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tv   News  RT  May 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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do what i mean, there's a, there's a problem push out the, the state of israel request the parts to reject the request for them. what the situation an indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of south africa as well. a head cold as an international court of justice harring because the country tries to shift the blame for it to offensive is killed of $35000.00. that you and criticized is a. you estimate floating dalton bill to deliver aid to garza. well, most plans for things remain closed and drive is trying to transport was much needed supplies that were tax spot is wally settling. also had breast 3 consolidations selected media and journalists,
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which for years has been built under the labeling of rubber feet. so as a criminal and they will do everything they can't insure to 12 of the seats. it does not prove a slovak defense when it says, says western media bass, the blame for provoking the assassination attempt on pm roberts fits that. i've only solved on 5 minnesota baxley accusations and an exclusive interview with allstate. majority of this mass, the media us are going against the majority of sort like citizens search create function in society times age where i coney a know made by us, send me legitimate government and stuff. how protest is described noun deflation. to increase mobilization in ukraine, kind of think of a short video of the truckers protest under a dis, a key of highway against the draconian laws of the same legitimate zelinski government.
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the very welcome to you. this is all to international with the world news update is good for happy with us. this our top story in mid south africa's versions of pale in the international court of justice concerning id stocks on rafa. israel has tried to justify its defense if this code of especially 5000 sconces the recent. so i c, j hearing cause way. the representatives were a head cold. so there were times to shift the blame on south africa to the state of israel requests. the courts to reject the requests for them of the situation. an indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of south africa foot and its response as well has once again contested any accusations of genocide for to the quote, the advice of africa. it's all of the quote that's what africans case was complete
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fee. i'm divorced from the facts and circumstances. it also defended it's attack on the south of guys. i tell him to quote that in the states would have done the same if they were in their place, preventatives off as well, even the mentor, the short notice that was given for the hearing to them saying that is why was given less than 24 hours to respond to so that because i'm requesting and that to the state of south africa repeatedly, i'm returning to the court. the focus should be directed on getting come us to accept a sci fi a deal. and not only is really representative denying and detecting the claims carried out to this meta, they also say this in the one that should be stopped in this whole thing. it is so that because this case even bytes very name the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality if anybody should be towards that's enough,
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is enough. it is 40 south africa and not easy way as to what points do we say, you know, specific because the repeated attempts to expose the provision of the measured procedure of these courts in such vile and seem to come on the lawyers off as well even went as far as saying that, so that's a, is exporting the international court of justice to how much um, gave me the past military is over the if and because the war and that's an order sold by. so that's because for is for as well to withdrawal from guys that would be denied. and it's the right to self defense of off to the attorney said to the countries repeated request for the court order as well. to stop it from military operations against guys that demonstrates it, says africa's desire to, to preserve, come us ruling does that. and that it is shocking that south africa, alienvault nation. the full to against racism now aligns itself will come up,
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which they refer to as a racist organization so that they could respond to it and say that this is not true. in fact, this is a human rights issue. it also says that it is acting in the name of palestinians who have no independent representation at the u. n. for instance, we do believe that our own intention, yeah, has literally been to bring to the full consent that i need to national crimes. and particularly the crimes of crimes, which is the genocide in this case. and we are really serious about that from a human rights perspective. and not be essentially here as a list by his though that way you to defend, to protect from us from destruction. so that also says that the previous rulings from the been styling is well, to prevent the genocide have not succeeded in protecting police being is and does a. so it is c king and explicit, or that this time we hold to share in a few weeks the decision on this very urgent request that so that because filed as that decision is expected next week. but then to go on has announced the floating
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payer's bill to assist. garza has been completed and installed the fast batch of age has been delivered according to the us military and the send. com deputy colanda. so the plan has been developed to ensure the safety of will pass now for the protection of us forces participating as a top priority. and as such, in the last several weeks, the united states and israel have developed an integrated security plan to protect all the personnel. we're confident in the ability of this security arrangement to protect those involved. the project took 2 months to launch off the president bond and unveiled the plan is where the forces will be in charge of security on show. well to us navy warships patrol the area in the eastern mediterranean sea. the vessels are equipped with a range of weapons and its capabilities to protect the american troops on this side lies. although the un will co ordinates the distribution of the of the assistance
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in gaza as humanitarian. if as folks pause and say, the floating dog cannot replace loans, crossing any and all 8 into gaza is welcomed by any by any route. however, getting a 2 people that need in to and across the guys i cannot and should not depend on a floating duck far from where it needs a most acute land roost on the most viable, effective and efficient aid delivery method. which is why we need all crossing cards to be opened. meanwhile, before i mean, this is the 1st day in countries including old g 7 nations, except for the us, a quoted one as well to open old border crossings, but 8 especially the raso crossing the during statement highlight seo didn't need to in the v h, the growing humanitarian crisis in gaza and doing this while a games continue and gets rough uh, offensive. they meet, we did it on a sponsor were full wisdom. acrostic functions, folks post and say, is washington is trying to save it as well from the prosecution in the genocide
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case by the neighboring slave. that this board was built to, to present the state of israel from further prosecution over its genocide to cj, or where the, uh, the guys district uh, the political dynamics and the is run a site would support us as genocidal values will not allow the government to adhere to international pressures to open the crossing points with gaza and provide a humanitarian aid and to the medicine to 2400000. bouncing is trapped in the gaza strip to the point that the, the state of israel has even had is complicit with the terrace gangs that at that age. a attempting to go through the course and of course into a gaza. but at the same time, when the united states,
