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tv   News  RT  May 30, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the russian forces continue to advance on the possible field in the ukraine conflict. nato foreign ministers gather in prague to the scale screwing calls to a log key up to stripe d for into russia all to a head on the program or should not continue indefinitely. just it should not be absolute forever and commitments. the 2 state solution should not be wave, it will be. jane wants to cooperate further with the art of nations through adult ha, spelt issues. that's the message from the chinese president of the nation, pivots towards the middle east and with the is really government preparing to expel
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the un relief agency from land that controls in the gals of war. a member of the is really parliament tells r t such a news on the accusations that employees participated in the october 7th terrorist attack arch to say the organization because of the 12 degree nods is guilty and such a thing. this is a shot would be through belie the it's thursday may the 30th 8 pm here in moscow. welcome to the global news roundup on our team international. now as the page rages in the west, whether or not to allow ukraine to cardiology to attacks on russian territory. most goes foreign ministry spokesman has slum the discussions. re is the heart of the also stated key. us backers have long been coordinating such strikes. he still does
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good. he doesn't instead of a shy. so a talking about allowing the key of reasoning to carry out these strikes. some western countries are saying that they will see whether or not to allow it some a saying that they are not allowing you to yes, it school rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it. they have been lucas, straightening all these strikes on the territory of the russian federation, by the hands of the key version. but for a long time, we need to tell us like, it is really to. meanwhile, rushers, defense ministry sites, it's forces are gaining momentum in ukraine and rocking of fossil fields. advances the m o. d house released footage of troops cutting out strikes on the of the front lines. the we can see here, russian fruits car and you know, it's a so called fire sweep strike on one of the premiums latrice strategic locations.
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a grad multiple, a rocket launcher was used against kids forces, and the equipment that had accumulated near to up dave kept using a sweeping techniques the are to remain supported. the offensive actions of the grind infantry when it comes of nato's topic diplomats have gathered in pride for a 2 day meeting. we'll discuss another a package to ukraine in advance of july's nato summit. the meet takes place i made, keeps appeals to use western weaponry to target russian territories, which some of its allies helping ready. green with a lender on several countries, including germany, have reached clear agreements with ukraine on the use of western weapons. such a defensive struggle is not limited to one's own national territory, but can of course, also be extended to the aggressive national territory fuel cells. well, that's breakfast dollar because so far,
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11 countries have given ukraine to go ahead to use their long range weapons for a tax on russian. so some of the most vocal supporters are, poland, france, canada, and the united kingdom multiple is warning against what they called provocations. well, let's take a look up the arsenal. ukraine has access to the distance. they can actually reach 3 types of western supplies. munitions could hit the cities of belgrade and done. yeah, it's got run this region here in the yellow. the next group will that includes rockets, palms, and you a these from the u. s. u k. and also portugal. now they can reach up to 300 kilometers inside russian territory, but it's the long range storm shadow cruise missiles which post the biggest threat they can strike this rather area here that's up to over, in fact,
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550 kilometers within russian. now the u. k. and from supply those missiles and have supported potential attacks on russia. ukraine also by the way, wants to replenish its western arms with a nuclear capable f. 16 fighter jet. we discussed the weapons debate with mike on the list. michael is a former security yellow list in the office of the us secretary defense. he's safe if a longer range missiles are given to go ahead, it could very well rebound on the west. and i think there will be some opposition from particularly hungry and other than a few other countries. and it is certainly, hopefully some reluctance on the part of the united states. because if, if it was longer range, missiles are, are green light and it's gonna, it's gonna posit, a very dramatic problem for uh, for on the united states or for the, for the western countries. because of my scale can interpret that as a, as a,
