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tv   News  RT  May 24, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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the national court of justice to speak for much of the world. if there is to be justice, it must be applied to all the most immediate sweetheart. it's me to offer. and any other action ended on 5 governor international court of justice rules, i get orders an immediate whole to israel to military operation in southern gaza, citing the event risk, the palestinian civilians and the southern mississippi. of course, israel react cooling, the i c j ruling falls outrage of satin morally repugnant, saying israel has not and will not conduct military operations that wouldn't fix the destruction of civilian population. does the british parliament, hostess methods of key as neo nazi as all but the tale and the former prime minister, horace johnson calls all of them here. the
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right, shedding, lied, and lifting the lid on the main stream, propagated narratives. as always, your news here went on to the international court of justice in the hey, it has ordered israel to immediately stop. it's military operations in the southern gossen city of norfolk because it's considered is that in conformity with, nobody gets on the genocide convention. is that it must immediately hold its meaning to offense and any other accident ended up on a government which made conflict on the by the city of the group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about it physical destruction in hold or input
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independence to consensus the court is also of the view that in order to piece of evidence related to allegations of acts forwarding within the school of art is to get 3 outside convention is must be effective measures to ensure the and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry fact finding mission or ever investigated by the mandated by competent organs of the united nations to investigate allegations of genocide. the international court of justice had for has or to draw the is all to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on that. i foster with more than $1000000.00 people at the cost of the future. in dire conditions, the facts, it was 15 judges of the 15 that has as read that to the situation in dropbox is a complete red line saying that it entails for the risk of
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a repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does that even know thing back to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see a lot. fusses is really forces begin round operations in an area that had been wants to clear. it saves those jobs. know, watch salon also says the situation had changed since the ice to j made its previous orders and conditions had been made to the full use of emergency misses in the case of for the stating that as judges. if they are not convinced that you'd like to wish and it was and related, misses that as well. a phones to have undertaken sufficient have a listen to this on the basis of information for the quote is not convince that the if a patient a 4th us and the latest measures that is a funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians. because a split and particularly those recently displaced from that of a government is sufficient to live. ready immense,
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it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and the salon saves that provisional misses that had been previous needs afforded by the ports in march did not fully address the situation. these guys are also maintained that this emergency to deal with mississippi due to the destruction and the dissolves through as many children situation in guys, the court has made as old as alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the quotes within one months on its pro racing, applying the business boards at from today on was and also to open the footboard um processing with it's a to be in a few minutes to be a it is the 1st time that the court has told as well to hold it's me to show for races as a previously, i'm just for that as well to prevent equity and aside, and allow age in. so guys that, and today's ruling is of course, part of
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a must be got case both by so fast because choosing is well also committing genocide gays. palistine is in gaza is all has a taken offense on those accusations of rejecting the claims and as false. and saying that they are baseless, and we do know that the international court of justice is not expected to deliver ruling on that part of the case for several years, but to a very recent and very urgency. so that's because i did also quote, to take these urge and mrs, which is essentially a court injunction that can squeeze a situation to prevent any harm being done before a final pause finding is arranged. so that we can also recently said that the previous rulings from the pins telling he's well to for the ends of funds. and does that have not succeeded. and what is it? so this was tutorial speaking and explicit or the at this point so that the guy has welcome to court order as well to stop it's offensive, offer it outside. and it has also urged as a you, in member states to beckett's,
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the policy mental pharmacy has also been reported a welcoming v i. c. j decision saying that it's a root presents an international consensus in israel's new ones as well. meanwhile, israel has reacted to the i c. j ruling saying that the charges are false and morally repugnant and that israel has not and will not conduct military actions which may bring about the destruction of civilians in gaza. early i discussed this with the deputy executive general for the rolling party of the palestinian authority. and he told us that the un it's institutions now have a last chance to show that not power that's it has basically can 95 percent of almost every building does up to be at the church. we have to, i'll speak to the clinic school in the university, and then comes to tell you that because nothing, i mean we have, i think it's means of life for punishment,
