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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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nurse could have been the next president overtake, keep losing people out here, the brush over a pills on overnight attack on premier downing a ukrainians groans that comes as a loving countries. green light. yeah, of striking russian territories with the western army as washington is $320000000.00 a year breaks apart and begins to think off the coast of gaza. the us senator draws a striking comparison between israel's actions in america as nuclear attack on japan. we did what was necessary to protect our way of life. was it disproportionate to use atomic weapons to end a war, we couldn't afford to lose? so this idea of the international community, your question considers is role the problem i reject that
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and china is looking to cooperate with the error of nations resolved hotspot issues, achieving long term cases and stability. that's the message from chinese presidents, agent thing as the pivots to the middle east. the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. you're watching r t international. we start with the latest on the ukraine conflict. russia has repelled an overnight attack on its territory. according to the defense ministry. k of used us made army tactical missile systems during the strikes. russia was able to down a ukrainian, you avi's over crimea. the local authorities say the a current in attack targeted dependence. low transportation infrastructure for all the strikes that were repelled in the city of kurtz to ferry boats for
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a hit by the down. the rock is fragments. the civilian casualties have been reported. meanwhile, the debate surrounding campus possible use of western arms. district russian territories is not dying down so far. 11 countries have given ukraine the go ahead to use their weapons for such attacks. among them, some of kids, most vocal supporters, poland, france, canada, and the u. k. russia has warned against such a profit occasions. well, let's take a look at the arsenal. ukraine has access to in just how far those weapons can strike inside russia. 3 types of those western supply admissions can hit target less than 100 kilometers inside rush, a potentially reaching the cities of don't ask and bills arrive. the next group includes rockets, bombs, and u. a. b is from the us, the u. k. and portugal. now they can reach up to 300 kilometers deep inside russian territory. but the long range that storm shadow, cruise missiles pose the biggest threat they can strike up to 550 kilometers deep
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within russia. you can from supply businesses and have supported potential attacks on russia. ukraine also wants to replenish his western arsenal with the nuclear capable f. 16 fighter jet versus foreign minister has cautioned against dragging the complex in that direction. these have 69 across the will be destroyed is what is other types of weapons supplied by nato countries to ukraine. at the same time, it should be borne in mind that f, 16 fighters have long been the main means of delivery within the framework. the cycle joint and dates i'm nuclear missions. therefore, we cannot but consider the supply of the systems to the cab regime as a deliberate signal action by nato and the nucleus, we're trying to make it clear to us the united states and nato are ready for literally anything in ukraine cubes efforts to join the european union have dragged on for years with the blocks diplomats now seemingly teasing ukraine was accession
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talks to boost morale as early as next month with bloomberg saying discussions will kick off mere weeks after the you problem. and 3 elections in your opinion is aiming to start negotiations as early as june. the 25th, which you crate on becoming a member of the blogs that help boost keeps morale, but has yet to fully overcome objections from hungry and ukraine. definitely need someone to boost at spirits. russian forces are advancing on the battlefield. cabins. brutalizing, its people to force them into a meat grinder. but it's likely brussels isn't just dangling the carrot of you membership out of the kindness of it's hard because highly motivated ukrainians fighting a proxy war against russia means others won't have to. our people are very much motivated, very much. so we're fighting for rights for freedoms, for life, and now we're fighting for survival. and this is the highest of our motivation, but we're also fighting to be equal members of europe. i believe that today we're showing everyone. that's exactly what we are. the european union is going to be
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much stronger with us that's for sure. and. 8 rewards from a president who's political legitimacy has devolved into that of a dictators. but hey, so as he was dreaming of a fast track to you, membership at the start of rushes, military operation, 2 years on. and he's still dreaming. ukraine is on the right track. it is ready for negotiations. however, this does not mean that there are no reforms left stuff needed to be continued over this need. they are needed. they can be continued during the accession negotiations . therefore, it cannot guarantee, but i can say that i really hope that negotiations will begin in june, at least for zillow and steve. this time, it looks like these purported jew negotiations are likely to take place political, as well as publishing similar information, saying brussels is eager to start ukraine's integration process. without any guarantee is it all boils down once again to nothing more than a more out boost in brussels officials are pushing to begin formal negotiations
