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tv   Documentary  RT  May 19, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT

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stuff because at the beginning of the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent on the shape of it, which is what i said. i know a little yes. the rest of the data obtain significant revenue some 2020 to stay because prices sky rocketed and we're still dependent on russian gas and oil. there is no longer the case to run this. one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost 0 russian gas and oil revenues are down 46 percent on last january. madam president. i know, i know that a lemon, a russian gas will have cost for you or but it's not only the right thing to do for moral standpoint, is going to put us on a much stronger strategic footage. and there are many more examples of their hypocrisy and this information, it seems that they usually mean the opposite of what they verbally promise all of
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these blame games. the west is playing with russia are simply not going to extend the test of time leading to the dangers of a ticking time bomb ready to go off at any time. let's do around that. we'll have, we'll see you at the top of the next hour. i do hope that you can join us again the, the, the,
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the, the, the, the, the, you know, the door so that we will lose each kilogram and any sort of separate shift for you to explain it straight to us as well. don't worry about the material costume for dominique deal.
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frontier and bows. oscar, no furniture. there's no reason that i'm running a business just when she was leaving the sponge union for us. the proper work of tempo or the other to bring my item for transit almost. so it's good to see where i'm from. cooper style, new industrial ship or store controllers. i bet you pull up a stablish in the loop on here thing you put into the on the anything. yeah. beautiful. if you're getting the page, if need be to be thrown, functions leads you to solve all seemingly steve, you throw me your your uh, be sure it's not. i'm not doing money if someone else could give me like sport, even up as a bull applica. yeah. of course he didn't, you know,
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i did cheap, i'm was there enough to find it and that's a more stable especially just cleaning, coming up the more people i read him, what's the good thing so ah, if you're going to ask you to do, that's the get the best credit, so what was to even look for the quote to is, and you might, if you show even the front of the spanish key at the soonest signal east, the can no video. i do most of it the while you're doing the, the okay. and so, you mean the park has already out as much as so i'm for the keys for human. my see me just going to give us a phone the i would thing you but asylum on sure can. you've got to be,
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we've got an expression for by name and, and deal with the thing. and those burleson me with it. so if i'm compressed mentioned to player, that's what they just given either on the what the espana met with a big deal. it's uh, but you mean you have to purchase flesh recruiting, doubtful, but you're moving with and send you what is nice, but i see what you're most of your own means. your just give you the one that i'm totally approval of doing that don't storage someone that was a separate discussion and the group was on the line for senior citizen for the almost the place. but then you think your grandma, you have gained a goals as you are the most case of the orders, components in china, functional companies to share or transfer a can without those kind of shows this of this even though some competitive local. but are we doing out black on our call to see if getting of almost as much liberty mutual stay with them, but it isn't e. oh, but you know, there's any pretty sufficient good solution. that's probably
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a possibility. now let's see if the plan deal less of the drum color. it will, i think the subsequent good afternoon choice, the, the full yup. or google play store for space to care a comp program. small item that shows a special order for 3 more. she was watching the risk of me the last what my vision was the store on the last couple ones i'm used to sure. didn't last look the why should we were up for, for a going to come on with them. just be sure to return the class. i bought a new split into what's up and i would have the video to show, but he's looking at it from come. if this $11.00 of them will change it to be honest, as opposed to i shifted them over so you can request for the 4th quarter slip screen here slot at them. it's always thing to insure mostly if someone can just
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only, you know, put them in the presence with a general think what he's scared, which is quite, that's what i'm thinking of doing such a senior since chil, any of that. but i have them. when you look at this, one of the benefits that i have to see if it can you please the the choice process before you so much for like going countries to keep going. as i mentioned earlier is i've just typical plan with finality express here. submit item, so you may have not only can gods as the deluxe states, they shall, blay wallace, say on a goal as god does and are best to ship his kindly cause. he drove to the front. i know the engineer from his designs, a small recognizance playing named sky suggests much progress. would i show up pretty well. that's concerning the flush of thought if we could seeking out. so. yeah. so this might be the idea thing and i, if you want to know voting of somebody at the moment for himself. awesome. very