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ends and namely of assignment about fox news. the isaac's the decision is about the problem, which is basically a reflection of a situation that is not that you, this is why and come up musically lie. it's way through is being uh, now open to the ground with the business, you know, 5 siege and it has to deliver this time. it kind of just get away with things. so to me on my, to, to the i noticed and to, to the on top that was affected nearly every palestinian family here. and i'll tell you, we understand you've, you've lost all them 40 extended family members for which we all for us in serious condolence here is, i mean, if i could ask you touching you on such a personal level, but there's somebody in your opinion, how should those responsible be held to account for the loss of the civilian life without finishing it to the web service. so to the question with the, uh indeed the number is the increasing knowledge sense of mine to order family members. obviously as i understand them as a human being, as um,
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basically a product digital who's looking for the way for what we'd like to see the ordering of the ice. usually a pen to basically item 3, let's say is what i should be investigated and bought them from us on the next, but shouldn't be allowed in the end. if that's not the case, nobody would ever buy the color. but if you'll be un, because i'm going to deal at different different items. so one of which is the i c j and we'll basically have to revisit the concept of the flaws the, the basics and the principles that we have been teaching or kids with regards to human rights with regards to democracy with regards to freedom bill or being pushed under the the, the, the, the arms and the legs of these like the all me that is a basically standing in your mind if you, by actions i thought of taking place and caused them to be on a while mean time, israel's foreign minister has bind spanish calls to the services, but palestinians in the west bank. it comes on the hills of spain island and no way
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will taking a step to recognizing palestine as an independent state. this was on when i have decided to cut the connection between the diplomatic representation of spain and these are real and the police students and put a but the spanish consulate in jerusalem from providing services to police students and your debt and some area to the decision by the trio of western nations, which is to eventually come into effect next week, a royal television. israel ordered some advice. it is an island to no way to immediately return home and warn spain that similar action can be on the table. always focus on palestinians to hear the thoughts on this and the lights the shuttle fund and it seems that nothing yahoo is using this war to stay in government. then you know, he knows that the continuation of the war period and the attack on gaza. if i may be an obstacle to holding on the election, it knows that the last day of this war it has my also be his last day and pat. unless it of course, it will lead to nothing. you know,
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who is government resigning? leading to early elections. this is the right direction for other countries to recognize the state of palestine. today we hope this will happen as soon as possible because the crimes of the occupation continue against the palestinian people in the west bank and gaza. have a shea market of this search and there is no escaping it. if i can. if and yahoo boesmans about the government have nathan yeah. who knows that if you stop the war, he will lose his c is what i'm gonna have. i called on all countries to follow these nations of it so that the palestinian people can achieve victory and establish the palestinian state up until you've met on it. and you know who your housing netanyahu trying to prolong the want to stay in power as long as possible. you know, therefore, in your home, you seen that and, you know who trying to ignite the war in the north, towards lebanon. and then we've been trying to draw iran into the war. well, the police has to stay in power as long as possible. i'm can. oh yeah, we were speaking with a member of the is already connected. how offered a cost save. who said that this recognition of the palestinian state by 3 european
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countries is a big step forward, a salute ireland at spain and norway is of any uh model in others that denounced a that's the boards. a i told the a simple to the same decision of the obviously like always in, i say, been supporting for ages that i told him, but his team and people for their own a nation of civilization either on the southern states. so i salute the tonight, a congratulate dates, and i will come meet eh, filed obviously the many out of a country. so we joined a book. the easy that's, that's not enough. it is a very important statement. it is a very a, you know, big step for roads, for, but they, some things should be done on the ground as with state defense and looked at a multi not at the same time, the coordination of the but his dying states a is carried out a this of the same time,
