tv Direct Impact RT June 5, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EDT
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and that needs to have all the policy is concerned to be sitting at the same table. and also at this 6 point, a consensus that is being tabled by china and i believe together, where's the bread z o has being presented to all the positives already? and i think it's up to everybody to, to agree whether they say is the time or when is the time that they are all prepared to sit down and pull. but here is something that i want to take this opportunity to stress. it's actually high time that the politicians of some of the western countries, or particularly countries of nato that are supplying what those wants to ukraine at the moment to think and to reflect all what the end game is.
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because we are actually on the blink of having a major, bigger conflict of a much bigger scale because of russia has already set its lines very clear on what they are going to do. what they are prepared to do is the russian toiletries gets attacked. so they are pushing the envelopes and uh, its, it's really up to the politicians to decide what they want to actually fold their own country and for their own people. because the war is going to spread to other parts of europe. if this doesn't come to us stop at. so i think that china is right to make this pool for an immediate cold, but piece not to cease fire actually. and it's actually also the military to the soldiers,
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the people in the military that really hates. this is always what i believe because it's always the people from the military no matter what, from which country they are running the risk of losing their lives at a we've already seen so many people me that have lost their lives already on the battle views. so it's the politicians, they have to reflect, i think the result and the consequences of that decision. all right, so much to talk about as far as this is concerned, but we don't have all the time right now, but we thank you so much nelson. one of us jump on the sun cost center for impact and it's national studies. thank you so much for speaking to us on this. thank you . thank you. well, that's the update this our most story is coming. go way of the top of the. yeah. i'll see you again, the
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hello again everybody. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact. and this is what we're going to be talking about today. i'm on a level here today as to where we are and what might be possible. but i need your help. everyone wants peace. now let's raise their voices. president bible sounding like a man. he doesn't watch. the news tells the world, but it must ask for peace. hall, where's events? then he announces that he and his real have reached a peace deal. did he really though? see, this gets weird and i'm going to take you through it. i'm rick sanchez, get ready for a direct impact of the . so here's what happens. uh that even shocked me to
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a certain extent yesterday. so president button comes out right, the steps up to the microphone and he announces this historic piece deal. and i'm thinking, oh my god, this is important, right? he's got a new piece deal that he's announcing, and he says, israel has agreed to it. he kind of stumbles his way through it. you know, as he often does. but in the book that i'm thinking you got to give this guy credit . this is a powerful message. israel as now offering israel is offer a comprehensive new proposal to roadmap during cease fire and release of all hostages. the united states has work relentless to support is really security, get you monitoring supplies. and the guys that you get to cease fire and a hostage deal to bring this work to and, and bring this for to an ad. right. i mean, wow, impressive, i'm sitting here thinking this guys finally pulled it off right there. you have it,
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the president, the united states telling the world of israel has agreed to a deal that would end this, this massacre of palestinians that we've been seeing if true. this is an enormous step in the right direction. and it's going to show that mr. biden, and the united states still have some cloud, some power over the government of a, b, b and it's in yahoo. despite what we've seen up to now. right. right. right . maybe not so much because then what happened gets really weird. stay with me here . israel's prime minister beeping that's and yahoo has been asked to respond to this deal. right? oh, my god, mister prime minister apparently you and mister biden, to have this deal where you're going to, there's things going to come doing it, you know, want to be met and you know, says one is aspect, what deals, what deals this gets ugly. here's the headline, put it up that that yahoo rejects biden's peace plan. it's being called
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a snob. so he is really, government says now we ain't got no deal with us with you mister by ignore the us. nothing. you know, once again seems to be telling the white house what it will or will not do. and he said they're basically saying, look, we're not working on the us as terms. you have no right to come in here or do a peace deal for us or announce a peace deal on your terms. and they do this, of course, despite using us funding and us weapons to do so. so let me give you some of the background here. nothing. yeah. who called the binding plan, a non starter? no way that he's going to agree to it. and then he goes on to say that israel's gonna stay the course and continue. it's a tax on gaza targeting rafa. i should mention that part of the reason for the met at yahoo snob has to do, and this is maybe fair to him, to be fair to mister netanyahu. his cabinet is saying, you take this deal with bite and then we're going to force you out. so look,
