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tv   News  RT  June 5, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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visits, nato now uses you. praying to attack russia have no doubts. russia will respond the type of service board in jerusalem has each rarely set less for the re. busy i'll up some off comes a, made a public, a preventative paragraph parade, marking these rules capture an occupation of east jerusalem. and so the slides in the 1967 is the west is still playing 0 sum game is still count. comprehend the idea that he cooperation is still sick with the best cindy of colonialism and meet our claims process top, it's not much take the swipe by the us treatment of africa and other parts of the world. jerry is the 1st visit to book in the 1st 5 minutes to read the didn't meet in the lines the 3rd time. they can come sold
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themselves in any, any, any, none of the like for they have a, they have a tough time, a head, 5 challenging. here's a headphone there on the movie in india, s as b, j. p led coalition with the general, the less than a by a far smaller margin, then predicted the french president faced blake for inviting me ukraine. bottom is the last key to address the national assembly, just 48 hours ahead of the u election as the claimant base to divert attention from the problems at home, the weather, his art international with the latest global updates. i a michael watching. so now we start the all, i mean east jerusalem, where tensions are running high between east readies and local palestinians. the 3rd holy aside in these long the i'll ox,
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a mosque has been stalled by use ready settlers. and it came during the provocative parade that celebrates israel's capture and occupation of east jerusalem. it is hold of sites in the 1967 war, something that is not internationally recognized by let's get the very latest on this now and cross live to r t is mid least bureau chief by f and nation tomorrow is good to have. you join me now. thousands of police have been have it pulls at me being deployed for the annual jew instead of day parade. what is the situation there right now? yeah, how long do you like? well, i am in front until the damascus gay tell leading to jerusalem. all the cities, mostly water, where a big number of is relays holding national flag has just arrived, celebrating what they called jerusalem day. and the thousands of israeli police
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forces have been deployed inside the old city and outside many roads leading to the place have been causes all to avoid flashes and police is here to provide security . and even journalists have been separated from the mob by the offense. so we cannot go any closer, but we can clearly hear them tongue thing and thinking. so what is actually happening? well, today is, well mark, 57 years things the park of jerusalem. i am currently in the east and one has unified with the west. well, this is how is well, looks at is celebrating 2 routes of them day and newly with the parade. while many believe this is approve bulk and tube, and controversial celebration. as morris, israel's capture and occupational peace, jerusalem, and its hope besides the 1967 war and move that is not international, you recognize thousands of israelis hearing the national flag, the current li marching here to damascus gauge. and again,
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some of them already near the entrance leading to the old cities, newsline porter to continue through the air. we are predominantly populated by arabs, uncle manuals them. of course, this parade is like a red rag before the bowl. they see the celebration, illegitimate and nationalist. the main parade hasn't reached the old city yet, but things indeed started building up in the old city. already clashing, broke out between jews and arabs. as residents of arab florida raised themselves for the ride. when flag march reports say that an arab journalist wants to ross there by your settlers while he was hovering the events. the full we receive apparently shows the moment when do is young. there's no control of this phone out of his hands and sounds of a fighting fall, or we also receive a video of his really settlers before me approval for 2 then traditional fall jerusalem day inside the old city again in front of the arab population there. so
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it is getting hard again, thousands of police forces have been deployed here and they will try to provide, provide security every year. jerusalem di witnesses flashes between jews and arabs, and it is different base here of course has like 57 years ago is ro is as laura, again, an arab strongly opposes. israel's military offensive in the gas is 3, which is an extra reason for engine tension. pull them up. so forces i here again as it may go wild. any moments earlier, israel's national security administer known for his extreme rights. we use hand to strongly end to probably seen an agenda threatens the storm. the old cities. ok, so most the 3rd whole is playful. every muslim, you're in jerusalem day celebrations here. ah, he's words, let's take a look at him to bend. we need to heat them in the most important place for them.
