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tv   News  RT  May 25, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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the the slides of international court of justice or the use of the soap with the salt on the city of robert is on, continues to hama the files of god. israel does not care about anyone whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. sizes that told in gaza sup office. 35000 is well rejects complaints by the exactly one of the justice and says is never conducted them in the field relation to the rough of i could of to the big the size of a. i forgot to celebrate c, n, c. all the content signified by that she was of independence and the white and
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gaped colonialism also has the stokes shouldn't be resumed and they shouldn't be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get to the signing of legally binding documents across the service is running to negotiate at the end of the thing complex of the us escalated the fighting by announcing hundreds of millions of dollars limit c h to keep the company today for the latest global news about the apartment world i'm on the of this is our seat international. adult story is a has been a tumbling a southern gaza with last weiss. this slide order is by the international court of justice to provide dentist i'm stuff is offensive in the past. institute of rafa the with
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a recent is where the sat on the rest of the d tap in the southern city of calling you this gift. the titan closes from rafa so stuck within the vicinity of a private area. when you list classes have been showing me while the death toll in dogs is approaching 36000 locals throughout the region have been cooling for an immediate international measure. and the conflict in the israel does not care about anyone, whether the court of justice or any countries, despite the fact that most countries have become against it. we hope that the international court of justice will put pressure on israel to stop this war. this war of extermination. so when this decision actually happens on the ground, i will scream is joy. know, israel will continue the most rigorous. it is a seat above below and no one can never stop it. you are being invested in countries must compel israel to greece, who is c spy, and the war and stuff,
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the genocide, really in the case of what drives us last good fusing is that a good side of the i, c, j has told is i the hope is offensive in ralph i with the tool from the enclave fridays decision month with the time this year when the quote has issued orders to trail the desktop in garza because it's considered event in conformity with the obligation. under the genocide convention, is that it must immediately hold. it's mindy to offense. and any other action ended off of governors which may inflict on the but assuming a group and gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in hold or influx. i love as well, have denied conducting take a minute via salt and rap. i'm to denounce the case against it or the judges of genocide, ruled by south africa against israel. the international court of justice and
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a gulf falls outrages in more of a repugnant israel. has not and will not conduct meal direction, send it off. i area which main slaves on that by listing in civilian population guys, the conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part are you in a rep? says the international community must pressure as well. so stop is offensive in gaza as the eyes of j. o does israel to stop it's offensive and rough or israel intensifies as a text on it and use and receiving from the people trip there in is terrifying. the sure israel will not stop this madness until we make it stop. member states must impose sanctions and domes and bogo and suspends. it's a magic and political relations with israel to it seems as it's a sold. yeah, no, no, no. i mean you're, we're chilled daily with western weapons, european weapons. we do not want aid from you. we want you to stop supporting the occupation with military equipment. we want to put pressure on the occupation to
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stop its aggression and stop its killing of our children and women. it's kind of the hand in the we is this place people have been suffering with only god knows for 8 months we the people of the north have been displaced and humiliated with them on to cease for in all areas across cause a rafa is not the only one effects it must been that mean it's no longer spent as me of are we not human? they are only making demands for the people of rough. um and what about us the people of gaza sleeping on the streets? who cares about us? where is the justice by that's supposed to live now to my new outside of keith assess it is a professor and form of power as an invoice to the u. k. so thank you so much for joining us here on oddity. now think here's well has denounced the i c j k, says ripon repugnant. do thing is well,
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is just simply ignoring the ruling by the international foot. it is a start that this nick a digression, you know, for the last 75 years. this is not something new that we have to expect from is right. is there as far so for the has or old was act as it oak states about the international law above international humanitarian law. and has been told that the suffered to do, you know, by the united states of america. so, and the routing that comes from the i c j. it doesn't about the for them because, you know, they go ahead support that really federally financially, by the united states. and by the veto power, i do not did they show them that and it says gifts empowerment for is the end to denounce the international community, the international legitimacy, and any kind of a know that comes or every solution fits us. you know, it's in the world, so there's, i'll scan and then it gets that girlfriend continues today. they, for,
