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tv   News  RT  June 4, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the, to my given the india decides and that decision is to reduce it really major parties. majority of the contents far closer that mary had predicted. i'm an american citizen, protected by my 1st amendment right of free speech in the us government has no legal authority, moral authority, or any authority to impeach any aspect of my exercise of his rights for my you as an intelligence officer, scott richard has left grounded opposite he's dropped off a flight and his passport take me away and what he says is a foundation of the constitution and he's right on the board, jobs macro. and do you want to go to walk and then put on your helmet and put on
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your best and goes with crane. but don't tell the tale ends with going to, but it leaves deputy problem minutes. the pause, cold water on the french president is, will monitoring rhetoric about putting native boots on the grounding. you train the while watching our team to national, reaching you lot from the russian and capital i a michael caught up with the updates. now, what decision a decision today had decisive. one of the model for india had its population of nearly 1500000000 people as a result of the world's largest election not being announced. and they're running b, j a parties correlation has received the parliamentary majority. they'll getting the less votes that in 2019 what bringing you all the all day to not special coverage as this rectory or historic event on folds or the
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right. so the be do these alliance has maintained this majority taking more than $290.00 all the seats in parliament. and the opposition indian national congress party has about 230 for the beds, but 250 seats. the party will coalition needs about 272 votes to a talk the the, the, the majority mock of the member, the long saw, but at the lower house of the platinum in the 10. now this year was 66.3 percent as a balance by the electoral commission. they left to look forward to you in india. now, visa, visuals, and pictures from the bowls headquarters of the, of the leading party to be just beyond the opposition from earlier flash support.
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as of both the parties came to the national headquarters to, you know, like their support to be a party also. and then boy and, and very happy mood in what they uh, showing, waving flags of support, all the videos for the to go potty and also reading chairs. ok. all right, let's cross now to doing charmaya. really do you, you've been there. it's been a busy day, i'm a say, bring us up to speed with what we knew right now about the, the coming results and what we're hearing, what people i say, what they have feeling so far from the election might not only has this been a busy day, but it's also been a long v o 4 on the floss considering the numbers have been very, very interesting. very, very similar. also if i can put it like that ever since the election solve it. i mean, yeah, that is this predictive with the,
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to the election exports. and one of the things that morning because we know what the outcome really will be as we headed into different reasons. the election was sort of saying the election is no more than that's what happens a day or 2 to often times like a nail biting sort of contest between the b to b and the congress between the in the alliance, which is the lines i'm the in the online listening, which essentially is on auto regional bodies, about 2 dozen of them coming together, giving up stocks in a sense this has been our v sergeant for the position. what it was being forced to now, in fact was on these and these are all fall the opposition just to why the goal. he held a press conference, a very smiling,
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i can put it that way. and he essentially is saying that by the, the numbers we can see that india has decided that in the change it says the main thing that this election is that of the country. it has unanimously and clearly stated we do not want mister not in the movie. and mister, i'm, it shall be involved in the running of this country. i do not like the ever on this country. we do not appreciate the way they have attacked the constitution. we do not appreciate the relative around this country for the last 10 years. so that is the message from yesterday in the morning. i'd like to think if anybody who has participated in this election, i am extremely proud of the people of india. i'm extremely proud of the people who have what does this fit best on stuck on the constitution. so this really
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has been a big day for the congress and also for the opposition to give you some context of numbers here. for now we have the n d a slightly over 9, g. the b to be on its own has not been able to form the majority. the mock that they needed was 272 last time in 2019. when the beat come to fall off, it had the majority on its own, so it had, in fact, the middle of the 100 and it's going to do some of the, in the lines had basically had a little what's the 50 now the number again has completely changed and to break that down for us, i have a guest joining us with us, the guy, he's a senior lawyer at the high for the law. thank you for joining us. but i really like to watch you as well as on the let's just have the best one seems very confident and he says that india does not want the range of all the of the prime
