tv The Whistleblowers RT June 1, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EDT
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case, oh, could you please repeat the question i can understand the 1st part yes question. we are, i was saying that the reports credited to this peak of the georgia in parliament that the west was inciting bouldin's in georgia. now, as it is right now, we don't have concrete evidence to that as, as it is right now. yet. but what are your thoughts? whether this could likely be or not? who just because as far as we know, especially when the angels work, they are very political, they don't choose pharmacy. no, just, for example, change the democratic, the situation or, or economy or actual problems at georgia has. so basically what we've seen is that they are getting funds and then they are initiating some kind of political activities or order in order to achieve some type of close. and i think that's a new one. no other country including west to be able to initiate college
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procedures in georgia in a way that they are doing it. and i think the, the fact that some officials, so i do actually were sending on the demonstration was the actual peaceful fact about how far they are willing to go. well in order to achieve what they want, because they didn't have rights to stand beside. judging people, they mean nothing to judge and people say have no value in georgia. and i don't think that they should be participating in such a political activism in georgia. and it shows how they are in to georgia. and i mean a particular situation and how and how they influence it because they actually win. so i was going to put situation with the funds that they are getting, which is be used in order for people to have a better economy and better lifestyle. and that's in order for them to dictate,
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in georgia, what kind of a situation should be here and not in a way that these funds could be use in elections, for example, because there were just the shows that he was actually happening. and there were suspicions that they would make scandals overall in order to cover some of some procedures in georgia for actually for the problem. all right, we have to living here now mario mice arrives to thank you so much for joining us and giving us your insights on this. thank you very much. thank you. well, that's the all davis tom. i'll see you again. i'll talk, i'll be off by now the the,
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it is not an understatement to say that the eyes of the world are on guys. more than 35000 people have been killed there since the start of hostilities on october 7th, 2023 and more than 90 percent of those that have been civilian is really military is use of very heavy hand even by is really military standards destroying hospitals churches, mos apartment blocks, and literally everything else and it's human rights violations and war crimes are ramping and as a result is real, stands alone, except of course for the ongoing support of the united states. i'm john kerry. ok, welcome to the whistle blowers the . 2 2 2 2 2 the. 2 much of the world is focused on the war and gaza and on the atrocities that are taking place. there. the united nation said in mid march that
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more children had been killed in gaza in the 1st 4 months of the conflict, then had been killed in all other conflicts around the world. in the last 4 years combined. the south african government has taken action by assuming israel in the international court of justice and the united nations general assembly has been nearly unanimous with the obvious exceptions of the united states and israel. that the fighting must stop immediately, and that human rights must be respected. those demands, however, have fallen on deaf ears diplomatically israel is increasingly isolated. several south american countries have broken diplomatic relations with jerusalem while spain, ireland, slovenia, and malta announced recently that they would recognize an independent palestine with east jerusalem as its capital. the united states vetoed recognition of a palestinian state in the un security council recently, but the subsequent vote to recognize palestine in the general assembly was
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absolutely overwhelming. in the meantime, israel continues to trample the human rights of palestinians all over gaza and the west bank. the united nations is calling that genocide, washington has finally begun to complain to israel and it has delayed a recent armed shipment. what does washington have the wherewithal and the will to put its foot down on his really actions against civilians? very few observers think so. we're joined today by tara could judge. he's the mundo wife guy's a correspondent, and a member of the palestinian writers union. he studied english literature as how to university and garza. he started his career in journalism in 2015, working as a news writer and translator for the local newspaper donia of what then he has reported for of body, middle east di and all monitor. welcome tara, thank you so much for joining us. thank you. target i want to get directly to the main point. you're a guys and you have reported from guys
