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tv   News  RT  June 5, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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on the ground can, the tension is boiling juice to them, but as these riley set to the stone the river ox, the hotspot, ask a mock becomes a made up of what could have parades and mocking measles jump to an occupation of east jerusalem. it is full decided the 1967, the rep, but pretty as the west is still playing 0 sum game is still count. comprehend the idea of equal cooperation, it is still sick with the best, any of colonialism, a new york flavor process top. if somebody take a slide by the us treatment of africa and all the parts of the world during his bus visit ever to book in a fossil the 1st private east of india, leaving the lines the 3rd time. they can console themselves with any, i mean any,
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none of the like, but they have a they have a tough time, a head 5 challenging. he is a headphone there. under a movie in india has been a p like coalition, which was the general election foot by a far smaller margin than predicted on the french president's faces flag for inviting you drains database the last key to address the national assembly . it's just 48 hours ahead of the everybody's payments upgrade to divert attention from the problems at home the . what is, is our team to national reaching you live from my new center with moscow? i have mike for quite sure with the updates is that we start the all him east jerusalem, where tensions are running hard between these readings and local policy is the 3rd
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holy aside. and he's on the alaska mosque has been stormed by usually settled as they came during a provocative parade. celebrate diesel's cap through an occupation of east jerusalem. and he told the sites of the 1967 rule ortiz, middle east bureau chief, might have production reports from juice. and the as well. i am in front of the mass coast gay, tel leading to jerusalem. all the cities, mostly water, where a big number of is relays holding national flag has just arrived, celebrating what they called jerusalem day. and the thousands of israeli police forces have been deployed inside the old city and outside many roads leading to the place have been pauses all to avoid flashes and police is needed to provide security. and even journalists have been separated from the mob by the offense. so we cannot go any closer, but we can clearly hear them tongue thing as
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a saying. so what is actually happening well today as well? mark, 57 years since the part of jerusalem i am currently in the eastern wand has unified with the west. well, this is how as well looks at, is celebrating jerusalem day annually with a parade, while many believe this is a prove bulk, a tube and controversial celebration. as it's more and israel's capture and occupational piece tourism added totally sites in the 1967 more. i move that is not international. you recognize thousands of israelis carrying the national flag, the car in march, and here to damascus days. and again, some of them already near the entrance leading to the old cities move in order to continue through the air. we are predominantly populated by arabs, uncle manuals them. of course, this parade is like a red rag before the move. they see this celebration, illegitimate as nationalist. the main parade hasn't reached the old city yet,
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but things and they've started building up in the old city already. class is broke out between jews and arabs as residents of arab bought a brace themselves for the right. we flag march reports say that's an arab journalists wants her ross there by jurors. settlers while he was hovering the events, this whole thing we receive apparently shows the moment when jury's youngsters knocked the journalist phone out of his hands and sounds of a fighting paula. we also received a video of his really settlers before me approval for to dance traditional for jerusalem dates inside the old city again in front of the arab population. very so it is getting hard again, thousands of police forces have been deployed here and they will try to provide, provide security every year. jerusalem die, witnesses flashes between jews and arabs. and it is different, busy, or of course has like 57 years ago. is ro is at war again,
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an arabs strongly opposes israel's military offensive in the guy who has 3, which gives an extra reason for n good intentions, pull them up. so the forces i hear again as it may go. why. c is any moments earlier? israel's national security administer known for his extreme right wing use tend to strongly n t probably seen an agenda threatened to storm the old cities. ok, so most this 3rd holy a slice for every move glenview in this jerusalem day celebrations, we need to heat them in the most important place for them. every year they said that it was not appropriate and it was not the time, but the opposite is true. if we give ground to them, we get an october 7th. we will march through the damascus gate and rise to the alexa mosque no matter what they think. and despite their anger, how much has already announced this wednesday had day of rage and calls on palestinians into russo them and the west bank to confront his railings. we also
