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tv   News  RT  May 20, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news this out on all the international, the international criminal code chief prostitutes installs for rest awards for the it's way the problem is that i have not lead over the october 7th, a tax on subsequent rule in golf, u. k. hi coles grounds to leave us honest. the right to appeal is us extradition. giving the ones who blow a ho, he may not have to face charges that could lead to spending a 175 years behind phones and iran presidents, abraham, gracie and his for a minister who stain amid at the law. he on all confirmed killed, a helicopter crash, and uranian province of east,
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as it by john iranians. first, the vice president is expected to serve as interim presidents as the country will hold new presidential elections within the next 50 days. the hello and welcome. today stays on the international with the legs as well as news update is great to have here with us this, our top story, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court has a applied for a rest words fully as why the prime minister benjamin netanyahu on her mazda is lita and gaza for war crimes and crimes against humanity related to the october 7th attacks on as well on the ensuing conflicts in gaza. i have reasonable grounds to believe the 3 senior leaders of our mass. now. yes and was the mohammed dice. and ishmael hernia back criminal responsibility for the
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following. international crimes committed on the territory of these rail. i'm the state of palestine from at least the 7th of october 2023. i can also confirm today that i have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you, i've got on the back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. let's get more details on this. this costs lives to all the middle east bureau chief, maria said, notion of maria, good to see you. this is a significant move by the i c. c with a. could you just could you break down the developments for what do they entail of
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the file? hello. to nick a, this is how it's rarely prime minister and have mass liter found themselves in the same boat thing. the, the international criminal court is now seeking arrest for and school benjamin netanyahu, and yet has to are on chargers a war crimes and crimes against humanity over the over, over 7 for tax and southern israel. when i'm asked to militants crossed from guys or into is really southern communities, keeley hundreds and taken scores, hostages and over the war. and guys are the israel launched in response that according to guys, a house ministry took more than 35000 palestinian lives already the court. steve prosecutor concerns that in an interview to cnn on monday. in addition v i c. c is also seeking warrens for israel's defense minister. tends to other top him, us leaders, mahatma the other but a human must city, the leader all the for some brigades, better known as bahama days. and there's no honey,
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a massive political liter pedal all by c. c. charges will now can see there are the prosecutors application for the arrest warrants, and the charges against the mosque man includes extermination, murder taking cost, race and sexual assault in detention while is really politicians might face charges of holes in extermination, causing surveys seen as a method of war, including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies, deliberately targeting civilians in conflict. the words to gain states really politicians march the 1st on the eyes to see has targeted the litter shape of a close ally of the united states. they didn't tell me as a surprise, i have to say when reports emerged the 1st time last month that the icpc was considering the most recent. yahoo said that it would be an outrage for potions. and, but a israel has an independent legal system that investigates all the violations. this
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is, was prime minister had say by that at all. so let's listen to what was done, commented on that one. so not sure how to use the whole cause, the international bodies that throws up to an event and not a whole and cost a consumer in denying the jewish state. it's right to defend itself to defend itself against whom a gainsville. so came and are still open the wick and took me genocide on us. what an absurdity is, what a distortion of justice in history with the population within us or the white house, the potential for the aggravating factor. so we've been really clear about the icbc investigation. we do not support it. we don't believe that they have the jurisdiction and i'm just going to leave it there for now. today we haven't heard from the new yahoo yet, but some is really officials already commented on the i. c. c. move from bass of to the un polls $6.00. but then to the 2 ends of the terrorist,
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israel's national security administer. it shows that it was a mistake to send as really representative to the hey, can we also recommend that the prime minister and defense minister, but just ignore the and to submit to the chief all i see. see then based switching to you with the operation in gaza, been, we have said former defense minister and tolerance. chairman of the national unity policy, benny guns claims that puts in israel and leaders in the same line with one terrorist herds. israel's ability to protect its citizens again, be deeply responded yet, but we might understand from his previous comments what he's on sir, will be back to you many things so that update the summary of the notion of on the middle east butte road chief would of course be keeping a very close eye on this story and putting in your, the latest updates to stay with us on all the international. that's some more breaking news for you. now,
