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tv   News  RT  May 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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or the wrong legs, the countries told professionals to rest of the faithful helicopter crash on sunday, past the gathering in the city or come to the funeral procession. international criminal court exist to judge. ask for ken russia, that instruction being given by the legal bodies, main prosecutor of the he's accused members of the 3 and how much the, the shape of collecting find presidency menu and that cool head skew pricing strictly new caledonia, i made the angry. ringback test as a potential changes to voting rights, which indigenous people see. it was to me that for the
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international, a very woman, welcome to the program. all that stuff in the wrong because the country is it messed in a 2nd over 5 day period of national morning, paying respects to the victims of sundays helicopter, crashing creating? of course it's president abraham or i see what we've been discussing his legacy with tyrone smack, who told us that the statesman was passing leaves a significant void in his home country. yes, that is precision and consistency with neighboring countries in russia was distinguished on having ties with russia. china neighboring countries with the countries of the resistance front and as long as the states was his unbreakable principle, in my opinions, this integration will be increased, nevertheless gets his absence is an absolute void for us. but the absence won't generate for jelly badge. at some point, it will create more integration in unit at another level that had to be
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a massive crowds gathering in the city of come for the arrival of the bodies of the president and the remaining crash victims. comb is a holy city for she and muslims. so many's mooning, the dead will continue then in the capital on wednesday, and y c will be buried in his home city then of my shots. well, earlier, tens of thousands gathered into blaze. this is the capital of the rounds east as the buys on providence, where the crash occurred. crowds filled the most, the price of those who had perished. this is as the full days of uranium president chase foreign minister and all the victims of life in the news in the city for fools and being sent them to call a child of the many countries have been expressing that support them at the death of the lead to overrun. red bringham is a strong politician and individual. now this includes fellow brickman, but india with its vice president saying that he's planning to visit taylor on on
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wednesday to pay respects to it runs top ranking officials, all tea correspondents, london trauma hospital. a yes or no city of states morning on the 21st of may, which is to be tomorrow. respect to be condolences to building and leadership on the event of the president. he's for maintenance stuff, and 7, all those who were on board, the shuffle that crashed on sunday of the iranian azerbaijan for the. now what india is doing is all the government official buildings where the national side is no one. it will be going f pos must be also, there will be no official entity meant for today, but it's not as india that is wanting this office on well, like a rock 11 on the box on that's to be off. the job is gone as well as the key. so my morning for the phone for to was on for 3, some even more and as leadership from across the world that have expressed show on
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the tragic death move the lead. yvonne, in fact, the leads of 45 minutes for being the very 1st one, need us to express as shock. mts condolences on the right deeply saddened and struck by the tragic demise of dr. see a dead brain raised the president of the east ludovic republic over on his contribution to strengthening india. the run bilateral relationship will always be remembered. my heartfelt condolences to his family and the people around india stands with around in this time of sorrow. condolences on the top indeed issue, boyd von and wrong use of boston, roving. yeah. despite the country being heavily sanctioned by the west, in fact, just days before the crushing dead signed to do you with the wrong and the child, the hard bought a decade long. do you very important one for both india and ron and tried to ride off to the resign us states the bossman had indirectly issued trip to india for
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possible sanctions against countries as that will do business with the ron. but this is a very important for india, india plans to invest in the shop a hard for us over the next few years around $120000000.00 on the boss, but also around the pool of drawn to $15000000.00 to build infrastructure. the sport trauma, our fault is expected to open up new markets for india in centrally shoals. and we've got time to trade with no one knows like russia for example, or $0.02 each to us gone to sun. but india is not the only country that in fact has expressed shock like in the other countries also. so you vaughn is a pop now and many have express they can do is flip that. i think they convey to my brother, mohammed's motor, back and to they said frequently to i, it's on the harmony. i condolences on all people,
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the deep feeling of all people. so the devotee with a brain and he really people over the run with a family of all friends out brought the president a brain. but i, you see who deposits, it's on the cd, the ministry and department is the pre show and side and the reports of the pop seeing all these excellent sea prison drive you see of these i make republic, i'll be around as well as my colleague, the minister of do i have the minister of foreign affairs of these lumnick republic of the run state often working on behalf of the chinese people. we express our deep condolences over the death of present for you see i had a comp to accident, show me some 2nd offers. that phrase has made important contributions to maintaining iran security estimate as a remote in national development and prosperity, and also made to active passwords to consolidate and develop in china running through digital publishing. so really oh,
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well being support coming in through them across the world for yvonne and contrast that to the reaction from the west. very, the seeing that it was the decision of the union leadership to fly that form that came from the shuffle. now many from across the world are pointing out what options they did on the have a country have really on the sanctions and then to fly that song which needed new cards. now, all eyes on it onto the next few days as iran will soon elect it's new. but while around this morning, the tragic death of its present washington officials, the concerns of the world, will could erupt off to that helicopter of crash. this is because american media has been reporting on a rising anxiety. the test on may blame washington. it is well for the incident. well, you can read the details on that story and of course, much more. do you head over to our website? ok. don't call the international criminal quotes,