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have rolled out protective deer here in anticipation of clashes. meanwhile, several kilometers away from here. they will soon start a different type of protests of gathering. thousands are expected in tel aviv 2 demands the government to bring 124 hostages back home. now, it seems that a deal between these on her mazda is close to them before. last fridays, you remember president joe biden and build a 3 stage plan according to which israel would be able to return its hostages. in return to a cease fire pool out of its troops from guys and the reconstruction of the street at a 2nd stage of police plan. that will be all that is that's a, that's the will be a permanency spice of the end of the war of it's meant in israel. don't believe this will actually happen. have mass announced early on wednesday that it welcomes the proposal, promising to cease fire and the end of the fight in the guise of sleep. and that is now wait for is rose respons had we all are waiting to the now to the
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heart of the policy and enclave guy, the city where he's ready drones dry. his claim separate lives, a warning now there are disturbing images said just ahead. now this video tapped as the 1st moments after the strike dead bodies can be seen laying all over the streets while those injured have taken to a nearby hospital. according to reports, the idea of drill and fired at at least 2 of my cells of the location that so far the 36500 bodies pinions have been killed since the stock. these are the offensive offensive. in october, a local media reports have suggested that there are no. busy appreciable hospitalizations off on a field hospital you can see on this video was the last active medical facility, which is currently be moved to darrow belong, met the dia, conditions, and gaza. it's health ministry has cold of the international community and
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humanitarian organizations to deploy more few of the hospitals and medical teams to cope with the prices or how exit mazda is hospital is the only hospital providing health services to more than 1000000 people currently. and its clinical capacity cannot pad to receive more monitors and injuries in light of this serious aggression against civilians. children and we made the numbers of wounded and patients and the hospital's departments exceed the natural clinical capacity by more than 3 times. well, let's get more thoughts on all of this now had speak live to the communications officer for the international committee of the red cross shot, mano, this um, is good to have you join me. now. do you have any teams currently on the ground in rafa? how do they assess the situation with hospitals that a good evening, mike and thank you for having me. the master committed threats, cross team remains and rough off our team invest in the field hospice. so that the
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i search the established last month, they continued to provide evidence they needed health care services. we are also expanded our outreach, choose port, the remaining functions and hospitals and health care facilities across styles, 1000 cars, district. we have recently just a few hours ago delivered that medical shipment that includes urgency, needed medical supplies, disposable. we call this more for the kids and includes the materials that are used to treat use, the injured people, made it, and dozens. and what, there isn't a deal where that goes. i mentioned to a hospital which serves nearly 1000000 people in the middle. the area, the very area that has been witnessing very, extremely testified situation. we can hear the explosions and exchange all the time in different areas. i'm from all sides and i'm in the area, the same duration and rough us despite all the challenges our team continues to
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provide those that they needed even italian systems there. now they're off to thousands of palestinians and wrap up from the information. we get the who, who will simply have nowhere else to evacuate. to what challenges do these people face at the moment, particularly if it need urgent access to health care? i believe the main challenge is to is this through the bible out to survive? how to you know, to spend the day on the 9th and with this the next morning. i mean, it's a 5 facilities everywhere. 10 shillings. eric tries exchange of fire from you know, in the vicinity of, from where the exist, besides the hardships of accessing 2 sufficient amounts of food for their families, for their babies, for the 2nd patients. and also have access to clean water for both for drinking and for cleaning. i believe that they also are challenged with access to health care
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services that the deep uh, own timely basis with less and less health facilities and hospitals are either pushed out of service due to those benefits or have to relocate to other areas in north and dropbox. it is, it does become, you know, scars in terms of access to health care. there's a handful of hospitals that are in functional and alpha, including the i, c, r c for the field hospital there. now what's the color and state all the health care is set to across the entire enclaves. we keep hearing reports of hospitals being destroyed or put out of service. can you paint the picture of what's on ground for us to know after us because of comfortable and turned into graveyards or bathroom themes for months into health care system and gaza has collapsed. there is very you hospitals, if we, you know, in terms of the best capacity that can absorb and a large influx of horse work for cases or were injured in cases,
