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tv   News  RT  May 31, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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to 75 use virtual, do you have sense of all we going to let that stay the lasher with how the slew of us may miss selves of the crime in bridge on wednesday, most goes defense minutes to say is clear, this trying to justify it. last is on the past who failed to his west and bosses by targeting civilians guilty as charged donald trump last is also the new york cold operating victim. and it's so cold hush money to make again this the former president in us history to v . as in victor warning, the static images are head and is ready, swan called another refuge account, been gone, sixpence 11 will palestinian live. we look at how 10 of even those quick to dismiss,
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such into the project and the very will welcome to you. this is all to international with the very latest world news update is great to have you with us as always. our top story, a huge salvo of ukrainian missile is targeting the crime in which was intercepted by russian forces on wednesday. as according to the defense minister, he said, p as attempts to strikes a vinny of infrastructure. so it's west and sponsors. i only want to escalate the will further. but your least of all, i would like to report that just on wednesday, that was the most massive 10 rounds of tax on the crime. in bridge with a flight time of less than 2 minutes old of the missiles was shut down, deprived of the opportunity to seize the initiative on the battlefield. the key of raising him continues to demonstrate to his western responses, its ability to damage the russian federation by striking civilian infrastructure.
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the west is urgently pumping weapons into the crane, transmit thing, intelligence, training, ukrainian service events and recruiting must embrace. and this main, russia is continuing its special ministry operation and on its goals will certainly be achieved as a result of all actions and important areas in the hall cove region. the enemy has retreated by 8 to 9 kilometers this month. a line $28.00 supplements have been liberated in total, 880 square kilometers of territories have come under the control of the russian army this year. the russian on forces officers domestically reducing the combat potential of the crating on forces. in may, the enemy lost more than $35000.00 service men and $2700.00 units of various weapons among them and $290.00 tanks and almond combat vehicles, including full abraham 70 leopards, and 12 bradley's. while you're afraid attempts to restore russia's battlefield gains, the russian army has pushed k, a mouth, a bit strong holds in several directions at the front line, including undone yes. could cast on and talk of brian,
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who do according to most go russian or to refund a has destroy a number of kids out post sounds to our 2 friends on munition death. those and vessels on the right time to put the need for river. but these operations have allowed the russian infantry to ed zones. russian forces made significance, headway on the battlefield in april and may. oh yes. yes. meanwhile, some western media claim us president joe biden has secretly given k of permission to attack russian territories. the board, a new crane with american weapons. so far, 11 countries have given to you have the go ahead to use that weapons for a tax on russian soto of despite the pentagon, we have funding that washington was box that strikes. there's been no change in our policy. the security assistance that we provide ukraine is to be used within ukraine and we don't encourage attacks or unable attacks inside of russia. while
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the debates have the kids on the ranges in the west, rushes for our ministry spokeswoman stays ukraine's back. cuz as long taken pa, it's in planning attacks on russia behind closed doors does go any further. instead of a shy some, a talking about allowing the key of regime to carry out the strikes. some western countries are things that they will see whether or not to allow it some a saying that they are not allowing you to yet it school rubbish. it's not that they are allowing it, they have been august rating all the strikes on the territory of the russian federation by the hands of the key version. but for a long time, we need to tell that's like it is. scott, so this with on guess now, let's close left, investor and it won't generate as alondra mcneil many thanks for joining us on. the program stays good to see you 1st step. what do you make of the fact that the us supply attack comes, were used in this attempt on the crime in bridge on wednesday is civilian
