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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 22, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EDT

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it is dug revenge on the dead one. these remains were drawn out of the mazda liam, and thrown away into the nile. odds had was brought to england as a trophy. however, the victory of the modest revolt became the 1st successful action of the peoples of africa against the colonial afresh, and remained a dark stain on the reputation of the british empire. the . the hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered. i'm theater. lavelle is widely recognized at the camp, rename, and it's western backers are losing the proxy war on russia. in the case of ukraine, it is obvious, bad news begets more bad news to west appears incapable to comprehend as war on
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rush. it is an utter failure, the cross stuck in ukraine. i'm joined by my guess, got rid of in delmar. he is a former intelligence officer and the united nations weapons inspector in san francisco. we have k, j. know he is a political analyst and journalist and in washington state. we cross the andre might be on the e as a writer, as well as a military and political analyst. gentlemen, costs uncles and effect. that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate, scott, let me go to you 1st here. we can talk about maneuvers on the battlefield and the intrigues behind closed doors. what the economist likes to say. but i thought that, you know, tony blinking a rendition of neil young's uh, a rocking in the new world really says it all. and so, earlier in the day, he's saying, you know, who's supporting the,
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your democracy in ukraine where it doesn't exist, or ukraine is an ex president now or holding office, presumably illegally. but he had time to go down to a basement and sing a song that actually has a completely different meaning that it's original one. so for me, tony blinking tells us everything we know about this utterly failed proxy war scott as well. we also need to point out that the basement they formed in the midst of a memorial to the asia. hawkins meant that there, there is movement and everything that represents the reality. for fiction that the blinking in the american government have been portrayed you know, this conflict has always been from its inception a proxy war between ukraine and russia, where the united states and the west used to create to achieve the strategic defeat of rush. and we can never forget that, that the goals and objectives the united states was, is in,
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will be until the change of the strategic defeat of russia. and we need to be more specific to that. 9 it means the toppling of the coaching government. it means removing wherever from out. and this was the objective sanctioning. russia was designed to destroy the russian economy, to collapse the russian economy, and to get the russian people to turn against their government. then the idea of what you train was never to have ukraine when this working great. but they had this war drag on in perpetuity, exhausting rush morally economically, physically and again, trading the last straw, so to speak. that would cause the people of russia to rise up at the might on moment to remove them from power. this was the goal, is the goal. it will continue to be the goal. we should never allow ourselves to lose tied to that reality by looking at what's happening on the battlefield. the battle field is irrelevant to that frame. and so this is why
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prisons i think you see. so you're getting that row of the newly appointed the foreign minister of russia. i see, it looks like we're heading to a hot war with the west with united states, because frankly speaking, we are heading to a hot worth between the united states. russia, if the united states has not change its policy framework, we cannot talk about peaceful coexistence. so long as we're talking about the strategic defeat approach, therefore, when you trade loses and they are losing and they will lose united states and europe, we're gonna have to do something more to continue is because we can't at this point in time accept defeat. because that failure to strategically defeat russia means in the 0 sum game that we ourselves are strategically. the feed was now and that's a craving choice. scott, that's what makes it even worse. that's a choice on the part of the west. and today, you get to continue on with what,
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what scott was saying. here we, ukraine is asking nato to train them up to the said trainers to ukraine, to train up a $150000.00 recruits. that's lensky was i begging for the, the west nato, to put a target on their back. is nato going to fall for it? i was already doing this in a less space. 3 hours are that is your, those so gold 3 and are the same as the god, the repair, somehow of major or has been on the ground and you frame friend a day walk. so, i mean, it's all, this every duration oregon rotation of the same old, you know, frame, you know, oh god, i sense, you know, some kind of advise us. we're going to assume this on death. it's a, is being their friend. they want, they just simply because they were on the news side goal and they think that the public is primarily cause they attention span all the got the fuse, they just repeat the rate and read to read the same point over and over again. to
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demonstrate that something is being bought, i agree with the score absolutely, actually will also in terms of the serve is your goals, don't forget the national security of course of the, of the united states strategy. the old united states are bought the race roster. if the special ed, i mean, it actually has a bad running school roughly. well then it is the registrar now. so, but yeah it's, it's good. it's going to continue like this, but the fact that they care targets they've been killed. many of them already. so it's nothing new, i'm here. yeah. well, it would certainly be a much more public debating processment, and that's maybe that's maybe that's acceptable. okay. it's k j, it's very interesting is we had the estonian prime minister color call us at a conference over the weekend. um, calling for the break up of russia. it's really quite amazing is ukraine, get smaller and smaller, di, populated, di, industrialized, and worse. you have
