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tv   News  RT  May 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way inside the so all the events that we can see now stand from the desire of the us being at the head of the collective west to not lose. we've had gemini on the international arena, russian farm and us as long as you, as a, tends to keep the great phone world as fast as more western countries. easily sick to open the door for ukraine to use allies as loan grange weapons to strive to russia to the shopping motor before 21. people are killed in an alleged id of strength on the refugee camp, near rough timeframe, the palestinian demonstrations of wrap. the owners of the world to show solidarity
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with garza as his radio operations intensified the south african election is in full swing with the incumbent president tossing his opponents among millions of others. we follow that the most expensive it to be the most pivotal since the end of the call time, the a very well welcome to you. this is on the international with the world news update is a pleasure to have you with our top story this. so the russian foreign minister has slammed us. it tends to maintain, had gemini on the international arena with washington using this mentality when it comes to the conflict and you frame the top diplomats made the statements while speaking as a round table discussion of the ukrainian crisis. with positives, remember 30 countries attempting to maintain a just a week ago, it was just letting the, then, all the events that we can see now stem from the desire of the us being at the head
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of the collective was to not lose its head. germany on the international arena. this is becoming more difficult if not impossible. when thoughtful economic giants rise primarily on the region continent, but also in africa and latin america in the struggle for head germany using sanctions like mailing threats, moved through force. this is a struggle for a passing year, and it is clear that in the struggle we see the west grasping at all these good, legitimate methods. in general, the agony of the world or that the us is still imposing on everyone is beginning. the quality of current western politicians allows us to assume that they can seriously create illusions and utopia as their practical programs. let them try, in my opinion, no one's doubts that this will fail. but these are the goals that begin after the collapse of the soviet union. and after the realization that russia was turning out to be disobedient and resisting to carry out our orders. this mentality remains, it manifest itself in specific twists and turns into situation around you create.
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already on the slide, there is talk that it is possible to ship any part of the russian federation is. let's get more details now from our correspondence states waiting to be in the studio. good to see this morning. so just bring just more details about the statements made by lots of value. yeah, so level of was discussing the routes of the crate and conflicts. and he gave a, a detailed overview of the expansion of nato, particularly since the collapse of the soviet union on the dissolution of the war, sol pots. and he said that it was really used uh, by the united states to extend its a gemini over the region, but it was so within that you can on not a famous statement, not one step, a smile. he gave some examples. he said to us spaces, military bases in germany, we used to pop pressure on berlin and keep the country in washington sphere of influence. it's this was most said during the attack on the north stream to pipeline where you have any simply rolled over it pretty much and allow this attack
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to happen. this be no investigation into the, into what happened there. but he also explained that despite this expansion eastwood, russia has a way, thoughts, the negotiations, cooperation. like put forward various treaties and proposals. all of these have been rejected by the west. and when with those security concerns that were raised them in the run up to the u. crating conflict, ukraine scrapped minutes to the guns, shedding somebody and evans of done boss, given rush and no real option other than to launch the special. but it feel peroration and this comes, of course, as we say this very concerning trend of western countries lending that go, they've done this up really. so you're trained to use west of find weapons to strike deep within russian territory. what more is it? can you tell us about that? what we've heard a lot more of this in recent days, the chief joseph burrell and the nato chief,
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he had in stoughton book of recently expressed the they've said the ukraine has the right to launch missiles into a, strikes deep inside russian territory. little david cameron, the british foreign minister, has perhaps being the most belligerent he's when he left the charge of coal, citing again, green lighting, put too much calves of right to strike inside russian territory. now poland is i'd like to join the policy. it's announcement king just dies off or announced a multi 1000000 deal to buy a us cruise missiles is. depends. when is said that the weapons it supplies, you cry have no restrictions. it was covered on them because we haven't gotten yet knew about that cuz they publish weapons that we are transferring to ukraine. do not have such restrictions the grants can find in the way they want. and i think this is a very, very important aspect of these donation western countries should also remove such restrictions diagnosis. so these discussion is ongoing and i would like to say that we are talking about police restrictions that could either run no such restrictions