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over ukraine, joining the european union as early as next month. according to people familiar with the matter. opening the tax would bring a morale booster ukraine, which has been fighting a full scale russian invasion for more than 2 years and has long aspired to join the western block on top of that. diplomats from brussels and t of are reportedly trying to persuade hungry to sign off on ukraine's e u. a session. because victor orbit is anything but enthusiastic about the idea. we have set up a sub and click on the service and you run the by the evaluation of the commission . 3 out of the 7 is not seen. so there is no reason to negotiate membership between now he's not the only european against you, membership for ukraine, even those countries that support it have large parts of their population that don't think it's a good idea. but wonder negotiations are set to take place at the end of june, just a couple weeks after elections for the parliament. when the wrath of unhappy voters will no longer be relevant for politicians. and who could blame europeans for not
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wanting to embrace kia with open arms, ukraine's band, its political opposition. it's sending people to the front by brute force and the so called president, canceled the elections that may have thrown them out of office. it's come as no surprise that that sounds anything but democratic too many people in the west and around the world. all right, well let's cross live now to former british diplomats and officer and proud. good to have you on the program with us. i'd like to hear your thoughts on the timing of these a parent talks. is there any significance to them likely to happen after the use of parliamentary elections? the whole thing is significant. so like other is the 1st of all to get this talk started before i'm being comes by, stacy, president of the beam. even in july say, is it kind of july to get installs in june to provide visual. but the thing,
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since you kind of brought in part of this, you know, until so that's the sense that i get what i can do that goes as a needs to be, say, mm hm. do you think the tops would have any kind of influence on the upcoming elections if they were to be held before before hand? no drivability, i mean this makes kind of use within your phone and the idea of a not as you know, lots of companies won't to enjoying the opinion and encouraging ag crying. so the other thing just on accessing told. so try to give us ideas anyway. what was the impact on the results of the the elections themselves? i think we can hungry issues a public issue, bye bye. have a soul. it's all to go by and see, because i hope i, since as many, many years to run yet, it's claimed that the tops would be a boost to, to ukraine's morale. what do you think about that is, is that the case? and is that really important? well that you may well be the case of the short term. you know, the fact that negotiations start in a small little maze of give people is the sum of progress is being made buzzing.
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realize i single seen doing that actually, best so many, many years to run before you know, ukraine can realize that stream of eventually gonna be you the fusion of schools to be i become which i see the opinion of themselves, of a says that someone should have a tool that related to until the back 3 of the 7 conditions not being fully fulfilled. how they use citizens to feel about this. so what, what do they have an appetite for, sponsoring your brains plus where our economy by including them in the block. the one thing, the 2 issues around that one is beyond me getting custody of having a developing nation, you know, within the opinion that need additional funds that needs to be debated to that structural funds from the on the opinion results on the actual costs of, of interviewed by saying, you probably know to look at a water damage it and most of the kids is 23. so you know, they guess that will be sending equals or concerning. some you're being taught to
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use that. there's an enormous cost investment costs and actually getting you claim backup is a funny functioning economy. again, you know, when boys glades and whenever that is and, you know, as we have as late as the is a key twice on for their the hon. gary, i'm time minister i had of course, brought up the fact that kids failed to fulfill the european commissions membership requirements. i'm curious about that. how come they're pushing ahead with the talks anyway and, and what about countries that have been waiting in the queue for some time now? is tricky, for example, how are they likely to react to these potential tasks? yeah. meantime, houston has been on the vain for almost 30 years old lady, and i think that talks on face the still old logs. you have a site bustling, so it'd be as bullying. but example, we've just been on the very night for, you know, makes kind of 20 a year is really if you get but that's, that's a lot of is that so the declaration, i mean, you know, savvy, it is
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a bomb officer fox, the economy then, then you kind of all i know, but still has, must have ups closer and come, that should be good. i don't know really be crazy lift the steps that it will needs tight and can actually, how difficult today is to kind of meet the requirements that would be opinions joint and it's not just about meeting those requirements. of course it's, you know, once you do meet his requirements, every member of the community, a union has to receive any great. then you can join, you know, as, as, know, just by meeting the standards. it's better about getting every year in country to agree that you can enjoy, which again is another big old school. 16 honestly. oh, as far as meeting those standards are trained recently suspended parts of the european human rights convention on its territory. how does that fit with the, the standards and values that you claims to safeguard? it doesn't necessarily fit comfortably in the 1st visit derrick. jason, from a convention that she back in 2015 is the only thing you know, they've had a delegation from the human rights commission for 9 years now. and under that kind
