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tv   News  RT  June 5, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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the, the people of india have shown complete faith in the b, j, b and b, and the way the end of this phone, the governments for the future of all india from minnesota. and they're under a multi to k, a victory for he's a lives in india is general the election as final figures view his media receive less builds that in the previous election in 2019 you created this over 1500 trips in just one day as boxes vans is on the back of the field was fighting, wrapping up the child, the boy time are to bring q exclusive footage. from the fond of the bustle, the snipers job is to cover and faced the way for us to teams that are moving, building to building one short shooting deals. then rushing out tillery steals the
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support lights on the, on the top of the $175000000000.80, that the us has already to give it to you. dre washington is expected to announce even more assistance sparking are among and increasingly critical public who's making money back stage. if the war and ukraine keeps felt like that's pushing recently and gone in there, we should have helped them at all. it is helps kill them. dozens of palestinians are reported killed in an id after tax on gaza as the us move to impose sanctions against the international criminal port in retaliation for an inquiry into potential. these ready world drives the y k t being a coverage of the latest trends. shifting the world right now,
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this is our team to national, i am i called points and now the final results from the wells biggest election coordination, leg body, india is rooting plotted the b j. p has preserve its majority in parliament. however, it was a close race against arrival alliance. we're bringing you all the details in our special coverage of this historic event. the but on the final result was show that b j. p led coalition secure 293 seats in parliament, india as a prime minister under, under morty. as you see him there in jubilation. has claimed the victory for his alliance in the country. the election off today is a big or suspicious day and on this day, for the 3rd time,
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the government has been pointed to very grateful to the people. the people of india have shown complete faith in the divine dna. today's victory is the victory of the world's largest democracy as to why we are unable to form a government for the better future of india. why the party or, or call lisa needs 272 seats to process the majority of mock in the lower house of parliament made up of 543 members. other bgp lead lines has been changed its majority taking 293 votes. now the opposition indian national congress always called the i n. c. a alliance has 233 seats in the parliament. the author, race was far closer than maybe had been predicting the opposition leader said that the indian peoples has sent a clear message to prime minister and they're under moody. and i says, the main thing that this election is that the country is united mostly and clearly
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stated. we do not want mr. and the end of the movie and mr. i'm a chop, but they involved in the running of this country. we do not like who they were on this country. we do not appreciate the way they have attacked the constitution. we do not appreciate the with it, but i'm just going to for the last 10 years. so that is the message from yesterday in the morning. i'd like to thank everybody who has participated in this election. i am extremely proud of the people of india. i'm extremely proud of the people who have what does this fit best on stuck on the constitution? the india corresponded roads and shop has all the details in the final result of the key vote that decides the future political cause for the world's most populous nation. the results allows final, all of the counting has been done. so the numbers there are stable now to give you
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some perspective here. now the in the lines which is essentially b, j, b and the allies. it hasn't even been able to attach to 300 marks. and the last time the part, the engine of our party on its own had a little or what 300 means more the industry i'm going to stop in. he's 2 dogs in 2014 and then in 2090, he's never really had a coalition government sort of as low as time b g b. now it is for them sure to all the majority mock and it has to dip into its allies to form a government. so what happened is that the rules of engagement are going to change that range and more the has never worked in and out worked in all willis and governments. so that is something which is interesting to watch out. cool. and what i've been given to understand from my sources within the coffee is that there's a possibility that they may have received the letters of support from the allies to
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d is that? so it's a very interesting to get up. also watch people that really thinking who they do you see that these are the india because not as for the work, be able to accept this because there isn't students back when they get for games about seeing very different. but we had heavy swing bgp make of boardman in some of india, b one o 4 seats in the loops and we have very happy about. i don't want to see me, we're very happy today because it has done a lot of work for the development of the country. a country with progress for use. if one talks about the opposition party, they never had any vision for the future. they never had any agenda. beyond that of criticizing the work culture of the b j. p. and criticizing the work done by moti to what really is the roads to lens in in india. now it's interesting because most likely it is going to be on the main point. oh,