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the u. k. high court has ruled in favor of the extradition to pay a whistle blower julian assaults. he's been growing to, it's the right to continue his fight for freedom. i'm going to here in the studio, bio correspondence for rena, close the river. i read a thanks for coming in, so this is a highly anticipated ruling. and the judy massage saga if you, what has been going on for so long is the ruling surprising to you. could you just summarize the beef lens, the bottle that we've seen? it's definitely lying. say it's, it's not surprising because it doesn't actually change anything. of course, you will not be expedited to the united states in the space of 24 hours, which was what he was risking to happen. but it doesn't change anything in terms of it will just continue appealing and he's been appealing for how long an hour and he's been just time for how many years. now let's go back this all started in 2010 when his website weekly expo is basically the us military's actions abroad in particular in iraq and have gotten his son. and all of
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a sudden some random charges, right charges appeared in sweden. so after that he moved to the united kingdom and then the court there ruled that he should be expedited to sweden, which is when he decided to enter the door, an embassy to seek asylum there, where he got it and spend the next 7 years there. but of course, all parties were after him as well. the us authorities were after him as well. so then in 2019 equitable withdrew his asylum status. and he was arrested by british authorities for breach. and his fail conditions back in 2012. and he had to do 12, i'll 50 weeks in prison. and at the same time, as i said, us reporters were after him on espionage charges. and then after that in 2021 and put us judge ruled that as long as can not be expedited to the us because he's likely to kill himself onto the us harsh for us and conditions. the u. s. government appealed and it has to prove that he would be treated mainly they
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convinced the british high court. there was another appeal. and now we have a julian. this launch can continue his appeal process. this is where we are now the, the tall as well on joining us ons. calling beyond the state, did we know that his health is not in the best of states where you can imagine down to 7 years, just in the embassy. and this has been happening since 2010. he is being persecuted by sweeter supports. he's then uh, by british authorities the us are on his back trying, trying to get them in there in the united states. he places a 17075 years in prison, which is why they're trying to hold this expedition. so that would disappear process. but we'll see what will happen, of course. and yet this is an australia and mine also holding ecuadorian citizenship them with. but we have the washington, according for his expedition to the us, just to help us understand this, please. absolutely was because he expose their secrets the us military's actions abroad through the leaks of diplomatic tables and other classified files will for example,
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of washington the use of some of conspiring but the us army intelligence officer charles, demanding that we know of course, also that time serve time in prison for working with him for accessing the pencil, go on computer and expose and diplomatic tables that, of course, went onto. not only did we find out about the true scale of devastation of the us military's action in iraq and afghanistan, huge death, soul civilian casualties, also torture in guantanamo. in fact, let's take a little recap of a wants we can leaks exposed the the on
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the well to the saw and argue that it wasn't necessary to expose the us military's actions abroad, and how many lives are essentially slee last, whereas washington has argued that by doing that he, i'll put millions of people's lives at risk at the same time too. and that's why i'm saying, but what you, what you are doing is you're killing innocent civilians all over the world and people need to know about this. and now of course, this is why he faces a 175 years in prison in the us. and also it's under the espionage tax, which is what a lot of people have
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a problem with. because normally they use the espionage active will be used for the 1st time, for a publisher. so not a government worker, for example, transferring military secrets to different countries. but someone who simply published the information that was acquired by someone else. and this raises the topic of course, of the freedom of speech, freedom of media, and what that will mean moving forward. but there is a sign of hope last month jo, by the in the us president, did say that a, he's supposed to be a civilian authorities and he is considering australia is request to drop the charges and return him home. lets see its selection the year or perhaps until by then we'll see this is a good opportunity to improve his image to make sure she was supposed. is it a sounds well, no doubt, be pleased with the routing to day. many thanks to bring this up to speed on that, that's marina cause or event to getting to all the news. now it runs precedents. i put him crazy on foreign minister has saying a man of the law he and i both consents who have died in
