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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. some more questions asked the better. the answer is, will be. the avon lake is the country's top officials to read off the faithful helicopter crash on sunday with crowns gathering to the city of to breed for the funeral procession . we are running out the words to describe what is happening in that as we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse situation and going to is catastrophic, according to the you, when the city of the population faces the 5th time in this comes, is well disrupt, 8 supply. whoops, begin to begin. the international criminal court exist to judge africa and russia. that's the instruction being given to the legal bodies main,
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prosecutors to all day. he accused members of because really and the leadership of committing crimes and french president, emmanuel mcfarland, has to crisis stricken new caledonia. and the young we protest save a contentious constitutional amendments which indigenous people fit may dilute of the a very warm welcome to us just to 5 pm here in moscow. and this is auntie international with relates as well as news update is great to have you with us or was top story iran is in the us in the 2nd of a 5 day period of national morning, paying respects to the victims of sundays, helicopter crash, including his precedent for him, racy people, days off the president's hands remain in crash victims of being moved to the to ron apples with the morning ceremony. and the capital scheduled for wednesday basically
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will be berries later. and he's home city of my shots and we discussed the upper him, gracie's legacy with the met of to volunteer, told us a statesman pulsing leaves a significant void and his home country. yes, that is precision and consistency with neighboring countries in russia was distinguished on having ties with russia, china neighboring countries, the countries of the resistance front and his law. mac states was his unbreakable principle. in my opinion, this integration will be increased. nevertheless, his absence is an absolute void for us, but the absence won't generate for jody. at some point, it will create more integration and unity at another level. tens of thousands of guy that integrates the capital of east as it by john, probably as close as to where the crash occurred. problems have passed since and most to pray for those who perished as the bodies of the radian and presidents,
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foreign minister and other delegation members arrived in the northern city before being sent to, to a wrong well, to run those things because of the phase or crash new images have emerged of emergency crews both discovering the wreckage of the croft. the red crescent has reported. the passengers and crew died moments off to the helicopter. they came down as being suggested, a technical failure on weather conditions would likely to have contributed to the oxygen schools. the government into vaughan has given assurances that this will last effect. it's was with the radio and vice president. so i think is acting head of state until an election is held. looking at us, taking the events proceeding the faithful flight saw the
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many countries of expressing the supposed to make the desk the old, the leader. remembering him as a strong politician on the individual, it includes fellow breaks, man, but india with his vice presidents planning to visit to von on wednesday to pay respects to her balance top ranking officials onto correspondence. and brendan sharma has more details for us. a can you as an all city of states morning on the 21st of may, which is to be tomorrow, respect to be condolences to building and leadership on of the of the president. he's for maintenance stuff and 7, all those who were on board the shuffle that crashed on sunday of the iranian other by john for the. now what in jazz do we use all the government officials, buildings where the national side is no one will be your own ass off off to be also
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there will be no official in to team and for to david. it's not just being there this morning. this was like a rock 11 on pockets on the syria, off the chalk. this dawn as well as the key summer morning for the song, for 2 songs for 3, some for even more and as leadership from across the world that have expressed show on the tragic death move the lead. yvonne in fact, the range of 45 minutes for being the very 1st one need us to express. the shock mc is condolences on the death of deeply saddened and shocked by the tragic demise of dr. see at the brand name raised the president of the east ludovic republic over on contribution to strengthening india around bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people around india stands with around in this time of sorrow.
