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tv   News  RT  May 16, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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steve crane, this includes sending western military personnel to fight for ts. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion. the flexibility disagrees with the government. doesn't agree with stuff in the systems to create. it is breaking news, their own hockey international with motives revealed. the bad who gun down on the slow back 5 minutes to disagree with the government's policy. you are refusing to um ukraine, that is according to the nations ontario, minnesota. badging rolling out the red carpet for vladimir putin state visit various met with a very warm welcome and kind words from his try these account a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people, i am convinced that you will certainly leave russia to create a chieftain. it's a national development, this institutionalized infinity as lead is allowed to engage in this genocide which
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shots the conscience of humanity and south africa during the international court of justice to take action and preserve the rights of palestinian israel, continues its plumbing campaign up and down, and the shortage of your use during this life program from moscow. this is all to you into starting with that breaking news as our and the latest on the assassination attempt against the slow back prime minister press conference earlier, the interior minister said the gunman had been, i'm good at the government policies, including stopping weapons and supplies to ukraine, or should i school on vehicles, but at each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends made, but they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the
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government. it does. one group is stuck in assistance to ukraine to sort of these based off of the statements from a show. officials, we understand that there is a nation wide embargo on informations related to the attacks. the officials of course did hence at some possibility, such as the motives of the attack, suggesting that they could have been political or otherwise, without going into too much detail as these step segments him essentially to consider the general approach of the media. it's also taken into consideration the political divide within the country or so many media reports within the country claimant. there's also been a great deal of opposition with respect to how the local media has been treating the attack. there are more reports that are emerging with respect to the assailants and his motives for the attack. we understand that. over the course of the last few years, he has had a drastic change in ideal naji. what was once designated,
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a pro russian stance in 2016 and quickly turned into a pro ukrainian or pro western position in 2022. and since then, many people within his close circle has essentially come out to say that's of the arguments that they've been having has increased. that's become a little bit more violent than some, uh for, for lack of a better word. so this immediate, so social circle has also realized that there's been a change in his attitude, which essentially highlights a number of differences as social media posts over the course of the last few months or years is also hinted to that as well as position on ukraine is positioned within the country of suboxone in and of itself, the government's policies all in one form or another real tight into the assassination attempt. what kind of slow they brought, such as this? he's simply an aggressive who committed an attack available at times when called ritz kicked out on his communist from the party. there were times when i threw stones at the russian tanks because they came to like the rate's us duplex face
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went beyond most could the slope of prime minister has a good reputation abroad and they'll just say directed at the hospital of the. unfortunately, however, in recent days is government has been labeled as in mafia state is that association with the nausea is very irresponsible. another matter we need to consider is of course, the bulk is position within this geography. it's a member of the european union. it's a member of nato, and we understand that robot fits those policies, or it's government has been quite vocal in putting a stop in and, and to arm supplies and asia to your claimants also take into consideration. it's an opposition to ukraine, joining nato. so there's a crate to a great list of essential policies that could have led to the attack or given reason to some sort, some form of motive. but what we also understand is, of course, of the countries position over the course of the last couple decades is the slovakian parameter. so it has had some position within the government. she has been in politics since 1992. and since and up until this point has policies haven't
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changed much, and he has been elected into office time and time again, essentially highlighting the will of the people in and one and one form. and this is also a matter of great concern because the officials did provide a statement supporting that as well as the will of the people maybe to that i gave you the biggest tragedy the past i was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion disagreements or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented themselves, presented his opinions as, as opposed to become an extremist. take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last month's was so hines look back you. this was no coincidence problem. visa is nothing. you probably edition these bay name politics since 1992. that's 32. yes. if you didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism, still one the elections, then it breaks. the question is,
