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tv   Documentary  RT  June 6, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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and he's doing the same against the idea of logical successes today. next arts, he sits dawn for an exclusive interview with the president of her rock. abdul love t for the she does not hold back in his desire to see a palestinian state established. once the full discussion the party find another one does for you about the latest events in the ukraine city, secretary general of nato mystery solved sumburgh suggested that to be, that you can be given an opportunity to do a strike of rushing out and make a territory using the weapons procured from the inquiry by you from,
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you are very some guarantee in countries if weighed with is now including the united states and not all of them. um, but uh the united states are also close to still some countries that housing discussions about sending slow do instructors and counselors here that i'd like to ask you to comment on these 2 decisions. what it will be especially response to that drugs. thank you. is this because it has funny house sellers and instructors and their presence there. there's nothing new new they are already present this on the ukrainian territory. unfortunately for them they're incurring losses. i know that for sure. and they're not being targeted specifically, but it just happens to me. but the european countries in the united states prefer to keep that silent little here in a 2nd. let me ask for high precision long range weapons you. i think we need to break this topic down into to get rid of thirst, the conventional arms multiple launch rockets, systems of 70 kilometer range are so most likely have been used for very long time
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. but i use, indeed the training and service mention do that on their own. now, as for high tech, modern, high precision precision guided the long range web. it was such as the storm shadow of u. k. were attack ends of the us. it was over the french missiles as well, and it bears repeating. and since i've said it before, when i traveled a central asian country is so the attack them is 2300 kilometer range. how are they used to, to know, how are they transfer? okay. as well, so they've transferred the missile system here it was given by the pentagon, inside the us. how is it used to pursue premium service? main cannot independently conduct the striking with dismissal and understands their technologically incapable of doing a no for that they require satellite reconnaissance intelligence function and based on that intelligence data, this is us the satellite intelligence they need to put in the flight traveler from the flight mission of the missile and later put it into the missile system in the service and standing there with the miss wilkes that he's doing that simply automatic is going to be. he's just pushing the button was to he might not even
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know what happens next. these to killing what could be the participation of ukrainian service man cook, and he's not those who are typing, the buttons were hired and then they can choose the target. and they can say, what's the priority target for them? and because what they do is not decide whether to strike this target or not. because yet again, the flight mission of the missile is basically typed in only by those we're providing the weapons. if it's attack comes and if it gets done by the pentagon and you've so storm shadow that's done by the u. k, it's even simpler sometimes because the flight mission is typed in automatically without the service man on the ground. it's done automatically by the u. k. then i say, because i, when the bonus were officers were thinking whether it's right the crime in regions or any other facilities. well, they were thinking for themselves, right? but it wasn't done for that. get an issue. that's what they were going to do in the same applies to the french specialist resort is done by the western specialist. therefore, we foster no allusion about that. usually the proof of, well,
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how are we to respond when most of the naturally will improve our anti missile defense systems? air defense systems will destroy these incoming missiles. so you might do just a 2nd. we're thinking that if someone believes it possible to provide such weapons to the military, to the war zone, and in order to conduct strikes against our territory, we think 3 issues for us. then why don't we have an opportunity to provide the same class of weapons to those regions of the world where the strikes will be conducted agent, the sensitive facilities of those countries who are doing that against russia. and therefore, the response might be a symmetrical. and we will think about that you put a key to number 3, such actions. well, we've deteriorated with, they've changed the situation for the worse, and they will continue to carry the international situation and undermine international security. in the end, if we see that such countries are engaged in the war against the russian federation, and that is a direct participation in the war against the russian federation teachers. we leave
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ourselves the right to respond the same way. it's a path towards very serious issue. this will be done so much as the president given us into the action was both uh, president trump and the president. by doing, can you give us a quote you to a perspective and you view which one do you think would be the most favorable candidate for a, you know, to us, and the russian relations, given the ongoing war that is going on and you can now i've already spoken about that, and everyone perceive my statement about president biden with a smirk, so to speak. and that they saw some kind of hidden critique of president by, well indeed, he's an old school politician and the fact that he didn't like it into a certain extent he started to attack me to but well, i knew that what happens is that means that i was right, and he's predictable to him that only confirms our notions about what i've talked about. but in general,
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we don't really care because president trump ex president tron with you, who's accused of being a spy for russia. and we know that's just pure nonsense, just garbage, just an element of domestic and political infighting between democrats and republicans, and baseless ridiculous accusations against trump sort of move. well, we have always perceived that as an element of domestic vickery, and, and in the united states, that was later confirmed during the national investigation in the us. and there were no connections with president trump is never exist. however, what remains of factors actually during his presidency, he started to introduce massive sanctions against the russian federation, but he left the intermediate and due to their forces treating that was that happened during his presidency. so, and i'm speaking very sincerely now that we believe that if we thinking that some scene will change in the us policy regarding russia to, to say, we don't think that anything will change because no serious changes will take place . you know, i'm telling them, you know, what's happening in the united states. you know, what fully, well,
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what happens during the political inside when they're burning themselves from the inside and much of their political system, their state on this. and i have to say whether it's pleasant or not. and there are legend leadership and democracy, they're also bringing to the ground because it is apparent to the rest of the world that the prosecution of trust, especially in court. and the allegations that happened due to events that happened years ago without direct approved. well, this is your only using the corporate system for political purposes. it's apparent to us here in russia, and i'm sure that it can be seen in the u. k as well. and then the rest of the world can see that as well. and most importantly, these things out of the united states as well. because after a well known decision of the court with a jury day of a guilty verdict to prove, well, this is purely using the court system for political purposes. we all know that the rating and the ranking of president trump grew by 6 percent right away. i think and donations to is election campaign also increased because it's what does it tell us?
