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tv   News  RT  May 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the, the small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will vote against this resolution because this resolution will open at the end and on his box . so obviously there, right, this climbing of the decision up a new way to the general assembly, which adults to resolution to declare july the 11th that the international coming ration day of us, whoever needs to attend us on the new commission that makes and also veiled threat to the georgia in prime minister, suggesting what happens over a 100 feet. so may a weight of hidden v as in total western line and will back george's bar and the ancient bill and millions fucking in the streets. oberon morning, the nation's life presently laid to rest in his hometown, after a helicopter crash took his life of
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the covering, your top stories and all around the world and pushing back on the main stream. narratives visits on teams. but you, in general assembly has adopted a resolution declaring july, the 11th has to be international commemoration day of us to grab it. it's a genocide. so it'd be as beta, alex on, the voltage openly spoke out against the move, saying it'll open pandora's box. i would like to unmask this untruth and full justification for bossing such a resolution. number one, this is kylie politicized resolution. and i will ask 3 questions to which we didn't hear the proper response from the main authors. will this resolution, germany? why is this resolution being fast? number one, they were speaking about individual legal liability mentioning montana green
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amendments here. and i'm asking you if that is so why this resolution is being passed. because speaking about individual legal liability, it has already been done. it has already been delivered. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will vote against this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from the xbox. in the 2nd world war, we were among very rare people in southeast europe. that's where i'm tied, that's the audience. it. and we paid the biggest price associates, $2.00 of them. more than 1000000 of serves were killed either by nazi drums, either by not to crowds. why didn't they stopped with that resolution? because they needed this resolution in this particular moment. i'm not going to speak about guys and all the other issues today. but no one should underestimate
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people here and this whole because everybody will understand everything. why were you know, something new member states, those who didn't want to vote in favor of this resolution? saying that if they've done holt in favor of that's resolution, they will not get to your support your help when they put on the kennel the other issues. if that's if that's your pin values, democratic values or your thoughts that i was not going to be able to speak up about it. i have kinds of examples about at the event is in swimming. it's during the war in bosnia and herzegovina, or 1995 for the clad as genocide by the international tribunal of a former yugoslavia. that declaration left divisions between subs on both the acts . so it'd be, as president uninstalled the future just said the new un moved was an attempt to ask for reparations. from belgrade. velocity correspond,
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indicated muffin has more details, and this will as well the vote took place. and the united nations general assembly, the body, where every member of state is represented. 84 countries voted in favor of the resolution 19 voted against 68, abstained, and 22 countries assembly did not vote. now, 3 of the 5 permanent members of the un security council supported the resolution, but russia and china, both permanent members of the un security council opposed it now in the balkan countries who had serbia and hungry who voted against it. slovakia and greece abstained, and the rest of the balkans voted in favor of the resolution. now when russian ambassador in the den z a spoke against the resolution explaining why russia opposed it. he emphasized that this resolution to make july 11th and international day of reflection and commemoration that it demonizes deformity. this lobby a and it puts the piece of bosnia and herzegovina in jeopardy. i'm just waiting for
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it to that is the president distinguished colleagues. we've witnessed today a sad chapter in the history of the un, number of delegations lied to by germany, decided to abuse the authority of the general assembly and under the guise of a resolution to try the day of commemoration a political declaration whose goal is to demonize one of the peoples of the full might yugoslavia, you've got, the one thing is clear, the resolution sponsors are deliberately pushing balls in the age of conflicts that were called for the price that country paid during the civil war. the 1990s, when 100000 people died at the point we left with an impression that is done to make sure that the people's impulse again never reconciled. and how we can see this in this as a threat to peace and security in the country. and the region is a whole photo based is cynical and hypocritical since. but what's even more surprising is that the main sponsor of this resolution is germany. germany. we