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minister anymore. but the fact of the matter is that it can be what looks more likely is that india is going to form a government and it is going to be that by the visit on trusting defensive. you'll see the elections in 2014 and 19. it was the idea that the lines that the forms of them in that same old, so in 2014 and 19. but however, be on its own atrocity, but daughters you mark up to $72.00 in both the election. this was the 1st time in the last 3, thousands of names about the domain that they have not been able to receive the majority model. so $72.00 and the 4th charge by a not even a small number. the 4th charge the almost for the seats, the 2 gloves, the $272.00 magical figure. now what is investing is that the people are lives visiting and the is the what the, these are the parties and say hop of them maybe more than 25 does not even have a member of parliament in the, in the democracy. so what is investing is the people are lies, whatever,
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nowhere they may switch to the switch to their best david, the india go bank, or they may go over d in their lives because they've been deadlock, those in the past. so it does not the be the natural allies, they've been with them for a long period of time. it what the is investigating and in politics. it is that the india lies which the did the forms to pointed toward the nature of bodies, add up the other people number 50 to a number of them that have been busy in their lives. or do you realize in the past 2 years, it's a $1000000.00 question. there who was eventually is, what is the form development? very interesting what you're saying, oh, with us. because this selection has really wants to read about and that's in the lines. they don't need to be side or congress aside, the indian lines to the states they call themselves india. or having said that, you will be the best use of boston with a g. that's the v for the lines,
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the big because i can tell you, i am definitely reviewing some laws. that's all these are the floating some allies in there may be something that's that's what happened or you're not pulling that out. no, i am not, i'm not, i am not doing it. i'm not getting on either side. the lines of the lines of nature to the idealized the ones what supporting the and do a nice midship to india like anything and happen at this point in time. because they're in politics, what you saw just a couple of days back the example we're given your choice there in the dublin for possible 100 months. so the board chart, the 10500 a day and all this our lives of the and the student that informs the government better than they have the number, but then the actual 93. if there is still intact and then their lives does not have the number, but in case the india lies shipped, it's uh, is the support between the lines then anything can happen. so, you know, it's,
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it's an election with a lot to once a big debility, and that's exactly opposite towards what's being said about the elections assign. but it's bothering that, you know, the best predictability. now the game has completely changed with, with the numbers that are almost next to next. when doing that, as soon as he could at this morning, everything was predictable. that's what we've been. so we're seeing and you must have also been coughing over the last couple of days, the exit polls and all the zip codes. and the fact showed the same number to the n d and to the in the alliance. and it was wondering, since they don't love in the 1st post, the ballots were open and there was a equal electronic fight. and then the, there's thousands of account it'll be, be, may be machines. i think it's been a very, very unpredictable. your dear for every now. i mean in the gosh. so yeah, but one good thing that one good thing about india is the democracy survives democracy. st. tell its roads. i think that is what india. vince v a n d
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evans are in their lives as well. for me, i think in the ovens today, but what we thought was go dot, you see mock, it's a huge, really sensitive and well, you know, they can get a voice knows what this has been like was actually doing stuff marketing like what for yours. yeah. well, you go to, if you go back to in history of 2004, when during the last the election that everybody was faith in there. certainly when they look at that time, also the market stress. i think the market, your big size is about succeeding. full potential, that is, i've been there, we're looking for a predictable government that we're looking for to sustain the india government, which i think it looks a little difficult for the market and market doesn't like uncertainties. so what market today as well, it is not for any other reasons. market work market is uncertainty, that is on. i think it different then economy is going to do with respect of, of any government. what i personally feel as a lawyer and as a political the, uh, the concerns then, you know, uh, i think the indian, if on the beach sides by the enterprise of the indian businessman so which ever
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government is there, i think. and then you kind of mean things to come because both the little, yep, bound to go to a $5000000.00 economy to both of us. number 3, economy the was, i think it will fix it to the so much we've talked about in the us economy. you know, the cost is going to going to be in the wall, the 5th largest economy that and what he wants to be good. the power largest economy and so on, so forth. that rhetoric knock had any resonance with what does it on, you know, i, i think good with every page i'm show you. i don't do any other here that'd be had the 7 phase in action. and every phase, the good possible see in general and the i as the on many occasions i us the be just based on the words there just why are you not just one since the development issues. so it was on full coming because i think the, your with this from the is there will be a diesel. 35 for them. gone wonder if would be a magic. it'll say it would be a matter of custom. it would be a matter of a village, but it's going to be