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infrastructure and they just went talk it or it is not legitimate thought that actually the government in western countries. good faith in it, and there's domestic scrutiny and criticism and accountability because that it can be taken to the international court of justice. all to do, we might the nation to accuse the americans and the western countries of supplying ukraine's of weapons and allowing them to use to be used against wisdom against civilian targets. it also add this and allowance for ukraine to use western weapons. it was trained relationship with other countries and native member because not for degree and the principle of permitting your grain to use a western weapons against civilian targets or even against russian territory. it would increase the portal reservations among the european countries. it would risk
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and much why the conflict because the right shot can give up on a bean that is holding back its response that it's illegitimate when disobedience on that. and can we talk to you against the west, an interest in all that we understand. one thing that the west is really willing to provoke russia to why the conflict, and also allow this war to drag as long as possible, perhaps to push restaurant out of the limits or perhaps to lead the whole what into an increase, erased with weapons. all further confrontation that nobody in the west, a box from the united states has appetite to see against russia today. and yet this is a rather your lack of transparency on what the situation is. there's reports claiming that president binding his c courtney given key of his approval to strike the 100
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kilometers into russia around the call of region. but the pentagon is saying there's such a tax, remote based report, which is how would you explain the discrepancy that it is not unusual to hear contradictions in the united states, from the beginning of the war. the american says we would not believe that miss size to ukraine and then off, but that they did, we would not deliver this man. thanks to do great news among all the big country who said no. and then the things where they live at so slightly different showed a, the west tended government. i'd be saying no at the beginning. and then delivering the weapons. because russia has been the reacting mother of the, to this weston and nate to support and the fight against civilians in russia. had russia, reacted most hotmail harshly. that the west would think twice before going into
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this contradiction of information to prepare the ground for delivery of more leads of weapons and allowing ukraine to use these these for weapons. again, disability is actually i would like here to correct my set of ukraine is not conducting the war. they all 50 countries in red estate, or from the way they all the one conducting the wall. so it to the west. well, again, instruction, while a on that no space should things escalade, heaven forbid it is known that ukraine does not have its own sound to light reconnaissance. so if washington supplies that data, i'm green lights, it's weapons for us to i think russian territory. does that mean it would be directly involved in the wall without, you know, any discrepancies as a whole. in the west is already involved in the war. the german foreign minister, more than a year and a half ago said at the european union meeting,
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we all as well was russia. so if they not voting it directly anymore, because they think this is a dramatic mistake. but this is what they are doing. so they really, there's no need to be more involved to declare war on the russia i bought from the official announcement, the west east as well, with russia and the west is doing everything and it's going to put it onto this will as long as you crate is ready to sacrifice itself for the best interest the this attack on the crime in which is not the 1st attack on it. it was seriously damaged by you training a tax backing up type of 2022 and in july 2023. why is it's such an important target? it is important to they've sent that information to the web and to the russians. that dresser doesn't have security and stability. this is why the americans are trying to bring the war not only in the box and feed,
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but inside russia. this is not the 1st start as you right. you said that was numerous at that, but not only on cry mia, but also in, in the, in the russian to sign. and the objective is to continue, is sending messages to russia that you will not live any stability. and we can create tablets in your own country. thank you so much for speaking to us today. it's always good to hear from you. we've been talking to elijah mike, me a voucher, and it won't joining us. thank you. to thank you for having me. the donald trump has become the 1st form of presidents and us history ever to be convicted of a crime, a new jury on so say, found him guilty on all $34.00 counts and a so food hush, money trial. the republican front runner claims the entire case was rigged by the democrats, including president binding himself and his vows to fight devoted. this is a trial, but there's