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it tells us that the people in the us do not believe the court system, the justice system of the united states when it makes such decisions and believes that they're politically motivated. maybe it's counterintuitive. you wouldn't form policies in domestic policy and an economic policy as well. and then i think that today's administration or conducting one mistake after another and you sometimes i get surprised at what's happening and therefore we're watching it from the side. we've never interfered. and the domestic politics of the united states, and we do not intend to do an issue, but we'll see what will happen, what it will lead to elect wrap up my answer with what i began with the end result . and as we believe he does not have a great significance, we'll work with any president elected by the us people to should, to you don't think anything would change in terms of the support for you grateful to get in. or if tom comes, but you don't think there'd be a change to this because it's hard to say, i don't think i can make it clear cut the conclusion whether something will change
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or not. i think we'll need to take a look at the priority of the future administration to, to, if that's the future administration is or will follow the national interest. and if they think that the national interest will be to stabilize the situation within the country, not to bet on immigration to consolidate a society within the united states, to amend the mistakes that lead to tremendous data for innovation within the us. to naturally following the domestic national interest, if they would follow them, then they would pursue the goals of global liberals. and that i think is destroying the united states from the inside. but he's very well they strive to be the leader of global liberally. some of them will know, but if they follow the national interest, then maybe there could be some changes in the foreign policy towards russia and towards the conflict in ukraine is sophisticated. but remember how many gifts i mentioned to put in that case, some changes are possible, but i think you would agree with me that no one is interested in the united states in ukraine. they're interested in american. we have, for instance,
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in supremacy and leadership of the united states in the world with it. and they don't want to allow in any kind of success by russia or least indeed because they believe that in that case it is that will be detrimental. so the us leadership, that's the whole point of what the us is doing and what is the future administration changes the priorities for itself and they would set that goal is differently used. and they would see that the essence of the work in strengthening the united states from the inside, with finance, economy, ship building, normal relations in the world, more respectful towards everyone, and something may change. sure. i think that it depends on the sentiment in the society, and i think that the sentiment is shifting to that in to the board. and i think that it's the future administration, so we'll catch that wind and their sales. then the change is possible for them to proceed with the new book. so i'm gonna use your 3 flag. they are free flags behind your feedback of russia, but also the soviet union, the end of the russian empire. and it was the beauty certified to russian and tires
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and tell us why there's anyway, someone suspects that we have some imperial ambitions. please imagine this will bring back the soviet union and will have a prevailing islamic population. so you know that ever come into your minds, you shouldn't invent anything that's not there when you were not against an increase in these lama population, the rather happy that it happens in the russian federation now, and i'm going to need some of our per dominantly islamic republic, so we have a very good birth straight, and we are very happy about the woods past is past due, but as a page has been turned, we're looking into the future. so based on the reality of today, the flags that you see right now are part of our history and civilian. we should not invent anything, we lose these contemplation. so. so to shape your opinion about russia, those are your only harming yourself with that. imagine that russia wants to attack nato. what are you done? that's know who invented that? this is garbage nonsense and nothing else. it would have been just pure garbage if they didn't try to do their populations, that they should cry will then say that russia is trying to attack us. and we need
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to arm ourselves and send all of our weapons to ukraine. but why is it being done? to maintain their own imperial domination and greatness. hence the threats and the scary stories are for the boys. why in germany and other parts of europe? there was no such threat and it could never be. we're just sending ourselves a new frame, might be aware of the united states over the ocean. and we're here right now at the move of imagine we would do that in canada right now. what the us is doing at our threshold right here in the ukraine or in mexico, and i see where we can see right now is that the united states now? well, back in the day, they took part of the mexican territory and right now they can fight for the return of their territory to it. so that's what the western countries are trying to do in terms of the russian ukrainian crisis. you would have you ever considered that you shouldn't look at the flags you have. you should look into the crux of the matter. we have no imperial and vision. believe me, this is nonsense will just like this threat of russia to nato in european countries