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a matter of a more bold. i think the use of this country. what did acquired is a good education system of good employment system of good investments. later they found to me a good health care system. i think this is what they use. somebody is doable between 235 is aspires for. and i think that is with the imagination where the india outlines just make mid a very localized election. they concentrated on those points and for the 1st time, the last 10 years did not fall into the draft of the uh, villages to disclose. so i think the, the opposition depth, the issues very, very localized and the capital d. s. positions. and they talked about yes, but it's just of the, all right, thank you very much because go for breaking that down for us. so essentially, india has decided this has been an unpredictable day. the counting, of course is still on. and we are here at least, and obviously not going to make any political provisions on too long as the very
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last war is counted for now, it's back to the studio. all right, thank you very much. really just bring us up to speed. we're seeing the emotions all the indians, buckets in market that's it is reacting to the outcome of the election is alrighty . thank you for bringing us up to speed. right? are the corresponding that bring us up to speed not stay with us for all. the very latest from india is election with the updates and the analyses every hour right here on our team to national the it's not for my us intelligence office on a regular guest right here with our d. scott rich, i should have been in russia by now ready to attend the st. petersburg into national and cannot make farm. instead of that, she never even made it out of new york. that's out that he was dragged out of his flight and his passport seized by the vocal critic of us foreign policy told us
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what happened. that was a boring the flight church airlines flight to stumble the connected in this stumble, to a flight to st. petersburg, where i was scheduled to participate in the saint petersburg international economic form. as i was about to board the aircraft. i was pulled out of the line by 3 armed in uniform members of the customs and border patrol. who asked to seize, who asked to see my passport. um, they confirmed that i was the individual or in the passport, and then they notified me that they were seizing my passport on orders from the united states state department. i asked them what was their justification. they said they had no further information. they didn't give me a receipt for the passport. they didn't have any other information. and then they
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uh, removed my bag from the flight and then escorted me out of the security of the airport and told me i was freely it's called red is a former intelligence officer, an un weapons inspector, for iraq. he has been a critic of the iraq war and us foreign policy in the mid least. and he often writes about the international security issues, ministry of fast arms control and non pro, proliferation of the russian foreign minister said that the incident with right to reveals a lot about washington these days. yep. the force of the issue is, you know, this is just another example. in addition to numerous examples, the confirmed that the united states, which calls itself the leader of democracy around the world. it has long been a police state and they stop at the r t. i reached out to the state department, but he said it wouldn't comment about the passport status of a private citizen. but again, believes that the authorities just want to silence those speaking out against the
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inferior. i'm an american citizen, protected by my 1st amendment right of free speech. and us government has no legal authority, moral authority, or any authority to impede any aspect of my exercise of this. right. if indeed this is what's happened in the us government is operating in violation of its own constitution. so this was a deliberate action by the us government to prevent me from traveling to rush up to participate in the saint petersburg international economic form and to participate in what was expected to be a 40 day, a tour of russia as to the content of this i would hope people would take pause and say, why does the us government want to silence? scott ritter? why does they, why do they want to prevent him from coming to russia? and i think a, you know, a logical person would say, because they were afraid of what he said, and why would they fear what he's saying, unless they're afraid of the message. and what is it about the message that makes