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there it comes and saves this, save it is, you know, save some of its a position in terms of, uh, uh, have any gateway to enter every needs into the gaza strip. said kind of shows that uh by then press the button. there we go. on genocide, joe is willing to take it the extra effort an extra mile to cool is loyalty to visa premises design is stay focused. so my goal is to place the total price who trying to assassinate the prime minister under arrest. the deputy prime minister has condemned pro western media and politicians over that criticism as well that fits so claiming the baseless attacks may have caused the recent attempt on his life. the good news for them is that i thought equal both to go as long as the onset of the rest of the week of politicians selected media and journalists,
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which for years has been built under the labeling of robot of feats as a criminal. and the fios of a mother, i think the to put in 7th and an evil that must be stopped and they will do everything they can to ensure the trouble fits it does not through it is impossible to go further. self reflection is the only way for woods. one sincere apologies needed it because all these lies are the main reason why the rubber fits. he's fighting for his life today. well, there were some of the western media headlines that could have a nice it is on safe it so sentiment the need it was for trade is a pro russian politician despite the teams that quoting himself pro slow like so, most schools even refer to his government his big goals are terry and according to the slow document is done misinformation like this could have led to the near facelift tag. it was line, did they slow that apartment s, that will show us multiple times? buying a silent earlier this week. the the
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so it age when the scene shows panic, spreading through a crowd waiting to meet the country's need to be a taco shots. what but fits so as he left a government building, the prime minister was rushed him into a call before he was listed to a hospital from a safe location. his condition is stable, but serious. the suspect was immediately taken into custody and has now admitted his guilt exclusive in speech. warranty for miss lomax. prime minister electronic ski suggested the shocking incidence was instigated by western media. one of the reasons i see that the so called mainstream media are opposing feats. so because features policy and features government because they are supported from the west end partly the, the owners of this media are western western companies. and that's, that's creates a situation. is that like, yeah, the majority of this mass,
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the media, us uh, going against majority delta dental opinion of salt lake citizens. and yes that's, that's create um, tension in society faces as haka has being transferred to a specialized criminal court located know the process lava for interrogation all days. yeah. so that can solve this report from outside the assailants. hi. so this here is a residential complex, then this, the walk in town of living here behind me is the residential complex in which the assailants tried to assassinate soapbox in 5 minutes to go back feet. so on one of the balconies is a russian flag. it symbolizes the unity of the residents here, as well as some show of sympathy, particularly because of the silence is currently being accused of siding with pro
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ukrainian pro western and pro liberal values. whereas the locals and the government us to walk. you are trying to push for more nationalistic, but more traditional values. now this is important because we spoke to some of the locals, hesitant to speak on camera, but very vocal about where they stand with respect to the events that took place. many local suggest the family was a good family that it came as a bit of a surprise. others suggest when speaking to them at a local pub said the same and did not try to introduce himself with the local society. and we understand, over the course of the last few years, he has had a drastic shift in his political alignments. and in 2016, he was essentially align with pro russian or pro, so bulky and national interest. and in 2022, we took a complete turn and started decide with pro ukrainian pro western and pro liberal values. we understand speaking to locals and reports from local newspapers. so just the ceiling was also a member of a number of organizations. many with different political alignments,
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the idea ologies was kicked out of each of those organizations which provides some sort of an idea into the mindset of the statements he was initially against a little bit fits was political alignment as well. we understand in 2023 when little that fits so was running for office. he vowed to put an end to arm supplies to ukraine, and upon assuming office in 2023. got to deliver on that promise. we also understand the government is currently opposing ukraine's bid at least the potential of joining nato saying that it will stand in its way doing everything into account. we've also encountered a difference between the locals here in livid sir in hundreds of where the attack took place as well as the capitol the locals who spoke to them, but stuff was suggesting that they were surprised not because the attack took place because it took so long whereas the people here and live it so the locals are still locked in nationals, been oliver, have a different approach. they have more pro government, which really makes this come as
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a surprise for many locals here because they're surprised that the silence was from one of these pro governments towns. we also understand, of course, much of these rhetoric sort of debates are happening at a time when the european union is questioning its phone identity, as well as its form policies. many suggested the government step robust through about face. so as for the leading is pro russian, but if you ask local politicians, it will suggest it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with siding with one side or the other. but it has to do with siding with slovakia. building its own national interest, its own foreign policy solver and an independent from the european union. nato, which is the volunteer, is both a member to just to that can are to individual slovakia. the, the training and village of storage has full into the russian army, bringing the total number of settlements taken in the cock of regency, so seen, and just the past week that's according to most of the defense ministry stays,
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russian falls. this of also completed 28 strikes using high precision weapons on ukrainian military sites. the targets included as defense on since munitions death, those as well as drawing facilities with the media responding alongside with a rapid russian offensive. i meant the outcry president page and announced wall in china, but taking call companies not russians go despite last go seeking to create a buffer zone and to ensure the safety of exposure to regions. and what is happening in the cock of direction is also default. ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories, including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that shooting right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost, we have no plans of taking cock of today with grace and losses on the battlefield.
