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tv   Cross Talk  RT  May 27, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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would need to resolve. i've seen the puzzlement as dots for the past 50 years also very was assigned to case sprint, but the 2nd the that 19 thirty's up to worry. the 2nd on the 2nd, the current us on to any of the shots where he's and moves to ensure that these up to fox will be retained. unfortunately, we do not have it the way we ought to. i've had it. and that is why we need to have this conversation getting the need to begin to push the british systems and these decisions for them to understand that if you plug that is the route of state and we come through, tends to hobble water belongs to us bach we go to after we see those days i salute . it's must come back to us. it's been a pleasure having your company, but they've got some more news in days. you can of course, head over to our website on the
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hello and welcome across by bullhorn john peter labelle. here we discussed some real news is you are preparing for direct military conflict with russia. evidence suggests the answer is yes. also international law and the real global community is working to hold israel to account how much isolation is the us willing to accept. to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess, jordan, send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast with the goggle which can be found on youtube and locals, and in marrow cash. we have martin jay, he is an award winning journalist and commentator. alright gentlemen, cross black rules and effect. that means you can jump any time you want that. i always appreciate it. all right,
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let's start. i was injured with george in budapest, over the last week, particularly we've seen these rumors of war as it were, coming from particularly something like the hum, gary and prime minister, but to urban. but many, many others in the. obviously escalation of the conflict in ukraine is on the agenda, as ukraine continues to falter, i think as we speak right now, they're opening up the jails in the ukraine for convicts to go to the front. um, uh, we have a, a plethora of videos of, uh, circulating online but continued on for cannon fodder to send to the front. and we have simultaneously, we have people like david cameron, reading live, use those weapons, deep underbrush, british ones, by the way. and, and to be lincoln, the state department of the, the secretary state, i'm trying to corral people into some kind of a forceful agenda to escalate even more. so george, where is this all going?
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is this a because the way i think you can interpret it many ways the, you know, they're unrelenting unwilling to accepted this whole project was as far as from the beginning, or this is an opportunity for to mobilize the west where a very long term agenda and not just against russia, george. that's a very good point to the to and i think of the answer is both the, the hon gary and prime minister the victor or binds interview a couple of days ago was a very interesting because he says, look hungry is taking part in these needs. so me things and i can tell you that in these meetings, they are planning for and made so uh, involved lens being ukraine. and he said that, um, you know, if this continues, essentially, um hungry will have to opt out. now he didn't exactly spell out what it means, opt out, but what would have to say, but the fact the country would just simply to cease to be
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a member of the major. but he's saying that, and he said this explicitly that europe is now in this situation. he was in, in 1914 and then 19. so it's not, it's on the brink of a well well. and then you have to say, well, why, why is that? and then you talk about this, the crisis in the ukraine. the problem arises that uh, you know, when do was bring capital, who was breakout when great powers refused to give up? they can give up because if they gave up, they used to be great powers. they, they, they just seems to, they will be seen to be they for tie goes and therefore they just have to, uh, go home and like a wounds. great powers are very reluctant to do that. and hence the escalation of this rhetoric, i mean one of the things you didn't, you didn't mention was because a good friend, major secretary, general youngster oldenburg gave names of you to the economists thing, which she also said, yeah, absolutely. we have to take a whole restrictions on the use of us and any messiahs given to the brain,
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but they just don't know the body to the counselor and um and then we have um the, the out probably outgoing u. k prime minister. risky. so like, and i was like what he's going to introduce national service within his own which somebody description. everyone can say exactly exactly. conscription and now it's true. he's likely to win any strew of labor. it has criticized them. however, labor is the anointed one. these obviously they like us to be in that, but i me say that doesn't mean labor itself is not going to introduce this in due course. so everyone of these is getting ready to go real big and why? because they cannot admit delusion because you lose then basically you will need. um it's, it's interesting because you know what, i'm making you made reference to the, the interview that uh the on gary and prime minister victor are the main with the economist. a martin. i mean, he's absolutely right. i mean, looking at the,
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the precursors of the complex and for world war one in world war 2. but i think everybody needs to stand back here is that if this is a conflict that the nato european countries want, i mean russia is not attacking any of these countries whatsoever. there is no in pending invasion of western europe by russia. there is no, and i mean even the, the, the biggest proponents are ukraine but probably wouldn't admit that it least not in pending right now. i mean, this is a craven choice on the part of europe into leads in american awaits is to prepare for a war that they want. go ahead, martin. don't know what else to go. i mean, that's through the problem. you know, way back to minute themselves into this corner where by now they have run out of new plans, new ideas. and now what is the real point? the real objective now of these at least is just self preservation. you know, and unfortunately, indirectly the grading elite i would say because that's something else you know,
