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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the, the the russian forces continue to advance on the battlefields and you prayed us as nato foreign ministers of such amazing problem and growing close to allow us to swipe deep into russian territory. or should not continue indefinitely, just as should not be absent forever. and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will. paging is looking to cooperate with the arab nations to resolve hot sport issues, achieving long term pace on stability. pass the message from the chinese president stadium, paint that they pivots towards the middle east and an eviction older from the is
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reading governments like spells. the un release agency from all is really controlled lines and rehab. she's not causation. that's algebra. want employees participate in the service? $710.00, not the time. is there any i'm paid off. i can save pounds on either government functions or something to say the organization because of the 12 degree me nods. is cute. such a thing. this is a shot and the 2 belie the very well welcome to you at 6 pm here in moscow, and this is on the international, but the latest world news update, as always, is great to have you with us. on top story this, our russian phone stays on, gaining momentum in ukraine and rocky mountain bands will failed in the fall and says, the defense ministry has released a video of troops carrying out strikes against k of forces at the out the front line.
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the for the russian troops, hiring us a so called fire sweep strength on one of the cranium strategic locations. i used a grad multiple rocket launch were against the key of troops and equipments that accumulates nearby. after you have caught using a sweeping technique, they are telling me men suppose to be offensive actions of the infantry assault for meanwhile, nay, times 12 diplomats gathering in prague for to day me think that begins thursday to discuss another aid package to ukraine in advance of the july nato summit, we gathering takes place and many kids appeals to use western weapon wait to talk it russian territories with some of its allies have already green lighted a lender on several countries, including germany have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory,
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but can of course also be extended to the aggressive national territory fusion. or the debate surrounding caves, possible use of western ons to strike motions. territories is not dying down and so far, 11 countries have given ukraine the go ahead to use that weapons for such attacks among the sort of camps most vocal support has poland from canada and the u. k. russia has warned against the search publications. well, let's take a closer look now what they also know, ukraine has access to interest how far those weapons can strike inside of russian. now, 3 types of those wisdom supplies that neither students can hit targets less than 100 kilometers inside rush to potentially reach mr. chase and don't yet scanned bell garage. the next course includes walk kicks, phones, and you waves from the u. s. the u. k. on poor she called and they can reach up to 300 kilometers safe inside russian territory. but the long range storm shadow cruise missiles post the biggest rise, as you can see base,
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it can strike up to 550 kilometers deep within russia. the u. k. in front supplies the basement stalls and have supported potential attacks on russia. ukraine also wants to replenish its west and also with the new k, a capable f. 16 find to jets rushes farm and us to have course in the games the tracking the conflicts in that direction. these of 16 across the will be destroyed, as well as other types of weapons supplied by nato countries to ukraine. at the same time, it should be borne in mind that f, 16 fighters have long been the main means of delivery within the framework. the cycle joint and h, i'm nuclear missions. therefore we cannot but consider the supply of the systems to decaf regime as a deliberate signal action by nato in the nucleus. we're trying to make it clear to us the united states and nato are ready for literally anything in ukraine area. we discussed the weapons issue with my from a loose, i fall, a pencil going cd,
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a security policy on the list. he's told us that they belong to arrangement sounds like given the go ahead. they could re bound on the west, as most guy would interpret the move as an escalation. i think there will be some opposition from particularly hungry and other kind a few other countries and then is certainly hopefully some reluctance on the part of the united states. because if, if it was longer range missiles are, are green light and it's going to, it was kind of pause, a very dramatic problem for uh, for around the united states or for the, for the western countries. because most scale can interpret that as a, as a, as an escalation on, on the, on monday, those parts and consider them to be directly involved in the war. and then the, that just raises the answer. i think that's why you're going to be seeing moscow. and i'm beginning to accelerate their, their own or offensive. i would say in a may in a june in the june july timeframe. you're going to see uh this pick up dramatically