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a rig race. certainly an unprecedented day in american history. donald trump, the former us president, has been convicted on $34.00 charges of polonius. falsification of business records . now, never before a has a former us present been convicted and donald trump not only is the former president, but here's the presumed nominee of the republican party in the election that is currently taking place in the campaign is happening and the election is set to take place on november 5th, however, donald trump will be sentenced on july 11th, and he could face up to 4 years in prison for each of the $34.00 accounts that he is convicted on, they could send donald trump to up to a 136 years in prison for allegedly falsifying business records. now the charges down from stormy daniels, the porn star,
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that was allegedly paid money by donald trump and exchange for not making statements about the president during his presidency during previous campaigns. uh . and she was a paid a $130000.00. now that payment itself is not illegal, but the it is alleged. and donald trump was convicted for a falsifying business records related to those payments. now, at this point, when you look at the case, it seems like very much an example of what is ation of the us legal system. donald trump and his supporters and many others are looking on saying that this is normally a criminal matter that would be considered a misdemeanor. however, it was made into a felony and 34 accounts were filed against the former president and people see this is simply an effort to keep donald trump off the campaign trail as the election cycle is nearing its conclusion. now donald trump will be sentenced on july 11th, and it could be that he spends the remainder of his presidential campaign in jail
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following that. and people are looking on and saying this is simply an abuse of the legal process. now, some critics of donald trump say that donald trump is dangerous uh that that was a result of what happened on january 6th and his supporters storming into the capital after he was perceived as having the election stolen from him in 2020. this is necessary to keep him off the campaign trail to keeping out of the white house, but many look on say this is blatant abuse. include association of the us legal system that hurts the image of the united states around the world. the united states frequently brags about its legal system and how fare are and how adjust it is how much it respects human rights. people look at this case as blatantly the opposite of what the us claims a highly politicized legal process to serve a political and keeping an individual who might win an upcoming presidential election off the campaign trail and possibly out of office. well,
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cost on political commentary to save moans, bug saves the soul, aim of the entire case was to stop from from f assessing foods back in the oval office. not only is he the 1st former president, never to be convicted of criminal charges, but the biggest story is he's leading. he's the, he's the leading candidate to become the next president of the united states. this is not what we do in the united states. we read in the newspapers about the 3rd world countries going after political opponents and locking them up your own worse, but this, this was outrages. i can't believe that with a 34 account. uh, you know, the docket jury took less than 12 full hours and found him guilty on every single account as they were reading the results. i'm sitting there shopped in in, in my, in my living room watching a television shop. um, no, yes. i think that the donald trump has a good case. most every legal pundits that i hear and talk to says that on appeals
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this case will most likely be thrown out over turn. you name it, but you can appeal, it's that critical. you can't get a result probably before the election. so that's what's going to be the problem for donald trump. so think of a power play is developing in west africa earlier this year need quits. the echo wall, speaking on the inquiry and said it was forming its own block with became a fall. so on molly. now that alliance of saw whole states has invited echo was to join it, but it comes as eccles itself is trying to quote its full members back into the fold. it is decided so i can to be 2 per voc. it is what i want to ask nicholas to join the alliance of south hill states. there are echo was countries that would probably like to join the alliance of sa hill states. because within the alliance is a culture of sovereignty and dignity of the continent. this bold and unexpected move
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means of different things to different people. some of questioning the move, well, i've is seeing it's as a positive step because a re entry often has a peculiar fuss. so in my, the, into eco, s was considered and has been talked about, but this is not to re in to of this the house days of which political observers in the region. i've already said it is unlikely. these all 3 countries which seem to have come to terms with their new reality, the configuration of the alliance of the house states. and also the timing of the school by the prime minister is also not surprising, especially considering that vehicle was a parliament intends to form an ad hoc mediation commitee aimed at united media and my the and became a fossil with the organization. but also between us also marty, and you have noted that space is in fact an organization like that of course did not commit to liberation for them. so they made the southern decision to establish
