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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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to the headlights here is looking like a case of kit foot tops vladimir put an issue as a retaliatory decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington . seizure of frozen russian as it was for the agreement that we would convene and needs national peace conference. prussia is the country to ask for support for this conference, because bruship plays of biking role, the king of barbara and inviting russia and for the middle east security conference . speaking during your visit due to most of the countries, hilda springs putting voice global self on the island cost away as from smells, ruffling back internet access. and this new, excuse me, is obviously the territory about new caledonia recently been racked by 5
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a drive. so you can see it in the, the right a lot of moving and shaking in the world today is where you 0 in on a number of what's votes for you right here. it's a us and international whole. so it's going to be a breaking news, picking office hour right here from the russian capital where the russian president, vladimir putin has issued a decree on using us property in russia as compensation for washington seizure of frozen russian assets. so this is how the decree rates the court shall send a request to the government commission for control of a foreign investments in the russian federation. hearing, often referred to as the commission for a list of property of the united states of america and all foreign persons related to the united states of america, which may be used for the purpose of compensation of damages. now the russian president, just a shrewd at the criteria, is us property in russia now, as for my, those selves that this comes after the us senate passed to legislation to
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essentially seize russian assets in the united states that they want to later on and sent to kids was also remember that the us and his allies hold and have sees the around $300000000000.00 all fresh and as they're planning to use for ukraine. so in a nutshell, this decree is about compensation for damage that was costs to run shop by the united states. it applies in the event of an justified deprivation of the russian citizens property. so essentially, now a russian citizen has the right to go to court and business. we talk about his case or her case, and then as well as an assessment of damages and then the ports, once the application gets accepted by the court. the court where requests to the governmental commission for control of foreign investments in the russian federation, which will in return send a list of the us properties as well as properties that are owned by us citizens in
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russia. and that will be used as some sort of compensation to the russian citizen. this isn't the 1st time right that moscow is retaliated against some of these measures that's taken been taken against it. yeah, of course, over a month ago, jp morgan and had already warned that it's s, as in ross on, maybe sees now that comes after the a russian court already order to seize the accounts of jp morgan. now that that was also after rushes, but the bank sued uh, sued jp morgan to again it's funds that are blocked of called now minded. that is over $400000000.00 that uh, from gp morgan that they froze after the start of the special military operation. so it seems to be american bank itself is not doing well with the sanctions that were put on russia by the was let's take the listen to this statement from the, from oregon. it is declared a judge and decreed the jp morgan has made the necessary showing for
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a preliminary injunction of irreparable harm. now, david morgan is not alone at the russian court, also order the seizure of assets properties as well as accounts as part of the law suited with german bank. so it seems that there was some sort of warning before this victory. and it's not just the us, right. the european union has also seized russian assets if i'm not mistaken. yeah . so now the u. uh has officially filled the deal that it will be using the russian frozen assets to help provide military support to ukraine. the you alone holds around 210000000000 euros in russian unfrozen assets. the u is essentially now saying that 90 percent of that money would go to a special fund that is known as the european. he's facility now that fund is used by you countries where they get reimbursed for the military equipment that they've been sending to ukraine. and they say that 10 percent of that money will go into the budget. the heads of the check for an ministry even set it himself,
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he made it clear that his country is now ready to send 2800000000 euros that they've received from those frozen assets to present as it was the most inclusive we have approved in the you using revenues from russia's central banks, frozen assets to help you crank up to 3000000000 euros only this year. 90 percent goes for ukraine's military. russian must pay for its for damages. now knowing all of this is trina, how surprised that russia is reacting the way it is? i mean, it looks like it's bringing some sort of balance to the situation, but i must go, certainly rolled out the red carpet for the king of bos rain. he's been holding towards here in the russian capital with president putin. the 2 countries are looking to strengthen ties and counter watts spring cold western dominance in the world in the bathroom. and so i have a friend send you old, a love and appreciation for russia's role incorporation on arab masses. it was for