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them afraid? because if truth is on their side, they should fear no lie. and the answer is, truth isn't on their side lies around their side. i've been speaking the truth, and that's why they're afraid. latanya birds and go on find yourself. that's the message being sent to the friend president from easily as deputy from minnesota who's been, i'm good at the world longer in rhetoric, coming from the monro, my horn, your dave, i want the children of valerie, all the children of italy to be sent to die and fights in ukraine. oh, i don't want to tell him weapons, diploma, and kill and rush up easily is not at war against any one. okay. therefore, let's leave it to macro and to talk about. but i'm telling him as if he were here to night micro macro on. or you want to go to walk and put on your helmet and put on your best and go to ukraine for, don't for the telly and we're going to all right, let's discuss this with archie correspondent, romano,
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closer of joining your i. q. and just to, to remind is good to have you told me right now the deputy minister of the lease telling my problem lead from the, from the if you want to go to war. but we see that of course the microphone is not good. the heat to that right now, and we see he be heading to switzerland for the peace summit. but of course, russia is not being invited. what do we expect us from there? well, many pundits in the various avenue list, they are saying that this summit is absolutely if you fill out and it will bring no results to frustrated about their speaking about the it savvy and the deputy for administer. well, and he's the one alpha, probably many sound voices that are calling on people to come to their central sense is a more common sensical approach, if you will. that's the entire thing. when the 1st, when the idea was floating around in the beginning, it seemed like a noble idea to bring parties together in switzerland and talk about peace and love,
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talk about war. but as soon as people began to find out that this, if somebody will be without russia, immediately taught brass from various countries decide. it's either to not go at all or the same, but send somebody else in their stead. for example, probably the biggest blow to zalinski is the fact that the president silver united states joe biden is not coming and he's not coming. because on those dates on the 15th or 16th of june, you'll won't be able to make it switzerland because you will be fundraising with the famous actors in hollywood because that he needs the cash for the upcoming election in november. so joe, by those go, if he's all going, who is going man, who is replacing him? well, we did receive use that vice presidents campbell at harris very, it's a who will be going instead of the buys. and so again, i had always was with someone who says that need to have it, sorry, ukrainians,
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part of nato. and he couldn't even remember the name of, of the how to pronounce the name of the last the very well and even he didn't know the names of the police as well as find has been goose. the coughing is going on as it is. he's probably one of the easier names for him to pronounce because the have all around the world. ok. all different nations. but so the question here about camella harris is that will she be able to deliver a clear message from whitehouse from the united states about why they're being there? because um, you know, she could make the white house staff scramble one more time like she did. like you mentioned back in 2020 to once in as that ukraine was a part of nasal. and at that time, the white house that had to scramble and change the transcripts of the white house be so everybody is of course, the whole thing that she's not going to do that. but the conservatives in the united states are well not really fond of that kind of way, harris. and sometimes her over simplistic explanation is being
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well compared to a children's program. so take a listen. so ukraine is a country in europe, is this next to another country called russia? russia is a bigger country, russia is a powerful country. russian decided to invade a smaller country called ukraine. so basically that's wrong. so i will say what i know, we all say, and i will say over and over again of the united states stands firmly with the ukrainian people in defense of the nato alliance. well, like i said, at least a 160 litigation from various countries have been invited, but not everyone is going, you know, everyone's bring their top brass. now some of the countries have that have announced that their leaders will not be coming to switzerland or the united states, brazil, china and south africa. saudi arabia, australia, reportedly, india,
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and pakistan as well. now india, they said they might bring somebody from the a for a ministry like a deputy or a deputy from the national security. and also like if i'm not bringing their leaders and australia, they are same thing. administered bunch administer for the disability ensure. and so, of course, administer obviously, but not of the highest level. so that's it. and i'm not sure, but we'll see a for see with easy and who actually makes of the pictures already clear the kind of priority they put on this issue. now, talk to us about ukraine's neighbors as the ve, the members of the commonwealth of independent states. what's been there out to, to, to this so far? well, a v of countries of the commonwealth of independence stays there, all former soviet republics, in case some of our viewers don't know that. and of course they have the, well, it's very in relationship with the lensky over the leadership of ukraine. same,
