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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the the, the breaking news here on r t international russian authorities have confirmed that ukrainian military intelligence was involved in the deadly terrorist attack on the ball scout concert hall 2 months ago. more than 20 suspects had been arrested so far. the british parliament hosts to members of the neo nazi as all the battalion as former p m. boris johnson calls the mirror the why were you circling, remember states those who didn't want to vote in favor of this resolution?
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this resolution will open at the end from dollars box survey of denounces of western back to un resolution the brands of babbling the bosnian war. the ninety's, as genocide, survey argues the move has only been taken to benefit certain western the just about 3 pm here in the russian capital and you're watching our t international. my name's donald quarter. welcome to the program. now we start with our top story. this, our russian authorities say that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in the deadly terrorist attack on a small scale concert hall 2 months ago. that's a tragedy that killed 145 people speaking at a meeting hosted by russia's ally, kirk a. stan ahead of the federal security service set, an international terrorist group helped train the perpetrators it has been
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determined that the prepared actions financing attack and get away of the terrace was coordinated through the internet with the members of the we law. yeah, horace, san group, located on the border of afghanistan and pakistan. after conducting the attack, the terrorists were given a clear order to head to the crating and border were an opening was being prepared for them. while the investigation is ongoing, it is possible to say with confidence that ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in this attack. this is alexander board because he's a veteran security chief when he speaks about this stuff, we listen because we've been on 10th holds, waiting to get more information about the details of what's been going on in the aftermath of the attack. a lot of speculation on line about the assault on chromecast, the brutal effect, of course these a attackers were apprehended heading towards ukrainian border. now he's also told
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us that there has been 20 people uh, detained, the attackers themselves, and a significant network of people facilitating them as well, which is very interesting. there's a huge investigation. the investigation is still ongoing. now bought the calls, made these comments out of commonwealth of independent states meeting, which is an alliance of old soviet states, russia's allies and friends. he also finds them, interestingly, for their assistance in carrying out the investigation which suggest just a very wide ranging investigation where a lot of these countries these and so many of them uh, most of them are publishes. remember, there was allegations that this was a and as long as the tech, and he also has suggested that there was an islamist involvement from an ask on slash pakistani a group styling that sort of wild area between the 2 countries that there was involved. but there, as well, he also said something very, very interesting about the desperation that this match, that this type of brutality that no real, as you know of civilized states could possibly be,
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will be involved in this. and that the ukraine's involvement demonstrates a real sense of desperation that they're losing on the battlefield, that their military campaign is collapsing. and in the event of that, they're seeking desperately to try and impact bush in any way they can listen to what he said about them. are you creating authorities, having no real opportunities to achieve their goals on the battlefield, have resorted to terrorism. there are a systematic showing of the civilian population and public infrastructure in russian regions. sabotage, rates are being carried out in the border area. ukrainian special services are actively recruiting young people to engage in terrorist activities by promoting pro ukrainian national this formations on social networks with the assistance of nato countries. the massive transfer of mercenaries and fighters of international terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa,
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and afghanistan to ukraine, continues. some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in the commonwealth of independent states. we just had from the head of the, the f s field of federal security services that he said that you created was somehow into twined with made. so members, i mean, what role did these need to members play? do you think in the crow cause effects? uh huh. i think this all has to be taken into wider view point of view, planning and project for the west is buried. anything happens in your train without a western imprint on it now from finance, from weapons, from direction on the battlefield. they've decided in the west that they're going to take control of many elements of ukrainian society. and we know that the military campaign is intimately controlled by them. and we also know that the investigative committee in russia has recently over an investigation into the
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activities of companies in you'd probably like police law, which hunter boyd was intimately involved in himself. he was a director on the board of the reason that which is to be the energy company in your face and the funding and cash from the operation has been used in a terrorist operations against russian interests from within russia. in the new territories of russia, in don't bust on this new guns and also in north stream or mac. let me so this is not as some sort of conspiracy. there's actual investigations that are coming up with the information with the move with the money the form describes the type of terrace worth of interesting and so, and we do look, take a step back. and so it takes a while to look at the picture. nato countries by must also involve of the western countries. i mean, you said the money comes from the u. k. the us, what i have about since 2014, basically they've been getting involved in ukraine in every aspect. can you give us some examples of the sort of thing that they've been involved in?