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a you have family in guys directly affected by the war. tell us what the situation is like on the ground there. what is life like for the average guys and in the midst of these really invasion? well actually it looks like lifeless because there is no life in god, only her fear, dead and displacement. most of the families evacuated from one place to another may be for the 7th time during this war the usual scene for people and gaza. now become like ladies and they've children and their kids running on the street above or and next there are bills. they cry, they run, they are looking for safety. and in the background, you can see the smoke and the bomb being and the destroying homes just behind
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them. so the war me, this scene is huge. well, and as, as the main scene inside the goddess trip, only people running from that, from one place to another. this is actually, this is what it looks like there and got it. this is exactly what it looks like. people always running from one place to another. they find no place to go even when they go to some place. that is really army ordering them to go to. when they settled there, the army called them again, or the exam to evacuate mark one more time. this is the situation on the ground. we've heard nightmare stories of practically every guys and hospital having been destroyed about a lack of food, water, electricity, and fuel. tell us about this and about why international aid is not making its way into guys. whether through rough uh or otherwise,
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there was like 35 hosp that those are operating in the gaza strip before the war. but now there's, there are only 4 hospitals operating in order. got us to only 4 of us before 2000000 people and they are not like major and medical complex is no one hospital, one medical complex. it is. they will be on hospital companions area and 3 smaller medical health medical centers. so there's really army in the and destroyed all of the medical centers in the gaza strip, starting with the north of gaza and then in the gaza city. and then okay, and you and just like a ship, a hospital like, nah, sorta medical complex. they destroyed all of these hospitals during their invasion and during this war and regarding to the food and aid. it hurts me to say that
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people in gaza dreaming fruit and dreaming of cold water dreaming of clean water to use as the bomb being. and as always, is still bumping the batteries, the markets, the food storage. even though norway affiliated the storage, every army bombed them. the kids are following on the streets and following in the hospitals and home due to their star ration. and i also wrote the sto. ready area about kids who are starved to death inside got a strip and i have my own personal story also because i have a my mother who died in they have been hospitalized only because we couldn't find
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her the medical food and the medication she needs. she died only because of this because of the war and the many go and a tire rotation. so as where it is just trying to tell us as the palestinians, living in the gaza strip that we will not live, do you live in any possible means? so just leave this land, just leave your, your homes and your land. and if you're not going to do that, okay, we would have bump you inside your homes and we will force you to leave. and if not, we will let you starve to death. i am so sorry to hear that please accept my condolences the palestinian death toll as of mid may is officially just under 35000 people. that is an astounding number. but many thinks that the number is actually much higher because many people have been buried in rubble and have not
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been recovered. is that true? and what do you think the death toll actually is? well that number is correct and was released by the health ministry and got it. but there are also 15 thousands still under the rubble as also the health ministry status. and they don't even distinguish or display between fighters and civilians because most of the death to we are civilians. we have so far we have 15000 people and the death to our children. and we have also 12000 women from the 2. so they mostly are civilians and have nothing to do with fighting as regular. they are civilians inside their homes or inside the tents and every is keeping killing
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them and displacing them. and something important, as we have mentioned here, are victims with or they are getting killed or we think injured inside the guys, a strip by the is really gum machine war. these could these residents like 10 percent of guys like community in only 7 months. so here we can ask a question, how long is or is needs to keep this war to read out on the strip. because so far, 7 months, we are speaking about 10 person to gather community in a 7 month. this is unbelievable. when you look at the debt to the casualties during this is not a long time by the way, and it is not also a short time, but to find all these casualties in this period of time.
