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tv   News  RT  June 6, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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the, the, the, if someone believes is possible to supply such weapons in order to strike hardware, trade creek problems, or are they white, we not have the right to supply all weapons that peace thing through those regions of the world where they will be strikes on the side stick the same as ice countries . the during this big gate splashes latimer button says moscow will consider sending is weapons to regions around the world where arms are being sent from to attack restaurants. now, warning, disturbing images are the israel confirms of striking a un tool in central dogs like killing at least 30 people and wounding thousands more. and the display of our prime minister makes his 1st public address after
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a failed assassination attempts in suggesting his views made him a target. anyone who just notes identified with these signals mandatory opinion is immediately labeled as a russian agent politically margin nationally. it is a cruel hopes of ation, but the rights with a different opinion has ceased to exist in the evening. the we are watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we're covering the top news stories from around the world. a lot of repeating says moscow will consider sending weapons around the world to the regions where ukraine is getting his arms from a to strike russian territory. the president added that strikes against the russian federation, which western countries are involved with, would mean their direct involvement in moscow reserves the right to retaliate. to make you want to,
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we thinking that if someone believes is possible to supply such weapons, to both sides in order to strike our territory and create problems already we then why do we not have the right to supply all weapons of the same quality to those regions of the world where they will be strikes on the side stick to, since these come as those countries the didn't during this, it gains flush of and then you know, so the response could be a symmetric good. and we will think about maybe a band of coal, such actions will find the destroy international relations with them and undermine international security. ultimately, if we've seen these countries being drawn into a war against us, and this is a direct deposit, is a patient in a war against russia, then we reserve the right to act in the same way useful to know this is a call to very serious problem congress mostly to this press conference with the russian president vladimir putin, answering the questions of journalists from all around the world. so i went on for over 3 hours, there was a really extensive press conference and he went over a number of topics for i think it goes without saying that one of the main themes
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had to do with the crane conflict. and this is something in which put and said that he had a draft president joe biden of the united states directly saying that the western weapon shipments to ukraine has to stop if there's actually going to be peace flooding our boat and said that this war can end in the next 2 or 3 months, if these weapons shipments just come to a halt. but the west unfortunately, is unwilling to do that. because after all, something else, the russian president vladimir putin said was that this war was not started by russia. and it did not even start with the russian military operation. this military operation was something that the russian president said was not in violation of international law because the people's republic subs lugens comes on yet still well, we're in there are within their rights to declare their sovereignty. and the russian federation was well within its rights to recognize that sovereignty especially app for the fact that russia recognized that the western powers of the
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key, i presume we're not going to abide by the men's protocols that were supposed to establish a ceasefire in the don boss conflict as it was then known, but unfortunately, hostilities as a result of the key, everything's actions continued for 8 years, up until arrested, decided to launch this military operation at defend the russians. people of the dunbar, the region being the now russian territories of the guns, hand on yet stand. this is also connected to something else. the russian president said in terms of how western support ukraine is not even about ukrainians, defending some sort of idea of freedom or democracy. it's really about defending the geo political interest. so the united states between the 2. so you actually know what really us is interested in, you kind of interested the interested in the greatness only united states which is finding no trade and not for the ukrainian peoples quote for his greatness and for its leadership and the well,
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i didn't know the case that they want to allow any kind of success of a rush it precisely because they believe that in this case, as the leadership of the us wouldn't be damaged for, that's the gist of what america is doing and used to this ties into the casualties such as 6 that the russian president brought up regarding the ukraine conflict. i mean, he mentioned the fact that for every russian soldier that dies on the battlefield, 5 ukrainian troops are killed and this translates into essentially 5000 ukranian troops killed a months on the battlefield as a result of a war that's being sponsored by the western powers so this really goes into what the russian president vladimir putin set about the fact that it's really a war being waged by the west in which ukrainians are dying for western interests. and in terms of what needs to be done for peace, to be established. the rest and present went over this as well. he said that western weapons have to stop being supplied to the key of regime and it's military and the western powers have to stop the interfering and the peace process. he