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has taken a pretty strong stance on the warrant. garza accusing members of these really and how much leadership of committing will crimes. the i c c is chief prosecutor, has filed for an arrest, warrant against is where the prime minister netanyahu also the country's defense minister that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense. you will have gone back criminal responsibility for the following international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine from at least the 8th of october, 2023. gosh, was the same as the prime minister of israel. i reject with disgust the hague. prosecute as comparison between democratic israel and the mass murderers of hamas. this is a complete distortion of reality. this is exactly what the new anti semitism looks
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like. it is moved from the campuses in the west to the colt in the hague. is what a shame. well, after noticing the request for the rest of his riley and how much the official z i c c prosecutor gave an interview to see and, and that caught him con a, revealed that he's coming to prussia apparently from western officials who have told him that he is only supposed to investigate some nations, but not others suffer listening. and of course i've had some elected leaders, so speak to me and they be in a be very blunt. this court is built for africa. and for folks like putative was walked, one senior leader told me we don't feel like that. well, we've heard from zillow named mckee, who is the south african named petri, says the decision of b, l i. c, c regarding is, well, is a step in the right direction. there's always been a belief that to the isis,
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the is an instrument of input that is in because it is always over the years from the time of its inception targeting off it can lead us or lee does not. i'm not of the west. what we have had now from the ices, the procedure does. and he's actually unpredicted in that it has never happened. i think our is to welcome not to move, because there's been cause from all the full composer flow. that to, that has to be something that gets done, that ups, it may be a starting point of an ice to see the, to transform itself. and to be unbiased, to look at cases without being influenced by politics of such in countries as it
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has been the case because i think many people in the world all surprised because for, for many, many, many decades and for many years is why it has been getting away with meta, we know what it means to experience that kind of life. and other you'll go about the palestinians to us are not just friends, but we see them as somebody because we've watched many things that are come on between us and them, including human funding, the white house of london, the for tools. uh, you know, the sides of the people that are pissy to teen adults is very wrong and the whole 2 will be well and the history will judge them partially because they're taking just didn't. and that taking us dunce, that's done studies. i gave you money to because if now they condemn the eyes to
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see for doing that, i think it clearly david's face the music in the own back yard. meanwhile, french president demanded mccoy's heading over to crisis stricken new caledonia. that's according to the government spokes person. i say to the emergency was declined on the island, which is in the pacific ocean of the cautious left, 6 people that the rest broke out of the parish tried to impose a new rule that would give up to 25000 non indigenous residents. the voting lights, if they've lived back for 10 years or so to the situation is no complete the normalized, but it is improving to be claimed much remains to be done before things return to normal. the government has baffled selling, mobilized as i have been stressing since the start of the violence, any kind of dirtier. and i am announcing today that it was stated by the president of the republic during the cabinet meeting, that he will go,
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that he will leave this evening to set up a mission that can say, the mean you, my call is now heading to new caledonia and that's mid the worst unrest, the territory has seen in over 30 years. i mean probably this is in hopes to calm the situation down, but there's also been reports that the hundreds more. 1 of security personnel will be sent to reinforcements, will be joining reinforcements on the ground. so just to remind you, a little bit of what happened essentially here, front is launching this a major operation and you call it donia. amid the protests that are up to the little over a week ago, turn in violence. now the reason those protests even interrupted was because science is trying to push this new reform onto the territory. and of course, the indigenous kind of people are unhappy with the new constitutional reform, which essentially would give the right to the new people that moved to new calling during the after 1998 the right to vote in the local elections. indigenous people
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here, they argue that this essentially will get power to france, settlers, and instead indigenous people will not have their say in their own politics. and mind you that the indigenous people in the territory make a 40 percent of the population, unless we won't give up until they withdraw the text they're about to vote on. no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it will stay here on the road blocks, please. these are all the tools about being out of breath and all that we don't have to press, we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the connect people were already in the minority. if they get this text through congress invest side, we're screwed. that's what they don't understand over that. we're already a minority at home. now you're going to hear that people are quite unsatisfied and unhappy. new caledonia remains largely under french control and it is one of the very few territories like that. in the postcolonial era, it was granted some autonomy in 1998, but before 1998,