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this has become less and less. there's only one hospitalization garza press the gaza strip. that is it still capable of providing advanced health care service? that's the guys that you're seeing in han units and south and joseph trip. and there is an i'm team of i c r. c surgeons and nurses who have been working and living there since last november, providing evidence needed health care assistance providing an average of 20 surgeries per day. uh yes, this hospital has been also challenged by inconsistent supplies of medical material equipment and fuel. the entire health care system in gaza is now this functional in the north and gaza strip. there is only 2 hospitals that can provide basic health care service. they cannot perform any surgeries. there is a large number of patients who require immediate medical and dimension and to be conducted or to be operated on. and, and some of the hospital that can scan is form such or provide such
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a service. since the closure of the rough, pressing thousands of patients and injured people could not leave god as jeff to receive medical treatment, the medical treatment that is not available inside the trip. and they are now in more vulnerable health care situation. there are also thousands and thousands of people who are suffering from chronic diseases and so patient persons with disabilities and elderly has been disconnected from access health care system. the health care service at heart and ties to receive on regular basis. and they are also in a much deteriorated situation. so everyone now is facing the st. you know, nearly the same challenges. and also there is a crisis in terms of public health due to absence of fulton versus what the management spread of the eyes of garbage and sort of the waste everywhere. where does this place people kind of see any, the whole right we have to living here. now here's the amount of international
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committee of the red cross of communications offices. i thank you for giving us insight into all of these and thank you for what you do. thank you. thank you. about the washington policies towards the well guided by colonialism and neil colonialism and that's according to russia's top diplomatic. speaking during his 1st ever visit to book, you know, fossil say it again, love it. all of the sad in the comparison moscow seats, the quality of mutual benefits when it comes to cooperation with all the countries as the new cancer needs to be moved with as americans still cannot get rid of the syndrome of old mightiness and permissive this, i think they have the right to make claims all over the world, telling african asian latin american european countries what to do in economics, politics and how they will cooperate with the united states, against any one data competitive by washington. and they divide all foreign affairs into those to afford the united states and against the us. this is none of our
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consent. our relations with african friends develop exclusively on the basis of mutual interest and equal treatment. the west is still playing 0 sum games. it still can't comprehend the idea of equal cooperation. it is still sick with all the best way of colonialism. a near colonialism that drive a team relations with the global majority. and these relations are still a way for them to live at the expense of audits on his diplomatic tour of africa, the russian foreign minister has now arrived in charge earlier. his visit to the republics of guinea and combe go and book enough fossil agreements were made from moscow to supply military equipment to the nation. with ross and military instructors also aiding local forces to combat terrorism. moscow will also be invested in the mining and then to control industry and also helping him any chair and says that he spoke. well, we spoke with a former assistance to the ugandan president who says the moscow's approach is different than that of different from the west. and it's helping to open doors
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the, the style is not far from the tools you can let, is it called that how does modeling done no problem? we shouldn't be money's being done. i mean, for example, you know, get a bustle. everybody is, uh, jimmy was in the ship. well the so i know that, i mean, since the most of these governments, india is just moved to the study. but they have been a peaceful. let's see. what was the united states has done for us. and, you know, we could have the board saxophones. i'm source through the mess of the best is originally the rest of the country. do not forget, fail the importance of some sort of cell. so that's why i video time options of
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video on the adf for a very long time. so the average of a method spits before i see all the united states, it's presented to west africa used in new york. what are your policy? there is no. they're going to need some of this are really feel the african countries at the moment. in my opinion, are us us ask them to believe most of us look, i'm going to use is very cordial because the middle in the countries are awesome. now look, i mean, to accept walk through the government to the bus on what was going to move, but so russia is coming to, i forgot i, there are so many opportunities for it, but it's on the do the rush up on offers on the way from africa, china has called for more constructive, global voice is the and the ukranian conflicts as