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yeah. what it's, it's, it's an open secret now that the c a m, y, 6 british intelligence are involved in ukraine. we've had reports from various western media outlets. new york times the washington post talking about how the c a is training, the, the s b u, they're very much feared domestic security service within ukraine. and even back in the 2016, the new york times themselves, they wrote an article talking a very proudly about how the west and security service were training. the new plan in secret service in sabotaged. so to attract russian targets have to reverse engineer drawings that have different motions like this sort of a listen or look at a new york times article. around 2016, the c i a begin training and a lead ukrainian commando force known as unit 20. $245.00, which captured russian drones and communications gear. so that c, i technicians could reverse engineer them and crack moscow's encryption systems.
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one officer in the unit was carrillo boot on of now, the general leading ukraine's military intelligence and the c. i. a also helped train a new generation of ukrainian spies who operated inside russia, across europe and in cuba and other places where the russians have a large presence. also in the context of the revelations recently that our own, the editor in chief margarita, similar in yon, revealed at german officers talking about how they were going to facilitate and provide weapons, unintelligence dislike the courage bridge and find me. we know that you find has absolutely no satellite systems. it doesn't have to target these weapons. it doesn't have any storm shuttle him is still nobody scout. so i'll assume that he doesn't have the capacity to operate these huge operations across the russian frontier on oil refineries. etc, so we know it's obvious and we know from accounts in the western media that the nato countries on the proxy,
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a war that's been waged by the west against ocean is being doing dual. and they feel like the snowball has been rolled in london and washing and thrown from the british. lawmakers in parliament have welcomed and shared for members of an infamous ukrainian, neo nazi group, called the as all fatality of the russian embassy in london denounced the incident as a sign of growing anti semitism in the okay. he's off his game worldwide notoriety both for its wide spread use, a fascist volts on gold in sydney, a despicable war. crimes against civilians could entertaining clear cut fascists at the houses of parliament. perhaps be a motive for the documented rise in anti semitism in the u. k, yes, all the battalion was represented at a round table by service men who fought in the city of mario people and were former prisoners of war. the fighters spoke to members of the tory and labor parties about the struggle to bring home around $900.00 captured as of fighters or still in
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captivity. former p. m, boris johnson, took the floor to praise them as heroes. on here with us or we heard from a panel of death through said that the british parliament applauding neo nazis was a disgraceful event and the west has no intention of ending the ukrainian crisis. i'm always been very skeptical about mr. johnson's trip. so ukraine, wondering who is paying the bills and paying him, but i think the um, the instead in the, in the pond and is particularly show, okay. given that, so we know the history of this, of the gauge. we know it's, it's, it's links on it's historical, it's not cultural heritage kind of way back to the 2nd level of student, but the ukraine's own hitler who,
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while he was in prison by the gym's amazon group carried a massive white screen in the atrocities against jews and polls so, i mean, this is really what, as always, what about it's true that those who support the be great and ukraine will say, look, it's not the same unit as 2014, but it's still a kind of contingent of nazis within it. we know that for sure, and i think for them to be entertained, welcomed in the british parliament, is a disgrace, enough to describe as a blogs on the landscape, with this particular concept of puppies. history of this interaction support for you credit. but it doesn't. it's also the disgrace of british media because the gems on rushing about it and they've diverted retention around that. somebody's told them you're not going to cover the story and that gives you an indication to stop potters on british press become late. so i'm showing on the levels, i find that i destroyed some sort of legitimacy to a far away being make as old, but that in which asked what he did not see tendencies. they have been having
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symbols which are present the or not see disease. more importantly, it one sees that as far as you get in the countries up in sooner, especially amongst the dominant the dispensations there is more than 2 in this conflict to an end by solving organizations like us old. but that is actually the only fueling the conflict. in fact, they ought to be and has seen the ebony of the people out of the utah, whoever the lot the extent. i personally feel that the european government sure, totally dissociated themselves from such organizations like as old battalion and try to bring this conflict to an end and not act as a us stooge. to go with this conflict and take it for russian. foreign minister has taken a swipe at western states for tricking their people into thinking they are not
