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tv   News  RT  May 17, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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personnel, despite for ts, this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather and strategic confusion the today, we can look forward with confidence that i'm thinking involved in the most daring subjects together that build and implements ambitious plans to get the right to the president hale's successful economic ties. with the page as he starts the 2nd time final day of his state visits of china and the city of har being also a has the, he disagrees with the government doesn't agree with stuff in the systems to ukraine . the man who left us about prime minister in critical condition after an assassination attempt to oppose the government policy of refusing to army prey. our correspondent visits the scene of the crime. smoking security forces have removed a bullet from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the lease of walk in 5 minutes
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to rule that be. so obviously the situation is incredibly dire. the state department limits the challenging time for your print in troops on the battlefield . this comes as russian troops to make sweeping advances in the heart comprehension . and south africa urges the international court of justice to take action and preserve the rights of palestinians. israel continues as bombing campaign in gaza. the rental will live in moscow. this is our t international. russian president vladimir putin is on the next leg of his china trip now visiting the city of har being earlier hailing their strategic partnership was given a warm welcome from his chinese counter part season painting at the start of his 2 day state visit to china. recovering every step of the way, right here on archie to
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the latter and put into the floor at the age of china, russia, expo a cuba and boosting for 8, an investment in the region. the president held successful economic ties between the states looking forward to more achievements. we're getting the smudges today. we can look forward with confidence that we can embark on the most daring projects together. or we build an implement ambitious plans together ensuring us a few years ago, a $100000000.00 trade turn over. it was considered a great successful bilateral trade. and now we have already across the 240000000000
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law. and this is not the limits, of course, it's the enduring russian chinese partnership directly contributes to the growth of our economy. and i am sure our strategic alliance in the energy sector, which has become the main stay of the entire global energy market, will continue to strengthen in that would be that. well, i'm glad that you spoke about the energy predominant t. and he also spoke about the huge potential in trade in, in ties relations, economic, technological relations between china and russia ought to be mostly chosen by accident. these are the regional capital of a, of a region which for those 5 russian regions in the, in the far east of russia. i'd like to be approved and said that there's a huge potential for, for example, chinese companies to, to, to base production in russia. localized production induction, he said russia can keep the chinese economy. fed with the energy team accessible
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energy that is full most reliable for the move like man invited chinese delegation to an economic form in the city of logic. ball spoken in september. this is the 2nd day of luxury of teachings tools, while it was welcomed very, very warmly with all the pomp and ceremony. one could could once, i mean, i mean many leaders around the world visiting try the community. wish for a welcome. as room is these, he was moving home. it was a welcome for a friend, and that is the word the complete is used to describe each other, the continuous strengthening of russian chinese develop now comprehensive, strategic interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation. meet the fundamental interest of our countries and our people that are in line with the needs of the world community and time. relations between china and russia are here replacing
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their significance as hard to overestimate the, the, which i apologize for speaking so long and not letting the interpreter do his job. i feel at home here, it's like i thought everyone here already speaks russian. the, the day was very busy, packed with meetings between gladly approved and or chinese leadership. she to ping dominant people say what was have delegations involved what format talks as well as i had those types of that towards between that me a tutoring and changing things, especially towards the end of the day they spent i was locked away several
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agreements with side uh, statements have been 10 visions again for verse strategies to develop those ties with log me and who can a remarks. and he made the point about this, the chinese washing relations on a i've had anyone there exclusively billed on the, on an economic foundation to benefit china and box we are currently waiting for glad to be approved to arrive. but he. busy a kind of in institute of technology, way she will address, professes students as well as russian exchange students about those ties that he wishes to build with tried to well, it will be continuing our coverage of let him repentance visit to china with a patch schedule for the 2nd and the final day of the president's trip to stay with r t. for all of that, the
