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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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this is here to last, so it's going to assess what, when you put it here. i like i to yeah, that'd be the the great news here on, on the that i so russian authorities higher, couldn't the, including him is intelligence was involved in the dead, the terrorist attack on a most comfortable, 2 months ago. well then 20 suspects of been arrested. so bob was calling him in the host list of kids in new, not see as the but how the and the form of pm far as going swimming pools. i'm scared of the
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job. i didn't promise a certain money to ask for goods at least 2 weeks, and the current 2 of us will deal with getting yet with the us. what was the conduct of police intervention? the question, 2nd kind of a nature of how you can use all position solely in put designs is the plot. if you don't make, i can, you know, it was due to have to be a single be do you want that's nice to the got to be there. if you need to be 08 the she has gone 11 am here in the russian capital. welcome. wherever you catch in the view the from today, this is all we saw with our top story this out because russian authorities say that you create him and intelligence was direct, be involved in the deadly tabitha attack on a most good culture of the whole 2 months ago, a 145 people were killed in that incident. now speaking at the meeting hosted by
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a rush ally crew this on the head of the federal security service, said the international terriers, we've helped train the public datas. it has been determined that the prepared actions financing a tech and get away of the terrorist was coordinated through the internet with the members of the we law. yeah. horace, san group located on the border of afghanistan and pakistan. after conducting the attack, the terrorists were given a clear order to head to the ukrainian border were an opening was being prepared for them. while the investigation is ongoing, it is possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in this attack. on as break of this down. so anyway, now in the see to is all see correspondence say both say wow, it's amazing that we're getting this news now from the russian security services
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focus to it. what, what did he say exactly what seemed proven? mm hm. well this is alexander board and it costs so a bit of background on him. he's a veteran security official in the russian security architecture head of dfs be the equivalent of the f b. i feel like the closest equivalent for a western intelligence service. let's say. so he's upset kind of dorothy now that they have evidence on the that the ukrainian s u. r. direct links to this attacking folks to surrender this attack. now he also says that there's been a wide ranging investigation and it's ongoing and that more than 20 people, including people who perpetrated the attacks, the actual attackers themselves, their support. so they're in for storage if you're like, cub interested, so far more than 20. so this is a huge, an investigation. it's a very high level investigation. he made these comments incurred, he gets done at the meeting of the commonwealth of independent states, the c a u. s, which is an, an alliance that russia has
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a pact with excess soviet states as well. so he also mentioned the assistance that he's got from, from those countries that they're intelligent services of. also conflict be added to this a lot of rumor and speculation at the time of the attack. as we know it was you train involved and we know that the attackers were detained in debris. i'm squeezing, which is south of moscow heading towards the premium border, or detain very quickly by the f as be, thankfully at a huge room and mill online was who was responsible was, are you planning involved? but there was a lot of things pointing to that they, the actual perpetrators had said in informal, in the interviews like that they had been given money. they've been offered cash and been told to head towards the board, which you find. so this is confirmation from a very senior, very reliable russian security source that there is su, involved within this tablet tech. and we're gonna have a listen to him at saying this, but also mentioned that this is a last resort of ukrainians. if you like, as things don't go well for them on the battlefield or collapse and they're
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offensive. he's saying that this is an active desperation from you. trained to align themselves with this type of terrorist attack. that's all the listen to alex important. consider ukrainian authorities, having no real opportunities to achieve their goals on the battlefield, have resorted to terrorism. there are a systematic showing of the civilian population and public infrastructure in russian regions. sabotage, rates are being carried out in the border area. ukrainian special services are actively recruiting young people to engage in terrorist activities by promoting pro ukrainian national is formations on social networks with the assistance of nato countries, the massive transfer of mercenaries and fighters of international terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa, and afghanistan to ukraine continues, some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in the commonwealth of