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as an escalation on, on the, on the made those parts and consider them to be directly involved in the war. and then the, that just raises the answer. i think that's why you're going to be seeing moscow and i'm beginning to accelerate their, their own or offensive. i would say in a may, in a june in the june july timeframe. you're going to see uh this pick up dramatically and, and i, and i think you're also going to be seeing the greater a truth concept of russian truth consultations occurring not only in the north, but throughout the entire front. the united states has, has an over reliance on very expensive the high tech, and it tends to be very fragile. and, and as a result of that, it's just meant to be used in the very limited capabilities. and this assumes that you have other elements that come into play as part of what ran symphony of of,
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of warfare if you will. but without that one critical element of air power and the ukrainians have been severely crippled. that has been to the advantage of russia, allows western nations keep pumping weapons into ukraine and negotiating to move defined race for using them. the turkish president has spoken on the piece, talks about he hosted in assemble in march 2022 ridge of type or the one planes they failed. it's due to ups that goes through the sub attached by the quotes for lobby committee. they look, but it's gone that is by the suddenly giving them an image or keys, always in close proximity to the fence of occupying the agenda of humanity with entered the 3rd year of the conflict between our black c neighbors, russia and ukraine. our efforts in the east simple process which came to brokerage just fees were unfortunately blocked and subsidized by the war law office. by the way, expiration of london, we are as a lend space presidential term. well,
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that's common when it's in may 20th, still no elections on the horizon. the russian foreign ministry spokesman has clarified moscow's view of the situation, calling mr. so let's get ringleader of the key. every gene you can read more about that. it's an r t dot com, the working together to cool hot spots around the world and achieve long term peace and stability outside president. she has outlined the goals of china. are the states cooperation for him, which has now kicked off at the opening ceremony in beijing. the chinese liter promise sprint and cooperation in areas such as energy, trade and infrastructure. scientific and technological exchanges were also highlighted while by law for real tourism health care. on the e commerce rounded on the agenda. moreover, she didn't ping emphasize his commitment to achieving peace in gaza
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trinity, or should not continue indefinitely, just it should not be absent forever. and commitment to the 2 state solution should not be wave. it will, china, somebody suppose, the establishment of an independent state of palestine, which enjoys full sovereignty on the basis of the 1967 borders and with east jerusalem as its capital. china is supposed kinda stands full membership in the united nations and supports the convening of a more broad base till thursday if end affect if international peace conference, you know, soon as you are divided into parts 1st parties definitely focusing on the trying to them. eric said, more peroration and the portion you briefly have mentioned is focusing on actually 5 aspects including innovation, financial investment added to corporation, trade and people to people exchanges. well, this was another key message from the chinese presidents leaving p. c. no sweets on thursday morning at the opening ceremony up to 10 minutes serial conference off the china app states for oppression, for a presidency also send
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a strong message on the situation. the doctor is the 2nd part of the problem. he's to speak to. if you set that quote or should not continue indefinitely, just this should not be absent for ever. and so they've been to the tuesdays solutions and not the labor at real estate and charter supports policy assigned to membership. and the us china will offer a not the $500000000.00 goods, about $68000000.00 us dollars we. this is in addition to the 100 milligrams, 2 minutes here in the system for the reconstruction and humanitarian. really some of the major outcomes be wanting. the 3 documents were adopted at the ministry. a level meeting is the 1st so far as the paging declaration that we also have the forms action plan for 2024 to $22.00 and $6.00. and a joint statement between china i received on a pallet send me an issue, egyptian press it. and now since you set the app, caesar most committed to reading just international order and pointing out that are really deeply appreciate trying his persistence on palestinian issue. and also
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chinese presidents and he and i was trying to will be posting the 2 on the m. c. summit in 20202026. meaning another milestone on china. and the error saves relation. well, earlier we spoke with somebody still a mom from the art of the center for research studies based in cairo, he sees the forum is a message to western countries that it is time to move beyond the american vision on the middle east conflict. the insisting the hard thing, cuz this summit is this same, i think it's a message to the wisconsin as united states of america. and the old band concert is that the we have a move that moving and shifting from such a new situation about that. but it's sitting in front of the site and shifting it from the 2 state solution to the for the sub part of the part of the, for the membership of but a stain and the native nations and supporting of seizing fire. i'm calling to for
