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tv   Cross Talk  RT  June 3, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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it's a non so numerous questions that have remained an onset for many years. watch on archie somehow, ours, believe what people want is all over the industry in the southern living in the water, which is the one made was on this. and the other thing is something else, and that's where the folks from south have been working because the grounded subjects, that emotional subjects and that's from the audience. so that basically connected to the emotions and then on positive about how sharp means, especially effective an hour is really the home you have to meet the indian cinema . well, i mean, one of the amazing, it doesn't seem to be the live in any society exist as a handful of people who are trying to do all the hello and welcome i'm i know if i'm kid in the ever evolving landscape of 21st century, the focus no more than it is on in the part of every week we bring use some of the
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most influential indians and my guest this week is a great and then after the fact is in the industry is a producer director and a member of parliament based on this, anybody as they call us any sizes. some of the d o is an indian accent, film director, producer, and a former member of parliament. he's working close to 100 in the films in a career spanning over for decades. the all the oldest son of veteran act had the men dress is the recipient of 2 national film awards. he's famous for his action hero image on the screen. i almost feel that yours is the more loving family in the independent industry. those are all the way to open the wrong does all of his dad, the genuine, this is all of his dad. i would like to say that your family is, is the most loving family. i think they just blessed. i really need some the answer . so i would say it started off for my grandfather grand. mom and dad came from
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a village at the way he conducted himself. the vision was for the everyone with all the people and the produces and everything i'm ever he progressed and he can remain the same. yes, it isn't the same. and i've heard some amazing stories that in your house, nobody knew each other with this being this, the them that, yeah, initially it was like that because the, there's to be so many of them coming from friends of and it was next and they got a desire on its own home, and so they would come over and granny was a charitable lady, she would welcome everyone and nobody to who it was. that kitchen was always open, and so that's what it has been. and mazda is this, the same, the same. and yet there was a certain discipline or children, let's say, so a child is our lives and outcome of how the whole thing and the then obviously the
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joining family, right? so if you had, i'm goes and on these and all of them from all of the other side to do a living together that either in the sixties and seventies, it was different to what it is now because we all don't know what that beat it was and we have a software that you learn right when that's how much was in the say that because i know him, i really don't know which one in my family from the whole family then slot for me. oh really? obviously it was an outage. i is. yeah. yeah, sure that that was not a you know, yeah, it's not right. this is outside the slide. that's not right. my mother has left me so many times, not only so that there was a kind of a plant outside if you from back us to get because of the actual and that you are one act of who in public lashawna is it literally shy on screen? you play a larger than life characters i have played your father and so i know who it's i have also slept doing it for a little bit the little bit. yeah. little means of yours
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that a legendary that allows of us really such a great idea. so, so, you know, everybody has his own ideas of how they perform and it is not some kind of a shape or something. my belief is either you are talented or you're not talented. i mean, that i think cannot be taught. yeah, that's what i've been. if you have it, obviously it publishes you up and a good act as a person who's always observing and moving around and seeing the. busy a brain is a computer and sticking everything in, right? we do not give that respect it. yes, but when the moment comes, the brain is only giving you all the collection and guiding you, right? it only gives you all those emotions and the and as a human being, we all have all kinds of demons within us. goodness badness, even as last angler green everything is evident as but haul,
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we can to generalize it and how we can control ourselves. that's what the societies as a new engineer, as an actor, i get very excited or anything is given to me. i don't want anyone to give me too much of a input about once once a story is told to me and once i get it there, i will distort it. then obviously if i've seen things, then obviously there's some then from the new things started happening and there. and when that happens and when i'm doing, i enjoy it. when i have to work on a better me don't, i feel i'm having a hard time. what the hell am i doing? and then i have to do that. it being the same thing again and again. i feel literally the last about it. so i think that's of the, i have all this stuck in that. and i said, no one has always been there unless you do not see the thing. they're not an actual way for david and abroad. it is not so yeah, it is as long as i mean, if a person cannot got you and you are the guy, that is what they enjoy and that's what i enjoyed. we all enjoy when i see my dad phones, the earlier phones which they made in the sixty's. there was
