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tv   Documentary  RT  June 6, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EDT

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wonder what the whole point is of this rate, which seems to be little more than a game of musical chairs in the back seat of the clamor bill. russia was no to invited to the commitment ration ceremony for the 8. see if the end of the 3 of the day in french norman day, a spot, the soviet union is great contribution and defeating nazi germany during world war 2. meanwhile, is not demand. so lensky is along the top. invitees with the west tony go blind, died to the you crazy, a non c battalion, sewing violence, and the don't bus. all the correspondence takes, we need breaks it down for us. as leaders gather on the normandy, beaches rushes options. well, why is it for you? i browse, given the few sacrifices made by the night, you enjoyed the 2nd well bull. according to russia, an invite, had been expected in recognition of the efforts of this, the ami. something which apparently under the white house would defer to the
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government of france, which organizes become memorization of normandy. but perhaps this will remind the russians that the actually for the real nazis ones, not the imaginary ones in ukraine. russia hit back saying it's not the 1st time that the 2nd world war had been used as manipulation, political game playing by the west on a golf at the suggestion that no not see the new crime or imagine re, given the evidence is in plain sight for to see a just weeks ago, the red carpet was rolled out by former british prime minister boris johnson. as a language praise on the far right as of vitality and in the houses of parliament. with us. it was the 1st time to purchase establishment as being cool to find the nazis taken. charles the 3rd, when he was prince charles,
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received an owner reload degree from the university of alberta and canada. bestowed on him by then sean sla, on the form of an assessment by pieces about him. if the neo no one sees in ukraine really all fake the body germany, which knows that they go to about the subject, send the group themselves just bought the for display not c symbols. within the framework of training conducted by the buddhist mirror for ukrainian armed forces, 7 cases were identified where soldiers were right wing extremist symbols. the training of the affected ukrainian soldiers was immediately terminated in consultation with the ukrainian armed forces and the individuals were returned to ukraine. so germany seemed to be well aware that they may have been fighting you crazy and neo nazis going so far as to tell them to hide nazi symbols. a case of out of sight out of mind perhaps, although more ideologically open, ukrainian,
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neo nazis, or even complaining. but they all been given west and weapons as i'll come on to dennis broke up young co has cool for the organization to be removed from us. legislation which binds it from receiving wisdom weaponry. a hi emphasized the very existence of such amendments and prohibitions not only prevents as or from performing its comb with commissions more effectively. but as a blow to the defense capability of our country, tarnishes the cranes image on the international level and is humiliating for the entire ukranian army. the bomb has been in place since of 2017 amendment stated. none of the funds made available by this act may be used to provide all training or other assistance to the hours of fatality and white supremacy in new naziism are unacceptable and have no place in our world. i am very pleased at the recently passed on the bus prevents to us from providing arms and training assistance to the neo nazi is off battalion fighting in ukraine. the state department should pressure
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key of to the associated itself with this group and investigate whether any of our weapons or training have already been provided to them. this is just one of many reasons why lawmakers should be concerned about channeling huge amounts of weapons into this volatile conflicts on. but despite upon us, my good night launches seem to have made their way into the hands of the neo nazis . that's according to now deleted post on the militias website. of the crazy and national guard issued a statement in 2018, denying the weapons as of possession. the special unit does not have american a t gm's in service. some media outlets have reported that the as of units of the national guard of ukraine is armed with american javelin, a t gm's, and p s. r l grenades launches. we would like to inform you that the as of special forces unit, which is cost of military unit $3057.00, does not have the above mentioned weapons, or maybe their own now,
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but they certainly have them in july 2017. the ceo techs just by his company at, for mike told voice of america, but it was continuing deliveries of lethal weapons to craig. it very close cooperation with the us state department dependents ago. um, do you quite need government? but the amendment explicit being recognized as of as openly neo nazi and fascist. so it seems that was neo nazis. i know about the very all through north, according to the united states, nor is leading. i like germany to send them back to you, cried. perhaps the i see it front of us or your date, a shooting fax, done. as a reminder, the russia for the nazis then is doing the same against the idea of logical successes. today, the china has thrown a red line for the us voting washington again, sending any form of wrong signals to set forth as forces in taiwan. the warning
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came from the chinese ministry of foreign affairs. i had the dentist central to both sides of the taiwan strait belonged to monta in the same china and taiwan is in the alley and the voltage of the china is 3rd treat. this is the real estate is quote, and in taiwan strait, how to resolve the taiwan question is a matter for the chinese people. what age do was to fully recognizing, haven't nature and down just some mission of taiwan independence, separatists still palm and taiwan, and stop sending any wrong signal to taiwan. independence separates his forces in any form to me. the statement follow job. i didn't saying he will not rule out to us military involvement in taiwan if the situation escalates. it would depend on the circumstances. i've made clear decision being that we're not seeking independence for taiwan, nor will we in fact, not defense. i want, if china, unilaterally tries to change the status, and so we're continuing to supply capacity not ruling out using us military force.