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how can we criticize him if he's still one device on somebody floating close to one more matter of great concern, just based on the statement that was provided by some auction officials highlights the importance of ensuring that the country does not essentially boil into chaos so that the prospect of a civil war should be the last thing people should be considering. and taking into consideration the government tends to lock you in leadership. it is trying to seek some form of a solver in foreign policy and an identity for itself. something that is independent from that of the european union or the nato alliance. and this has been a matter of great concern within the country, but also across the greater european block. and this is one of the many reasons that is believed to be the motivation behind the statements attack and assassination attempt against the slovak in prime minister. lot of effort and has just landed this past hour on the next leg of his trip to the chinese city. of hobbin earlier hailing the strategic partnership vladimir putin was given
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a very well welcome from his chinese counterpart of the starfish. today's state which at the china recovering every step of the way the at the start of the visit has not improved in men's region being outside the great hold of the people. that's right in the heart of beijing. the you can hear the music yourself as the 2 leaders agreed at each other. the national anthems of their respective countries rang out of both flat demand food and energy
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aging thing. the praise, the enduring relations between russia and china, the by, i'm very happy to be here in china among my friends meeting with you. thank you for your congratulatory address. on the occasion when i was re elected as a russian president, thank you very much for your invitation. in march last year, immediately after you were elected head of the people's republic of china, you also visited moscow. we have this good tradition of making our 1st international visits to our countries. this is a true sign of the importance that must go invasion, lay on consistent development of bilateral ties and all encompassing partnership and strategic co operation. sending the dear president, put in my great friend, i welcome you to china on a state visit. a couple of days ago, you took the oath of office and entered your 5th presidential term. once again, i want to congratulate you and the entire russian people. i am convinced that you will certainly lead russia to great achievements in national developments over the
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past 3 quarters of a century. china and russia's relations had been forced under difficult conditions . they have wisdom tests under change and international situations. and if he comes standard for relations between major states tilting breaks as russia and china and india, or of course of the major players and the group of countries, we analyzed how the block is playing a pivotal role in the emerging multi, multi polar world or had this conversation earlier with an associate professor of diplomacy, alexander booker, as we are now living in a multiple world and this world, or there can be compared in a certain way to the table. as you see, the table that stands on only one leg is less stable, the one that stands on 4 legs and some more stable in terms of physics. and that's why uh, china, russia, india, other breaks members, there are 10 of them. they really contribute to creating this new world order,
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the one that would be, you would surely beneficial. we don't necessarily see eye to eye on everything, but we do consider one another. as part of this, we are trying to, uh, develop our relations in ambiance of mutual respect. and i believe this is the most important about yes, you will do it. yeah. i think you that you emailed it right there and it's on a mutual respect, but you know, when it comes to break. so let's just say that's when it comes to any family. there's always going to be in fighting. and, you know, you know, i wouldn't, i wouldn't the big bedroom all i want the big chair or whatever that, you know, whatever it is, any family is going to have its hiccups. and we know that in the bricks, family, as you said, as many members now, but there repeatedly 2 or 3 dozen more countries looking to join this g of strategic family. but india and china sometimes not the best of friends. they're awesome. lagging things in the close to it that they have disagreements on, but russia, i certainly would call to try and bring both of those countries together under the
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canopy of brakes. how would you comment on that? i would go with a manageable competition. so if we uh, drill upon this idea of a family uh when living in a family you have or disagreements, but it doesn't mean that you will live or slip in different bedroom. so you'll still have to somehow talk to one and not have the difference between the western countries, the way i mean the west and kept us. and they were in union if that, that they have this master slave relationship. which means that for the united states of america, let's just say it is my weight or highway, and this is it. and it can be compared to a family where i, one of these spouses are just trying to cool west cesar, her partner into doing something. when it comes to india, china, as i said, we have our own vision of the world of different global and regional challenges.
