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tv   News  RT  June 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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react the if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. and we have a president and a group of fascists that don't want to do anything about it. donald trump claims his quote conviction was puss, mucus. strange and find president. find and in an effort to stop for his re election beds, we get reaction on the grounds. punch is crazy. you know, that whole world is looking at us saying, what's going on over there in america, the greatest country in the world are we have a feller, possibly you have a felon in charge of interest, a system. the 1st of the people in jail thousands take to the streets of hungry work homes, but no a loud and clear and a purchase of a natives in both winds. in the printing conflict on the elections,
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the river in south africa with 99 percent of the votes counted the applicant, national congress stands to lose its majority in parliament for the 1st time in 30 years. the welcome to the news uh, hang on to the international. always the pleasure to have you join this. donald trump claims hayes quote. conviction this week in new york wasn't direct, attend by president bite into torpedo. his run at the white task. trump was found guilty of falsifying business records and the so called harsh money trial. he says the anti case was rig. if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. and we have a president and a group of fascist, don't want to do anything about it. it's a rig. it was a rig trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted
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a judge change. we wanted a judge, it was in conflicted. you're so what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side? they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel, but he's really a devil. that's how the american system of justice works. as breakfast is dangerous, it's irresponsible for anyone to say this is greg, just because they don't like the verdict. while we're here on 5th avenue in manhattan in front of trump tower, where there are hundreds, possibly thousands of people gather the bulk of whom are trump supporters. and they see this as a miscarriage of justice. now that the reaction of the trial from many people is to call this blatant political ization of the us legal system. many are pointing out, for example, that falsifying business records is generally a misdemeanor and not
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a felony. however, in this case, they made it a felony and donald trump was convicted on $34.00 accounts of it. here's some of the reaction to donald trump's conviction. indeed, great damage was done today to the public's facing the american legal system. if a former president can be criminal, convicted, or such a trivial matter motivated by politics rather than justice, then any one is at risk of a similar fate. today is a shameful day in american history. democrats cheat as they can and because the leader of the opposing party, on ridiculous charges predicated on the testimony of a dis, bought convicted felon. this was a political exercise, not the legal one, the weaponized nation of all just the system has been the whole mike of a bite and administration. this was a sham show trial. the kangaroo cold will never stand on appeal. americans deserve better than a sitting us precedent with a noise in our justice system against the political opponent all to win an election . now it's also important to know that the charges stem from an alleged payment of
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a $130000.00 to porn stars, nor mcdaniels. it's alleged that parsimony there, calling it was paid to the former pornographic film star and exchange for her not saying things about the former president. now it's worth noting. 8 that uh, that itself is not a crime. the crime would be what he was convicted of was falsifying business records. many of noted that paula jones was paid over $850000.00 by bill clinton, in the aftermath of law suits for allegations of sexual misconduct. and bill clinton was never charged for that, and that was not considered a crime. but there are bigger legal questions about the case. for example, the jury was told they did not have to agree what crime donald trump had actually committed. they did not have to be unanimous on what crime the president had committed. but as long as they agreed he was guilty of something, their verdict would be considered unanimous. and that raises
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a lot of questions about how the judge carried out the trial. and the instructions given to the jury, donald trump has been found guilty on all $34.00 charges and his hash money a trial. and here the judge is telling them they don't have to agree about what the other crime is under circumstances where that not only is what makes this a felony. people are also raising questions about why the judge did not prove via the jurors with copies of their instructions. while they deliberated and determined that donald trump was guilty, they were instead told they could ask the judge to read the instructions again. but they were not given written copies of the instructions about what they were intended to do, and how they were contented to rule on the case. and that is something that legal scholars also have. questions about this is insanity. i've tried many jury trials in my day. you give jurors paper instructions every time. how are 12 jurors supposed to remember the elements necessary for each of the $34.00 felony counts?