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. and, and i, and i think you're also going to be seeing the greater a true concept of russian truth consultations occurring not only in the north but throughout the entire front. the united states. because it has an over reliance on very expensive the high tech. and it tends to be very fragile and, and as a result of it it's, it's meant to be used in the very limited capabilities. and this assumes that you have other elements that come into play as part of a grand symphony of, of, of warfare. if you will, but without that one critical element of air power of the ukrainians have been severely crippled. that has been to the advantage of russia working together. it's a cold hot spots around the world and to achieve long term peace and stability as
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how prizes and shooting pink is outlines. the goals of a china arab states cooperation for him, which has kicked off at the opening ceremony. the chinese leader for me to strengthen co operation in key areas such as oil and gas, trade and infrastructure. we also have plans to boost scientific and technological exchanges. bi lateral tourism healthcare and the coma. so also on the agenda, more of a president, she emphasizes commitments to achieve pace in johnson. trinity for should not continue indefinitely. it just it should not be absent forever and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be way, but i will try it out. somebody supports the establishment of an independent state of palestine, which enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital. china is supposed kind of stands full membership in the united nations and supports the competing of a more broad base. those sorts defined, effective international peace conference,
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you know, speech or divided and 2 par 1st part. definitely focusing on the china, them air. they walk ration and of course briefly you have mentioned it's focusing on actually 5 aspects including innovation, financial investment added to corporation, trade and people to people exchanges. well, this was a low, the key message from the chinese presidents leaving p. c. no sweets on thursday morning at the opening ceremony up to 10 minutes syria conference off the china app states corporation for president. she also sent as strong message on the situation in gaza. is the 2nd part of the problem he's to speak to. if you set that quote or should not continue indefinitely, justice should not be absent for ever. and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be neighbor at real. he's students on or supports colors, post time membership, and they un shawna will offer not the $500.00 milligrams about $68000000.00 us dollars. we. this is in addition to the 100 milligrams,
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2 minutes here in the system for the reconstruction and humanitarian. really some of the major outcomes he's wanting, the 3 documents were adopted at the administer. serial level meeting is the 1st of ours, the page, and that's what ration know. we also have the forms action plan for 2024 to 216. find a joint statement between china i received on the policy me an issue, a junction precedent. now since you set the f, caesar most committed to reading just international order and point out that terribly deeply appreciate shyness, persistent on pellet cnn issue, and also tardies president community. and i was trying to, we'll be hosting the 2 on the m. c. summit in 20202026. meaning another milestone on china and the error saves relation. well, that's not a problem. so you, honey solomon, direct that all the arabs send to the research and studies many thanks for joining us on the program today. so fast up, what do you think china is turning to be our well to help resolve the so called hot
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spot issues? yes, the whole thing because there's so many things this timing i think is very important, which is the sort of the i'm so far from many fires burning devices like water, no running on a crisis and does that. so as it insisting a really hard thing to this, somebody in this time, i think it's a message to the wisconsin as united states of america on the old band concert is that we are open to the other fact sort of the 50 festive lights shining on the us on the other printers, so i think it's very important to make a pool position between countries. and so, you know, especially uh we, we, we knows that it's when you won a client that is from out of front that as long as you sign the corporations statements with the china. and then the main floor of the initiate the over the
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road. and they think it's very important to for the need about so many political and economic files that we described to the so i think is there a mirror that where many messages in a 1000000000 skate on the fence 1st is that the we have a more moving and shifting the problem, such a new situation about that. but it's 10 young folks, the site shifting you from the 2 states and you sent to the for the support of the part of the for the membership over the spring and native nations and supporting of seizing fire and the for the for i think i'd be a score for yeah, yeah. fit to be as confidence to visit are many message the mini uh man points where we're agreed. so i'm, she's in vain. i'm sorry to interrupt you. i wanted to ask you about that because president, she once again confirmed that basic suppose the taste
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a solution to resolve be as were on palestine issue and he has pledged funding for gong. so i do see that china is political and economic funding might be a game changer for palestine. yeah, uh, we know is that so you know, depends on the economy. in fact, the installations was unconscious about is and the dish in between. uh so with yeah, it'd be on the, on the now making goes based quarter of being getting a dish that's where you put into the stain on the does the order. i think it's a new order for showing a nice one to david. this is the difference, this boy in a message or if she's in the bank goes to buy, which is just this shows must be absence. and that we have to make a new vision and the not the, the american vision to withdrawal. so situation, i think it's very important and that it's a safe thing from the uh, these things shifting gift from emphasizing to show you enough rooms the equipment