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but at the same time we talk to one another and we hear one another. and this is very important, is region ping was reached recently and from so you got a bit of electric from the french president and the european commission chief on trade regulations. they keep saying that china is cheating and then washington is, you know, leveling most sanctions, but they, they want to buy aging against cooperating with moscow. do use think beijing is listening g, g. think badging is willing to follow the orders of washington. russia just like china, india, or any other bricks country hate being lectured for electra anyway. so i believe that this is not the way how a country not only from any other country, should establish their relations with such a great country as china. right to the hague and now where the international court of justice has hearing arguments regarding the rising tremendous aaron crisis and gaza resounding fee. mister israel has disregarded palestinians with the policy and
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human rights of the tennessee was openly ignoring the previous order. and so the international cool, so definitely guys travel here today to do what is can to identical stop the ongoing general side, the tribe beauty of the tips, requiring urgent and speedy proceedings to present the lives of the punish dean and people is right, assuming that he preaches the binding resolutions of the united nations security council and honest with the leading from the lack of content managers by the international community that it is exempt from having to respect international. this institutionalized community has led is allowed to engage in this genocide, which has shopped the conscience of humanity. 7 months ago, south africa with north heavy imagines that would now be mostly wiped off the mass
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. well, so the officer did, it's noise was the present to the argument today and is all i'm will divide, it's response tomorrow, but also that's opening statements of from the tour as invested up to the middle is the voice him was the my don't say law. i the representatives, the force of africa took the floor and it was the professor, john, do god, who made it clear that took over the course of the month the follow to the eyes. today's really is, well, has lots abided by the order and has continued to commit genocide against it for the scene and people in because of split up. and he says that even as the court found that put a scene is have a principal rights to be protected from acts of genocide to the, for the states it back to the actions in the, the final blow to put the scene is as a move on that is actions or in violation of fundament for roots. a few minutes here in virginia, additions. they provide the evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles
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to a, b, c, and d, of the genocide conveys as the present members of the quote, this is to is the final blow that she's intended to destroy the palestinian group in gosh, what is also very important from these arguments was the rights to self defense. as you would know, that is well. and his allies have insisted that a bomb being so i just decided because it has the right to self defense and a substance wise that can be no doubt that to the attack. on the 7th of october, i did constitute an attack. and. c off the frontiers sold required by the law as well. how is the i c j and his opinions denied is well, the rights of self defense. that is such a tax for many reasons and one kind of stuff, but one that's what is the right to self defense and that's it justified, as well as killing of almost $40000.00 for this is. so that's because representative do nothing. so have a listen to this. the rights of self defense does not give a stage
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a license to use unlimited filings. so i could nothing look self defense or anything else can ever justify genocide. the prohibition on genocide is an absolute. so the court ruled in 2004 that there is no rights of self defense by an occupying state, the case, the territory, the result pods, the 2nd last presentation focusing on. so that's what this argument said. he's talking tends to be rather kid for the seniors and guys of what's from advocate to me based on what i told before. i'll do that for the scene is a need list where it's as if i'm denunciations of these walls conduct what the immediate action and solutions move i totally side to speeches and statements from both for the distance and military office of all doing that. those inside to
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genocide, and previously you would know that. so that's good to all you do that such statements of breach of the genocide convincing is moved from this is right, the minnesota finance develop. smotts is a member of the scituate to cabinet, has a subset in terms there are no health measures for offers date of loss, no sort of full time. an issue goes on to say we are negotiating with the ones that should not have existed for a long time in an interview abroad costs when he was ready to, to visit the funds to be made to the default device of the international of the liquid party to party to, to which is right. the prime minister belongs states that i think we need to engage with off i yesterday to go in and to get to the, the, i know i'm involved. we need to go in and 2 and q
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and q. neither also know any of the other is are the few 1000 civilians insights into, to, to know side against the policy. you know, stuff in profit. you too much less honest in an actual semester to argue that the total lack of accountability and a complete international failure to protect the police. the news people from the crimes that have been committed by his wife he's law, has in fact committed more violations in some instances than it did in the time leading up to the prior ports of rudy. what's here in his uh, a recent address to ukraine is reason visit i should say, as well, handshakes, photo ups, even lincoln's rock stopped performance playing base at a local pub in t of us the secretary of state. and today, blake and dr. works ending the narrative, spoke about corruption and ukraine and in typical fashion and blame it all on most
