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tv   The 360 View  RT  June 4, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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of the western companies and ukraine, the majority was absolutely guessed if so. landscape government by the okay. together with the the voters what's from from the present approach tankless party gave the green light. so the sell off to trade is already going on. and this is just the question when which decision will be, will be done off to the 2014 revolution, several german and your opinion companies managed to stripe lucrative exploration deals who lined up at the starting line in a race to drill and excavate to the soil into depletion, like they've done before, germany is desperate on getting resources because what germany faces now is that relying on the bodies in the u. s, it is cut off the most important raw materials in the world. a did not only cut off the energy supply and made us pay triple the normal price for energy. they
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also restrict us from the supply of all the necessary raw materials for the electrical industry, all the electro, he golds and so on. so basically destroying german economy, germany does not have owned raw materials, so they are desperate in finding areas where they can get their own materials from the us. and europe has been poor in billions and billions into ukraine at the expense of their own citizens and economies. while ki refuses to see the truly kolosso elephant in the room. nothing comes free. i mean there's done of oxy. well, not right, this of this, these out as always lead to a new with this here on of the international will be back in about 20 minutes. we'll see you then the,
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the president biden has accepted the challenge to debate makes my day house. i'll even do it twice. so i suppose to base down here you're free on wednesdays. donald trump is a great but has one request. i just wanted to bait this guy, but you know, and i'm going to, i'm going to demand a drug test here by the way. i have no, i really, yeah. i'm sky know, hughes. and on this edition of $360.00 view, well, the 1st presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle deliver an informative exchange of views, or be a national embarrassment. let's get started. the president joe biden has finally accepted donald trump constant calls to debate with the 1st debate hosted by cnn on june 27th and the 2nd on nbc,
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on september 10th. but even from the acceptance, things are not going so smoothly. first, biden's acceptance video needed 5 job cuts to fill. just 15 seconds. beckett biden hits it on the news network. trump loves to hate, and trump surprisingly agreed. but take japanese paper, they're going to be fine. they're going to be fair. i think they gotta be fair that they're not, you know, you have to deal with it, right? you have to deal with it. their independent candidate, robert f. kennedy junior, is actually in talks with cnn to be included in the debate. so i qualify for the debates they have now made, they made a public offer, we can send them out a contract and i were in discussion with in and now though our f. k junior claims cnn is doing everything they can to try and keep him from the debate state. we were supposed of dealing with them this afternoon, so they sent us
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a message that i couldn't find the guy who's supposed to leave the meeting. is signor's organization. they're supposed to be able to find people, but they couldn't find that guy. so we're going to see what they say, but you know there's a few, c will s, as you can make a t o to keep one of the candidates off the stage. now are of k, jr is billed as the 3rd party candidate who could take enough votes to keep either button or even trump out of the white house. the is is not serious. i don't know what he's in his room numbers and all of this is happening as the republican party and the democratic party just recently said it wanted nothing to do with future
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presidential debates due to the bias of the commission. but all of this chaos in the beginning could be a preview of what is to come as the debate is promising to produce the bracket ratings. what are people watching because they care about the future of this country? or because it promises to be the most exciting fight on tv, even if it is between 2 as senior citizens. it's already discussed with our panel very ward, president political media incorporated, steve osborne, political commentator, alan grayson, former florida, congressman and political and was thanks for joining me gentlemen. about this debate. i knew if anybody wanted to talk about the base, it would be you 3, thanks for joining me. the. the steve on this one because the white house press secretary gen saki actually predicted trump may bail from the debate, since most of the guidelines are set by the by and campaign. let's listen. trump
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could certainly say i never agreed to those those specifics. and the letter any probably will, and that's how this all falls apart. however, while donald trump skip to the republican primary debate, he has been egging biting on 4 months, saying this back in december. the way you debate joe biden, if he is the nominee and you are, then i'm in a while, i look forward to that i have that 10 debates about the side for cricket. joe biden is the worst president in the history of the united states. and i to debate, we owe it to our country, we owe it to all americans anytime, anywhere, any place. so, so steve, will this debate actually happen, or what one of the candidates find a reason to back out and some kind of protest? well, i don't understand why donald trump agreed to all of the buying demands right off the bat. first, i don't believe anything jen. saki says that i don't value her opinion at all. i