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at this point and use that to. now the french president and my new micron has also opened the door for these strikes on russian by uses inside russian territory. although he did say that ukraine shouldn't strike civilian targets. sudden say, natalie, this map shows that ukraine is being attacked from bases located in russia. we think that we should allow you, green thing, neutralize the military sites from which we saw is our fire. and we saw him that waving this map, but the german jones, so out of shouts has struck a more cautious tone. nicholas germany has supplied weapons to you probably, but it's conditional on not striking inside russian territory, although he's kind of contradicted based by say, well, you crying can defend itself on the international law. now the russian president, vladimir putin, has warned against this and he said that russia is watching the situation very, very closely. but these representatives of nato countries,
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especially in your or something else. they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. they should remember that they see some of them as a room est with a small territory and a very dense population when you much to and this is a fact that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory. this is a serious matter, and we are of course, watching it very carefully. and now ukraine has said that this bond on striking russian territory is simply in direct support for most govern, gives an attempt to collect vantage on the battlefield. it seems like some countries, it, i'm losing the grass on restraints, and this is like 2 years into the conflicts in ukraine. why now? why is the soul spiraling out of control? now, when i think this is a clearly linked to the advances that we're seeing on the battlefield being made by russian. now we've seen in the, in the past few weeks, we've seen russian forces re take control over at boston. and now this was
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a symbol of perhaps the only success in ukraine's my phone too, but failed counter offensive. and it was for the very closely by russian forces taking control of place you have. cuz this is of course, very close to all the on off switch was a scene of a very, very intense, baffled as you remember about some of the don't yet. so we're public. now. we've also see the russian offensive in the call co region. and, well, that's simply cutting through defensive lines. add like a nice 3 bucks, a very serious questions. i'll being honest about the, like a lack of preparedness. that's been the accusations of corruption as the, as long as defective lines. simply collapse. there's a very, very face spot to taking place now in the city of bo chunk as well. and russia has made some advances, advances that pushing ukrainian troops further and further back. now this comes a time when the belgrade region in particular, was coming on the intense attack. a civilian heavy is a, a suffering diety, a shelling day, the drug restaurants missile strikes. of course, the reason
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a talk with on the apartment block, which was the remnants of a of adults go causing 10 stories to comp 15 people to die. now, i would say very recent, even with speaking to people on the ground, that there's the fear that with, with the green lights and nobody's talk, attack states inside russian territory, the situation is going to woodson and to be most of it in casualty. so the housing is really that these advances being made on, on the possible. so by using the uh, what they own it is along the front line, but protecting calls will provide a much needed buffers. are they seems like versa, seems to be the only country actually, you know, sounding the alarm that if those western weapons should be used to strike within russia, this could spell it a massive escalation of a wide conflict. but he, thanks for coming with this house. they've appreciated, it was like you $2.00 and now whether use radio and they continued it strikes. and rafa of a nice, ignoring old is from the international court of justice report say i d,
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f tags pushed through to the center of calls of southern most the city. a warning we're about to show you some disturbing images that a says debbie, strong, kind of tens, compton outlet, milwaukee, plains, 21 lives among the 12 women. the area has been designated to the safe zone by the use wally me. the ideas has denied enforcements in the attack on the account, the spot this being the seconds comp relate to the attack in the past few days in rafa and nearby areas we heard from low calls about, the escalating is rarely a tax on the south. the end of the i'm after the, i don't know that much on, on the i'm gonna show know the yes. the the
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the send me an act up on the columbus. the not good. we're not, i'm not supposed to sit down with you on by the way, but when i was involved, i don't, i don't know how it works. i think it all up so i'm glad i did all the trouble must be small. well, is way as hawks on ross. i drawings, a national condemnation on protests for me. us presidential hopeful nikki haley visited as well to show support for the war. but her backing was not limited to speeches when she visited the area near. as well as northern, folded with 11 on the politicians, signed all tillery shows, with the words finish them during high trip. nicky heavy also promised to make sure october 7th never happens again and to show it as well that it has washington's backing to well just spot washington's constant supply of weapons to as well, which all being used in garza, us officials and now doubling down on distancing themselves from the killing of