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a natural in the cinema, initially what we had was would people who are so talented as of right this as direct us as music and every field. and the way they would more the actor and then like astro beautifully because that's a good thing for us because that time we used to do what i used to do 3 fee shootings in a day. yeah, exactly. and those funds are far better than the funds are due today. and there was no script, but it was no script. you know, they give you a script. uh, so it's a script is this of something always given to you whether it's good right or wrong or nothing? nobody. nobody talks about it. no, i got it from script. yeah, that's it. yes i still, i never did. it is good to all is hear the story and that's it. and that then once we used to work eastern, should firms issued for 10 days or 5 days, or 15 days all when we were going to be, i mean, the director knew what he was going to be shooting at that moment. right. and then after long period again, you would commission by the time he had seemed rather connected, gathered what he was for the thinking about. and again, that would be an extra duty. what happened that she kept him, was on track of what he had to bar and it goes on in,
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in the one going to have to finish it. although some of you uh, seems a little spontaneous but other than making it to cut off costs. and as a life, i basically like that. so relate to those things so beautifully. they get involved and i'm so using it, you grew up in a friend and family friends with a friend people. that's it. i did. did you see a lot of movies? was not one of the phone books? no, i was in as a matter when i see phones, i don't, i never liked darkness. i could not so good to send them. i wouldn't be there for too long because i would get a headache and i don't from childhood. i've been a boy who has, who wakes up with you and i like to start my day very early. and when is a dock, i'd rather go off to sleep. that has been the pattern from childhood and was it well done to me maybe, but somehow i enjoy that. and that's the way i have. i've been basically and uh, so my friend watching was very less. and the only thing that i didn't saw with my dad so differently that the, my dad had the 16 i'm
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a projector. so he had couple of problems at home. and i wonder at times, you know, that time i wondered 5 or 6 and was watching best. so as a jaden. com or she was watching mr. or mrs. 55. i know, so they looked into it. wow. now i think, i mean, how would have understood what was that, but somehow i was getting related to, did you want to be an actor or because i've seen your group, i did my 1st 2nd feeling to do this, right? i just are doing and that was 0 to my my 2nd for us i can for the and that's for you will be on that. i'm do. yeah. we're part of the said that with that and out every day from the to brother to i have seen this after going from strength to strength was trend. was that bunch of decisions, you know, it doesn't like that. i mean like that's what i started to say is that i say i've enjoyed every age of mine, which i feel to the kids don't. so that them i was just a child who wanted to play and play and plan plan. that's what we did. and that's
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why i said we would not do. and again, i was, that was not true because i used to love cause and all these things. and the early age i would, i started driving, which was on the right. how are you? and i started, i, i don't know, maybe 10 or 11 know, so i'm just started driving and then i would sit on the driver and i would think the car and because i was just a tremendous son. so i could do that. and that time, you know, life was very, i mean little gains of 5 so many things happening that i'm the one of those very different. so i'm lived and i've worked. but when we finish of school is a diamond, a person actually realizing because friends are going away and everybody wants to do something and they're giving the default this professional year this summer. that's how i decided to get what's the most to do. i know and thought about it and that's it. okay. i think i want to look over like what i said, i'm too shy how the effect. right. so that's where the decision that to i know we
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had, everybody knows who we are, new schools have used to have that problem because of being an active son. idea treated nicely like if you did harder with whatever the dental hygiene c normally. so the life was on that side during that period. so then i decided to go be abroad in england. i joined to the order of children in birmingham. i was there for a year and a half and because they said that nobody knows me for the headlamp, my so you know, i'm just not my person. and that's what i see the recovery myself. how wonderful you have seen great success and you have seem to infinity it also. how did you cope that failure? really, it was a moment when i gave the biggest hit of the for the industry that was good. there was after that, things started to somehow i don't know why i don't understand. i took myself for granted that, oh no, i can do the side of the list of some, all the water was changing the industry. i started changing, emergent nationals that started coming. the inclusion produces were going away and
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the distribution sector was it, everything was changing. and uh, somewhere in that i could not change or adopt on the that would then pick on me and that moment then the i was just getting on trying to find some thoughts of how i can move ahead. and so many things i was trying to do, but that's when i started directing more and i'm getting more of a producer and instead of doing lots of things, trying to put myself there. and then so the name, anybody would say, no, you should go along with these directors each and we'll give the younger generation each of them. i said the toilet who wants to work with the plan. and i also have this profession feeling and success is very, very transparent and people change with success and failure. and that's right. so how did you cope with that fees? i didn't know i had feel i was basically trying to still fight my weights for what you're doing. that's a good here to look i. i know a lot of time from that point of view, i'm just saying, i know, i mean i've given so many send them. i've given my friends as people still watching