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a helicopter crash and uranium probing to the east as if by john the team accompanying them. also perished when the helicopter came down. so i said shows emergency workers retrieving bodies from the sides of the crush. the red crescent has reported that every one on board the helicopter died in the 1st moments of the crush the rescue, and which for evil operation has been ongoing for over several hours. now severe weather conditions, rate and heavy fog, as well as the difficult terrain of complicated the search will. meanwhile, the rainy and government has a shows that the crash will not affect. it's what racing, you know, fatigue in these tragic incident. the rent in nation lost a sincere and valuable servant for him. the welfare and satisfaction of the people was preferred over everything. so he's annoyances from the ingratitude and tones of some you wishers. did not prevent him from working day and night to improve affairs . according to the constitution, well,
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how much must there is in the position of managing the executive branch, and he's obliged to arrange with the hands of the legislative and judicial branches to elect a new president. within a maximum of 50 days, yvonne and president has lost his flight on his way to the east azerbaijan provincial capital tab breeze midway. that incident happened at abraham. will you see along with 7 other top officials of were killed in that crash, then that leaves a heavy burden on the shoulder office, a successor spokesperson of the iranian guardian council to hung, as we've just announced that the iranian vice president is, has officially started its role to take over the president, so was possibilities for up to 50 days. and this means that a, that council that we spoke about earlier will be held as soon as with the presence
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of the iranian apartments speaker, mohammed de boff, as well as the judiciary chief, mister se, along with the vice president of the 1st vice president mohammed will fare to um, arrange that election to choose the new and ronnie and president, within that time frame of 50 days. so what's next for iran is to also observe massive, unexpected, massive funeral ceremony for all the lives lost during the aircraft crash, which happened yesterday. of course of a for i'm you, mr. i mean, i'm the one who's the iranian foreign minister and the lady at ronnie and president abraham bracy. of course i received played a key role in revolutionizing the iranian foreign policy. he was known for his efforts to try to move the country's economy away from reliance and dependence on ties with the west and to try to forge new connections and new contacts with other
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countries on what he called new destinations, new trade destinations. he believed that the a wanting economy can survive the western measures and the western sanctions on the country's economy. he said that by establishing new relationships with countries um in the eastern bloc on top of them, russian, china, and also countries as far as latin america, including then as well i, q box one can overcome the pressures and pose against the country by the west. and the united states in particular, so, and he really materialized the really immense one. what he said, he really fourish ties with the destinations that never existed on a ros trade list, will across the enroll and people a gathering to move the desk of the president on foreign minister, locals of floats, to most sustain drives, praying for those killed in the crush,
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feed or put ceremonies will be held near the clash side on tuesday, laying the statesman and the other victims to rest from a rainy and farm and asked them how much a job as a rafer said, responsibility for the cross lines within us for imposing sanctions. on it runs aviation industry, j is equal to one of the main culprits is the united states, which has placed an embargo on the supply of aircraft and evolution parts. we run and does not allow the ringing people to enjoy a good ever use. and based on this will be included in the list of us crimes against the wrong name. * pakistan on 11 on have declared a national states of morning following the crash. well, lead is offering that condolences over the tragic death of the radio and presidents remembering him as a strong leader and an outstanding individual among them, fellow bricks, members, sound, southwick and president 0. i'm oppose the under the in 5 minutes and arrange for
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moody. deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of doctor said ed bringing him right, easy president of the islamic republic of iran. his contribution to strengthening india, iran bilateral relationship will always be remembered my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people of iran. india stands with a ron in this time of sorrow on behalf of the government and people of south africa . president graham refers to offers his deep condolences to the supreme leader of a run in the government and people of these womic republic president. remo 1st his thoughts are with the families of the late president and foreign minister as well as the relatives of the personnel. and air crew who perished, the chinese government as a warranty, has expressed as deep sorrow over the death solve the president's on. the farm is minister all around. the russian president vladimir putin has also extended his condolences, praising, apprehend gracie's contribution and folding most go on to wrongs publish. it