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and even though the line's ation has come into force and ukraine, legislation now requires old constrict, conscripted in the end between the ages of $18.62 of the dates that personal dates are within 2 months without waiting for a summons. it also cancels the delay of service that employees of the defense ministry enterprises were allowed on. zillow has expanded, who can deliver someone's now including heads of educational institutions on the list. meanwhile, mobilization on the streets of ukraine has been round top and the the ukrainian truckers have stakes a protest on the cab desa highway in reaction to the new you know,
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they start with hundreds of trucks on the road to create a huge traffic jam, according to ukrainian media is what we heard from the pers has to themselves the thing, cuz you own a short video on the truck, there's protest on the of this a key of highway against a draconian laws of the same legitimate zalinski government from the additional region. and you can live get over grad, there's probably no such region from which cars are not standing here so that they can see that we are the citizens of this country and the address on us, not them them. of this week alone. most of those forces have already gained small grounds and keeps troops were able to achieve during several months of the much hyped towns where offensive last year. they are training and presidents, whose time expires next week is blaming a lock of west and west fitness for the russian games. it's not the minutes lensky has also signed, and even though she was in the send, most soldiers to the crumbling front lines and authorized the mobilization of prison convicts, according to ukrainian media report,
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some 10 to 15000 criminals will soon be rushed to baffle with minimal training k, a claims to move is needed to make up. busy a critical shortage of non power, as is regular military has been heavily depleted. explain, you know, far as a little say pause to know that video evidence can be used as proof of conscription . notice even if a person refuses to receive the document from an investment officer, and that's where it will correspondence, elijah and not near stays, ukraine is struggling to find enough volunteers for a military conflict. it simply cannot with is in desperate situation. and the good cannot be mobilized the truth that all surveys is the last 27 months. now they are going up on the old ages. they go to 25 years old now. and they even stopped or support a broad concept of support to old man who will be called to assess the ukraine. so
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they really in the shortage of man. so therefore, they would go to find anyone to come and go and get him says in the bathroom feed because they, they know how this is going to end up. and the reason why people all not taking the initiatives and join the army because they understand this isn't law school and evens is getting this them that you're and that was that the americans understand that because longer just. busy zalinski is still the same. i'm ready to fight to the not too great. and then the worst you saying would be my guess, go and fight and mobilize whatever you want, even convict or the youngsters, or the level neck b, o, a in the villages all inmates many see by the d. o, after you want, as long as you are happy to continue the war. all stream business non also hash has
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to live it she, when it's harry and a's to residents and rushes new guns square public who suffered from a ukrainian strong kind of multi story residential building and mush hush was visiting too. so. busy they helped restore and the region that we destroyed and camp shelly . and she had the reasons behind this right acts of goods well from the west to help russian kids with aunty corresponding to steve sweeney a one day because the most which the facebook my life got this message that the children have no money here anymore. the parents for me to be seen and made a comment. so i took the next plane and they came here also, and businessman also her, she's a rod during the guns people's republic for a 2 day humanitarian visits, his efforts simpleton, children and families across the region. so im receiving award from the head of the guns, the governor of the school would explain how children are happy and safe and now, but it hasn't always been the case. the, i mean the, with the display supposed to be by oregon m. alara's broadcast in 2015 on february
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8th, our school was destroyed by 3 direct his from this weapon underneath 288 children now attend this secondary school in torrence, we'd like so many others was also destroyed. the photos and the war, a reminder of what happened to it, reopened in 2017, in defiance of the was a former president, petro version of the machine. the days we will have jumps, they will not, we will have pension, they will not. we will have care for our children, for people, the inventories they use will know. oh ukraine children will go to school is in kindergarten. that is, will be held up in basements because they can't do anything about it. this is exactly how we will win this war to view these wood shop, told of done boss, and probably struck a chord with many people around the world who had them. when the school was boomed, when there were 3 direct hits from the rug uninterrupted system,
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destroying this quote, which was very painful for us. they were targeting screws kindergarten to the hospitals. but when we had those words to tell, children should sit basements. we said no, i will. children will not sit in basements, we didn't say we acted altogether. we raised the school from the ruined scripted. now we see mcnicholas in school is cool in the future. the governor explained to also support enabled it to be rebuilt for much english. i blew up the assistance was unknown, was because cover thing absolutely. all the students, furniture, dining room, furniture, stuff, furniture ever since the school is equipped with is no here. thanks to the help of hotels and he's also in friends with the eagles. police gets it. when he comes to us. i support is. kindergarten insurance now has desks beds and learning the too often it is destroyed in the fighting. the children gave him unintentionally. austic welcome, as he saw how much it has changed since his last visit, which, which is what i thought him were very, very grateful to. or the 1st here are children had old furniture from the soviet