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. that's the reason i'm existing is because of the kind of work i've done without giving any new phones of that just on i was just trying fighting to get an eye script if i didn't get the rate right. director of fighting to get for new production team would want to invest in me and making those stubs because most everybody was starting to worry makes and i was never a person of the megs and everything was happening. and then i could see that the sitting on which was being made as something which had already done me, but i just kept on and on and on and on, and on and on and on. and when i did this, when i didn't go there also, and then with a couple of other problems that don't want to live in on, i mean go that, i mean, who wants to see such a also and was, was set up for shaping the perception everywhere so yeah, and somehow ours, believe what people want is more about the industry knows the live in the world, which is especially off late in the southern living in the water, which is the ultimate road on there. and the outlet is something else. and that's why the film some cells have been working because they're drowned,
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it subjects that emotional subjects. i mean, i remember seeing or for my eyes agent, especially in fact, but i would get brought into the emotions i would get edited. it is because i've seen so much of this word and i know it shouldn't be like that, but the emotion is the same. which ones you on? and that's what the audience are basically connected to the emotions and the then, and was it about how sharpie the special effect is or not they don't, they don't budget about of that. and that's the 2nd one is i've been working on this getting on will take an hour, is really the home you have to make an indian cinema big. well, i mean, what are we making? it doesn't seem to be the live in any society is just this handful of people who are trying to do all of that. right. and then fortunately, go their game and i created a have a, a, a see, what are you expecting you to be such a big, huge a i wasn't really expecting it to be huge, but when i started to promoting it, i remember the really lose the idea that the, under the kind of response action was getting a number and
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a couple of send them as to why we were really using this and on the vibe started coming, the people on something they make the numbers. ok. this for the middle opener, this much, the people who project your project, all these numbers that's 100 projecting good numbers for another or so after that, you know, so i said, well, the 1st time i'm seeing numbers happening for my phone, which i've not seen from frustrated is that right? yeah, yeah. so something is happening. yes. you're, you're the one active within long 50 arctic, but i didn't border because i loved one dodge, he says, and i always wanted to do it and i figured pretty much. yeah. so i don't know, wanted to do that. yeah. i'm going to be that they came to me any know they did me . i said one of them also missing. i want to sunday the 1971. what is it more in edited movie? no go. yeah. thing i said well, and then how long does it produce? i'm producing it, okay. and that's how it got started. anything on a separate company. so then he took over the whole thing. i don't know what he would go beautiful to because of the right. i do my want to do it. i wanted to look like that. i wanted to feel like that. and other thing was i don't like stitching
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in this one. perfect. it's. i don't want people to think you're raised quite a dot in it, but i don't want to put my bid on and doing that. those are the due date. yeah. it is. it is because remember i used to put the mustache. uh no, it's still going to start talking in the near perfect lane or is going from your it's going to go from here is born. saved watching this yet. so that doesn't happen . i tried to perform. yeah. yeah, it does. it does. it does. it is what prompted you to do a guest appearance and i mean, it was less and you let them national board for that? that's right. i mean, really, our friends are that's hope anymore on in the garage and i mean, we started off for emergency room that was as far from being a house. the lot of times we started off never doing this field and that was not entered. so i said, give me a new one and get it to whatever it is of this. and this is this character, this is sort of tv, i'll do it, let's do it, begin with color defective. and that's what i'm saying. you know, let me do a films really don't know what's going to happen to. i love it that way. that's
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a good point of your to look at the seem going to be like this. i don't, i said, i don't want those scenes. give me something. there's a categor would do it other than making it a category just seen, wouldn't be like this. i said, don't want to do that. i remember, even when i was doing that, also they would give me some dollars. i said i must be doing this. i live this longer than a single speaking doesn't when he would talk, i don't want, don't, don't try to make the strap collapsing. i'm not interested. i said to the subject is right to get it goes right. it, it cell phone generated something. it should become nice. yeah. and that's what happened with the that's what i've seen and the, i know big my for my hip, my foot and then i've done it. and i'm not so sure it is going to work. and then it works. i love it because i didn't like it, but then i can see them liking it so much, obviously as a maple or as an actor, just so indebted into it that to be did we start feeling the things which the people of the audience has fever?