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of political side of the step. so the nascent type in the back. so i just by uncomfortable questions for the, the commission and the teacher. i think in any case, you know, the will likely will of and many years before the point to when she crane may or may not also be joining your opinion, which twice of a bond is quite seems you know, way in the page. yeah. and at the same time cube is ramping up as mobilization practices, and that has postpone to the presidential election indefinitely. are these matters not a concern for brussels? the most clear today is it? no, you cannot really make substances steps to see if you need any mention what goes on or well guys, on the elections. and it wouldn't happen. these delegations from the humorous conventional will continues to all of the, of all these conditions. but say, you know, none of it to president delegations from the us. invention varies, is really, really difficult for you going to kind of get into the minutes of the negotiations
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of other sites. is that huge that so i think needs to type on on products and talking all powerful needs kind of public institutions going through alignment. we've been so the regulations always things the last the on hold. and so let's see . that was and, and seems to me we're also seeing increasing calls by western countries for cab to be allowed to use their weapons to strike russian territory in some cases, deep within russian territory. do you think those calls are justified? when i say, what's that, how long is it? no, you being the best leaders? well, germany including us should be 20 for an engine, one of these continuous and it's expansion, you know, into, into, of us and to answer your expansion to the basic truth. so what we really need in ukraine is for the names of war. and if you try, anybody wants to join you be needing anything that will be an important 1st step on that bite on facebook. seems to be a care of us already attacked russian border areas and, and often these shows that civilian infrastructure and even civilians themselves.
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there have been many debts. are those european states that are calling to allow you praying to continue to strike russian territory at all concerned about that. but the page be because we have this power, the universe, somebody's, you know, some of the states want to push, having the guys jason's was going to jean continuance of the role and, and the 2 positions in that they actually sit comfortably with each other, a told do they have to be the one who's to and, and then in the process by long process it can install. so no, it is, but according somebody's is the assistance and you mind best won't be what, what do you think russia's response to direct strikes on its territory? is likely to be particularly these long range missiles as well. i think it creates the increases of his banks even escalation of the carpet and major countries being
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all further into an added sign waiting, you know, a lot of independent but some of those. yeah, this is saying that the claim would be unable to kind of win the ball on the back of the bill and say, so on that basis the if you know, maybe by style is the same unique id kind of went on the site and then more people should be pushing for them to so that we're not getting into these escalate 2 steps is use the use of title use of west away as the strong can much and tash or you just talk of nights and you kind of coming into kind of that sort of thing, i mean being kind of yes, these are boring steps indeed because of the risk of escalations. uh, you know about feel, but i see people should be the best thing for an individual. right. we're gonna leave it there and proud for our british diplomats and also thank you for your time . thanks advised me to palestinian read, present. paramedics have been killed in, is rarely selling. and the southern guys and the city of rough us that brings
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a total number of p r. c. a staff killed since october 17th. so october 7th to 19. what comes as you and warned aid supplies for the in battle on pipe. simply don't meet the demand we show actually the pores, this attack detect home displays people and it demonstrates that there is no safe place in gaza at all. we have to distribute as an enormous amount for sensual medicine, medical supplies. but there's not enough. i mean, like this is searching whole well, no, overwhelming these off, sorry, kitchen on and off. not when it would be a sustain cease fire. and it would be entry roots into gas, which are properly managed. when there is a d confliction mechanism, which actually facilitates supports a much more if it's possible. i meant the humanitarian disaster
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unfolding in the enclave. 8 agencies have been left exasperated after a new us made here use to transport the gaza, broke apart and began to sink the damage sustained by the flows and p. a 2 weeks off to begin operating. expose the destruction for the destruction that it is. it's taking 2 and a half months to build a p, a and deliver the claim to $1000.00 metric tons of age, which is a dropping the ocean compared to what's needed in gaza every day that process pushes small families close at the salvation and put small lives at risk to the pair built at a cost of $320000000.00 is only put into service on may 17th, but after less than 2 weeks of operation, the pier was damaged by a combination of bad weather and rough seas. kindergarten said sections of the structure needs repair. so it's been total way to the is really part of ashton to be fixed. and that could take at least a week, founder of muslim legal hassan shibley's says rather than worrying about,