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that's in gaza that could children, woman. and that me and there is no place that could be cold saving guys with the boss or the, the southern part, the northern fox, the black building, everything 70 percent of the infrastructure has been totally, totally chapter done, destroyed by these ages. and this, as you know, was the best tune of democracy as the alleged in there was as shown, that it is one of the most booted occupation forces in modern history. yeah, quite right. he said, so quite right. i said, we will also, harry, you know, from the idea if they've sort of said that they're not targeting. so the reason i mentioned yahoo has always come out of my and said the same very was we think clearly now with close to 36000 people who have died or been killed. somebody say in these last months is a i, they have just lying. of course,
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you know, all the means of communication around the world, including use station r, p has shown to what extent do you know is the, has been committing crimes of general tried the against the palestinians and 56000 . that i know in the 70 being good in just let alone the 10s of thousands on the these of this such as 6 that show on television. exactly what it is doing and this . well, let me cuz i've had tony of collateral damage is no more accepted by the worse than public opinion. and that's why we have seen, you know, all these movements, the students and, and people you know, and the see, so futile and as meek did come in some bus at the, of the sun in denmark, every day we have thousands of monitors denouncing, you know, the set off is and, and the crimes that they have been committing against innocent civilians and betts
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it's set is an evidence to come to basically all the allegations over there is a, is that the, they've not the thought of getting sabrina's, but actually they are getting civilians and i've not thought of getting how much that going, but the thought of getting everything that moved things out. yeah, it says is terrible. it really is what you know, of course america box missing yahoo with every move he makes. he even said before, you know, done good, so rough of that. so red line. however, with clearly seeing that nothing yahoo has moved his forces to rafa. what will it take to the international community to see, to do, to squash if you like, biden's support for as well. i mean, at the end of the day, if the whole world gains up on the usa would that influence america to change its cause or even find out and do something with nothing yahoo,
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to actually with you to start with the western european countries to boycott is right, and to withdraw the i'm bus at the from, from is that i had, that's the 1st step. and the 2nd step is to stop trading and sending. i'm so is read and tried to put the economic pressures on is read. and thirdly, there will be and should think that americans in office you are, you have big companies that you know and support thing is an investment, get that commission against the innocent civilians and the is and went overboard. you know, with its reaction dollars, october 7th, this isn't the occupation that has been almost 60 years. 75 years is the. is that right and what have you invest? and it said, just stop putting pressure. the pressure comes from 0 being on the americans and then the americans would realize that they are losing that. so if digit guy lives in this quest of support thing, you know, this dental visit, this,
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it would be taught the unit. and for that reason, that's the only pressure that could be put on is the, the america, the american still plot. they say something and of doing something, guess it just so unfortunate that the decision making process into not states is still digit controlled by 8 back, which is designed to still be and we see the students move months in contract distinction basically with the operation decision making of congress ends at the white house and that, and it says shows that there is a split between civil society and united states and that will be administration. and this is the only way out is that the able to finish it, put pressure, and they should stop there, hold nice thing, the state of palestine and start work with thing is that i'm still, i'm today. so is that these are the things that would hook their pockets off. is there a do basic, do we drove from cause that stopped the scottish and the feeling is crime that has
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been unprecedented. you know, that we did the sofa know before before i get it completed. so my direct and tells me that is enough. quick question. half of you we what about a minute here? 3, west and nathan, spain. i'm the no way i've already said that they recognize palo sign as an independent the say, is this going to create a further move living in europe? you mentioned europe, pressure in the united states is, is the, is the, is the movement, the shifting? yes. yes, i mean, i mean these, it called vision by dish, rudy. now that the, if i just as an independent state by these, the countries could create an event on both of the countries in europe to, for the suit under, you know, that many issued up and countries are on the road of pretty competition of the, for the city and state, once this are all the costs that goes on, i think you know, uh there is no way out for the americans to justify this. except to accept the