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well. some of the machine you know, about a foot in the door and present when you, you know, think about the words. let's see what was most now all far out this somebody will take will given no solution. so let's just let's deal with the chest. well, most of most of the name please. most of them are on the ceiling mission or somebody over. i knew it was your little your sure about that this is when you click of showing just almost finished when you move on the kid who need them here and most the store up on next. assume only thoughts the mind waiting, but for most young people chats, that's for the rest of the rest of the boy, the normal interest. if she'll, if i'm in the of the, when you spend mutually get these mean, you know where i'm with you. i listed in the teen 40 police senior with local launching and on the football shooting. cause you just mentioned to you, i mean unfortunately is up only the way i don't see if you mentioned the village of the wind. always someone your 1st when you pull one of these, put the old soft on them pop up when low we some of the old prostate because on
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utilization. and it will always someone to a priority, both sides of the show really face for the phone with you the truth mean our a ticket though that the is professionally missing those this into a, it's a huge deal with them. you this what you're doing, little with someone with a smooth and grab a new pull chance please. someone of professionals which you only when you quit to of cool enough that the last the bullet scene didn't open yet seemed to have missed recently. well controlled, really turned on a one year old, one of course to, to and truthful. and also things past month 2, pallets the
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to have someone to, to, to look up the order. me what we just in the process here is i much of the receipts here that each did each solve of elizabeth and increased. can you visual fight them on the only e and your near within the 2 players. it wasn't sure what the bins in the kitchen was. do i have that alone? if the issue, if at the phone will did shift on pacific islands, we have to pass off colin moore's at the desk at the point of the patch, void village k e said you so we can put your name in the family to proceed at that . getting a quote right? yeah. voice and see what they have been the point. the dispute got upset over that. right? got you. what should the the but it depends on the weight there.
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meanwhile in some petersburg, local enthusiasts of go, i designated to fall the hi drange of my phone or phone. yeah, i do most of my way today, but i think i'm saying is, i figured i was on session where i'm really wasn't going to the bathroom such a nowhere store to consult and got all kinds of stuff for instance. got things. yeah. but the flow guy see when i look, that is correct. the partial uh, what i see is the schedule that kind of miss the dishes for the site is the best way with the models or can i see with your portion of the file, get it and it will still got things you really just send these letters to you what i was doing. yeah. at the promotion, you'll actually put that at the school. my problem is 15, still police losing my for the i'm using semester. come on because i asked them which despite extended see that on a 15 month old scripts and shows the lesson plans also have my own personal
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personal affairs and the assignment of freedom assignment for the shopping. so now can you look at this for, for my, for what if somebody else about those going through control it almost by the way or from other fairly for when they go from from the gulf of cooper for the vice principals or finish roles. formal existing. yep. so this could be a little difficult, was it, it's most of them are gonna come up with any problem with that. so then you know, it's not it is, oh, nice part of the group we approve is due for food bundled. i know the movie the 1st listening for fun up to so in order to make it in for my daughter storm, cuz for me nothing are preventive about the way and so it has been worse and it would be different pushing me no problem. no, no, but up in the front and then for the 5th, and if i know for one of the what the to the section that's pretty much
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the last thing i didn't know when it prints the report from this type of stuff that you are going to have to remove that a couple of the furniture on the phone as long as that is on there for you and for, for sticking in at the corner of the school. learn. so figured out way of for the tribe implant. and so the other one was with the recording of someone for the money opened them this pro. so between that, but i thought of is the, the one of over the last one is the only things that learning is below the one you were the best to meet you on the other. yes. and you're so good work to
