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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  May 26, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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and once again, caledonia is we'll have to contribute. this is all the more unacceptable as they already contribute, massively to supporting the industry that's a lot. and yet the commitments required of manufacturers are non existent. that nickel packed has also been criticized by pro independent support as for its colonial on the totals. it's a colonial pact to take back control of new caledonia as a rule materials. because what font isn't saying is that by having more control of a nickel sector, it type things. it's quick, fleming island nation for generations to come. this already a solely blocked in new colorado new cooling for independence, almost hoff of the population. while it's failed to get his point across the ballot box using 3 referendum since 2018, the movement is growing. new caledonia has been a french colony since the 1800s. those nickel mines were big wheezing white fonts
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initially. so control of it with your pin set of heading the to strike it rich and what they did, the local populations were marginalized, social, and economic, and the qualities of still obese. almost 200 is late to saw. we feel oppressed or angry, or now everything is happening over there and we're wondering, surpassed the army, the cannick people being heard, stuff, we've been lied to for years and years. they've lights, our ancestors, they've lights, our elders, to the various agreements that have been made. we're on the 3rd agreement as the longest, we're tired of not being recognized. as you can see, the island, they split into 2 zones in the south. it's governed by a political party that wants to stay loyal to france. but in the north, where the province is governed by the cadillac independence movement, this is where the vast majority of nickel mines of colonialism isn't that new caledonia is still living through it. they're still having their results as
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exploited to benefit which you repairs. and until those mines, us flipped and bass powers has a vested interest to keep new caledonia under its direct control. you're watching arts international, the ground for more news and just about 30 minutes. the modern paramedic world of smartphones and tech upgrades are chairs, no crafts and hand painted traditions of yesteryear seemed to be fading away. project of stuff outside of the bustling metropolis of moscow. and you'll find that traditional russian culture is still going strong. the is wide, was, can be started by lines. these can be expanded by a true importance of we can never be of
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a station type. transparent is an extraordinary drawn mistake. patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world. public, i mean water could be more moving box by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, watched us or mom realized pen smith and golf and, and the slate of late talk to, you know, sleep. i know why advice may know who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely walked adjustments for him to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay the
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the the hey everybody. welcome back to moscow and welcome back to the most cool mules. i'm shape bows and i'm joined by my intrepid professor of this information ology from moscow's top of k, g b, a university at all you who's going to help us to some of the numbers? what do you believe them or not? that's up to you. what better place to start? but over in the state statement, let the border stay open and you have to kind of wonder,
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why would they want tens of thousands of hispanic males desk prefer job desperate for money phase because they can't find anyone to fight their wars. understand your role, 4 or 3, they need a lot more meet sort of the boys in the navy, but we'll talk about that in a minute. check it out. over 70 percent of military service, aged man in the states are either 2 diabetic, 5 retarded, or lazy to bother joined in the military. so they've decided to go out on the social media platforms like to talk. yeah, the one they want to buy to get to groove. um with the cool people to get down with the kids really like what sort brought me up on this stuff. that's the dye for me, the real or the cap. no cap is real. i get you at 50 k, v all i sell real. i could buy that. cried man, grow super hot. yeah, this was a night time on a village, bro. laska. yeah, well let's do it, man. i got your place where you want to be. all you gotta do is agreed. i bet that frontier is gonna do assign your life, wait a few countries and with
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a slice of democracies, it's all going to be so cool, rosalie. now let's do this. what a lot of both. so it seems that the u. s. army is looking for a creative artist and illustrators who can bring an online message to life to convince you you and me and everyone else. that's their innumerable wars are all completely acceptable. they're good morris, they're the good guys. now they're actually offering $30000.00 a sign of fee a to create means for the credit, and then the in sales in norful. absolutely remarkable stuff. know. meanwhile, in the us navy, where you never leave your bodies behind literally, and you know, we separate the man from the boys, usually bites on a bucket of water over them in bed. they're also looking for a new man power, or is a girl power. i'm not really sure. oh yeah, one of the video, the just the