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so that's why i don't watch fight from said i just don't say them to escape. why did you want to become a director? i never wanted to trick that was english. so i'm go to london, which and later on let's go to the lady who didn't mention that was directing to have a technician come from b, c. she's um, sentimental girlfriend because i wanted to go into english and handy show them that time. and this will be back in 97 as in good in this budget on the beach. and so i said, let's make something interesting but some of the doing that from things in florida, right. then how describe the from then? i said, i can't stop it from, it's just kind of i'm have to make this phone. so when did my dad and i said that, can you hear the subject? i'm with him. you're missing fine. i said, i wonder directed, seen you think? and i said, yeah, so one good. so for me, i don't know, i'm the kind of a person and my dad says that you can do this. i believe in my so that's the magic difficult to explain and nobody will understand that i did it as a father who gives you the signal, elizabeth, the energy which comes into you,
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you can do anything. right. and that's what you're looking for. i agree completely . it's a, it's a blessing which is uh, it does come. you would think that this come from up did. yeah. and that's what happened. one of my higher, nobody wanted to produce it. i wonder daddy, like did i said i want to produce a go ahead and i did it and that's how i started the game and i had no abc new but direction and also, i mean, i mean, not a, you know, i'm an actor basically rush. i'm no, did i do they have the right to you have to become everything. i mean, i, i've, i find it very difficult because the end of the day you have to indulge into all those things and you're not the right the, you're not all of these things, but then you're working according to what you can do. it has to be i, but uh, on your on the other side of the ridge, right? those. and they would come up. it's a great subject. only have to do a stick it in would take across. exactly. that's why you, that's why you see lots of good directors. they are basically kind of right, right. yeah, i agree, you know, and they do a great job of it because it is they,
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they can mix it up properly and you've acted on swim, defend the directors. yeah. how did you manage to do that? i don't know when i thing i decide to do something. i just do it that's. that's some of the script i have anything i want to do that then i don't, i don't analyze how in walter does. i just go ahead and do you have a lot of special man? oh, that'd be good. i think it's it's the fact that you don't camouflage that and save openly that i don't know, but i don't, i don't, i did not know i just did it. that's such a valid come and refreshing change from others, and that's what makes it different. you are on so many protective towards bobby i'm projected yeah, i know somehow it has been this is of a i think is genetic, it's a baby or the whole family is the i'm the i live so i didn't know when, but i took on put up the gap and i've actually let this is know, i really has been do this, i'm gonna do that. it just, it just happens. and i think that this would be our basic depot, the indian society was, it is yes. and that's all it is. there's no,
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no mistreat to success isn't happening the same time. yeah. yeah. this phenomenal looks like that's. that's right. and bobby's phenomenal success and that's right most i'm talking about it. so we had a daughter come into a house and i think that's where everything started turning around. and it just started turning around and you know, what's beautiful about everything? is you sleepy wake up? is this the same day? yeah. well certainly everything has changed. yeah. nothing has changed, the sun is coming all the same with the same. i mean, isn't it? so with the people. ok, do you think it's called success? that's what it is. yes. especially when you are nobody. yeah. then the look which is coming to you. nobody is looking at doing that and that's when nobody wants to watch on their ones or not. and one for marketing them says, you don't sort of go out of your way to say that what is it, what we have done, this is what we are doing. the newest suggests to your son who is also an actor.
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now that state of the i have been all your grandfather has been all your uncle is, are you one virginia strategy? simplicity, unfortunately not. unfortunately, i don't know. i was like, my kids are just like me. they just want to be very active. they want to send them, i don't want to act. what's happened or afraid? everybody wants to be a star. and if you're acting is just, i mean, anybody can to at, to miss on destiny. feel good, but the good for the good or an actor. if you've got that a great down, see it or an actor if you can do something else here, a great and all listing. and unfortunately, that has been successful and it has been going along with a long, long time and it will be the, it's not that it doesn't because end of the do who is that? what the view is? the views are the ones who want to watch that and but all this feeling, you know, a good content. a good performance will always be there. it may not be knowledge or hide, but all of us stay there. and as long as we have people's mind, other things will come and go. but those things and stay deep into their hearts.
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and you and all a member of parliament, you fucking the election. and one of the great amounts of majority will you continue with the interest in politics? not really a 100, not from any other reason on anything. i think one should do. what is one good act? and i am good at my work as an actor and that sort of shut down everything. i cannot choose anything more be on as being an actor. so at this stage, are you hungry for more? are you less less audio content? i'm a kind of a content person and what it is being assaulted number is less about anything. i've never been like that because when i want to do something, i go do it and then i've done it. i've enjoyed it. i move along to another thing that's of the i've always moved to and that has been my back to me. i'm not being a reasonable name. i really just, and i want to know i want to, i don't want to, i'm not being like that. the beauty is when you enjoy a journey that's new, right?
