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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the pressure of forth is continued to involve from the battlefields in ukraine, south of nato farm and just as a set to meet in cross made rowing coals to allow us to strike deep into russian territory truly or should not continue indefinitely just as should not be absent forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave, it will be doing is looking to cooperate with arab nations, to resolve hot spots issues,
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achieving home to pace on stability. that's the message from the chinese president . change him thing because they pivots towards the middle on the eviction. all that kind of screw a document requests to expel under was from own is really controlled lines and re hashed is an accusation that underwent employees participated in the october 7th. how much the pad is ready on p all because these pals, ok, the government's actions are shop to say the organization because of 12 green. this is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot would be super, like the hello and welcome is 4 pm here. in the russian capital, and this is on the international with the very latest world news update, as always is great to have you with us. on top story this now, russian forces are gaining momentum and ukraine and rocking up facile field
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advances. the defense industry has released the video of troops carrying out spikes the gains k of forces at the out the front line. the, the russian troops are carrying out this so called a song, a sweet slice on one of the ukrainian strategic locations. they used a lot of multiple rocket launcher against the key ups freight and the equipment. instead they had accumulates of nearby of the using of bias sweep techniques the on hillary man supposed to be offensive actions of the infantry as well. meanwhile, nathan's top diplomat as a gathering in prague for a 2 day me thing that begins the day, the discuss, another, a package to you, a cray, and as long so the july nato summit, the gathering takes place, the mid key of his appeals to use western weaponry to target russian territories, which some of its allies have a right the green lighted lender on several countries,
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including germany have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory. freedom of, of the debate surrounding keeps possible use of western arms to strength. russian territories is not dying down so far. 11 countries have given you credit the go ahead to use that weapons full, such a tops along that and some of k as most vocal support as potent fronds. the kind of the on the u. k. russia has warned against such publications. well, let's take a closer look at the arsenal. ukraine has access to interest how far those weapons can strike inside russia. 3 types of. a west and supplies munitions can hit targets less than 100 kilometers inside russia potentially reaching the cities of don't yet . and belle grove, the next square, it includes rockets of bones on the waves from the us,
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the u. k. on pull to go. now they to reach up to 300 kilometers deep inside russian territory. but the long range storm shudder, cruise missiles post the biggest threat. they can strike up to 550 kilometers deep within russia. but you can front supply these missiles and have supported potential attacks on russia. ukraine also wants to replenish, is west and also with the nuclear capable f. 16 fight to just russians for a minute. the has course and the gates driving the conflict in that direction. the base of 16 across the will be destroyed is what is other types of weapons supplied by nato countries to ukraine have the same time we should be borne in mind that f. 16 fighters have long been the main means of delivery within the framework. the cycle joint and h, i'm nuclear emissions. therefore we cannot but consider the supply of the systems to the key of regime as a deliberate signal action by night. so in the nucleus,
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we're trying to make it clear to us the united states and nato are ready for literally anything in ukraine. that's plus lots of luck on monday as a full, the pentagon stanley, a security policy analyst. somebody thanks for joining us on the program. it's always good to see you. so nice, so far. i mean, this is amazing and prague, today's the day to discuss whether ukraine is permitted to use these western supplied weapons destroy russian territory. and what would you expect the outcome of the tool to be to? well, i think there will be some opposition of, from, uh, typically, uh, agree, another in a few other countries. and it is certainly, hopefully some reluctance on the part of the united states. because if, if those longer range missiles are, are green light, it, it's gonna, it's gonna oppose a very dramatic problem for the, for the united states or for the, and for the western countries. because of moscow can interpret that as a, as a, as an escalation on, on the, on my made those art and consider them to be directly involved in the war. and then
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the, that just raises the answer. i think that's why you're going to be seeing the moscow i'm beginning to accelerate their their own no offensive. i would say intimate in a june in the june july timeframe. you're going to see this pick up a dramatically and, and i, and i think you're also going to be seeing greater a cheap cost of rushing through the concentrations a crate not only in the north, but throughout the entire front and zip as this. and this will be used against your cranium, inability to mobilize, even more troops for you to get it or, and train them adequately. and then also try to get in weapon systems that are, that, that they, that they feel that they need. also the number of missiles that the, that they'll be able to get in probably be limited