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every year they said that he was not appropriate, and it was not the time, but the opposite is true. if we give ground to them, we get and october 7th, we will march through the damascus gate and rise to the alexa mosque no matter what they think. and despite their anger, how much has already announced this wednesday had day of rage and cold on palestinians in through sort of and the west bank to confront his railings. we also have brought our protective deer here in anticipation of flashes. meanwhile, several kilometers away from here, they will soon start a different type of protests, of gathering. thousands are expected in tel aviv to demands the government to bring 124 hostages back home. now, it seems that a deal between israel and 10 mazda is close to them before last fridays. remember president joe biden and build a 3 stage plan according to which israel would be able to return its hostages in return to his these fire pull out of its troops from gaza and the reconstruction of
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the street at a 2nd stage of this plan that will be all that it is expected that there will be a permanency spice of the end of the war with men in israel. don't believe this will actually happen last and i was there earlier on wednesday that it welcomes the proposal, promising the seas bar and the end of the fight in the guise of sleep. and that is now wait for is rose response had we all are waiting to back to you a ride tomorrow. if you're not, you're not hard to mid least to bureau chief. thank you for bringing us up to speed on this. that meanwhile is 38 palestinians have reportedly been killed the night here strikes on guys a among the among the dead, where a police officers who were hit in the vehicle in the city of darrow belong. he's riley's military has pounded several a central guys up with heavy air strikes, also hating the new bible rays and my guys,
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the refugee camps. local john lives. how come also tarry briggs? us the latest here. state. as around 77, palestinians were killed and sounds 300 others were ended up that basically a compression. fos has announced they started limited to grand operations and goes, i sent an area in the area over the month as the ability to give us since day declared that ground operations of them budman is not installed. the activity of the quad cup, those are not installed and also the flow of the people who are injured and killed is known as the dot because that's something there. yeah, that's hospital as well. had a lot. so host with the people are coming in and people are claiming the bodies of that data. and people are crying go by the, the last of the days and continue to bury them. also the suppression forces had been actively attacking different areas and drop off and advancing could build a sense of drop off. and what's the impact overall? tell us about an area of targeting, how you sell them,
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and beautiful and bold different areas of profile. and there was some heavy fire exit change between those are the profession forces that are trying to advance and the practicing in fractions who are trying to resist and trying to protect the destruction and drop off is continuous and is the one imagination. whole blocks are being destroyed every day by the suppression forces. some of the people are still under. there have been of their houses. some of the people are still drawn and the streets of the after they were killed kind of thing and civil defense. and the skill and i'm good and streams of the kind of thing and municipal prototype and saying that they have been unable to retrieve that. but there's also people who work and, and have not been able to also to respond to the s o s to save our lives. because that's what we see by some of the people who are injured and tab under their level of their homes. because of the ongoing competition, people were desperately trying frantically trying to reach out for the button, the national committee of the gross and also for the policy in the society. but
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unfortunately, they are not allowed to go to that in there because it was declared as an area of via a fight or fighting on fucking fields. and there is no permission for them to go and w. that's now this for to it shows locals morning. those killed in the aftermath of bus driver when the desk told, now standing at more than $56000.00, it's difficult for baby to comprehend the scale of the losses. some of these were homeless. what have we done? you expelled us from our home school? i mean, you want to eliminate from us, but you haven't done that into them. yeah, so do you want to take revenge on our children? on sleeping children and women? what have you achieved? what are your goals? the water is polluted, there is no tricity, there is no gas. our hearts are broken. we constantly hear that a son, a neighbor or a loved one has been murdered. while the idea of continues it's on slots on guys, federal lawmakers in washington have moved closer to imposing sanctions against the
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international criminal court. and that's in retaliation to legal proceedings. it's molding against these rules. leadership. the idea that they would issue an arrest warrant for the prime minister of israel, defense minister of israel, at the time of their fighting for their nations very existence against the evil of i'm us as a proxy of a wrong is unconscionable to us. marika should punish the i, c, c, input, careen con, back in his place and, and all the i, c. c, prosecutor, has been seeking arrest warrants for ease roles from minnesota, and defense minister, as well as stopped by mazda professionals. quality judiciary has as yet approved, the request of american lawmakers want to make sure he doesn't of the us. house of representatives has overwhelmingly passed legislation to impose functions. if the i c. c makes moves against israel, spill wallace, joe, body and answer to an interview. question about potential use ready war crimes in
