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tv   News  RT  May 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the disliked the into the so called of justice ordering is well, the stove is a sold all of this city. a rough i, as well can see, is, hama the south of gaza with s by israel does not care about anyone whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it as well with jack. so the i've seen james complex says it has never conducted me feel probations in rough us, but could have killed civilians also have peace, folks shouldn't be resumed and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course,
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we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get through the signing of legally binding documents. right. so it's still ready to that goes a to end of the claim coverage. because the us analysis of it spending hundreds of millions of dollars in the 8th of the republican georgia condemns. washington was trying to impose sanctions on the country, saying that would improve and donate sovereignty has still a deposit of legislation to increase the financial transparency of for an idea of the life of most go. this is on to you. my name is ross, i'm already 13 minutes of news i'm use star. now. although the story is out, has been tumbling sullen garza with this white despite. oh, it is by the international court of justice to prevent dennis. i'm stump is
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offensive in the palestinian city of ruffled the this footage shows a recent is really and so i was on the refugee cabin in the southern city of called eunice just and columbus is from rough up myself. so i could suck within the vicinity of a crowded area, would numerous privacy and have been sheltering locals throughout. so in the region of been cooling for immediate international measures in the cold in the israel does not care about anyone whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. we hope that the international court of justice will put pressure on israel to stop this war. this war of extermination. so when this decision actually happens on the ground, i will scream is joy. know, israel will continue the most vigorous. it is a seat above the low and no one can never stop it. european invest in countries
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must compel israel to greece, who is the spy, and the war and stuff. the genocide, the case who walks by south type of choosing is one of just the i. c. j who sold as well as a whole is offensive in rock island withdrawal from the enclave. friday's decision loves that list the time to see it when the court has issued orders to get tell the death toll in golf. however, israel a has denied conducting a movie a sold in rafa. i'm is denounced the case against the judge, you some of the genocide ruled by south africa against israel, the international court of justice and a golf falls, outrages in more of a repugnant israel, has no and will not conduct males reaction. send that off. i area which main flakes on it by listing in civilian population does a conditions of life that could bring about as physical destruction and whole organ bought. of the i c j, i was also ruled by israel,
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must not prevent you and investigators from accessing areas in the gaza strip record considered event in conformity with nobody get under the genocide convention is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense and any other action instead of 5 governors, which may inflict on by assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that would bring about it's physical destruction in hold or influx independence. the consensus, the court is also of the view that an older piece of evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the school of 2 or 3. 0, would you go side convention is the most speak effective measures to ensure the and the, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry. fact finding mission,
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or as an investigative body mandated by competent organs of the united nations, to investigate allegations of genocide, the international court of justice headboard has ordered rather as well to immediately stop it submitted to assaults on that. i faxed with more than 1000000 people as lots of a future in dial conditions. in fact, it was 15 judges of the 15 that has as read that to the situation into the 5 is a complete red line. seeing that it entails the risk of a repeatable home to the human rights of people. and does that even noting back to more than a 100000 people had been forced to see a lot. fusses is really forces begin round operations in an area that had been wants to clear and safe. so when the basis of information for the quote is not convinced that the fusion efforts and the related measures that is the funds to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians and because of it. and
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particularly those recently displaced from that of a government that is sufficient to live yet immense. it is which the by the city and population is exposed as a result of the media to offensive. and that of so i'm saying that provisional misses that had been previously ordered by the court in march did not fully address the situation is as us also maintained, that this emergency for that was necessary due to the destruction and disastrous communitarian situation in guys, the court has made as the orders alongside the halting of military, such as for as well to report to the courts within one month. and it's appropriate and applying the business. cooling is, of course, part of a much bigger case, both by south africa choosing, as well. also committing genocide, i gaze palistine is in does that so that the guy has welcome to court order for yourself to stop it's offensive offer. that's fine. and it is also, it's just as
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a you, in member states to beckett's, the policy national sovereignty has also been reported a welcoming the i. c. j decision saying that it's represents an international consensus in israel's move on as are you an representative size of the international community? last pressure as well to stop is offensive in gaza as the ice j o does israel to stop it's offensive. and ralph or israel intensifies its attacks on that. the news and receiving from the people trapped the rain, that terrifying the sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions. alms involved, go and suspend its a magic and political relations with these rail to the seas. it's a salt. yeah, no, no, no, i mean you, we're kill daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you. we want you to stop supporting the occupation with military equipment. we want to put pressure on the occupation to
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stop its aggression and stop its killing of our children and women without the kind of the hand, even though we use this place. people have been suffering with only god knows. for 8 months, we the people of the north have been displaced in humiliated with the amount of cease far in all areas across cause a refund is not the only one effective. misspent admin is no longer spent as me of are we not human? they are only making demands for the people of rough. um and what about us the people of gaza sleeping on the streets? who cares about us? where is the justice we're looking at the kind of another. and so the so called the i c. c has been considering issue in a rest, florida for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we had from an international legal expert who said, it's a difficult task to bring those responsible for genocide to justice.