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with way to another political reward. and then they just the videos. i think it's wouldn't be more restrictive, especially they took about, was it many of one of my uh oh, but ations about the documents with adoptions and research and development problems that are more than an energy and a minivan. so we thought about would say pulling on me and we need to kind of ways that some factors i think the china can do many fits it and to see the steps in this. but this one is present it, and it's also a now, so another china arrow cooperation. so it will take place in 2026. so you know, china is already looking ahead to some, some long term relations with our country. is that what it, what of shoes do you expect to see on the agenda during the coming years? the same uh, tried to civilians this, uh, uh, full size of,
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from the on the run your water and all this. but it was, instead of using the enhancement its the road ends. uh it is underneath it is done that was on a pump. it is, i think uh, it says things are off and put a battery for us to we need. uh, 6 uh somebody. i think it will be changing about motors bips uh, ends uh, initiate the of, uh the and the more uh, full position in the quote americans and the motor balance its for very sensitive. but in the sense it was a carpet is and a dry as the motor i as of to get the right dogs that i mean he can uh, put the order of the orders or putting me on this uh and making a decision. instead of going to make and that what it's going to weighs a st showing that ends and it goes to fi, a, vs, it was russia. and the other, the national effectors wouldn't be a replacement of the american rule. and so it isn't ins is coming
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to you for a speaking sir. thank you so much for your time, honey solomon, director of the arab sense of your search and study, speaking to his lie from kara, thank you. thank you. he is ready. landel authority has voted on the want to is that 2 ways in east jerusalem building from violating a lease agreement to the lost his spot, the office being located in a tower 3, which are you on the resolution has designated as palestinian it was required to immediately stop any of the go use, destroy iris, and you have built in violation of the law, the k, the land of any people rights him send, return it to the le within said 2 days from the date of this letter. if you do not comply the labors as the ride to act against you with own legal means, and you will need to buy the entailing costs and now the warning won't be send. it is wells housing minister request to be able to to expel on the loss of the oil is wally controlled lines. similar lady is rarely parliament passed
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a preliminary look designating the release agency as a terrorist organization. tensions of rows when is well accused underwashed, employees of participating in the october 7th, a mass attack. a government has yet to provide solid evidence for its claims. or if i can see if it's ready and pay on had as policy members say that the organization should not be sanctions over the conduct of some of its workers. when the 1st a say of the united nations solid idea indicates that the 3 weeks ago and not one, not on the one, the one the time it easily and hasn't supplied any evidence that the a, beside the 12, when kids walk into where involved to get the master code for october 7th, it didn't supply any or didn't believe it or any evidence that there was a more. it's very important to mention that they am more than one other by
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a organization within the organization. the thousands and thousands of work out out of fully who is away as pool was a apartment 8 the 12 to create a pilot in the se, claiming the massacre. and they indeed must be punished. that's to say that their organization because of 12 green me not, is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot and this is a lie. and this is another product. these are the government's attempts to what i referred to as breaking the meal. instead of looking at the reflection of revealing, and then in the amending the malicious behavior piece be then, so this is part of breaking the needle using this method for the persecution of an owner. that why is it for just another lea, a, a one pilot of a, an on going in a much why do best accuse jane of any voice that it is against the
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assault on guys up against the crimes that the government the is the bill sues and against the a delay. indeed. exposure of those guys, this is another layer, each of the people, the ice bear is you know, they, the government needs the wage, the war against any need a position to each policy, especially the dsl on the guys out. but also is on the ethnic cleansing, that goes on in the west bank and huge. it was a limb. and the poor sister properties they shouldn't be able to stay to for you, right? anyone with guys to weighs in a fill up your voice, or to expose. busy describes easy media people secure, they have an under a dock, whether it is the international level premium, the let it go to the international or go to just this or the need, the or a or police, the new organizations like one of the a o e o is nbc does this,