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gaza? the us president emphasized that his government does not recognize the hey court. he also said the palestinians are suffering not only just from the idea of the tax on gaza, but also because of quote, what have boss is doing any useful from the intelligence and the evidence you've seen either currently or in the last months have, is really forces committed war crimes and gaza. the answer is it's on the search and it has to be investigated by the israel as themselves. the i c. c is something that we don't recognize. but one thing is certain, the both simians have suffered greatly and it has to do not just what is reality is, but what, how mouse is doing. and as well as washington malls, the backs of sections on the i, c, c, the courts. persecuted has said less than the officials have made it clear. the notion of justice doesn't apply to them. and of course, i've had some elected leaders, so speak to me in the very be it would be very blunt. this court is built for
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africa. and for some slight future, it was locked, one senior leader told me we don't do it like that spoke spotlighting for the fontes reformation democratic fashion. dimitri delay on a believe the washington is moves throughout this whole crisis had been solely motivated by money. this is great allegiance in the congress and senate among the american politicians and in general to the dog. if you look at the statistics, an average is of order would receive around $125000.00 and contributions versus an $18000.00 contribution inside. so each number is rate the uh, so for, so money makes a difference. people would as if this money would buy you a voice in congress. of course it does. it, it's bought, it was just
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a because v is like a pound. uh, which basically not only contributes to the campaigns, it contributes it, advisors, people, and hold events, fundraising events. the political weight of the state of israel and zion is in the united states, outweighs the actual weight and importance of the state of israel itself. and all these uh, defense, uh, the slogans are all right, just to, uh, through uh, sent in the eyes of the people observing foot be eh, and the american politicians are so entrapped in money, fundraising power that serves this purpose, not only designers side, but also the military complex, this cycle goes on and on, and who benefits will one, the industrial complex in the united states. congress, people, and these ready a government until africa. now,
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washington's policies towards the world are guided by colonialism and neil colonialism. that's according to roches top, diplomatic, speaking during his 1st advert visit to book enough also say to get law. but all of a sudden comparison, moscow succeed quality and mutual benefits. when he comes to cooperation with all the countries of the new council need to come up with as americans still cannot get rid of the syndrome of old mightiness and permitted this and think they have the right to make claims all over the world. telling african asian latin american european countries. what to do in economics, politics and how they will cooperate with the united states, against any one team to compare step by washington. and they divide all foreign affairs into those to afford the united states and against the us. this is none of our consent. our relations with african friends develop exclusively on the basis of mutual interest and equal treatment. the west is still playing 0 sum games. it
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still can't comprehend the idea of equal cooperation. it is still sick with all the best way of colonialism. a near colonialism that drive a team relations with the global majority. and these relations are still a way for them to live at the expense of others. other ross and the for administer arriving what they do do on tuesday area as part of his offer good to a visit at the republics of guinea and couldn't go. russia will additionally supply many tree equipment to book enough fossil, while the number of many tree instructors will also be increased to combat terrorism. moscow will invest in the mining industry that and help, and i will call jeff for the lives of production and in humanitarian, says, a russian calculate is also set to open in the country. for more assistance to the you've got the president duncan be got the size of the moscow's different approach to the west is helping to open doors. the. the style
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is not far from the tools you can, that is in call that has modeling done no problem. we shouldn't be money's being done. anybody example, you know, get up bustle. everybody is. uh jimmy was in the chair. well, the sounds, i know that, i mean, since most of these government changes just moved to, it was dated. but they have been the peaceful. i see one of the united states has done russia again, if we could have the blood saxophones. i saw a horse through the arrow that says to originals with the rest of the country, do not forget bell important assumptions on itself. so that's why i video time sucks of video for now. libya for a very long time. so the average of the method spends before i see when i did speak,
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it's presented to west africa in new york. what are your policy? there is no. they're going to need some of this are really feel the african countries at the moment. in my opinion, are us. the ones who believe most of the countries is very cordial. you go to the middle. the countries are the most common to accept why throws the government to the bus on what the government, you know, but so russia is going to be doing well. i forgot. i did so many opportunities for the financial the during the rush out. and now let's talk about the biggest did democracy in the world. why that's the world's biggest election. he takes a long time to count the votes. but the final results in india now in a coordination let bother rudy be a party is held onto its majority in parliament. however, it was
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a close race against revival lines and we have got all the details in our special coverage the or so the final results show the b j a p lead correlation, secure 293 votes. then that's the ultimate number right now from this election now with pumping is to under, under moody, claiming victory for his alliance. what a form of foreign minister had now a member of the opposition believe that the premier's next um would not be as smooth stating as a b j. b expects in the 1st 5 minutes of india doesn't need in the lines the 3rd time they need an elias. so to say that they run for the 3rd time like under the hood, one for the 3rd time. there's not enough,