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i don't what it looks like guns and that he is going to be the only becky and prime minister in the country. you do have to have, you know, secure to todd since they can do so. so it will be historic in the sense that it's in a few days from now we see nothing more the swearing in. but of course, like i said, the airlines is out of the yard in the next 24 to 48 hours to be very, very crucial. but what i can see show is there will people, they've heard, they have a critique that is this the media who questioned india as a link to the process. and this is all set up from out of this mammoth election in the countries. i'll use that democracy is very much alive driving in india as part of the protocol following a general election there under moody has formerly submitted these resignation to
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the president. i will then seek to be re appointed from a psychiatry of the indian government. the day sunk upon the setup of victory offers alliance proves that movie is the most likely candidate to be nations from minnesota. for the next 5 years. this 5, getting fewer votes than expected a ceiling is that since he has got the cleared majority to, to lose the country to, to become the private should cut they up. these numbers reduce number too much except for the fact that you know, you'll be dependent on eastwood to support this. yes, he has strong back in bob. this used to guide the mother thing, the sense that his party got up soon with already in 2014. they consult the lady monthly fee, the performance videos to politicians. and he has been chief minister across the street from the state for 10 years. he knows how to, you know, many, what is the eclipse and politics and a very sure, you know,
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they would continue with this. you know, the policies that you have been following for us. and because i don't see any problem in the country. but even when you do simple not stay with us for all. the latest developments from india is election with updates and analysis every hour, right here in our to international the and back here in russia, the defends ministries as you create. and his last more than 1500 soldiers over the past day, during a major russian advance that moscow's forces have been pressing forward here in the hawk of a region gaining will ground to the bottom of all the strategic title for task. hearts easy, it goes down of reports on the situation in the area. i bought
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a new plan. i bought them to choose involve chance. nothing new. it is. what are you seeing? every window do and opening is a potential enemy position. the sniper's job is to cover and paved the way for a sold teams. that's a moving building to building muscles that should bedrooms. i do so it's a lot of time for us to go ahead and get one of those. this voltage was exclusively provided to us by the snipers of the smart special forces bots of the haves team. they've just returned to the russia ukraine board after a week long mission inside the city. now they can tell their tale, recorded on the flash drives inside their scopes, as you need, we deal with the enemy as me, 2 holes in the wall at the side of a 9 story building. one hole i see clearly in the thermal image or i can see the target. the 2nd hole looks as if it hadn't been breached yet. we knew we did that, but it's uh, e spread, dropping all movies. uh, what do we have?
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we need to just know probably spoken to one problem and leaving it at the end there it turns out, and this whole we're looking through our eyes. we don't see the 2nd one. we don't expect the enemy from there and the mining could you ideas just on the streets and since i'm getting through this combined select, i guess at that time they don't know yet what the menace is hiding behind a steel plate that but they'd already drew an unwanted attention from ukrainian drones search, just like the sniper team has to take cover. that is when the here over the radio. why that 2nd opening in the will is giving out a heat signature i think, and there is a machine gunner sitting there covered with a shield. and when they see or a salt groups coming in, they push it back to the shield and start fighting. this is exactly the type of
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what we snipers in the city for us. so you have your role hit right there. right in that gap in the middle, you got them. one shot, one kill. then rushing, artillery steals the spotlight. the sniper team is back from the city for some short flights. well, there's a rest soon. they'll head back to finish what they started contacting us to counter offensive. what counter offensive we take building after building every day, guys, every day, every day, all of our fighters take building after building. they fight. sometimes a whole day sometimes too. but they fight every day as moscow's troops, that is on the battlefield, t ever. so i'm going to feel it's rides with flash recruits, are you creating these refuse to allow it citizens with. busy are and residents it
