tv Documentary RT May 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT
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of that which existed in hitler's bunker at the, during the fall of berlin, where adolf hitler was seeking to move non existence armies around the map in order to achieve some sort of miraculous victory. i guess the advancing soviet army, the same phenomena. a key appears to be happy to shift today. where are you creating leadership, civil and military, are hoping for some sort of miracle. the only reason the remains in place is that the americans having an election on their own and as far as the incumbent and destruction is concerned, they must do the most is to somehow maintain a uh, an illusion that the everything is okay. and they don't want to rob the boat and this would hurt, you know, drove by them for his re election be. so that's only the only reason that i can see as to why the americans, for the time being at least are backing this unconstitutional situation. things might change after november or us november's election while that role something
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this is out as it was great to have you with us here on our see international literally take a break right now. we're back in about 30 minutes. the the line. scott bennett, i'm a former united states army psychological warfare officer and he served in the state department counterterrorism office under investor del bailey. so i wanted to come here to russia in the dawn bass area and gather the facts to take back to the american people. for the
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or the course or the hold on bass of the front line. so this is where the bombs and the bullets are raging. this is where people are dying. this is where the buildings are exploding. so i wanted to see 1st hand the scars of war, the wounds in the street, the level of the building was being collapse. i wanted to see the soldiers that were fighting and hear from them why they were fighting, powerless,
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fighting started in their opinion. and ultimately, where we're heading. the bradley, the 1st american army officer, who's been here since then, snowden. so i want to see with my own eyes, what american tax fair dollars have done the i think this is a privilege and a duty to come in. the most important thing that we can do is show that america has americans that do not have conflict, resentment, hostility, or prejudice towards the russia. so it's sad that america is turned into war, but i think that's why american military officers can come and be a be show that america is not about war. this. this is,
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the kalashnikov is the best rifle on the planet. and that becomes very, very apparent that in the simplicity of their changes and their maneuverability in their use of this weapon system. so the classic off is not only the most rugged rifle, but it is the most simple for high combat, high stress situations. what's impressive is the maneuverability of the soldiers. these guys are remarkably tight on market release reflection. okay, tom, it's been a long time since i had a collection ago. the
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the thank you. well trained will train man to tell him he's well, a good trainer. his memo live. yeah, takes me back to infantry training, drill, drill, drill, drill, drill. a sort of operations are things like ballet hours and hours and hours and hours and hours of drilling. so it comes muscle memory. when it comes matthew pretty quick, you're holding a weapon, the proper pos, your magazine, flipping it's so it's a great weapon though. the collection of cough is without a doubt, one of the most lethal weapon systems. simplicity, $760.00,
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the vehicle wondering what the problem is. 52 about some of that. do you have some quotes the vehicle? i see that those are the other ones. any mama pop off, but i don't see any teeth. so you go to the extent vehicles to the city, mothers go to seal document should be go anymore, not csv months get how can i don't you know, the serbian gentleman i spoke with extensively in spanish, we had that in common. so we had a conversation in spanish, he had a patch pro putting on his, on a shirt. he was very positive towards president putin as all the soldiers were. but they were again volunteers fighting for the level of the country. fighting against fascism village shows that the arrows so 32 on a more stable noise, but legal is the most often when it's a device that is the says, oh my god. all right, uh,
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1032 on the bose. the land as us to get us. yes. are you sure? sure. sure. sure. so fast and we would need to ship them. i need to close the suit . hello. oh yes. what color was the moist? we'll need to could you not? it wouldn't cost fussy, but what a bit the, what's the most interested on the phone that was interested in went through at the board, the fuel know the answer. well, some, you know, so when data quoted me for ben hixson live, dave majority obvious thing as long as some of the formats gave them about what's clear. so to, to ok. sounds like the last one is out of the way, but there was no way of switching somebody, but i was always the lender thing to do that because so by the bank is going to school or when to very well constructed
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a staff and had a massive part of bosch soup that we shared and i think that's extraordinary, important to keep the motivation of the troops i is to maintain a, the connection to civilized and fraternal living. and they were jocular, they were happy, they were motivated. there was a joyful enthusiasm in the hearts of the russian soldiers where i think the ukrainian soldiers are full of dread fear and the ventu ality of defeat. and perhaps absolute destruction can when it's of what i know well and i'll be on the point, the same post in the the the model. well, when we're out in the field, i enjoyed the meeting,
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the young japanese gentlemen who had joined the troops and was finding on the front lines. he was fighting is a independent volunteer because he was an anti globalist. he did not want to see the george soros and global his tyranny spread in russia was the only country that uh, was fighting back against that high stage. yeah. yeah. i got a lot of online one month. yes. from japan. yes. okay. and have you seen any action? have you been fighting the enemy? uh no. oh i yeah. i uh just uh so the rankings and, oh yes, i love watching is the here. uh, i don't the go fight yet. not yet. yes. not yet. we. you want to, oh yes, yes. okay. so are you officer or enlisted?