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already fighting a war against russia using their own weapons to stripe russian territory. and we do, in fact, they are waging a war against us. and america weapons have already been used on a variety of objects outside the complex zone. so the fact that the americans are trying to make some kind of soothing statements for their public opinion or for nato members to show that a decision has not yet been made is in my opinion, all a trick. and we proceed from the fact that american and other wester weapons are striking targets on russian territories, primarily civilian infrastructure and residential neighborhoods. so this is on their conscience. while they get more on the story now we're doing live by r t corresponding eagerness, don. of joining us from belgrade high. they're eager. so some strong words from some de la, for all there, but unlikely to make much of a difference in terms of the western weapons still flowing to ukraine. i would say,
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are they already being used against russian territory where you are as well as soon as the dawn, this holes tons, it's aimed at making you crane easy. it make it easier for key of 2 fights and essentially they have be no that has been a lot of problems for the key regime to be able to continue this. well, one of the main concerns for key of to mind is, is that they might run out of the reserves on the battlefield. so they have been trying really, really desperately to draft as many men as possible on the 18th of may. a little came in to power in ukraine, which is severely strengths. the number of criteria that a person has to said to be eligible for the truck on the well right now dropped to offices. they pretty much can take whoever they want. and essentially this has led to some very tragic outcomes because when officials, uh well, maybe they are, if they overly eager they make decisions,
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especially minutes. you metrics and they send to fight. they say that men who concretely fight, they still sign, but they are eligible for the draft. and so the dropped officers conscripts them. this has already led to to a number of deaths. unfortunately, there are cases when medics of the nature of medical commission to recognize persons liable for major service as feed for service. but try to just a care of to what we would like to inform you that on may 23rd at person, liable for major service, who is in one of the subordinate recruitment and social support centers of the region. and according to the conclusion of a major medical commission, was fits for service, sharply deteriorated. he was given a pretty medical care, and an ambulance was colt, which upon the arrival of stated that he had died. so you see how they say that a person is fit to serve is fit to wheel the weapon the to fight, to run in the full body yamma on the,
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at the same time the person can't even handle the simple stress of to being drafted again, this is the case a woman that had to go to the police when the. 2 brother was drafted held by the drops offices and then he died that in the unknown circumstances, of course, that woman once honest, is now and again, this is not the only case, not the only tragic death, but essentially, since the 18th of may, the streets of ukraine has been absolutely desolated. we have seen pictures of these. we believe the streets just being as if from an the post apocalyptic movie. people are staying at home. and when i say people are most of the mean men, of course, because they fear they fear that they might be conscripted. also, many, many people have had to flee you praying. and remember the countries on log down essentially a man who is considered eligible for draft and that's pretty much anyone. now cons, leave the country but still so many people, thousands,
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tens of thousands of people have been risking their lives, trying to cross rivers, trying to look through the wilderness and across the board again of some 20000 people were doing so more than 10000 did manage to escape many died again, trying to swim across the river. so it's a very tragic picture for ukraine now. but is it dropped offices at the same time? have been seen and have been filmed? yeah, well just doing whatever they want to people who they believe is liable for drugs. we have seen some very brutal images. so be where i'm viewed expression is advised when we show you some of the pictures like this the, the, the
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so you can see there are no lines to the draft office is in ukraine under the officials. they have to literally pull and well, many cool it abductions. they have to pull people off the streets on the way to supermarkets to what and so on. we have seen a ukrainian truck as it's striking in the wake of this new load that has come into power because pretty much all of them all now liable for the draft. at the same time, ukraine is met. it's turning the lives of its own citizens, a brute into a nightmare. because right now, people who are liable for the drugs they are denied to conceal