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the agreement that we would convey that means national peace conference. russia is the country to offer support for this conference because russia plays a vital role. russia is one of the most influential countries in the world. another topic is the situation in goal is that which is painful for us. so what we want to stop at this go up to save that. i live hundreds of thousands of people who have had to leave that homes. this region is just 40 kilometers long and 12 club was the way the women and children are being attacked. i emphasized that we're talking about the innocent people from the position of the arab league during his time. it was unanimous. uh well, the meeting started with the king of a frayne saying that this meeting vladimir fruits and them being here today is one of the happiest moments in his life. it's fully set that's home. we know that this is a very close and friendly relationship. something which was reiterated once again, that wants to maintain that and the wants to build on their relationship, which is why they're discussing cooperation in various fields, freight, the economy to man, it's harry and area as well. they'll be
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a cultural exchange. so these have box spring in russia, and in 2025, we'll see a cultural exchange with the russian seasons taken place over in the box frame. also there of course, naturally touched upon regional and international issues where they see i to i something which of course we knew from the get go with police to express great pride in the high position that the russian federation occupies on the international stage under the leadership of president vladimir putin playing a constructive role in maintaining international peace and security, as well as helping the process of development and prosperity in various countries. we also do justice to be outstanding progress. russia is achieved at the economic level. these are of course compliments. he will never hear from the west when it comes to vladimir putin or when it comes to russia. latimer preaching was also interested. so here was the sites and agreed upon at the end of the 33rd summit of the arab league of nations,
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which was hosted in box spring. last week. we heard already from the king that we had the world leaders send in their regard to vladimir putin who is really moving forward on his own multiple hollarman hats and bring it in at nights in a different countries and move in fort worth and making sure that they are strong enough on their own and on the basis of support of the neutral respects. the next year, we will celebrate the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. the saints over the years, much has been done in building relations between our states. we have very good contacts throughout foreign ministry and oppositions. a close on many issues on the international agenda restart in the past for the level of trade relations. unfortunately, this is still symbolic exception, but the trends of good you didn't ask for investment cooperation was situation of the most favorable here by about 30 large projects of being implemented with the total volume of the package being about $500000000.00. well,
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let's also get the most recently in china, and this is where the king of boss crane is heading to next. likely to also to discuss some regional and international issues as well as clinical ration. and this is very interesting because of course it comes at a time of, we're seeing an increasing divide between the washer and the global south. we'll see. and how the rascal science, which i feel so conscious and trying to, in some cases force them push them towards picking sides their sides. of course, when it comes to various conflicts around the world, in particular, the complex and weak frame. we've heard, for example, from the u. k. defense secretary, just recently. so i've been trying out for supposedly, either already provide him or planning to provide lisa a to to russia. and they're saying that china is fueling the firewall. china has come back to the foreign ministry has i am the u. k. h saying that this is baseless slander and it is actually them who are blocking efforts to achieve peace. it must
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be pointed out that it is the british side, not china. that is adding fuel to the fire on the ukrainian issue. it was precisely because of the obstruction of the british and other parties that the conflict has been delayed to this day. what's interesting is that in 2022, the kingdom of bach, right, and actually expressed as a willingness to meet the negotiations, at least negotiations between c as in moscow of course. but as we know, those piece talks failed at the request of the west. so well moving forward, lots of documents have been signed and we're expecting to see the fruition of this as we're moving forward in this multi polo world. yeah, indeed, we were talking earlier to a political consultant from boss could i ask met, who's i basically a balance of rushes, voice, sun profile on the global stay. a golf corporation console, which includes the frame, is what is the united states major allies around the world. and on the other hand,
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russia is huge here as an ally of the gulf as well. so if we look at the leadership of his band, just to comment, who has a vision of peace that seeks to bring both allies at the same table, at least, i don't think that will bring a will a cold for any pressure from the us. russia is the nature of power that nobody can neglect. they can be no balance in the world without just major powers reaching a solution and a resolution. i mean, literally an appraisal with our trust presence, they can never be on an ultimate temp, on many issues around the world today. okay. be any, a peace talks without pressure and bolt russia is heavily involved in the whole matter without russia being on the table. they can be, uh, no resolution coming out. the problem is a simple uh how we in the middle east view, russia is different from the west, is viewing it apparently. and um, that on its own makes a big difference on why we see the vital role refresh on the gate. now as the