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relations between paging and washington have long been strained, doesn't washington's presence in the asia pacific region. apart from taiwan, the u. s. army roundtop is military drills with the philippines last week, trying to seize this as an asset to destabilize the region on tuesday and then the country's top brawl slash styles at washington's double standard approach. you're going to press conference and ages, premier defense summit, bit stronger law dialogue. a us uses the rules and orders as hedge, a monic narratives when these rules and order. so if it's interest to the u. s. employees them, when they do not do us discounts the, the us uses the rules to suppress others, but never to restrain itself. it has always acted egotistically doing whatever it wants from afghanistan to a rock from ukraine. to garza, all these crises and conflicts of results. but the self serving double standards of the us, we thought to a is
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a political risk. analysts ross to assign goals and he says, is unclear. one of the us would actually take the island side in case of an escalation. the united states policy for many, many years has been where, what we call strategic ambiguity, which is it doesn't say yes or no. or with regard to whether or not to us good interview to protect our one. frankly, the assumption that most people make is that the us will interview to defend to i watch over the last uh, many decades. united states has really been the one country that is willing to sell weapons to try on. it's been many years and european countries, for example, have sold try one weapon some good in the past. they faced a significant backlash from china. and if not, we've been willing to uh, deal with that possibility to get. so there you are, p and country, stop selling markets to, to our why. it's primarily only the united states that are selling in the policy.
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the united states was the tar warren should have qualitative, as well as a quantitative military advantage versus trying to unfortunately for taiwan, we certainly know they're trying to now. hi isaac. quantitative advantage in arguably, you might have a qualitative advantage, i think, going forward and in the near term. if taiwan is a willing buyer, generally speaking to you, why she's going to be a willing seller of weapons. china has cold, the low constructive global voice has to ends the ukranian conflicts and by aging does announce they won't be attending the upcoming. switched p summit because russia was the represented. and so if we get the solution to de escalate, part of the world needs more balance, positive and constructive voice is on the ukraine crisis to that end. china in brazil, jointly issued a 6 point consensus on the political settlement of the green crisis stressing the need to abide by the 3 principles of de escalation of the situation. yes, these include no spillover from the battlefield, no escalation of the conflict,
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no provocation by irrelevant parties. the coals on badging terms ahead of the so called pay so much that would take place in switzerland. it's with government has invited more than a $160.00 countries, but china is refusing to attend, saying the summit wouldn't be able to facilitate pace as russia is not on the list . nato secretary general has cooled badging the decision that quote, request simple. we spoke with the vice chairman of a strong high sense, if international studies, nelson weld, he's lazy doubts. this with confidence will bring any peace without rushes, inclusion, and notes. the time is now for the west to consider assessments with russia not being representative about this summit. this is not a possible value with the right of participants to talk about peace actually. uh so uh, it's quite doubtful how the result of such
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a meeting is going to uh, to do to, to you without. uh but uh, i think john, that has made itself very clear to the rest of the world and to all the parties concerned that a piece, polk that needs to have all the parties concerned to be sitting at the same table. it's actually a fight, find that the politicians of some of the western countries, or particularly countries of nato that are supplying with others to ukraine at the moment to think and to reflect on what the end game is. because we are actually on the blink of, of having a major, bigger conflict of a much bigger scale because of russia has already set its lines very clear on what
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they are going to do. what they are prepared to do is, the russian territories gets attacked as a war is the going to spread to other parts of europe. if this doesn't come to us, stop washington. it's policies to what was the well, the guided by colonialism, now's according to russia's 12 diplomats speaking during his 1st death, a visit to became a fall. so it's like a life of said in comparison, most go 6 a quarter to a mutual benefits when it comes to cooperation with other nations. i mean, you can say you've got to do more with this. american still cannot get rid of this same drum of old mightiness and permit sickness and think they have the right to make claims all over the world, telling african asian latin american european countries. what to do in economics, politics and how that will cooperate with the united states, against any one team to compressed debt by washington. and they divide all foreign affairs and to those who afford the united states against the us. this is none of
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our consent are relations with african friends develop exclusively on the basis of mutual interest and an equal treatment to the west is still playing 0 sum games. it still can't comprehend the idea of equal cooperation. it is still sick with all the passively of colonialism. a near colonialism that dr. aid to him, relations with the global majority. and these relations are still a way for them to live at the expense of others, his diploma think tour of africa, the russian foreign minister is now in charge. earlier he visited the republics of guinea and congo and became a phone. so agreements were made for most go to supply military equipment to the nation with the russian military instructors also aiding local forces to combat terrorism. mosca was also invest in the mining and agricultural industry and also helping humanitarian space. we spoke with a former assistant to the guns and president to say is most goes approach is different than the west is helping to open doors. the,