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of winning on the battlefield. will prevent your brain from becoming part of russia . winning the war against corruption. will keep you crane from becoming like russia . no wonder from salt to weaponized corruption ukraine. she noticed how powerful corruption can be in sewing division and distrust undermining faith and government and its institutions. after all, he's been fine tuning these tactics at home for nearly 25 years. however, according to reports released by the pen to colon's inspector, general corruption still remains very much in ukraine. the surprised, besides, if the war has created a field day of bribery opportunities for officials in key, a corruption remains a persistent challenge for the ukrainian government perception of corruption and ukraine has declined significantly since 2013. but it still remains one of the least accountable governments in europe. the war has created new opportunities for
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bribes kickbacks and inflated procurement costs. i should astonishing, isn't it really less that i'm more comfortable. i'm not a journalist and all that, daniel, as daniel goodness we, i'm going to refrain from helping my opinion out here. let me throw it to you, brian, pre opportunities of bounding ukraine. further apart by the pentagon, to inspect the general, but blinking is putting all the blame on purch and please explain the logic as well. this is an old uh neil con, talking point just goes back to yours. and that is part of the us tendency to blame everything on russia and to excuse its own failures. but the fact is that corruption has been sky high in uh, in the ukraine since since the fall, the soviet union. uh, its been added control. uh, it was a factor in the 2014 made on uprising. it may have some size subsided
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since then, but it still is at very high levels. and there is simply no evidence whatsoever that this is the. this is rushers fault in any way, shape or form. joe biden was brought in as vice president to clean up the ukraine. and what happened is son got a cushy job with the ukrainian company, which was eager to use. uh, hunter biden's family connections to cultivate favor. i in, in washington. yeah. so if that grew up to what is. yeah, you know, it just is just beyond belief. yeah. it really is, i mean, you know, you mentioned hon, divide now i remember when that when you do the us, so for sure i didn't finance my to include 2014. i remember seeing stories that not just the biden's kid, but also the kids have nancy pelosi, john kerry. they also reportedly got similar jobs and ukraine as well. you talk about corruption, hello corruption, any body?
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i mean, i just caught them so tired of trying to get my head around this. let me ask you this, daniel, because it was just the other day, a man called dominic comings. he was the chief advisor to the for my british 5 minutes. devoris johnson. he's come out with a statement literally saying to you have, has screwed us. we've been screwed by ukraine. we never should have gotten into this mess in the 1st place. why do you think he said that? well, he's sort of because there's a lot of concern that a lot of weapon rate has gone mess like yeah, in the ukraine. uh, and it's probably true. the country is rife with corruption. so therefore a lot of western age is being mislaid. uh, by the way, there are, there are complaints from the battle of the battlefront. i around both charles this the town in uh, in north ukraine, which is now the center of fear sliding. that the reason there were no defenses put up by the ukraine to prevent this kind of uh, incursion. uh is that uh,
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is that the phone the companies made off with the money and did not build the defenses that they were hired to bill. yeah, that's right. i mean, i, i so, so it's 30 percent 30 percent of the dragon's teeth that you know these period, but it will so many things as probably so, you know, stop times and all of that they would just left in piles near the front flag just in piles, they won't even put into position. yeah. so this, so in this case, corruption is directly harming the, the cranium defense effort. and yet somehow it's all, it's all pollutants volt. yeah i it's, yeah, that's me. i think you said it's very self serving, obviously. yeah, i hear that dime preach, appreciate you saying that let me know. so what, what do you think you to enter the blinking and key every other day? did you see, did you see the footage of him on the stage at a bar with his bass guitar playing? was it neil young's keep rocking in the free will be to just see that, daniel? just any thoughts from that? well i, my thoughts are that it's uh that, that this guy,
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this country is in ruins. the us is facing disaster. absolutely. as this russian advance accelerates, and i and it is the, the, the, the geo political consequences could conceivably be. and that's, yeah, and yet here, you know, fed lane like nero. yeah. as ron burns. so it's a, it's a, it's really, it's a gesture that is really most inappropriate. can you let me ask if i may, will i still got you one that is so good to get you here on the program. um there being some comments from, you know, the you spokesperson, joseph burrell, even bars. johnson. the bar is the butcher johnson. they've been, they've a, they've said recently if russia wins, and ukraine is the end of the western head jim on. now that seems to me, if you read between the lines daniel, what does that mean? as well as, think of the way they are correct. i mean, i think that russia wins in the ukraine. then i think that nato will be in crisis.