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russian and bucket, any leaders were meeting right here at moscow. we had a chance to speak with kremlin spokesman, dimitri pest golf topics, including for example, the continued western recognition all flooded minutes and ski as you cranes legit president. although you probably know by now his time has officially expired. i rushed his tides with a ron, and the recognition of palestine is an independent state. it was a pretty broad ranging conversation. so we need to get those to. is that going to this? do you mean as an excuse to him? of office has expired. all represents the itself, the european union have already stated that they will continue to consider him as a legitimate ruler. but you know what pollutants position is that a conference in all media. you said that you craniums themselves and it showed you the site will there be any changes regarding iran roam is all pond up. it is a country with which we are developing the widest range. all find that for relations are we all together with the rainy people at pacific time. but we
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convinced that there is a full consensus among the radian leadership that our relationship continue to develop in the recognition of kind of started as a separate states. most of the soviet union recognized palestine as an independent states and russia and continues this position as well. it is black male by definition, as the west is up in arms or about georgia's parliament pausing a transparency which will shed light on who is funding n g o. who's in the media in that country. the georgia in 5 minutes to has revealed an e u. commission, i didn't mince words in a recent conversation and freshman a dangerous response if he didn't tow the line even in the face of prolonged black. i'm at least right to voice during a telephone conversation with one of the european commission is with shocking during our conversation. the european commission that listed
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a number of measures that weston politicians might take if the retail on the transparency low is overcome. while listing these measures he mentioned, you've seen what happened to feed so, and you should be very careful. let's just go back to that little dot low, which has been adopted by the georgia in parliament that would get more transparency in terms of who is funding and use in nature. in the country. there's a threat that it's not going to be signed off by the president, but there's been a huge protests in the last few months into please see as a result of that little, in fact with ease and so foreign ministers from the countries in attendance, l. c and miscellaneous and eastern. yeah, a lot. i mean, it's still a foss, stretched to say the sizes for an interference in itself, but you can get a sense of how important this is for new athene. and as a result of that, you know, we've never bought this sewage claim from the children find this is essentially that seeing a threat to his life is big because what, what seats. so this is
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a vacuum prime minister who was shot at a blank point range just a few weeks ago. have to have emergency surgery. he's now recovering from that surgery. but you know, this is a major issue and a major threat is it's fairly belated. i don't even think it's black male, it's a place and it's right. and what we also then heard from the georgia in prime, minnesota, is that he went on to say that the attack against will but fits so had these traces of special services from one country, but he says a link to the global group policy. yeah, i wanted to ask you about that mr. cobra kids, the mentions the global war party and a statement. can you elaborate on why that's important? yeah, that's important because of the global parties. so it's based on the specified political force. is that a all a piece of forces from the west, but he believes to trying to sparkle resolution in his home country and also trying to open up a 2nd front in relation to what's happening in regards to being pregnant conflict.
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so this is a really big concern when we see the protesting to pc and we see the ministers that and it really does have some sort of remedy a sense of what we saw in terms of might and in ukraine, back in 2014. so you can understand his concern, regard to that on some like force this office being conspiratorial. but let's be clear. the attempted assassination on the life with the slow vacuum prime minister was made by him. uncle, you are sent to the main street meter in the west. has no really picked up or quoted on the fact that he was politically motivated because will that pete? so when he came into power said, we're not going to send any more weapons to queen was to be a more neutral party. and this and that there were 50, it was of him online shouting to learn, lift your plane, but it's not being reported. so you know, the trying to sweep out into the compet basically because electrical motivations we saw from mobile service attack. now slovakia has said this was
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a politically motivated attempt and they've actually blamed a lot of the media coverage. oh, faint. so saying that you know, it was threatening, it was negative and he was constantly being cool with the russian stooge. the american liberal media is trying to cover up that the assassin and potential terrorists and tula, it's a political fanatic from their own camp. pro ukrainian anti trump progressive that attack on the feet. so with my safely shocking, and it's clear with the georgia employment and stuff, what he's saying has had his life threatening to if he doesn't move back on a little bit. his policy, which is the elective policy into which is the ruling policy, believes is the best way to proceed to his own country. we don't know who the commissioner was. she hasn't seen any word for thoughts this from the you so saw that the reality is a space is truth in that can use google to. i don't simple because 1st when we took the 4 minutes is interfering in the domestic politics in another country,
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the east coast, a troops about its moral superiority when it comes to other countries. and if this is true, it's essentially acting like a mafia state. while it is by making a 25 hour dash to the other side of the planet, the french president to manual macro and did not get the will. mr. welcomes with the right in new caledonia and the week of the west bobbins to rock the overseas territory in decades. i got my toilet foundation on his last. he doesn't know what to do. everyone there is looking at friends. everyone see you. the shenanigans in france now that he is coming here, we don't meet him here since then has been sending out politicians to friends. we don't need to go to friends. the discussions are here because the future of the country is here and kind of get, but i don't know. we don't want to see him here. just started this. the things on fire started to raise thousands to the point of setting things on fire. it wasn't the young people so started before it wasn't us was sense. they started to find in