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a number of them as you point out, the rest of, of definitely target target those as well as the succeeds that they come in. but i think because, because of the possibility of the introduction of the sixty's, i think you're going to see a greater acceleration of, of a russian officer is a terrifying prospect to consider. just how close we are to a bro with a conflicts right now. i mean, as much as russia warning about this is also nathan members like hungry, like you said, warning to this could spark of a world war. i'm just wondering it in your eyes. what would that look like for your on the us? the o it'd be, it'd be devastated, but neither neither europe nor the united states is, uh, is uh, in a production of war production mode. it would change the whole, whole way of life. and of course, the most direct, it's dependent upon the escalation would be europe itself because they're the, they're, they're the closest and proximity. so, and,
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and even their own industries would not be able to do anything on a, on a very sustained basis. as it is united states just is just about to open another factory that can produce up 230000 of the 155 millimeter rounds. we have one now that, that it's pump of the mouth, but that it's really over works. it's a little general dynamics of interest to you and but it, this is very slow. i mean, if you were on like world war 2, we shifted all of our production capabilities toward time production and, and, and rations as it is across slides. but uh, we're not there and i know the american people will support it. so hopefully your p and people will also start saying, you know enough of this where we're being threatened and for what we have for it. as for the leadership of, of, of the west, equate of, put in with,
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with i get there and, and that's, let's treat that occurred back in 39. is just ridiculous. and this is our justification to try to keep on and on and on with this effort to get the, to get to the west. so involved in the war with, with russia. i mean, they, they are out of their minds absolutely, on their minds and is, and, and, and i might add that the technologies and the equipment that, that were being used that are being used by the credits and demonstrating the limitations of western advanced technologies and, and armaments and us has been a rude awakening. i say to the west as well. oh, when it comes to those weapons, there have been claims that they've been weapons failures, including the high mas walked it launches, which will lie on the g. p. s. and brochure has been successfully interfering with the gps. um, what do you make of those, those claims?
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well, it is the re, russia has lowered to, uh, from uh, trial in error on the battlefield. uh, to, to uh, to jam those, uh, gps systems and, and as, and as a consequence, they've learned a lot from, uh, just from battlefield experiences. so they, they, uh, they, they have adapted to uh, to the, to the least developments. the problem is for the ukrainians that they trying to use western systems, but not western tactics. west of plastics dictate that when you use these types of advanced systems, you have the ability to have air power, a dominant air power that will take out any command control and, and up and forward lines, and the ukrainians don't have that. as a consequence,
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the rush is able to bring in their jammers, bring them into closer proximity, and that has the, the, the effect of, of jeremy. uh the, the ordinance that's, that's that in their way. yeah. to, and less than that effect. so because russia has successfully learned house a just based abs signals, does that protects them from any of these um, potential attacks. it it, it, it, it will show it to the extent it will let deflect a lot of the order and they'll go off the, they'll go wayward, but no they'll, they'll still explode someplace. so if you have something else in the area, it will have some effect. but they, this thing is, is that the air power and the ability to keep these things at a distance and, and also to take, take them out from the, from, from the air. and, and, and thereby minimize their effectiveness,
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but the crane is don't have that. and i think that's what they're rushing to rushing to get into the, into the battle space is to get this uh, get, get air power. but again, i think uh they, they're gonna, they're going to be targeted, the airfields we target, the air feels where they're gonna be, it will be, it will minimize their ability to, to take off unless they take off from european countries. if that's going to happen, then that really is an esl authority development. and i would not like to see that there want me to report suggesting that the us a bronze tanks on that isn't a suspicion view franklin states as well. well, just upset about the washington defense machine to or well, it's changed text or in that in that environment are very questionable. the they get bogged down. they are high tech, they have a long logistical tray. and they have proven to be an effective in their targeted