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specifically mentioned the fact that a forest johnson, the former prime minister of the u. k. had gotten involved in peace talks that were taking place between ukraine and rushed her back in 2022. and he had convinced the ukrainian side to not sign a piece agreement that they've previously were willing to sign this something that the russian president vladimir putin said i could have ended the conflict back in 20222 years ago. the on top of that, in connection to this, he also talked about us foreign policy towards europe and how the washington's a desire to see germany specifically continue to send weapons. due crane is hurting relations between germany and russia, and as a byproduct is hurting the economy. of germany, which is something that a lot of our put in said is the flagship academy of the european union. meaning when the germany economy, the german economy, is going up or down the european economy follow suit. and this is something that uh vladimir put inside is
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a self defeating policy of the united states. that their hand to russian policies are leading to damage to the german economy and thereby damage to the european economy as a whole. and probably the last, the most important thing that improvement mentioned at this 3, our press conferences, the fact that in this whole situation, russia does not have imperial ambitions. it's really the west that's pressuring the entire world. europe for the countries in the developing world as well. to get with their anti russian program. and this is why russia and other countries that are strategic partners of moscow are working to establish a multi fuller world based on mutual cooperation and mutual respect. the political theory has all dean, says, washington confrontation with moscow has drawn in more global players than in the
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past. it seems increasingly clear that we are on the verge of something potentially worse and in the caribbean prices instead of in the past of this just simply being bipolar confrontation between 2 major powers. there are much more vested interests involved in the car and confrontation. it's a confrontation between the multi polar world and a unipolar world by any metric, by any metric of fairness and this fear of international relations and warfare. moscow has every right to arms, the many amenities that america has earned in its recent history. and that should be noted is that the united states doesn't only have russia as an enemy as a strategic enemy. it's also facing china as well. so facing iran, it's also facing virtually every country in the world that has to chosen sovereignty over the so called rules based world order. on the sidelines on the
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ongoing st. petersburg, economic form. we spoke with a bismark dialogue founder, alexander von, bismarck, he said, vs. so paula isolation is a fallacy. many in the west recognize as i read it and it locked into the many. but if you look at it, this social media, you'll see that russia is not isolated. they have very good connected with the bricks countries. and i see it every time, and i talked to many of the russian people, they told me what the connection is. in the business, we had a very strong energy and we pay a lot. the people had to pay a lot for the connections and sold the sanctions against us. the people are 80 percent. don't believe i will government 80, present our people and sold a look in the social media more and more and more. it was an explosion and social
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media. and so the people, they are afraid to say the own meaning, the own, the thinking outside because they're afraid they lost drops and so, so they talk to together. but at the end of the table, not, not open the probably 30 people were killed and then dozens more wounded in an idea of striking on a school, the central gods and refugee camp of news era israel has confirmed the stride, claiming the unrest, school hosted of a mazda militant tom pounds wounded children were transported to ox. the hospital were medics are fighting for their lives. the long dogs, just health minister, of course, the facility is running out of resources and may soon be unable to receive more
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patients. how ex images hospital is the only hospital providing health services to more than 1000000 people currently and its clinical capacity cannot pads receive more monitors and injuries in light of this serious aggression against civilians, children and we mean the numbers of wounded and patients in the hospitals departments exceed the natural clinical capacity by more than 3 times. we discussed the health crisis and gaza with the communications officer for the international committee of the red cross system a honda. he says the i c r c is still providing medical services in rossa. despite the dangers and challenges, the message to me that the red cross team remains and rough uh, our team is just in the field hospice um that the i searched the established last month. you continue to provide an urgent thing. you did test care services. we are also expanded our outreach to support the remaining functions and hospitals and health care facilities across styles,