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think that she's been proven wrong enough times over the years for me to say that, but what you know, he said, any time anywhere or any place. well, he's getting that he's getting cnn. um, you know, with jake tapper and dana bash, who despise him. it's very possible that down the road, he might say, well, i want an audience. well, of course he's agreed already reported the to no audience. you know, i want a fair monterey. i want the microphones to remain open while the other gentleman talks that he's already agreed reportedly not to have the microphones active. while the other person is talking, no audience which takes away from his way or his career as much as ability to woo and audience and get and work off their applause. so i don't know why he agreed to this in the 1st place, the way it is. so there is a chance that he might say something and make a demand and then say i'm backing out. however, having said that real quick,
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he means the debate. it's going to be a bit easier to watch the floor with joe biden. so when push comes to shove, he will be there. well, i got to pick congressman grace it on this because cars are grayson, if you are betting on this debate, would you put your money on this thing or debate filled with substance and respect? or is this potentially going to look like an episode from a reality show? i think it will end to ensure the world wide shortages. i probably, um i, i think that it will be the most disgusting thing ever portrayed on tv for the most part. and i just hope we can get through it without going to the toilet and i'll check it. uh, it will be a hardship. i appreciate your frankness and your honest. in fact, i think a lot of people in the back their mind, some people actually probably cheering, so that they need some entertainment. but that's the reason i think larry, why i'm even considering why this debate is even happening because the aren't c, back in april 2022 actually withdrew from the commission on presidential bait,
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saying they were bias. so why is this debate, or even how is it happening? well, the question isn't really why before you understand why you have to understand when it's happening, the earliest the bait based on history in history between the 2, the 2 nominees and why is it happening at that time? it's a set up. they are absolutely positioning uh, binding for his last chance if he can, if he can't defeat or hold his own against drop and get good press and raises numbers, they're going to find a way to remove from the, at the convention. that's what this is about. it's, it's, it's a way for, for binding to get the message that he has to move aside and let com a lot, or someone else fight it out at the, at the democratic convention. well, i agree with you on the tiny orders, that's a little bit later, but i want to pull steve, because you mentioned this in the very beginning. because one of the most puzzling parts about this 1st initial, a bait, is the media outlets, as well as the 2nd one which were chosen. why would trump actually agreed to have
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the 1st debate on cnn, which he claims is bite in a friendly? let's listen. you know, the only one who want to do it on basically cnn. okay. and it's even being hosted by the 2 people who had this reaction to the last trumpet by the debate hot mess inside the dumpster fire inside a train wreck. that was the worst debate i have ever seen. in fact, it wasn't even a debate. i looked, the whole thing was disgraceful. the whole thing was disgraceful. but this took it too far, even for donald, because, i mean, steve, i'm even surprised at these 2. if they had any sort of ethics about them, it agreed to host different much was why the trump agreed to be on it. with these 2 host on cnn, it is mind boggling. this is a network that will not even carry what donald trump says live when he speaks after court. when he, when he holds events, what do you, what do you, what he talks to the media when he makes statements, they say, well,
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we will bring you that live because he lives. and then after he speaks, they have the fact checker, come on. oh, he lied about this. he lied about that. when biting speaks of course, never a fact checker never a problem because by never tells anything that's not true. so it is mind boggling that he accepted jake tapper and data bash, well openly and type trump, they despise trump, they mock trump, they call them names. and he's agreed to this and you know the boundary set by the by and kept work just very disturbing. they said it had to be a network that carry both a republican primary that trump participated in in 2016 and a democratic primary debate that bug participated in in 2020. so it limited the field to cnn cbs abc and telemundo, not one of them. pro trump, or even fair in my view?
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well, that's the thing. so i would say, if i've got to ask you, is there a network, do you agree with i guaranteed on a group of students take that it's going to be unfair to against trump, but it's necessarily lately seeing hasn't been necessarily pro biden either. is this a good place from a democrat standpoint, to host this debate? and are you expecting fairness out of jake and dana may know those are that are congress aggressive? oh, yes. well, the answer is yes, but it doesn't matter because the last time that donald trump actually answer the question was approximately 1983. and all the interviews can do is simply ask questions. that's what they do. and it's gonna be even worse, because what they really want to do is ask different candidates, different questions of the format doesn't permit that. that would be actually meaningful. like asking dial child for it says, why did you put class slides documents right next to your toilet in the bathroom? ah, that's not a question for joe biden. that's a question for donald trump. why did you tell the secretary of state to get you another 13000 votes?
