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tv   Documentary  RT  May 27, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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as a message that is to make it this way that would not be given tested as over our black people because went to lead testing, but it's on the past. but no one is going to be taken to this. no one is going to be a cute uh no one is going to host the support of perplexity on the basis of kind of the parts of the, the even of knowledge that investors might. yeah. he's hockey policy, which includes nationalizing minds. this will be a thing then without compensation, what she said, they would value most searching for time. she's supposed to just for me. the other words, if they have truly fighting for the working clause, it seems like before coming and mixes may change so that because politics anymore to match the way the previous this will cost for all t. i'm not a real, couldn't get into hundreds, but do stay with us. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes. in the
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meantime, you can be sure to visit our website, r t dot com for the very latest breaking news. and i think by the, i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to makes a truck rather than fit the various job. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have so many with him and the robot must protect his phone. existence was on
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the the the, the, the gun and below the showing the school in murray, opal. o'rando was the length of it off to the battles for the city. ukrainian soldiers turn the children's classrooms into machine gun nests and doing retreats. they mind the school library on the gym, all the ukrainian history textbooks, discuss it on the floor, approve of how ukraine became a states,
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deliberately prepared to wage war with russia and everything russian bunch list does the. so if we get started from class, i'm going to use the coastal or c o w, so store e. so do you need to sign a suit? the floor near the shop of the 2 guys because a car i feel which is a short registering. yeah. the lowest going is the cost of shipping each. does any of those click restore it kind of without it. so even though i doesn't, i mean you're allowed. most schools, people to speak to them the most to ship. it's a slip of them and the private man knows why and what is it? most of them there's always, you know, going to even try to jump to the most goals and would have been data. and that's one of the heavily. when did the operation to a res, russian traces from ukrainian culture begin? who was behind it? the
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of them, i was like the doors not say that the, the conflicts and the thoughts about the streaming level. little schools, the, the, the, the, the, it's not the most got any photos here from you. any funny i q v. i'm going to so what side you will be with the yellow new green stick notes on my list of bleach. it's really my image area. the one that is focused so i just like to date and you've got the finish. does that? does i switched over to my models?
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so anyway, my usually i say ok, you know, device moves to what is the device me for. listen, i mean that, i mean ok if you move, that's it that i mean then go to the sounds in the 8th grade. the 3 of us for the people who then you will be able to send you some of your, some of those which i like the september 1989 throughout western ukraine, the capital key, the peoples movement of ukraine's of perestroika or roof and ukrainian,
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or rallying it's some nationally as poverty that initially declared itself democratic coverage. so mean, let's see on the lease that's cut out there are 2 units here and that is more of a space going even most of the thing that somebody named me things was shows the language. honestly let us clear, but then we'll start grading the goods and send them over until the she's going to be until school to discuss the full which will so he doesn't go school giving us the good in the late 19 eighties, the people's movement of ukrainian nationalist arose and lambs that are being russian since the middle ages, where they had professed orthodoxy and spoken russian since the era of cavan. ruth, the state, the united russian principalities, from the comp pay the uns because of the id me as soon as the forest yours. however, is terrence curvature, and i think that if there's, can you spell squared? the simpler video now are those color. so that's the picture turtles collect. so mostly 30 whole periods of citizenship or by the mid 16th century. the western
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lands of k through us have become part of the kingdom opponent in the population that you ain't incoming. well, the fullest by the nice ation. and the simulation of the indigenous russian population began to share the issue with police. they just need to advice, beautiful. the steps at the style and i'm will think not for a minute. my soul, bloomgreen skewed nutritionist, but the name is belinda. just about the sky, emailing at platinum, a bullying mich up is almost the business to an age of $62.00. it is the pollution story until much young color scheme and report is in the central hall. so to show exactly where in the 16th century, the idea of creating the 1st anti russian state was born in courtney and told me that from the virginia that the you have not seen me, is it okay? no auto show at all, still is a communication on now or just yet, and that's a little look over on it and figure out if there is an excuse, because on,