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pressures that had been put by them to stop this cottage and didn't seem to scram against the president. so the diplomatic move, it's very important here because it's kind of a lot of weight. so bored, cutting, you know, in terms of trades arms and what have you to his right, and this is how is the basic the would feed the repercussions. indemnification is of such policy is which is defined as m, as it says, what is very important. i so they came from the international come, well that's how so and a but i'm familiar with that and it's a matter of sort of case has to be in a professor. i'm full of housing, i like to the u. k, so thank you so much for your time sir. thank you. have a good day is being celebrated across the entire continent. this, i say with people embrace thing, liberation from western colonialism. all teens and normally a condo brings us more on this significant holiday wisdom countries lot to believe
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that they had the clipped the african continent with the capability to achieve freedom. but today, more than 60 years after the last 2 open countries relinquish, be a colonial themes, the continent to silver due to who would see until more. but why so and have those for my mazda is really going to wait. african nations believe that the soviet but under a different disguise, and grievances between the continent and the width of heidi. so what would it be a good issue? are you saying that the chinese or the russians behaved better than us westerners currently? oh, absolutely. you don't quite understand african realities. it's astonishing to see how we are very distant in terms of cultures. we cannot understand why you come to give us lessons, for example, on human rights. so one of the main problems is that wisdom does seem to be reluctant to understand african realities. prime example, germany and the u. k was speaking strict limits on the import of hunting trophies
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because of coaching. concerns seems honorable, right? but they have never had to deal with elephant overpopulation, lots of books. one, it is very easy to sit in bowie and then have an opinion about our affairs and books. one that we are putting the price for preserving these on the most of the world. the greens look at us with contempt. i want brandon's to have a taste of living alongside al events which are overwhelming my country. in some areas, there are more of these beasts and people elephant numbers just like those of scottish stags had to be controlled. hunters in the highlands paid to shoot deer and put their handlers on their walls. so why is britain trying to stop after doing the same botswana is the most successful country in the world? looking after elephant buffalo and lions, we don't want colonial interference from breathing wisdom. countries not only failed to understand africa, they all accused of driving it into economy. the speed. the main reason there is no
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growth in africa is that the growth factors are neither funded nor understood. our populations are increasing, but our economies are stunted. the i d a should tell us why they are funding the modern slavery of africans. and we should address issues like why africa is producing what it does not consume and consuming what it does not produce to keep africa. and it's them. sanctions under really pover to read and every is, seems to be something they don't shy away from zimbabwe. uganda only to name a few. and he said that somebody who lost over a 150000000 dollars last year old because of the sanctions imposed by b u and the united states and uganda was punished overall cost n t. algebra 2 knows as washington withdrawal, competitors preferential trait states of last year. it cannot be right, let alone a healthy basis for conducting international relations or building friendship for
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a country. however, mightily abuse itself to slander into some nationals of other nations. well, also maligning those same nations for daring to be independent and sovereign. it is therefore unfortunate that the world bank and other actors dare to want to coerce us into a band ending our faith culture principles and sovereignty using money. they really underestimate all africans. so why is the waste so interested in africa when, as a claim, human rights are so bad? well, 12 reasons, natural resources take a look at the d, f. c, for instance, the country produces more than 60 percent of the both supply of cobalt, which is mind and it's cop about tens of thousands of those. mine is a children. some die from coal, both mining accidents every year. some even face sexual assault and full evictions . wisdom companies among those that have been seen by the d. c. but justice was not delivered as the quotes sided with the deluxe of apple,
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and a strong incentive to avoid any transparency with their suppliers even as they promised the public. they have 0 tolerance policies against child labor. we are far from finished speaking account ability. what's the glowing danger in africa? according to the united states, just taking in line with the 2022 national defense strategy. the department of defense will engage with african partners to expose and highlight the risks of negative p r c. and russian activities in africa over $300000000.00 were requested by the us state department this year for the fine seconds russia and time that in the african continent. even though some african countries are way that's continued alignment must go carries the risk of isolation from global markets. why the waste field is more to gain then to win us of deluxe it. russia helped very, very much. we had a coup attempt in 2020 before the elections. if it were not for the russian