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yeah. and essentially, you know, later already isn't christ's name what is made? oh, even what does it exist for? what is his purpose? uh no one really quite notes, but if russia is able to uh, to defeat a, uh, what is in fact, a defacto nato, a member and nato has no conceivable response. then certainly nato's entire raise on deck trouble. you called the question and that of course will, that questioning will intensify if uh, if the elections in the us november go the way i think they will. uh, i just quickly amount of time, but which way do you think they'll go down? you think that trump was going to win? yeah, yeah, yeah. unless he stole spice. some sort of nefarious for a lot of people are worried at least some people are saying the establishment will do. and the thing to stop him from getting back to the over office. you've got 15
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seconds. you'll final thought that and i i trust, we're not talking about our robert fee go scenario. yeah. in the let's really hope that's not the case. daniel lazar is ajarvis and all that big fan of your writing, by the way, daniel, appreciate your hard work and thanks for joining us here. you must go has a warranty of history repeating itself. it's off the key. diplomats from nato countries joining the anti government protests. currently. griffin, georgia, rochester, as a basil, the whole months of what happened in ukraine a decade ago. of course, that was the us sponsored my down to. meanwhile, the mayor of the police, he has lost out at the visit of a european delegation. this is not friendship. it is m f c. it is an attempt to deepen polarization within the country. how would you imagine that if a foreign minister, for example, would go to europe on and speak at an opposition riley? what kind of approach is this? is this friendship to nothing extraordinary. foreign us agents are leading the
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demonstrations abroad against the law on foreign agents. we will recall the same picture in ukraine and know how it ended and how ukrainian interests were trampled on. hopefully, the georgians have learned this lesson. who can imagine that a law could bring so much disorder the support is that a balance? and what does it say? let's take a look and g o's, an independent media that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from foreigners or foreign countries, need to register as organizations bearing the interest of a foreign power. maybe that's why the foreign powers want the little girl, and i guess and here they are, the visits in georgia foreign ministers from a stony a lot to your list. so a new and iceland and they have
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a message when times are challenging. you can count on your friends times are definitely challenging. so are they diffusing the situation? no, they decided to drop by to encourage the protesters and direction that george in pon . and that's the 1st objective of us coming here. this is to express our support this other there with everyone who fights for judges, democratic and european choice for judges. european future. the adoption of this law negatively impacts georgia's progress on the pass. the choice of the way forward is in george's hands. we urge the george and authorities to withdraw the law if adult to the local be used to silence media and civil society organizations that play a vital role in helping georgette on its way to e u membership. one of the most moving moments of my political life tonight, we're all georgians. what about the georgians who actually wants this law and wants to protect their country from outside influence?
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the west has similar law in size, but they are the ones who invented system worn agents registration act. no one has an issue with that. yes. when russia or george at law and transparency, all of a sudden it's a problem why this is boulder device so much because they want to just pick a line and stick to a t. but if it's to, it's own that term. and so i guess frankly, we think side of the process to know where the, the actual law implemented needs fat standards that we hope to have more discussions to see any step on transparency, matching european norms as, as georgia goes forward. and we were promised that there would be the opportunity for this before the law is implemented. and i was very clear that there would be consequences if a lot were implemented as it now stands. western officials in the crowd, protesters way than european and american flags follow. this looks and sounds familiar. it's because it is. this is exactly what happened in key when the
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government voted in favor of ties with russia instead of the e. u. western officials flew in to support the violent crowd. the violin crowd took over and promised a bright future. me in the change of the government, early presidential on file of man 3 election and the new european governments, the grain, the will sign in agreement with the european union, a means the life will ever ukrainian dignified european successful fast forward 10 years. and the former qu, leader is speaking from an undisclosed location wondering why so many ukrainians have fled the country jerk. and how did 650000 people over the conscription age? that's according to the commission. believe you craning territory, how do they leave? just explain this to me. how did they leave it going to be? this is what could the weight georgia if they're not careful and by them, i mean the protesters it may sound far from.


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