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independent states. and so there we have a, the s, as the chief, alexander bought the coffee, basically saying that this is a display of desperation from ukraine. i mean, why else would a supposedly civilized state tell you it's such a barbarous talk or even associate themselves with a run get? i mean, it definitely is terrorism, not so so, but know, just to remind the view is at the home of the day, 2 months and 2 days is a 2022nd of march. i remember it clearly. i was on duty, us said that 145 people died. so one of us told us through that day what actually happened this horrific acts of terrorism. yeah, i mean, a terrible tragedy. a huge venue of course focus the city hall. it's a big theater. it's part of a bigger shopping complex and of course theater, and visiting the tutor and taking a day or night out with your family, with your friends. and what she's very common thing to do,
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people in their time off, they love music. they love to see that this was a, a kid's a rock bottom. basically. i called picnic if i can recall correctly. like i remember the name, it was so innocent, a lot of children, a lot of families there to enjoy an evening out. there was very light security, their own armed guards at the entrance as you were getting most russian shopping miles or a menus at these individuals entered. i'm with a k 40 sevens and knives under began a massacre essentially. and they set fire to the building to frustrate the attempts for the security service at that to rescue people for people to escape. as they use knives on the wounded. they committed terrible acts of barbarism against these on armed people. children, men, women, a 145 killed scores more, i'm or i'd have suffered terrible injuries and their lives have been destroyed by this. this is a very open wound here in russia. so this news, which was a cause place on that there was a link that the coincidence was too much. this will happen in the midst of the
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conflict and you write this confirmation from board. and the cost that he had, the evidence sees the evidence that this is a link to your claim will be discussed across the dinner tables of, of, of russia. today it's, it's a very striking piece. and is it really is what i'm and you may remember when it 1st happened, we had incent through what's coming in from the us, the u. k. immediately saying that this is not your grade, as if as if uh, you know, they knew somebody else was involved. it does seem like when investigations do get carried out the, to the prevails. do we know if any other functions were involved with the credit of that? just purely rec, ukraine. yeah. well, there's also an intimation from alexander borton acosta. there was an afghani, a sale of ice as involved, but they were contacting the perpetrators on line of free money. but then they were being advised to go towards the ukranian border after the attack. and that is where
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these men were detained if you like. and so it seems that there's a wider conspiracy here. yeah, it's interesting to see how the s a c i s countries will bind together. isn't that hard to find the truth? okay. but actually with the shape i was always a pleasure having in the pseudo. thanks for that up but but this is another shopping start with bush lawmakers in parliament have welcomed and she did some members of an infamous you put in, in near la c group. the as of the tile in the russian embassy, a lot of denounced the incident as a sign of growing anti semitism. the u. k. is off his gain world wide notoriety both for its widespread use, a fascist volts on gold insignia and despicable war. crimes against civilians could entertaining clear cut fascists at the houses of parliament. perhaps be a motive for the documented rise in anti semitism in the u. k. to the tyrant
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wasn't represented as a round table by so this one whose fault is a city valuable. i'm a former president of all. the 5 is a floating to members of the tory and labor parties, about the federal to bring home about $900.00 captured as of fighters who are still in captivity full of p. m boris stalls. and so before it's appraised, the most here is includes including the best investment for europe. all right, and this break, this incident down cost a live announce of my pulse of guess during this month in day and direct. so all
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the in the foundation with our balance of gentlemen, thank you so much for taking the time for joining us. it is, i mean, shocking is coming out of london when we see what's going on. lots of things are me start with you. uh we had for a stone from that pricing members of the as a real guy that i'm quoting you claim interesting was of, oh, interesting type of was a the best investment for europe. what do you make of that statement to? hey, mike will be the best investment so far as dolson. um, i've always been very skeptical about mr. johnson's trip to ukraine, wondering who is paying the bills and paying him. but i think the um, the interested in the, in the pond and is particularly show, okay. given that we know the history of this, of the gate, we know it's, it's, it's links and it's historical. it's not cultural. heritage guide moved way back to the 2nd level of student, but the ukraine's own hitler who was he was imprisoned by the gems and his own
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group carried out massive white screen in the atrocities against jews and po. so i mean, this is really what as a result about, it's true that those who support the be good and ukraine will say, and look, it's not the same unit as 2014, but it's still a contingent of nazis within it. so we know that for sure, and i think for them to be entertained, welcomes, in the british parliament is a disgrace, enough to describe as a blogs on the landscape, with this particular concept of puppies, history and events, interaction support for you credit. but the thing is also the disgrace of british media because the gems on rushing about it and they diverted retention around that . somebody's told them you're not going to cover the story and that gives you an indication to stop potter's. i'm british press become late, so i'm showing you on a levels. yeah. and date, if i make sense to you, i mean, what are the if any potential put into implications for the u. k. parliament of the hosting members of the as of the target a, b plus lea. uh,