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i know that this is not going to be effective. and the reason is because even though there are more than it has to be an issue, but the question is, how are you, how are b i c. c prosecute. there was spring of those 4 mission at the was a, one of the board members. and it'd be in a position because they have to be the hey, the good thing um, you know, uh from the point of both point of view of the movies. yeah. you said uh because uh, we are friday uh for the probably stephen to have its, uh, on the homeland uh its uh, independence page. so she can welcome the beach. i see see, can see that was fine as stay with me, but come to all the i bet you abortion all
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wise. i don't think it is proportional because it's just right. oh, i want to exercise. it's a right to self defense. the question is whether uh, you know, 34000 almost 34000 lives events in life is uh, becoming a collateral damage or whether this is a proportional thing. of course, a lot of countries did not find that it is a proportional one. secondly, a lot of country of things that um beast have gotten at least to a dental side. so this is something that, um uh, the, what needs to stop. uh, what apartment is that big? i mean that by now we stopped doing indonesia. well, uh, initiate a quotation uh and the quotation is referred to escalation for humanity. uh
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because uh, indonesia, things that we are not going to side with. uh, i am us. we are not flaky sites with israel, but we'll side with humanity is just something that is very important. this is something that needs to be respected uh, the human rights of innocent people. so we need to, we have countries to be, to this policy and i hope that the russia, china and other companies will join disqualification to say that, you know, it's not right to condone the action of fee is riley against the initial in the lives of the police damien and it is not rights for the united states, especially the president of the united states. and the uh, the action uh, be taken by b is rarely administer. uh,
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we note that the students in various campuses in the us are saying that it is not right for the us government to support what a prime minister made by now who is doing against be in this in the life of the police being induced asthma. the president puts in, has insisted that russia wants to resolve the thing coughing through negotiations that such as council bothering you, let them is eventually becomes an in the system i need to, as is elected to thanks 5, the damn submit. of course, we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over, who to negotiate with this is of course a fair question. i agree with you. i think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the wisdom community and the sponsors of the current version confirmed the legitimacy
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of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but these p steps, they do not matter for legal documents, of course. so we will need, if it comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that these folks should be resumed without tomatoes, but with common sense. and they should be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get through the signing of legally binding documents. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities as well. so seeing, so being so resolution to the call that the u. s. continues to, um, to either have announced a fresh aid package. it comprises of a variety of i munition type such as high miles. well, fits as well as a temporary and moultrie. i have which i've frequently deployed in new plenty of time on russian territory. now the russian and pass it to the us. we have said on the timing of a new movie, a package in washington does not bone pieces. you rub,
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it is doing everything they can to prolong the conflict and increase human casualties from the russian and the great insights included among the civilian population. it is the less through the united states as analogy, norms deliberately states puppets. on the very day when the russian leadership has clearly and then be used to confirm it's reading this to negotiate. it's a sign of desperation. i think, you know, you turn to those types of activities. so when you're in a desperate situation, i think they're about ready to collapse completely. the west is starting out financially. they don't have, i mean, i think something like 10 or 15 percent of the french people care about ukraine. uh, you know, the civil war is here. i all think uh uh, there's a lot of support here neither. you know, either. so it's um and you've got even dismentos going on within the a you to territories, you know, austria hungry. so like you are definitely not pro uh, a pro with this type of policy. you may think um it's, um, it's
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a sign of desperation there. they don't know where to go. they uh, they thrown weapons left and right now we're gonna send a 16 signer gets there. i don't know where they're gonna take off from. i don't know who's gonna fly though. that could be a no sign is the escalation as well, but it's very poor judgment. my, my, me, well, nato and us officials are in system that keeps shouldn't be able to strike russian 33 with american weapons. i hardly at the time i was calling for allies to consider whether i should list some of the restrictions dying post on a weapons to make to, to ukraine. because we need to remember what this is. this is a water rushing bar, rush against the graeme and i still have to defend themselves. and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny the crane, the right to fits means their targets on a russian territory. then you make it very hard for them to uphold the right for
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self. defense is self defense. self defense is trying to new instructor is the goal . it's legitimate and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right. and that should include the ability to also strike targets on the russian territory. lastly, ukraine, we have a really bad situation going on. as you know, this is a sanctuary zone that the russians have created. and what they're doing is they're lining up all their artillery and rockets and missiles just across the train border that they've been used to attack the ukrainians. however, you already ministration and jake solve and have restricted arms use. so if your credit cannot defend itself and fire back that russia, i think we need to allow the brand to prosecute the work they need to be able to find back then ride the corporation. i the think tank has
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for both as a strong said the, the income and will allow the worst and usually to defeat russia. according to the report, the west should press forward and not worry about an escalation. it's 1st suggested step is for the us to authorize key to utilize lesson. so wide web has to little strikes on russian, tennessee. and joshua, sonny kline preston says the us sending more more honest with you is leading to a direct conflict with russia as well. the body, let's try so said from the beginning that the most important thing is not to correctly come come in conflict with rush, but this is clearly doing that and you have to ask yourself at what point does this? does our support of ukraine become a direct or make us like here?