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condolences on the top is indeed issue for yvonne and wrong use of ball rolling. yeah, despite the country being heavily sanctioned by the west, in fact, just days before the crushing dead signed to deal with the wrong and the child the hard for the decade long. do you very important one for both india and ron inside the right off to the was signed the us states, the bossman had internet, the issue trips to india for possible sanctions against countries as that will do business with the wrong. but this is a very important for india, india plans to invest in the shop, a hard force over the next few years around $1300000.00 on the boss, but also around the pool of drawn to $15000000.00 to build infrastructure. the sport trauma, our fault is expected to open up new markets for in depths, in centrally shows. and we've got time to trade with only fox knows, like a rochelle, for example, or to send these to us gone this time. but india is not the only country that in
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fact has expressed shock, like in the other countries also. so you've gone is a pop now and many have expressed that can do is flip that every day i convey to my brother, mohammed's motor back, and do they supremely to i? it's on the harmony and it condolences on all people. the deep feeling of all people, so the devotee with a brave and heroic people over the run with a family of all friends out brother, president a brain, but i, you see who deposits it's on the see the ministry and department is the p show and side and the reports of the part, seeing all these excellent sea prison drive you see of these i'm a republic, i'll be around as well as my colleague, the minister of do i have the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic of the run state auto. i'm working on behalf of the chinese people. we express our deep condolences of the desk of present tracy in the had
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a cop to accident. seems taken office present for i use has made important contributions to maintaining that you run security and stability, promotion, national development and prosperity, and also made active efforts to consolidate and develop the chinese ronnie comprehensive strategic partnership. so really oh, well being support coming in from across the world for yvonne in contrast that to the reaction from the west, very the seeing that it was the decision of the union leadership to fly that form. they came from the shop. ah, now many from across the world are pointing out what options they did on the have a country have really on the sanctions. and then to fly that softball, which needed new cards now or live and onto the next few days. as iran will soon elect a new one, yvonne is moving the tragic death to all these president,
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washington officials are concerned that they will and will mail drops off to the helicopter crash. american media has reported on a rising as high as a to to roll may blame washington on the is well, a full the incident. you can read more details on this story as much more on the website. all the com a representative from the us humanitarian affairs office has made an impassioned appeal to the security council quoted on the body to end the night mess situation in gaza. that we are running out of words to describe what is happening into it as a. we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare. as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse. heavy as the gauze, as population is experiencing starvation with a full blown famine taken hold in the north. food and medical supplies are piling up in egypt because the rafa crossing remains closed to deliveries and southern
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gaza shipment spot and c doesn't come close to meeting the needs of gauze is 2300000 people as low close describe the complete destruction of their existence without receiving any official a most i did, but you know, we don't officially receive any aid as reported by media outlets. we get only 5 or 10 percent in our hands while the rest somehow ends up on the markets. the process of commodities in the markets hide on those in any european and all the countries during the war and see something called this trip. the price of believe it has become a normal locals. i completely destroyed in the shadow this war and the shadow of the kittens and as choice, people don't have money. and this hasn't been the case for a month or 2 with the end of the 8th or 9th month of war. you know what it mean and the best quite enough to give it a little bit of the talks about the deed entering through the peer are not true as
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it began operating just 2 days ago. otherwise we know nothing about the future or who will run into or be responsible for it. so far, this is all i know how that happens for the people who come here. some of them come together see to do to the current situation as they prefer to stay in guy here. others come here out of necessity as they want to feed their children. a certain security has was and is wally nationalists rate humanitarian supply trucks, or route to garza vehicles of blocks and surround it on the road from jordan by a group of his way. these extreme is supposedly co ordinating online targeting trucks, in an effort to stop supplies from reaching dasa video show school was of a traits being thrown to the grounds by attack us is really police or allegedly turning a blind eye. in most cases, allowing the nationalists to disrupt the humanitarian was posted in lives, the activity ceo of the high fall. we says there is collaboration between the countries on, sorry to use that to this. carrying out these are folks who saw the
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systematically, the phones are the fire and phones. the beginning of injury is formed corporation between the police and the process. guns offices in phones and sauces. when and the front door and also phones to us and the policies going to rise to government and it says to be the diagrams and the talk in game each. anybody talk any i was called vice saying as an officer longer owns,
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spend the same people that sort of responses on viruses. and the 2 guys aren't going to officially very easily. and, and that's the only thing i know the boss very happy. this actually saw actually renting a room since the international criminal court has taken a strong stones on the will in gaza, accusing members of these wally, and some us leadership of committing more crimes. now i see stays, chief prosecutor has followed for an arrest warrant against his way. the prime minister netanyahu alongside the country's defense minister, he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you'll have gone back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october 2023. goshen was the same as the prime minister of israel. i reject with discussed the
