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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the is a must immediately hold. it's me too often. and any other action ended up our governors fighting and immense risk to the palestinian population. the international court of justice in the have orders and immediate a hold to israel. the military campaign of the southern gods in the cities offered up both israel react nicole's the i, c j rolling falls out ranges and this gusting of thing. israel has never created conditions that could lead to the destruction of palestinian civilians. opponents as russia was open to holding peace, thoughts with the legitimate pull forward, he is in ukraine, the russian liter question, if your current president had any legitimacy, but the
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big a ton of development to get top stories here at all to international life, most go just off to 8 pm right now. the international court of justice in the hague has ordered israel to immediately stop its military operations in the southern gauze and city of the quote considered event in conformity with the obligation under the genocide convention. it is that it must immediately hold. it's mainly to offense and any other action instead of 5 governors, which may inflict on the by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx independence or consensus. the court is also of the view that in order to appease the evidence related to allegations of facts fully within the scope of the 2 or 3 would you feel inside contention is that it must be effective
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measures to ensure the and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission or ever investigated by the mandated by competent oregon of the united nations, to investigate allegations of genocide. the international court of justice headboard has or to draw the is all to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on that. i faxed with more than 1000000 people as lots of a future in dire conditions. the facts, it was 15 judges of the 15 that has as read that to the situation into the 5 is it completes the red line. seeing that it entails the risk of a repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does that even know thing back to more than 800000 people had been forced to see a lot. fusses is really forces begin round operations in an area that had been wants to clear. it saves those jobs. know, watch salon also say is the situation had changed since the ice today made is
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previous orders and conditions had been made to the full use of emergency misses in the case before the stating that as judges. they are not convinced that to me evacuation. if us and related mrs if that is well, a phones to have undertaken sufficient, haven't listened to this on the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the creation of thoughts and the latest measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians in regards to a split and particularly those recently displaced from that of govern that are sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and the salon saves that provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the ports in march did not fully address the situation. these guys are also maintained that this emergency to deal with
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mississippi due to the destruction and that dissolves through us too many children situation in guys, the court has made as or does alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the courts within one months, so on it's appropriate and applying the business for that from today on was and also to open the footboard, the crossing would. it's a to d n. c or a few minutes to be an aide. it is the 1st time that the court has told as well to hold it submitted to upper races as a previously i'm just for that as well to prevent equity and aside, and allow age to instill guides us. and today's ruling is of course, part of a much bigger case both by so fast because choosing as well also committing genocide against palistine is in does that is all has a taken offense on those accusations of rejecting the claims and as false and saying that they are baseless, and we do know that the international court of justice is not expected to deliver
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it, rolling on that part of the case for several years, but to a very recent and very urgency. so last week i did also for to take these. denise is a, which is the seems to be a court injunction that can squeeze a situation to prevent any harm being done before a final pause finding is arranged so that you can also, recent, you said that the previous rulings from the pins, talent as well to prove the ends of funds and does that have not succeeded in for the for the heating is a so this was portfolio seeking and explicit or the at this point so that the guy has welcome to court order for you as well to stop is offensive offer laptop and it has also urged as a you, in member states to beckett's, the policy mental pharmacy has also been reported a welcoming d i. c. j decision saying that it's a root presents an international consensus and israel's view on that. so let's start this conversation further, right now, costing lived to, uh, is there any,
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as you walk through with the y'all, or ocean about joining us from high for, as i understand just up to 8 pm where you are a all thank you very much for coming on the program so quickly as you well know, the i c, j ordering is relative to hold it's offensive and protect civilians in rafa. specifically only what i find out, i guess on paper it seems like a good idea of the question the remains. well, israel comply, i believe's the israeli government will not comply with these new provisional measures like it has failed to comply with the previous measure and some issues in january. even though those are or more generally, you may be vaguely phrase. they did the, the opposite of, of making efforts to even reduce the risk of harm. as most of the measure is uh say, to civilians in garza. yeah. yeah,