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manila, it seems to me i made maybe i should ask as a question, doesn't that mean that the us prestige them the power, the credibility of our government of washington is being determined by a couple of guys were running the shots and he is really war cabinet telling me that the whole what he can get do who then tell is the present united states what he can or can't do. so hopefully moving back. i think. i think it's worse. i think it's worse than that. i think maybe nathan. yeah. who was like joe, joe, who, who said what the last, i think this is yet another case of the by the end administrator and hearing what they want to hear. they are are the best statement in the world in their own heads . we've heard consistently throughout this war that how much has been wanting to negotiate. if it's always been the israeli side that insist on foraging on with this mission emission in which they have failed to identify the ultimate goal. why
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didn't desperately need to win right now, rick? anywhere. he couldn't get it. we just saw that that uh, $300000000.00 temporary naval peer or just fall apart after a gust of yeah. and blew through. i also heard of his kite was lost in that natural disaster. this is yet another bush style mission accomplished banner on the big navy carrier bite and put this put in his mouth. so off in rick that the media won't even make anything of this because you know, they can't keep out. no, no, no, you're absolutely right. bed and you're also right. and i think one of the most important points that you just made is something that we maybe haven't reported enough. there have now been several occasions were from us. i'm no fan of homeless . okay. but how moss is said we're willing to give you the hostages. we're willing to call a truce. let's sit down and talk about it. and it's is we'll and let them know whose government has said, hell no, we don't want to be a part of it. no,
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we want to continue bombing the gaza and rafa and the palestinians who are there right? 36000 people are dead at this point. meanwhile, meanwhile, the goal, what exactly that's that's, that's the question. meanwhile, in this crazy world where the white house is supporting a country that is killed, 36000 people 98 percent of those by the way, our civilians including women and children, the u. s. is now punishing hard. wait for it. cuba. that's right. cuba. the us is keeping cuba on the list of countries that are quote, sponsors of terrorism. so, why am i mentioning this yesterday? cuba as minister of foreign relations question, the move noting that unlike israel, he was willing to cooperate fully. he says with the us state department and in between the name the countries are now coming to give us defense. so let me take you through this. here they are. these are the countries in the region who are asking the us to take cuba off the terrace list. mexico on doris,
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olivia police, the minnesota, nicaragua, sheila, venezuela, columbia, and brazil. now, if you're wondering why cuba is even on the list in the 1st place, which is a good question, this goes back to when cuba invited both sides of the civil war in columbia to a peace deal. and i ran a summit, right? the deal fell through and then some of the columbia and rumbles stay behind. cuba gave them asylum. columbia said you shouldn't do that. we want them extradited, goes right. who knows. but when cuba refused columbia and the. busy accused nevada of harbouring terrorist and that's why they say now to this day that cuba is somehow a state sponsor of terrorism around the world look, criticizing cuba for it's $400.00 domestic policy over the years. that's fair and people should do that. i think there's plenty to criticize, and many cubans would agree for the us state department to call to a terrorist country at this point in time. with washington's recent track record seems not quite a bit. maybe even almost c hardy. you tell me, and you know,
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what bothers me about this as a person who was born in cuba, who s family in cuba. over the years, the people were paying the price for this us designation of the people of cuba. they've lost their right to compete in the open market. they can't trade, they can't, but they can't borrow. they can exchange good with the outside world, which means they don't have the benefit of a fair playing field because they're being blackballed by us. politicians is mostly for political reasons and by the state department. when you consider iraq, afghanistan, syria, and what's happening now and gaza, this terrorism designation against cuba. it seems like exactly the type of thing that's only gonna further engage the global self community to call into question the foreign policy decisions that come out of washington these days and their credibility. i mean, and by the way, i do think that's a big deal. no, it's not so much about cuba. it's about people seeing the united states policy toward cuba going while you're picking on cuba. i mean, really?