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suspected gunmen who shot so bad compartment as to robert vito oppose this policies, including the banding of arms supplies to ukraine. that's according to the countries interior minister. should i school on vehicles? what of each just i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented you with the facts. and this was a summary of a stipends made by they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine to put it to sort of those a waste before the assassination attempt to the suspected of gunmen at your eyes until i was spotted at a protest in western slovakia. the rally and some part of the crane saw a small group of people carrying you, flags and condemning the country is a ruling party with some backgrounds now on the suspect to 71 year old. your eisen tula is a fierce critic of the slow about prime ministers. you claim policies,
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members of faith, so that governments confirms that he took part in numerous pro western rallies and demands edit that the prime minister renew slovak arms supplies to keep before shooting the top official. the country's defense minister says the shooting was not a coincidence, which was that i gave you the biggest tragedy, the pos that was, is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreement, or conflict of opinions have turned into pre meditated murder. what has to happen for a person who originally presented themselves, presented his opinions as pacifists to become an extremist. take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months was so high as the back. yeah. this was no coincidence. well, the visa is not send you a politician. he's been named politics since 1992. that's 32 years. if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism, still one the elections, then it breaks the question,
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how can we criticize him if he still won the vote on? so lot president peter pelligrini associates still remains in a serious condition, despite undergoing a successful operation after the violent attack. the, the assailant sean and prime minister feed. so 5 times as he left a government building piece, those guards rushed to the prime minister into a car before he was airlifted to a hospital from a safe location. i witnessed to say panic and chaos as friends of the crowd waiting to meet the country's leader ortiz us. and that can brings us more details from the scene of the attack. the look and security forces have removed a boat from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the sidewalk. in 5 minutes, a rule that fits so immediately behind it is the cultural center in which the prime minister walked out of moments before the attack took place. the silence was
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a 71 year old male speaking to the locals. they suggest the sentiment that the silence had towards the prime minister or the government is not necessarily something that is shared throughout the country. these statements was in one form or another aligned with a number of conflicting ideologies. back in 2016, many suggest his values more traditional that they were aligned with slovakian interest. some would even described them as pro russian, whereas in 2022 was inner circle suggests his views changed, supported pro ukrainian, pro western and pro liberal values a drastic shift that resulted in the assassination attempt of football game. prime minister with all that fits up. of course, 1st of all, it's a tragedy when you hear a politician is being attacked. and of course, we know that some of our carries a country where there's a big polarization. there's parts of the country which is strongly opposed to at 5 minutes their feet. so, and then there's a large part which is a fan of feats so. so of course, it's a dangerous situation and it's also,
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it's always a said through here that people tend to violence to express their opinion, and there's just your best misfortunes. maybe the gentleman was a little bit sick and a had, but this is not the way to handle things. in my opinion. there are a number of policies that we can list policies that the assailant was opposed for the most part. but the one thing that doesn't remain a constant is the government's position to ukraine, as well as ukraine's potential bid to join nato. this is something the government opposes. these policies have been in place for a while. many would suggest there's a division within society. but then again, officials throughout the country have stated, the prime minister has been elected into power time and time again, his policies have been necessarily changed. so the big question here is, where is this pressure coming from? and the pressure for the most part is of course, coming from brussels. it's coming from the united states. the walk is a member of the european union. it's a member of the nato allies. and this,