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this is an elicit which one to prosecution. now at this point, people are wondering what this means for the upcoming us presidential election. donald trump is the presumed domini of the republican party. but the question is, will he be able to run a presidential campaign? his sentence thing is that for july 11th, this is certainly unprecedented in american politics. never has a former president of the united states been convicted of a felony. well, we took to the streets of new york to gauge reaction to trump's conviction. well, that might mean for his attempt to get back behind the desk in the oval office, a means earnest money. honest. madison's honest media, honest selections, honest energy, honest education. now i don't know what they're thinking all over the world. what they're thinking. we have a look for countries crazy. you know, that whole world is looking at us saying what's going on over there in america,
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the greatest country in the world. and, you know, not too happy with it. you know, i mean, how dare them take a president and, and do this to my next president. i would hope people who are paying attention realize that a felony kind of votes and most is felons gone vote. are we ever know how to fill up possibly have a fell on it does. is it just the system the what's the other people in jail on the, on the, on the door, the book on board with a fellow with in charge of the system. it makes no sense. well, the smile on joe biden space of the white house press briefing, spoke volumes about the president's thoughts on his wife's conviction. mister president, can you tell us? or donald trump prefers himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. what's your response to that, sir? but really, i spoke with illegal on last on form in new jersey, superior court judge. and during the fall, atanya,
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he said that new york state statute didn't demand. the jury's agreement on what the underlying crime was for trump's case, which he says is a violation of the federal constitution, the president pride, and that nothing to do with this case. there is no evidence to support that allegation at all. you know, in america, we have a 50 states as well as the federal system. and the state prosecutorial apparatus is independent of the federal system. the decisions as to who the states prosecute and how they prosecute them. and what they charge them with has nothing to do with the president or the federal government. but this prosecution was for a very bizarre crime that only exists in the state of new york. it doesn't exist in any of the other 49 states. the defense should also have challenged the constitutionality of the statute. that is, is this state statute,
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this new york state statute a violation of the federal constitution? now here's how that would work, and this is what they will try to do on appeal. the federal constitution requires that when the government prosecute you in federal or in state court, you're entitled to know what you're charged with. and you're entitled to know the evidence against you. and you can only be convicted if the jury agrees unanimously on all the elements of all the charges. but in this case, the statute permits the jurors to disagree on what the underlying crime was. but because the statute does not require the jurors to agree on what the underlying crime was or even to tell the judge or the defendant, what the underlying crime was. it is probably defective under the american
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constitution that's trumps. best argument in my view. so when he woke up friday morning and his wife said, well, what, what were you convicted of yesterday? probably said, i don't know. and he doesn't know when the judge does it know of, and i don't know, those are this follow doesn't watch it scrupulously for a living to know. because this unique new york statute does not require the jury to tell the judge what the underlying crime was. it just requires that the 12 agree that there was some underlying crime. so the fault here is not with the judge. the fault here is with the statute, with the legislation enacted by the legislature of the state of new york. and when was the statute and acted a 125 years ago? that's, that was the statute is and very, very few people fewer than 10 virus or would it be wouldn't have been prosecuted
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under this statute in a 125 years. the republicans slamming the verdict. we've had mike johnson saying this was on fact on others cooling this, a weapon noise ation to the us justice system. do you think that that's a fast statement? i think that of donald trump's name were donald jones. he would never have been prosecuted. do i think he was prosecuted because he was donald trump? yes, i do. very professional. ask you a question about this 30 full charges because my understanding is but they're not. so the full crimes, per se, it is one crime, but donald trump was being charged for each document referred to the payment, allegedly made to store mcdaniels. do think that was written, elliptical persecution. rosalind, striking is one case. us. all right, that's a very good question. i think it was
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a politically written indictment. i mean charging somebody with 34 crimes november even though it's the same thing titled 34 pieces of paper rather than with one crime sounds so much worse. so yes, they could have written the indictment in a way that didn't sound as bad as it is. i agree with you on that, charlotte. we will speak to the capital of hungry now with thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets to purchase nature's involvement in the ukrainian conflict. no, to box the clear message in budapest during was so names piece launch. the crowds were there and supposed to evict opens policies on the opposing nature, his actions, which they even leave off from searching a wine who in europe, the prime minister addressed the masses, suggesting the demands repeated by the news don't have people's interests. in