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the fact that the state is under because the annual patient must be understood and must be fought against. hi ryan, king of brussels officials, has come forward to admit he was the one who told the georgia and prime minister. he would do well to remember the fate of his slow counterpart, of course, so someone tried to kill robert fitz, so last week and assassination attempt. however, the you neighborhood, and the lodgement commissioner, st. miss woods will take an article i felt the need to call the attention of the prime minister to the importance of another, philippine flaming vale ready for a job situation by adopting these laws and disregard the latest tragic event in slovakia was made as an example and as a reference to where such a high level of puller is ation can lead in a society even in europe. i felt obliged to inform the georgias society about this tribes the power though drone with the attempted assassination of robot fitz, so reminds us that the global war party is an extremely dangerous force,
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willing to do anything to bring chaos to georgia. so we've got this admission the conversation as we heard from the the woods, the georgia improvements that did happen like that. but this, you commission is not, i should himself, it's hung gavin commission to all of us that hey, and he said, i didn't mean not. it's been taken completely as a context just don't mind what he's supposed to have said. he's supposed to have called up the georgian prime minister and said, look, still pushing ahead with this really controversial lowering your country. if you don't, you could end up like feet. so reference that to the slack in 5 minutes, that who with a talk it's been attempted assassination less than 2 weeks ago. there was no context to take that other than that. this is a fact. i think that's pretty clear, but obviously he's trying to rule. that's not what's even more interesting is that they, hey, is the commissioner from hungry? and it seems that he's not on the same line as his own country when it comes to that and who are in georgia. because we've heard from the prime minister's office
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fixed opens offices, this policy director just a week ago that they thought that the you should be mimicking that new on countries . and you should be adopting a similar little reminder of thought. no, i don't. this means that if an n g o and media organization receives more than 20 percent of its funding from a foreign source, they will need to declare it if that noise. uh, it is not featured by the president to georgia who's threatened that we've seen huge protests over the last few months into play. see, is results about tens of thousands of people out on the streets, including high profile european ministers, foreign ministers, who was there a week ago, a king on the protests know if that is still meddling in the internal politics of georgia. i don't know that to what the commissioner said, and i think you can only add that up to being seen as a threat. let's look a little bit closer into the assassination attempt on the feats. so because it's been established, right, the person who made this attempt is someone
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a very pro ukrainian convictions, but that's not getting that much traction in the west, right? absolutely. within hours of the attempted assassination, we have videos. imagine online that showed juris into this is gunman. who was admitted to you, attempted to kill what was faint. so shutting normally ukraine and showing his sympathies towards inquiry i'm, we've now got quote documents from slovakia that really show just how in grain she was in terms of the cause of ukraine, saying that he wanted his government to continue military support. and he also at cold feet, so ju discount for still thickness to once military a to be provided to ukraine and come see there's the current government to be a jew does towards the european union. and so he decided to act. he filled the repeated that he decided to damage his house so that he wouldn't be able to perform the function of. and he decided on monday that he would take convention him. so
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huge amount of evidence that he was pro ukraine. he's a simple size as to what's new created inside. and despite that, we have seen very little of best actually being pulled cost or printed in the mainstream media in the west. and you can only look at it at this point and say, well, it doesn't paint the picture of the gunman that perhaps they won't. it's, well, let's go back to georgia for a 2nd. um, of course the government there is facing pressure from the european union and especially surrounding this for an agencies laws. but what, what can we say about what it's facing from the united states even more so, question, and what's really interesting is us as now come out and said that it's going to reply, i put on restrictions for those in georgia and a m p. 's who supported the pass into this little through the parliament and also the families will wait to find out exactly what those restrictions are. but this is what us to have saying, the thoughts to that both the national security law and the repressive tactics used to quote, legitimate defense undermine georgia's democracy in the fundamental freedoms. the
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department of state is implementing a new visa restriction policy for georgia that will apply to individuals who are responsible for a conflicted and undermining democracy in georgia, as well as their family members. what's incredible, hey, it's been us, has little. it's incredibly similar to below the ga us just passed is called the foreign agents registration. that basically means if you represent a foreign interest, whether you'll pay to no need to declares in the us. so now we've got a situation of the us saying, do as i say, know, as i do, which at the very least is hypocritical is boris johnson, the former u. k. prime minister, a nazi sympathizer. the question stats as members of the notorious ukrainian neo nazi as of battalion to be given a hero was welcome in the british parliament, you can imagine them prompted an angry response and the russian embassy in london