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but i'm talking about your family to see to how those, how the people that shows in my trunk. and also to seem to keep the after school base when it, even the device missing phone frenchman or german, can see that we're losing a new crane and russia is gaining a certain point. there will be a tipping point with minds will be focus on the total will go through 3, will be more realistic rather than just the noun 2. i think what we origin closer to is just recently the russian investors london told a british and b. but we know the little storm shadows being side by british soldiers. we know you didn't train you finance who sent around people to offer them . i think if america follows through with that, with his own equipment, she sends us on soldiers to find them. you know, we're a cigarette people away from the world. most recent. all right. i want, you know, i'm telling you of a dangerous tool to, for cameron and others talk about hitting the inside russia. you know, how,
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how much computes and take, you know, i mean, even, even though he has a break and quite his generals, will be ongoing for, for a much more decisive policy against nate. so because as nato is doing this, but in the midst of this one i see from a distance i suppose is lack of dialogue, lack of debates, lack of effect, and you know, met press coverage, you know. and then what happens is when you completely pump down those, this when you start arresting john, unless, oh, you lost a sized them for taking a different line. you know, what happens is the lead start to believe around b, s. and this is really part of the story, is that, you know, just recently last week there was some, as of, we gave soldiers in the british, panama. shameful, absolutely shameful. i'm not one gracious newspaper, right? well, so we had, we had the secretary of state anthony blinking, sitting at a pizza pizza re and in care of with his counterpart,
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with the nazi regatta. we on the walls. ok. i mean, george, you know anthony blank and went to israel. is a jew, is he a jew? when he goes many visits, key of when you seen the nazi regalia, i'm george there with writers is reporting number of reports. okay. the good news agreed to freeze the con. uh, conflict. okay. uh, i would like to read the, you know, i'd like to see those reports myself because i think everyone obviously once you see the complet come to in freezing and complet plus neutrality plus change of reason, they don't mentioned that they just talk about one thing. but it's really interesting when we go back to the interview that the food made with edwards tucker carlson. why don't you this test the russians if you want to freeze the conflict of tell me more, but they won't even do that, george. good less. exactly right. the to and i don't think that i would focus the, we don't know that right. those reports, there's very true. um, but it's not impossible because really is there is only one on file to that is the
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growing up in the room and, and that's a built in and put in does not want to world war because this is crazy to escalate to was that um and so i think he's putting forward, i mean, maybe, i mean i, i find it plausible that he would put forward a scenario that again he thinks the west going to accept without assuming that they'd be humiliated. but obviously you think that they, they have now seems to be a great powers. i look, you know, if we freeze it along these lines, um, you know, you can at least say then you've got something we can say with the something. and then we can bring this very dangerous confrontation to an end. the problem is that isn't living, there are no takers. and this goes back again to the, the, the discussions of man's gun that is stumble rusher made a norm was concessions really, very on favorable to russia. and he was the last that says, no, no, we can, we can go away, we can actually conflict the total devastating strategic defeat on russians,
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total humiliation for russia. and we can get away with then of those. you come to the same reason you can't just be the faith, is you really the grand power, but that was, it was the west, the active their response. when is the west now, then instead of engaging in a serious dialogue because life is clearly open to dialogue, have these nonsensical peace conference in switzerland, which russia hasn't been invited even today to say this is an entirely a public relations exercise. nothing to the peace conference, but just simply repeat, oh, we only have to deal with the landscape based plan, which was russian capitulation. you know, you know, martin, it's very interesting we, we've heard repeatedly and particularly from the likes of the french president mc chrome. you know, russia should not be allowed to win. well, that is, that is a wish list. that is a political statement, but that doesn't have anything to do with security and moving forward. and that's always been the key issue that the west never really will open and will admit,
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is that the core of all of this rest of the security demands. and we had, we had this process during the cold war, b o s. c. we had the health in the process. no one in the west. no take there's as george said, go ahead barton. yeah. how's it going to be? intake is now you know, it, it doesn't seem to be so it, i think we have to wait for something quite a catastrophic to happen before head. so thing together that nascent level of a, you level for people to actually start talking about some the realities of what we can do, you know, the name, so con, when this will what it's now looking at some diseases. i mean, i've been told by some of my m a g sources in new kinds of some ministers in the british government. now saying we need to get out of the crane. so at least people are now starting to say, look, the reality is, this is a, what can be one kind of in be a will, which with is that can be some thickness, see some grace and losing either. can we step back from it?