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palestinians by the id. yes. here's the latest on that stones from white's house. national security spokesman john covey for not on the graph game. we're not there, man, you know, i don't have, we don't have troops that i can look at every single soldier and where they are. what on the ground? i am not the idea of spokesman. this is not tell of beef. again, we're not on the ground count noses. we aren't on the ground and we are flying the aircraft. we're not choosing the targets. we're not providing the intelligence that leads to every target that these railways decide to hit. it is their operation. their troops involve their capabilities, their pilots. every time right here, mr. kirby he, i don't give them the honor of calling him an admiral or an officer of the united states military. i was an officer and always an officer,
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but to hear their law. eyes is, is so nauseating, it's, it's, uh and i mean beyond the pale and in let's, let's correct the record. when kirby says we're not on the ground. we're not providing the recognizance finding. the target that is all lies. the united states is providing the satellite recognizance and the high level aero recognizance and the naval recognizance and the missiles and the drones and the grenades and the bullets and the financing and the maurice and everything else that's needed to sustain the job or not of genocide which the is re lease have created, and they are constantly lying about. remember the massage doctrine through deception, wage war, and israel, and netanyahu and benny dance and their entire a couple of screaming criminals and death cedars are aligned to the world when they say this is an accident. this is
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a coordinated strike with the ground forces and the error forces and the satellite forces and the united states forces, which is occupying both in tel aviv and on the mediterranean. so the blood that is on netanyahu's hands is also on the entire is really political and government establishment and on blinkin and on sullivan and on v down patel and on the admiral kirby and on everyone else in the biden ministration in the state department. and the c i a but don't copy wasn't the only one who was grilled over the recent is really killing of dozens and rasa. are you a state departments folks posted and tried to downplay reports that the idea was responsible for the latest, the civilian deaths, as we take the initial statements. nathaniel who said it was a tragic mistake, and there has been a lot of headlines with that was the same comments,
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right. world, central kitchen killings were also a tragic mistake in the united states. comfortable sending this many weapons to an army. that seems to be making a series of mistakes. with respect to each of these incidents, it's important to find out what happened, why it happened and who was at fault. and so it's important that this investigation proceed before we make any assessments. this seems to be a very different kind of strike was in the world central kitchen. they made a mistake about what the target was and they thought they were tardies come off chairs and they were not. that was a very clear mistake. in this instance, they were targeting what seems to be legitimate targets and they were successful in taking out those targets. and then likely as a result, there was this fire that broke out. it's not clear how it was ignited, especially as i said, when it's over a kilometer and a half from the location of the strike. we need to find out how that happened. well, just to remind you of the incidents mentions that sundays idea strongly called a refugee camp. in ross, i killed 45 civilians,
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according to local officials. and april 7 aid work has died in his way the attack on a wealth, central kitchen, and vo convoy in garza. and the idea is also found to be mackenzie refuge account, several times beginning of the $100.00 palestinians. however, all those cases have been written off by is way legal authorities, as mistakes for us on the reserve officers called to spanish set. that is where it is waging war on garza using us tactics. united states is launch wars against afghanistan to rack uh, syria. libby uh, now against russia through ukraine, and it has done so by obliterating the electrical water infrastructure facilities and show no respect for civilians. the israelis, of course, followed the same montrose. so israel, in the united states wage war by complete annihilation of the state, its people,
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it's government, its infrastructure, leaving nothing but death and ruin and ashes. they do that so that they can also profit from the reconstruction, which often leaves the states in a dismal state of ill repair like libya. but they are pursuing this genocide, old drug or not to destroy the states and then make money on the reparations demonstrations and solo directly with palestine. how the rep to the europe again and protest of it as well as continued a tax on rough funds garza the empowers police to against a peaceful protest is due twice to riley near the is wally embassy, people in berlin decide restrictions imposed by german. oh sorry seas on pro, published on raleigh's with hundreds taking to the streets to demand justice and condemn,