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themselves within a new allies, which offers a new opportunity for the operation to the countries. not far from working in the fossil mally. and these year have decided to create the alliance of the health states. this alliance of the consecration or determination to rest back or sovereignty so that this the hell is no longer his own up in security for his own the prosperity for the good over peoples. this the how nations have been paid by multiple to see to 20. as soon as the exception of the allies, they have removed the imperialist armies from the soil and stood firm against the face of a military invasion to restore neo colonial lives and in the z. they've also opened tools for non western empowers, such as russia and that relationship extends beyond community support and in compasses, significant economy collaboration as well. and of course, the loss of any member from echo was, was that probably be still is expected to affect many aspects from trade, economy development and movement of citizens within the blog. but the decision by
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echo was to lift a post to sanctions signals. it's reading this to negotiate and cultivate relationships with these countries, regardless of whether they rejoined the organization or echo is countries i'm toying. realize if the house gates like be prime minister, is the car into aging. and also we can say away from the fact that there cool was, was really struggling to sustain a serious pressure on the military off. uh the so how reason and considering that tomatti bettina false to any she will also on the members when equal was, was set up nearly 50 years ago when they announced the immediate withdrawal from april was in january of this year. it was mainly due to dissatisfaction, what's the existing security academic task? so did the heads of state of book enough also, the republic of molly and the republic of news yet have decided in full sovereignty to withdraw. booking, alfonso, molly and these, yet from the economic community of west african states without delay. and some say
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that was approved in decision because echo was suspended and sanctioned all 3 countries after the military cruise in an attempt to pressure them to return power to democratically elected need is like prison, law mohammed presume. but despite it, all echo was made of clear during that time that with all these the house space, it would be more difficult to deal with many of the challenges facing the region. we're just waiting for the 3 member states who i must repeat, all important members of echo west and without them it's going to be more difficult to deal with many of the challenges facing the region, you know, terrorism, the whole issue of this to help. what is happening that and the collective gold in terms of free movements of people and all that is every reason to try healed the rest with the departed stays and success, lack of remaining elusive, most diplomats, an analyst over the past few months seemed quite convinced that the nations returning to the block, having relationship with each other, seemed very unlikely. but experts say one approach might be to seek agreements with
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alliance officer headed in states upon a framework for peaceful, private taste and through sex. and if we've been, the lead is of both equity and the allies, my find ways to mitigate the home of the region and also the security and economy issues. that the reason all facing the russian president vladimir patient has been chairing amazing of the security council. that's listening to what he had to say to mr. level. if you have the floor to garza now where at least 11 people are being towed in id strikes on the board as refugee camps and the central parts of the internet, the a warning for you to subbing images, i had local media reports came to residential buildings in the area where hits the dead and wounded were mostly said to be women and children are injured, have been transferred to the out the hospital. the idea has yet to comment on the
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attacks since the beginning of the war in october, more than 36000 people have died in the as radio and fluids on the enclave. as well as being quick to admit it scales in some of the attacks. but frequently dismisses the most tragic mistakes of corresponding the reason for notion that picks up the story is a tragic mistake with also a troubling politicians as well. so called precise attack when a mass compound in southern guys are on sunday, turned out to be precisely wrong, leading to the death of at least $45.00 civilians. unfortunately, a tragic mistake happened last night. we are investigating the case will present the conclusions because this policy, which was maybe even more warming its fall from the 1st such incident in nearly 8 months of the war in gaza. the idea of publicly admitted the mistakes that cost the lives of innocent people at least 6 times.