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fun there class coming in to one listed tissues probably have more pricks than the gardeners finger. but that doesn't seem to bother the u. s. navy. it's all about inclusivity and diversity. and it's also all of that rape. it seems that the u. s. military services, i'm also experienced a tidal wave. get the navy. oh, you like all of rape rates number 40 and there's, we're not going to get our make rate funny. again, had this we bore anytime half so, so unfortunate people man and women have been raped in the u. s. military. and that's just in the last year alone and $29000.00 people in the us army say that somebody stuck a finger where they shouldn't adult and that includes apple on the deputy aircraft carrier who's probably had the more breaks. and i've gotten this figure. so it seems getting cozy with your comrades and particularly tells you what your comm range is. a bit of an anglo saxon thing was a long ago that a parole that or yes could at what air force to young guy who joined how many to
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take to the skies. and he took something else. he actually took a motor tube, right up the jack. see my friends. i meanwhile, back in europe in the usa, as i like to call us for all tony blinking has again turned up in key of the hard line of democracy and freedom as not actually to heart on democracy of freedom is because zalinski doesn't even have any mind that he's not even uh the legitimate president anymore. so tony turned off and he decided he was gonna take to the stage . i mean, i don't know, the whole ukrainian fantasy is a big stage. it's a big theater. but this time tony decided to get down and he wants to rock in the free world, run it on the, i mean his guitar playing is almost a, as his farm policy. it's joseph in the course 3 chords. you can only do 3 chords. i've been watching this too. so the title of the song at by a geico,
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neil young amount, who is probably taking more drugs and the guy who burgles pharmacy stores is keep on rocking in the free world. it was actually a p. s. take on american imperialism globally. he also gave out when good old don to be done, decided to do that are broken into for you will be one of his countries. so good was a good one of his rallies. i knew it wasn't happy at all about it and he said it's not ok, but it's totally ok for anthony blinking the not friday blinking to get up on stage and the country, which is my screen, entire generation of human beings. it's all good. so of course, after rocking in the free world in a cringe fast of 3 cards, bill and music making, poor old tony got a bit of a hunger on an i should do. i need to saw it at the head to a the switch pizza. ria. now on the joke, he actually added to a very, very popular t as pizza house. now what do you wallen counted on? was people checking out what actually was on the walls of the place before he didn't there? the police just got a bit of a clean, but as you can see,
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some very nosy, annoying journalist, decided to look back on the time scene and see what was on the walls there. anthony blanket and joe bivens, jewish secretary of state dining and a nazi establishment in ukraine. the story was 1st picked up by journalists table was the restaurant is adorned with nazi insignia, and even has a photograph to picking the 2014 nazi attack on the trade union. building odessa, when ultra nationalist dogs, mastercard, fourty 2 innocents inside one wall is covered in military badges from the neo nazi right sector, the as a battalion and even world war 2 era german ss division housing enjoyed his outfits with pepperoni. i'm sure it's really tasty. so as most ordinary ukrainians hiding their basements behind their couches, a dress up as women swim across freezing rivers are generally just a blow themselves. so book remains, if necessary, to escape the recruitment commissars. no wonder are the most of the usual advocates for the slab of ukraine, the cold are coming out of the closet, literally run and i there's no pride
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without ukraine. and i always remember this, korea, people fighting and the cleaning, and they use of the same rights like every citizen of ukraine, slab. ok. and what of is this? it looks like a lot of work for your vision. and of course, in deland of inclusivity, freedom, democracy, and home to everybody who of course, you also remember that there, they would never use a terminology to describe draft dodgers. people just don't want to die for the lensky vondell liar and pearl, sleepy joe, as gypsies. because gypsy is a very derogatory term, is really all you do not need to look at, but this is the most deep principi at the new mice. but i will hold it to still cleans. i think you are a gypsy implicitly. the liberal sized commercial capital for the list is pushing.