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some are all responsible for what's happening in this conflict. and so, you know, rest already knows that we're funding this past. i'm. we're supporting with our nato nations with the, the material and, and the equipment for more than the weapons. and so now if you're gonna change, what i say is changing the calculus to allow you print to attack in russia as, as an aggressive move that will somehow lead crying to victory, i think is very dangerous for the united states. because you know, yes, in fact, our role, our objective is not to directly come into a consultation with russian. this is not the way to do that by the fans, gives out and of the georgia and capital file to demonstrate against the implementation. the new phone agents built on bucks a made
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a new announcement of new restrictions against the country over the quote on the or on the democratic more while the parliament pages to commence proceedings next week in order to override a presidential meet. so that process as was seen waving flags of the united states, the european union in georgia, and use our media outlets that received more than 20 percent of their funding from farm bundle factors are obligated to register with the labels bearing the interests of a forum power and now on the recently enacted the station, the new law has been met with criticism from washington, which is b with implemented visa restrictions on individuals. it alleges are undermining democracy in georgia. the department of state is implementing a new visa restriction policy for georgia that will apply to individuals who are
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responsible for a complicit in undermining democracy in georgia, as well as their family members. so nearly about sizes from overseas have problem to george's runing policy to criticize washington for infringing upon the country sovereignty. the russian pharmacy has also condemned interference in the internal affairs of georgia, referring to the methods of the united states as colonial practices to the store, which we see yet to know the case of cynical and i'm ceremonious intervention in the silver and state to best buy the united states each now washington doesn't like georgia's law on foreign influence. transparency for other adults. next will tell the last one to washington like we shows up. it's basically a test step, but you've georgia and it's people's to come to this black mail. now, by this they will demonstrate that everything can be done to them. we're seeing what the disparaging, humiliates, and the way with no respect to the owner and the dignity of the georgian people
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that the west proposes to throw a boat in case of the basic change in its position. does that do they want to buy georgians? they probably don't understand whom they're dealing with. when did the was get it from it's, there's colonial practices to scan to break and of course, to deceive, to promise a lot and then give it blas bates and exchange for multiple goods for me cheaper. and if not, we spoke with a local police allow us to says west and our time was in to feed. and georgia is a fast. so also, a very long time ago. i think that they have tried to pull the right situation in georgia for a long time. no, it's not in use for us. i do think that since the plus times of global politics in the economics have changed a lot to off to or in ukraine, i think that's out most time to operate in georgia in ways that they use to which would have more coming up to coming with it so they would call every
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new commendation and they were to try that to make it too obvious that they have their own interest in georgia applied to oscar. it's cleaning a lot of sense. so things are shifting. now they have to work. uh, pretty fast. uh and uh no, but they have, um, uh they have strong meet date as it faces more visits to all people since they recommendations. now don't have the same face as, as it used to. now it comes up more in a form of conditions which contains east than type of sensor is if you don't do this, then it will have some consequences of enter. this situation is a good example of that. i mean, you commission up from hungry claims his was what miss interpreted when he reminded the george i'm prime is a the faith of his slow count to button who fell victim to and assessed ation
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attempt last week. now that says george's pam stays from on the new farm. agent know which is heavily criticized by western powers, including the i felt the need to call the attention of the prime minister to the importers of and not to fill the flaming veil ready for a job. situation by adopting these laws and disregard the latest tragic events. lavaca was made as an example. and as a reference to where such a high level of polarization can lead in a society, even in europe, a commission to a tells with george and pm to shit. or he could have somebody try and to him. and apparently it's not a threat. no, it's just a simple, friendly warning, but however you with the context, this clearly is a threat during our conversation, the european commission that listed a number of measures that weston politicians might take if the retail on the transparency low is overcome. while listing these measures, he mentioned,