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a think i'd be a score and friends. the message of she's insane goes about with the justice shows must be i've seen that we have to make a new vision and the not the new, the american vision to control the situation. i think it's very important and it's a shifting from the uh, the st just shifting of from emphasizing just shy enough rooms a corner with way to another political role. and then they just the videos. i think it's will be more effective. israel has ordered the united nations agency for palestine, refugees to evacuate an east jerusalem building for violating a lease agreement. that's despite the office being located in territory which a un resolution designated as of allison and it was required to
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immediately stop any legal use destroy arris and you have built in violation of the law, the k, the length of any people right tim, send returning to the la, within 30 days from the date of this letter. if you do not comply the labors as the ride to act against, you would only go means and you will need to buy the entailing costs. and now the warning won't be send of israel's housing minister requested the order to expel and right from all is really controlled. loved. similarly, the is really parliament passed the preliminary law designating the relief agency as a terrorist organization. pensions arose when israel accused on the employees of actively kidnapping people in the october 7 from us attack. the government has yet to provide solid evidence for its planes. is really n p a for a test, it's a, it's not the entire organization should not be sanctioned. over the legit conduct of some of its workers. a well 1st
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a say of the united nation solid idea indicated the 3 weeks ago and not one, not on the one, the one the time it easily and has been supplied to any evidence that the a, beside the 12 where kids walk into waiting 12 to get them to the master code for october 7th, a even supply any or didn't believe it or any evidence that there was a more. it's very important to mention that they it more than one other by the organization within the organization, the thousands and thousands of work out out of fully who is away as pool with a apartment, the 12 to k, a pilot in the se, claiming the massacre and they indeed must be punished. that's to say that their organization because of 12 green me not, is guilty in such a thing. this is a shot. this is
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a lie. and this is another product. these are the government's attempts to what i did felt was breaking the meal. instead of looking at the reflection of the re, then in the, in the amending the malicious behavior, all of these to be then. so this is part of breaking the meal using this method for the persecution of a lot of that, right? they were just another layer. yeah. one pallet of in, on going in a much why do best accuse jane of any voice that the is against the start? don't guys up against the crimes that the government, the is the bill, suicide, and against the a related beat exposure of those guys. this is another layer, each of the people, the, i've spent a these, you know, they, the government, we say the wage, the war against any. i need a position to each policy,
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especially the dsl on the guys out. but also is on the ethnic cleansing, that goes on in the west bank and huge. it was a limb in the process of properties they should receive the state to for you, right? anyone tries to weighs and then left the voice or to expose. busy those crimes, he's the media. people secure them in under a dock. whether it is the international level premium, the let it go to the international or go to of justice or the media or a or police. the new organizations like one of the a or e. oh, it is the abc physics, or even members of the find them in europe and countries are aiming at least to further slash their dependence on russian fuel imports, germany, the checkbook public wants to face out any russian gas supplies still coming into the u. but the block is paying a heavy price. now it's being forced to buy much more expensive liquefied natural
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gas from the us. on top of that, the white house recently pause the approval of new l n. g projects. i think green energy goals cost rather looks into the rama vacations. a nice thing. sounds good in theory, but in practice they end up bad the west sanctions, for example. don't worry, said washington, when europe decided to cut off its gas from russia. we've got you covered, we want as europeans to diversify away from russia, towards suppliers that we trust that our friends and that's off reliable. and therefore, the us commitment to provide the european union with additional at least 15000000000 cubic meters of island g. this here is a big step in this direction that are present. i know i know that i'm a russian gas will have cost for you or, but it's not only the right thing to do for moral standpoint. is going to put us on