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among many other things, is one of the fundamental reasons as to why the se lynch could have potentially carried out the attack. one final thing to mention is these to lock you in government and it's intention to establish a foreign policy that is sovereign and independent from that of the european union and nato. this is a fundamental reasoning behind the government's position, the opposition as well as the motivation behind the servants motives. but more importantly comes at a time when your up itself is questioning its own existence, its identity as well as its foreign policy and about europe is looking to establish that identity. it makes sense that slovakia, serbia hungry many countries within the european continent are essentially trying to establish the very same thing. yes, and again, are to in honda of a slovak, you know, we discussed the assassination attempt with a member of the german bundle and he told us that he was doing everything to shut down, growing the sense and cut down opposition a c. so lots and lots and some main politics. also you was against the
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loss for pieced in the thing. and he said to you is going to want to do live um that means and he was against the sentence. and this, and this is contrary to the policy also european union. and maybe this was the reason why he was shot stollins receipt best of speech and hate speech against the opposition and the phone e, as in john then of addition and see if the stocks and i can hear it's in the speeches. and this is a very, very bad situation if i could chose that. um, yeah, the main parties fell into the drum and the but i think all over europe,
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they don't want to get out of the power. and this is the reason they want to this to 0 position and they want to cut down. so position parties, if you are really titian and you're and you do something against the dresser and politics that you get this pressure. and yeah, it's, this is so this situation so the us seems to me drifting further from us later this idealistic vision of a so called era pin garden with authoritarian liberalism, leading to violence against those who dare to voice an alternative opinion. here's our to contributor rachel marsden with the details. i remember when the european union's chief diplomat gives a burrell, showed students at the european diplomatic academy. the finer points of the subtle
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art of diplomacy by comparing the you to apply a garden in the developing world to a wild jungle? yes. beautiful. you said garden we have built a golden habit. he works is the best combination of the political freedom, economic prosperity, and social corporation, the rest of the world, most of the rest of the goal, it's a jungle and the jungle could evade the goddess. is this still actually the case because it's increasingly looking like jungle eel? is that okay, just go on a safari right there. it is. own e garden attempted assassination of political leaders like what just happened in slovakia this week. the prime minister robert feed. so are more of a lawless jungle vibe, and this was actually an interior minister, has said that the 71 year old man who allegedly shot feats. so got so worked up about the government policies. just some finishing our media coverage. definitely
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felt compelled to grab his gun and go out hunting. pizza criticize the european establishment, intolerance when it comes to diversity of thought and specifically populist or nationalist. anti global has died. that same establishment uses values like solidarity as authoritarian tools in an attempt to shoehorn everyone into docile compliance with their agenda well beautifying just that the impact of the establishment is cracked down on percent is also off. p is in germany where interior ministry officials are now. i knew measures to tap for violence against politicians and elected officials. the repeated attacks represented social development whereby people are trying to achieve their political ends, not only with words, but with violence, hate and harassment. this endangers our democracy. in our law based freedom, there's been no less than 4 recent attacks on politicians from germany's governing coalition of social democrats in greens, prompting the reaction of chancellor off schultz. schultz blamed the political
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right way, which is convenient to score points against the rising populace right ahead of upcoming local and european parliamentary elections. but it also negates the fact that representatives from the right wing alternative for deutsch lands party, are also being attacked. the parties leader at keynote. sure paula even had to be hospitalized last fall after the violent incident at the campaign defense. so she's all this violence comes as a result of a systemic breakdown. maybe one that could have been avoided to send wasn't treated like such a dirty word and with iron fisted intolerance. what kind of defense, this kind of defense with the european union as in love with itself, has convinced themselves that is the best place in the world. it has the right to instruct others. however, other countries can be better than us. sometimes i think i'll put you in the send the european union slowly and running out. we struggle to understand what is normal and what is up normal into european union. so the guy was elected as so as peter