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a little tiny country like this. tony is saying that the nato's agenda essentially should be the breakup of russia. echoing with scott just said, go ahead and you're absolutely right. and you know, this is, this is the fools reward for failure is greater ambition. this is what we see. we're seeing a complete failure both in the political dimension, but also in doctrine, not simply on the battlefield in tactical dimension. but in doctrine itself, we seeing a complete failure and a complete breakdown. and their response is to bet hi. this is the losing gambler wanting to make an even higher back. yeah, this is a, a sun cost fallacy. that's what, that's called. it's got, i, i sense here and i, i don't have any faith whatsoever in the honesty of a anthony blinking. i, i personally think that there are taught, there's talk for a pink slippers,
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a lensky, there could be, they may need a change to be able to change the narrative with ease and with them still, they are, it's not going to work for much longer here. and that brings up the blame game, and there's so many different blame games being played right now. scott, look. so let's each time is on this planet. i shouldn't say, well, i'm just, but you're saying the truths, god. okay. because he's put himself into the position. i want everybody watching this program to know ukraine and it's leadership volunteered for this exercise. volunteer not victims volunteer. he volunteered for this. got keep going. i mean, i agree want, here's what i just want to make sure that i don't come across as some sort of what there's the, you know, psychopath who wishes the device of a none of us use, a zaleski, deserves whatever face he gets. so, and so does that ukraine government they are especially it's president i,
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i believe, are not going to be around as long as we're reaching the in game of this concept. and that doesn't mean the strategic conflict that we are taking later to really have talking about specific proxy flushing new cream is it's in game space, and he will not be the person that will be terminating. his thoughts rushed to i can't see yet, but i'm smart enough to leave that when you start articulating the semester, these was legitimacy because of this is mandy is mandy and the russian hill. and they put him on a wanted list of that. that means that just that the zalinski is now a criminal criminal status, and that if you trade once the 5 indigo sheeted into the settlement, they will have to find somebody other than zaleski and the west right now, i believe is transitioning away from a proxy conflict ukraine,
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which they know is lost into the broader strategic conflict between the western russia. not necessarily a hard copy of the that's the direction you're heading. but a new cold war i believe is the direction that we're, you know, essentially seeing scott because that loved, but also said that in the last news cycle that, and i'll direct us to, i'm today right now is that, let me quote him here. russia won't view western europe as a partner for, again, for at least one generation. i tend to agree with that on why, because nobody in the west is trustworthy. andre, as well as cell phones that are because ulcer combine. europe is not for player calling 3. wanted to reset the ball or send the world. this is united states, china and roger impala, this, 3 arrange things between them. that's only a matter of fewer up is in consequential, militarily. if a moment please look along ca strongly, socially,
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and politically. so in this particular case, what to the restaurant use are couple said, or united states or rush out bones to interact in some fear. be that cold war as a score characters favorite, you know, be that indirect strategist, leisure 90 space. lots to do, you know, in terms of the conflict, but it will be in the direction is um for in terms of you or if there is nothing to talk about to book with cool. cuz you know, they're not even players. well, i think they let me get a good, let me go. okay, let me go ahead here before we go to the right here. i think we're all on the same page here because i think there is a shift going on right now. and you need a fall guy. and that guy is, is a lensky. oh, yeah, absolutely. um, you know, i've said right from the get go. that zelinski had a very, very short life. he fits into a pattern of us quiz links that are used and discarded, and he should have seen that coming. but i, you know, i said that he was of the eastern european,
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the d m. that he was not for long in this, in the political arena in this world. and so i think that, you know, the chickens are coming home to roost. clearly the actor has lost the script and he's no longer able to give the or the presentation that he was hired to do. and therefore they're going to bring on another actor. yeah, and they, and we can discuss that in the next part of the program. if that's going to be a member of the military, because you know, they all know each other, it's been a long time coming as a symbol of education, backgrounds and whatnot. so there are a lot of affinities, only this kind of band or i, i, the ology has got in the way, feel done by the west. all right, gentlemen, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on ukraine. stay with our team, the
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take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscope. it gives them just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented as fast? can you see through their illusion going underground? can the the
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water is part of the valuable posted isn't the deepest view of us and in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's stop without collision. is that spelled out of the the the, the welcome back across the dock were all things are considered computer la belcher menu were discussing ukraine. the . okay, let's go back to scott, you know, it's gotten you and i, on this program we've been talking about the,