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but i don't see any real of this scenario, so you're not seeing, we're doing runaround in circles. and um, i don't think nato is the building really. it doesn't have the people in it who can really look at this realistically. and i've come up with anything intelligence, you know, i think there's a, there are a number of elk similar ones that play here, even the narrative. you know, we keep hearing russia is coming. but that narrative is really nonsense because the people who bump bang, bang the drum and say the same countries that have completely depleted their own stocks, the minute of hardware. so, you know, you, you obviously don't believe in that in that well, i mean, in another, in decatur georgia last 30 seconds here. is that victoria new and is suddenly back in the newest. i mean, i mean the united states dislodge from her as perch, but she is actually leading the fight for the military industrial complex and the neo cons. 15 seconds, george. yeah, there she's, and she's also echoing this has been, you talking point no restraints. that's all on the use of missiles and the, and that's what i have that everybody is on board for that. i'm just going back to
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his mouth. he was saying that story m p, who said that it's the the, the, the british oh actually firing the storm shadow. miss us also says that the with the new care style and the government. but actually we will be told that we are more than you just so he said that right on that dreadful thought gentlemen, we have to go to a hard break. and after that, hardwick will continue our discussion on some illness things authority. the, when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world, india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind it? watches almost 1000000000 people decide, and billions more,
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react the welcome back to prospect boulevard. and peter labelle here, we're discussing some real news. martin is, i guess, you know, you and i and george have been observers of politics for our entire adult lives. okay. and i never thought in my wildest imagination that b i c j and the i c. c. would be so focused on, on a focused on the activities of israel and it's a legal behavior and it's a small town gone. so, but here we are right now. but the problem with all of this is that the israel is isolated, but it's been isolated for much of it's existence as a pariah. for many countries in the world of always considered it a pariah. not a big difference. ok. maybe in magnitude and maybe a in bread,
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but israel has been used to that status. the united states is not. okay. and the, the, the, the problem that is facing the united states and needs, that's close as allies is a. and the more and more that the can genocide conventions are studied and applied . then you have complicity. and those that are complicit are in the same category is committing genocide itself. this is something the western world is slowly and terrifyingly waking up to go ahead. martin with him too and also i think realizing that the more we go down this right, the more that we start issuing these rates from the i c j ser. nothing higher, nothing. i know those, you know, and the more america shows is really what is all about, what's in a, what is the i c, j for america is his, it's america's own to, for germany. nothing more, nothing less. and i think when i think it was instagram who said recently and some
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sort of congressional me thing, you know, it's like going from this, i'm yahoo and he's really is, and will it be us next? and i think that really was martin if i can interrupt that was during a congressional hearing and they were protesters in the crowd witnessing that committees proceedings and they applauded it and he said, go ahead. you can applauded if you want that we're going to mazing moment, sorry for the reps, interrupted was absolutely amazing because it really left the kind of the back now . now with now there was clarity. now, you know, even the last few weeks we will be discussing, i had to wondering, you know, where is this heading on rudy? and i said to you, i think at the very beginning of the conflict on the show, i sent them the current balance of the i, c j will really be hills now to it'll be a real issue now. right. and the very beginning when it, and it had his ruling a couple of months ago. you know, i think that point now is, is a fund even more, and i'm not putting myself on the backs my precedence. what i'm saying is that if the i c j lose is credibility, you know, of the shoot institutions around the world. i think i'm going to fall or because
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global south leads or just looking at his institutions and saying, well as us just now, just to help america squeeze by the seals manipulates people. i'm sorry, people to jail, they come was estimated, you know, then why should we be part of it? and what happens is that just accentuates a momentum towards breaks towards the east. you know, so i think come these recent announcements by the button and ministration following this, the legal case which is building up the, the i c j. i think that's a real, that's a really bad signal towards huge wisdom to control. and so she told, i mean, but martin if, if you look at the i, c, j, then i'll go in and george right now. i mean, these are all web inventions of the west in the, in the post world war 2, posting or, and bird environment. these are all western institutions that i mean it, and particularly the i, c, c, you know, the international cation court, which so many people call it. but i mean,