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you know, she means a washing machine, you will find time, you have a feeling, i mean, one of the of us that are using for some policy per, can study on the boss territories of president. the ukraine fell on the polish rule, the residents who called them selves with indians, which we did harshly and sometimes cruelly oppressed yesterday. have we put our boss a lovely, a little ski to you in a minute? what could i and that they show kind of nice, but we also clean sippy. we motion slowly, she mortgages on here to mutual force. best to report. skate, you know, she is not going to go, but it was for the one that was because that's why it was good in case you missed him today. hundreds of he is ready to many polls. consider these lands that trains run in the country on which ukrainian cities amongst as holidays, territory, the foreigners, but boy sugar made or submit. it won't show them the course or what they will start . sure. you ok. so you want to look to you because it doesn't know what you studied, skid, the what, for example, that the phrase the nucleus bought it. the 1st thing or this thing to that and then
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as a must have cosigned me from leaving and 4 inches on the okay, is a call from us on the piano or senior. fortunately the middle of the nothing just to create that, that an assessment though. okay. and then i did not tell me, i know enough about what happened because the told me about yes to 15 going to forget to will receive because no books. and that is just the things you know, i still didn't get a nice nice of him for the mountain. is that customs of on the mean a little bit? yeah. on your cfo, but nothing active or vehicle log in or pull out some stuff out of focus for so many me on the point for just a really bad thing. sends you to another need to sign up for one will give you the similarly the some of these chrome lists. of course, i've also seen level of training what size the on the front lines. no one surprise the podium discipline k with weapons and was the 1st night to country to deliver the latest times to you crying. and also part of the i hope you
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have such august door to door to door throw. no, could i even as they go, i'd say they, belmont c. as in the 16th century, the poems are, again, the one with the russians and in the same territories caught off guard who was the last of the snow. sha. okay, nice device moves to go and there's a nice me solution. i mean the mean okay. and the boat actually that i mean i'm going to look that sounds and nice. ok, some walkerson and that all the whole curious key target was that the exhibit master expecting socially perfect and especially a method where it's out of the machine. you will just receive a young that this who a person on there for the, from the, as in history, going by the main reasons for the confrontation with once again land language and
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face letting you belong. so i know a pulse of will you will do is no you need to. yeah. you of course to the next by check the frontier. secure, silly. it does go idea on the 1st come display of the look at the, let's just possibly know about past 6 related in those. come see a highly see him know if i need it for all. that's why i'm the problem with having seized russian land, postage kings realize promos go sentiment in the next territories was high. due to orthodoxy, loyalty to the russian can only coach to calculate vote on the declared war on those who refuse to convert to catholicism. to speed up converting russians in the occupied territories. the catholicism also created a new charge for today. it was very similar to the orthodox one, but it was subordinate to the vatican and the published clergy often pro yep. tear posting on, you know, done in the for the 1st year on the 3rd single one that was shift was invest 2 issues. get funded, changed little bit frustrating. no. was it up?
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yes. the new church was cool. great cancel. they go, you and yet the name of the agreement between the vatican and a small number of all the adults pres from the next character is forced go said somebody else. cool. digital genesis the disk on you know, that needs into this little list for the rest of the living age. emma is the worst currently, real estate agent was part of the history of us are still pitching. moment of them . boy shania pro us, well when they say it comes up and they will see the deals his appointment. sure. when you probably know, cecil doesher in the last book, somebody me must golf course to list teenage postponing. think that was going to to score and then store. it's kind of simple up with a look at the liter showing the shooting age of some of the peach. so that's pretty much true by the cheese. 2000 fax. the says likely accumulate like phillips case, the post. so what do you mean?