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the style is not far from the tools you can let is that how does modeling done no problem? we shouldn't be money that, i mean, for example, you know, get a bustle in my mood. uh, jimmy was in this year. well, the sounds i know that, i mean since the most of these governments, india is just moved to the study. but they have been the peaceful. let's see, what was the united states has done for us. and if we could have the board saxophones, i saw a horse through the midst of the expensive originals with the rest of the country. do not forget, fail the importance of some sort of cell. so that's why i video time. that's of the video for now. libya for a very long time. so the average of
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a method spits before i see when i did speak, it's presented to west africa in new york. what are your policy? there is no, they're going to need. some of this are really feel the african countries at the moment. in my opinion, russia says once you believe most of the countries is very cordial because the middle in the countries and the most common to except why throws the government to the bus and what was going to move fast. so russia is coming to you, but i forgot globally, and i, there are so many opportunities for the short between the rush up on the $2.00 and now with 40 people have been killed and dozens more wounded in an id of straw. i caught a un school in the central gauze, in refuge account of news throughout the underwater commission of general slums,
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the attack on his organizations, facility, and other horrific dang garza and other one for school to and shelter attacked. this time in news arrived in the middle areas overnight, but these really forces with i'll probably warn into the display sport warner back to school will show for and 6000 displaced people when it was hit claims that the arm groups may have been inside the shelter or shocking attacking, targeting or using june, building for military purposes are blake and disregard of international humanitarian law. the slide tapes, the un run school west thousands of palestinians to shelter from constance ideas, attacks 14 children, and 9 women. whoever were reportedly killed in the is ready strike. the idea of confirms the attack claiming to be under the law school hosted a mass municipal compounds, but is yet to provide evidence. the director of dollars is media office. it is well is not going to justify the strike, the occupation you this falls, fabricated stories to justify the brutal crime it's conducted against dozens of
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displaced people. they are the latest, like on the on the wall school is by no means the 1st time is well, has talked to the organizations facilities in gauze of since folks over the 7th well than 400 and some bins targeting underwashed premises. that being reported during the war with many sides being attacked and multiple times and at least 450 people have been killed in the attacks. but was wounded in the latest lines were transported to i'll ask the hospital when medics of financing for that lives. it has gone, says health ministry reports. the facility is running out of renewal, says i may soon be unable to receive more patients. how exit mazda is hospital is the only hospital providing health services to more than 1000000 people currently. and it's clinical capacity cannot bear to receive more monitors and injuries in light of this serious aggression against the billions children. and we made the numbers of wounded and patients in the hospitals, departments exceed the natural clinical capacity by more than 3 times. we discussed
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the health costs of think also with the communications officer for the international committee of the red cross. hey sean mohan. he stays the i see all see is still providing medical services in wafaa despite the dangers on challenges of the message to me that the red cross team remains and rough uh our team is just in the field hospice of that the i searched the established last month and you continued to provide urgent thing, you did health care services. we are also expanded our outreach to support the remaining function of hospitals and health care facilities across styles, 1000 and god. this trip we have recently just few hours ago delivered that medical shipment. that includes urgency, needed medical supplies, disposable, we called this morning for the kits and includes materials that are used to treat the injured peoples, tomatoes, and dozens. and what there isn't a lot of the goals i mentioned to a saw hospital, which serves nearly 1000000 people in the middle area. the very area that has been
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witnessing very, extremely testified situation. we can hear explosions and understanding are all the time in different areas. i'm from all sides, independent area, the same duration and rough us. i believe the main challenge is to, is this through the bible out to survive. how to, you know, to spend the day on the 9th and with this the next morning i'm, it's justified hostilities everywhere. and shillings air strikes, exchange of fire from, you know, in the vicinity of, from where the exist. besides the hardships of accessing 2 sufficient amounts of food for their families, for diabetes, for the 2nd patients, and also have access to clean water for both for drinking and for cleaning. i believe that they also are challenged with access to health care services that the deep and timely basis you can find more details on one of us stories on our website
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to all t don't com all the time with more at the very latest in just a few minutes, even the the
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as they already see here because they kept the scroll. so i did that and then use their email. fewer just of the great if in to the urls, the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl, all the patience, 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war, labor comes to in prisons really well, you know, think she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the chest is really to