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i'd do additional financing that keeps typically as a consultant for always selling it the keys, just leave them. let's just leave tool to live with existing with your school bane that upstairs without them. well, able to fill out the taking the children who bought the model in the last my, i believe you guys the few mappers menu, which of course, you will hear the advocate for ukraine saying that all of this misinformation of ed zalinski is drug use that the ramp and corruption, the oppression of gave people the abuse of gypsies. as we saw on the last piece of the video that is all made up, it's made up by shape bows on the organist as of this world. who are professors of this information ology at the local cage of university? i say that because of the exempt against them, it's all many upright. it's all faith. well, join us propaganda by osmosis. tv marathon. remember, the only people that control the media, the television, and the political space, and ukraine is hers and lensky, and just enjoying one of these uh tele marathons. uh they um, screwed up
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a little bit when one of the boys took a little bit of the columbia marching powder when he thought he was all fair. oh, slow my go get any run of the moon. this is, this is too great. like to get rid of the the this is just great, let me look for do the for the pro stuck. where do you look look so it seems we have technical difficulty. yeah. we have technical difficulties. yeah. you've seen, you've got code technical difficulties of course, while they sniffed deal marching powder i live on the landscape, tv, uh, were of course making it all up. and so is the global crime index. who says that you crania, is the biggest growing market for class a drugs times. of course, don't forget about the people trafficking. that's where your money is going. got you got you got so we're going to fly back to the old us of a and yet again, we're going to visit our old pa,
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sleepy joe. the cell fell grand. the mine and things today's yesterday yesterday is tomorrow. last week is the future and the future is not too bright from that also. you know, you wonder is his son hunter being sent on a internship, maybe to the police headquarters in dc because they just found a big bag of coke over there. but at least sleepy joe at isn't like the boys in the navy. he doesn't like the boys. he seems to like the girls. he said he's suggesting that you should marry a woman with plenty of sisters. he's basically saying, get along with the finally run a lawyer. and by the way, i said every young man think you get married mine a family of 5 or more daughters. i did my wife's oldest of 5 sisters. you know why? one of those always love you, not to say 11 of them is always been on your side. gosh, the biggest advantage of man in a 5 daughters. they may need a sniffer to zalinski is smith and the coke blind smith and the chicks,
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the us navy smith and bill, you know, up until the stuff there. and the gift that just keeps on giving. and joe biden is still screwing it up on a weekly basis. but our producer, oregon is it was suggested that we are being too cool in giving out about an old man. his paper, the mentally ill and incapable of the evening to find his way home from the vet store. so we have decided here on the most videos that we will now. absolutely lutely, continue taking the piss out of that stupid of own sing genocide. joe, not right, only so run the video here. he is. after i signed the pack, i know am packet like into law by hand that the pin that i cited with is interested in the most person. those response this isn't possible. how could anybody know. ready like, why is that what, how is he still in charge with the funniest thing about it is he says however, a sort of depend on the development. i, i give the guy the team are assigned to with the pin. what of,
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she would just sign it with a pin. she has no clue what's going on. this is inside this guy's screwed. of course, one of the hottest states on the political calendar is coming up. and that's the debate between the big, the big gun and play video ergo, panamanian. and of course that's too big a dave in the diary right on you and we decided here in the last couple years we're going to run a little bit of a special. we're going to go through it in detail and we're going to have ourselves a tunnel us right on you. and actually, i wonder what this debate might look like in the world in mainland when the video you, let's check it out. oh uh the good news is just beautiful. the internet's a cool place. such a cool place. it's a cool place. absolutely. super. yeah. well, you know that sometimes when you, when you're put on a bit of weight and you're going to a bar, always stand beside the side of students there because it makes you look skinny.