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permits to leave the country. previously, we used to let people who had foreign residency permits, leave ukraine, but due to changes in the legislation, there are blinds to register for the military until this assure you're specifically stipulated in the border crossings. the regulations, we will not let this category of citizens out of ukraine. and another attempt to stop people from sling key of authorities of report at least started planting lawn mines on the banks of a river on the border with e u member state romania. this video shows a potential drop, dodge us, who lost his lives, trying to cross the border. last month over 40 people died, the board of crossings trying to escape from ukraine's force mobilization. that's on the european politicians in support of the last key. have spoken about deporting, records back to you trade so they can be sent to the battlefield. no way. is one of those countries. and it's already said that the threats of being drafted into keeps
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admitted trees. not the justifiable basis for speaking a solemn european parliament above good, a bank says that that's may indicate the country is simply want to get rid of the ukrainian refugees. it's also be possible that some western countries no longer wish to accommodate quite as many ukrainians. many videos have left the kind of figure goals, and i use the, the, um, a general conscription knowles, in the rain as an excuse for returning ukrainians. and for tightening up the rules, it's very difficult to assess. but i suspect the underlying motive is that the norwegian government, in this case is feeling that's too many ukrainians are seeking
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protection in no way and giving the give it to the high living standards a little way may never want to reach out to you. right? so as the west turns a blind eye to the face of you creeds, forced conscript washington is ramping up the tensions by doubling down and its approval for kids forces to strike russian territory with us. weaponry, the president made this decision to allow american arms to be shot into a very limited area of russia. and we actually heard secretary blinking on the last day of his troop last week. say this may not be the last area that gets approved. can you help us think through this moment, we're not going to turn our backs and what ukraine needs, and we're going to continue to try to again, of all of our support to them as the battle field evolves, as well, with respect to cross border counter fires, is specifically focused on ukraine's defense against military targets that are just
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over the border and targets that russia is using the physically launch offensive against ukraine proper. it just makes common sense of us comes off the top us officials repeatedly said, washington was against the trait and using its weapons to slide pockets in last year. and they said the thoughts of the tax code trigger father escalation and make americans and direct participants in the country. we have neither encouraged nor enabled the ukrainians to strike inside of russia. we have asked that ukraine is not to use us supplied equipment for direct attacks into russia. why is it? because we don't want this as a ukrainian war. it is not a war between united states and russia. it's not a war between nato and russia. there's a war between ukrainian russia and we are supporting and supplying and help training and advising and assisting ukraine. but it is not a direct conflict between the united states and russian. we do not support the use of a you estimate equipment being used for tax and side of russia. we've been very clear
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about that and we'll continue to do that. and we have been clear on, not just publicly, but privately, clearly with the premiums that we've had. some jo, all man host of the conservative daily, both podcast that he said. officials in washington are aware of what they say as we have an ultimate goal. and i think the united states has been raising the stakes and trying to push towards a very grim future for not just so united states, but countries across the world. i keep in mind the united states has never done exactly what they said they're going to do. they never did anything for the same purpose. they're actually saying something and knowing what the result will be. so i absolutely think that it's on purpose. i think what they're doing right now is a direct correlation to what they want to have happen in the future, which is to create task because opportunity comes in that chaos and they don't care how many bodies fall in the, in the, in the process. the united states is always been the one to say, well, it's not me,
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it's them while putting a gun in the hand of basically a toddler and the united states by saying that they've or that there are no rules, is basically stating that they're removing all the pieces of accountability on the chessboard, and yet they're telling us that they want to get to a resolution. how do you get to a resolution? if you're not, what does it take to get to the resolution? and if you're telling someone that can just fire indiscriminately into russia and that you're not going to have any sort of checks and balances on what that actually means, there's no line that they actually created. so what they're basically doing is saying that, you know, ukraine has the ability to use our weapons, use our guns, and use our, our resources in order to hurt innocent people in russia. so i believe that the people that are in power in united states are rotted to the core. and frankly, they are the ones that are pressing all of the buttons and ukraine. ukraine is far enough down the path now that they don't have any other choice. in addition to about a $175000000000.00 in aids that the u. s. has already provided to you train the