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get over the fields. goodness people's going to sit in approximately 25000 people. went through the occupied of go to finish camps according to official figures. these move stuff suddenly level if the shift did utility and i give you an idea, i'm not sure it's just, it's not due to stuff. so you have the congress that, i mean, you know what, the famine disease forced labor to which you have by the word. so formulas. what was the last it also need you to do was to take that to you that, that it's a deep, it almost human off. what does he put his name, push these things up, the give you what you want to do it because he doesn't do those thousands of test a massive crimes and the impunity of criminals. now when you look on here, you know, wanted to do this because 90 and the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it are released upon me. they decided to do it. you got to do, please don't. so you can just you, because you put piers danielle, that was put in the middle of the it's
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the in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers led by general to boot. i arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa to the territory of more than shot, no one on the beach here on sunday. i mean he stuck up some issues around the cars and dicks showing the list to the tent. the food i on the east, one of the most horrific campaigns of a trustees to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. liability getting hold of somebody. i know the question that you download the glass. you followed there to do some people professional. most likely multiple villages with
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devastated a numerous members of resistance groups and what the head of that department is in for us to get the funding for the move of nancy. and i'm going to be a young investigator in search of his own identity and box on that you need to africa. the choices general goodies, blood drenched roots in an effort to establish how your legacy still echoes throughout the confidence. so my name is ben and i come from england and i've come ready to find out more about the position of willy, um, on the history of in, in the region. the eastern russian states. never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community, best of all sense and up in the system
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must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state on russia today as quickly ortiz, net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on you to the, to the question. did you say a request, a mortgage to search as well as the mother in law lives across the border brother printer. what was that was there. so, sounds good. just so basically of course we need the last name was needed,
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read it was can, will be used to be live. imagine we have some more for someone who is this, we would show new people to the the of the every spring and summer, the melting optics move reveals abandoned machinery, millions of rusty barrels, and the detritus left by human expansion into this most inaccessible of territories . yes, i used to move, so take off my on both of us for someone from your doors at the post the beach and as an issue all entails from clean optic travels the highest island home to the
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biggest opponent station on the front of joseph land, occupied go diarra, he asked me for i was in the bush or more you should. so it means if you have, when you feel when we see that's one way and then put some of the, some will stay on the old stuff last time i feel like there's are a may, some of serial and see me is membership when you to i've got the serial no boys to the middle of please to join me instead of the optic pioneers. main objective was to explore and comcast, these harsh lands. they had no time to think about waste management now and, and then i can see kids remain for centuries. that's my of my choice of so who even needed somebody at the course you system was a multiple and you have to go, but the team could, i have to deal with the official the
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know me, you need use visa. typically if you have to nancy terms in the book and that's just me, but it gets to the young showcase use the so i'm just going to the, by the ways that the boys, the the probably the most name that will be for them. i'm not sure if this to florida doesn't want that extra them, but adults appears that the
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pick up would inform you to put them would we get to the side of celia? was this because it did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g t. so i know if i'm reaching the scholars that should talk to a new to that as i'm going to last, i look forward to with that the law for she's more, it's the ocean by cheap and when you move move them. oh no. i'm really starting from 1st months and mostly putting them on big louder to move. let me look into that. i will just, i get i as well as to the lowest, the dates i'm going to, i'll study to the progressive rock i used to get shot finish. this is just all just for good news. i'm a fraction of when you come swing to do friday is the monthly origin of people from the fisher and shoot me an the temperature of
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the fish forwarded in the direction of nato brings natal closer toward another before and i'll say exclusively hung gary and farm and as the stresses that his country will never participation actions that would escalate to ukraine conflict will key of speak to join nate. so what would they bring to the local closest to should age on? once it leaves, it is possible to supply such weapons rewards only in order to strike our territory . the response could be a symmetric the law school is considering that blowing weapons to regions within striking distance of countries that have proven targeting russia. there's, you know, says the false narrative politicians used to escalate the ukraine con, continue to get away.


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