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it's just not these institutions. it is the legitimacy of the west to, to continue to a lead and, and them and make the demand that they have the right to lead because they can, they stand taller and they see further in the all this other nonsense that we've heard, that is all at stake right now, it's just not institutions. it's this the, the very legitimate legitimacy of the western experiment for the human race. george, this is a also to write these live. and just going back to your original question, which was that the well, yes, israel has often been isolated indians that actual community but not the united states. and what's really going on now is really a kind of a self inflicted wounds on the cause of the united states, because there's no reason for it because, you know, yes, obviously in the united states is in the business of being the global headroom. and once a bit dominate the world in a full spectrum dominance that talks about the united states has been about. but this unremitting support for israel stands in the way of it because it's the
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dispenser go for the for many, many reasons. antagonizes an awful lot of countries this way, it is completely isolated in the middle east. it has to be of war with its neighbors ever since its foundation that isn't likely to change any time. so america is on voters that and then you exchange for nothing. so right, good isolates and so, and we have 4 goals. that's actually the chief, nothing for the united states. and so now it's, it's, are issuing threats against me until i feel criminal court. doubtless it goes us up issue and threats against age and i for the board of justice and bid that stands in the way of american global hatred when they, because there are plenty of bowers who are more than happy to be american clients states do with america's bidding, but not on this issue, particularly in the middle east on this extra bit by calling follow the united states. so describe an extraordinary that of the self inflicted wounds that named
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the united states. but in fact, it probably was still the deep will make even more dangerous for it. so oh, you know, and because martin, if me in israel does what it does, because it deals, it has the privilege of impunity. and because it has american backing, it's all we have shielded, but that's why this happens. this is something the united states has allowed since the inception of visual, particularly since the 67 war. and now it's coming back to haunt them because this is not only is georgia is, you know, what does the us get out of this when they, when it looks it, it's global hedge. a monic reach not much. it's may, it may affect good negative returns, but now this is impacting domestic politics in the western world where you see these huge divisions going on and, and it's quite terrifying. you know, i mean, well, you know, george and i covered brushing gabe thoroughly. we, you know, there was a new mccarthyism, what's going on now is books that level of mccarthyism and it's small potatoes in
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comparison and for, for what, okay, so this, impunity is destroying the very fabrics of the ideals, the, the bad i'll use the we use, we claim to hold. go ahead, mark. yeah, i think nixon put it very well when he was talking about the book. he wrote, you said, you know, we don't really get much out of the relationship with israel. and the main reason why we're so close to these right is because of the holocaust because the history you know, but i think to take george's point so very well, you know, self inflicted wounds such a really such really i'm one that is gaping now. but it wouldn't be the button administration that looks at this from, with any objective perspective they want kind of had a cup to view a think about the, the implications of the next 2010 or 20 years. it might be the next above just generation of politicians and leaders in america who questioned this relationship. you know, in the old days it was, well, we need is one in the middle east because if the sort of rebellious children
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otherwise known as the arab stays. but become a little bit north, he had a bit difficult to deal with israel. be that a crack the width of the show, the rest of the region, you know, who's where the running the show. but well, and i be and also, and also martin unity. they, they may end up the soviet union. george, this is, this is impacted the greater middle east. amazingly, because you have the, the, we have israel was within the context of a cold hor rivalry when that disappears. that's when it became actually far more dangerous, because israel, because they've been sense of impunity, would be able to pursue with goals, go back to the westbank for example, and now attacking causal repeatedly. if we'd been in a cold war environment, it's doubtful that would have happened george. so that's exactly right. and this is very interesting because if you go back to the cold war mentality, it was really henry kissinger who defined the issues in the middle east in terms of