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that's a question for donald trump, not job. i'm so therefore, this has been inherently difficult format in order to actually accomplish anything useful. and i'm sure that all the matter is whether biased or not are going to end up entirely frustrated. and that's what makes is absolutely in a very, very interesting and larry, because you brought it up the timing of the debate. first debates happening before the convention. do you think this is actually you mentioned a little bit, a good strategy for either k, we talked about trumpet. is this really a good idea for biding going into his i don't think he has a choice. look, you know, a button that says on numerous occasions, many can't say this, we can't say that because he's going to get in trouble. he's not running the show, then they told them he's going to have this debate and this is going to be his last chance. that'd be the nominee. that's. that's what i believe and look you, what you will see and be fair. i think cnn will actually be fair because i think the, the folks at cnn and most of the people probably included congressman grayson, want to see joe biting out of this race. they know he can't win. is these down in
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the polls? nobody believes in him. everybody sees the dimension that he wears and every single speech that he gives and, and quite frankly, they want him removed and they want somebody else to go in. there may have a shot or they think has a shot against donald trump or alex, you agree with that? you agree? this might be actually the hell marry that. some democrats are hoping for. this is a way to get job i enough and be able to bring somebody else into the ticket before the convention. well, i think the last statement was borderline delusional. i mean, it just looked at the pause button, wins, pennsylvania and michigan and wisconsin, that he's re elected president and states we're with trump was in a far worse position before the last election and nobody was talking about ditching . and so now the fact of the matter is that vitamins actually spending as effort ends money on can't pay. well, donald trump is spinning his effort in his campaign funds on staying out of prison . so donald trump's the one who desperately needs a boost here and
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a distraction from the fact that he's the most a dieted person in recent times that america as well. and that's the thing, steve, is that kind of how you said, you know, both sides claim the others trying to do everything they can to stay off the campaign trail to be held to their records in this case, do you think the timing of this debate is going to help or hurt mainly because there's still cases ongoing. donald trump is going to still not be able to talk about every thing because you'll be, you'll be subpoenaed by the charter. you're going to be condemned by the judge. is this bad timing for donald trump? well, i think, i think in june, you know, with the 4th of july approaching, i mean, i'm sure the ratings would be okay. but it did, people are in to do. and yet, you know, they always say after labor day after the conventions, you know that that's when people start focusing on, on the, on elections, especially presidential elections. and i think that that's the case here too. i think the june 1 edge of the end of june is a throwaway, and i think the point is well made that if joe biden always seems to do well though,
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interestingly enough, your trump is struck, talked about drug testing both candidates before the debate. there were people who believe that before the state of the union, before big events with the eyes of the world are upon him. joe, by and gets a shot of something because he's a different jo, buys and for the our to that he is in focus. so i think the point was, as well taken, that of joe biden has a disaster and start stumbling and mumbling and can, you know, can't compete with donald trump on cnn. come convention time. you know what, he might just say, you know, i talked it over with my family and this came up that came up my sons on trial. i want to concentrate on this, blah, blah, blah, and incomes gavin newsome for the next debate. so i think that's something we do have to watch as well. something else that i wanna talk about the secondary before we go to break larry. the 2nd debate is actually on the night before the 23rd anniversary of the 2001 attacks on america. now,
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do you think this date was purposely chosen by the trump campaign are agreed upon in hopes of putting bite in entered very precarious situation, which risk deepening the divide that's already occurring between biden and the muslim american community? a good, you know, look, be and also strengthening trumps position. as a commander in chief, you know, if people have, have, you know, forgotten, but if it comes around that time around $911.00, people stop remembering and, and, you know, you see the, see the clips about what happened on 911 more often becomes a little more prevalent in in the electorate. so it could, it could kind of demonstrate, well, should be the commander in chief at this, at this very, very precarious time. where, whereby, and that's basically set the world on fire with the, with his weakness. and, and, you know, it's a, it's a good job to position to say, uh, biden, or trump. and i think, i think a lot of people, you know, well, obviously see, uh,
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president trump is a better commander in chief. well, i want to continue this conversation, but i want to do it after breakfast stick round panel. because after the break, the co chair of the republican party is already saying the debate is static, it's trump. but even so, what actually will we see from the debate states? the discussion continues after the break, the, when the world's largest democracy votes, the rest of the planet watches in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind watches, almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the
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the week, these 2 men on a stage, we need to be very clear about the direction we want this country to go. we need to hear from donald trump. it's rig so heavily and joe barton's favor, but everything always is. okay, so it's words from right. and why is she i can surprised considering she agreed to this? well, i want to get to this debate about the presidential debates with our guest, their reward, president of political media incorporated, steve malls, vertical commentator, and alan grace and former florida congressman political analysts. we truly have the full gamut of views on this. so i want to actually start with you on this, alan. do you see the candidates are going to prefer to focus on domestic or foreign policy issues?