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but nowadays people won't shut that. so where's the enjoyment? enjoyment isn't about. that's. and that's available is do believe that it is difficult, but that's the beauty of it. yeah, absolutely. that's right. but are you working on this right now? i'm looking. yeah. i mean there was a film as you're looking drops and there shouldn't be working the folder. if those aren't happening for many years. and then it is open the doors and now we're doing right now you're doing that. yes. yes. and you're also working with the film at dad. you and bobby are coming. are you? there's a subject which is the uh, well it doesn't materialize completely. is it, how will you describe yourself in one word and kind of in this ad i saw c o c. at that only setting, do i go to have done with that? uh, the trends good or bad conditions. thank you. we're opening up so much to me, i personally feel very 875 and thank you all join us next week for another in the
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mid conversation. as we did kind of in depth look at india and it's doing best on the right amount of home care to see you next week on, let's talk about it. and it's got the, the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, the, the,
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it was a major's been us to bring it to you. sure. yes, thank you. by giving the attendance to the shows initially. little opinion, appreciate the code and because then we should still give it to christie. we'll get to the subject yourself. okay, so should the cases, i chose customer care of them. and then i just need to spell the name. she goes to the doctor on the plaza road. lemme you wanted to know if that's the most important thing to do with some of the ones contested is the, this is sort of what you're selling. you're successful. we want to build some of the treasures to go. and i still don't know if i'm forward to for, for or from the to mind getting
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the hello and welcome across that bullhorn time peter lavelle. here we discussed some real news of the escalation, louder nato inches closer to war with russia and a desperate attempt to salvage its failing ukraine. project also will be american people, a left, a convicted felon president. to discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess george, send me while we in budapest, he's a pod cast. right. the guy go with green found on youtube and locals and americans . we have martin jay. he is an award winning journalist and commentator. gentleman cross up role is in effect, that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate it. it's kicked us off with george in budapest. you know, george, we've heard we have this meeting went way court regarding the ukraine. it's been persistent over the last few months,
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is that ukraine is on its last legs. we keep hearing that us and, but we also see nato escalating. the problem is here is this escalation is not directed and i'm talking about where it's coming from, the, the british, the french, the germans, etc, particularly the americans. and this is not really to salvage their ukraine project . that is to inflict a strategic failure defeat on russia. there are 2 different things here. we have this escalation, this the destruction of these early warning radars that has nothing to do with the battlefield in ukraine. this is a challenge in nato. direct nato challenge to rush, and these are 2 things different things going on simultaneously. your thoughts? well, you're right the, the, but again, a sense of this has already baked in to the reasons why russia and launch the
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special military operation in the ukraine. the problem for russia was not ukraine by itself because of cause you brain bite, so does not pose any real strategic threat to russia is as much smaller, you know, much more limited resources zone is ukraine in nature, ukraine as a battering ram one day. so that's what, supposedly a problem for russia, and that's really becoming ever more explicit now. and so we now go step by step 2, was this uh, direct involvement by the nature of powers inside russia and, and we can see that each time they make this step, it's always lizzy is the provision of saying, well, you know, there's going to be very very limited, don't worry about anything. so, you know, we do the a, we will provide them with weapons, but it has to be only in ukrainian territory or you can attack territory like crime . yeah. but not rush, no problem. so the of the now now there's that, okay, you can attack rusher property,
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but it has to be somewhere close to the higher co region. so at each step as they go along and of course, as soon as they said, oh, it has to be limited in through the, in the near to the heart, the region on comes the land scan, all his champions in washington. any late that was a oh that's not enough. it has to be unrestricted. then because most of america's pop, as i said, yeah we, we put no restrictions at all and anything that we have provided. so that's the next step, is that, well, let's move back, respects it. so it's beverly, as you said, the inch by inch is becoming a direct rule between nato and russia. well, you know, martin, i, you know, i looked at this in a very simple way. i mean, is it, what is the difference in hinting inside of brushes to territory or close to caught of what is the difference in hitting, you know, most got it's russian soil. there is no difference here. okay. i don't understand why they think that there says there is an invidious difference. there isn't here.


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