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moines, la fontaine, the crime quotes every day. we are told about the hundreds of billions of bureaus needed for ukraine. the need to deploy nuclear weapons in the middle of europe. to enlist our sons in a for an army, a natal mission, a new crane, and european military units and ukraine. we are not going to let our children and our knowledge be transported to the ukranian front. they don't consider themselves responsible for anything. they don't listen to anyone. they step over you. they don't care about you or your life. they don't care about your family, the house you worked for, or the future you work for every day. and a we spoke with george suddenly, wiley, a senior research fellow at the global policy institute, he says that old people across europe do not shed nato's narrative. what's very interesting is that the public opinion in hungary is very much
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opposed to getting involved in the school. but in fact, that isn't very different from public opinion in most of europe. what's different about hungary is that it's a lid by a political leader who explicitly says that hungary will take no cost whatsoever in anything to do with this war. and, and then that is something you need because that, you know, you, you, you don't hear that in front. you don't hear that. additionally, you don't have that in germany. honor is the one place. and of course, you heard that in the so back here with a robot fits so who's now recovering? so that's what's really the extraordinary that here we have a political lead, the leader of the you, a think a who's in the, in nato will say, absolutely no we, we cannot get ourselves into this, or if it more well, that's head to south africa now where the african national congress party is on
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track to lose its majority in parliament for the 1st time in 13 years. this is according to the preliminary results. ok. we have a 99 percent of the ballots time to be a and c has secured about 40 percent of the votes and that number is a considerable dropped from 2019 when they got 57 percent without majority impala monthly and see will have to form a coalition, government and other policies will be needed to pass legislation. meanwhile, south africa's electoral commission, who said it would not rush through the final stage of counting. evidently, you are aware that the correlation process is, i mean indeed nearing completion. as you know, and you can see from the lead up bought at the process is over
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9 to 9 percent. as part of finalizing the results management process. the commission wishes to show this nation and everyone else that is following our elections. indeed, that we continue to place priority on the finalization of this results in a tron spot and, and all lead man we're not going to rush, we're not going to look anything. we are going to work. busy as we look at every area of the work that is before us, so that's the kind of aging to set to define election results. announcements with counting off the national votes, now over 9 to 9 percent. but the ease i'm not to to announce the final results today is dealing with objections from several political parties. the commission is processing the objections and says it will release results once they've been addressed. now because the amc standing at just over 40 percent off the national
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vote losing its majority, the policy will be forced to form a coalition government. but the democratic allies is around 21 percent of the vote . the newly formed m. k party was 3rd, which is over 14 percent off the vote. in the 1st election, it is ever contested. the economy freedom fighters was full to and they are standing on just over 9 percent of the vote. and more than 50 parties contested the nixon menu of them winning, tiny says, but the 3 main opposition parties that i've just mentioned appear to be the most obvious for the amc to approach when it comes to a co listen. so far we've heard the d, the john dnas is saying he's party is open to discussions with the see. even if, if i need to do this, my name or the i made it clear that if there was a part to that it wouldn't mind working with is the see. and just yesterday,
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the empty part to say to one of the a key conditions for any agreement was it present. the process is removed as in see need to. but they haven't really said anything much on coalition at this point. but the city opposition parties have a combined share that is bigger than the see, which will definitely make things up itself when it comes to the elections of a president or even offered to offer a cabinet because the president is elected in parliament after the national votes resolved to renounce that it has been almost a procedure over the last the 3 digits for the easy to use it so much are a 22 ellipse. it's um president of the country. but sitting at just over 40 percent off the votes of this, you may not be so simple. the reaction is a bit of a mixed bag at this point. so i'm calling for a recount of the ballots costs and wednesdays, and elections, claiming that the process is being read. and as a saying the time for talking has come to an end eventually. and as a society they need action and change. and that's why they voted the how they voted
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in the next is, but it's pretty much a divided society at this point to have a listen to this satellite invoice. say, because of all are you, does that to you for the, for network this instead i'm not 40 because there's no choose 5, which is what different apply to whole 40 is going to change. uh the people didn't tall a hopefully are going to come down and you're going to have a new but it's a guided by its own seat and i'm in the applied to quite nice still on the 18 foot wednesdays quarter up to the over to quarter. and change savings, the angel crap the as ever had some sort of a vehicle come to buy expect to see a lot of change cuz like the budget government housing basically that's building the 1st part. so they gave us all of those things that like how started funds so much advantage to them now. so that's because he changed our and open question. it has been an historical election. would he started a resolve that puts of africa on a huge political pause for the 1st time since the end of a pop chase?