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or even members of the phone? i mean, i think it's right, the only house at 5 to a launch vegetable loc. as in the west bank, doing another rate on the city of ramallah emergency workers extra extinguish the blaze which engulfed the move and a 100 stools. the fine was close by gas bones throwing by the id. yes. does the quoting super mall as mass local media reported clashes between his weighty forces on palestinians in the city with soldiers firing life bullets. the number of casualties has not been confirmed. the livelihoods with palestinian farms in the west bank of being delta and massive blow off the raging fires devastation. dec folks in the northern jordan valley. however, as the area is regularly used, is wally military drills. questions often raised as to whether this was a natural disaster or change. maria's the notion of picks up the story, smiles the palestinian farmer steps carefully so the ashes as he inspects his field
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. last week's fire, 8th, around 170000 square meters of his communities, land destroying vital crops. all of these, all of which do you see how it is all bent, were planted annually harvested and use it for making bread and see no shipping lot store the vc, it was old, burned in the field, so no one will benefit from it. valentine agriculture, the season was lost, the cost of seats pesticides, and the entire season was lost. mazda did we, coals how the fire started, and such dry weather, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees celsius, with the gross easily denied. the strong winds typical of this region quickly find the flames, causing the fire to spread rapidly. i'm awfully believes the fire was parked by israeli military trail was conducted as a nearby army base. i don't know if it was sold just trading in this area and there
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was shooting a small crows immediately and 5 started spread into the agricultural lands and pastures. if i also reach the military academy of the area and these were on the 5 brigades and civil defense courses, and planes immediately arrived to prevent the fire from reaching the mystery camps and jewish settlements that these are all a side one defies, break out allows besides to expend on the protection of the settlements and military facilities and the model, the model to use the palestinians. pharma leave it in the occupied westbank where these really presence is marked by hundreds of jewish settlements and military bases. he believes these fires and ultimate accidents that's positive, as well as long term strategy. elana. somebody's really use this nature zones to control the slants, an empty them a philistines, all means of pressure and intimidation were used against us. and then a mid results and manager training, especially since by materials held during the dry season of crops every year they
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build this every year, purposely they don't do exercises. oh yeah. but they focused on the p, which one the crops, dried down who you want me to get ready to tell a cd and officials from the to boss government rates responsible for these area code the sentiments of local farmers. let me have some of these really occupation did not allow police team and firefighters and trucks to reach the sites. to distinguish these fires, i see frankly, there is no solution because these fire started by do a condition in the jordan valley? are part of the program prepared to displace posting in families frontier but devastating fire is just one of the dangers posed by the proximity of the military base homage rails leave behind a significant amount of waste contaminating the area. and unexploded devices that are like taking bombs for their locals, just at least mine lifecycle, negative cultural land on the land we cultivate. this has been to us for the love people with him. when the way i can get him and this down for solve it on the,
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on the previously solid and so shelves were detected gps coordinates. what taken and they were photographed and documented the agent that police didn't have family here. that hasn't had data or wounded due to these trainings side. the highway is one of the many is really military base is scattered across the west bank. this particular one resides in the middle of an area, housing around 350 pounds, being in families. so many of them, the daily reality of living near an army, outpost whose fault with numerous friends the best way they've been living for decades. they have no other place to go home or run to forced to do or live in the shadow of this unsettling neighbor roofing ocean are all t reporting from northern jordan valley. european countries on persistent and working to talents of dependence on russian energy, germany and the czech republic in particular have been pushing to phase outs. any washing down supplies still coming into year of the planning to high paying
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a high price for the trouble shutting out. moves the heat that homes and now facing an energy trap as they become dependent on us liquefied natural gas. as, as the american president is now pausing to new l. n g, expose the european countries. today's marina cause the river has more too many things sound good in theory, but in practice they end up bad the west sanctions. for example, don't worry, said washington, when you are decided to cut off its gas from russia, we've got you covered. we want as europeans to diversify away from russia, towards suppliers that we trust that our friends and that's off reliable. and therefore, the us commitment to provide the european union with additional at least 15000000000 cubic meters of energy. this here is a big step in this direction that are present. i know i know that i'm