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this is really dangerous. we. this is a warning, like, as where you, this is where it is actually doing. it's just like a cleansing and genocide inside the guy's a strip and don't want him to warrant against the top of it so far. so they are keeping their disney cleansing and they're keeping they killing silently without any a powerful country force as i used to stop without you and forcing is ready to stop without anything that happens. only we receive like condemnations from ferguson countries but not not but nothing on the ground to make us feel that we are not alone. here we are. we didn't lift alone. foot to face the genus hyde
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park. stay right there. we're going to take a short break and when we come back we're going to speak with her judge about prospects for some kind of a diplomatic solution. and guys, us end in greater palestine state to the. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 on march the 22nd 1943, doing the great petri i'll take off the shirts and a bunch of fatality and 118 fun down the belly. mercy and village of cutting rod ish about them for the new wish. and not fitness center. yes or no, this one, most of the 240 you to you. $149.00 people died including $75.00 children of age was practically wiped off. the face of the la new blue loves are a little but lit option. could have charlie was, you know, in june will you put as follows? oh, shoot. was i really, i really usually its own you feeling, you know,
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so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukranian nationalists from west to new. right. because of the picture. all right, let's get them see what. okay. and so far as the new e. pulitzer, a lot of those to be just pursuing your opportune um with them us customers de classified criminal cases from the central archive of the k g b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity and on so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years watch on oxy. the welcome back to the with the doors. i'm john kerry onto we're speaking with target ca judge, he's the mando weiss guys, a correspondent and a member of the palestinian writers union. he studied english literature as,
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as how to university and gaza. he started his career in journalism in 2015, working as a news writer in translator for the local newspaper, donya as well, and he's reported for of body middle east di and i'll monitor. thanks again for being with us, tara. thank you, park, the united states and israel are increasingly isolated on this for not just diplomatically in the united nations, but in terms of global public opinion. can you for see a point where the united states, in order to stop the damage being done to it. finally, pressure is israel to negotiate some kind of a settlement. is that even possible? actually, i'm not getting full by the american broberg end. the and american lives that's pivot because i'm on the ground here. we are seeing like it is a u. s. war. it is not only those where you work. it is a us. what?
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because the united states wise as regular was like with i'm president. what happens to kill develops tenants that united states retain that they want to achieve just this for the palestinians and the want to give them a state taught in the same time they are supplying is there a was with the weapon to kill the ballast indians and in the same time, they just reject any move any move from any country in the united nation to have seas via or to help palestinians getting theirs. paid taught. it's the war. it's the u. s. war. and i believe if the u. s. wants to stop this war, they can do it easily because they are overwhelming as a, with weapons and they got the work in this work. but the u. s. is using and they got some specific and special benefits from their war. and the biggest
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benefits for the u. s. is the u. s. c for that it's building and the guys at coastal beach. i'm not going to like speaking why the in this matter. but this is the goal of this war to make a u. s. c. port so they can explore the natural gas to europe using using this specific area. yeah, i can see that. can you explain to us what the sticking points are relative to a cease fire or 2 and exchange of prisoners. these release historically have been willing to give up as many as 500 prisoners palestinian prisoners in exchange for a single is rarely citizen. but it seems that these really government doesn't care at all about it. citizens being held by him us. why is the netanyahu government taking this position? why haven't we seen a massive exchange of prisoners?
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as it goes, they will have no reason after that, to keep bumping and destroying and killing the palestinians in gather. now they have a reason like the be willing, as i have our resumes and we have to go there and get them back. if they make at, at present that makes a change and they took all the prisoners from god. what is the reason for us? are you after that to keep bumping god, there's no so i think as a considered that residents inside the guys are with the casualties of this war. they don't care about the prisoners even. i believe that they even don't want them to get back. they want them to stay in gaza strip as a reason to keep bumping guns and keep killing gather civilians and people. and when the word say, why is where it is doing so as a regular have like, is there
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a has like a legitimate reason? let's get into some of the specifics here. the harsh treatment of palestinian detainees in israel is well documented. torture is common place. i was speaking with is really human rights attorney last week and told me that one of his clients who is in is really prison, said that he envies his compatriots and guys because they're dead. he said that living in is really prison is worse than death. is this normal for these rarely government or have conditions worse and for palestinian prisoners since the war started? exactly the condition worse then says this war started and only a couple of weeks ago, we voted like the death of number of palestinians who got in prison inside guys a strip during the ground invasion like the physician had man a bush who's a doctor in a ship a hospital and this is where the army took him from a ship,