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again, if you had airpower they to, to protect them. that's generally what happens then you move in your case and you move in your trips. but that's not what's happening today in the, in this battle space. ukraine is do not have their scary already. and that's why they're getting decimated. plus, russia has not been able to successfully set up the track tracks. they've been able to, uh, uh, layoff entire mine fields. and this takes time and the, and to clear plus to have the drones drone technology has really captured the, the, the imagination of the, the war fighters here. and they're relatively inexpensive. and with the united states that has an over reliance on very expensive uh, high tech,
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and it tends to be very fragile. and, and as a result of it it's, it's meant to be used in the very limited capabilities. and this assumes that you have other elements that come into play as part of a ran symphony of of, of, of warfare if you will. but again, without that one critical element of air power of the ukrainians have been severely crippled and has been to the advantage of rush as a, as a result. thank you so much for speaking to us today is always glad to get your thoughts. have been talking to mike, i'm a lisa for the pentagon, said he, a security policy analysts. thank you. thank you. working together to a cold hot spots around the world and achieve long term pace on stability. that's not a presence in changing paint cause outlines the goals of a china arab stays, cooperation for him, which has kicked off the are things that we're learning the chinese need that's proposed to strengthen corporation and key areas such as oil and gas, trade,
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and infrastructure. they also have plans to boost scientific and technological advances, bilateral tourism health care, and the call us all. so on the agenda, a more either president, she emphasized his commitments to achieve pace. in garza, the 24 should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absent forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will, china, somebody suppose, the establishment of an independent state of palestine, which enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital. china is supposed kind of stands full membership in the united nations and supports the competing of a more broad base. those sorts defined, effective international peace conference, you know, stage or divided into part 1st part. definitely focusing on the china. them air states war peroration and the portion you briefly have mentioned is focusing on actually 5 aspects including innovation, financial investment added to corporation,
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trade and people to people exchanges. well, this was a low, the key message from the chinese presidents leading p. c. no sweets on thursday morning at the opening ceremony up to 10 minutes syria conference off the china app states for operation for president. she also sent as strong message on the situation in gaza. is the 2nd part of the problem. he's the speed he's set that quote or should not continue indefinitely. justice should not be absent for ever. and so they've been to the 2 state solution should not be they were at 0. he said at charter supports the colors assigned to membership and they un shawna will offer another $500000000.00 goods about $68000000.00 us dollars. we. this is in addition to the 100 milligrams, 2 minutes here in the system for the reconstruction and humanitarian. really some of the major outcome a quoting, the 3 documents were adopted at the ministerial level meeting is the 1st of ours. the page example of ration and now we also have the forms action plan for 2024 to
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216. and the joint statement between china i received on the palestinian issue egyptian precedent. now, since you set the app, caesar most committed to building up just international order and point out that terribly deeply a free age minus persistence on pellet cnn issue. and also tardies president. and he and i was trying to will be hosting the 2 on the m c summit and 2020 suite 2026 . meaning another milestone on china and the error saves relation. the u. s. has pressed europe to take a hostile, it's on china slicing paging. suppose at the age to most go for the ukraine conflicts. washington has options for the chinese president. suppose you are appealing to in 5 years, the routes up earlier this month. that's close now to us to contribute to rachel mazda, and joining us from paris, a rachel, get to see you, and tell us more about washington's remarks and the impacts on erupt trying to time . well, europe is still struggling here after being
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a gone by the last to load up on sanctions against russia. effectively cutting itself off from a major market right next door and cleaning its own cheap energy supplier is still stumbling around right now, trying to get back on its feet again. and so here comes uncle sam going you're up to get into a flight. going with china over ukraine. nato members met up here in brussels yesterday, and the us deputy secretary of state per campbell, came out of the meeting, seeming really psyched about the reaction of some european countries to this brilliant new idea that washington is now trying to peddle. i think with a hoss and by yesterday, in the discussions at the north atlantic council, the main political decision making body with a nice i was how many european countries spoke up clearly would they do that? it would be impossible to maintain a normal relationship with china if at the same time the chinese was surreptitiously