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i find that uh, destroyed some sort of legitimacy to a far away moving make us old battalion, which asked that he got not see tendencies. they have been having symbols which are present the or not see it is even more importantly, it well sees that as far as you will be in the country, they've been, sir. uh, especially amongst the dominant, popular dispensations. there is more, then we'll bring this conflict to an end by solving organizations like a zillow, but that is actually the only fueling the conflict. in fact, they ought to be and has seen the ebony of the people out of the utah. well that he loved the extent, i personally feel that the european government should populate dissociated themselves from such organizations like as old battalion and try to
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bring this conflict to an end and not act as a us speech. to go with this conflict and think it flooded. and so i enter say what use i don't uh the us do. but if we go back last night and you know, david cameron, you paid for the secretary for a man. so he said, i believe he's one of many politicians of said, you that you put any troops shouldn't be allowed to strike russian territory using western weapons. i'm a, this is a quite recently and david cameron, probably not the best 5 minutes of the say his, i had even so, i mean, what does this say about the, about how this confidence is progressing? i'm, i'm basically should the, should the bottom of his, that should be saying things like this, that normally cameron is quite, quite in control of this was, he's not present to meet a gap. so we have to assume that he knows exactly what he's saying. i mean,
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perhaps he, his intention is to prevent russia to, to, to push boots and even further into footprints forces to go further. and then, you know, that will feed into the whole conspiracy of move west and at least the moment which is the needs of desired to massive and increase defense spending. which again, is also a wonderful way for least governments to up the ante on cutting liberty of civil liberties. freedom the press and so full, that's a link so tied together. so i'm coming from sites to say that i think a gives you an indication where we're going to west of losing the wall and the left west tustin. the wisdom leads who are on the stage now to protect themselves against the appropriate them on the finger. put pointing, which is never shipped to kind of calm, but i think i'm also i think it's very interesting that just recently a british m p a match the russian investor, london, i'm the investor told him that you guys are with us when a, you know, we know from our intelligence,
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the british soldiers in ukraine operating the storm shadow rocket. so we'd, we'd, the purchased didn't have the time when inflation to train the fighting forces. so produce soldiers themselves of finding those rockets as russian forces that were almost you know, that it's a, we're a cigarette paper away from a world war 3 scenario. so given that, i think cameron's comments to be expected. a yeah, be interesting to see if any service on the u. k. service or news that lives when this happens about that. so let's all go that way. that's that stick to the, the, the kind of situation. i don't know if i may know that this is all happening. you know, uh, 2 weeks before the, the, the day i'm a buzz away. a few years ago, i lived fullest as fort jim and not as he's one of the beginning of the clinical. his west still officials will say that russia was fighting, quote, imaginary not sees in euclid. although all these silly imaginary, the,
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the, the, with the people to believe that the indications against groups like as over told you, are all fabricated. but the fact is, if we actually go into the history of this particular group, they have clearly some, but they have to have symbols which actually represent them. that's the idea. all of the, uh they are part of the system, find the same very clearly indicate that i not see outlook white. so the message outlook and be separate because i'm sure they have all the indications. but obviously the rest of the views would not like to show that this particular building in which they've stopped working and which is in the full sense, the whitening passions. probably the boss is you'll not see me. so i think there is an attempt to be new. it's not secret inches and do that extent, i think they're trying to project that this is absolutely a benign output and directions who are actually creating problems as far as uh,
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this conflict distance. yeah, it was, and if i may fall off of that, you may remember just about a year ago where canada invites it. uh, you know, the full ma woodward to branch and who fought against the russians. he could, he said that the 1st time, obviously this is happening. but why is it happening? i mean, why are they not do my due diligence, why they don't located into the, you know, into the background of these people? why they're also superficial? was that, you know, is it central baldwood off all you know, or, you know, fun was to invite people in the parliament just for attract for so many questions that might let me unpack. so i think the main mon really is that if you look up in the last 10 years, how the west has taken away civil liberties, particularly jealous of the people to debate the subject. so now people being