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it's peer that us should just be pressuring israel to stop the war. it's laughable . the, the, the, the peer is a joke. if america really cared about the palestinians, they would stop sending bombs that is really dropping on palestinian citizens. they would really could, could end the war and saving a war, they would end the genocide. it's one side, it's literally a nuclear, super power, reading bombs and refugees burning children. a live people in tents been displaced and they, they've driven them out of their homes, told them to go to so called safe zones, and the bomb, the saved zones. this, it hasn't happened once or twice. it has happened daily. you can't accidentally keep killing that many civilians. when you accidentally killed $40000.00 civilians, it's no longer an accident. it's clearly intentional and the use of supporting that . so i think the, the peer was a complete joke. even their air drops, of humanitarian aid are a disgrace. in fact, i just saw some footage of
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a young child who was killed when at the visa, so called 2 minutes or an air drops, fell on her and killed her. many people have actually died with these humanity on your drops falling on them or falling in the sea and people trying to go get it and drowning to death. so if america really cared about the palestinians, they wouldn't spend hundreds of millions building appear that doesn't even work. the us can put pressure that us can force this genocide to stop tomorrow. the problem is the us doesn't want to, that is the problem. the reason being us politicians like nikki haley to like lindsey graham like by didn't himself have received millions and millions of dollars from the is really lobby. so these american politicians, they're not working for the american people. they're not working for human rights. and they are basically, agents of a, for an entity. i mean, well, a us senator, a sparked outrage after he like into the idea of scars operation to americans use
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of the atomic bomb against japan. i bring this up and nobody likes hearing it, but i know what my country did when we were attacked by the japanese who went to war with japan and germany. we did what was necessary to protect our way of life. wasn't disproportionate. to use atomic weapons to end the world, we couldn't afford to lose. so this idea of the international community, your question considers. ready role, the problem i reject that these charges are false. they're blood libel against the jewish people. political affairs has a being says, statements like these to expose the divide between washington's rhetoric and actions. we should appreciate the madness of graham's words because it's quite unprecedented. actually. the united states as senior politicians are exposing the fact that it's increasingly becoming a pariah state on the international stage. would have been on single to hear these
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kinds of remarks and words maybe a decade ago or in the united states. still attempted to maintain falsely even then still, but even then at least tried to maintain the veneer of a moral high ground lecturing others about human rights and international law. now it's openly exposing itself is a complete variety of state. it's just a blanket admitted, and so the last long standing here popular see of the united states is position of the global hedge them on within the unipolar world order. he's saying it blankly. the united states gets to violate these norms of international law and human rights, and no one else is the problem grams words what he's not aging proper consideration into is that the name of international human rights and international laws bill has been used by the united states as a weapon with which to um, to protect and enforce its global hegemony against countries that are just aligned with it. working together to pull hot spots around the world and achieve
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long term peace and stability. that's how president sheets and paying has outlined to the goals of a china arab states cooperation form which has kicked off well at the opening ceremony, the chinese leader promised to strengthen cooperation in key areas such as the oil, gas, trade, and infrastructure. you also plans to boost scientific and technological exchanges, bilateral tourism health care, and e commerce are also on the agenda. she didn't pay also how talks with his addiction counterpart as the parent marked the 10th anniversary of the strategic partnership between their countries. that means you should be trying to advocate as an equal in only a multi part of the world and universally beneficial ending, placing economic globalization we're ready to work with egypt. deep and mutual trust yvonne's corporation jointly uphold international fans is just based on the common interest of developing countries and contribute to p stability, development,
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and prosperity in the region and the world at large. all right, let's 1st life now to under tegan senior fellow at the time institute, just to discuss these developments. so i'm going to have you on with us. why do you think china is look into the air abroad to resolve hotspot issues rather than to western states? well, a range where you know, you have to notice what a star contrast between washington and beijing is by dodges questions about gaza and america's domestic policies and politics. she is continuing to welcome leaders and how forms focus on trade and development and tyler and just joined the brakes. how you get a hong cheese, which are the luxury car of, of china, or delivering heads of state meetings around beijing. while the g 7, a g 20 have an essence, last of the relevance countries now see their future as about cooperation with each other. waiting to be told what to do by colonial powers that previously victimize