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as well as the tax crowns. also gathered in front of the whites housing and goods us involvement in the conflicts, the demonstrations of also sweat talented america, and the mexican capital of peaceful protests turned into classes with police outside these railey embassy. people threw stones on the phone to objects and burning alt tags, while the trying to break down the fences. security policies responded with fire extinguishers on to, i guess, as kansas mexico propose to join south south because jen assigned case against as well as the international court of justice earlier involved right in schools of demonstrates as to the streets to condemn the government's decision to normalize relations with washington, police use to gas on smoke, kindest as to disperse, the hungry crowds to
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demonstrate this demo and get the normalization deal with the us be canceled because of washington. the support for television lodge, raleigh's, on the islands nation, are also taking place against his rating actions in gaza for a rainy or physician to stay good. talk to abraham allah ron. this, these people that i'm worried about, the government's relations with washington. the stations go through the big anger and by and so people are very angry and against what do i need as a doberman did go to that new my vision, many of protest, i have been out of state and george and maybe out of them, they are going to be to be 2nd from they will get that evaluation, but any other team is, who did, i guess people profile the steins then extra step that the b, b. i won't be behind today. we do the station again. say that that's
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what happened in the dropbox and or missed it goes up on who's banking and the phrase approval is redeemed, which is this. it printed the 9 keys with us being in the video, but to really use. i gave us the news. you mentioned that there are many models, videos and by nobody is able to prove that this will go is gone, please, because you have prayed that they and i can go by hand and then go garbage and they want to get out of the country. the south africans are heading to the poles office, the use of the guns, the african national congress spaces this toughest election, yes. needing 50 percent of the national assembly to maintain its parliamentary majority. the for the incumbent president, civil around the pose that has already cost is balance alongside millions of his
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fellow citizens as well as parliament's opposition lead that stain. voice in south africa uses a proportion of boasting system for its full 100 safe national assembly. the elected parliament members will dates of votes full of presidents around the pose of when would defend deceitful, a know that 5 is voted, will receive 3 ballots instead of 2 to select a policy or candidate for national, regional and provincial seats. with 9 public assistance, i have a 250 minutes of policy. south africa is set to choose as president for the next 5 years. according to the electoral commission of south africa, nearly 28000000 votes is over. the age of 18 have registered for the pulse of correspondence. none of the icon, gay takes a look at the political landscape in south africa. the, the posters here was seamless sense and it wasn't the way we all caring seemed to be talk in the sense of to having to speak. there's been a few technical glitch has the system to scan identity documents to check with the
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people have registered or not isn't working. and many people have been making speculations that it might be notating, but it isn't locating, in fact is from has address. recent dream is circulating a social media about the resumption of locating emphasizing that these claims and found that even electricity minutes the hosting. and so i hope i offered a source as of no locating will be implemented on today. and you would know that recently the country has experienced an interrupted power for almost 60 days. the longest period in about 2 years during allegations and speculations about electioneering. but just coming back to the technical issues here at this voting station is seen part to representatives blaming it's of the for the problems that after this voting station. in fact, it is the what you presented to the off this is the and the if you presented to throwing words at each other. hopefully that does not create any chaos as people
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are currently waiting here to be let in. as we speak, full arrested people in bubble over the election related incidents. so that's because these people, media office has reported that it has been what's happening in the pool presence. this both people and the representatives off the police in that province as well. have been able to make sure the things run smoothly, but while all of that happens, electrical body, the issue is that there will be no tolerance for misconduct to doing this voting a day like incidence that happened in him taught to for instance, in the eastern key problems which the costing of special votes yesterday and monday were disrupted by a texas stripe, which resulted in public disorder and a bit of and risk, but presiding offices in fact to be seated. be the chief electoral officer of the i . e. c. have spoken on that issue and this is what you had to say. i think in the election there's a clear orchestra ation to undermine the credibility to of the outcome,