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a much stronger strategic foot of the contract. and ukraine was a prime experience for the us to jump in and replace russia and to push their liquefied natural gas. instead, increasing the export capacity from the free pulled energy project is critical to spread and freedom gas throughout the world by giving america's allies at diverse and affordable source of clean energy with the us and another year reco setting natural gas production in place of the department of energy is doing what it can to promote and efficient regulate free system that allows for molecules of u. s. freedom to be exported to the weld. nobody wants to delancy before and so on in your states fratkin, which is one of the ways to get lindsey is bad. but when push came to shove, they coward, and even started building the necessary infrastructure, billions and billions of dollars later the us now microsoft half of the blogs, allen g supplies and many are now it costs and in europe about it's excessive
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reliance on the u. wes, no rush, have an experience div dodgers of risk and security advantage of supply by dependent too much on one source. europe must land from its spots mistakes to avoid becoming over lines on the us. the debate assumes further important because it concerns the energy security of european nations, which now seemed to be dependent on events and developments thousands of miles away . for consumers that could mean another search in energy cost. as most of europe, ellen g supply is priced through the spot market and contrast to asian buyers who use long term contracts. well, see your notes as well since and then shops down new projects, something everyone into panic mode. the white highs fits the pause button on approving new natural gas export vitamins ration announcing changes to natural gas exports. essentially freezing them in the near term by industry has planned to
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pause. ellen, g export approvals, and that is now putting the energy sector in the spotlight this morning. the southern live, remember the about the environmental issue as well as selection season, so the fries will make the green's happy. for sure. what about everyone else? i guess joe bought and didn't think about that because 16 states filed a lawsuit against the move, calling the reckless and more lawsuits a boatload. since biden's unilateral decree, disregard staff to tour and mandates slots, legal process up into the oil and gas industry and disrupted texas economy and supports our constitutional structure. the band will drive billing some dollars and investment away from texas hinder our ability to maximize revenue for public schools. force texas producers, supplier access, natural gas, instead of taking it to market and, and i would critical jobs. let's cool this, what it is, the bind and administration's decision is pure politics. we all know what this really is. an election, yes store design to go on to votes. while americans are once again confused by
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their presence actions, you're a p. and so i wondered what is going on and how all of this will affect their energy security and sharing the world's leading democracies have access to stable and secure supplies of energy, use a geo, political and economic imperative. well, clean and natural gas provides the environmental opportunity to continue progress on emissions reductions. so these reasons we strongly urge the us government to avoid further delay and review of l. n. g export license applications to non f t a countries to do otherwise would send a troubling signal, try lies, investors and the energy markets. they could reverberate for many years to come think about center, just secretary jonathan, to reassure them, claiming that this will not impact kearns allergy supplies, but it does highlight a much bigger issue. oldest construction. an emphasis on the lindsey may be pointless and counter productive because the latest forecast is the 36 percent
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utilization rates of europe's elegy terminals by 2030. and that includes those currently being planned and built. this is the world's most expensive and unnecessary insurance policy. europe must carefully balanced his gas and allergy systems and avoid tipping to scale from reliability to redundancy. boston europe, sal and g infrastructure will not necessarily increase reliability. there was a tangible risk. assets could become shunted. we're seeing that europeans liked to shoot themselves in the fort as long as they don't turn to russia. but here's the irony, all that all russia is still part of the game. e u countries continue to import and transfer russian l. n g at record levels. in 2023 european countries purchased around $10000000000.00 in l. n. g from russia equal to 15 percent of the country's military bunch. busy so where does this leave us?