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get all of your system and your more trust allows phone line support is on the phone to postpone the addition, but it is. tags are here. so the longer the sound of the record we, we use the thing and i knew we what was explained in there so that there's 200, i'm and spencer what fits you best me to and it was done. and the minutes when the place where the, which in the ultimate need both of us and we were chest good photos, right. without the technical team, we put a plastic round. that's something i'd be pushed to. but the more the refunds and let them know if they're on the phone, i'm talking to the pacific union for the instead of the window and you know, and who knows, i think we look at them. and they also know is it shows in my book for sample size, but the one of those from our list items, the extensions plan
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to publish the sale the loan, the else can you go to the footboard and the the pool 2 minutes in the other day i thought yeah, but yeah. c yeah, i thought i of the
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the a that's it, the name of the court, the which has some will show up within i looked at your thoughts and push replace the one that just put another way to reduce the loop as to the from the span and then what was, but it was not anything additional that on the seller, when was it and part of the the seller the what is part of it that the employee would post that
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isn't the defense you of us entered in the word or is it something deeper more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases let's go products to this to these classes because it goes ends in the last to the otherwise it's just been to the little boys . me a little a customer and what is this just principal going mr. prince? from longer they have always just to remember, i don't know felina program was wondering if at the low is just for the deepest for great the voice and this group are really quite interesting with the answer model for linking lots of folks on the good good looms that are always on i did an answer. so it's, this is the
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one on the to the 4th floor. there are the phone number where they were, they found it. so i don't think that's what's here anymore. and video says below function that i do for the new exposure. so if they don't like and very if it's in a separate, you know, the positively a lot, that's the nature of the kind of scan. troops are ready to collaborate with the hydro, and you guys, the unit runs his own drone pilot school and try and lab wastage of a full amount. i thought it was a little blown with the scrub it up into the muffler on those questions. here you're a 2nd. if alice, i've just had this bill was interested in a couple of this. yes ma'am,
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for them which company plus the score below, but the problem concerned about anything was so no, no no no problem, but it was a bunch of the people below. but the problem is, is the public wafaa 1st of all, because any mother's birthday, just you know, somebody, i thought i was a polite unit, the window to put it in the store and send it to it to
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learn this from the language and pretty much sides voice in the return, you have to send a lovely screen as far as that goes, i can bring you up here. so you're familiar, familiar with us and that basically the size of the little or the symbols that i'm really interested in speaking with almost no additional, but i'm up about the most of the class giving me a list of what the company's let us know the level of the but just come out of the ways, but almost the do the modeling pick them thought it is a and it was strong convulsions to the new move with them. no. because you to consider them going to the lowest and they say there's going to support that. the bill is due on the sea chest. you know, these are still watching each and we'll go from ice cream and used to the belt the
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can put in the pretty much get the admin is over stuffed you by shrink bought a t e cut off from saying i'm from the city and i'm going to use the bunch huber simply use. thank you very. i mean you name is be for denver, but that is the one that was a good idea of june. you press the button on the list of the videos i should have chief of yeah. submit those mist isn't when when you've got them goes on a product. so we're going to look at the cost proposal to the what $3.00 either on the store most of the building the
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surface but just to be sure that you did that, did you got the hipaa do you got the what the kind of would would want to ensure, you know, i was very upset, does that number once you've yourself, i'm a little stream for somebody else to bump a little bit to some of the additional. some of the older the silver, the fat is what that is very do. so when you ask them that it is with somebody as soon as possible, so i will send them the assessment. so i'm over here to each other. mind they're going to hear something i don't wanna, you know, worry snow, so 1000000000 but i'm set off. are you good or bad learning show someone one of the senior snap. i just keep getting your assignment, the goodness for it looks like you've been doing pretty creative before the photos
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i needed to provide you any you know for the movies. yeah. and you, most of the pictures that you're wanting here. so can you spell that somebody else by somebody who is a computer pulling up for you? my bedroom, is that what the do you want? just yeah, that crap. as you see the words going on with them, but most of what they can put, even though because you're getting it in the have come with this all is well love of you. those keys are body parts of yours. more of us to do grange, get boats us and there are with i for chase for what kind of that will be joke or uh, can we my, your oh unless you to triple thumbs by that. and you come from somebody in leslie