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said abraham lacy was an outstanding politician whose entire life was devoted to serving the motherland. he rightfully enjoyed high respect from his compatriots and significant authority abroad. as a true friend of russia, he made an invaluable personal contribution to the development of good neighborly relations between our countries and made great efforts to bring them to the level of strategic partnership. the circumstances of the clash, a still unknown radio authorities are expected to launch an investigation to find down well kind of close the incidents and who might gain from the tragedy of the country. his strange relations with a number of major global play is mainly the us and as well, so the promise revengeful to runs, retaliatory talk attacks just last month. from us, politicians were quick to express the satisfaction with what it happens even before the fates of the arabian precedence has become no good riddance, right. you see was
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a murderous human rights abuse or before and during his presidency. but look for the reigning regime to blame israel and the us for an assassination as another excuse to support terrorism. if i use these that the world is now is safer and bet someplace the evil mind was inside and instead of just he was not loved or respected and he will be missed by no one is gone. i truly held the reading and people have the chest and say, either come to back from modes or is dictators. so it is all the professor of political communication at the university of to wrong sees the us may have a 100 and the radio latest helicopter crash. sooner or later you're on, we'll find that what was the cause of the crash. it was be the be the amount of function of the cost as well. it would be sabotage. and if it's a sabotage, we hold woodside savage by the sucker that it's only it is a,
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the american operation that can engage in this type of terrorism. these are the same people who is attending get thousands of children that are killing hundreds of people on daily basis. they have no respect to human rights, they have no respect for international law. if it's such as i just kidding. second, i do. a crunch is president, is obviously going to have severe consequences for the people who are engaged in that type of crime in the behavior. it could be, you know, the way that it was spies back. so at the end of the day, it could be that that could be the reason we don't know the cause you we joins live now by serial the lodge where a french aviation expert many thanks for joining us on the program. today. i'm going to jump straight and president re, sees a helicopter across during must be reported is very bad weather conditions just how
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difficult and all conditions like that to fly in. and so you think that was the deciding spot to in the crash? well, the thing is that you know, when you're flying in bad weather, your helicopter, your head craft should be equipped for i if our condition when the what we don't know so far. and the honesty, what i do not know so far is, was, is handicapped or approved for flying in such a bad weather or under i a for conditions that is something that we will have to know and then the pilots on. so when you're flying the president of your country, the pilots that you have should be also required to be fulfilling all the regulations. so that is part of the investigation that will have to be as clearly um, uh, showing and uh we, we will have to look for these also the course the, the other question is that the, it was not on the one helicopter, they were flying on the group of 3 helicopter,
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so one went down to camry. um the flight landed safely and deputies the the, the real question is what happens to that particular cup door and did not happen on the 2 other ones because they were flying together. yeah, that is interesting, isn't it? and i know that the jury, if it was a plane crash, for instance, we would be searching for the black folks. and that would give us more information, but i'm just on the helicopters. don't have such a blackbox. do they? well, some of them have black box is that one thing that should have also been in your school is that the almost a whole like a helicopters are equipped with emergency. look at a beacon when you have a crash it and lock a beacon that is sending a specific no is not. you can hear on the emergency frequency like a 1.1.5, for example. and this is used to track the crush slides. and this apparently was not even working. so there isn't another question that could be hast clear,
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because if that emergency beacon was working, maybe it would have help to look at the crash site much sooner. and of course, what we were saying there were 3 helicopters, 2 of them arrive safely on the wall and carrying the vi pays, carrying the presidents on the farm and has to happen to go down. of course is going to be a lot of theories about, well kuta if that happens, i'm already a wrong school. i'm a foreign minister. i said that washington was complicit in the accident and because it's sanction damage the country's aviation industry that they would. how would you, how do you feel about that, comments? well, this is absolutely and deniable that the function supply by uh, oxygen to iran, specifically on the of the ition songs sanctions have uh, desperately implications on this tragic events. so for instance, we, we do not know exactly what happened. it could perfectly be