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pelligrini as well actually, and president who's from fits those own ideological accounts. now they got elected despite the pro western establishment opposition scare mongering over what would happen if there was not just one but 2 populace elected in slovakia, the higher office. so how did the react when the people's choice was to elect feet? so the parliament adopt the resolution quote, criticizing the new government right out of the gate, i guess for an array of worrying reform proposals. and it's warned against the prime minister's use of polarizing language because of course that's something they absolutely never do and would never tolerate humans, democratically elected byes people. okay. the polarizing language, on the other hand, is coming from a super national institution of global governance. and if that wasn't enough, your i'm to use, i'm elected sheets bureaucrats. queen ursula bonder line, also known as the president of the european commission with her royal proclamation
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on the whole matter. our peaceful and united europe is being challenged like never before by populous by nationalists, by demagogues. whether it's the far right parts the far left these days. it seems that freedom and democracy is defined by the western establishment. religious means the freedom to adhere to their agenda and well, the divisions in european society seems to be the result of them insisting on the kind of conformity that tends to radicalize citizens on all sides. sounds exactly like the kind of dynamic normally associated with growth jungle has actually ended up making its way right into his garden coupling. all turning southern east from around the world. now at least 4 people, including a police officer, have for formerly been killed in violence and the french pacific territory of new caledonia. interest is the latest flash point and long running tensions over paris
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as re. busy on the archipelago classes arrested on monday after french lawmakers back to legal changes which the indigenous populations table dilute their political . busy of status in an effort to contain the chaos, france has sent reinforcements to secure ports and the main airport on the islands to me. loans and the french capital classes are wrapped in the reign of fire fighter protest place had to intervene after the rallying. firefighters began launching fireworks from the square. the protest was triggered by complaints about low wages and demands to increase payment in the wake of this somers alone thank elephant means. the situation for your printing and troops on the battlefield is incredibly difficult. that admission was made by us state department deputies spokesperson during a briefing. obviously, the situation is incredibly dire. we know that this is
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a challenging time, but we are sure that military aid is also going to make a real difference on the battlefield. as battle is a rage and the heart coverage on your training force is intact. russia overnight, the air defense system is destroyed and intercepted 102 drones. that's according to the country's defense minister, attempt to the tax took place and the claim in peninsula of belgrade and cursed regions of fire broke out at an oil refinery after a drone crashed in the city of 2 of se in the crowds nadar regions. meanwhile, with russian troops making sweeping advances in the hard top range and it seems western estates are changing our tone over the ukranian complex with officials. now, calling for negotiations, our case donald quarter has more, in this fantasy of total victory on the battlefield is becoming little more than a pipe dream for the west. with leaders like the check president calling for negotiations. i think it would be naive to say that ukraine's and liberate the
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occupied territories in the foreseeable future. russia is not going to give up the occupied territories just like that. we need to stop the war and then start discussing future agreements. this may be a compromise, but not without the consent of ukraine, russia in the countries that will guarantee disagreement later on, pablo said that while military to keep deeds to continue, it does not exclude working out a solution to the conflict. have long stress the need to support ukraine by all means in accordance with the international law. part of this legitimate support is to increase the supply of ammunition and military equipment to ukraine, including through the check munitions initiative. however, military support for ukraine does not preclude the search for a solution to end the conflict. on the contrary, it must take place time will tediously. as for washington, antony blanket as usual war hawk attitude has all of a sudden start to see the possibility of talks. although he says only up the key of to decide when negotiations will begin in terms of to go see ations. these again,
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are decisions for you, for and today, not the united states or not any other country. fundamentally, these are questions for you find to answer. we've been very clear, we support ukraine, we support ukraine is decisions a cease fire that simply freezes current lies in place and enables them to consolidate control over the territory of the seas and then risk free arm and we attack that is not just and lasting. peace is up attempting to use and so i'm in the french military's top brass say it's only a matter of time before the west needs to admit the key of cannot realistically retake the territories that brushes liberated. you're more familiar. ukrainians are not unreasonably afraid of some voices in the west, telling them that we will have to discuss this yet. obviously, one day we will have to discuss negotiations. no serious analysts today thinks that ukraine will be able to retake the territories conquered by russia. so at some point you will have to negotiate on it, isn't this the official ukrainian version?