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military, our state would not exist at the moment. now our citizens can sleep peacefully, at least in the villages. the concord room from sort of not would like to offer my congratulations to you mister president, because all of the decisions that you've taken you've made, you're not going to regret them because we have managed to secure a great success. not just for the president of the russian federation who has invited us, but it's also a success for african countries because of russia is a winner. everyone is the winner. niger, which is waging a historic struggle for the re conquest of its sovereignty and its development knows how to count on your personal commitment and cooperation with the russian federation to succeed. and it's a patriarch fight. on this africa de applicant, the citizens have gradually come to reject wisdom policies to the point of blaming the former colonized with many of the regions hills, some of the cutting links to the past and embracing a new direction in the future. we, according to oddity pretoria we spoke with inc,
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have was hayes just as a pile african review news out that he was abdomen. the concept of freedom is not for sale. a big difference in the sense that we have the most of the western countries that do have activity on the african continent have a very different idea as to what they want to watch is and, and certainly not to see africa being successful. and that's the fundamental point because what advanced phase is that the nature of these relations certainly seems the 1st independent department. so the higher in gone to the right to the, to a knowledge and experience can be full. the nature of these relations has not been productive. and in a lot of ways, and still, you know, we are victims of imperialism. these do a lot of that. would it be done? and, but here's the thing that we have. not yet. we africa all to be we and let's get we,
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the people who sacrificed the allies in the fight for africa, stimulation, and have to meet it too. for instance. so these, that i'm going fights, which will cause these happen by a level of the factors in the policy dependent state is we have seen. but the fundamental point is that african independence is not for sale. actually, this independence is not something to be taken for granted. and africans, certainly a lot of young africans, us case will be a space and a full day of seats in the table. the president puts in a has insisted that russell was to resolve the claim called frank treatment. that association. that size is counts of i think you've missed a lot of is the landscape, becomes a illegitimate data, as is a link to tom as in fact, expired. i mean,
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i'm damn submit. of course, we realize that the legitimacy of the current head of state is over, who to negotiate with. and this is of course, a fair question. i agree with you. i think that one of the goals of the conference that has been announced the conference in switzerland is precisely to have the western community and the sponsors of the current key of regime confirmed the legitimacy of the incumbent head of state or the inactive one. but these p steps, they do not matter for legal documents, of course. so we would need, if it comes to that. and i proceed from the fact that piece books should be resumed, not without too many times, but with common sense. and they should be based on common sense. but if it comes to that, of course, we need to understand who we can deal with in order to get through the signing of legally binding documents. and then we need to be fully confident that we are dealing with legitimate authorities as well. so think so i think so resolution has a completely us confused. so i'm q and has and that was a fresh, a package. it comprises a variety of admission types, such as 5 miles, walkers,
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as well as our to be and will to rouse which all frequently deployed in your plane in a tax on russian tetra, 3. now the rest of the boxes of the us, we have to sit on the timing of this new method. see a package. washington does not bone biesen, europe. it is doing everything they can to prolong the conflict and increased human casualties from the russian and the great insights included among the civilian population. it is it less to adhere to the united states as analogy, norms deliberately, states puppets. on the very day when the russian leadership has clearly and then be used to confirm it's reading this to negotiate. it's a sign of desperation. i think, you know, you turn to those types of activities. so when you're in a desperate situation, i think they're about ready to collapse completely. the west is starting out financially. they don't have, i mean, i think something like 10 or 15 percent of the french people care about ukraine. uh,
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you know, the civil war is here. i all think uh uh, there's a lot of support here neither. you know, either. so it's um and you've got even dismentos going on within the a you to territories, you know, austria hungary, a slovak, you are definitely not pro uh, a pro this type of policy. you may think um, it's, um, it's a sign of desperation. there they don't know where to go. they uh, it's thrown weapons left and right now we're gonna send the 16 fighter jets there. i don't know where they're gonna take off from. i don't know who's gonna fly though . that could be a no sign is the escalation as well, but it's very poor judgment. my, my middle of the head of nato is in system like you shouldn't be able to strike russian thursday with american weapons. i believe the time i was calling for allies to consider whether should list some of the restrictions dying post on