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that's kinda what joe biden does with his politicians in the senate. check out this incredible debate about what you looked like, what you, where, who you were want to show you what i'm talking about. i, i thank you or take eyelashes or messing up the order of mr. chairman the the, the order that is marjorie channel. hi, there you are. all the same. are your feelings her word now? oh, oh girl baby girl. oh really? oh, i am far away, but i get it the baby you're going to and we're going to take your words down. but of course, what american politicians are talking about, the big issues, the key issues that matter to ordinary americans, tax payers. me guess what ordinary americans are doing? they decided that they're really gonna embrace the electric car revolution. they're going to do it by smashing the so the charging stations, stealing the copper and selling it for food video. and he won all the
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charging with god test for testing. so this is how you do it. goals. you've got the cable cut the skin cable. what's happening now is just the dude walking industry. it looks like he's going to show that. yeah. so they've caught them. yeah. so they're stealing the charging cables and there's, they're melting the burning the rubber off. and like the boys in the navy and burning the rivers off. but these boys and burning the robe are off to get to the copper is by makes money well spent. so this is mescal, muse directors cost. so the joke i made about the guys burning the cape, the river off the cables. the river has to be burnt off a cable. if you're stealing copper in order to get to the pure metal, then you sell the metal to get food. i made a comparison between the u. s. navy, burning the rubber literally through friction. rober meeting condom fiction being what the 2 boys get up together in the bunk bed. and that's the joke. so we're
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going to head off from the late fee, so verbs of washington, i'm going to fly across the ocean to the beautiful island of taiwan. an integral part of chinese territory, that's a good going to the united states, the british europeans and everybody else, really who except that it is china. but they still decided to stick that long. molly finger of democracy and influence in appleton full of weapons and causing the whole show to melt down a bit. and that happens everywhere. uncle sam decides to get his nose jammed at, of course, look at ukraine, look at georgia and in taiwan. and the problem with a soft check this out, this really hit the fun when and the chinese politician decide he didn't like one of the laws. so he decided to get rid of it. literally on the video that he's off to you goes, well, you're very lucky guy. he's guy who is the, makes me this is the law. is the law, the bit of pay for?
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it doesn't mean anything. of course that doesn't in there. uh, the united states has, of course, promised to protect the taiwan from itself because that's what it's doing because taiwan is china and china is probably one. and only today, i think the chinese navy decided to put a little ring a rosy around the island to just remind all taiwan who the big daddy is bored, that the americans keep pumping into weapons. but in reality, it's not going to be that much use to taiwan because they don't think of the chinese going to hang around for a decade with some of the bombs and stuff that the problem is. they're going to take over 10 years to arrive and something tells me that the chinese, the navy and marines might hit the beaches slightly before that. and maybe at the method ability of the visit from the p l. a. army, which is quite big part of the biggest navy in the world, massive amounts of man and material equipment. i would like to screw with these boys. maybe the boys in the time and he's part of it realized that they were on the way and decided to try and get out of their room. coached is,
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this is when news reached the time when he's freedom chamber, that the chinese where we're going to have anything q to get in as to q to get a is a dispute? well, you can just smell the dna and won't go, sam, hear all that stability. all that unity just a little bit. but of course, where you've got american money weapons, so you're going to get a bit of american culture. good. all apple pie at the picnics to barbecue, all that sort of real, you know, nuclear family stuff, right? maybe you know, check out via, via is do and address. he's got, i mean, to vegetables in his underwear, but he's done some around the time when he's parliament making the time. and he's president. look, it's uncomfortable. one of the hey, get me into exactly what we need and the alter conservative island of taiwan who is a 2 eggs on a new sausage side for the lookout
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. comfortable. she looks this is like get rid of the history now. well, beautiful. so we're gonna leave taiwan on this show. it's for com. thanks uncle sam . i'm, we're gonna fly to orlando in town by. that's why we're going to get a cab to the palace. we're going to c o king charles through his spring. charles, he loves up your daughter, he's a very tortured man. so anytime he needs to look at some things, you can call one of his 5007, and one of his 15 palaces and get his son with art. no, i think charles has secretly asked them to integrate something to reflect. and brittany was colonial and imperial pass, something to show the color of the british project around the world, one that has killed millions of people, stolen tens of trillions of dollars from countries like india, ireland, cause famines, mass, murder, enslavement,