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now since that restaurant is sergeant sergeant, okay. i was a lieutenant in the us. our goal. yeah, good. yeah it's, it's good to see so many people from around the world coming to fight for russia. yeah. against nazis against global list, against george soros and all of this wickedness. yes. and, and i think the russia will when very, very soon. oh yes, i believe the go shop. we do a b, this will. yeah, yes. hi, i'm acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do you have the state department to see i a weapons bankers,
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multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again, it's not. we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say oh, when i would show the wrong just to save house. because the application and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground the
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the we see and you can hear explosions in the background time, ours or, or some ukrainian web us weapon, the craniums of god. 155 artillery that the us loves defend look at all these bullet holes and shrapnel. well, they have reinforced the building was sandbags, which is to shield it from artillery rounds criminal explosions, bullets grenades. so it is turned a civilian city and a currency change into a war zone where they are afraid of bombings and artillery rounds. and judging by
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last night's music in the sky, ah, it's still going on. so it just occurred to me what americans would do if their banks had sandbags surrounding them. what would americans do if their children were afraid to walk to school plus the high more missile fall in the middle of their play grounding, killed them. but a man, what would americans do if they had a similar situation going on in oklahoma that's happening in the next so the target, the military target that was so important for the ukrainians to strike was the city library. a city library containing books and knowledge was done. of course, those are toxic to the cranium. nazi sugs led by zelinski silver. that'd be
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a deal of this up like you don't know. we might be ask who is caught up. steve tread. that's like, let's say, even the cdl with this metal model for do you do is so it uses the more yeah. and your smile. they have the most of the morning that you as well. i am very sorry. nobody's been since the review. i don't really know how the people here i've had to live for 10 years, 10 years, and some people are telling me that most of these holidays haven't been so intense . you know, it's like, i don't really know how to handle it. you know, the, what i'm seeing here is almost sometimes beyond belief and, you know, for me as the, and how the people are still functioning is also, you know, it's beyond belief because we,
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in australia and canada in the united states have never experienced with their experiencing care absolutely never before have we have we had this in the west. we've lived a life of luxury in fact this for 50 years. yeah. yeah. exactly. where with she think this moment is the front line. yes. i mean that it's within our to be right. yeah. how does that mean? yes. is the front? no. yes. is the frontline city. the saddest thing is that it is american weapons being use that are causing americans to have to wear body armor when they visit cities like them. that's
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most. but then would you mind that, sir? the way many things are quenched? guessing they're going to send me pictures on long story? is this your mother? i'm just getting it over. i know she'd be actually done where send me spring or seem to academic kind of sick and then when i went to consider bank but the most in washington. ok. then of course, the more you know, you most of them know created to so we are in a time that couldn't be the last to days. and we must be solved and light voices of love for people to see and find christ. so it's hard, but good spiritual man like you provide the life for people to follow up with the shooting and assume it's i've got to train them with the going by motor smart there's,
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there's numerous thrown in with the me, i just the little i'm or below credit, i'm not sure if i'm here or is it isn't you, you're going to create a new yorkers really generally will certainly increase, could look at the boulevard. and, you know, frustrating already in general with those degrees gives a grand sportage and believing it. there's no special thing here to do. what else? i don't want any football i'm. you're standing in me as i know the station more than americans loved the russians and the premiums we know evil has been done in the american name. and we are praying against it. that's why i can, for many, many other americans are defenders of russia and ukraine.