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but it doesn't matter. they can, they can console themselves in any, any, any manner they like. but they have a, they have a tough time ahead. they have to very difficult aligned sponsors who are with them now, but will remain with them. and will they be to devante and has be if you go to a custom to a style or at least leadership a custom to a style that will make it very difficult for them because they will be aligned spot, another lease, pulling in different directions. so they would and then the line you and then the last um they were in india alive, but they didn't need the line. they didn't need the lines because they had from the delta care on their own. right. so they've different design tried to hold the majority in the lower house, a potty or coalition needs to break the 272 mach. it's a may get majority, not the b, j, p by itself secured to a 140 seats in the house. let me show you that here 5, this is it b to b. so this is what a secure, 240, and now the off position,
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national alliance come with and it's allies, it's called i, n c has secure 232. now it's, it's not only the help of what's the help of partners like the delude this. i'm here with the 16 seats, and on the other call they did not dial with the 12 as long as with all the small ones that the give moody's party to secure enough seats about locals. those seemed happy with the results a few days. see, see that these are the india because not as for the work, be able to acceptor because there isn't students back when they get for games about same, very different. but we had a heavy swing vp with the mic of boardman in summit india. it'd be just be 104 seats in the loops and we have very happy about it. i don't want to see me. we're very happy today. no, that has done a lot of work for the development of the country. a country will progress. if one
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talks about the opposition party, they never had any vision for the future. they never had any agenda. beyond that of criticizing the work culture of the b j. p. and criticizing the work done by moti visa, p, lead lyons has chosen to keep them there. under moody has its leader and has put forward his name for the position, the prime minister from a secretary of the indian government, the v. j shank upon the believes that despite getting fewer votes, moody was always going to be the pick for pm. a ceiling is that since he has got the cleared majority to, to lose the country to, to become the private she took, take up these numbers, reduced numbers too much except for the fact that, you know, to be dependent on its way to support this. yes, he has strong back in fog that is used to try to buy their thing. the sense that his party rece got up to the other day in 2014. they consult the lady monthly fee,
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the performance peabody as to politician. and he has been chief and it's 2 o'clock, 2000 feet from the store for 10 years. he knows how to, you know, many buddies, the eclipse and politics and a very short that, you know, they would continue with this. you know, the policies that you have been following for, you know, a lot of this and because i don't see any problem in the going me the country, even when you go to the do simple, must stay with us for all the latest developments from india, with updates and analysis right here in our team to national the right. let's go to paris now. the french republican party, his last style testimonial my call for sidelining debates on the upcoming european
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elections. they say giving a lot of means the last key, the podium in distress. the passion from the more pressing mouth is at home. you know, the also well communicate that we've just received the press release, informing us that on friday morning, we'll have to suspend our work to listen to president polanski in our assembly. i find it regrettable that 48 hours before you repeat an election. while on the eve of the vote is the president of the republic had already invited himself an old tv channels to hold a general policy speech. talk to us about euro. to divert attention from this european today just this obviously does not detract from our support for the ukrainians. but i sincerely believe that our national assembly should have students side not to participate in this movement. and that it is inappropriate to invite presidents and ask you to come and speak to the assemblies your 48 hours before an actual desk. so not for more on this less cross live to all,
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to contribute to rachel mazda and rachel is good to have. you join me now. so we're here, my phone has kids tough, some political bickering in paris. can you bring us up to speed on this? so i know this may come as a shock to some of you out there that ukrainian brothers and bar zalinski would make something in another country all about him in ukraine. but it turns out that he's in france this week, effectively hijacking, not just one, but 2 really important events. the 1st is the annual d j commemoration on june 6th, marketing victory, the allied forces including the soviet union against the nazis in world war 2. so let's get invited to the ceremony on the landing beaches of normandy with the heads of state of allied nations. but russia wasn't invited to send anyone because french president 800 mac holes. office says that quote, the conditions weren't reunited for russia to be involved. now the irony here is that if the soviet union had said the same thing during world war 2,
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that the conditions were united for their involvement on the side of the allies. then mac home. today as president of france will probably be issuing his official statements in german. so the wednesday, not even a year ago, was cheering and fist pumping or real world war 2. you're right. you're training nazi and canadian parliament for fight against the western allies. and the soviets, in the 2nd world war, and now here is in france, hearing to decide that defeated the nazis little bit confused. maybe the other controversy here in france right now is that this year's day falls just 3 days before france goes to the polls to vote for its european parliament representatives . and on friday, the last day that the french parliament sits before the votes. my hole has cleared the agenda 1st wednesday to do his usual routine in front of the parliament of the time when french pauses and say that they'd rather focus on the european union.