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this entire part of the conflict. this is a, a conflict has been going on for 10 years and not uh, since 2022. and i think, you know, the, the in another conflict and you'll know the reference that i'm making the day after . okay. in that complex, i think it's a, it's an exercise in futility. but i think the end of this conflict in ukraine, it is, it's more meaningful. and i think it's, and there's an interesting debate that is developing here. because on the one hand, what i would like to see is the complete breakup of, of nato, and the restructuring of bodies security arrangements in europe. that's probably not going to happen because the west, they will be a sore loser. they will want an ugly piece. well, won't this the defeat and ukraine actually in bolden, you nato, because now they have a strictly identified target that they want revenge. because nato is the, is losing losing badly and it's showing itself to be essentially a paper tiger. but this will give the re, uh, brussels. the reason the you to have
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a war economy. what you, how do you go on that argument? first of all, we brush it to decide how this works and good. one of the good point aspect, the long distance observer is um, you know, i, andre k j you, we can all speculate about how we like to see this conflict. yeah. but the russian government has yet to fully articulate what nots the cation, the militarization means. what the final delineation of ukraine will be. that is the key because if russia allows a cancerous tumor to remain, then the less job would be to get that cancers to over to grow and to infect russia . russia has to eliminate the cancer stewart. if they do that, i think that's the end of nato and the end of the european union. because now, rather than doing the kind of proxy driven conflict that america nato, like to engage in. uh, they will be confronted with the reality of a direct conflict that they can't afford,
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and they don't fall apart. i believe nato's already falling apart. and i believe that russia into this conflict decisively where they terminate the cancerous tumor that is banned. there's ukraine, that nato will have to pay the bill. i mean, they, they can't afford the military, they claim they want to bill. and when they start to argue about this debate is especially of russia counters with responsible diplomacy leading towards a european security framework that is reasonable and we know the rush. it is reasonable. one only has to look at the stuff will communicate that russia was offering ukraine back in april of 2022. to see the rush is the most reasonable actor out there when it comes to articulating. not only it's needs, but the needs of those word and adversary relationship. i think russia is going to put on the table an offer to europe, about peace and prosperity, co existence,
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that nato, that makes nato of inconceivable and that nato will fall apart of its own volition rush. you won't have to do anything, but if the rush you allows it cancer's tumor named ukraine, that has some band there is ideology, ideological rendez. then data will just attach to that in a parasite fashion and try and get that to a continued strategic ambition to bring him down, right? so that shouldn't be. that's, but yeah, we have the same question now directed to our on the right. that's assuming that we have rational actors in europe. go ahead on right? yeah, that's true. we don't or and there is one thing which squat dimensions are very correctly there. or if i'm only work, all the european union is on the work of, of is broke. so they can talk about the water going, i mean, what if, what you want, but if you look at the end, somebody called the economies doesn't the great, especially when you look at the dangerous, there's ation of germany and walters competing in france. for example. it's not
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just only being able to be able to me live resource, which they don't that mean that may draw equipment turned out to be absolutely unsuitable for the more than a better opium. but it's the fact that what you have is your own for man out and so, so much in building complex in terms of the, uh, the pump it down to the labor force and you're using it with the best of all pick. i mean speed. so, and in this case, we have this before feature factor, all their different moment framework, which thousands walk financial. capitalism is a bar it's bomb, it doesn't work. so, and the real economy is the only way to go, how they will go, i don't think so they have god where they have corporate, some people because of the implosion hold hold is it lead to making machine? there are some, you know, i'm over the board, your body johnson. if you have degree and classics, i mean the really and so i mean, this is the guy, well,
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least the better bulk as issues germans are pretty challenge. you know, so you look at those people, they are being allowed them to me below me in the front of my house. so there is nothing coming off of that they have a classical, i can't say it on this program, but he does have a degree in classical something. i'll let the viewers fill in the blank here. okay, and k, you know, when scott came on right after the beginning of this phase of the conflict, i asked scott the question, who's got the clocks and who's got the time? who's got the clocks and who's got the time in this case because i find it really kind of frivolous. when you see in western media, it depends on what happens before the november election is if the russians give a quote about american elections, they don't go ahead k j. yeah, absolutely not. do you know there is an ideological uniformity which means that it is not going to make a significant difference for them. but you're absolutely right. the multi polar
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world is rising. these are tech tonic shifts that are happening and they have the time. and the us, you can, you know, fiddle with all the clocks that it wants to, but it is not going to change the direction of time. time is moving forward. it's moving in the direction of multi polarity and there's nothing that they can do. we see the failure not only of doctrine of war doctrine of joint all domain um, network warfare. but we see the failure of the doctrine that they had, as well as the failure of legitimacy and the end of rationality. you know, it's got i, we started out the program talking about the food named blinking in, in, during his visit to kids. and a number of people have commented on how it was choreographed 3 cameras. all these different angles. but see, that's what american policy is. it's all perception, that's all it is. i mean, my sense was that i saw that footage is that blinking is having netflix make