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era. it was all broken and damaged, we were repairing it ourselves. it was inconvenient. the children got hurt and scratched it up. but now they have everything new, comfortable, modern, and most beautiful. and we're very thankful to order. first for his help you, the children have very happy, we no longer worry about their safety, everything is modern and of the highest quality. also stays out of politics. for him is the children affected by goals across the world that matter? i started 1990 to realize that they should take care a little bit about the people and children space of children they need. and we started in romania when the iron curtain opens and it was choked with the so in romania. finally, we went to the war in yugoslavia exhibit love. yeah, this was the beginning and then a step by step. it stopped the and in between of into africa. i mean, that was,
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it was a month i meant to jenny, it was 5 years and i've done this then. so i was on the most important places for my life. and every time we took p f with children, we never the key of for the politics, the care for the children, the neat pieces that no matter what problems that are all between governments, yes, children must come 1st. we try to help children. and i'm sure we did these last year children in need on the left side of the pool of the war and on the right side of the border. but if you take a look in the eyes of the children, there is no difference left or right in special. they are not beneficial if this or and so we try to have the care for them. also, ponds to continue is humanitarian. what while maintaining is linked to the region, there's visits and commitment to the rebuilding of don't boss, a strong contrast to those intent on destroying it. this is these really put onto
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the guns good public commitment and declaration for peace. this has been signed between the south, a strong government on rebel opposition. groups is high level mediation to take place in kenya. but there is seen is a key step in ending the conflicts that is crippled the country's economy. although the agreement substance has not been made, public can use foreign office has reported that the war insides committed to ending the violence of time to hold the sun the elections to get plans to hold. december elections continue right below position clips were not part of a 2018 agreement that ended south saddam's 5 years civil war leaving 400-000-1000 millions displaced the country and spaced ongoing fighting odds remains for these. a key fragile is due to the incompletes implementation of the lease agreement. we spoke to independence, political analysts co longer pol chung who set the steps taken a commendable,
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the the, the, the, the, the the, the, the, the, the with visual decision, the only we don't know this this is on the, on the, on the on the next in the wines criminal tribunal mechanism as of now. and so the last 2 fugitives links to the 1994 rwandan genocide have been accounted for and then has been confirmed to be dad's concluding a 29 year loan case. representatives of the tribunals say the suspects were likely
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buried in unlocks graves in central africa. the case was 1st handled by the international criminal tribunal that for one day before the quote was dissolved in 2015. the united nations mechanism took over having previously handled the criminal tribunal for former yugoslavia. both caused worked in any 3 decades to indict 93 individuals accused of violating humanitarian know in veranda. we discussed the case with human rights expos, tom lisa and gets a new ring up to this is a new case is the file sunday, the just to see how it will cost. yes. lane is just the night when that much then to be the also i know. so when i look for talking about myself
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see the secret? definitely not because many of the phone for next to assure me the test they they, they have. i am a bit of something more to be done this minute the just use the passions. i was also no firing in the day before i send you the national pin on it. so they said you want those that before we switch on, let's say some of the now to do the master on the list i'm, i'm using countries just because i'm in some countries in there was, was predicting these 2 caves and sometimes you're not going predicting this would you do? so do i, it will tell you that cop change the bit, the quotes from sense to predict the dispute, the government committed to genocide extreme. check it. oh that must have minds
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with the genocide sent them to you, give them citizenship and. busy or permanent residents from school due to fund and for fix, joseph to projected income. what do use for this needle and that goes to france has been undermining the system. i can click on the 20th, just as the way to high and to, you know, to, to try and justify them, sufficient indigent, because they were supposed to be, you're gonna conduct a general search. if you don't have a country, i need a file for a country that is protecting you and the stuff. what coming your way next door into reality with the latest episode of the window below is taking a closer look at the role of the c. i a in international conflicts and all of that with more news in just a few minutes. find that at the .


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