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and misery across the globe. no bigger empire, the british empire as check out the uh, portrays. and let me know what you guys think yourselves with their own the. oh yeah, that will do it. it's basically a butcher's shop floor with charles is that he's looking at what you people class look. mm hm. good surgery lowered coming up. i just drive it. charles, of course, charles is without seeing. maybe not really. he owns a huge company in the u. k. called the touchy of coal, which owns the sea bed of my country on and where he can drill from general. well, let's go to the environment. he also made a ton of money from selling trees while trying to save the forest. he also took bags of cash, literally howard's bags, a cash from dish to the osama bin life. and finally, what
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a nice bunch bye. let's not forget poor old princess diana, the calendar when all else and all of that dude. she met a very, very tragic end in a total in paris. many people say that old charles how to do this. i wonder, does he have his hand in the bland or as well or was she actually blended and painted on the portray so that you could always be with him. mamma was 3 people in all of our show. he was a little bit crowd. had of course, what would addition of the most come you'll be without a visit to our friends in deutschland. i've also spend some time in germany, and i've also always marble that have clean the public facilities are particularly the public toilets. but little did i know that it's human labor actually giving you everything that lovely little shine offer him the motto, new mile. a job and politician has a changed for the kings a board not to boil after he eats his porridge with the board of their stuff around it. okay. oh oh,
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i'm seeing here how to look at this. this is just oh, what if we as a whole new meaning to s leaking the bowl after some chocolates, draughts the skin sick. or this do it actually also appraised, dr. goebbels. now we know the nazis were into some weird shit, but this really tops at all. oh no, you're not doing the brush is doing the brush goods. god beat it. the bush all is all his own stick. full stick. i'm own stick. oh my god does really, but i don't, i've been looking to even i have nothing to say about the that is just as worse than the do each independent flower boxes. so sadly, that's the end of another episode of the most skill, mules and as the leaks in the united states are you with each other over there. i last color as the gaze or a draft into the forever wars and as the freedom and democracy party in germany
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like stuff toilet bowls. we will still be here next week, monitoring the situation and delivering our expert analysis of just how you're being screwed. cnn, the, the water is part of one of the
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valuable posted isn't the deepest you of us and that in the word, or is it something deeper, more complex might be present there? let's stop without glitches. let's go out of the as they are probably her, my little story. okay. the model girl that i got you. no problem. seeing that on the out of the know the thing that makes us out of the drive i showed my brother through he was trying to sell people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well, i guess i lost my list as the outcome of chicago police, it'd be gang chicago is what i can give you a photo of that police. you lose your life as another crime. same.
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this could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. ok, keep losing people out here. the in the year of 1950 for the united states of america engaged in warfare against the people of vietnam. the white house supported the corrupt but governments of southern vietnam. in 1965 americans began their invasion following the aim to defeat the forces of vietnamese patriots. the pentagon was confident that the victory would be on the american side, due to its military superiority. however,
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the vietnamese, during this war into total health for the occupants. unable to cope with a guerrillas, the american army started blanket bombing alongside using chemical weapons and naples, which burnt all alive. the village of my lay, where he 1969 american soldiers killed 504 civilians, including 210 children, began a tragic symbol of this war. all involved. during the whole period of this conflict, the usa dropped on vietnam more than $6000000.00 tons of bonds, which is 2 and a half times as much as on germany during the 2nd world war. in 1973, the american army under the pressure of the rebels, withdrew from vietnam. and only 2 years later did the puppet regime inside on fall . however, the vietnamese paid a high price for their freedom. more than 1000000 v and these people became the
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victims of american aggressors. the and the stories that shaped the weak nation more to ron, lays it, it's late president to rest. abraham right. you see was killed along with members of his entourage and a helicopter crash country. his vice president pointing the finger at the us saying it's the sanctions that play the role of the american economic stations have also affected her own aviation equipment systems. we have lost great people, but the political history of iran in the last half century has shown that such incidents have only electric greater use leave the people warning, disturbing images, despite orders by the international court of justice to prevent genocide and holt, it's offensive on dropbox. israel continues its relentless bombardment of the entirety of the causal regions.


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