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i'm just gonna pick you up on that because it was just hours ago. the is ready for a ministry, a responding saying quote, israel has not and will not carry out military operations in the alpha area to create conditions that could lead to the destruction of the palestinian civilian population in a whole or in part and float is off a i'll a fair assessment of what's been happening as the death poll bound. st thing on the contrary is towards some uh, we've seen those before. the roster operation and, and these days large numbers of civilian deaths and massive destruction through bonding and showing we've seen what the cities of casa and san eunice has been reduced to, which is have trouble with the, the, the health system destroyed schools, university civilian residential areas, of thumb,
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senselessly. and some of these bonds, things are even due to the targets generated by a system which has the parameters of, of something like up to 100 to one estimated civilian casualties to, to target desk. yeah, that's something that is such a disturbing. i guess part of the story you bring into a all the, i'm sorry for jumping in, but you know, you told her a i being used to me. it is rails, miniature, and kind of company. i mean, everyone knows a icon be reasons with everyone knows it does not have genuine human emotions. i mean, you're going to look at the total eradication. whatever the talk it may be under the guys under the watch of a, i mean look at was a few months ago, wasn't it? the i c, j told israel to prevent genocide and to allow a to fluid. now today this directive seems more specific and yet it is only about that alpha. should it perhaps be on a broader scale covering the entire gauze or area of the whole region as well. it's
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theory. the previous measure has some january shows do cover israel's entire operation and in the gaza strip and even its actions in the west bank. mm hm. so, so remember that it is as central military incursions into a towns in the west bank over the past several months, which is all of which have also taken the significant dental and civilians of course not as much as and goes on. so in principle this is covered, but in fact it is and then and i, i, i doubt that even being more specific about the rest of the gods. this bit is what we'll get is really to, to change it. so it's approach without pressure without the sanctions, without action, by world states to put some of this, uh, this position into,
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into something more concrete. um we, we've seen the response in the responses, but we're not doing anything wrong and nothing. then we b as rarely are doing in gaza, and this is problematic in the sense of endangering the population. so it's all fine. we're just going to continue. so they could say just the same about that off of our guys selves that's on the list or anywhere else. that's be the, excuse me. and if i, if i may of this, the, this takes us back to, to another very important decisions that taken not by the i c j, but by the, the un or the general assembly, or even the, one of the 1st of the sections of the security council's, after the formation of vis real. i'm the, you'll remember that most of the people living in ga. so right now, our refugees from the rest of the country, the rest of the sort cobblestone and the un had decided the security council had
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decided to that this really is required to allow these refugees to return to their homes and lands. and that was in 1948 or perhaps 919-4975 years of past. and this still hasn't happened. and the same the both today along with width and the native goss ends are now being bombed by is really. yeah, it's astonishing when you bring up the, the historic power of those here and it, you know, it's just so disturbing. what we're witnessing here now for so many months already . but look, i mean perhaps there's some sort of light at the end of the tunnel just days ago we had what would have spain it was the island no way of saying they will recognize the state of palestine. it does it seem to you that there is balancing criticism internationally against the nothing you know, government and the continued ministry in coast. it is mounting, but it is melting rather slowly. and even this measure that,
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that you've mentioned in the, you know, that the, the, the state of palestine, the question of what it's territory is a, what is it? so the gentleman, government is, uh, is under someone has a question mark ever since the, the, uh, from us, the bought the house less than attempted to in 2006, there been stuff for the government. and uh, we got the, the, the, like the government, some things instituted through the parliamentary majorities and the west bank, the, the president, the president, the box and the government. he pointed to and the terms of both of these us own bosses terms ended in 2010. the last of the elections of parliamentary elections should have happens on about a decade ago or little less. and uh, and so the question of what this recognition means is not exactly clear, especially if we consider the plan or the idea by some of them. some of the
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elements within israel and the us government to may be on the range in the palestinian authority. the, the westbank house, 3 of the already to rule is real says, or the sort of present is real from having to put the gaza strip under direct military occupation. yeah. yeah, yeah. the one there. i hope this recognition turns into something like sanctions or something more concrete that would actually put pressure on israel right now. i'm still not seeing that. yeah, yeah. i mean, i'd say if i, if i play, i'll, i, i would have to agree with you on that point. i mean, i, you know, i go to wrap this up. i don't have any time that right now, but what one thing you know, we don't seeing of the west empress is, is how badly many elements of this war is going on. the idea of time and all my vehicle is a lot of soldiers and i guess the labyrinth catacombs have positive gaza. you know, um there's a big fight still going on day to day and i just,
