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tv   News  RT  June 2, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the voted for changes of africa for the 1st time in 30 years. the african national congress fails to win a majority of the general election, eating its crumbling to form a coalition in the wall. and the story of the shape, the weak who is doing this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems to ukraine. this canon does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. a lot of me put it and says nature is already deeply involved. in the ukraine was saying kia, wouldn't be able to use the alliances advance to weapons by itself. that's as the president biding green light strikes on sudden russian territories. also ahead of
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western europe and an italian width and striking and killing in the thoughts of russia seems very, very dangerous and reckless to be good leads deputy prime minister denounced as polls will ukraine to hit the russian territory here. if the you find yourself split, the mid fee is of escalation the invalid and seems in power. he says, because he's moving to break up through the policy, didn't demonstrate those out. raised beings ready offensive on dropbox. that's as big as a desktop passes. 36000 people since october, the 5 at 6 pm in moscow. well, come to the latest news update on our team to national i a michael portrait. now for the 1st time in 30 years, instead africa,
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the african national congress has lost its majority in parliament following its weeks. this weeks general the election of the parties now trying to find coalition partners in an attempt to form a government. the owner of the country's electoral commission says the voter turnout was around 58 percent of the total vote to those who are eligible are the main oppositional and democratic alliance party. and the routing amc dominates the entire political field in the vote on the voting field around the country. although the newly formed m. k party headed by former president jacob's whom i have a strong showing in the eastern part of the country. now more than 99 percent of the ballots have now been counted and b and c secure most with about 40 percent of the total votes cast. i think it's the, it's a significant phone and support compared to the last election in 2019. when it
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gained 58 percent of the democratic a lions receive 21.77 percent of the total vote of making the 5th with the m k. the new kid on the block with 14.59 percent coming last them now with all the majority in parliament to be. and so you will need coalition partners to form a government out of pot the secretary general effect. but that process is already on the way we would pull to the interest of but people stop out for the 1st the please use of northwest to us in this country. it does brought the stability and all of that. but it is the week of the it is that we love the people and that is what we must accept. it is not an outcome we our selves can not abandon the sheet because we've got 6000000 people who are still spending the living in the effort to mission outcomes. what blown but not out was didn't
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spend. and i'm gonna close as the president of the and see, and if you come to us with those 2 months we'll get if you come to us with a do you mind that i'm a pause. i'm a step down as a president, that's just not going to ship. we've got no such monday. we're not going to engage with what you've done. but these on the page is that we don't want to talk to sort of the sort and sort of uh, we're not going to do that because we don't on board to do that. but did you ask me about m, take pa g with good menu is of asians about that part too, but we wouldn't talk to them if they watch web with us. we wouldn't map out how we want to do. but to know, what did you got to do with it to take tests like that to us as the n c will not now be executive chubb and all the institute of electrical management services in africa says there is an immediate need for a legal framework for got been coalitions in south africa or explosives that advocates, that this is a college and governments,
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particularly at the local government level. and we've seen a lot of us dependent said. and then some of us, if i give that it is because there is no data collection of qualities and the, there is a need for some kind of a legal framework that we're trying to cover. that the relationship, you know, the fact that we have for i do call in, in the next, they fucked insights. that relationship with the new delivery, which basically means you'll come into that relationship. and then when you're on the tempe, or just take your check it and leave it, that's great. that is w to the to see. and then i just hope that the good to see that printing at the national and professional living by the time is conference that i forget to begin to suit us liquidity to regulate the quantities briggs far remember how show off patel sides of the coalition. government will indeed have an element of instability. he explained some potential options for the
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country is leadership. as it does can feed some level of instability. because according to the constitution, a government has to be formed within 14 days of the election. and we are now in an interesting space with the potentials and options for different kinds of formations of government. so yes, they use some into the kind of stability, the overall yes. a and see if some options it can stick to be a minority government, which the constitution allows, but it will be a very weak government, indeed. and it may need the support of a compatible parties involved in the 2nd option. a could be a kind of alliance with a party like the affair and very small boxes. technically, the agency can form an alliance with the 5th and maybe one or 2 side spots you select the i see and then form