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a bad thing. the most destabilizing war in europe since the 2nd world war. yeah, no doubt european citizens are really heartened, as he says about even more deregulation of their economy than the u. s. is already provoked by convincing to bring leaders in brussels to switch out cheap, fresh and gas for far pricier american gas. so now the logic is the, even though china is the largest trading partner, that entire relationship should really just be seen through the prism of the conflict. a new frame, like pretty much everything else. these days. queen are still in fonder like you commission president, and there's already been parenting us treasury secretary john young and using the same lingo, referring to china quote, over supplying global markets with the electric cars. by the way, back in the good old days of the western world that used to be called free market capitalism. it's not like anyone accused mcdonalds of over simplifying cheap burgers or anything like that. but now that they're being beaten at their own game,
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they want to tell the playing field, hence the taxes that the u as been gearing up to swap on chinese electric vehicles . and china is all like, hey, we're talking about green vehicles here. didn't you guys say that you supported free enterprise and we're also really worried about climate change. these measures will only home the interest of their own consumers in effect, the global green transformation and efforts to tackle climate change. it's shirley, it's just a total points. events that washington has already quadruple. that's care of on the same chinese green cards from 25 percent to 100 percent. and just to give you an idea of how dumb all of this is china's largest ex border is tesla. the american car company founded by you on mosque tassels americans, shareholders are probably really thrilled about having their revenues cut by the, by the administration because it thinks their chinese european companies from
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manufacturers to alcohol producers are reportedly worried about the unintended consequences of any movie that you might make under pressure from the us, not knowing exactly how trying it might react, visa be their own products, valid considering their track record of failing to for see the impact of their actions around ukraine to date on their own economy. all while arguing that they were bringing russia to its knees when actually russians doing better growth wise than europe is right now. and politically. recent remarks by french president emanuel coal during she's in brings visit here to paris and to other countries in europe earlier this month. the 1st such trip in several years suggests an interest in constructive engagement. we respect the engine ties between china and russia, as well as the efforts made over decades to stabilize these relations. the future of our continent will very clearly depend on our ability to continue to develop
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relations with china in a balance manner. the queen ursula was also there at the same meeting with she's in peeing and not cool lecturing. china, about, quote, fair play and quote, making full use of our trade defense instruments if necessary. but you know, whatever, who elected her anyway, right? when she was over in china and she had to go eat at the local gym some instead of the state banquet. so that pretty much says all you really need to know about how trying to think of her. china is also just extended visa, free travel for 11 western european countries until the end of 2025, to quote facility exchanges. an opening up to the outside world that's referring to the chinese for our ministry. so you experts on china, watchers here seem to think that things can still be worked out. i don't think anyone in brussels wants a full blown trade war or technology war, but there's
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a growing ignition that something needs to change in the trade and technology relationships between european union and china. so just about the last thing that europe needs right now is uncle sam calling the shots and sticking his nose in here of business with yet another trade part in this time, china, europe is still reeling from the last time that happened. but uncle sam is a tough guy to wrestle the keys away from when he insist on driving the found car. right, so many things are bringing his up to speed on that thought salty, contributing rachel, most of the, the is really land all forward. he has ordered on the wall to evacuate an east jerusalem building, full violation a lease agreement. that's just want the office being located in east jerusalem, which according to the un resolution, is considered palestinian territory. it was required to immediately stop any of the go use destroyed iris and you have built in violation of the law. the k,
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the land of any people writes him, send returning to the la within 30 days from the day to visit. let's, if you do not comply the labors of the ride to act against you with own legal means, and you will need to buy the entailing costs. and now the warning won't descend as well as housing minister requests to deal with the to expel on the wall from all is really controlled lines. similarly, the is rarely parliament passed a preliminary load designating the release agency as a terrorist organization has as a ro is when, as well accuse on the employees of participating in the october 7th from us attack . the government has yet to provide still lead evidence. sports claims a co safe is radia and pay on to dash policy member. so he said the organization should not be sanctioned over the conduct of some of its workers. when the 1st the age say of the united nation,