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in april, these rarely military killed 7 aid workers of to bomb in a convoy of the world central kitchen, international relief organization. even though the recalls were labeled with the agencies branding and they work was coordinated with these roles. the idea of cold, a serious mistake. one of the commanders mistakenly assumed that the gunmen were located inside the accompanying vehicles, and these were almost terrorists. those who approved the strike were convinced that they were targeting arm thomas operatives and not a world of central kitchen employees. in february, at least 112 palestinians were reportedly killed and more than 700 others injured off to the idea of opened fire on a crowd of gatherings awaiting the arrival of humanitarian trucks. the army initially denied shooting, but later the me to the troops felt endangered by the starving crowd of palestinians. we have opened an inquiry to examine the incident further,
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which will help us reduce the risk of such a tragic incident from occurring again during one of our humanitarian operations. last december on christmas eve is really a strikes heat, a gas or refugee camp, killing more than 70 people and is really government spokesperson coded at regrettable mistake. the army claimed the wrong weapon we was used to causing expensive collateral damage. this was a regrettable mistake. this has not happened, the choice of munition was incorrect and not only palestinians fall victim to such mistakes. the idea of gun down 3 is rarely hostages. it was supposed to bring home. the man had just escaped from him, ask, obtain a cheap with waving white flags. well stripped down to the waist to show they were not armed, but the military mistook them from milton's and opened fire. all 3 died on the spot
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. cool. so v i d x troops mistakenly identified 3 is radi hostages as a threat because of this is a tragic incidents which took place in a combat zone. well, is it logic is really pretty good. the general benson gruber says every death of a non competent is a tragedy, but he claims that proportion was speaking. these really military does a great job in gaza with only about so full song between one to sleep. when we're talking about the kid incidentally, you know, once there was to place them in, as i mentioned, it's feel time. this is unbelievable. number we're talking about was oliver little and i'm the one to 21 to 25. once though, we for one and a maple $25.00 for the wishing of the lives with voice called out to them as well. no police's or even fills out mistakes. that there was also, for me, exception that these really army actually made plenty of so called tragic mistakes
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. long before the latest gas of one the, every time these real size tragic errors, it's vows an investigation to prevent such mistakes in the future. but that happens
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over and over again. some critics say the idea always seems to have a convenient excuse, ready for whenever it kills civilians. while global calls for accountability and any question of these really armies confidence. i met with strong resistance from israel and its allies. tragic mistakes, despite its claim of being the most more alarm in the world. the idea of has made many of those over the years taking the lives of hundreds of innocent people, military and civilian women, men and children, palestinians, as well as rarely citizens and foreigners. and as the war in guys, a continues and this atmosphere of impunity persists. the likelihood of future tragic incidents occurring remains very high. a recent auction on r t reporting from jerusalem. thanks to the company this friday coming your way next. rick sanchez with the latest episode of direct impacts and i'll be back with more news interest on the 30 minutes by the
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the hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact and this is what we're going to be talking about the. so here's the question, what are they finding about in taiwan this time? well, let's just say it's about china and it's important, really important. i'm rick sanchez, this direct impact. let's do it the . so we're hearing all the time. i'm sure you've heard this yourself trying to has no right to interfere in the politics of the taiwan. but what is taiwan watched
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china to be a part of their decision making? by the way, taiwan is arguably a province of china, where the legislature there have they have just passed some reforms better pro china, very different from what we hear in the united states, right. there's not a story you'll hear, well, what's your value? and they go against their recently elected president, by the way the legislature did de, happens to be pro west. he's also anti china, is also american. by the way, after this legislation, as is often the case in taiwan. historically, let's just say things got a little testy, and the, and they're, they are going after each other. so those are just some of the scuffles that
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apparently broke out after these legislators decided to make this decision. taiwan nationalist party pushed through these measures that essentially what they do is they weaken the powers of the newly elected president, a guy named william lot by taking away from him. things like controlling defense spending there in taiwan. that is exactly what china was hoping they would do. now, why is this nationalist party important because well, the nationalist party is pro unification with china. and given this scenario, you can expect, in fact, you can take it to the bank at the united states, the state department here, the c i a are not going to take the sitting down. another words expect the us to most likely interfere or at least consider interfering. not that they would ever do that or have done that in the past manila, just saying, right, well, you know, we're just saying rec, may i mean to put it simply, taiwan is new president,
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william liars, you said his legal name by the way, lighting to his ruling party, the d p p, the democratic progressive party has to deal with this coalition government, but also in parliament. yes. that other big party cam t which advocates for closer relations to mainland china. so the p. p members physically sparred with pam team members on the parliament floor over what the p p says is that k m t had rushed several bills out of committee onto the floor boat without dissecting it, line by line. and the d. p. begin mudslinging accusing cam tube, having outside influence. but this is the kettle calling the pot black rick, i'm not saying tam t did have any outside influence. i have no evidence of that. but what we do have evidence of what we can say with certainty is that the d p. p has absolutely has outside influence in the form of all us presidents and bi partisan collections. the
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members of congress.


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