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a services. so if the 4 and passports run out, if they become outdated, they simply come change that they can't get a new passport. so it's either they stay abroad on this and be, and essentially they turn into the illegal migrants. and so they can, i will have to bet all the consequences of that status or they have to go back to craig under. they will know that what that means. that means as soon as they cross the border, they will be taken to the draft office and then nobody will listen to them. they will be sent to the front lines. oh yeah, definitely some side developments, especially with this recent the conscription law and increasing desperation on behalf of the key of regime that's are to use eager stein and thanks a lot for bringing us those details reporting live from belgrade. in other news, serbia has condemned a western backed resolution at the united nation saying it was a highly politicized measure that essentially opens pandora's box. the united, the united nations decided to declare that the 11th of july was
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a commemoration of an act of genocide that occurred in a bosnian town nearly 30 years ago. something belgrade disputes. i would like to unmask this untruth and full of justification for putting such a resolution. there is one small country from the balkans that is not afraid to say loudly that will hold the gains this resolution because this resolution will open at the end from the xbox in the 2nd world war. we were among very rare people in se doodle. that's where i'm tied, that's the audience. it and we paid the biggest price associates. 2 of them. more than 1000000 of service were killed either by nazi drums, either by not 2 cards. why didn't they stopped with that resolution? because they needed this resolution in this particular moment library or something . remember states those who didn't want to vote in favor of this resolution saying
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that if they've done holt in favor of that resolution, they will not get to your support your help when it cannot be can all the other issues is that to europe and values, democratic values are your thoughts. the title is not going to be able to speak up about it. i have kinds of examples about it. serves across the balkans have been marching in protest against the united nations move to commemorate the battle of scrubber needs. so as an active genocide, thousands of ethnic serbs gathered in the national capital of montenegro. they spoke out against that government for having voted for the resolution which was being pushed by germany. they described it has a betrayal of their trust in the states. 84 countries voted in favor of the resolution. 68, abstained, and another 19 including russia, china and serbia voted against it, rushes and bastard to the un said it was an abuse of the general assembly,
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as he questioned germany's role in getting the measure past. this funding for this is that mister president distinguished colleagues, we've witnessed today is that chapter in the history of the un, number of delegations laid by germany decided to abuse the authority of the general assembly and under the guise of a resolution to declare the day of commemoration of political declaration whose goal is to demonize, one of the peoples of the former yugoslavia. but once even more surprising is that the main phone's the oldest resolution is germany. germany, we started to weld, was in the 20th century, killed millions of people in concentration. camps is responsible for mass atrocities in africa and participated most actively in the breakdown of yugoslavia and the bombings of syria evaluated 1995. that country is now trying within the united nations general assembly to lecture of it is about the importance of reconciliation. we convinced that germany has no moral authority to even mentioned
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the time of genocide to describe anything other than the atrocious crimes. there is no recognition from the united nations general assembly of the crimes committed by the nazis against the peoples of the former soviet union or the peoples of former yugoslavia. and that was pointed out by new bands. yeah. and if we're not going to acknowledge the crimes that the german nazi is committed during the 2nd world war, why should one of the engine 1995 be singled out? now, other countries opposed the resolution including nicaragua and the democratic republic of the congo. when they spoke. they emphasized that the resolution seemed pretty counter productive senior. but as soon as the president, in this assembly is increasingly notorious, that there is a double standard in the western world that has no limits. our general assembly continues to be a victim of manipulations. and it's used to advance political agendas and specific
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interest of western countries. the draw resolution is present, it is conceived as an antagonistic act by one community against another. it will be counter productive and deep and the divide. it will not strength and peace and will lead to new ways of tensions. we are shocked to see that some perpetrators of atrocities in the democratic republic of congo are amongst the initiators of this resolution, as if they have any sympathy for the victims of stray bernita, china and cuba also oppose the resolution saying it demonizes and singles out certain countries and is not really helpful in the process of building peace in the world. what was mainly western countries in their long time, allies that voted in favor of the resolution. 68 countries chose to abstain. and among them, there were many different sentiments, reflected a number of the countries that they did want to commemorate the genocide. but they felt that the manner of declaring july 11th and international day was irresponsible,