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1000 god. this trip we have recently just few hours ago delivered that medical shipment, adding fluids, urgency needed, medical supplies, disposable. we call us more for the kids and includes materials that are used to treat, use the injured people's tomatoes and dozens. and what there isn't, a lot of the goes, i mentioned to alex, so hospital which serves nearly 1000000 people in the middle. the area, the very area that has been witnessing very, extremely basic find situation we can hear explosions and understand you are all the time in different areas. i'm from all sides independent area. the same situation and rough us. i believe the main challenge is to, is this through the bible out to survive? how to, you know, to spend the day on the 9th and with this, the next morning i'm, it's justified hostilities everywhere. and shillings air strikes, exchange of fire from, you know, in the vicinity of,
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from where the exist. besides the hardships of accessing 2 uh, sufficient amounts of food for their families, for diabetes or the 2nd patients. and also have access to clean water for both for drinking and for cleaning. i believe that they also are challenged with access to health care services that the deep and timely basis of china has called for more constructive global voices. to end of the ukranian conflicts as aging, has announced that won't be attending the upcoming supposed be summit because russia i won't be represented as offering its own solution to de escalate. the parts of the world needs more balance. positive and constructive voice is on the green crisis. it's going to that end china in brazil jointly issue at a 6 point consensus on, on the political settlement of the green christ. cisco says dressing the need to abide by the 3 principles of genius coalition of the situation of difficulties including no skill over from the battlefield,
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include no escalation of the conflict of no provocation by relevant by conflict. the call from bad thing comes ahead of the so called peace summit that will take place in switzerland. the swiss government has invited more than 160 countries, but china is refusing to attend, saying the summit won't be able to visit the facilitate pace as russia is not on the list. nato secretary general has called aging is decision quote regrettable. we spoke with the vice chairman at the shanghai center for international studies, nelson wong. he says, he doubts this was conference will bring any peace without russia's inclusion and notes. the time is now for the west to consider a settlement with russia not being represented that this submits. this is not a possible a venue with the right of participants to talk about peace actually. uh so uh, it's quite doubtful how the result of such a meeting is going to uh to do to, to you without. uh, but uh, i think john,
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that has made itself very clear to the rest of the world and 2 old apologies cuz that uh a piece polk that needs to have all the policies. cuz uh, and to be sitting at the same table, it's actually side to side that the politicians of some of the western countries, or particularly countries of nato that are supplying weapons to ukraine at the moment. to think and to reflect all what the end game is, because we are actually all the blink of having a major, bigger conflict of a much bigger scale because of russia has already set its lines very clear on what they are going to do. what they are prepared to do is the russian territories gets
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attacked as a war is going to spread to other parts of europe. if this doesn't come to us stop. i mean, well, joe biden recently green lit. he has the use of american supplied weapons to strike targets in russia. the bottom here zalinski thinks the white house for this permission. he criticized washington for not going far enough. for us is only a proof of target seeing the hard top region senior fellow at the time the institute i entertained and says, jumps up, i only grows as its allies tire of the demand. no, you cream desperately need smoking. cholenski is pushing and unrealistic agenda. yeah, you know, he's losing on the battlefield and he wants an unconditional retreat by russia. even his allies are now getting tired of his kind of whining approaches entitlement mentality. but this tops the cake. he's asking people to take time out for a pharmaceutical matter. there's nothing that's going to be happening there. he
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demanded the rush of a agree to an immediate withdrawal of all areas cessation was able to be prepared to be treated as war criminals. it's absolutely nonsense. he didn't want russia there. he just wants some sort of pressure, he can apply to the west to get him more arms ammunition in a failing war. so washington is happy to watch you crane burn, or as they say, there were washington is willing to fight to the last ukrainian or see if it suits us interest. china has drawn a red line for the us urging washington again, sending any form of wrong signals to separate his forces in taiwan. and warning came from the chinese ministry of foreign affairs. had that into the central to both sides of the taiwan strait belonged to monta in the same china and taiwan is in the alley in the voltage of the china 3rd traits you're doing well. this is the
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real stages quote and then turn one straight into how to resolve the tie. one question is a matter for the chinese people who use her to what age do was to fully recognizing haven't nature and down to some of the mission of taiwan independence, separate and pizza, still palm and taiwan and stop sending an annual and signal to taiwan independence a separate is full, so as you add a phone with them for me, from the list statement follow joe biden saying he will not roll out u. s. military involvement in taiwan. if the situation escalates, it would depend on the circumstances. i have made clear decision being that we are not seeking independence for ty one, nor will we in effect, not defense. i want, if china, unilaterally tries to change the status. and so we're continuing to supply capacity not rolling out using u. s. military force relations between badging and washington have long been strained over washington's presence in the asia pacific region. apart from taiwan,