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b g and has it now the wouldn't be attending the upcoming swift p summit because russia wouldn't be represented. it's offering its own solution to de escalate. the world needs more balance positive and constructive voice is on the ukraine crisis to that end. china and brazil jointly issued a 6 point consensus on the political settlement of the green crisis. stressing the need to abide by the 3 principles of de escalation of the situation. yes, these include no spillover from the battlefield, no escalation of the conflict, no provocation by relevant parties. now the call from beijing comes ahead of the so called p summit that will take place in switzerland. this with got been, has invited more than 160 countries, but china is refusing to attend the same of the summit, wouldn't be able to facilitate the piece as russia is not on the list. a nato secretary general has called beings decision quote, regrettable. now while the crane has long wished to join. busy nato,
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even the settlement in the coffee, it wouldn't be a ticket for key at the door and the western block not according to, is there like skis, big guess, don't do bided. how about the american president says the us supply will continue in the form of a ship loads of weapons. so what is the end game though in ukraine, and what this piece look like? that piece looks like making sure russia never, never, never, never occupies ukraine. that's what piece looks like, and it doesn't mean nato, they are positive nato. they means we have a relationship with them like we do with other countries where we supply when put and so they can defend themselves and the future offer more on this. less trust live to senior fellow, have a tie, he is to do it, and chub and of asia, narrative a not time get. it is good to have you join me right now. now the latest chinese coal says more balanced. a constructive voice is on needed to and the ukranian
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conflict, the us be things not attending the upcoming, be somebody in switzerland. do you think these comments are directed at how the conference is being organized, specifically the fact that russia is not included? well, it's not even like it's not even clear that biden is going to come. he's indicated no, and he's going to send his vice president to no one has much faith in what it has since you know what's happening here. zalinski is pushing, unrealistic agenda. yeah. you know, he's losing on the battlefield and he wants an unconditional retreat by russia when in fact, they're already break away areas of the ukraine, which have been fighting on this war for many, many years. i was support for the training war is, is diminishing all and the leads to supported are in danger of being tossed out. we'll see what the election spring uh next day. this end of this next week. exactly
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. how far that barometer goes. now how, how do you thing the absence of roster and its allies may affect the result of the piece as suisse conference. this is nothing but a sham. uh, the, you know, the, the reason russian doesn't show up is because it's not that a peace conference. it's merely a place for zalinski to say that you know, he's right and everyone else is wrong. i mean, even that his allies are now getting tired of his kind of whining approaches entitlement mentality. but this tops the cake. he's asking people to take time out for a pharmaceutical matter. there's nothing that's going to be happening there. he demanded the rush of a agreed to an immediate withdrawal of all areas cessation was able to be prepared to be treated as war criminals. it's absolutely nonsense. he didn't want russia there, he just wants some sort of pressure. he can apply to the west to give him more arms
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ammunition in a failing war. now by then now says that even a p supplements wouldn't be call need to membership for ukraine. what are your thoughts on why that is as well you have to understand. you're trained before the, the war? 2019. i mean, before the war, i'm in the wars when you're going on for quite some time before the let us escalation, the conflict there, you know, per person g, d p was around $5000.00 a year. wait below most countries, it has had a problem with corruption. it is not anywhere near where each speed either joining the you or nature. so, you know, we're talking about having them join is, is pointless at this. you know, i think it was purely political, but there's been a lot of vacillation on that, depending on how they think, if they think they get went on the battlefield. anyways. at this point,
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it's smart for a binding to be saying, look there, and they're not in any danger of joining. but the fact is they're still being considered. and this is a security threat to russia because that's what is at stake here. you know, for china, it has 2 principles, is trying to reconcile territorial integrity with, with the integrity security integrity. and try to recognize that the web is ation and weapon ization of ukraine is a security threat to russia would result in a conflict. and one that doesn't want to support the territorial divisions as a neutral party trying is trying to set the negotiate but negotiating table not dominated me. now moscow says of finland and sweden joining may do. it has already changed the military and political situation in the baltic, authentic region which risks a heightened passions that so how would europe and then global security change? if you crane wants to join the block?