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you have a couple of possible after you do is put a interest party into position with the spring 2023 ukrainian national is supported by the police. come to the oldest orthodox them on the street in ukraine. the key for the chairs closet, the monasteries ranked and was arrested. the monks who had barricaded themselves in the monastery were denied food and water and the printer's plugged cable in the you to bring up the way it came pretty soon. but seriously and key violating protection of conscience flows in front of the world and the combination of the judge confrontation, instigated by opponents in ukraine almost 300 years before the
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hello and welcome to across the full board. here we discussed some real in the as a result of why it's can be cited by lines, please can be expanded by a true importance of we can never be of a station, so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more holding back by publishing information and sharing information with the public. he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest was to so long realized tends to me and, and honestly,
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to relate continuously. and i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely bought the adjustments for to be on box weighing a 175 used to go through the sentence. all we going to let that stay the the for us for the for the plus the slow motion of the most of the day. yes. to be a good that each goodness with every school for the reason it is for, for leave the, the glass items on your wallet. they have a storage that's really a profile of you almost have kind of widely set to renew for squarely. so
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perspective just to make it to us anyway. so the filter allows me to go, look, you should really go to bills, but i mean, low fee go over the overall to since the kuta and ukraine in 2014, the pizza has made frequent visits to dumbass, the today hebrew, a humanitarian age, the surviving residence of the sea chance, a city almost totally destroyed by the ukrainian army. charles shall go to the speaker when he was showing you can just sit on the floor to the,
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to the the shop on the expense on something that has to be done. and it was split sure. ready ready ready excludes and the don't even show every time he comes to don't bass, father pay to empathize is with the orthodox christians of the west and russian lands forest under threat of death to renounce bites and homeland security in the neighborhood, or did you lose his family said it'd be on board as him see me. you're going to be
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what your decision really shouldn't be with the the, the when you ask us, it goes to the personnel. noval dish less most throwing on young ladies from over the more and scale the last for their friends. well, for the people to a nice, pretty new incorrectly easy to see, to hold on the board, store latham. i mean there's plenty of put me, does it? it has put him over to the new book or yours. those are the sydney or the present. the issue is one of the mostly what the most of what i'm hearing because i just keep the keep ugly, supernatural as you know, those police come on the show, but it was filed the motion. the less was sort of across the joe. and then i used
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to my boss moment, i said, yeah, that's part of the value was me due to the life in the 16th century, those who refused to convert to the unity of faith were prosecuted and sometimes executed. these children, god knew available and was actually of video content. interesting. when you ask you some more to me, i'm going to any money and some boy, a cool way some of put your time of when you think that the right. and i guess if i can say that she has a cus, you all, i need you to send in a vehicle or when you play a coordinate when you let's go a switch over here. so for the consumer share blazer but it and i see cute, a port in the future. it's almost day of this put in was i am still feeling, you just have to let them consideration. most of those have in your mind, mutual care for the last well on the computer, we should consider that because i would just put in yeah, it's when you us to video, but that looks good. we have to continuously as much 6 of the guys neither really
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and go over that with complaints about yes. effect concept which is atrocities even to the polish king. there is a terrible, incredible bump direct on ferocious case. last year in the same lithuanian city of bullets, the state bishop use a fact in order to further rank of the towns people deliberately owed the digging out of the ground. christie and bodies recently buried within the church fence to be thrown out of the graves to be eaten by dogs, like some kind of carrion today and unit 2 inches icons, a vision of the stuff that's it alongside those, have fun, dera and of the nationalist and medieval methods of exterminating everything russian that's still being used by the science follows the most of the deals that this room 13 view is the hold up to even real. but it's a little bit off of when they would jump
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to and you think about us, monthly window kinds of car, boisterous fuel cards, but always sort to know what the slow avoid loss control, the chest, the move. but typically i am switching you be, i think i know that sound was a little bit misplaced, or is it kind of thing that's pretty much the, the most one you have to put up like a chest, to put the 3 to lead me. not so do me a no crane. they're forced go slower in the 17th and 18th century is, people fled to russia to avoid language and religious refreshing. more than 300 years later, history with pain, with most of us to, to oh yeah, fortune 1st to love to but when you barely ever go to be great to her to pursue as well as we discussed with because it was a matter of finding that balancing a problem and decided to move when her daughter went missing and she saw ukrainian