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hague, prosecute as comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of hamas. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks like. it is moved from the campuses in the west to the colt in the hague. what a shame of to announcing the request for the rest of his wells on to mazda is officials. the i c. c. prosecutor gave an interview to cnn, saying he was told by the lead of some countries that because was created for african cases only. and of course, i've had some elected leaders, so speak to me and they be even in a be very blunt. this court is built for africa, and for some slight putin was what one senior leader told me. we don't feel like that as well. we heard from that and then that's way said a lawyer. and electra at the university of south africa's legal department explains
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that the i c. c has ignores the crimes in palestine for 75 years. the kids are traveling over the criminal court. and these sent to the printer that is consistent with a commission to come to the right to the west spencer . and i think you can see that the principle that i put on the i c c, which i think is quite a recent phenomenon. but also that i put hope and try to introduce the both just to justice, which consistency supposed to be sort of western imperialism. but to get to know more about the one with the opposed to the interest. like all the jews that
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are supported by the inside of the nation, documented most of the sensitive institutions will call victor to go on to continue with the community in vibration. been flooded and versions of a couple of the above the people that they called eyes and the they just kinda talking let's be careful 75 years. so that does happen. when most is the of the, the tomato waiting for the facebook is that to be his best to? now it's the northern west bank where the state health industry reports, at least 7 palestinians have died and 9 have been injured and an id afraid of a city option in schools and then on the surrounding refuge account. they've been evacuated due to the violence local media space is way the forces that precedes the
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local hospital and the shooting good civilians inside the medical facilities. quote, you all of the idea of claims that is conducting town to terrorism operations engine in a local journalist springs as this report that i li army at back in the do me in the can let it be, is active the night, the sadly mon main get it so that you need sort of just get the one, the daughter and the one teachers and the one is to dance and the tv for the tv and know that so i the army a being that me inside. so i mean strong that's 3. find is that on and explosions is the house and the bone banga and did it should one daughter my list the and the out of the let's beat the jump on the button month. and i know the issue is that
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what action and uh the unique am and the son around the union and the many, many. ready shopping and in got him at $22.00 and got about a senior and different and got to be done. the and uh i uh huh. i see you 3 is in the icu you in the hospital the french president and manuel mcfarland is heading a of it's a crisis. strict, a new caledonia, according to the government's spokes person. a state of emergency was declined in the region. also clashes left 6 people dead. the on rest broke out of the powers, trying to enforce a new know that would give tens of thousands of known indigenous residents voting
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rise. let's find out more about this story now. let's cross live to a correspondence joined. you mean the studio and the each of many things become a game. so the situation in new caledonia seems to be spiraling out of control. so much so the crone is heading by himself and bring us up to speed on the latest phase. now for us, president is heading to and you call it down here. as you've mentioned, image the worst on rest of the territory has been in over 30 years. and now this is of course in hopes to calm the situation down. but it was also reported that hundreds of security personnel are supposed to be joining the reinforcements on the ground. but just to remind you, a little bit of what happened essentially front is now launching and major operation the there as the post as the start of the little over week ago turn violent. especially here. the indigenous conic activists in the territory are unhappy with the constitutional reform. they say that was pushed on them by paris, but they say that it would be given the fresh settlers in the region more power.
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they also say in return, that would make the indigenous people who make up around 40 percent of the territories population have less saying their own politics, therefore also make them feel a bit more of a minority in their own land. i also understand that from says, bonds take talk across the islands territory. you're accusing it of in inciting violence. so they've offered no evidence to support that claim. um, how does more about this decision? of course, this is also a 1st thing that you or the french government decided to block tip top, but unfortunately, they didn't really give them much details. i mean, all they say is that this is part of the measures for the state of emergency. but the new caledonia hosts around 270000 people and has details for the past week, which would mean that the unrest unfortunately led to 6 people dead, hundreds more insurance. it also it's, they reported that $400.00 shops and businesses are damaged. it's also been
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reported a 270 around 270 people were arrested. but as the unrest flores says, there is new zealand and australia who are sending out military plays to the territory to essentially evacuate their own nationals there and the fear president . so for uh, friends, overseas territories came out uh and are urging the french government to drop the report. they're essentially arguing here and saying that only a political response would calm the unrest down me. many thanks to bring this up to speed on the story that see my age. i think the goals, korea has loans the us for conducting nuclear tests. that's the rest of the global stability and cuddly to grace the escalations. north korea will not tolerate the creation of a strategic and balance and security vacuum in the coming peninsula, but whole firmly defended security rights. an interest for power, for the toned action against the evolving new class,