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yeah, i mean worth noting, rick, it's, it's not just latin american countries chime in on this either late last week. china weighed in the foreign ministry spokeswoman mountain being said at a press briefing invasion, but quote, china firmly opposes us interference into both internal affairs under the pretext of counter terrorism. yeah, she went on to condemn, continued us political suppression and economic sanctions against the island. and on top of that rec, it's mixed signals coming from the state department just last month. tony blinking and made a public statement to remove cuba from it's short list of countries that they deem what they call less than fully cooperative. in the way of counterterrorism saying on, on may 15 that cuban and us law enforcement were again working together on counterterrorism and other efforts. so i don't know how we squared this, rick. i mean,
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on the one hand, they say 2, but is a state sponsor of terror on the other. they say cuba is helping cooperating and just feeling terror. yeah. hard. it's hard to sift through but important to point out. and i think it's one of those things that once again goes right to the global south community that we often talk about. and speaking of the global south community guests, which may listen to this, which may the country is suggesting. it wants to join bricks, bricks, turkey, a. turkey is foreign minister says his country wants to join the bricks. group of nations. bricks isn't an acronym that represents, as many of you know, to watch are newscast association of the 5 major emerging economies in the world, brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa. but since they've been joined, as you probably know, as well by many, many other countries, in fact, everybody wants in. it seems like foreign minister of turkey con for don said he
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cannot ignore the fact that bricks is an important cooperate. pardon the cooperation platform that offers country is a good alternative to western thinking. now, manila, this is almost in comprehensible. imagine a top member of nato, with, with one of the biggest armies in europe, by the way, turkey a us military base their in their country joining brooks. i mean, i'm not sure this is going to happen, but i'm and then we're certainly not saying it. well, we're just saying this guys come out and said we're interested. but just to mention that a country inside nato, as big as turkey wants to either flip to the other side or be, or, or play on both teams. that's, that's big. that's not where the that's newsworthy. that's something to pay attention to. well rick, i, i like in this to a dating analogy because really for policy is a lot like dating. i know you've been married a long time. i'm married too. but if we, if we think back,
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if you consider that turkey has long chased after the you and the u. s. flirted back sometimes giving mixed signals. turkey continues to get courted by the you, through the nato club, that they go to the right. well, turkey has been waiting for a reading for a long time, but the you never puts a ring on it. so now there's this new guy in town named ricks. yeah, all the girls are blushing because we're just has a magical summer. we're really came out of puberty for any suddenly looking sexy. and now turkey is, is i am bricks, but ultimately i think it's just to make the you jealous, and the boys and girls at the nato club there talk to. so ultimately, i think turkey would date, brooks, but wouldn't really, i think, really only wants the ring from the you and keep going. club nato. i like it. you're, you're making me blush because it reminds me of how i got my wife or maybe she got me. i don't know. it was somewhere in the front of the land in her new land. it.