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cover chicago for disappointment, for the position of psycho. i'm somebody 30. 0 cool. so i don't typically see that you quoted me recorded or wifi or whatever. you want to go to the meeting, but almost as much through my billing that only have the controls 3 available which can affordable in illinois community. i don't do is i should do a little for sure what the startling i to this worker to spoil. i'm going to get an estimate for sure. yes. actually if so, that is all those numbers for us to use which of them are there's a problem for us to do the risk use of the santa goals manufacturers, 1st 3 drones with tested by a camera man. team called the brain one, the blue actually has to be able to extend. it will probably know probably in your so
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bubble of so we're just gonna cut off, is that what you're doing? some of those solutions still some of the form to the it's almost the, it's a little bit more of a minus of some good little issues and you know, the word them. yep. i, you know what else you're going to store, die up a little store. what no, no video, small amount, but i got off the moisture which was at those. i mean yeah. doing so good. i i'm would you prefer english or the southern center? yes. of charles. you have the fumbles on board. yeah, it was the most part numbers that i should be eating at all, but the 1st month it's got one here. somebody else same i was, i watched the video
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clip this last night, somebody me on the road or another couple of them with a quote from us where, you know, i didn't think i can use the fuzzy. yeah. it didn't show i, there was a 0 at the one that didn't show me how much the lower the bank is. my combat drum is it, but it's difficult to hit our initial anywhere. what's if there's one can go to the for young, i'm not sure. but the way it was time 3 of you to do one of my shifts, which wasn't, which of me sitting there, i'm or which of the bonus? and it's taking the nice group at the and we're not which of some of them a new much improvisors think mutual for if they're doing longer already to the, to just saw me know what, what is the remaining of the new mister word. you enjoy them, then especially when you have the due date,
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you're doing the blow interested in the little cheer when you're older than you on this, do i spell it? make sure i'm the traffic. if there was more that shows that i'm wondering what it was a key that perhaps you knew unless you used the not the the one bedroom or is this company or to sure it was the 1st one uh come with the other the letters are coming out there between 2 to 3 minutes, do i have to show your name from the fisher salt? pretend that i put them in the should get interesting, but i thought of that's one of them's what shows a couple of movies compress. you compare to got sort of nutrition. she wasn't as after we had this one was let you in, you can answer to an example coming up and you know, one of those things, we have them continuously from costco, boston the preferred to see the list of things to do is to finish up the for instance, research focused on propulsion. i should one year really door fear of showing sion
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bullet pretty up us thing. it was not government, so will be due to construction work, but i'm gonna stop scratch the what do you want me for money. what fits your me an option or shoot me an online function? my. somebody got them. i think that's a bureau for says voice provides is no problem. well the verbal football is do what we're going to do. i don't know if there's any. joyce: new boots have sooner, harris and your thoughts please showing you when you come in. you'll just so this to me, uh, this deal with them for me uh somebody off the story or both as and they usually seem to look for choose someone doing, you know, streaming is good news . the news. i was just wondering if you can use
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a premium in the scope with yeah, windows or could you both go see what we can. obviously if someone doesn't group off, no, just continue the visual difficult during those months and then you like mostly split the obviously the what i'll talk with you only can use some, some of the grades, anybody gifts for remove silver? speaking 1st operability shift of syria to store your streaming is new or not most of your them on the when you, molly, come on the desk was the ower one. okay? and you can boy, and can you in the past, and you will need only to send me some wireless views from the mission for school clean. it does it nip the new will it goes to a split and you have to or what the things you just know a pro which, which to with, with the
4:00 pm
the search and rescue operation is on the way in the mountains of north and iran of the helicopter, carrying the countries to president and foreign minister makes a hot long day. an idea of attack on the refugee camp kills at least 27 palestinians, as the overall death totaling calls announced the policy for 35000 tons in attempt excluded time has been nipped into bonds by defense and security forces . these attempting, bold foreigners, and congress liaison believes, and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way, their leaders included. and all 3 people including a rebel lee to meet that, that this is as with the all calm go military with pals to attend.


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