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any case, it's already good. the bad comment. but after that we cons. we don't know if you arrive to restore. com. but in any case, these already con and gone and things are still the same. there is no real com, no real peace, no way allow me to send the army here. or we didn't ask the army to come here. we are fighting fall concert and so on. so i'll say it again. is this for our children? wait on, the armies here. i don't know what the army is doing here. we don't need them here . we can protect all so we can manage all countries here. young people scream because it is difficult for them with every day they see what's happening, a step away from them. easy more of a team. they live on like the people next door. i think it's more of a socio economic crisis. it's move and they struggle them and they really result into fighting and increasing the number of the electorate, but there was a socio economic crisis behind it. meanwhile, the french government has floated the idea to downgrade internet access on the
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island territory. however, that proposal was shut down that they did sort of slow, even though we raised the issue in the sending reports on the rights. for some reasons, the decision was not made to reduce the internet access from 5 g to 2 g f o social networks or due to or finding out now directly from the french into your ministers . yet i've done them. i know, speaking of parliamentary commission on the unrest in frances overseas territory, new caledonia, that the government actually considered working hand in hand with a publicly owned internet provider over there to cut off for g and 5, g internet, reducing it to 2 g, which basically just allows people to send text messages at most, but doesn't allow for them to use apps or social media or for other people in new caledonia, even pay for their burger and fries with the banking card because that requires a higher speed network. guess it's not technically cutting off the internet of people can still use to g and send texts like the cops in town to your car and
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saying that you can always just take the bus work or hey, no, and stopping you from going and getting a horse but ultimately the government just decided instead, van take talk and they forgot about reducing the speed based on what x, the essential proof of the apps responsibility for what's going on in new caledonia . none really. it's just a theory. so i guess once you took everything on the question, the tick tock which had been widely used, it was due to the exceptional circumstances that the problem is to allow this decision to be taken in conjunction with the government of new caledonia until during the riots in france back in june of last year, over a 17 year old of north africa in orange and getting smoke by a french cop in suburban parents for failing to abide by a traffic stop. the government contracted online platforms like to talk an snapshot and got them to sensor content that the government considered probably magic or provoking things even further. of course that censorship under the pretext of
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curtailing unrest could ever end up becoming a president, resulting sunday and more extensive censorship. for other things that establishment politicians consider inconvenient. right? to switch in a decision to the bicycle. the government's decision to suspend take told me so the chinese interference, the russian interference with the attack kind of bringing down being tied into that network just before the president's arrival in new caledonia the plus tested by john, when can you? that's too much. she says. yeah, major of course for senate is currently debating a bill on foreign interference in front of these yourselves, which is massive. not just the new caledonia, but all over the country. a mess comes from many countries for buffalo, russia and china. it's time to stop denying it when it's time to protect ourselves against a scene. so some of the opposition politicians, notably on the left, are demanding that the government show its work on the tick tock ban and to actually connect the dots and prove how exactly tick,
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tock and other social media apps aren't directly responsible for feeling any violence in new caledonia, rather than just operating on hunches and theories. what is happening right now is unprecedented. no country in europe has ever banned, took talk, and government officials have provided no evidence to show the networks linked to the violence. only one argument young people use this network. the government considered them guilty by definition because of their age. we are facing an extremely serious liber decide will drift. the arguments developed at the hearing by the government, still nation, no evidence is produced to legitimize the use of the band. no connection is demonstrated between the use of tick tock and the violence. this is a guilty indulgence in the use of custodial and mattress. this measure is not legitimate and the government is floundering to justify yet another attack on freedoms in a context of colonial repression. hey, look, it's not like riots in france suddenly became a thing when social media came along,
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but that hasn't stopped french present in under, in that coal from scapegoating. it, no doubt that's more convenient than revisiting his government's new policy that set off this whole crisis. the one that would mean adding thousands more voters to electrolysis on the island. if those people have been there for 10 years and giving new comers more power than to dilute the electronic voice of the native count acts on the land up until the expiration of the new may accords with france just recently have been given relative autonomy over its electoral process, but before mac home was blaming social media, he was blaming video games for causing glass summers. riots around mainland france . we saw on several of them snapshot take talk on several august the violem gatherings being organized in a sort of complicating of why allowance these i'm on the youngest leads to sort of escape from reality. we sometimes have the feeling that some of them are living into the streets of the video games that have investigated them. i assume this