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the cold war. somehow. israel is the look the west league. they've been living cyber lied, or, you know, waging a, so the, its sponsor and the western the world. and of course, it was nonsensical names, nonsensical at the time. and the science makes mix of did not agree with that analysis of the middle east, west of the, his secretary of state. william rogers did not think of that view, but that was case. and you, again, he kind of foist of this idea onto the united states. but the reason why we're providing is row with this up on question on the remaining support is that israel is fighting the cold war against soviet aggression. all now they love, they get them because once a cold war ended, you had to invent new things. and so even as the islamic jihad and the global islamic around revolution, now it's about the work is a global work is um and israel is in the full front of the 5. what is the earliest people get into fights? well, national serenity and your gains globalism is always something new. go sides that
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be as well as in the leader of because it isn't then it's just a way of avoiding ever talking about what google serial issues are in the middle east. and that's, and that's why on this what goes on is that, you know, every inventing this new media ologist the why, why we have to about the support, the israel unconditionally learn. wait, wait, we have the u. k. elections coming up very, very soon. how is this issue with the israel palestine in the i c j gotten playing out in that election if at all but it's going to have a huge impact on both of the, the, the huge blogs because, um, it's a general purpose to jump. perception is the labor are going to get how much because of the ridiculous, some sort of support of the genocide of, of a on israel side. but also i think that too, as well, we will these be he hit very hard only because the lack of decision,
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lack of strategy on all of other issues by this time at least is, is just want it. so what's gonna happen is the labor part is gonna be split right down the middle. but jeremy cool by now looking to be ready to perhaps try and try and make some sort of stand against overlay because we know the tories are going to be desecrated. you know, so i think the emergence now of some of the parties like george galloway's but others as well. you know, i think it's going to be a real issue. you know, we, we, we assess, been so long. since we've had a real phone policy, that makes any sense when i'm known. it's been so long since we've been able to distance ourselves from america. you know that i think people, us sick, i'm sick to death of really having foreign ministers and, and the british government who basically working for the state department. you know, so i think israel and palestine will be an issue, a big issue. but i think it will hit slave a honda doing well in the same questions and george with we have november elections coming up. what's the difference between trump invite and when it comes to this
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issue? i ask that because i know it's a short answer. not much, but if that's an interesting question, what was seen in the last few weeks have been big donors, hedge fund managers, people who didn't like chrome now. so the moving towards the chrome because they think by the end is betraying israel by who's throwing israel under the bus. and they think probably be a more reliable friend of israel. and that could be very interesting within the i think when it was one of the houses, i think what it tells us is this, this line is by the ologies, is corrupted western politics to the core. unfortunately, gentlemen, that's all the time we have one. i think my guess in america and in budapest and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here. are to see you next time. remember, across the rules the, the
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russian states never is as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community. not getting all sense and that's the must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the state on the rushes to de escalate. the archie spoke next to even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services. for what question did you say they replaced the,
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in a modern, talking about a world of smartphones and tech upgrades. our terminal prompts and hand painted traditions of yesteryear seemed to be fading away particular stuff outside of the bustling metropolis of moscow. and you'll find that the traditional russian culture is still going strong. the the
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great nato split seligman the states that really oppose funds to the books weapons to be used to attack the into russian territory building. it's a roadmap to global spring if we cannot contain the war. psychosis that is developed in brussels, these years will be written as episodes of a great european world. war is rare. department. it's a quote, a tragic accident until the international community condemns the kidding of $45.00 and civilian plus china firmly opposed to us playing the taiwan called us and america.


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