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it's are so difficult to see an end game to this but a i'll, we'll have to continue this conversation another time i'll, but also the book as an anti will active as life for us in hyphens, and i really appreciate your time as well. it meant the arrest warrant issued by the international criminal court for benjamin have no actually holding those responsible for the genocide and gone to what's sort of a difficult task that's according to an engine easy and international law expert who added his thoughts on the growing recognition world why that palestine is a suffering state? a nissan pick on this, right? it is not a member of the i c c. but how come the c c has jurisdiction over it? i see because the only c c said the palestine in 2015 rectified b i c c stuff to use my blog which means the palestine is recognized as a country. there is indeed a good point in the palestine is recognized. know certainly by unesco, you could also now by the i c c, this is where it is showing that these ro is part of the lines of power steering. yeah, these are,
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i always considered not to be its own country. i think it is or or not. so it's not important on at least on the de luca shrink. i have just wrapped up a press conference in minutes, i believe is a rush or and by the risk discussing a wide range of topics that includes non strategic nuclear exercises, the prospect, the reserving negotiations with ukraine. i would usually, but i would just rush, i conduct strengths of both at strategic and non strategic nuclear deterrence forces on a regular basis. and the difference is that after part of our non strategic nuclear weapons were placed, inventors we conduct the drills together without ben at rosie. and as i spoke with them, so russia fully followed all of its obligations over nuclear arms. so there's nothing we would violate and there's nothing unusual in what we are doing compared to nato's actions. everything goes by a schedule and we are not escalating anything. you're really use it to you while a rifleman. why do you have a rifle to either attach or so to protect yourself and we don't want to attack from anybody to this to protect ourselves. we need to know how to use the web pulse. the
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nuclear weapon is deadly and dangerous and cannot be compared to the rifle. so we need to train to look through things off the training exercise since nuclear weapons play state and by the roots of the russians haven't disclosed that before, but they probably had thousands of such exercises. so nothing is unusual for filtering the same. the others did before and do now the world is unstable and dangerous. we cannot allow this to destroy, i guess, like it was the middle of the last century when to level the as i may not know it, but we don't escalate. we do not need to rush and bells are already quite close. so yet, as we've heard from both eaters today, through in minsk, these guys are only getting stronger of the specter of fields of cooperation between the 2 states is quite great. culture, trade, energy, security. you name it, i know all of them are on the rise. it seems that russia is helping builders to gain more influence in asia. president clinton said that he discussed bellows with
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his chinese council part during his recent visit to china. it also seems that the bellows is on the verge of becoming the newest member of the shot of high cooperation organization vladimir report and says that this could become official in the near future. possibly even during the seals. the upcoming summit in cars like sconces, of course, joins defense and security is one of the more important building blocks i'd say of this relationship, which by the way, both leaders are calling as brother leave. the 2 countries have formed a joint defense force. so there are folding joints in military drills including nuclear, tactical weapons drills, and both the latter important alexander lucas shantora stressing that all of this is aimed at ensuring security and protection from threats coming from the west, which is quite significant in light of the rising nato. activities in eastern europe, ukraine and russia's special military operation were also discussed. in fact,
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following the talks during the media conference, vladimir important was asked the question whether or not moscow is open to peace talks with cuba. here's how vitally important replied still concerns. if you go to the process of the m, as for the negotiation process, i have spoken about this many times. and i want to emphasize it again here in russia has never refusing negotiations more and more over. we started these negotiations and below us at one time we would even move them at the request of the grant inside to it's done with okay. and it came to an agreement. we had reached the draft agreement and some of the head of the negotiating group on the ukrainian side, signed the document. that is impressive. the cleaning side was generally satisfied with it and the russian side as well. there were some points that needed to be finalized, but on the whole, if the ukrainian side sign this document, it means that the ukranian sided was satisfied with it. for a well known reasons for me. after the former british prime minister arrived in p,