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a documentary about him that that's his top priority. that's the top priority of all of these people. how they look with their legacy is and what boards are going to sit on after this failure. scott, a 100 percent records say the last american system was governance. i mean table is with russia just, i'm not here to sing the praises of russia. it's not my job, but you have to give credit. refresh this, do you just had a presidential election, which was designed to create a mandate that allows the russian government to move in a direction to where the current leader, who is 71 years old. the very key won't be the leader anymore. how does russia survive beyond that? how does worship build institutions become a nation state? that is big picture stuff that strategic thinking that involves the nation. totally
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blanking in everybody and divide ministration are focused on that. they're focused on the revolving door of cynics. you're from government desinik your how do i leave the government? go to getting more, become a active or an associate professor at harvard, yale columbia. and then hang on for another 4 years in hopes that somebody who is politically aligned with my way of thinking. my philosophies recharge the white house and i can once again cross through the revolving door for you to be back into governmental relevance. but it's a very selfish, self centered approach. where's the rushing approach is about what's best for the nation? what's best for the russian people? what's best for the world? america used to be the country. we're not the country and, you know under, i'm glad that scott brought up the presidential election here in the new government that's come into power. and we have a, a new secretary of the, of defense, and it's very interesting his background,
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he's an economist here. it looks like there's a long vision here about how the economy needs to operate with russia. is new form policy priorities. and that's basically defending himself against the west. yeah. bills of a strategic bank are many people are the shooting of forget actually the fact that while you're on the shoes didn't probably the best to come on with the manager. but she started garage or having decades. there's more generations and used to belong most of us, the brain behind the, our economic, our strategy in russia. and she to be putting him into the position of there are man who is in charge or process defense ministry. would that increase cross as the control of the box? so to sort of manager, industrial companies, we serve gay, shy girl, was from older. so we're looking at the cold war. so financial means being
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transferred there because actually drug each other there in the soviet union to military, industrial companies, scouts being their driver and not only oversight of military development, but the civilian do i know my father was in the military industrial complex m r g, you have to deal with the show the consumer needs, apart from what didn't with the issue for providing the roster and saw you have maybe with a required sprigs. so this is what we have. and now obviously bill also is a reliable ma'am, which in the draft team and she is their grades supervisor over those come also of financial means which are be distributed today with all down for america model. and if you do, armies has been arrested. you know, they are leaving the office. yeah. pretty good. you know, all kinds of there are you, uh, you know, the next day is, are often it's really interesting on the way that you mentioned that because when i heard of the shuffle and what was going on in the ministry of defense,
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i was thinking the same thing i, my sense was moving shy, go out because there's going to be a major shakeup of what's going on there because of what the scott is said to. and what you've said here is that they're looking long term, not looking to the next political cycle. they're looking at a long term in k k, j is going to be last 40 seconds. go ahead. yes, absolutely. i think what we can see is the us is a capture by dunning, kroger, leads for not only musically tone, death, but the tone deaf and they are not capable of seeing beyond, you know, the noses at the same time that the global south is moving in tectonic long term, strategic ways, and this is the final thing that will, we're in the end game. we can see the moves ahead and we can see what the outcomes going. i'm so glad you said that because i'm sick and tired of talking about how the world has to revolve around the us presidential election cycle. and this move
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beyond it, and we are, i want to, that's all the time we have gentlemen. i want to thank my guess and del mar, in san francisco and in washington state. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our key. see you next time. remember prospect rules the the the, what is part of the, the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and bidding the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go products.
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a fine. scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer. really served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del daily the . so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and to gather the facts, to take back to the american people, the hold on bass of the front lines and the square, the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding, the
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law. i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war. the the
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thousands of foreigners have gathered to auto receive. charging him as a transformative figure whose t or the nation away from a looming economic collapse here, right, is gamma to bid the final farewells, to present a bright embrace. the end of the officials killed in sundays, headed on the price while it right is warm, lead is around the globe express of that can. those is due as an e. u. officials reward personal attacks against the deceased. the rainy and president this sunday, the saying that now who will, is that so far has present michael and heading to the pacific by the territory of new.


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