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a hospital in gaza city and jail them for over a month and a half. and then he just died and passed away inside the prison under the torture. as his family released yesterday, i was talking to a group of prisoners who got released from that. is there any president and evacuated to dinner by area and gather strip? i talk to some of them and they said like the harsh conditions they wouldn't list inside. there's really presence is on the president. there is no way that as or a bill with any prisoners like like what is doing now. in the meantime, again, is developed indians, especially from the gaza strip. so this war is just mounting the heat of the hate of those, or at least against palestinians, specially from the gaza strip. bresner say that there is really
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gods lift them without food for several days. they torture them, they but like huge fan on their in their cell and turn it on and get the prisoners naked. they speak about they spoke about like horrible details about the conditions they were jailed and inside there's a presence. and i think this is the 1st time maybe, maybe not, but this is the 1st time i'm hearing such testimonies from people who were inside the presence they get out with marks and signs of their bodies of toad shows their back their, their hands, their feet in every inch and in their bodies there is a sign of torture. their faces even psychologically they
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told for them in every possible man they can. and they got change, and during the do or the past, due month, inside those re present the release and we find them like they've changed. they've become new people. they're not the same as they were detained. and the 1st time everything changed is really, is, is really got like the most evil method and ways to deal with the palestinians to let them hate every thing to let them have their lives. but apparently that doesn't work because here we are still in our land and still in our homes and still facing you is really genocide and speak about that. and we're not leaving our home this is that the distortion for,
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for the majority of the will inside that goes to perfect. how much worse does this conflict get before it gets any better? is any kind of diplomatic settlement even possible? can you envision something happening? if the error world is unified, for example, or are the palestinians essentially funding for themselves? i think this is going to be way worse than what's going on. now, i believe that is right and it is only our brand tags and bills. those are the drivers for the u. s. and i believe of the view that says that the us wants gaza strip to be for her for its own because there is a huge stretch strategic in both hands for this place. and the coastal and the mediterranean coast. so i think somebody in doing this work after
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it will destroy the guys strip completely and bush people choose by their own to leave this place because they were fine, no way to live. and so many of them will decide to leave and tell guys i will rebuild and get back and buy this. i think there will be like an est top but but not the palestine state. i think the us is planning to with like gaza statehood inside garza and some parts of other countries and maybe from is really so they would take some part from that nearby towns on that goes a board or to expand the state of gaza here. this is how worse it could get after destroying all goes to. but do we think back to the question,
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i believe if we are united as palestinians and goes through and that was back in the 1st place, we could pass this for in a way in a way much better. only if people in guster and westbank are united and fighting in one hand together, not to mention what if the upcountry countries or them are united. i think if they are united or even if they defend palestine correctly morally as a wooden, even deer do, it's just like cleansing. and it's janice hyde clearly on the front of the cameras and front in every body around the war. without even casting vehicles, children, women, they destroyed completely resent the area. then the majority that to,
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as we mentioned from civilians not fighters, is there it is feeling free to do whatever they want to use. all the power, all the web and they have to kill palestinians and turn them to pieces. i think if, if the airport, if the countries want this war to and i think they have the power and they have the influence to force as are able to stop it's war. and it's gina type against the guns, but in the state are taking care of palestinians who are dying in their homes under their roof and getting bombed, while they are safe and sleeping in their homes and their places. instead of taking care of all these palestinians, they but more of importance to their interest and their
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relationships with as right. power. thank you so much for your continued bravery in bringing us the news from gaza. the great contemporary philosopher, doctor noam chomsky said that the wanton killing of innocent civilians is terrorism . it's not a war again, harris. he was right about that. there is no moral equivalency between those who would kill using children, innocent civilians and adults in their homes. and in their places of worship, to that of a government that is seeking those terrorists before they can engage in that awful activity. thanks for joining us for another episode with lower, i'm john kerry onto please follow me on subset got you on curiosity. we'll see you next on the. 2 2 2 2 2 2 of the,
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when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. indeed as voice matters, but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions for react, the more expensive. and i'm going to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else to give it please. or do you have the state department c, i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't want my show state main street because i'm probably going to make you, i'm comfortable. my show is called direction, but again, you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way you
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the moscow says ukraine's western baccha is a direct participant in the war. and that says, binding green lights, the ease of nature, weapons to strike deep within boston territory. if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. we have a president and a group of fascist. i don't want to do anything about it. donald trump claims has courts. conviction was attached to the author's prison by president biden, in an effort describe that his re election that we get the reaction from the ground punch is crazy. you know that at all, we're also looking at, let's say.
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