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the locals had some still some vote and restrictions. i don't understand that phone says bonds take talk across the entire territory. they choose it as being used to install violence so that there's no evidence that's being brought forward to prove that. and that also makes phones the 1st country in europe to block a take talk. so just focus through this decision. yeah, this is quite interesting because france has this national moto of liberty equality fraternity. i mean, they're known to stand for freedom of speech up until now where they're banning the tip top of social media. this is the 1st thing that you and although they didn't really get much details, the surely looks like they're trying to maybe silence protesters. i am leaving the summary hearing before the council of state following the government's decision to band tick tock in new caledonia. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever banned tick tock and government officials have provided
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no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument. young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liver to sidle drift. now new caledonia is home to 270000 people and it has seen kaos in the past week. but unfortunately, that also means that the unrest led to casualties. 6 people are or to the dad that hundreds are insured for 100 businesses and stores were damaged and over 200 people were also arrested. and as the unrest sources, we have new zealand and australia who are sending out their military planes to eventually evacuated their nationals back home. and presidents for older french overseas territory also came out urging the french government to drop the reform. they're arguing here that only a political response can stop the violence. well,
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it's the 1st day since lot to me is the landscape following the presidential term expired. that he's refused to hold the elections, claiming that there is no time for that to meet the military conflict in ukraine who rushes deputy national security chief says the landscape is now you see a who is being propped up by the west. all these manipulations with laws mean only one thing, the death of the file states of ukraine. it's transformation into a classic filed state to use american vocabulary, the west support as a landscape decision not to hold elections precisely because it is afraid of a shameful full of his criminal originally. so well back when's the landscape was elected in 2019? he pledged the end december and conflict in the don't bass, but he's failed. of course, there's a liberal not from this. when russia lost its military operation. in february 2022,
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the lensky imposed motion boy new crane. now, according to cabs, interpretation of its constitution, elections comp be held during a conflict during military and martial rule. the landscape planes that is to have some actually expired facts to the marshal who period. but he's given no indication of when he will formally seek re election. but let's discuss this now with all guests for my us marine corps intelligence officer, scott richard, human and labor rights lawyer done co blake and paula to political consultants. arnold de la. mr. cooper, like, i just want to start with you and thank you will gentleman for joining us here on the program. i'm 11 is 11 sky. he's comfortable humble rates. he was a comedian, he was an act. of course, that's not necessarily unusual. going into politics. the model breaking in states
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was an active 1st, but what is different in this sense is he's cleaning on to power what you make that decision by him to refuse to leave office. well, i think it is very troubling. um, you know, in his defense may be, well, we have a war going on. so i just suspend the elections. but you know, when the us had a civil war, lincoln did not suspend elections. and may, while i was in election observer as are know was as well um, in the new regions where there's more going on rush held elections for president even though the war was going on in those new regions. so it can be done. and i think this just shows that despite all the west plains about democracy and supporting democracy in ukraine, they don't care about democracy in ukraine. they care about control and the lens.
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he represents the instrument of control, the west passed in ukraine, but i think he will find his ability to maintain control and ukraine slipping away . mrs everett, i just want to bring you in on best points. that means the skis. critics say you didn't even bother to just defy the legality of staying. you know, if, if we know that some european ministers have said, oh, well, you know, we consider him still to be legitimate. but do quite a constitutional court could have come out quite easily and made a statement and said, well, given the situation given, i think it's all to call one a 3 and no constitution. this is totally fine until somebody else is sworn in as president. but why did you think he's avoided getting perhaps that legitimacy in explaining from kids point to me why he's still ok to be in office? well, i think basically he knows that he was elected on the platform,
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which was to make peace. uh, you know, to bring peace into his country and to play the court of appeals months so that the country could move forward. and in that sense, he's been just too much. she was on the mind from the moment i the be trade. oh yeah, i could invite face in implementing that means record towing this country into disarray, leading to a awful, the store month, 600000 of their youngest and finest young man. and so he's a very tough spot that we're and, and i agree with what the dance it uh, the excuse that election should not be held on the account that there is a war going on. not only as russian to, for the russian demonstrated that this is not an obstacle to holding a, an election. but then was, as i was the celia in the 2021 and an election was held there and there was no
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problem whatsoever. so it's, it's really kind of like, uh, these ingenuous on the part though, but is it as key? but it's bob for the course in the flies, the cynicism that has characterized the communication of, of the cab regime and obviously of it's, uh, a supporters. it's a, it's master behind the scenes. blink and himself said that it would only be an election in ukraine when every ukrainian is allowed to vote. which obviously you've referred to, uh, what verse he does, ukrainians leaving the don't pass the or the new rushes new regions and crimea as well. so it's, uh, it's a known, started, obviously. and this allows to postpone the definitive and seen it in any kind of alternative. i'll send it to you as far as the power brokers. and yeah, interesting mrs. which i just want to bring you in on this. the west has spun this story over the last few years. the landscape is