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30 years ago, south africa's former president, jacob c. my has reiterated his allegations about discrepancies in the vote count. this comes, even as the election result says, that his m k. policy has been one of the main components of the road and the support of the ruling african national congress, the a and c. earlier his policy spokesperson said the organization was considering seeking a re vote. however, south africa's electoral commission has denied any irregularities in the ballots. olsa on political commentator came hello, says that a complete due over would be a dramatic outcome. for the 1st time, the agency will not be in governance as the majority party, and they being forced into 10 to the option of a conditions with the other political parties. opposition will be the worries about
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rectify being expressed about the election and the process are coming from jacob c . my, i think, must be taken very seriously. first, typical south africa has a very good reputation, not only on the continent, but the worldwide as a best student of democracy as a country that owners elections and has the star key hold free and fair elections. but jacob seamless into the policy, there's no should learn in objecting to the election results of being bored cost. there's been a school of objections from 20 political parties, the most serious scenario, or is that the has to be a complete re reimbursing and who knows what that that would bring. i think that would be a very dramatic outcome. and i think that should be avoided unless the areas it was a concern, a so serious that they denied a complete re run of the eviction which would just delay produce and also possibly
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create some instability, which is certainly something that south africa can't afford. rock not even economically or socially in israel sizes. and so people have hypoth streets in televi, even called for the removal of benjamin netanyahu. and his government, the, the, well, the price estimate for the gating season was prime minister has grown in the last few months. this is public opinion known as a strategy in the conflicting gauze that has shifted, but st can be around the issue of postage is people were seeing waiting things ready flags, but also holding all sorts of banners with some having inscriptions that sat on them posting here bb enemy all is well the, the number of by says militants enough down the span has seen
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a dramatic decline since the taliban returned to power. and the country about c. assessment is coming from the russian foreign ministry, which says the number of tara groups fight is full and from around 10000 to 3, thousands. president putin has recently said that most go needs to build relationships with the taliban. and since it's being back in control of afghanistan for nearly 3 years now, a blessing is the relationship with the taliban with afghanistan is constantly on everyone's lips. and there are problems and i've got to stand and, and everyone knows about them, how one should build relations with the current government is another issue, but we have to build them somehow because they are the people who control the country and control the territory of the country, they are the power and i've got to spend today. we have to proceed from the realities and build relations accordingly. we are in contact with many partners, including those and central asia. russia is taking major steps, tools, dana stigma, tyler bond as
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a terrorist organization on formal recognition of the group as the official government of i've done this on russia's folder and i'm just as ministries have advised, president nodded may put it in the tyler bond, which has been deemed the type of group by russia since 2003 can be removed from the list of find organizations for him. and is this guy elaborate of says this reflects a growing reality. and even though the 2nd day of the real power, we've never removed the embassy from then known as the embassy of the people's republic of china. done the site by the way, the best of the tyler, but i'm in boston of afghanistan presented his credentials in by using to changing things along with of i'm passive, this roster is not the 1st to reassess it. so we're like since with the, tell him on the central asian republic of context on a close ally of bosco, as excluded a ton of on from its terrorism blacklist. meanwhile, china was coming for regular dialogue with the group, which is what we ultimately of on the international community should through patient communication with the ask in authorities gradually enhance their