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a coalition government. another option is to bring in the, in k, into the dynamic, but that would need a kind of negotiation. so those are the immediate options that the agency faces. for at this point in time, let's get more from r t curse, but in milledgeville. couldn't get into a honda is but no, no, it's been a busy day for you out there. but talk to watch the less than an hour before the counting ends. what can we expect from the future of africa and this election? the world, mike's knowledge that's v i. e. c has the so to the, so far as the and confirmed that good will announce between the 24 national and provincial election results by tonight's, as in this will be applied. this is 5 to the m k policy led by former president jacobs, who must attend. that announcing the results would be a pro vocation,
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as it refuses to accept the final outcomes. if we can see that the returns from that from that's accounting, which is more than 99 percent of posting station use the in of wednesdays election . so that is the had barely scrape costs 40 percent off the votes, but the n c will remain the largest party in the parliament, even though it has last majority. it will have to hold alliances to reading it, to them a process at the end of the month and stay in power. but so that's the cost has the assembly into the era of uncertainty. because as the governing party is forced to form a coalition government, some opposition parties of one to the president out of the picture and some refuse to even consider a condition to exist between the is the, the 5th and the empty poxy. in fact, the d a says it will do it at most vista to prevent echo, listen between the n c and the a vehicle even i'm calling to is these are just move on that's we have got
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a lot of work to do to prevent the mistake. of an issue without getting into anything to do with the a. and so i'll jump is punctual south africa 1st. and of course it is mean south africa's interest for the d and to go out of business at all. so good for running towards the next election battery have to protect the duties that we've also heard from the lead off the here we have to definitely lemme climbing the conditions under which it will form a coalition with the african national congress saying it's de monte needed the explanation of why its own land without compensation could even identify this as a cardinal principle of the if, if instead of the pots you would not to compromise on, it's any tool would be in c, but essentially saying that it's the death 1st preference is working with b and c have a listen to this we, i every where they may be us because we have our chief,
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our mission even though our lifetime. and our mission was to bring the agency below 50 percent. we want to work with the a and see if there's any pipes that we can work with. and where is the agency because and see when compromised is not i don't is the choice of coalition pots. now we'll have an impact on every aspect of the economy. if it goes with the d h, it will be signaling a pro market stones is how if it's ways up with ad, the smaller parties, it will likely result in a renewed emphasis on policies that drive great to equity in the country. but despite all of that, the uncertainty as well. so that's the kind of position parties of hailing the new political picture as much need to change the will the country off 62000000 people. all right, and what
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a day to pour the rain. so we understand is reading heavy from where you are are to you correspond another vehicle. i'm good. thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. the moving on now from south africa, crux, our magic in nato's unity over the war. ukraine with honda res, from minnesota, standing firm against drug is nation into a logic conflict. and it comes against a backdrop of ongoing discussions within the lines about permitting kids to use western arms against russian territory. a way for more europe is preparing for war to date. the announce the opening of a new section of the road to hell every day. every day we are bombarded with the idea of hundreds of billions of yours for ukraine, nuclear weapons deployment in the heart of your conscription of our sons into a for an army. nate to mission in ukraine, european and military units in the great, my friends,
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it seems there are no brakes on the war train and the driver has gone mad. we need to pull the emergency break so that at least those who want to get off and stay out of the war. we won't go to war. we won't leave our homes hitting east for the 3rd time. we won't go to the russian front again. we've been there, we have nothing to do there. i'm so fall 11 countries have given the green, the green light to use the weapons to strike russia among them. some of keeps most vocal support as poland is their funds, canada, and the u. k. of a push was initiated by the need to achieve gen, stilton book. now, as politicians discussed, the escalation of the conflict protest as most in the home given in german capitals . and this, speaking out against nato's role in the ukraine, particularly the decision to let key of strike rocks and territories. a comedy of for demonstration,
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russia is not the aggressive drama. nato is the aggressive and stilton, but the secretary general of nato says constantly that the board did not starts in 2022. it started in 2014. he's right. the german government is not solver and the german government takes these orders from washington. when you see how the german government destroyed his own economy by allowing washington to blow up the north stream to the north string pipeline. when you see germany is nothing controlled of the situation, the german government hardly follows orders from washington. it was done. i think the government of russia is doing the right thing defending itself because nato is getting closer and closer to russia. that's why i think russia has a reason to defend itself this think. so i think that piece should rain over the whole world, no matter where and no matter in which conflict you shouldn't solid with war.
