible with that. i need to conduct people. so he, if they do not change, that's a need to aligned to the communities, then we will have no option. but to say that the with, oh, i thought spinning within the community is i can't believe. but the, the beginning feels investigations. we don't think that new window shall now inform the positions of future agreements which, which, which should no now be at that blanche, leaving the community. the story continues online at odds, a dot com for the meantime. thanks for joining us. this is on the international my from the
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the, the body of rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and there is a developing story that we are still following for you. it's out of western europe . it appears to be attempted assassination. of the yes, those are gunshots. that you heard right there. the shooting victim is the prime minister of slovakia, who as you know, has been in the news now as a critic of sending aid to ukraine. in fact, he talked about it just recently. we're going to cover all of this for you. i'm rick sanchez. we're all over the story. let's get to it. the right. we're going to begin with what appears to be in this afternoon.


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