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the us army rams up its military drugs with the philippines last week. trying to seize this as an effort to destabilize the region. on tuesday, a member of the country stopped for us last out at washington simple standard approach during a news conference at asia is payment of defense and summit, the stronger law dialogue. the us uses the rules and orders as hedge, a monic narratives when these rules and order. so if it's interest the u. s. employees then when they get not the us discounts the, the us uses the rules to suppress others, but never to restrain itself. it has always activated egotistic ratings, doing whatever it wants from out of town to a rog, from a ukraine's goals and these crises and conflicts of results. self serving the double standards of the us. a we spoke to a political risk analyst ross finds all, he says, it's unclear whether the us would actually take the island side in case of an escalation. the united states policy for many, many years has been where,
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what we call strategic ambiguity, which is it doesn't say yes one know what you have with regard to whether or not that you want us to professionally want. frankly, though, the assumption that most people make is that the us will interview to defend to i watch over the last uh, many decades. united states has really been the one country that is willing to sell weapons to sarwan. it's been many years and you're seeing countries, for example, have sol firewall on wiping some good in the past. they faced a significant backlash from china. and if not, we've been willing to uh, deal with that possibility to get so then your team countries stop selling markets to taiwan. it's primarily only united states that are so in the policy the united states was the tar warren should have quality to as well as a quantitative military advantage versus china. unfortunately for taiwan, we certainly know they're trying to now has a want to change of advantage in arguably you might have
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a qualitative advantage. i think going forward in the near term. if try one is a willing buyer. generally speaking to us is going to be a willing seller of weapons. right, so i was not invited to, they can memorize in ceremony for the 80th anniversary of the day in french norman date. that despite the soviet union's great contribution and defeating nazi germany during world war 2. meanwhile, bloodwork zalinski is among the top invitees with the west turning a blind eye to the ukrainian at nazi battalions, sewing violence, and the don best r t correspondence, the swing, the brakes, and all that. as leaders gather on the normandy beaches, russia is options, will raise a few eyebrows, given the queue, sacrifice is made for the night. you enjoyed the 2nd world war. according to russia, an invite had been expected in recognition of the efforts of this, the ami, something which apparently under the white house, we would defer to the government of france,
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which organizes become memorization of normandy. but perhaps this will remind the russians that the actually for real and that's is one's not the imaginary ones in ukraine. russia hit back saying it's not the 1st time that the 2nd world war had been used as manipulation on political game playing by the west. on a golf, at the suggestion that no not see the new crime or imagine re, given the evidence is in plain sight for to see i just weeks ago. the red carpet was rolled out by former british prime minister boris johnson. as a language praise on the far right as of vitality and in the houses of parliament with us. it won't be the 1st time to purchase the establishment has been cool to find the nazis taken. charles the 3rd. when he was prince charles,
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received an owner reload degree from the university of alberta and canada, bestowed on him by the insurance law on form of an assessment by pieces about him. if the neo no one sees in ukraine, really all fake the wanted germany, which knows that they go to about the subject, send the group themselves just bought the for display not c symbols. within the framework of training conducted by the buddhist mirror for ukrainian armed forces, 7 cases were identified where soldiers were right wing extremist symbols. the training of the affected ukrainian soldiers was immediately terminated in consultation with the ukrainian armed forces and the individuals were returned to ukraine. so germany seemed to be well aware that they may have been fighting you crazy and neo nazis going so far as to tell them to hide nazi symbols. a case of out of sight, out of mind perhaps. although more idea of logic, the open ukrainian,
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neo nazis, or even complaining. but they all been given west and weapons as well. come on to dennis broke up young co as cool for the organization to be removed from us legislation. which binds it from receiving wisdom weaponry. a hi, emphasized the very existence of such amendments and prohibitions not only prevents as or from performing its comb with commissions more effectively. but as a blow to the defense capability of our country, tarnishes the cranes image on the international level and is humiliating for the entire ukrainian army for the fun has been in place. so it's a 2017 amendment stated. none of the funds made available by this act may be used to provide all training or other assistance to the as of fatality and white supremacy in new naziism are unacceptable and have no place in our world. i am very pleased at the recently passed on the bus prevents to us from providing arms and training assistance to the neo nazi is off battalion fighting in ukraine. the state