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a weapons donated to ukraine. because we need to remember what this is. this is a water rushing bar, rush against the grain, and i still have to defend themselves. and that includes also the striking targets on the russian territory. and then of course, if you deny of ukraine the right to fits minter targets on a russian territory. then you make it very hard for them to uphold the rock for self defense is self defense. self defense is trying to new and softer is an eagle . it's legitimate and we are helping ukraine with upholding that right. i'm not shooting through the ability to also strike targets on their sion territory. so ryan corporation, american thing frank, has propose a site to do that in training will allow the west and the clean to defeat bush up. according to the report, the west should press forward and not worry about the escalation is 1st suggested says is for the us authorized, give to utilize lessons,
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divide weapons for lunch strikes on russian territory and international. and so any crime, preston says the us sending more and more obviously the key visiting oversee to a direct conference with russia. well, the bottom, the straight from the beginning that the, the most important thing is not to read. please come to come in conflict with rush, but this is clearly doing that and you have to ask yourself, at what point does this? does our support of ukraine become a direct uh uh, or make us like chairs and martin or responsible for what's happening in this conflict? and so, you know, rest already knows that we're funding this entire thing. we're supporting with other nights of nations with the, the material and, and equipment for the weapons. and so now if you're gonna change,
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what they say is changing the calculus to allow you print to attack in russia as, as an aggressive move that will somehow lead ukraine to victory, i think, is very dangerous for the united states. because you know b as in fact, our role, our objective is not to directly come into consultation with russian. this is not the way to do that. why are sorry to hear that georgia is wrote, a policy is a to z u, as of infinity of on the congress solve rather than the month off, the washington announced nearly 6 of the gary stood amid the policy of the so called foreign agents rule. the department of state is implementing a new visa restriction policy for georgia that will apply to individuals who are responsible for a complicit in undermining democracy in georgia, as well as their family members to may law in georgia. so i was gather the national
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cabinet with us as a you provide some protests against the new law legislation. is it over the gate n g owes on media outlets that receive mold and 20 percent of the funding from a board to register as a for an agent? george's president has vetoed the bill box, the polymer. this said to override that with another vote. next week, disliked having civil legislation at home, washington as being criticizing the georgia little full month. meanwhile, the russian for a foreign ministry has condemned to us. the terms influence, the internal affairs of julius, saying, washington is using quote, colonial trying to fix it to the store. we should we see yet to know the case of cynical and unceremonious intervention in the silver and state of best buy the united states each. now washington doesn't like georgia's law on foreign influence,
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transparency for other. well, it's not really well to have the last one to washington. like we shows up. it's basically a test step. we've georgia and it's people's to come to this black mail. now, by this they will demonstrate that everything can be done to them. yeah, we're seeing what the disparaging, humiliates, and way with no respect to the owner and dignity of the georgian people that the west proposes to throw a boat in case of the ballistic change and its position. does that, do they want to buy georgians? they probably don't understand whom they're dealing with. when did the was get it from it's, there's colonial practices to scan to break. and of course, to deceive, to promise a lot, and then give it blas bates and exchange for multiple goods for me to you can use. we spoke with a local police who i assume says westside service interfere in georgia is a 1st off. it's a very long time ago. i think that they have tried to pull the rice situation in georgia for a long time. now it's not news for us. i do think that since the plus
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times of global politics in the economics have changed a lot off to or in ukraine, i think that so most time to operate in georgia in ways that they used to, which would have more coming up to coming with it so they went to coal ever since the new commendation and they were to try to make it too obvious that they have their own interest in georgia by to oscar. it's cleaning us and so things are shifting. now they have to work uh, pretty fast. uh and uh now, but they have um, uh they have special meet date as it faces more visits to our people, since they recommendations. now don't have the same face as, as it used to. now it comes up more in a form of conditions which contains east that.


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