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started to weld was in the 20th century, is killed of millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of sarah hugo in 1995 refuse to that country is now trying within the united nations general assembly. to lecture of it is about the importance of reconciliation. but in this thing, we convinced that germany has no moral authority to even mention the time of genocide or to describe anything other than that atrocious crimes. now there is no recognition from the united nations general assembly of the crimes committed by the nazis against the peoples of the former soviet union or the peoples of former yugoslavia. and that was pointed out by new bands. yeah. and if we're not going to acknowledge the crimes that the german nazi is committed during the 2nd world war, why should one of the engine 1995 be singled out? now, other countries opposed the resolution including nicaragua and the democratic republic
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of the congo. when they spoke, they emphasized that the resolution seemed pretty counter productive. so you're going to see you, and mister president in this assembly is increasingly notorious that there's a double standard in the western world that has no limits. our general assembly continues to be a victim of manipulations, and it's used to advance political agendas and specific interest of western countries. in history, we cannot overlook the responsibility and participation of nato in this tragic events. 25 years ago, nato bond. this area indiscriminately called causing thousands of wounded and deaths and yugoslavia mfc mister to please you don't. thank you very much, mister president. the draft resolution is present, it is conceived as an antagonistic act by one community against another. it will be
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counter productive and deep and the divide. it will not strength and peace and will lead to new ways of to engines on diesel. we are shocked to see that some perpetrators of atrocities in the democratic republic of congo are amongst the initiators of this resolution, as if they have any sympathy for the victims, subscriber, and eat. so. yeah, china and cuba also oppose the resolution saying it demonizes and singles out certain countries and is not really helpful in the process of building peace in the world. what was mainly western countries in their long time allies that voted in favor of the resolution by designating the 11th of july as an international day of reflection and come on ration of distributed such genocide. we are committed to closing this gap and the institutionalized memory of this organization. mister present president, let me be frank, false allegations, without this resolution, have been spread either from one to provide some clarification. this resolution is not directed against anybody, not against a valued member of this organization. if at all,
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it is directed against perpetrators of the genocide. montenegro has thoroughly examined this content, including its political and legal implications. as a multi cultural unlock, the ethnic society, montenegro place. it's a significant value on the culture of remembrance and good neighborly relations demonstrating sensitivity and understanding to issues essential for peaceful coexistence corporation and reconciliation in the region. on living and remembering victims of genocide is that most human side is a stain on our collective memory. the crime of all crimes, and we must all walk to ensure that such heinous crimes of genocide never happen anywhere else again, 68 countries chose to abstain, and among them there were many different sentiments, reflected a number of the countries that they did want to commemorate the genocide, but they felt that the manner of declaring july 11th and international day was
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irresponsible, more preparation and, and discussion needed to be done about how they've been doing so. and how to commemorate the crimes of 1995 in a way that brought peace and further peace in the world. now in addition to that, we heard brazil that spoke about how they certainly wanted to commemorate the events of 1995, but they did not feel it was appropriate to commemorate a genocide from decades ago while israel was committing what they considered to be a genocide. in gaza, similar sentiments came from indonesia and syria. as we looked around the victims of the star chapter industry, we are compelled to apply the lessons from my benefits to the present day. before our eyes again, the site is unfolding in god's engross. indonesia has voted in support of the phrase the illusion. let us not condemnation to solar memory of sleep, it needs uh, with our inaction in gaza. if we do not want history repeats itself,
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we must all be firm not holding international law. and do you encounter? we must be just double standard request said that the east. thank you mr. president . my delegation felt itself today obliged to vote against the draft resolution. we also categorically reject porter this ation of human rights issues and table in bias to draft resolutions. particularly germany is currently engaged publicly in supporting israel, politically, economically, and militarily enabling it to commit crimes against civilians. this stress is the false allegations by the states that are made in bad faith and set to deflect attention away from their direct involvement in a genocidal acts and gaza. july 11th 1995. you had roughly 8000 boys and men who were killed in by the bosnian serbs now in 2007. the international court of justice declared the events based on their legal understanding of the term