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f, ukrainian sides throughout these agreements, we stopped implementing them more over. it announced that the negotiations were being terminated. they also said it publicly, it's not us who stop these negotiations by stop somebody, and even more they for made themselves to conduct further negotiation easily did not forbid any one will be out of confusion. after that, think in the instigation of western concepts. the goal was to have to achieve a strategically victory over rush around the battle. so lack of trust and western influence over a key of the decision making. let's go with that. are significant obstacles. but according to the russian president, there is also another issue, and that is the issue of vladimir zelinski, the legitimacy whose presidential term was supposed to come to an end of this month . so yet, new presidential elections still haven't been held me and them see me extra. of course we realized that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over to, to negotiate with this is of course,
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a fair question. i agree with you. i think that's one of the goals and the conference that has been announced that the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the wisdom community. and the strong sense of the cutting kim regime confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but these p steps they do not matter for later and so we will need, if it comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that these folks and can i ask, is a should be resumed to make them but with common services. and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to designing office legally binding documents. no. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities. this question must be answered in ukraine itself. first of all, i think from the position of the parliament, the constitutional court and use, or some other authorities, should look at what is written in the constitution of ukraine. which authorities have the right to be extended under the constitution of ukraine without elections, without electoral procedures,
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and which wines cannot count on these rights. this is different. this can be done on the basis of legal analysis. these questions to the training and political and legal system excites this change of the exploration. all by them is the landscapes to main office. that can be no legal purity. that because there is a deep democracy that you want to set the mind. everything that is triangle systems, around up this visits to mean skis. why them important in seconds for in the visit since he's in all the ration after being re elected as the president of russia and following the visit to china, which i think is another sign showing how significant and close this relationship between rusher and beller was the case the opened mouth insert foot high ranking brussels officials has come for to admit. yup. he was the one who told the george in 5 minutes though he would do well to remember the face of a slow vac counterpart. of course robert feet. so it was
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a shelf in then assess the national attempt last week. however, the e u neighborhood and enlargement commission, i claimed it was, was taken out of context. i felt the need to call the attention of the prime minister to the importance of another philippine flame and they already fred john situation by adopting these laws and disregard the latest tragic event in slovakia was made as an example. and as a reference to where such a high level of polarization can lead in a society, even in europe, i felt obliged to inform the georgias society about this stretch the power though drone with the attempted assassination of robot. fitz so reminds us that the global war policy is an extremely dangerous false, willing to do anything to bring chaos to georgia. so we've got this admission the conversation as we heard from the the woods, the georgia improvements that did happen like that for this. you commission is not, i should himself, it's a hung gavin commission to all of us that hey, and he says, i didn't mean not just been taken completely have to context. well,
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just don't mind what he's supposed to have said the supposed to of cold up the children prime minister and said look so much don't pushing ahead with this really controversial lower and you country, if you don't, you could end up like feet. so reference that to the so that i can prime minister who was a tall discipline attempted assassination less than 2 weeks ago. there was no context to take that other than that. this is a fact. i think that's pretty clear, but obviously he's trying to vote. that's not what's even more interesting is that they, hey, is the commissioner from hungry? and it seems that he's not on the same line as his own country when it comes to that. we're in georgia because we've heard from the prime minister's office fixed opens offices, this policy director just a week ago that they thought that the you should be mimicking that new countries and you should be adopting a similar little reminder of thought. no, i don't. this means that if an n g o and media organization receives more than 20 percent of its funding from a foreign source, they will need to declare it if that noise. uh,
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it is not featured by the president to georgia who's threatened that we've seen huge protests over the last few months into places results that tens of thousands of people out on the streets, including holly profiles, european minister of foreign ministers, who was there a week ago a king on the protests know if that is still meddling in the internal politics of georgia. i don't know. i've thought to what the commissioner said, and i think you can only add that up to being seen as a threat. let's look a little bit closer into the assassination attempt on the feed. so because it's been established, right, the person who made this attempt is someone a very pro ukrainian convictions, but that's not getting that much traction in the west, right? absolutely. within hours of the attempted assassination, we have videos. imagine online that showed juice into this is the gunman who was admitted to you, attempted to kill what but fate, so shouting normally, to crane and showing his sympathies towards inquiry. i'm,