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department should pressure key of to dissociate itself with this group and investigate whether any of our weapons or training have already been provided to them. this is just one of many reasons why lawmakers should be concerned about channeling huge amounts of weapons into this volatile conflicts on. but despite the bon us, my good, how you doing just seem to have made their way into the hands of the neo nazis. that's according to now deleted post on the militias website. the crazy and national god issued a statement in 2018, denying the weapons as of possession. the special unit does not have american a t gm's in service. some media outlets have reported that the as of units of the national guard of ukraine is armed with american javelin, a t gm's, and p s. r l grenades launches. we would like to inform you that the as of special forces unit, which is part of military unit $3057.00, does not have the above mentioned weapons. well, maybe their own now,
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but they certainly have them in july 2017. c o, a texas by his company at 4 make told voice of america, but it was continuing deliveries of lethal weapons to craig. it very close cooperation with the us state department dependents ago. i'm the, you quite need government a but the amendment explicit be recognized as of as openly neo nazi on fascist. so it seems that was me or not. so you know, a bunch of really all through north, according to the united states, nor is leading. i like germany through send them back to you, cried perhaps the i see it front of us or your date a should in facts done as a reminder, the russia for the nazis then is doing the same against the idea of logical successes today. so the as prime minister has made his 1st public interest since he was shot 5 times that point blank and an assassination attempt
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last month. robert feet. so claim to the reason he was targeted is because no one's allowed to have different views in europe anymore. or a part of the letter means it was not the sub 0 to let those come with the situation in the relations between my political representation and partners and the un nato escalated off to the russian attack on ukraine. also, when we refuse to provide the grain with any military aid from state stronger except for humanitarian aid and wait for the opportunity to fund dimensionally prefer pieces available when you have not. what is precisely the conflict in ukraine that the you and native is elevated even more around latrice trying to find the concept to be single correct opinion, mainly with the oil in ukraine must continue at any at all. so i think in order to we can, the russian federation society, one who does not identify with a single mandatory opinion, is immediate non labeled as a russian agent to hard and politically marginalized internationally to move on. you know, it is a current observation, but the right so with a different opinion it has ceased to sales to the colors. well, 1st of all, robert, since i've got to say that's for a man who is nearly killed less than a month ago,
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he looks absolutely fantastic and very healthy evolution, like you've got a command in language as well, but the language and as well as the speech so, oh, thankfully the perpetrator in that case was that not successful. just reminder on the 15th of may. the seventy's one year old you reach into a slovak, a local shots, the rubber fits of several times in his torso. and the man was on the verge of death. basically, she was a rushed to hospital. we also that footage of helicopters of cars rushing out and it was done in the plane. the daylight now he's been recuperating ever since in the hospital. and today a once again was sold, i'd say he's ready to fight back. uh, he's ready to work once again and at the beginning initially we also everybody in
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the world. oh so that he wouldn't make it, but thanks to the doctors and he is on enters frank, probably. he's successful now. he's back in policy x, i think is pretty miraculous, but he survived as shooting is such a close quote to is obviously we know who the statement was. this is that you resend to who you mention that who is admitted. she was attempting to kill a robot feet so, but who else to speak to believe is perhaps behind his assassination? generally a right well of feed. so doesn't say never hold any grudge against this guy, which is yurch and to uh, of course, uh is he says, the choice, the rubber seats. so he's at the moment, she's probably one of the only one of the very few politicians in europe who are still only in their opinion. there, he's not afraid to defend his country's interest and not fall in line with whatever
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you know, puppet masters are saying elsewhere. it whether in europe or across the pond. well, he, he's blaming. in this particular case, he talks about for us several times. but it's always about western n, g and g o z. and of course, mainstream media, that's one of the main people to blame in this case. and of course all of these put together, they're all kind of down played this assessment ation defense. and of course, this is not really normal if you will be speaking with today, ball check out what it is to be expected to the anti government media for an funded political known, the governmental organizations and the opposition will begin to down play my assassination of the times that it was only an attack by deranged post and that there was no connections between him and the opposition that the home to my health was not serious. i want to watch the anti government.


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