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about 3 types of the west and supplied munition can head targets less than 100 kilometers inside of rush up with that. so the reaching didn't ask and bo garad. the next group includes rockets, bombs and drugs will be us, you can particle and they can reach up to 300 kilometers deep into roster. touching as far as a small estimate the public as well as a luger. and the other cities right there, but the long range storm shadow crews, muscle posed the biggest stretch. they can strike up to 550 kilometers into russia and down even to the capital of moscow, or the u. k. and funds supply bes myself and have supported potential attacks on vasa. washington is also admitted the gave approval for the key of to use its weapons against limited territories. over the past few weeks, ukraine came to us and asked for the authorization to use weapons that were providing to defend against this aggression, including against the russian forces that are massing on the russian side of the
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border and then attacking into ukraine. and that went right to the president, and as you've heard, he's approved use of our weapons for that. for that purpose and going forward. we'll continue to do what we've been doing, which is as necessary, adapt and adjust. and that, as i said, has been a hallmark of our engagement. it will continue to be our ukraine's west and back cuz should think carefully about the allowed key up to use the weapons to stride directly at the russian territory. and that's a warning of this week. from black, been put in, in response to resend escalate tree rhetoric on the list which natalie was eventually then this new might precision was long range, weapons customer cannot be launched without using space recognizance. you know, in addition, the final target choice and the so called flight mission, we but it can only be made by highly qualified specialist is of the,
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based on this technical intelligence he's doing, it was the who is doing this and the speed. so that is that this is done by those who produce and allegedly supply the systems, the brain, the scan. and it does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems are also being prepared on the basis of space exploration. yeah. and are automatic. my problem with the appropriate calculations is this task is being prepared not by ukrainian service men, but by representatives of nato countries. difficult, but these representatives of nato countries, especially in your drawers and announcement they should generally be aware of what they are playing with. how many they should remember that they see some of them as a rule when you have a state with a small territories and a very dense population when you much to and this is a factor that they should keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory, this is a serious matter, and we are of course, watching it very carefully got the new price given. i know we spoke with george samuel e, a senior research fellow at the global policy institute,
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who says that old people across europe do not. she had made those narrative, a public opinion and hungry is very much opposed to getting involved in this world . but in fact, that isn't very different from public opinion. in most of europe, there is no in the susie, as i mean, any country in europe to get involved in this war. it's just that. elsewhere in europe, the political leads, the leading big is it all. the main political part is going along with the e. u. nato agenda, i think at this point to roll it back only something is something, you know, you, you, when somebody, you know, where you are with the head of, and people who just sort of wake up. and, and that's why i think the, the cuban missile crisis is the best, the analogy suddenly,
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people realize where the colewell was heading and, and the, and the really focus, you know, the world's attention to the part of the prospect of that kind of global nuclear annihilation that what people out that, that lead to data on, but the 2 arms control treaties that with the last will that several decades right now, all that has been forgotten and the european lead is laser elite is somehow we assume that they can escalate, escalate, escalate and that russia will magically back down, rupture will capitulates, then there's no bases, whatever for the this is kind of thinking last month. so it's aligned to the meat of this month. the product, switzerland will play hosts to a, you create the summit to rush. it wouldn't be that, but china is turned down it's invitation, say the me meeting would fall short of expectations to resolve the war. some of the, something that you create in president appears to have taking as us now. yes ma'am
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. we're not positive about china signal that they will not support and participate in the peace summit. it is strange and very painful for us that russia, unfortunately, using china's influence in this region using chinese diplomats, is doing everything to disrupt the piece summit. unfortunately, such a large, independent and powerful country as china, is a tool and put in his hands by this, by talking about allowing ukraine to use nate to weapons against the russian territory of moscow. says that the arms all ready in action. and i've been for some time to show them in general, american made weapons are already being used and attempted strikes on russian territory. but of course, it is more than eloquent evidence of the extent of the united states involvement in this conflict. there is also an absolute build up of pro war sentiment in the you. they are deliberately full mentoring, pre war hysteria. but all of this of course, cannot but have
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a very negative impact on the overall situation. the tensions continue to escalate to, to call. it was all vs the data members were lying and putting up a smoke screen making up a story that they had not yet decided whether or not to allow the key of regime to loan strikes using western weapons on russian territory in the same way they mislead those they trying to drag to the conference in switzerland by telling tales about his peaceful settlement, classic native style manipulation, a senior fellow they tie, he has to do, terry. no time getting the size of the piece ahmed carries no value without russia on the table. as well as the landscape is desperate right now. i mean, he got all the attention has been shifted to guys. uh uh, you know, a 4 days ago he was ordering that his government people to criticize she and biden for not attending his fees conference. but it's not a peace conference. it's simply a grandstand,
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unless you invite the parties who need to be at the piece. how can you create piece this idea that somehow china should be a poster boy for his demands is ridiculous. china has said consistently that it without russia there, there's no way you can have a peace conference. why is this even being discussed? they've been very polite about it, but um, you know, this is, as i said, desperate ground standing at this time. it is idea that the ukraine can win on the battlefield. i think people understand that's not happening. and now he's trying to figure out some way he can win on the, on the diplomatic table on the bargaining table. but except you have to be able to bargain with somebody the fact that he cannot bring himself to come to the table without a pre conditions means that he is not serious, he wants it all his way, it won't work. but in the meantime, you have this dangers escalation, which is threatening, in my opinion,