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and to be a genocide and that ruling came down, arguing that what took place was indeed genocidal. now in 2015, a similar resolution put forward at the un security council was vetoed by russia. and the important thing to remember about today's proceedings at the un general assembly was it all parties were horrified by the events that took place. there was no attempts to downplay or deny the horrendous atrocities of 1995. however, the emphasis was on how best to commemorate the advance and move forward, creating peace in the world to make sure nothing like what happened on july 11th, 1995. whatever happened again, there was a feeling that this resolution and is ratified international day of reflection. and commemoration was not really conducive to bringing the con, the parties of the region together. it was simply going to reopen old wounds. and
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as we heard from the serbian leader opened pandora's box, it was not strategic and did not really serve the purpose that those who put it forward said it would serve. we were discussing this over there in the program with us. so it'd be an american journalist and that boy, somebody who, who says that this resolution breach is boss and he has peace treaty, but also is constitution. you had the um, the foreign ministry, then you went to basset or, and one of the 3 presidents go through you go to the you when and basically say, oh, you know, we are, we, we stand behind, as bosnia stands behind this beam, clear violation of the countries, constitutions, which by the way, is part of the antics of the peace treaties, defended the civil war and 1995 and people from level to entre definitely treatment to testify. what happens when these power sharing arrangements get violated? demonstration, everybody that they don't care about the piece for you, they don't care about the law. they don't care about the constitution. and they
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certainly don't give a damned about any sort of reconciliation or truth or co habitation within uh, within the boundaries they've accepted themselves. and so again, this brings into questions entire piece treaty. uh, you know, present product has a point, i know doubts tomorrow, the americans and the germans and the british. and all of these other people who voted for the resolution will say, oh, we don't know what it is threatening please. i'm sorry, gentlemen's daughter, because not the one for acting peace. you are, you just literally participated in the unraveling of the bosnian constitution and trampling the peace treaty that you, yourself wrote and sponsored and took upon yourself to enforce in order to pass this meaningless resolution that nobody's going to abide by because so let's with that in the rest, remember the u. s. is not abiding by the legally binding. the resolution for 40, for guaranteeing serbian sovereignty uncomfortable? well that's different. no, it's not. the security council resolutions are legally binding. the un general
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assembly resolutions are advisory. so now they're gonna tell me that this resolution somehow trip trumps the security council once that's not how this works . and then of course, tomorrow into the after, when somebody else proposes another genocide resolution against somebody say like they're gonna argue, oh no, this is improper. just like you're doing with the icpc now, last year they were cheering for when it's sort of an arrest warrant against the motion president was definitely not a subject to their jurisdiction. and now they're saying, oh, you can't do this to israel because israel's not under your jurisdiction. well, which is it? is this the rules based order where you will get to make the rules? 2 thirds of humanity disagrees with this. the russian president vladimir putin has touch down and by the roots receiving a very warm welcome from his counterpart. alexander lucas shanker, stepping off the plane of the lead, associated a few words and broke grad that was offered by a young lady there. on the red carpet. on the 2 day visit, have food and lucas shank. it will discuss the 2nd stage of exercises to practice the use of non strategic nuclear weapons. but the development of the strategic
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partnership between the 2 countries is also on the agenda of, of sending it to you. but i have an out of the day, it's about a month regarding the ukraine conflict and the crime in had sort of a actually on offer. both a 2 people are being killed on the pin instead of due to a key of missile strike. this comes as washington continues pumping ukraine with weapons and now seemed likely to raise the stakes as how speak up mike johnson has joined, growing coal stateside for a key of to be given the green light to strike russia with the us supplied weapons of the us house of representatives, committee on foreign affairs, chief of michael cole. it seems insistent, the key of should strike russian territory with american weapons. lastly, ukraine. we have a really bad situation going on. as you know, this is a sanctuary zone that the russians have created. and what they're doing is they're