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they will focus on domestic issues because there is no the urgent foreign policy threat to be at states right now that would require us to turn our attention to that. but when they focus on the so called domestic issues, they're not going to be talking about the same issues. they literally don't even agree on what the issues are. a, for instance, i'm still waiting for the care band to reach the next the border. but trump is gonna talk endlessly about building a wall, finishing of all the border, etc, etc. i used to be talking to even though i'm starting to it already. so it consists primarily people who are in nowhere near the border. in our case, the border is the ocean here in florida. so i, they're there, they're going to be talking about abortion and entirely different ways to give you an example of jo buys gonna talk about the fact that the most important choice, any of us makes in our lifetimes. we're gonna have a challenge and they forced us by the government. whereas donald trump is gonna be saying it's in a matter of states rights for some reason or other. i'm not even sure why. so
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they're, they're gonna be talking about domestic issues, but they're only talking about some of the ways the top past each other as we often do here in america, in the year 2024. that's an excellent point about that. but larry, there's a difference between what the candidates want to talk about and what the people want to hear. what does the american people want to hear in regards this debate and the topics that are addressed a while it's actually wrong that people want to hear about building a wall. because the problem isn't that caravan coming to, you know, coming to the texas border or the, the arizona border. the problem is the, the, the amount of illegal immigrants that are in chicago and new york displacing veterans displacing homeless people. taking up seats in schools, taking up hospital rooms. that's the real, that's a real issue. so the people actually do want to hear about a solution to our legal integration problem. and, and quite frankly, you know, i, i welcome the, the, the debate on abortion, because it's the democrats who have the extreme position talking about things like,
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you know, abortion up to the 9th month or even beyond that. as our former governor in virginia. i said, you know, we could, we could have the baby and then decide later, you know, these kind of things are democrats, extreme positions and i think, i think the american people should hear these kind of domestic issues. but to say that there's no, or the threat to the united states right now is insane. especially what's happening at the border and that how we're, how we're bringing it. you know, chinese military age meant it by that tens of thousands all across the border every day. and how we're and we have an issue in, in with the, with the, you know, the, the middle east situation and, and ukraine situation. if we have a foreign policy mess or they should be talking about. so i've got to ask, and steve trump has a history of always surprising his opponent, why they were talking about bringing in the long trail of women that accused sexual assault against bill clinton went to the debate against hillary clinton. even in
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the republican debate, she had certain people sitting in the front row for rebec in support of effect. do you think transcodes to do some form of a surprise in this case for the debate to throw dividing off his game. and what could that be? as well, there is no guests coming because there is no audience which i think, as i mentioned earlier, is a, is a, a big mistake for trump to agree to. so i don't, i don't think he could do that and he really can't bring up anything. he can't respond well joe biden was talking cuz they cut the microphone, which we also talked about already. so i don't think, you know, at the end they might be very, you know, mr. president, a stick to please stick to the topic that had that i could see them interrupting him. time and time again. but i do know the former congressman up to i hope the democrats consider immigration or that issue. i hope they consider the world blowing up under jo, buying a data issue. i hope they tell everybody. and joe biden tells everybody the debates . say everybody's really doing fine. when people are asked how they're doing
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economically, they're fine. but they think the rest of the country is not good. say all that good be we shall have out of touch. you are because nothing could help donald trump more than that. look trump's going to be up against it. he's going to have the moderators and not going to ask what he wants. i don't know who decides the topics, if it's drop, it should be every one of the 1st 5 topics that are listed on voter concerns. and he will wipe the floor with bite on each one of them if he's allowed to. well knowing how truck debates allen, why would you even take the job of preppy, joe biden? the president, the current president for the debate and to what does he need to do to consider a when for that night? does he fight trump? does he try to distract? is he even ignore job? how does joe biden win the debate that night? a joe, but he wants to do that by doing what he's done throughout a slope for it, which is to be a serious, sensible, solid person. in contrast to the lunatics will be standing on stage. net. yeah,