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among many of he's off his game worldwide notoriety. both for its widespread use of fascist volts on gold insignia and despicable war. crimes against civilians could entertaining clear cut fascists at the houses of parliament. perhaps be a motive for the documented rise in anti semitism in the u. k. 3 neo nazi fighters from kias as off battalion appeared before a raft, audience of british parliamentarians they're being held as the defenders of as of style steel plants in mario full from back in the 1st few months of the ukraine conflict. now they lost that battle and ended up as prisoners of war, and it was church here that was supposed to hold on to them until the hostilities were over. but somehow they ended up being sprung and turned back over to key of and are now on a traveling road show of sorts. last year they were at california is procedures stanford university, some of the same fighters,
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along with their wives known as the association of families as, as of style defenders. and they publicly posted all over social media after these visits bragging about both this u. k. parliamentary parents where they were reportedly hobnobbing with both tory and labor representatives ahead of a july 4th election. it was just called this week. great luck. i'm sure that is. and also they posted on social media after the stand for gig as well. and they brought all of their favor gear with them to the u. k. complete with over nazi symbols like the walls angel symbol that was once used by the nazi ss and the were mocked in the world war 2 era v. as lot of soldiers were trained by the wes, it's the ottawa citizen, the reported even before the frank conflict went red hot. that canada is military leaders training these guys noticed all the nazi tattoos and we're like, uh,
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all right, so what do we do of all this? and ultimately they just, why is it it was totally cool, totally normal, as long as the media didn't find out about it. whoops, there is reporting just this week, actually here in the front process, well, of as off training, allegedly by france. so with both this u. k parliamentary visit and with last year stanford visit, there seems to be an effort of foot by the western establishment to whitewash as i've not see roots and re brand them as heroes. here's former british prime minister boris johnson doing exactly that in meeting with them. ringback with us. so johnson is saying all these wonderful things about as a while holding up their flag complete with all the nazi symbol isn't totally
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casually, like he's at a fun part posing with a walt disney world logo. keep in mind that johnson has a lot of skin in the game here. you could say, since it's been why they reported that he was the one who's got all the original piece deal that russia put on the table early on in the complex convincing. he has not to take it, as all the fighters were folded into the regular ukrainian army, but the nazi stuff just is, is washing out and is leaving some stubborn stains for western optics to contend with. particularly during visits like this. not a great look either when as our reps start singling out of specific m. p. 's for thanks like m. p, victoria apprentice, the attorney general for england and wales, whom as off credits on social media. with arranging this visit to the u. k. m. p. john whitting del and also the chair of the u. k. ukraine parliamentary friendship group, m p. bob seeley. we're talking here about a group. why is the qualified by the west as neo nazi and problematic,
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even for zalinski himself before the current conflict itself? the 1st time that a country of the british crown has formerly cheered nazis in parliament to recall that canadian parliament did the same with a bona fide world war 2 genuine article, ukrainian nazi euro slot point. uh, and then back kind of like crazy play me that they really weren't aware of the connection. and even though the house speaker, who had to step down after the scandal introduced hung guy as having fought against the russians in world war 2 from the chamber today. ukrainian canadians, ukrainian canadian world veteran from the 2nd world for whom fort ukrainian independents against the russians and continues to support the troops today. even at his age of $98.00, the
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apparently nobody viewed him on that line and go, hey wait a minute. sounds like he was killing our communist allies that were also fighting against hitler. instead they just flopped alongside zalinski who was also visiting that day and fish pumping this guy and cheering him on. now it's the british problem. it's turn to fish, pump home goes ideological successors. it's bad enough that the british press like the new statesman, for example, has accused force johnson. i've it saying far right mobs. not sure how this is going to help them pretty tough to go much more fastest or are right then folksy, proudly. parade around with recognizable nazi symbols. but the empties and attendance like canada entire parliament seem to be hoping that nazi history gets memory hold if it means championing proxies that they can exploit in the greater interest of sticking it to russia as well. meanwhile,