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white house, national security advisor said, but even more assistance will key of is expected to be announced in the coming weeks. we spoke with people in the us about their governments dishing out money to p a and they said they are tax pay of funding should remain within their own country. instead of fueling an armed conflict. we shouldn't be giving any money to any countries ever. i pay my taxes, it should go to me and my family, my friends, and my loved ones, and other americans. i don't think it should ever go to ukraine, who's benefit? is it to keep this? we're rolling? who's making money back stage? if the war and ukraine keeps wrote, like that's a question i'd like, we shouldn't even gone in there. we should, didn't help them at all. it is helps kill them. i mean, i just think that like americans, the american government and really helped americans 1st the usa should give a, give the money to their people 1st. not, not ukraine. as it got took care of their own purse and to the middle
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east. now said he, a father stevens had been reported to killed in ideas twice in gaza among the deceased, where a police officer is who i talk to on the vehicle and the city. oh dear, all the law of his video is from another location in that city. shows on the islands team trying to save the lives upon the scene. and when did you know these ready type on the nearby whole idea of slides also hit nearby res? i'm of cause the refugee captain central guys that are the guys a health ministry said that that more than 36000 palestinians have been killed. an idea of a tax is the war began last year. while the idea of continues it's on slots and gaza. federal make as in washington have moved closer to imposing sanctions against the international criminal court. and that's in retaliation for the legal proceedings against these rules. leadership but us house because my jobs instead of the you and your dictionary and its top persecutor must be punished. the
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idea that they would issue an arrest warrant for the prime minister of israel, defense minister of israel, at the time of their fighting for the nation's very existence against the evil of from us as a proxy of a wrong is unconscionable to us. marika should punish the icpc input kareem khan, back in his place and all the i, c. c. prosecutor, carrie and cam has been seeking arrest ones for ease roles from minnesota and defense minister, as well as top officials in the policy and made attend group. i'm not bothered to be sure he hasn't yet approved the request. american lawmakers want to make sure he doesn't or the us house of representatives has overwhelmingly passed legislation to impose function. if the icpc goes after washington's ally as well in his speech, johnson and said, easily must be allowed to wage war in order to restore peace in the region while us do embody now. and so the question about potential ease ready war crimes.
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in guys, during an interview with time magazine, the us president emphasized that he's gone up and does not recognize the international criminal court. he also said the palestinians are suffering not only from the ideas attack on gather, but also because of quote, what's how mazda is doing any useful from the intelligence. and the evidence you've seen, either currently or in the last months have, is really forces committed war crimes and gaza. the answer is this on certain that it has to be investigated by the israel as themselves. the i c. c is something that we don't recognize, but one thing is certain, the both simians have suffered greatly and has to do not just what is reality is but what, how much is doing and israel, that's books boston folder for today's reformation, democratic sanction. dimitri delia, and they believe that the us proposal against the i c. c, as well as weapons to ease role for self defense, a just about money a. there's
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a great legions in the congress and senate among the american politicians in general to this dog. if you look at the statistics, an average is where is ordered. we proceed around $125000.00 in contributions versus an $18000.00 contribution inside. so each number is ray d a. so for so money makes difference, people would as if this money would buy you a voice in congress. of course it does, it, it's bought, it was just a because these like a pound. uh, which basically not only contributes to the campaigns, it contribute. it is it advisors, people, and hold events, fundraising events, the political weights of the state of israel and zion is in the united states, outweighs the actual weight and importance of the state of israel itself and all
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these uh, defense. uh, so those are all right, just to uh, through uh, sent in the eyes of the people observing foot beep eh, and the american politicians are so entrapped in money, fundraising power that serves this purpose, not only designers side, but also the military complex. this cycle goes on and on, and who benefits will one, the industrial complex in the united states. congress, people and these really a government and this of africa. now the opposition leader has proposed in the lions with a ruling e n. c party which has lost its majority for the 1st time in 30 years, john, teen haven says, but the partnership will be the best option for the nation. and what is the permutation that, in your mind, that would be the most beneficial for this economy right now?