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a russian gas will have cost for you or, but it's not only the right thing to do from a moral standpoint. is going to put us on a much stronger strategic footage because i've been ukraine was a prime excuse for the us to jump in and replace russia and to push their liquefied natural gas instead, increasing export capacity from the free pulled energy project is critical to spread and freedom, a gas throughout the world by giving america's allies at diverse and affordable source of clean energy with the us. and another year of regular setting, natural gas production i placed at the department of energy is doing what it can to promote and efficient regulate 3 system that allows for molecules of u. s. freedom to be exported to the weld. nobody wants to delancy before and so on in your states racking, which is one of the ways to get l n g is bad. but when push came to shove, they coward and even started building the necessary infrastructure,
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billions and billions of dollars later the us now microsoft half of the blocks, allen g supplies and many are now it costs and you're about it's excessive reliance on the you was not russia have an experience div dodgers of risk and security of energy supply by dependency much on one source, europe must learn from its past mistakes to avoid becoming over lines on the west. the debate assumes further important because it concerns the energy security of european nations, which now seem to be dependent on events and developments thousands of miles away. for consumers that could mean another surgeon, the energy costs. as most of europe, l n, g supply is priced through the spot market and contrast to asian buyers who use long term contracts welfare notes as well since and then sobs down new projects sent in everyone into panic mode. the wide highs ships the pause button on approving new
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natural gas exports, fire ministration, announcing changes to natural gas exports. essentially freezing them in the near term by industry has planned to pause, elegy export approvals, and that is now putting the energy sector in the spotlight. this morning, the southern live, remember the about the environmental issue as well. it's the election season so the fries will make the greens happy for sure. what about everyone else? i guess, joe, why didn't didn't think about that because 16 states filed a lawsuit against the move, calling the reckless and more law suits a boatload. since, by the sooner the natural decree, disregard step to tour and mandates slots, the legal process up into the oil and gas industry disrupted texas economy and supports our constitutional structure. the band will drive billing some dollars and investment away from texas hinder our ability to maximize revenue for public schools, forced texas producer supplier access natural gas instead of taking it to market. and i would critical jobs. that's cool. this what it is,
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the binding administration's decision is pure politics. we all know what this really is and election yes store designed to go on to votes, while americans are once again confused by their presence actions, you're a p. and so i wondered what is going on and how all of this will affect their energy security. ensuring the world's leading democracies have access to stable and secure supplies of energy, use a g, political and economic comparative well clean and natural gas provides the environmental opportunity to continue progress on the emissions reductions. so these reasons, we strongly urge the us government to avoid further delay in review of al mdx, both license applications to known f t a countries to do otherwise would send a troubling signal, try lice investors and the energy markets they could reverberate for many years to come thank you, our center just secretary jumped in to reassure them, claiming that this will not impact current allergy supplies, but it does highlight a much bigger issue oldest construction. an emphasis on the lindsey may be
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pointless and counter productive because the latest forecast is a 36 percent utilization rate of u ups, l n g terminals by 2030. and that includes those currently being planned and built . this is the world's most expensive and unnecessary insurance policy. europe must carefully balanced his gas and allergy systems and avoid shipping the scale from reliability to redundancy, boston europe, sal and g infrastructure will not necessarily increase to reliability. there was a tangible risk. assets could become stranded, we're seeing that europeans liked to shoot themselves in the for as long as they don't turn to rush up. but here's the irony, all that all russia is still part of the game. you countries continue to import and transfer russian l n. g at record levels. in 2023 european countries purchased
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around $10000000000.00 in l. n g from russia equal to 15 percent of the country's military bunch. busy so where does this leave us was a concern, go here, a post on that and g became its told by lindsay supplier and convince them to build a multi $1000000000.00 infrastructure, which was on even be necessary in the long run. meanwhile, they are shutting down any new projects and russia is still doing business with the europeans. well, at least with russia, one thing was certain shape on unlimited gas, always but see what the on the financial commentary. so jim rogers, he believes biden's re election phase a driving the l. n. g export pools says or election come in november the united states. and many, you're not as dates. politicians are only worried about the election. they faced with this. they can get more volumes in america, it will help them when the election. that's all they care about.


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