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obviously not, but this is the official version of the americans. this is the official version of everyone who roughly sees what is happening. it's no surprise that the key ever seems. western backers are looking to push key up towards concession, especially with sweeping russian advances in the product of region. it seems that in those need to countries where, until recently they were talking about the possibility of sending the troops the great that they are backing off longer and say the data sold us. i'm not needed in the green check for us in pabo who's supporting the crawl now calls for an end or still these mccomb is still showing off calling for us you to be stopped but seems to be left alone. even the main stream media is supporting defeatist. headline, setting doubts on ukraine's ability to defend itself and admitting russian victories on the battlefield. according to the new york times, an armistice that would suspend the conflict indefinitely in a fashion similar to what we see on the korean peninsula is one of the most likely
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outcomes of tops all the while rust is always stated, it's open to sit down at the negotiating table and hatch out a piece plan, so rushes for negotiations, and the west may now be changing its tune. but how many people have died for that change of heart? and how long until the tide may once again turn on now to the hague, for the international court of justice is holding a hearing on the rising humanitarian crisis in gaza as well as being accused of disregarding policy and in human rights and ignoring the previous the court orders, it is rather similar the breaches, the binding resolutions of the united nations security council. this would be leaving from the lack of content managers by the international community that it is exempt from having to respect international. this institutionalized community has let, is allowed to engage in this genocide, which has shopped the conscience of humanity. but also that's opening statements of
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from detroit as invested us to the nicholas of wisdom was the my don't say law. i the representatives, the force of africa took the floor and it was the professor, john, do god, who made it clear that to over the course of the month the follow to the eyes. today's movie is, well, has lots abided by the older and has continued to commit genocide of games to for the scene and people in because a split up. and he says that even as the court found that put a scene is have a possible rights to be protected from acts of genocide. if you further say to that, to be actions in the of the final blow to put the see me is that these rows actions are in violation of fundamental rules of preventative and go to prison. members of the quote, this attack is the final blow that is intended to destroy the process to noon group can cause the 2nd last presentation focusing on. so that because arguments that these walking tends to eradicate for the seniors in gaza was from advocate to make
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a move. i told the all, do that for the scene is needless words and denunciations of these wells conduct. but the immediate action device of the international, of the liquid party, the part to, to, to which is that right, the prime minister belongs states that to say we need to engage with alpha yesterday to go in and to get to the the, i know i'm involved we need to go in and 2 and q and q. neither also know any of the other is are the few 1000 civilians insights into, to, to know, fight against the policy, you know, step and profit. you too much less punished in. and that's all. so that's for, to argue that a mid a total lack of accountability as a complete international failure to protect the police. the news people from the crimes that have been committed by his loss. he's law has in fact committed more violations in some instances than it did in the time leading up to the prior
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thoughts. the looking at to boost cooperation across multiple spheres. russia is hosting a major international form with a focus on the as long as the world we've heard from us. again, a stands minister of commerce and industry, who commended the hospitality of the form and said it will help consolidate ties with russia. the shak good, a sort of summer. it has been 2 years that we have participated in this form. afghanistan is an independent country with an independent will. commercial affairs have pivotal importance for afghanistan considering the situation at the moment. our policies are revolving around commercial affairs. our government's desire in stance is to have a proper connection with all countries. because we are a neighboring country to central asia and have had proper ties with russia. we want to export our products to all countries and the requisite for that is to have a good connection with all the countries. we visited cars on forum last year with
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various afghani groups and that visit ended up with interest in our private sector . we visited the president of tar, stan, and other ministers this year. i believe that our visit to the cause of the form will consolidate our ties with russia. i hope we can explore this fine opportunity in the interest of our nation and our beloved afghani people. i also believe that the russian federation has a proper plan for commerce in transit without getting a stand rush. you had a plan last year regarding the north south transit court or an export in russian products to the south. we want to explore products to the south as well, especially pakistan, india and other neighboring countries of afghanistan. the russian hospitality was great. everything was fine. the people of to tar status showed a great amount of hospitality towards us. we saw the famous afghani hospitality here too. as you know, a part of the afghani people, arthur tar. everything was fine and thank you very much for the stay with our to
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international up next. the west policy of strategic ambiguity on the plan is looking more like strategic confusions, peter lavelle and his guests discuss on comstock by the the hello and welcome to cross stock where all things are considered. i'm peter lavelle, french president emmanuel, the ground says he's advocating strategic ambiguity when it comes to ukraine. this includes funding western military personnel to fight for kids. this is not strategic ambiguity, but rather strategic confusion. the .


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