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you've seen what happened to feed so, and you should be very careful the cold for it was an, a commission of hungry his actions and know that to the move inside the ring, the sticky tape of the threats and the base politicians in country space when they that step out of line, not line of what you saw happen to feet. so is she here less than 2 weeks ago? what would feed so? so back is p. m. was the target of an assassination attempt, who documents now review the depth of the shoot, his rage towards his country's lead, and much of it was the result of feet says more neutral policy towards the ukraine conflict. he wants military a to be provided to ukraine and considers the current government to be judas towards the european union. and so he decided to act. so back to his deputy prime minister has already stated that the gunman was a don't by the negative media surrounding. well, but feet,
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so in the lead up to his election in 2023 and ever since he's been painted in the media as a russian scrooge, and i'm to you crane feet. so who said he favors a piece to and what's the will to end? he's not the only one that thinks the media is to blame the attempted assassination of european prime minister. why radicalized fanatic? because of his support for peace indicates this ingrained intolerance of descent and hatred. many politicians parties and media have contributed to this by portraying every differing voice as pro russian, which is extremely unfair and leads to these negative consequences. well, the media has been blamed, it's a culture that is essentially being green, licked from on high. for example, any time with countries that size of lying in the u, brussels comes down, hard on the take hungry, it's had a rough ride to the commission fees. victor open says he was being blackmailed
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to tow the line over ukraine. it's sort of a black mailers manual, they say in short, then if we behave like a sovereign country hungry will immediately face of vast financial blockade. and that they will link the ukraine in question to the rule of law. the to have nothing to do with each other. then hungry would suffer armageddon. this kind of block, mailing and use of threats, economic or physical sleep, into the consciousness of nations in germany, politicians, a thing, the repercussions of fact. he is of painting the ac policy as nazi sympathizers has resulted in an unprecedented political violence in contemporary times a if the members are facing threat on a daily basis. but no one is paying attention from my end, i've also been physically attacked. my car has been banned, it's happening to us all the time and people are not paying attention to it. and i
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think if you're already in any aware and about democracy, you should address violence against politicians. no matter if it's a guess, i have the member or sd. the sd has also spoken as against the ears funding of the ukraine rule and rejects sanctions imposed on russia with those threats. politicians and country space comes to melt away. when a more friendly government is elected, poland fini is it was the use or phone taffy, the issues surrounding the perceived independence of its street district on the pound base of the media for propaganda. but in a puff that's old gone way, is polls voted in you friendly guy in last year. that's right. to oral tusk of the former president don't be repeating counsel. so basically a lesson to take away here. come through here, little feet of the you, full in line and old will be right. otherwise you'd better watch your back.
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me well i had of the false to approaching a you a that shows the commission see some of on that i had on the right wing policies, the threatening to destroy the quote, every thing we have built together and that was the usual. but apple talented as being at the center of the mischief making. can you? yes, to shop. we must be clear, di, reassemble a month national, a of the confederacy, a different names, but all the same. they approved just puppets and proxies, and they're trampling on all values. we will not let them destroy what we have built together. i got a member of the okay. and part of it including our back says the inclination to you is fine to divert attention from our own phases. i don't know what she means, but what she said, it's a whole lot of floods misses funding line has this has
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a built absolutely nothing except a private fortune to shady deals with companies like buys that mckenzie and other us multi nationals and she's destroyed a great deal and it's not right to being parties which are strong in europe. it's mrs. funder lied it, various heads of government, europe, and so europe and commission and the u as a whole was destroyed in europe. so she's trying to diverting to divert attention from the responsibility and finding a culprits she's creating a climate. well, i don't organized groups or disoriented individuals. so we'll take the law each that has a resulting in assess the nation attempts we've seen, such as recent one on the slow box prime industry. and she's brought us onto a coalition goals. and we've russia, showed that she is engaged,
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are sitting in the necessary war ukraine, and she's not blaming eyes of russia for the right week. policies misses fund denied, is also visit presiding over the effective d p. an eyes ation all for the or if i importing 10, thousands of millions of i'm 25, my gods. this is fund a line is destroyed. europe and nothing else. the states and all of this and these, uh, this taken off c dot com is excellent. so is the 2 will be back in about 30 minutes the .


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