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we have sent an inquiry to the french ministry of foreign affairs regarding an article that said ukrainian neo nazi soldiers with training in from so we'll let you know what we hear back. whether you can hear no more rhetoric is ratcheting up us officials or an assistant. the key of should be able to strike russian territory with american weigh. lastly, ukraine. we have a really bad situation going on. as you know, this is a sanctuary zone that the russians have created. and what they're doing is they're lining up all their artillery and rockets and missiles just across the train border that they've been used to attack the ukrainians. however, you already ministration and jake solve and have restricted arms use. so if you're creating cannot defend itself and fire back that russia your colleagues from house
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intelligence committee, they just released the statement in which they are calling for an inspiration to allow your brain to use american weaponry on the military targets on russian territory. would you support that? because right now they have read those before they have restrictions to view that i think we need to allow to frame to prosecute the work the way they they need to be able to find back as the american. think times of ryan, the cooperation. i'll find a plan that it says would allow the west and ukraine to defeat russia. report has the address, the west, the quote push on, not worry about escalation. the 1st suggested step is for the us to allow key of to use western supplied all to carry out or types on russian territory. and highlights the washington should expand its visible military presence in ukraine and brought in operations in space and cyber space to counter russia. well, that's why motor sports live now to international authority. 5 preston,
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joining us national tennessee about how possible in the afternoon kline get great to get you here on this program. what are you? what are your thoughts regarding the round report prescribing steps for, for, for what is an essence? it's going to push america resign to stand into a direct conflict with russia. at this point klein over to you. well, the body ministration was said from the beginning that the, the most important thing is not to correctly come come in conflict with rush, but this is clearly doing that and you have to ask yourself, at what point does this, does our support of ukraine become a direct uh make us back chair some are all responsible to what's happening in this cost. so, you know, rest already knows we're funding this entire morning with other nights of nations with the all the main, the of the sick, material and equipment,
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work in the weapons. and so now change what they say is changing the calculus to wow, you print to attack in russia as, as an aggressive move that will somehow lee trying to victory, i think is very dangerous for the united states. because, you know, yes, in fact, our role, our objective is not to directly come into a consultation with russian. this is not the way to do that. yeah. yeah. if i play klein, i mean, you know, you talk about ukraine, but i thought on list describing ukraine has the biggest c i a operation since syria and they attempted to regime change their against the a side. you know, there's a circle piece summit coming up next month in switzerland without the russia of course. not exactly sure how that's going to work lie, but as the article states, us officials, according for more involvement,
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do you think the west is really looking for a piece at the end of the day? i it does not appear to be that way. um, and you have to take into account to, you know, we have an upcoming, let's not say what role that for. yeah, you know, is this just the west meeting, the chest, the bottom ministration, bidding their chest, you know, to position themselves prior to the election. it's hard to say, but, you know, one thing i think you have to keep in mind whereas, you know, this congressman, it said, you know, we need to allow the previous type to the russians. the cranes have been hitting in belgrade, which is right across the board. yeah, from cargo. they've been doing that for a long time. and then keep in mind also that you know, this all started by you printing on the attacking civilians in don this, you know, 24th. that's right. so, you know, it's not like the, just out of the blue. in february of 2022, the russians decides
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a mass and on for some inmate. right. this has been an ongoing issue, just been festering for a number of years. yeah. and yeah, yeah, yeah. and they've been attacking me and i mean, drones of going in and yet, you know, near the problem. so, i mean, to act as the ukraine has not tried or been doing. we're taking the risk of actions against russia own russian slow. yeah, it's just in that. yeah, yeah, yeah it's, it's, it's almost like, you know, i hate to say a climb, but at the end of the day the, the losing side, the losing team is getting more desperate by the day. it doesn't matter how many more weapons, so how many bucks a sent to ukraine is just not going to turn the tide in this ongoing conflict line . preston is an international attorney joining us live from nashville, tennessee. it's a great pleasure to get you on an allow me the chance to pick your brain fine. thank you so much. thank you. thank you. a. thank you for joining our surface
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program live from moscow. this is austin international with all of us doors, continuing online at all the topics, stimulus and also the by doing with difficult people for the 20th. okay, so look a little bit of it for them away. and let me ask if i could. uh, that's what it's called web meeting, so that i need to get the zillow. but actually i did a bunch of of websites, but actually not similar. huh. no, it's almost loaded. well hold.


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