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mary took her off the bark and put a ring on it. put a ring on it, that's a great, that's rice and well done as only only you. good manila. thank you so much. when we come back, by the way, speaking of briggs, there's an election in south africa that could spin that very important country in a completely different direction, possibly away from the global south. so now we're talking about this going in the other direction. we're going to be talking to clinton zavala. he's a reporter with the african stream as a pan africa media outlet. and we've got a lot to learn when it comes to africa and certainly south africa, which is certainly been receiving and share of news lately. we will be right back. don't go away. of the the
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the hey, welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. let's talk about something that we should talk about more often. i think joining us now as a journalist who covers out the african politics. recently. he wrote this about the country's recent elections with the prospect of the a and c being maybe voted out about the rights. there are 4 or 5 black individuals
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in the african national congress or given massive shares of white phone companies. so the companies look like they're at the forefront of an economic transformation. joining us here as clinton sala, it joins me now from nairobi. he rides for african stream and he's good enough to spend some time with us clinton. thank so much for being with us. thank you, ricky, it's a pleasure to be a let's start with what you write based on the fact that look, i'll just give you my perspective as an american, right? or as a citizen of the world. really. when you think of the a and c, nelson mandela, the strong gold headlines, an institution that seem to change the world at the time, and, and what you're writing and what i'm reading, and what many people are perceiving with this election is at the, and c, a v a n c, it used to be right, you yeah,
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clinics. so i think we have to control of the transition. and so that happened. we should remember that's a part they did a because they're white, so that becomes fully funded. realize that people, they've, what the part they ended because they couldn't make plans in there. so that's kind of going to be the latest that i paid was by so be this, the customer has been function less than 10, right? so why they need to decide that they would need to transition to black governments while i get fit a 10 minute penny that really knows when they come to me. so i'll walk you through that and they let a to a pipe of what businessmen led most to buy the executives from american corporation, which i've added that to him was probably the biggest. my income is one day to advocate continent. mm hm. they struggled to via web and see what was busy next out . and they missed the end of the preventative while we mix up cause they had come to the in addition that apart, they did not be sustained for more than 20. and so they needed to make contact with
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the people they so that they were going to be in charge of the economy after the collapse of about these very sort of from the context you had, people like to run my post them and he brought a low budget for safety. becoming close to the captains of industry, if i can quote them that's, i'm sort of white companies both dropped the number a significant amount of shares, because black can be just a pull. i relented as it will be black people each they call me back to the doctor says it was it will them for testing that this is under the new government. so they wanted to match what to say that this is, it would not be touched by the, in the government. and that's all the beginning of the industry. so you for your shuttle going to vision, trying to going to vision way after that general g is lots collision for, it's more than the subject or they were moving. so rather than being the organic movement, we all thought it was for the organic movement that it eventually turned into. i
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think what we ended up with was let me just say, if you tell me, if i'm over using this word corrupt, what, what do you have to describe is corrupted when you're doing something for purposes other than helping the people of your country. and you're taking money or taking business opportunities, you're basically corrupting your organization now. yeah. 100 percent of the money. i think i talked to that is the quarter up sounds like i'm on the meet. you talk to the not be they have a good middle if we had the cortex know linkage. so this is that is where we saw this is select group of individuals become multimedia only, a product and some of them that will be provided beyond ends. while at the same time, most of the people who enjoy the title or about but these people who are short on the fees via living conditions, how many almost the same in the past. yeah. to dickens. as, as i hear you say that i've been thinking, if the and see loses these elections,
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which it sounds like. that's the direction that we're heading toward. then who will form the new government and, and what kind of individuals are those? so this is the, i'm in the lecture that'd be head the results of the non so announced the n c port list, then uh 50 percent. its while the boards a number that is needed for them to form governments. so what, what that implies is that the, in few needs to go into, i'm alliance with another political part to from government. so they have very critical position. quote, the only other parts of it can going to and the last weeks the stay that they couldn't mix, we don't fight those, which is a big, it broke our from the n c in 2014. so it is that part of which is really from africa i'm. she's also very much lift, just play tag, mix it in the mines, which include the national impression of the mines. i'm also each ones that the
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central bank also dr. got, should be national life. it was a once the, they, they did it that way. a truck permission of the economy and the that the mass within still struggle to reach. because it's such a part of the business community inside pickup and also to the international business community who are likely not going to allow the industry to take these measures. then the other alternatives that it is we have, it's a democratic airlines, not a democratic. i am a white lead to talk to you that the domain that gets most of the support from the white community. mm hm. so these parts and we subtract where we did, they started for business communities or she for this money to the end of the democratic guidelines. so and so they kind of is mothers. yet if that happens and, and pardon me, i didn't mean interrupt. i thought you were finished with that thought, if that happens most especially the lighter that you just described, where most of the folks who are part of the old white establishment kind of get back in power will, will they then get away from the global south thinking that we've seen himself have