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which a quick reminder here, ukraine is not a part of the terrible video of a kid, nothing in the middle of the street for mobilization of force, the euro atlantic determination to continue this war like arming and finance. and you cream will lead to the complete sacrifice of creating and people. it's a crime you need peace, quickly. let's stop sending weapons and money to ukraine. some political leaders are upset that they weren't even consulted before matt calling just decided to let zalinski make the last minutes of pre election debate all about him. it would be interesting to see how many actually show up for it. but one thing's for sure. the grims scenes of ours ukrainians back home undergoing forced mobilization won't be brought up in french apartment with zalinski there, but that has a stop some leading political voices from evoking it elsewhere. this is mostly the number you remember how the vietnam war started for the americans. this would be it all started with the fact that it was
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a sense of construct because we're playing with fire using the argument that when we send expensive weapons, you say nothing's happening. then time to move and nothing's gonna happen again. so that's why i was not going to have the phone and i didn't. well, we allow the entire us surgeries, nothing was happening. but i see the problem with the red lines because we don't know which one will be so low as well. i think it's a dangerous. so if you design makes it the most nice being 2 and a half years since the small stokes, i mean 2 and a half years that we've been talking about war economy 2 and a half years that we've been talking about making shelves wherever the only thing where the new web, nissan goes, where is the reorganization of the army? to deal with this, we're being told that we must go when engage in. this will be with, well yeah, according difficult stores filtering out on social media from the local press and ukraine about people allegedly being injured at recruitment centers in some cases, fatally. and resulting in some protest. auction is going to be drowned out here by zalinski is attempt to elevate a toddler town turn to the level of states and shift in front of the french
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lawmakers. so why would my home then be ok with all of that? well, there's been a lot of talk lately about him wanting to send frank traitors into ukraine. sounds nice like to go and help you. koreans who were shoved into a van while waiting in line for a for opportunity to at the local starbucks train to defeat the russians on the battlefield by perfecting their goblet squats and barbell thrusters. farmer friends presently meet all that stuff because these former advisor, oh, he get no nose exactly what in structures mean the yo don't bother your dave. i don't want the children of valerie, all the children of italy to be sent to die and fight to new cray. no, i don't want to tell even weapons to palm and kill and rush up easily is not at war against any one. okay, therefore, let's leave it to macro and to talk about. but i'm telling him as if he were here to night to market on that going are you want to go to water and put on your helmet and put on your best and go to ukraine? they don't for the autonomy and we're going to my, you know,
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my daughter also from sac jose's party and they have to be count former french and keep having the news points out that for the past couple of years, my closed mouth has been writing checks that is behind just can't cash when it comes to ukraine. you know, also said that, hey, look, it's fine for the president to authorize troops on specific missions, like for example hostage rescue or something like that. but is this uh, jim p. sure. ruse is going to drag france into a war which risk doing then there really should be a national debate and vote on it. and friends, politicians are the only ones who don't think that black hole has any idea what he's actually doing. well, we have to leave you here now rachel mazda in our to contribute this. thank you for being not up to speed on this not finished report or i will actually will bring god, bring you back on again.


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