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platforms to be responsible. so it's pretty clear that last year nicole had a theory that young people were going around setting france on fire because they just think they're living in a giant video game and can tell the difference between life behind the screen and life in front of it. turns out expert said that was totally wrong, which doesn't really bode well for his funding. new theory that tick tock causes right wells far away from america in europe. the us pass to anoint can you're a major non nato ally comes as president william root who is currently on a 3 day state visit to the united states. so the 1st by a canyon leader, more than 15 years, i can hear what becomes of the heart of the country to be bestowed with the title of washington currently designate a team countries as non nato allies, which enables closer security corporation. largely symbolic, tied,
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whole confidence. washington tries to quote the country away from russia and china as well. so can you propose assigned the forces to hate a possibly as part of a u. n. lead mission in the crisis? it power be in country? let's learn more costing. lives out to veronica. veronica gallow, a member of the canada, was your party, the orange democratic party movement. now joining us here live on, on the international veronica. very well. welcome to see what's great to get you on the program. first of all, just right up at the top of your head. what do you make up this me thing and an in brief, can you tell us what do you think a truly the goals of both sides. okay, um i feel the meeting monthly is to benefit the us. uh, just happens to be a place to uh they, they just feel to be engaged for maybe just something or something. i know go to the us benefit from this meeting more than virginia. you know, mean we cannot use,
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such as you can ask the guy. but you didn't know was invited to the u. s. and the mutation is basically to help the u. s. field have a feeling of the, i think the 1st will be a few that actually got is a getting a slice from boyce the china in the right. yeah, exactly. well, i think you know, that right there. and so, so at the end of the day, it really comes down to, i guess, the g, a part of taking on the world's global chessboard. america is trying to make a full right into africa simply to push back moscow and beijing, but russia and china approach africa very, very differently when it comes to investing an infrastructure investing in the community and building power lines and so on and so forth. but before, before i get the veronica, i wanted to ask you because it wasn't all that long ago that washington was holding the international criminal court charges against president and the route i would. and yet now the seemingly best friends forever and the country is its top military
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ally in the region. what do you think has brought about this change of approach, or is it as simple as j. apollo, taking on the african continent? what's up basically to get someone who finally wants to be when you're with, who don't, becomes the best candidate because the he would be able to do anything they want to be for the him to be the most the america. and that they one point that you seem to know, they know when coming he would make him happy and you would be able to jump as high as they want. yeah, yeah. do you think you're thinking any way, veronica? cuz you know, i've been in this business a bit too long and it worries me the office so many years of, of seeing what some people called suitcase cash diplomacy, where the end of the day everyone's got a price. so, you know, the us state department sends out different amounts with literally suitcases of cash to get guys on that team. i'm not saying this is the case with kenya. but idea logically, it might seem similar carrot and stick,
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so to speak. with the, with the same because we feel the president of visiting and i'm an example wesley. and just because of the gosh, unfortunately it's about 5. the natalie puts us. i tried to set up a disadvantage, especially when they started putting just mission on the board of money. and now we have to be, i taxes on the money board aspect was much spent. it could it be? so it means why leasing these? yeah, the same one using us unfortunately. so the, the money's me effective and they know for north and how they used it comes back to the citizens if we have to pay them. but we bill them actually. yeah it's, it's always like that, veronica, you know, i mean, they say crap rolls down hill, but it's always a little guy who ends up paying for all this nonsense. you know, it always rolls down to the tax payer's veronica lesson. but before i run out of
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time here, i wanted to ask you what one of the things stopping the agenda is this theoretical . can you lead mission to hate see, to try and bring some sort of restoration to all piece the. i don't understand why washington is going all the way to kenya and this thing, okay, now i need you to go all the way to hate, see, and do some sort of peace keeping mission. why is washington hunt picking me up to go to a t provide these because kenya has the peacekeeping mission for east us? you see the way the watching jessica, all the way the then watching some money. and now that by inviting them page is very far from virginia to have a look at the canyon majorities. we are supposed to be because we feel it is very fun. and it's impactful and as will be very dia and not good for our country. with that, with that we, we really stuff well we cannot.


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