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a hero. he's fighting for democracy. do you think they can still call him, you know, a freedom fight to for democracy? when essentially it's, we call a spade a spade. he's now use a for of power we can call anybody anything. we want to look your partner. she has never been a barrier to america. labels on the causes that we should, the labels are accurate to go is quarters and that is what it is i. i, i maybe take a different approach to this. i um, i am cautious about to get you involved in interpreting your training constitutional matters. i believe that that's the sort of broadening of. ready the training and government, the training of people, and i'm sorry to just interrupt you that way. guessing
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a bit of technical issues. uh the purpose of the sound. we'll try and solve that. and for the moment we're gonna go back to mr. definitely. i just want to ask you back in march zalinski talked about the russian elections. you said you were an independent observer when they were taking place. and so let's get urge the west to essentially bronze lots me of pretends re election illegitimate itself. but the west didn't play along with that, it's kind of said, well, we're not going to do that. zalinski use the button that's refused to hold elections, as we said is not present, pete. and so it is just how legitimate can the landscape be seen now on an international level when he's refused to hold the elections? and there is no sense, as you mentioned as to when those elections could be held. i mean, he said she could become the president until his best sped as it stands. yes, totally. uh, and this, despite the european flooring service spokesman,
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peter stanos a statement to the culture a nobody is under any kind of uh, illusion that as it lensky is a lame duck. the only reason the remains in place is that the americans having an election on their own and as far as the incumbent and destruction is concerned, they must do the most to somehow maintain a uh, an illusion that, uh, everything is okay. and they don't want to rock the boat and this could hurt, you know, draw a bite in for his re election be. so that's only the only reason that i can see as to why the americans, for the time being at least are backing this unconstitutional situation. things might change after november or us november's election. mr. co, alec and essentially we've seen from zalinski, but he's got no time for any democratic institutions in ukraine. we've had the
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binding of both position policies, the binding of media. we've had to list saying that they're under pressure in terms of the sorts of things they're reporting on that we had the cracks down of the oaks adults church as well in ukraine. and then now we've had this new to mobilize most ukrainian and then this demand to have them extradited essentially from other countries where they've been seeking refuge up how to expect to let the skis weston allies to keep just defying all of that. when they say he's fighting for democracy . well, you know, again it's scott river said impact receipt is not a barrier to anything to west does. and i don't think the west or even try to justify what they're doing and they'll just continue to use platitudes about freedom and democracy. and that's that, that's where the zone sky represents us and, and that'll, that'll do it. i mean,
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you know, look to the us, it back to. so recent articles saying that, you know, is usually the case with united states to buy it and is supporting some of the most repressive and on democratic countries in the world. including, you know, the countries like saudi arabia that come to mind and by ring i see it's all, don't do as we say do is, you know, don't do what we do, do what we say. that's the western point of view. so i don't see any change, i don't see again, any even attempt to rationalize what's happening. mean. yeah, it's syncing up mr. right. so just going to come back to you. we've had the us and the european union in pledging tens of billions of dollars in euro's to ukraine just for this year. some of it coming, apparently from the profits from russian assets. so they've been sees. but who exactly is going to get that money? is it this now and elected president?
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think yeah, full is someone else going to gas it or you can also speak of an electric power as well. you creating power. likewise, this forgot electrons in the 2nd you start going down that route. that makes just about everybody who's appointed by either parliament for the president, legitimate, so you get the money, not the people. it's intended to go to. the ukraine is for dealing with legitimate government, or really junior government is one of which corrupt nation states on the planet. and. busy this money is the now to get you hooked up with the new inspector. general arts is we see example after example of the training and political and economic elite, buying $1000000.00 residences abroad city money abroad. and i believe that this, this will continue as long as the west gives it money without any adequate
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accounting mechanism in place. but i just want to ask you, the landscape says he has the full support of the ukrainian people. we know that lots, not the cases, popularity rating has been fulfilling over and over the last 2 years. well, those supposedly need to take his word for this. i mean, he's made sure that there is no political alternatives because of the banning of an alternative voices. but do you think there was a chance that perhaps he could be maybe at the end of our living, be useful unless he has to the west and spunk is? and if that's the case, who would you think could be that to put, potentially replace it? we know that he tried to take this is the, the full military chief of larry's is allusion the out the pit ship is they some of the things that the west could be looking at to perhaps back. so the next need to ship as well to be sure there's been talk about the mark has
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possible replacements. of course we heard about the usual suspect chemo churn call and the value of care for the former box of each go even photo chunk. guy expressed an interest in getting and pulling his head back into the surface. but for the time being it's really difficult to guess who might be replacing him for the extent that there is a war going on. and the reality of this conflict is being decided as we speak on the bottom of the field. so i was gonna say, you know, way, whatever the stipulation and, or projection might be billed out there as to who might replace. the last key is almost to move the issue at this point. just briefly, mr. beverly staying on that. we've had the suggested that there are critics of the lens cute in his government to unhappy with the fact that there is no sense of.


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