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probably. i mean, i have to say possibly someone under the influence because of the stories that come from sure, trump show what was the show, the greatest loser. what was the show where the cast and the cruise, so the trump was under the influence of drugs while he was taking that shot. so maybe what we're hearing now is projection, but in any event, to answer your question, joe biden, just have to show that he is a commitment to doing what he thinks the best for the american people. and not what's best for donald trump, which is the only thing the only thing that ever matters the donald trump. what's best for donald trump. okay, so i cannot let you guys go without larry asking you about robert f. kennedy junior because he came cnn and by didn't have a backroom deal to keep him out of the debate, but due to a technical error we're seeing and tried to make the qualifications so strict to keep them out. our f k actually qualified for the debates were trump invited, do not one of those qualifications would require the candidate to be on the ballot
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and enough states to get 270 electoral votes. but since the debates are being held before the conventions, technically not as a republican or democrat party has a candidate on the ballot. i'm willing to waste the criteria for president biden and president, polite, as i think it's important. a p american people see their presidential candidates to pay to each other. so larry does r f k deserve to be on that stage? and what purpose will he served? considering he really has a long shot of winning. and he's on the ballot. the democrat, a terrified old robert f. kennedy junior, only pulling bolts from bided is not going to pull boats from from truck. but robert has kennedy junior is actually moving further to the left. as, as the, as the campaign goes on, he's going to pull more or more votes from bite. and i actually think robert f kennedy junior should make a place for the democrat convention. you know? yep. especially after this debate is to try to get back on the democratic ticket
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and maybe the democrats can rally around somewhere like artist a junior at a, at a, at the convention. because you know, by and i don't think is going to be the, the guy on the ticket. uh, you know, particularly if he doesn't perform well in this debate. and i, quite frankly, he does very little chance he's actually going to perform well. i'm not talking about how the pundents are gonna rate him. i'm talking about how the american people are going to see him. they're going to see him as, as the liar, the mumbling idiot. uh, that has that. that is the, is the measure patient that is well quick answer from both before i let you go. yes or no. does the 1st debate actually happen, larry? yes or no? yes, steve allen? yes. okay, i'll have you back on adverse debate to see if we actually get to have the 2nd one . thank you so much for joining us. larry ward, president political media incorporated, steve malls berg, a political commentator and alan grayson, former florida,
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congressman and political analysts. thank you so much i, you know, i honestly cannot understand why i, their campaign agreed to debate with each other. i feel like they both are playing this game of chicken. you know, the one where you keep pushing each other towards something, hoping the other flinches 1st. you know, i don't think president trump thought bite and was actually going to accept the invitation to debate. and that was pretty apparent all by the acceptance of terms to debate on the networks and the host to have been chosen and are obviously against all the things trump. i guarantee both campaign chairman and staff, blood pressure are already spiking just at the thought of what their perspective candidate might say on the stage. but what's the worst that can happen? i mean, i think it start rambling because you're actually, this is storm chapel hill patriot. you also brought some false and to those about
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his family or some made up life stories. everything was ruined and the kitchen store and we almost bought a couple firefighters a tell me an inaccurate statistics about the state of this country. under his administration. today we received news that our economy had 0 percent inflation. now in response. well, our president, trump could turn this into an insult, best filled with name, calling and facial contortions. sadly, we've come a long way from the dignity present it from the 1st us presidential debates. but one thing is guaranteed, this debate will be the most watch debate now and only in the united states around the world. the presentation given on state will be a reflection on the current state of american politics. and the course of the united states for the fee is been your $360.00 view on the news making you
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thanks for watching the news is i wrote a policy b, j b. at us, i lies have the lead in the world's largest selection to determine whether pra i miss moody will get of that. being j. p. coalition currently has about 290 seats in parliament. while the opposition has about 230. this was a deliberate sample issue. what i mean by that is this was not a spontaneous you know, put administrative thing. this was a deliberate act by the night.


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