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solid idea indicates that the 3 weeks ago and not one, not on the one, the one the time it easily and has been supplied any evidence that a beside the 12 where kids walk into waiting 12 to get the master code for october 7th, a even supply any or didn't believe it or any evidence that there was a more. it's very important to mention that they it more than one other by the organization within the organization, the thousands and thousands of work out out of fully who is away as pool with a, a apartment d, the 12 to k, a pilot in the se, claiming the massacre and they indeed must be punished. that's to say that their organization because of 12 green me not is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot and this is the light. and this is another product. these are the
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government's attempts to what i didn't felt was breaking the meal. instead of looking at the reflection of the re then and then in the amending the malicious behavior piece be then. so this is part of breaking the meal using this method for hey, is where the army has said fine. so a large vegetable lock is in the west bank, dear and good. another rate on the city of ramallah emergency workers extinguished the blaze which engulfed more than $100.00 stools. the fire was caused by gas bones throat and find the idea, according to them all as mass local media reported clashes between is really focuses on palestinians in the city with soldiers firing lines, so that the number of casualties has not yet been to the livelihood says palestinian farmers in the west bank have been dealt a massive blow, lost the waging fires, devastations that crops in the northern jordan valley. however, as the area is regularly useful,
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is really military throws. questions all being raised as to whether this was a not full disaster on face marina. maria for notion of picks up the story might of the palestinian farmer steps carefully through the ashes as he inspects his field. last week's fire 8 around 170000 square meters of his communities, land destroying vital crops. all clear vision, all of which do you see how it is all done. we planted annually harvested and use it for making bread and feeding our sheep and livestock, vc, it was old, burned in the field, so no one will benefit from it's vince, i agree. cultural season was last the cost of seats pesticides, and being ty, season was lost. mazda did recalls how the fire started, and such dry weather, with temperatures reaching full to degrees celsius, with grosse easily ignites the strong winds. typical of this region quickly find the flames, causing the fire to spread rapidly. mosley believes the fire was parked by his
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riley military drills conducted as a nearby army base in the southern feature. it was sold just trading in this area and that was shooting small crows immediately. and 5 started spread into the agricultural lands and pastures the fine also reached the military camp near the area. and these run you fly brigades and civil defense forces and planes immediately arrived to prevent the fire from reaching the mystery camps and jewish settlements that these are all a side one defies, break out. allows defies. to expand on the protecting the settlements and military facilities. a novelty is the palestinians farmer living in the occupied west bank, where these really presence is marked by hundreds of jewish settlements and military bases. he believes these fire is on ultimate accidents, but the boss of israel is long term strategy. in most of these really use this nature zones to control these lance and empty them. the philistines,
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all means of pressure and intimidation were used against us and the, then a mid results and military training, especially as the and spawn materials are held during the dry season. of crops every year they've done this every year, purposely they don't do exercises. oh yeah. but they focused on the p which one the crops, dried palestinian officials from the to boss government rates responsible for these area code the sentiments of local farmers. let me have some of these really occupation did not allow police team and firefighters and trucks to reach the sites to distinguish these fighters, i said, frankly, there is no solution because these fire started by the will condition in the jordan valley are part of the program prepared to displace boasting of families from here, but devastating fire is just one of the dangers posed by the proximity of a military base. common drills leave behind a significant amount of waste contaminating the area. and unexploded devices that
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are like taking bombs for the locals. just at least mine lives on agricultural land, on the land we cultivate. this has been to us for the people with him. when we, where i can get him and this down for solve it on the, on the previously solid. and so show us where detectives gps coordinates were taken and they were photographed and documented the agent that listed in the family here that hasn't had data or wounded due to these trainings side to the highway is one of the many is really military base is scattered across the west bank, this particular one resides in the middle of an area, housing around $350.00 pounds, being in families for many of them, the daily reality of living near an army, outpost whose fault with numerous friends, the best way they've been living for decades they have no other place to go home or run to forced to do or live in the shadow of this unsettling neighbour roof an ocean are all to reporting from northern jordan valley. any thanks for your company is always appreciated, is documents right?


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