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arrested in britain just wanting to pay a slight example. the gentleness have been under enormous pressure in recent years to align themselves with the intelligent services with a noun safety official now to which the government gives the results of that. the impact of that is the government's tend to become more and more deaf as to everyday things that you know, i see a shocking on the items that should be the news or should not be reported or should be looked at in the envelope checked the way these everyday things just don't get picked up by the rates of the leads and the officials. what for them as a and this is one of these examples, you know, i mean everybody's looking at the canadian incident, you know, with absolute colorado. i never got the same thing unfolding in the british problem and you know, already lives in peace. i'm really aware of what they do. it, you know, they must know the history of, of the, of these, of these neo nazi guys. you know, they must know the history of ukraine,
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but they don't seem to care at us because this to this level of tongue deafness, which only comes about through stifling the press. so it's really a shame to go. so it is the situation, but it really is all about you know, these countries who claim to be against fascism. you know, actually i have no problem with fascism until they're becoming more and more autocratic, molding stories every single day. and i think this is one of those examples. yeah, look, maybe if i took this sort of man out of this sort of message, i mean, it's kind of behavior of, you know, where we see. so i said cold, how full of lead is of the g 7 doing this kind of thing, that home message this say to, you know, all the countries around the world when they have, you know, the global community, when they may sometimes question vessels and their actions when it comes to international relations, what kind of messages this thing?
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it's actually, you know, the model of part of the, of the leaders of the g 7 because very often and big guess to get other global leaders asking their actions to be in the appropriate. also, or to go out fits ah, richard wants feedback does which are not designed but by do sort of the actions. i think the deposition gets huge, legal promises, and it shows the just for the metal and this they're willing to sacrifice principals and even go and join hands with neo nazis if there's no for the population of these countries to. if i use an give me a very clear indication that they will not except not susan to come back to a babble or any sort of that sort of an ideal id is unacceptable. the civilized
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world at large, indeed, mazda, before i made. so to go back a little bit, and we talked a little bit about, you know, how bar itself and said, this is an investment for, for europe. when we mazda, when we talk about a lot of these need to countries, one thing to, you know, increase the defense budget by a few percentage, is the people of these countries in assets. so we're going to suffer as in the end of the day, if they think if the country think that they're in the state of war and defense, but money that could be helping social services, the social interaction is not going to be there anymore because the most complex is buying bullies. i mean, when the people react to the, to what's going on. yeah. incredible. what you're absolutely paying with the money . you know, in america, i mean, basically the bottom, it's printing. it is printing money and you know,
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you shoveling hundreds of millions of dollars across the table to the industry, many minutes it complex. so everybody seems to be happy because that means jobs investment shareholders getting bigger profits, you know, and the war continues nothing. there is a real consensus of most western countries just at any cost whatsoever. i keep this thing going because it is a machine war is business, where is big business and then a. so i think from america's view it's, it's quite clear from other european countries is completely different because those economies in europe are really suffering. you know, i mean, we're seeing incredible hardship now from some of these countries. gemini, and particularly in particular, you know. and the same thing in breast, and, you know, we're having about to have a political upheaval and brought to the nice thing, they'll be what whoever takes over the country. so the next general election will look at the score sheet and they'll be a complete a new see change a new way of thinking about how to spend public money on a, i think probably
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a number of european countries will do. the same, you know, is we're seeing that we're seeing the decline spending already. and, you know, and i think come ukraine is beginning to realize that is on the go in of every little space of time left. it hasn't got the, all the humans hasn't got the ministry back up for even the soldiers to continue this fights. so it's really now the beginning of the end. want us to all, skinner? well indeed on nature, going to celebrate when they have the best they policy in a few weeks time and that would be enough. but you know, nothing new, nothing really positive the only and the group messages seem to to, to them. so i think you, you mentioned people suffering, you know, the suffering is going to continue the miscalculation from the west and later has been spectacular. and it seems to be no sign whatsoever. all some people accept and mistakes have been made and the new new page needs to be taught. yeah, well let's see if there is, uh, we have a new and extra those, you know, of course in the u. k. in july, uh from the receipts and then see what,