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the newest venue. so over the weekend, i'd rather next he didn't, but it said kim, a great to endeavor and to try and mitigate the risk. thousands of police officers have also been added to the the in order to enforcement. i think it's about $17000.00 that has been deployed and was to be natal only with a focus on it took me in the municipality already, but people have been an arrested in certain parts of the country as of mentioned um the pool pool. uh providence. um, incident, that's where we sold um, full people being arrested. but also the extra precautions really tells us that these general indexes take place under circumstances that a very different from any of the lives in the history of, of africa. let's take a look at why these elections are so important. it's an opportunity list is all being closely watched, worldwide, and the outcome is on thought to be expected to shape the future of countries in
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africa and around the world. the, the move has cut to paul to, to, to rain, to the center of international legal milestone its decision to take these faults to the international court of justice over a 1000 various organizations. joining in what supports for panda sons, fates, so that the guy has repeatedly said that as well as actions violate fundamental principles. cumulative, you move and constitute a final blow. suffering from the scene is in god's self efficacy. so you have to, again, compared to, to attend to this quote and recognition of its obligations under the genocide convention due to the continuing annihilation of the punish team. and people is right, is escalating his attacks on by the students in gaza. and in so doing is willfully preaching the binding folders of this quote. the
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nelson mandela was one false watch as to how to mason ships with, among others, fidel castro. yes. the out of the cuban and put a student indeed is a, had been and the tenant was by wisdom. paul was the statesman said it was a mistake to think that the enemies should be our enemies. the storm since last we type for 5. so that's because response in many concepts including one it's in russia. as a phrase pretoria has been the one voice that has made it clear that it will not make an enemy out of russian. he does not dom your puts in so, so that's a gun was one of the 1st african countries to fully talk to the world. the problems africa had to do to the formulation of this. we believe that our mission was successful in registering the willingness of african lead us to contribute to a new grocery touch piece. and to, to highlight the broad effects of the conflict. as we hope that it will contribute
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in some way, to us international peace efforts that are also under way not only approved but also in the african continent. and given the power levels with other nations when it comes to the political environment in the 1919. so that because it has a duty to help to lots of to don and the see to bring the both stability on the african continent. self africa space given contribution. seeing the democratic republic of congo over the years for personal, deployed a spot of infantry battalions helicopter units in milton, medical teams have been essential to efforts to be a beast, as well as to ensure their health and safety of federal peacekeepers. the in addition sold optical wants to more multiple levels for the developing countries of more into it. fearful views calling to which to you is how are you trying to invest? yeah. as friends, rather than interviews up only that to break so that people wants to control that
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emerging and developing countries play a significant role in the global economy and geo politics. we believe in inclusiveness and we work with all in the global community. we seek to build a more just and equitable multiple, a weld brakes has remained firm. and our insistence on the reform of the un, including it, security council would have you to make and it's more representative, effective and efficient. and to increase the representation of developing countries, the only a so that's okay. it's also important to manage and economy is also the gateway to sub saharan markets. with wall developments. the structure allows for transportation into africa. the country is a region indeed. and a good place to establish a business, and many companies expand the activities from south africa to the rest of the region. so the fruit guys that important position in growing the african mach to facilitate advised the africa continental free trade area and other free trade
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agreements. so that's because i've asked if i used to call me a way for me economy dependence on width and states and switching to search for african solutions to african problems, but also wanting justice, freedom and oppression. to indian guys that makes the selection even more interesting for the was philosophy i'm normal real, couldn't get into hi miss, but many thanks for joining us. we called the latest episode of direct impacts for you next. and i'll be back with more news and 30 minutes bye for now. the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about. the . those are civilians in ross being according to press reports burned alive and you know what's worse when you watch that. and when we're going to be talking about at the fact that most of them were trapped there,


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