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a problem due to the very bad weather condition. it could perfectly be a problem to the problem caused by what i called human fact or occur results manage months. yeah. and it could also be a technical problem that appeared on that's very specific up to her of that that the bell 212 is a very old. they look up there that has been used during the vietnam war. and after it's like a war cars for a lot of things and with the functions that have been applied on the, on it, on the maybe maybe the stanley cup there was facing difficulties to be maintained correctly. which would explain also why would the emergency look at a beat? because, sorry, did not work properly or was a in a positive that for instance, we do not know, but yes, it is in denial that functions have implications. and because of besides why the helicopter came down in a mountainous area of north west and around along with the weather conditions that
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it really hadn't did the search and rescue operations. do you think it's possible that the any of the passengers might have had a better chance of survival of cruise? got to the slight quicker. yes. that's also a possibility. but you know, the, the thing with um have a cup doors. uh is that you can land almost anywhere you just just need a free space to land. uh, with an aircraft you can now do the so must probably or maybe there was a technical failure and the pro decided to go on an emergency landing and they crashed while attempting to do this. on the picture that we can see on tv above the crash side it, it is much more looking like what we call the control flight into tearing. so if you look at the trail of the crash, this is to technically this and the part of the helicopter as not on the cat or as the should be if it, if it have exploded in the, in the are so yes,
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the very difficult. uh, x r a i m the every, all the difficulty is that the worst cute to you may have to access this area. may also have a, a played a bad role in the, in the issue. but, but it's very honestly, by looking at the crash site, i honestly doubt that anyone survived the impact and because of course, going to be a comprehensive invest investigation into what happens, how long do you expect us to get some results on what really went went wrong? well, you know, normally when you have a crash in the country in which the crash happened is part of the investigation. the manufacturer of the aircraft or helicopter is also part of the investigation team. the manufacturer of the engines are also part of the investigation team, not considering the relationship between it. um and,
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and united states, for instance, i really doubt that the united states are going to bring to the iranian investigation team. all the need that they would be expecting a united states providing this in the industry tried to go events. so to be very honest with you, i don't have any timeline for this. and how do you feel about the reaction since the class since the, the desk of the president and the foreign minister with const um, do you feel like the international response has been satisfactory? well, you have seen a lot of country, sorry, a lot of countries proposing out. uh, do you agree to to put a, uh, an actual uh, also out of the country as the provider to help uh to do, to find a rec wage of the, of the, the helicopter. i think that in those circumstances, the uh, well,
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the helps and the close by countries were very helpful. and i am sure that the iranian government is a very um, we don't. so please, but very blessed by the, by this. but that's all i can say on that subject, for instance. yes. but the once again, if that the emergency beacon was working, it would have helped to find direct wage much faster. many things to speaking to us today really appreciate your time and sharing your expertise as always as serial de las referential aviation expert. thank you. you're welcome. bye or during one of his last public appearances, i put him raise the spoke of the press conference and answered fine john. he talks about the wrongs, cooperation with as a, by john on the publicity and conflict will do 10 as the haps. we will be able to complete this harass quarter of the project ahead of the schedule of 36 months, which means the interest of both countries and peoples. and is this degree important route in the region. we believe of this quarter that will provide communications,
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which is very important. we intend not only to continue close corporation between all countries, but also as we continue biological and regional cooperation in organizations or which both are on and as that by john a members. visa organizations such as the economic corporation, organization this on hi corporation, organization, and other international corporation structures where our goal is to solve the issues and problems that the modem will faces. the palestinian issues very important, you know, opinion. this is the most important topic in these land make worlds, and we have no doubt that corporations in his landing countries is of great importance in solving the problems of these logic well, during his visit to mazda bye john abraham raised the participation opening ceremonies of to dams, as well as holding tools with his as a find you on a council, paused on a variety of topics to view. one of the projects discussed was the so called iris, colorado,


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