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lining up all their artillery and rockets and missiles just across the cream border that they then use to attack the ukrainians. however, you're already ministration and jake solve and have restricted the arms use. so if your credit cannot defend itself and fire back that russia your products from house intelligence committee, they just released the statement in which they are calling for an inspiration to allow your brain to use american weaponry on the military targets on russian territory. would you support that? because right now they have weapons before they have restrictions to use that. i think we need to allow your brain to prosecute the work they need to be able to find that we discuss it though they would fall by us on the opposite score. bennett, here you said the statements made by american officials don't have the people's interest in by i think it's a statement of the trail against the constitution of the united states,
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the american people. and of course, it shows mike johnson why he's so hated in the conservative republican, right. he is a dead man walking politically because of his betrayal of the american people who want nothing to do with financing or weaponized in ukraine against russia. that's. that's the big side. they are operating in a delusion. they are santa c thinking people. there's no reality in lincoln or sullivan and then there's no consciousness invite in. they are operating as victoria newland thinking that ukraine will be a puppet until every ukrainians dead. and somehow that is going to convince the russians to remove vladimir food and then allow the raping and pillaging the dismembering of russia. one thing you know about russians, they don't surrender, they don't retreat, and they will fight to the end as they've done against the bullying. hitler and throughout the ages. and this is no different, in fact, it's worse because the american european union, nato, pseudo,
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fascist a transgender climate change agenda is the greatest enemy to humanity. and i think that's why so many nations are fighting with russia in africa, in the middle east. the bricks nations are going, you know, very, very strongly because the west is so delusional. it is blackmail by definition. as the west is up in arms over georgia is parliament pausing a transparency which will shed light on who's funding and g o is on the media and the country. the georgia prime minister has revealed an e u commission. i didn't mince words and a recent conversation, even threatening a dangerous was phones. if the police, he did not tow the line even in the face of prolonged black, i'm at least right to voice during a telephone conversation with one of the european commission is with shocking during our conversation, the european commission that listed a number of measures that weston politicians might take if the retail on the
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transparency low is overcome, while listing these measures he mentioned, you've seen what happened to feed so, and you should be very careful. let's just go back to that little dot low, which has been adopted by the georgia in parliament that would get more transparency in terms of who is funding and use and major in the country. there's a threat that is not going to be signed off by the president, but there's been huge protests in the last few months into play c as a result of that little. in fact, we even sold foreign ministers from e u countries in attendance, l. c. and miscellaneous and eastern. yeah, a lot. i mean, there's no foss stretched to say the sizes for an interference in itself, but you can get a sense of how important this is for new opinion. and as a result of that, you know, we've now got this huge claim from the georgia prime minister. essentially, it has been a threat to his life, and it is big because what, what fits. so this is a vacuum prime minister who was shot at
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a blank point range just a few weeks ago to have emergency surgery. he's now recovering from that surgery. but you know, this is a major issue to me, just write it. it's funny, bleach. i don't even think it's blackmail. it's a blatant right. and what we also then heard from the georgia me prime minnesota is that he went on to say that the attack against will but fits so had these traces of special services from one country, but he says a link to the global roof policy. yeah, i wanted to ask you about that mr. cobra kids, the mentions the global war party and a statement. can you elaborate on why that's important? yeah, that's important because of the global parties. so it's based on the specified political force. is that a all a piece of forces from the west, but he believes the trying to sparkle resolution in his home country and also trying to open up a 2nd front in relation to what's happening in regards to the crating conflict. so
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this is a really big concern when we see the protesting to pc and we see the ministers that and it really does have some sort of remedy a sense of what we saw in terms of might in, in ukraine, back in 2014. so you can understand his concern regard to that and some like force this office being conspiratorial. but let's be clear. the attempted assassination on the life with the slow vacuum prime minister was made by him. uncle, you were sent to the main street meet during the west, has no really picked up or reported on the fact that he was politically motivated because will that pete? so when he came into power, said, we're not going to send any more weapons to queen, want to be more neutral party and this, and that there was a 50, it was of him online shows things long lived, you claim, but it's not being reported. so you know, they trying to sweep out under the carpet basically the political motivations we saw for mobile feet. so it was attack. now slovakia has said this was a politically motivated attempt and they've actually blamed