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soldiers killed her grandson. not by name. no for a lot more of that. the same system test. file i'm on what those go to you know mine yet the e and yes, to see who i am miss pamela. she has to go to court and says, must say yes, yes, but that will show here was k. i've reached my machine yet. mine really was sitting there was because reach me in left hand lather will appear here much the the 17th century. people wondered why the alarm they lived and didn't accept them all the sites they either had to feed to russia or fight for their rights. choose to the good book degree to someone when the trouble brought us, letting them know to them, putting it the you substitute in choice. what's the size of a split you lean,
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you know, and that goes when you, your virginia show to start the noise. what to against the shifting? it wasn't a waiting list of the cost thing. ok. ok. i just, i'm sure it just saves you the annual that we see. she's doing this with us from 1648 of the ukranian headman bogged down to submit an escape. large scale war against the power of the state began or of the 6 years of confrontation. the orthodox population of ukraine turned to russia with a request to join us to do needs. i used to be deep. it was to the document on the return of russian lands on the left bank of that naples river under the control of the moscow state was signed in keys, various levels of the body to
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the dock. you just need from that moment ukraine was divided into 2 parts, centuries later in the presidential and parliamentary elections. the countries right and left banks only voted for the candidates for any story on the whole, which i pro so well, it's sort of the issue is seem the self ticket for my job does any 3 years, think of total she's deal with into on this ethics and focus 2014 ukraine's life bank refused to recognize the code at the time. in the same place as 300 years before committing its use mode. and descendants began the bass of the states and language the unfortunately not to prevent anywhere in the front of us need to do it. that is your and your brains actually brings
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the whole world to move on to the last almost actually when they started good news or i'd say is that so by for you know, going its own little nauseous, outdoor who kiosks to be called uncle, pass on in 2014 and on tripping of instead of a line, it's going to wall with a nationalist suits, seize, power and key. please also have people in east new crane. the 2nd class citizens to ask for more of the on the last out equity here comes on us. you may not have as do easy to see which one is the cause that says period go to my new brother in yes.
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plus 2 over the who would still we must go. oh, watson, those know, doing the was doing the rob, but the last thought more. those kind of throw soonest available on your side off includes us set up like gummed up fluid to see the so much or was it just me a favor not lose? can you every 3 with me as a one?
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yes. and that problem, at least, i mean, kept or do i do so, which is 2. i'm in the nose up on. i ok. the should prove us for me to do it. those are both pro, stop by the see what the 5th of so we're to us so much at the silver to the, the body of those children use the textbook book 14 to teach the history of ukraine in almost every chapter. the entries about the need to confront russia list just to call you to explore. do agree with whichever near because of just the class but got to go to a specific new board corner, a piece of some incidents that cause i'm still providing at stoughton, who will be now can we switch coverage reminder for you for your car?
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um, without providing a provision of we pick ups and as the one the uh over is i see metal wanted to show up as well the physician at the more i didn't go to the to just didn't agree. and a good to go teaches literature. i'd marry usually universe, the piece was of several ukrainian textbooks used until recently to teach the written history of the country folk across the parking lot of space. a chest that co april global they approached will continue felt most us look at the size of the class and come to just go on the more subtle. i think it's a picture on google dot net. so we have researchers and lots to fund our comfortable grain, not all day that only one lane, let me know a for queens get when it is on the beloved unique. i actually just the man right now. i knew that i am, you know, my a bookcase that came over so i really think it's a other way before you got me. the i was the history of ukraine. we witness
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who invented the ukranian language, the more and how did austria hungry hijack the ukraine? project from poland, the the the what is part of the employee would posted isn't the defense you of us and building the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go out of
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the, i just don't want to leave at the gates of my children, the 3rd world war. so nato cannot force us to kill in russia. italy's prime minister slams nato chief in stoughton bird for inciting war as the hon gary and prime minister, pushed his back against the block, trying to avoid being dragged into a war with russia. europe was dripping into the world without even having a rough estimate of the cost the resources necessary to achieve its state. no 3 object. i've never seen anything more responsible in my life. the at least 240 protesters had been arrested in armenia as proud to call for the country's prime minister to prison.


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