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right from the u. s. there's only one country that's ever used, atomic bombs that with united states that use nuclear weapons on her ocean law and nagasaki. the people of her rose, whom i spoke up in the aftermath of the recent provocative drills by the united states. on behalf of the atomic bomb, to the city of hiroshima, i vehemently protest and demand that all future nuclear tests be canceled. i strongly urge the united states to reflect deeply on the higher risk reality use of what a single atomic bomb did to hiroshima and the tragic experiences of the survivors. the cry of some critical nuclear tests were done in nevada. here's how the u. s. national nuclear security agency describes them on the evening of may 14th the us department of energy's national nuclear security administration, successfully executed a sub critical experiment. and then if a relies on some critical experiments to collect valuable information,
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to support the safety, security, reliability, and effectiveness of america's nuclear warheads. without the use of nuclear explosive testing, the nuclear security enterprise will use the results of this experiment to improve on modeling and simulation capability, positive assigned space to stockpile stewardship program, and n. s a has life for over 30 years. in 1992, the united states declared a moratorium on full on nuclear tasks with explosions. however, tasks like the recent one, the provocative some critical nuclear tasks that want nuclear prowess and demonstrate the ability to destroy millions of lives have continued. the usa has never signed the nuclear test ban treaty, and it claims that these reason some critical tasks are in full compliance with all international law. however, the context of the recent tasks makes them a little bit more alarming. let's recall how recently us senator lindsey graham
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defended the use of atomic bombs against erosion and nagasaki when we were faced with destruction as a nation after pearl harbor finding the germans in the japanese, we decided to end the war by the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki. with nuclear weapons, that was the right decision to israel do whatever you have to do to survive as a jewish. the japanese officials were horrified by the rhetoric of lindsey graham to say the least and a. com at a time when western leaders say that threatening to bring nuclear weapons into the ukraine conflict is simply fair game. just rank listener, responsible for the leader of a major new nuclear armed power to be saber rattling the way that he is with respect to the categories or for nuclear weapons. so we're honestly, we monitor this and have continued to wonder if this is very close to i can tell you, we've seen nothing, even despite the reckless rhetoric that would cause us to change our strategic to
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turn posture and look. lastly, if, if mr. brewton and russian officials are worried about their troops and ukraine getting hit with weapons from other countries. then the easiest thing to do is just take your troops and wait. nobody wins a nuclear war. that's a reality that has haunted the planet for decades. so with the international tensions rising and a number of theaters right now, you would think it's just common sense that you shouldn't be flaunting your nuclear arsenal at this moment. however, when met with criticism us media and us leaders have an opt use rebuttal, it's all rushes fault. however, russia has not engaged in the type of provocative drills we just saw in nevada. caleb mauppin, archie, new york, the south africa is constitutional quote as well to bar former presidents,
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jacob zoom out from running and next week's parliamentary elections, stating that his jail record has made him ineligible. a. c t's declared that mister duma was convicted of an offense and sentence to more than 12 months into cement for purposes of 16471 e of the constitution and is accordingly not eligible to be a member of and not qualified to stand for election to the national assembly until 5 years has elapsed since the completion of the sentence. so that's what the former president to could zoom a has been bought from running full parliament in this month's election following a ruling by the constitutional court. the court declared that the zoom of 15 months, the jail sentence for contempt of court in 2021 disqualifies him from standing in the mid points. 9 eviction as the constitution prohibits in one was a prison sentence of 12 months or longer from holding a parliamentary seat. he did serve less than 3 months into $8.20. but the court
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ruled that that was relevant as the constitution refers to the sentence imposed not to be sent and served, whom i once did. so that's because reading african national congress party but was forced out of office. and as of the day 2017, and he resigned as the president of the country in 2018 and the a cloud of corruption and the cases to return to the politics late last year with a new party ad renew. she's vs criticism of amc and current president who replaced him as both poxy v dot and the president. the ac was shocked by the m k move add to add insights to the injury. the m k. paul 2 takes its name from bases to spend on wing on quanto with these, with the pot to said in a statement that this is, i'm surprising and it is disappointing, but it has not this hard to to them. it's the criticize the quotes and the panel of
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judges that issued the ruling. they've also seen the m k parties, secretary general c simply by new saying that or the ruling does not affect his campaign and that they will take direction from zoom on the next steps, the further stating that despite numerous disqualification, his photograph will remain on the ballad paper, as the registered need of some condo is seized, even though his name will be removed from the list of parliamentary candidates. having listened to this president as whom i will be on the fall of the following week. and when we leave here, we're going to have a meeting as an ex, i get to them 1st into my when need us on what to do from you on your. so you did the lead off the party. he's in charge of m k pa to people though such often must relax every direction that trickled zillow will give us, we will follow him. you leave this part 4 months as part of it keeps directions to his opinion. polls indicate that he is, he's much are,
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is he is the risk with the m k parts you posing a significant states, particularly is who most home proven. so for them in a time where she remains a very much popular and because between the 2 into one zoom as imprisonment lead to riots and possibly natal resulting in more than 300 bits and wide sweden expense fee. that is the m k support is don't have the a way with these elections. this could get out of hand, but it has to load. i'm a pull, so the so that's a can prison expressing confidence in the mood of flu and has stated that security forces prepared to handle any potential violent following the court's decision. how many, thanks for your company here. one of the international web back of the top of the hour with more of the very latest hope see you then the
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