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the c c. c. 6. now let's go out of time. i'm sorry for your loans. i'm sorry that you're here. i've come to take the truth back to america and health the end of this for i wanted to bring you some yes news or for you know fat healthy may i ask how you were wanting to know the new concept? kamikaze draw gave me a good so the 1st the with i didn't show you control on 1st and i have no choice. ok. the full died of the origin by true amount of some, but as a new man,
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most of us, it may be very passive. i mean, seen in the college through the my own experience to buy gifts or, or give me a solution with one of the visual houses. but if somebody anybody so we didn't know what to do. i mean, we might, i mean i post the quarter because we're issue with billboard and i need to come see you. i got scared where you place those nice to get it all. well don't let just do one more. look, i've got the book which some conflicts mean i wrote the which symbol google, which goes over to the risk of losing a guy's. got a man and stuff like that to me is beside something else. i wanted to meet the wounded russian soldiers to look into their eyes and see the patriotism in the heroism that they were embodied by. i wanted also talk with them about how they were hurt, what weapon to say to injure them. were they mines? were the missiles, with a high marsh, when they cluster bombs, and they come from the united states and they come for britain? did they come from germany?
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france, how were they injured in what conditions in the yeah. so these are all being manufactured in the united states sent to ukraine. for me, i thought of opposable as be the mushroom for yeah, yeah, devastating. so we have the girls, this will love this. you know, somebody didn't use a man and us the cardboard. so blue line dot com. oh, do you got a phone number? i should give them a call and tell them, hey, i've got your property in
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the criminal enterprise because the politicians that take tax fair dollars to buy these weapons or getting money in their own pockets from the defense contractor agencies . so all the companies that make these weapon systems getting money to the american politicians for passing a passing financial packages. so literally graham and all of these republicans and democrats who vote to send weapons de craye. they're getting money off the top. they'll get a $1000000.00 in brown bag of cash. so right behind the building that was struck on november 6th by high morrow. bombs time. our missiles fired by the ukranian military,
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that killed civilians. the so we're going into the building that has been shredded by highmore missile systems . the see the impact on the wall? it's shredded. all the shrapnel went up. oh is that same lines? yeah, says mine off. so that sign says minds as if mine is to blow us up. so will be a little cautious. in many ways, i feel like that classic theme from the world war to tape for the american army takes the german towns folk into the concentration camp to show them what the nazis were doing in their extermination camps. all of this propaganda that russia invaded
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with ambitions against germany and the you and the west solve both that russia came in to defend the people of dynette score being genocide, such as a woman, young, pretty woman who was captured rate tortured branded for, got cut in a swastika shape, the water is a part of the leg. is it possible to post? isn't the deepest view of us and bidding the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present there?
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let's stop without pleases. let's go products. or the, the other you lose your what strikes a lot on your flow was the or you talk with bob. bob got them for the for the book. the job i have of the money for the theater. if as little as human views to that please just like you associate with read you a couple, i get those go coordinating a lot more to the door so familiar with that. but the shame legit,
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cynthia that make you submitted on the young man, which is that's what when you put it, you got it got to. yeah, that'd be the the song, the address here kills the air and the capitals as long as everyone is bid a final farewell to their lake president. the right is more of the loss of present rates and other officials who died in a you called at the bar. the use of green made up the tire for making, delivered a funeral given the horrible, actually engaged in both as a judge and as president. but to be spending a long engage with them. yes, the iranian people are probably better off us from the you if there's a lot of tax and games, the iridium for the not even say live now will, will,
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