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but most the mazda said for russia as well. but at this point in time, apparently he's uminski tried to get in touch with the leaders also, with the help of his, the west, 30 partners, and both friends, if, if you will. but apparently the answer was absolutely no to the presence in switzerland from the former soviet republics taken. listen, zalinski and his western friends begin to personally call and beg the leaders of the commonwealth of independent states to take part in this gathering. we know that none of them to come to such persuasion. all right, now i'm not on your flying shall country. try not who i stated clearly they wouldn't be bad. they have said it, of course, that somebody like that falls short. if you have a russia would not be there, but speak to us, they will do that. and what has, how has she been re responding to that? well, if we were to make it over simplistic of the world are acting like
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a kid. well, as a lensky, she already of clean, that's a china. i had made a strategic mistake by supporting russia. he says that the rules are not being the full over there. of course china is responding in kinds that will bring russian and we'll think about it. well, uh, this is what so china said once again about being present at such a summit. some fence with young china has repeatedly emphasized that the international peace conference needs to contain 3 important elements via recognition from all sides, including russia and ukraine, equal participation of all parties and fed discussion of all peace plans. as far as china is concerned, this meeting doesn't yet seem to have all of those 3 elements. this is exactly why china will not be able to attend to send a size. probably a bad idea. this points in history to coal. why china? a puppet of russia by the landscape. nevertheless, he did do, do that. meanwhile,
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a russian foreign ministry have a set time and again that the goal of this event in this turn, a switzerland is not to bring to be sent to negotiate some kind of a settlement new brain. but the goal of this meeting is to present a russia with an unacceptable ultimatum so that the whole world will, will say that's a rush is not budging. and it's a rush of that once more, maybe in a while, it's exactly the other way around. well, most of the countries know what's going on, so anyhow, that paint the picture of peoples didn't know what a tooth is. now the point days as the p summit approaches. now, western countries have given the explicit permission, me give a telling you create and you can strike russia 80 how you want the weapons we give to you. now the world war 3 is being muted, but how do we talk about peace?
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us in the seats away, some like this. well, i think we have to say something about the countries that's uh and our conflicts reports about what they allowed you crate to do and what not to do. at this moment . i believe there are 13 countries that gave you create some kind of a go ahead to strike russian minute, 3 targets and 11 on most of those countries are european. however, the united states have said that they allowed the ukraine says fried, crushing military targets in the limited area. probably talking about the articles near the russian border, but at the same time united states time. and again, i've said that they're not after an escalation until after world war 3 or anything like that. but even the us congress at the moment, they're accusing the leadership of the nighted states of war mongering, of escalating this line. and so bringing you clear catastrophe. closer
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and closer and uh, well, uh, the same time they're saying that with the ones in the escalation, the russian for a ministry doesn't buy any of that rhetoric. and this is what they said about that . i would like to warn the american officials against miscalculations that could have fatal consequences for unknown reasons. they underestimate the seriousness of the resistance they may receive. responses may be symmetrical as well. there are voices, like i said, so commonsensical, if you will, it's not a word if that's the words all around the world that are calling for dialogue for their calling for peace. one of the most vocal critics of the escalation is gary and prime minister makes or, or by now and he just said a few days ago, europe is preparing for, for today. my friends, it seems, this is a quote. it seems that there are no brakes on the war train and the driver has gone mad. we need to pull the emergency breaks. so at least those for once,
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it's for one to get off and stay out of this war. so the noble idea of a peace summit in the switzerland has turned into something else, but there are people out there calling for actual peace and not to show exactly how . but i'm not in the big question. a lot of people asking is switzerland. how can you even agreed to be hosting up peace summit when the 2 parties of the conflict are not on the table? it's, it's just come on. surgical likes, feel, upset area that anyone who wants peace bring everyone to the table. sit down. what's your issue? what's your issue? can we agree you ship grounds and something is agreed anyway, we have to leave it here now. thanks little mind cause i reckon bring you have up to speed. all righty, sir. thank you. right right. you can get for the details of all the story as well, following on our to to come how the right back with more stories, a top of the see what again the
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gap which was dealing with people who need the green benefit of everything much actual as the criteria was do it, i see ration anyway, position if i chose a single and then you should have a small table always before just send me to see if still the which way getting the
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