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we've now got quote documents from slovakia that really show just how in green she was in terms of the cause of ukraine, saying that he wanted his government to continue military support and he also got cold feet. so ju discount deaf a still thickness a she once military a to be provided to ukraine and come cedars of the car and government to be a judas towards the erupt in union. and so he decided to act. he so they repeated that he decided to damage his house so that you wouldn't be able to perform the function of. and he decided on monday that he would take the bench from him. so huge amount of evidence that he was pro ukraine. he's a simple size at what's new cranium. so i then, despite that we have seen very little of best actually being food costs or printed in the mainstream media in the west. and you can only look at it at this point and say, well, it doesn't paint the picture of the gunman that perhaps they won't. it's, well, let's go back to georgia for a 2nd. um,
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of course the government there is facing pressure from the european union and especially surrounding this for an agencies laws. but what, what can we say about what it's facing from the united states even more so pression, and what's really interesting, it was the u. s. has now come out and said that it's going to reply, i put on restrictions for those of george and a m p 's who supported the passage of this law through the parliament. and also the families would wait to find out exactly what those restrictions are. but this is what us to have saying, the thoughts to that both the national security law and the repressive tactics used to quote, legitimate descent undermine georgia's democracy in the fundamental freedoms. the department of state is implementing a new visa restriction policy for georgia that will apply to individuals who are responsible for a conflicted in undermining democracy in georgia, as well as their family members. what's incredible, hey, it's been us, has little. it's incredibly similar to below the to address this past is called the foreign agents registration. that basically means if you represent
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a foreign interest, whether you'll pay to no need to declare it in the us. so now we've got a situation of the us saying, do as i say, know, as i do, which at the very least is hypocritical. in a rare example of breaking ranks with the party line before my chair of nato's military committee has suggested, the continued weapons for ukraine is only dragging out the war. and the end of the day just prolonging the suffering of civil the most important to us. it makes a difference whether you supply, i mean, a tional weapons or whether you put your own life at risk. and the situation in ukraine is now such that many millions of already left the country for the last is also a no much bye. there's hardly a family left in what just sung father or son and daughter is not died in the world, or at least returns seriously injured. didn't we completely ignore that to you guys . we already have a talk about the alleged losses of the russian is, which is huge, but we don't talk about the losses of those that are supposedly fighting for us.
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and that is indeed extremely cynical that you know, what we're actually doing is not trying to minimize the charge of per along the wall by supplying white goods. we're increasing the suffering of the population to you are increasing the destruction. i think that what is happening is extremely immoral. i know this is always done under the heading of morality. and here we have a democracy, fighting against the dictatorship, so to speak is old basically self. my tranquilize. me? yes. me again. when i was going to what, but we have supposedly lessons, all the supplies for all values present. that's very cynical when you see it can, every day you have to realize that by russian, this element is always determined by 2 aspects. one is a strategic aspect. the other is a historical aspect on that this plays a role in the russian. it may be said that the russian need for security is exaggerated. open is also a fact. and that also has to do with the fact that these are thinking situation in the united states is the real opponent and russia is very different. the process
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binds 11 times already. it is a huge land mass, and it's not surrounded by friends, nobody oceans to protect the data. because america cannot be attacked with conventional loan forces with russia has had this experience several times and this history. that's why you always have to see the connection between the strategic situation and historical experience. government, as i said, you always have to apologize for this in germany. russia is always endeavoured to keep a certain amount of space between itself and nature. one, the simple reason name being to provide to human or technical faded from leading to a situation that could trigger a bull. there's an escalation that can no longer be controlled off the ones. i have to say this idea that russia would attack well, has an intent to attack nato. and if you guys some say 3 or 4 years other say 5 as to how many emotional type or november last. yeah. why did it come about? my band will that no, because even the student is the dumbest expos realized at the time you creating an offensive had failed. and this would have a significant impact on the mid 3 situation between ukraine and brochure. so this
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narrative was going see if this, you know, just a rep help this out program here and i'll see with the quick side for you, i think, you know, the i, m f is updated. it's 2024, g d p growth, full cost. china number one, full point 6 percent. russia, number 2, a 3.2 percent on board of make out the top 10 with a combined average of a 0.6 percent from the u. k. germany ends read on the good job with those on the roster sanctions, right? this is the the about the stimulus and also the by dealing with difficult people for them to, to places look a little bit of it for them away and i missed it by the name to the so it's called web. and even though that i'm needing.


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