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well i, amc, i think it's a, do you think it's, is it coming together the constitution to send the right to you about? yeah, and the, and it should be a, the amc it's, it's a freedom from plus one of the picture of other policies that exist there. but it's definitely important that the constitutionalist stand together though. otherwise, what's going to happen is you're going to the empty constitutionalist taking control. i think that would be the worst possible option for sol advocate. all major opposition, paul, to indicate that they would consider and coordination with the and see and the search and conditions in certain circumstances. members of the d, a stay to the that's what shoes of the least a bad auction for, for them, which is a full meal coalition with the in see rather than seen is the walking away with the if, if or the into punch you. however, the d a opposes key policies such as the national health insurance, the black and palm and program and parts of all is these foreign policy. he does also say that this type of coalition government is expected to be factual and
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negatively impact to black people because the policies have been legal to neo colonial by various end of the such a policy that would also need to be addressed to put up with your left people in these polls, policies that will have to be bolted down to accommodate the d h. but in terms of the options and as the parties. this is for my present jacobs human. but in cape poverty, which has been the story of the addictions and had 114 percent necessarily putting it in a very strong position to influence coalition. negotiation been busy if, if, which pursues a far more radical economy policy positions the then the is the particularly in terms of nationalizing bags and minds. but the d a has a due to a possible pact between the m k b if, if and itself as tuesday coalition for government. and it claims that to that cause listen to make it good of democracy. especially considering that the empty party wants to get rid of the constitution. now the m k is threatening to avoid cotton.
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i'm just thinking of condiments. members of the national assembly overcomes, complains of that to the i have. i'm being very and spend the has been even just added to the in the counting and the voting process that happened last wednesday. we now have to explore the evidence of how we then, you know, into the one could be to, you know, into the take to this reading. and it also use of government to was another option that we need to explore. as to boy, quote, the 1st searching of the national assembly of which with our seats. and it's including the other parties. if you were to just decide to do so, you know, the parliament would not great and therefore not be able to elect a president. now in theory, so the m k party written that to the will not physically big enough members of prison into full parliament to fully constitute. but that argument has been shut down by constitutional experts saying that with the actually puts up to parliament
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is irrelevant. considering that they only have 58 seats from before 100 in the national assembly. and even those limit is actually home of a new part to the, to go over the is the, the happy ego dispute seems to be on the copyright issues around this. the parties name the has also been legal disputes relating to eligibility of too much of the victim in the national assembly. and in terms of forming code, this is the, the m k party. i'm seeing it would consider forming a coup with this. the government would be a, is these unconditioned back to the governing party. gets rid of covering presents, the pool is the, but the presidents printed up was the, as oh, so that's because as of, as a can part, you need is to work to give the, in the public interest of the, of african, the right, that's the update. this our next there's direct impact with rick sanchez. i'll see you again. the
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hello again everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact and this is what we're going to be talking about today. i'm on a level here today as to where we are. what might be possible, but i need your help. everyone wants peace. now. let's raise their voices. president bible sounding like a man. he doesn't watch. the news tells the world that it must ask for peace. hall, where's the bed? then he announces that he is real. have reached a peace deal. did he really though? see, this gets weird and i'm going to take you through it. i'm rick sanchez, get ready for a direct impact the . so here's what happens. uh that even shocked me to a certain extent yesterday. so president biden comes out right,
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the steps up to the microphone any announces this historic piece deal. and i'm thinking, oh my god, this is important, right? he's got a new piece deal that he's announcing, and he says, israel has agreed to it. he kind of stumbles his way through it. you know, as he often does. but in the book that i'm thinking you got to give this guy credit . this is a powerful message. israel as now offering israel is offer a comprehensive new proposal on the road map during cease fire and release of all hostages. the united states has work relentlessly for it is really security. get you monitoring supplies and the gaza. you get to cease fire and a hostage deal to bring this work to and, and bring this for to an end. right. i mean, wow, impressive, i'm sitting here thinking this guys finally pulled it off right there. you have it . the president, the united states telling the world.


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