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understanding of and trust in the outside world and adopt more effective initiatives in response to international expectations, it is important to create favorable conditions for dialogue and engagement, and avoid pre suppositions and imposing programs on afghanistan, unable to you, and agrees. but with the caveat that the group has many improvements to make, but many countries said just 3 years ago, that with the top on what's happening to howard enough, got this done that now you can become a hub for global terrorism. terrorist organizations seek on the govern spaces so that they can train and equip and thrive. and there is clearly a possibility that that can happen here. going forward. international community must to night to make sure that i've got these done is never again used as a platform or safe haven for terrorist organizations. as i appeal to the security council and the international community as a whole 2 spent together to work together and it together and use all things
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as its disposal to suppress the global category so that the enough gun is done. and to get into that to basic human rights to be respected. navigating don't have dentist done and must now become the center of terrorism, is that it has been, it is a challenge for peace, international stability against a common enemy and terrorism, and also supported in this regard. we'll also do everything to ensure that the restaurant the united states in europe can cooperate effectively because our interests are the same. much of the media reinforce this idea, but falls forward to the present. we see a very interesting and very different picture. despite the warnings when the telephone would turn to power in 2021 of the dentist, i'm fell from the top spot in the global tara index to 6 in 2023. i'm the group officer pulls in the fight against terrorism. in the wake of the recent console attack in russia during the commission of a punish done prizes, had their physicals and visions visible prisons. and as some problem,
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some appointments, some like uh, named uh in going to a province in some, in the north of the countries. we have clear that there is no visible presence alpha i says. but the idea of, uh, leadership has moved out of on some idea of when i organizing attics from the, in atlanta. some they have not to the have not uh, existing in uh, as a rule, but maybe as individuals. so know some intelligence agencies have into the infinity trip in this school and they are using them for their political objectives in a mortgage. so i. ready or we are fully committed to a 2 door we with the this feed and i finally saw a but the,
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it needs to also enforce from other countries. yeah, they are being recruited. we have the being trained and that is outside of understand. and i think it's important to how should the cooperate, agent populate, and the do the other jobs, and then it sponsibility and dislike. so the tell about fights against terrorism appears to be showing some serious results. many of perhaps now starting to realize that the listing the group from his previous terrorist status could be beneficial for everyone in terms of going well security. but the fight against terrorism is not the only reason to reassess relations with the top to bottom during the 3 years . there is a security all over the country in the countryman controlled from one of the country to another day and night and data, some uh, economy. some big projects have been launch,
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like course eva. and there is a word to the line to be started. you know, construction upgrades, relying from those breaks down to, you know, through hit up, you know, another to, to, from one to some to, from, with specs from wow, i'm a son to a textbook. so the actual and industrious 6 that we the initiated and come in so many industries and the mid mid assumption of the 6 tests. if you compare that to the frontiers of the patient, the b r o more. all right. and now has more weight and more in fi guess is developing relations with russia. i've seen
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a ton of bond invitees to the st. petersburg international economic for a while. they may kind of on struck a deal with complex done. i'm to commit is done to make, i've gotten this done a regional hub for exports, including oil from russia to south asia. agreements and discussions on investment and trade have also taken place with a number of other countries, including iran on china. we have been discussing the belgian road initiative with our chinese countered parts. this is very significant because we can export goods to china and the entire world through the framework. all countries need to have dana stand as their short as transit route for trade. this is important for us because we want to create jobs for our citizens trade, whether it's packaged on increase 6 hold last year with plans for trans i've gotten ro, road that would link is back this time with practiced on. i think the biggest thing i'd removing bobby is to trade these data was being struck by the tell them on a crucial for the development of i've gotten this done well, what.


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