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more preparation and discussion needed to be done about how to been doing so. and how to commemorate the crimes of 1995 in a way that brought peace and further and peace in the world. now in addition to that, we heard brazil that spoke about how they certainly wanted to commemorate the events of 1995, but they did not steal. it was appropriate to commemorate a genocide from decades ago while israel was committing what they considered to be a genocide. in gaza, similar sentiments came from indonesia and syria. july 11th 1995. you had roughly 8000 boys and men who were killed in by bosnian serbs now in 2007. the international court of justice declared the events based on their legal understanding of the term to be a genocide. and that ruling came down, arguing that what took place was indeed genocidal. now in 2015, a similar resolution put forward at the un security council was vetoed by russia.
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and the important thing to remember about today's proceedings at the un general assembly was it all parties were horrified by the events that took place. there was no attempts to downplay or deny the horrendous atrocities of 1995. however, the emphasis was on how best to commemorate the events and move forward, creating peace in the world to make sure nothing like what happened on july 11th, 1995. good ever happened again, there was a feeling that is resolution and is ratified international day of reflection in commemoration was not really conducive to bringing the con, the parties of the region together. it was simply going to reopen old wounds. and as we heard from the serbian leader opened pandora's box, it was not strategic and did not really serve the purpose. that those who put it forward said it would serve. we discuss this issue with a serbian american journalist who said that the resolution violates
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a peace agreement as well as bosnia is constitution or even some of those who voted for its literally said, we understand that this is an extremely politicized species. attempts to distract from the event and gaza. but because of our ethnic and religious solidarity, we're going to vote for it anyway. which was, you know, their, their shame not mine. here we have this advance. that is, i believe, unique in human history because it's declared the existence of genocide in one town based on people who died, who were mainly combatants of the military formation. that by the one's own roles, did not have any right to be there to begin with. at and here's germany, which is essentially the, the reason that the term genocide came into being that the un itself came into being in 1945 because of that, what the germans did to the european jews as well as millions of others including
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the serbs. i would add during world war 2 and here in germany trying to whitewash this by the, you know, sponsoring this resolution. and, you know, here's these people who are, by the way, obviously working with the u. s. and the u. k. and the rest of nato trying to impose this agenda on to you when on the 20, the, even, not even, not even on the 29th and over 3. because that apparently is somewhat significant of a date for them. but you know, months before that. and so what clearly because something else is happening that they wanted to distract from and they wanted to throw a bone to most one countries which are, they're currently feuding with because of this event that everybody's avoiding dimension. and, and we're supposed to just ignore this and go along. and again, regrettably, some of the countries from the organization of islamic conference went along with this plan and even admitted that they were going along with it. but they voted for
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it anyway. and again, that's there she the best news for this our stick around for more than just about 30 minutes here on our, to international the, by the, by the ministration. many of its close as allies continue to shield israel with the politic cover, the international criminal court and the international court of justice speak for much of the world. if there is to be just this, it must be applied to all the
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him. so hold on just a minute and then let's get close to that. hey, i'm going to shift the line so i should issue getting it done. i see it the last, the 2nd man, let's say skim project. yeah. can we get to it from us? well, in the laboratory and you look at, as prosecutors have come to the house, a self proclaimed pasta united a month and income. he's been training office to serve in the ukrainian army for years and would you much sway the charlo so that they such as lots of good on how to start out today for reading, but didn't want to take a daughter that had.


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