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a possible nuclear confrontation and turning to europe now. and they have been angry, seen on the streets of the french capital after police moved in against thousands of proof policy and demonstrators please use to your gas and rubber bullets to try to break up. the crowds protest as had been making a stand against the ongoing. is there any offensive in guys that since the stock of the idea of operation moldings 36000 palestinians had been killed there pa, this time protest. this also took to the streets in the french city of leon to support palestine and corporal, cease fire and, and gaza. the
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police turned up to despise big crowds who were holding policy in flags and signs that said hod, so with gossip, according to local authorities, about 2000 people took part in the radi. some individuals, vandalized local shops with messages painting on the walls of the top box and zara calling for the point costs of the company's. ronnie's were also how the process of english channel in the u. k. a post test as demanded an immediate end to the war and the keys, the british government of complicity in the bombings that have robbing civilian areas. a number of arrests were made easy. what of itself also saw protests. the thousands once again passed the streets of tel aviv calling for the removal of prime minister big. i mean it's and yahoo and his golf. the,
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the other protest movements against the prime minister has grown in the past few months, particularly his failure to secure the release of those still being held hostage by a mass of people were seen waving is rarely flowed when holding banners, funding living as, as an enemy all these meanwhile in solving guys i've lost functioning the hospital in the box. i has now out of service and it comes as easily confirmed its forces are expanding the ground operations that with time sponsored in the city center for the 1st time since it's offensive began last month. local john list a problem, also tare up did hit us on the latest situation by so most of the size and indications, including the number of people the number of neighborhoods fabricate. the location of those type of hoods are in the case of, of the fact that the, there's opener's and is
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a full scale of what are some targeting the entirety of rough with an objective old from thrown into the whole area. the number of people change the quality of the targets, the location of the different target, feed them on the east, or the west, or the south, or the north of rough or are or indicates of or they own for city. that there is, at least the person is where doing a full scale person would objective of controlling the whole area problem, right? it's not the only difference. i didn't see a front door to door sonata. every single car, not over there is only different sources have been underlining the fact that's what really matters today is that a government is basically what people say is that the citizens they have been justified. and they have been using this as, of, as the weapons being just smoking and smoking from the front border as a pretext to continue with at the present. they are now announced that they have already fully control that interpreter. and they said by that they are preventing the smuggling of the funds into gaza. so far,
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they are preferred to continue with the 5 even when the usa and the with the euro. and was also something out of power through the sizing, back to move. but they seem to be continuum that and they seem to be defending their position by saying that they are cutting the line supply of the arms by doing that in northern gas, as some people have been returning to find what's left of the homes. and that's after the idea for through from jamalia following a 2 week incursion. one local showed us how family home, which has been reduced to drawings. and this is our apartment. it's ben. my cell has put the barriers so that we can be here. how do we should these riley, all of it has done a lot of damage, destroyed streets and buildings. none of the homes are intact. they will lie the bones of band. this room is all ash and then the bowls collapsed to a bunk. here with russia on international children's day,
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the international festival of briggs, c at the school as cape pa, from the russian capital, and would last until july. the 8th is attended by a representatives from a number of bricks, countries including new members you, ron and d, u, a e, and block hopeful bill. our rooms are the correspondence. a bose is there as well as and filed it. and this report, welcome to an incredibly sony beautiful moscow and also to the international theater schools. festival is part of the bricks. so that's a tail here at the russia exhibition didn't get an incredible place showcasing everything. russia has to offer culture, history, food. so as you can see, there's an incredible, the color and music with the theater schools, the players from india, russia, china, b, u, a. and so don't forget here. it's an incredible event showcasing the patriots on
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the music of each individual country. of course, we associate briggs switch economics with the global change with you and he polarity, there's always a cultural side. and that's what this big event here in moscow today is all about these countries getting to know each other's colors. the culture music. it's really fantastic to be with all those a group from india, from south africa, from russia. art is always, you know, they bring people together. well, waco, cultures, maybe different languages. but with art, there's only one language are. these are list, it looks like a bridge between to go just to systems to countries. so definitely it has pot or do a whole lot of people and to go beyond the language, your language is not going to be the bad year for all of us. what's really exciting is we're going to be exploring a great, uh, classic of russian culture. and we get to add our own individual favorites to that
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. and then we bring all of these different countries together in one single performance. and that's really something to look forward to at the end of the week . part of the way that we train act as world wide is influenced by a russian c, h, a practitioner. we wouldn't be training at just the way that we were if it wasn't so consenting. says that's key. so when we say we 10, so we're standing on the shoulders of giants and we need to have respect with those eyes. so as you can see, but i made the parade, is the gold and the music is fair. the day, which was originally opened in 1935 in soviet times, to showcase the cultural fruit. an industrial pro with all the different soviet republics. now it's performed the focus of big concerts and events here in moscow. and today the focus is most definitely on the performing arts built in 1935 as an exhibition center to showcase the,
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the skills on their products from all the 15 soviet republics. it's a wonderful, wonderful thing to witness, and it really feeds a sense of partnership and friendship with russia under countries that have stuck with in difficult times che bose, for ortiz den in moscow. why that's the update this time i'll see you again with more stories that someone will be out by now the the


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