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them. you know, you can see that in the saw hill 5 in africa and is china arab states cooperation form is a perfect example about president, she restated bad things and supports of a 2 state solution, pledging funding for dogs at the same time as political and economics way becoming a game changer for palestine as well as the mistake is to assume that the beijing is going to act like washington. uh, washington has uh, you know, you're in a pilot polar world. they see things as them being rights and everyone else is therefore wrong. and they are willing to turn a blind eye to the carnage going on. and gaza. is your previous rob reports part of for a shooting, paying it is all about uh, you know, development, trade, all of these things. and it's, you know, you notice where the people are going. i mean, he's welcoming high level leaders. not only c c, but bar ends king i'm, i've been
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e solve cost because all can using president coffee. so i need you a member goods present cheap mohammed bins. i don't have not the crown prince of saudi arabia was due to be there. mohammed been silent, but his father's in ill health, so he went around. but you know, you start looking at what they are discussing, you know, bilateral relations weight is the strength and cooperation, international issues of the, you know, good c, c. and she declared 2024 year partnership. they discussed everything from the existing projects in uh, in egypt that to the china is funding infrastructures, including a new magistrate of capital, cairo light rail transit project. and you know, looking at trade, which was to add 14000000000 and 2023 compared to 16.6 in 2022. they want to see that expand and that is what the order of the day is. you know, you know, on or, and china has proved itself to be a good mediator brokering, for example,
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the piece still between long time rival, saudi arabia and iran. do you see badging potentially expanding its role as a middle eastern negotiator to gaza? and israel does it have an appetite for that at all? well, it does. i mean, it has, uh, you know, she came out clearly and said look, you know, peace has to come around some time. there has to be some sort of justice. he is very firm about the 2 states solutions. he believes that it has to be come down to the negotiating table, not the battle field. so he's been trying to get the countries involved to sit down at the table. this is not going to be a situation where are we, where i was washington, they would be dictating the terms and telling people what they should do. he simply saying that long term, middle east problems need to be solved in the middle east. and they need to be supported by countries powers like the china,
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u. s. e u and the rest of the world not dictated to price. looking ahead to the future, the chinese president also announced another china era cooperation summit, which is set to take place in 2 years and in 2026. what. what issues do you see making it on the docket? well, i mean there, there's so many issues out there. um, but remember, this is not about security. this is really about, you know, trade and things like this. and the china have seen, you know, their ties and the least expand dramatically. you're seeing a tremendous amount of investment in china, and china's role, as i said, is not not to dictate to anybody but simply say, let's trade, let's trade the economic development that is necessary to stabilize a countries to have made people feel that there is something in it for them, and this is really important. i mean, obviously there are concerns about the currency. um, you know, the,
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that's why thailand has said that they are coming into the bridge. they say the, you and the us currency. they didn't say it directly, but many of their experts have said, look, we're concerned about that. we're entering a new world, there's going to be multi polar world, as well as multi polar currencies. and they need started hedging their bets. you know, you start looking at how china is pulling countries together, creating a economic blocks that are actually helping people's lives as opposed to supplying guns and weapons that are destroying number. yeah, given all of that on our what would you consider to be the main prospects of china or of relations? oh, they're very good, but you know that it's not air relations. it's not one thing. it's like saying africa. there are many different countries. you have the gcc, you have north africa, and these, each one has to be considered separately, not as a block that was a mistake that was made by europeans and americans that you just look at the areas
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as if there somehow can be manipulated for your own advantage mainly getting cheap resources. that is no longer the case. each country does consider themselves to be uh, you know, independent, sovereign nations. they want to have their own past peace and prosperity. and as i keep saying, they don't want to be dictated to any more. they want to come to the table and figure out things for themselves. all right, we're going to leave it there on our tank and senior fellow at the tie hood institute as well as the founder and chairman of the china cities football consulting. i no thank you, great to have you on as always. thank you, richard. all right, just stay with us here on our t international. i'll be back with much more news and just about 30 minutes bye for now. the
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