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forgotten said south africa is a part of brooks. i mean they're the ones who are leading the push away from the monetization efforts in the western ideology that we see in the london and washington and moving toward russia, china, india, china. i think i said china twice, but uh, the middle east, for example, what, what's gonna happen to that movement that's taking south africa away from western ideology and moving more towards global self ideology. if this were to happen that you describe when this government is formed, if it was to happen it to mean that if it took to central position from basically because what the democrats of color does not support on the rest of the country did the text color size of the a little under print one, the question of is wrong. the democratic i asked you saw the lead behind is well, if, if draws diaries, political movements,
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lots of come up strongly interest opportunities out there, black and busted into decisions. the decision detectives are too bad today, so that's what it is, but it's difficult to attribute to think of the 2 political buttons meeting halfway . because even though the front, the democratic i asked for partners or a police inspector in see how stage 2 payments withdrawn from the economy to get people to participate much when they come to me. the point is quite broad. visit the where you're going to be compartment also the point is where the engineer i've tried to turn some more light speed to black, comes cold at the moment, work so enough because or more than a civil district, a central belonged to the country. this despite them missing the 8 percent of the population. so the n c had yeah, yeah, it sounds vast the, i mean, it sounds like they hate each other as much as republicans and democrats hate each other in general here in the united states, except when you're talking about corruption and foreign policy, then they all come by uh, agree with each other, but it sounds like there's
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a real disparity here. i guess my question to you as we start to wrap up this interview is what i know you're not a to say or you can't predict the future. but do you think that we're going to be heading in that direction where a party that is the polar opposite of what the south african government has been doing for the last year will take shape. so i think is i'm gonna close the end of june and visual these governments and drop off the supports i live in 50 bucks the last you're actually going to fiscal position called these parts these many weaknesses. the n t. i look at robust, you cannot do most often. so if middle button alliance which triggered your movements, the confidence of so that's a continuance. and then also if i know last week this, i don't think i'm coming to sparks. so i think the bluffs within the movement is for the day, for the most democratic moments. the width of pause in outlining between the democratic colors and the treasure young. i'm going to post cause the democratic
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alliance has been calling for this property of the name of which is i don't think so. that means how much is the, is the kind of by the democratic alliance of the say, that's the body. yeah. to give you things to the democratic ally, are you trying to picture of what goes right? it's been a n c and used to position targets. yeah. to get a lot of support from the trade union movement in south africa. so to be clear, you think v a n c by maneuvering positioning and who knows what else will be able to somehow form some kind of coalition that keeps enough power on its side. so that the ideology of the country, the governance or better yet, the thinking that comes out of johannesburg doesn't flip. is that what i'm hearing you say exactly, but there we go. that's not because a lot of people, but people that think they fear they back to us to the citizens on some internal
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functions within the n c. cause that if they are to boost on the left of the democratic, alas, that going to be seen as sitting out the part where some individuals in that practice of 2 of the properties. so most likely that's what you're going to be in the n c out of people that's, that's amazing. and the fact that you have such a grasp of this and have been able to take us through it and, and help us here in the united states and around the world to understand something which seems so complex is really remarkable. and it's a credit to you and your skills as a journalist and as a writer. thank you. clinton for taking time to join us today and for taking us through this. we appreciate it. thank you so much. i hope to make another appeal on some of the well, we very much like having you on and we hope to see you again. and that's our show. remember, as you know, we always say one of my idioms around here is always look outside your own box. choose don't live in boxes. sometimes you have to go to nairobi or south africa to
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find the truth. i'm rick sanchez. we'll see you again next time. ringback the, to take a fresh look around. there's a life kaleidoscopic, isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions fixtures designed to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen for you. fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground?
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can the tension is born in jerusalem, but as these really set to the stone the river. ok. so how come off becomes a made up of what could have parade, mocking mutual temperature, an occupation of east jerusalem. it is full decided the 1967, the rep, but pretty as the west is still playing 0 sum game is still count. comprehend the idea of equal cooperation. it is still sick with the best city of colonialism, a new york place, russia stop the money to take this wide by the us treatment of africa and all the parts of the world during his bus visit ever to book, you know, fossil the 1st private east of india doesn't need an alliance the.
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