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a most of the media coverage of faint. so saying that, you know, it was threatening, it was negative, and he was constantly being cool with the russian stooge. the american liberal media is trying to cover up that the assassin and potential terrorists in tula is a political fanatic from their own camp. pro ukrainian anti trump progressive that attack on the feet. so with my safely shocking on, it's clear with the georgian prime minister for what he's saying has had his life threatening to if he doesn't move back on a little bit. his policy, which is the elective policy in georgia, which is the ruling policy, believes is the best way to proceed to his own country. we don't know who the commissioner was. she hasn't seen any word for thoughts best from the you. so saw that the reality is a space is truth in that can use google to i don't simple because 1st when we took the 4 minutes is interfering in the domestic politics in another country,
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the costly to survive its moral superiority when it comes to other countries. and if this is true, it's essentially acting like a mafia state. we'll get this the e u, a neighborhood, and in lodge when commissioner admitted it was him that made the statement, did a phone call with the georgia and prime minister. but he said he used fits those case as an example of a potent reservation of society. i think the quote, his words was simply taken out of context with georgian political analyst of russell, a couple that say it says the threat to the georgia and prime minister, it shows the true face of so washed an official, the family literally. well, there is no direct threat to the prime minister's life at this point. the words of the commission official to mr. colby. he's here to see what happened to the slovak counterpart means, of course, that from black mailing to european officials are now moving to threats towards georgia. that's outrageous. any normal person would consider that a threat and the implication that something like this may happen. i think most
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georgians will react to that. these threats implicitly mean that even if you're a pain officials didn't take part in organizing attempts on pizza as life. we can see that unfortunately they have no problem with such an act. therefore, the collective west shows its true face in a very bad way. this doesn't go and noticing georgia, and of course, every normal person is outreach. even those who usually don't support the government. we're not surprised. we see what's happening in ukraine. the georgia government is now told that if you won't give up on that foreign influence law, something bad will happen to you like something. what happened with the slovak prime minister? such pressure shows the true face of those representing the collective west. the iran late president has been laid to rest the ceremony and his hometown of much had more of those pack the streets for the as far as the eye could see, to express their condolences. able to have raised the died and a headache up the crash over the weekend, which also killed
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a number of other high ranking officials. iranian on forces reduce the stipend regarding their investigation. the saying that the headache of the court file only after it crashed to the ground, the reporting now from the funeral procession. here's our correspondent, joseph john. the, the body of the late president where you see arrived in my child. his hometown will be laid to rest the whole year to serve as custodian. he became a ron's president. earlier in the day, a funeral service was shot for his body was sent to your for people to bid the routes leading to the shrine of being close your traffic and are now coming from all over the country. we've made our way roderick, the ways along with other shows like foreign minister
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and the several people here asking them to share their sentiments and the media shod 5 is sonton. bottom line of their words. or to the 1st to shift the color the away from west policy. so that was the only one you may reach for their find china marshall latin america, which used to be my previous administrations in their ties with the result of this problem.
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and with the one know a member of the organization was trying to get to the one out of the international law, the wrong she or for souls. several countries absorb a senior dumb edition from saudi arabia with long at his funeral, signifies this reconciliation is one of the initiatives like be done recently you less than 2 weeks ago. here in the old western dominated world are easy, obsolete,
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and the world is emerging towards a multi pull our system a case. it is a wave of task. that's where you are suggesting that the americans are free when washington's money and weapons up to the asa into a dis, 12 or so. this is the revolutionary a newspaper, protected by racing. somebody from out here in austin international but a lot of us doors continue online. you know the website to the the
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the the the the.


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