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washington go here, a post on that and g became its told by lindsay supplier and convince them to build a multi $1000000000.00 infrastructure, which might, is, or even be necessary in the long run. meanwhile, they are shutting down any new projects and russia is still doing business with the europeans. well, at least with russia, one thing we'll search and see all the limited gas of joining us from hello bernard to discuss this further is economist publisher of the 1st shift act. well, business newsletter i can hummer you're most welcome to the program. so the stated e, you goal of winning off russian energy, it comes as the block has quietly been importing record high levels of l. n g, from russia. why is that happening to it's been happening because it is just what is possible. the energy detector is not that you can freely decide where you,
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where you get the energy from. we have a world markets and if the work at the shares off of energy are divided, then you have to, to get the energy, wherever you get free, spare energy, and russia has the energy, the of us don't have the energy. and this is why they have to continue buying energy from, from russia. and this will continue like this, even though they don't want to. it doesn't matter. they have to us president biden's recent decision to pause you. l n g export licenses. it appeared to catch the e. u, completely off guard. but is it too late for the block to turn back to russia? how, how bridges being burdened as well or politically? yes, they haven't burned some bridges, thoughts? of course, it is always possible to return back and this is the biggest nightmare for the us. i think the us data all this energy summer task to germany,
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especially by bureau to not only keep the dollar that europe has to pay in dollars and that they have some demand for dollars because the rest of the world is dumping the dollar. but also to be able to switch off europe and especially german, the, from the energy supply. and this is what they thought they could to tie. they're calling the east to the empire and sucked them out like never before. but of course, it is possible to, to change the sites again and get closer and work together peacefully under your raise and coming in. this is the nightmare of the us and there, the british and maybe some time, sometimes the french at least, but it will happen. and everybody already knows that this is what happened and this is why they are getting so um, so fearful. and they are trying to, to tear down all the bridges they are,
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but it's not possible in the long run. let me just pick up and something you said the beginning. there is the white house citing green energy goals over its decision to pull us new l n g projects. is that in your view then, is that a couldn't be me and side issue that explanation? and do you think that you as buying it to? well, nobody is really buying it, but they try to sell it to the public, to the public who has to pay heavily for this environmental catastrophic us affecting gas or l n g. but the, so they have to, to, to digest it somehow. you that's why they, they blame it to a bio even though it's, it's ridiculous. but um, the main purpose really strong, strategic economic and political purposes and, and this uh, this, well anyway, blow up everything that blows up. what buy it and dividing a government that did in the past few years on domestically as well? it appears because mr. biden's l n. g polls also infuriated 16 states within the us
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itself. they have filed a lawsuit against the president's decision, texas saves the wifi, is actually undermining the country's economy. the white house slips in a tight spot as well. yes. they look in the types of thoughts, but don't forget that a black rock and the military industrial complex was supporting by and in the last campaign. and they have an essential interest in pipeline interest in the us who could be cause of all the politics that has been done. and it appears to us from the a as a search bar b as ridiculous spot when you, when you look a little bit deeper into it, you find out that black rock makes a huge gate on this. where does this situation leave the, i suppose, the level of trust between the u. s. on the you who of course, called themselves allies against russia. well, hi,
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i guess this best never trust it is just hard. it cannot em political facts. and of course the, um, personally very highly, both into us networks, politicians in europe and germany, tried to do everything to keep these ties at tight as possible and to defeat everybody who would like to um, to lose. and these types a little bit more in favor of the, your b or the german people. but this is the, this is the permanent fight in politics that is going on. but essentially there are no friends that interest. and these interest of the us are clear. they want to keep up the dollar, they want to tie the europeans to the american of the system. and they want to suck them out like the colonies. and this is their interest. the europeans have the interest. they have different interest. and i suppose when we
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talk a lot about politics, the economy, sometimes we can forget that the energy crisis it's, it's the people, it's use citizens and countries like where you are germany, which are feeling this the most to bend who are suffering really as soon as everybody saw b s. s, the biggest um, the chemical company in europe at least is um, is shutting down product the most modern production in germany, selling these production facilities to outside and, and run the same process as outside from germany. so the industrialize in germany, and this is exactly what the support of patients with very tight networks to the, to the us was very interesting. as always, we thank you for your time, your thoughts, german economist on publisher. i can't hummer live on the program. you're very welcome. i'm not indeed takes us to the end of this use block,
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but our program. so you're just starting catch what's showing wherever you are today and moments here. the crime a for almost 3 centuries, it's been a stronghold of russian culture. 10 years ago of the events that divided dependents that is history into before and of the it became part of russia for good the rest of the forces this sort of the so we took 2 minutes to savannah phillips, the superficial. and it's a boy different just here it was more or less to but that will jeff has to do some with you.


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