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well, i don't know how they would join, they don't qualify, but let's say that they did. all you're doing is once again um breaking the promises that were made when the ussr broke up. and it was said that in essence the nato would disappear. and that there would be no encroachment into the previous soviet block either economically or militarily. obviously, those promises were broken in the us now says, well, you never got it in writing or something like this. i mean this, this is international law and comedy. there has to be some sort of trust us as broken that and yet they walk around the world telling people that to, you know, do the right thing. while we have to living here now senior fellow, how they taught, he institute and sherman of asia narratives and natania. and thank you so much for your insight on this. thank you. back let's has
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a power is now the french republicans party, his last bowed democracy on for sidelining debates on the upcoming european elections. they say the giving a lot to me is less key. the podium distracts attention from the more pressing math is that, and on the, on the zillow. so well, uh, communicate that we've just received the press release, informing us that on friday morning, we'll have to suspend the work to listen to president zalinski and our assembly. i find it regrettable that 48 hours before you repeat an election for some well on the eve of the votes of the president of the republic had already invited himself an old tv channels to hold. and general policies which talk to us about europe to divert attention from this european to today to show this obviously does not detract from our support for the premium. but i sincerely believe that our national assembly should have suicide is not to participate in this movement. and that it is inappropriate to invite president and ask you to come to speak to the assembly june
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48 hours before the next. you know, soon as i know this may come as a shock that ukrainian president barber's zalinski would make something in another country. all about him and you crane, but it turns out that he's in france this week. effectively hijacking not one, but 2 really important events. the 1st one is the annual d day commemoration on june 6th, marking the victory of the allied forces including the soviet union against the nazis in world war 2. so zalinski, not even a year ago, was sharing and fist pumping. a real world war, 2 era, ukrainian nazi who fought against the western allies. and the soviets, in the 2nd more more he did that when he was visiting the canadian parliament. and this guy was a guest of honor. and now he's in france. cheering for the side that defeated denazi's sounds a little bit confused there. the other controversy here in france is that this year's d day falls just a few days before france goes to the polls to vote for it's european parliament representatives and on friday,
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which is the last day that the french parliament sits before that vote. my coal has cleared the agenda for zalinski to do his usual routine in front of parliament at the time when french politicians say that they'd rather focus on the european union . which quick reminder to here you frame isn't even a part of us. now some political leaders are upset that they weren't even consulted before my college just decided to let somebody ski make the last minutes of pre election debate all about him. it'll be interesting to see how many actually end up showing up for it. but one thing's for sure, the grim scenes of average ukrainians back home undergoing forced mobilization probably won't be brought up in french parliament with zalinski there. but that hasn't stopped some leading political voices from evoking it elsewhere. a terrible video of a kid not being in the middle of the street for mobilization of force, the euro atlantic determination to continue this war like arming and finance and you cream will lead to the complete sacrifice of the ukrainian people. so why would
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not cold be ok with all of that? well, there's been a lot of talk lately here about him wanting to send friends, trainers to print sounds nice, kind of like they're going to help you brandy and who are shoved into a band while waiting in line for a profit chino, at the local starbucks. true train and to feed the russians on the battlefield by prospecting their goblet, squats and barbell semesters, farmer, friends, president mutual stuff, posies, former adviser, all he gay knew knows exactly what instructors mean. you should they come on, come on, see the number. do you remember how the vietnam war started for the americans? this would be it all started with the fact that they sent instructors. we're playing with fire using the argument that when we send expensive weapons, it's nothing happened. the problem with the red lines is that we don't know which one will be the long as the, i think it's dangerous on the for also front of the stuff because these party, they say you can form a french and p p a lose points out there. that for the past couple of years,
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not causing mouth has been writing checks that he's behind just kind of cash when it comes to brain stuff he designed makes it the most nice being 2 and a half years since this was started 2 and a half years that we've been talking about war economy 2 and a half years that we've been talking about making shells wherever the only, wherever the new width and some goes. where is the reorganization of the army to deal with this. so we're being told that we must go and engage in this war with walt. yeah. and fresh politicians aren't the only ones who don't think that nicole has any idea of what he's actually doing. you know, you can, you, i don't want the children of valerie all the children of, if it needs to be sent to die and fights and you cray. no, i don't want to tell you and weapons, diploma and kill in russia easily is not at war against any one. ok, therefore, let's leave it to macro and to talk about. but i'm telling him as if he were here to night, i couldn't macro. and do you want to go to wall and put on your helmet and put on your best and go to ukraine. but don't bother you, it's highly ins. we're going to wait. i don't know. does it sound like some
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a tele and, or french officials have very much confidence in mac homes, strategic ambiguity strategy of hey, maybe jim trainers are going to teach some spinning classes or maybe they'll just be doing up right. rose on french, caesar howard, sirs. and in the general direction of russia for that's all for me now, my colleague, some of the bench key will be review at the top of the i was most or reason andre bye. now the the .


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