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how is it before i end this gentleman, i'll know who if i may go to you for a final question, what does it, what would it take to bring to finally get the equations boxes. so actually invites russia to the negotiating table. instead of having these a secret made things, not so secret main things. and so it's 7 to bring the cycled as a landscape plan. that's a violation. why isn't the diplomacy? why isn't there uh, you know, an action. it's a tool this out and for i'm just a kind of that kind of the un security council for people to sit down on the table . look at the end with you please. the 1st near stopping and some of the un security council, the, the, the security comes to this, gone full stop. i don't think so to ever come to a decision on this particular kind of interest issues. because you have 3 this to
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the bottom. that is us, you can france and one of them will definitely be to sitting because some of the rest and boss do believe the continuation of this conflict because of a few of without having to spend some of this for you guys on palm springs. so that's the perception i think goes slowly, this perception is blinking because they're utilizing the values and nobody can english and economies doing fairly well. and i think if you like vision goals, i think you wouldn't see song distinctions within wisdom, black adult. i must say that this conflict of ownership don't, don't be in the country, especially the west butyllithium countries more towards us and need to has been quite a bit strengthened, doesn't organization. but believe this conflict was never been better. would that be the question so raised the limits of nature in many you won't be on countries and many european countries you remove the from the united states. so to that
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extent that i think the public by section has the change and she has to do a spot of the reaching out to the public in the country that concerns me. a fax needs to be brought to the public because there is a you will do this to the propaganda which is going on, which is projecting the developments on the waterfront. be. she's the western medic note that needs to change. and for that, i think she needs to have a better system of disseminating correct information from the law firm, so that you will be in public relations is what is happening on the war. the actual realize that ukraine is in no position to withstand this onslaught. and there's a need for coming to negotiate that 2nd and 8 in data. so that happens. sit in the gentleman out, i have to take this opportunity to fax you, but both generally some awesome day in the to the india foundation of a bout. so thank you. again, for your time, think about doug. i'm has published so sudden money
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to africa, to power the sweets in a comfortable deal with k. now this was the east african country to conduct the police intervention in the crisis was taken care of a nation ok to united states as long tempe, their national financial institutions that provide low cost concessional resources to of course, developing countries including from the i'm a that's why we work with congress to enable the united states to make available in the coming weeks up to $21000000000.00 in new lending resources to the i m f. trust fund that provides concessional, lending in the poorest countries. the products came as carriers currently and the final site is to send for these photos is the hey d, n is the security mission. outside the african continent academy and nation has been racks of like violence of gangs of seeds control much of it. it's capital both
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the prince or to them is the biggest fund, the hate, the mission, the prime, the float when the highest want. a see is reaction among canyons who thing present in route. so on the defensive, the, can you explain the, your political goal? 12000 kilometers away from light will be when's course in the county, so bilingual wistful court and to kind of have looked at open it because of the abundance of problem you're committing on national police force to haiti. otherwise, the priority we have made tremendous progress in making sure that we get security at home. but that does not take away our responsibility even as we why deploying troops and policemen in our own country. not group to slip out there monday to appropriate we students deployed 800280028 tops to ds. equal pay t should not be an exception. canyon law or lawyers are working hard and some
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events of the plan. the police in devising and 18th open positions on the day didn't say that deployment must be coordinated with a democratically elected leader of the caribbean. nation. very 1st must be made by a democratically elected president of the requesting coach. doesn't have a president seeing the keeping of another noise in, in july 2021. this i'm a prime minister, right. the audio audrey, who actually resigned at the time, did not of those posts under the constitutional rights. i'm therefore, making the home. it is typical agreement, another from the very beginning. when you spoke with a member of the canyon public, there's an opposition. veronica o gullow, she said, ruth is visit to the us as benefits in washington. much more than that has can. yeah. i know good. so the u. s. benefits you from this meeting more than they cannot can only wait just such as you can ask that. but i didn't know was invited
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to the u. s. and.


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