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. if we look at the potential of natal machine and the russian potential, what do you decide that we're crazy about to do? now as far as the provision of weapon jury is concerned, such as applies to conflicts so well, that is always a bad thing, especially because those who supply weapons are not simply supplying the weapons. they're also managing the weapons and control in the good. and that is very dangerous, and a very serious step. we know that in germany does not deny that. i don't know how it got into the media, but you, you know, the generals of the end as well were discussing how and when they were to strike the crimean bridge or other facilities on the russian territory on which, including the territories which no one doubts belongs to russian to see it. when the 1st german tanks appeared on the cleaning soil with german produce tanks. because the moral and ethical shock and russia, because our relations with germany had always been very good. so they're going to see right now, you know, this talk that some missiles are going to appear that will strength russian
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territories. then this will fully undermine the russian german relations. we understand as a famous german political leader said after the 2nd world war and the germany has never been fully independent, it was in the precise sense of the word that's totally sovereign states or what i see. we were in contact with chancellor shortly so that we had multiple meetings were not given the assessment to the performance of the german government to accept to the german voters, to pass judgment on that. get back to soon the european parliament elections are coming. and we'll see how it goes. you know, i still have many good friends in germany and most, i'm trying not, you know, to compromise them so that they don't have any problems. i try not to maintain relations right now with them. but i've known them for many years and i've known that they're reliable friends with it. and i've gotten many of those in germany, and i know the landscape and how things go and the political landscape is the cd use around 30 percent. 16 percent is the social democrats, s p d 15 percent alternative for germany, f d,
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and the rest. and this is how the voters are respond to it. this shows the sentiments among german citizens who said, i mean, i understand germany's independence, the defense and security in general. yeah. i'm cognizant of their dependence on information policy because you know, whatever big media outlet you'll look at, you'll see that the end beneficiary is some kind of american foundation. just going to be a human while i apply those americans found a sions. they're doing a great job because they have a tight driven on media landscape in germany lying low, all the while. it's very hard to stand up to that and i understand some however, some very simple things in those thing as well as even strange that no one today and the german leadership is defending the german. interesting, yes, germany does not have the full sovereignty, but there are jeremy's and you need to think about their interest, but you might look at it. so they blew up those poor pipelines in the baltic sea. no one is even evictions about that as if it's the right thing to do was i'm on my
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not some of the things. indeed, we're until the mid morning and we'll sit down to evaluate for an administrator status and present a number of people with ministration. and you need a letter mention we, they're waiting on the test out and the relation was during the time of the present race will have to be that is one of them. great services of our president. and i'll be also pointed out the role play design president for icbc, now members bilateral relations and the regional relations. and the question that i wanted to ask you that that would be continued on the development of relations with the right and what kind of program as plan, do you see where there's some agreements achieved with present pricey? what is that? and i would look for the progressive ron and russia in the future, one of the developing relations between russia and the rod in a steady fashion, making good headway across many avenue from both russian iran happened to be under sanctions, different sanctions regime. and he was surprised when we learned recently some of the levels of technological achievement senior ron told me,
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we were surprised. however, our ronnie and friends had managed to preserve such a high level of production, industrial production in certain technologies, despite the sanctions hasn't been forced for many years. so we were pleasantly surprised. our trade and economic ties are developing some we've gotten many joint projects. we would like to take additional effort aimed at developing high tech and certainly taking into account the restrictions use. this is going to be difficult, but still it can be done. and this is something we're going to do. so now as for present, right, i see who is killed in this tragedy. we would like to say that we had very good notion reliable business like relations with him today. he was a very interesting person and you know, he was a serious politician. see a reliable partner and so he possessed a great sense of irony and humor things, and it was very interesting person to talk to him to, to communicate with not just interesting, but also useful jim. and i would like to say that if we achieve degrees in with him on something, then one could be
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a 100 percent. sure. because this issue would not be lost sight of illness. but that doesn't mean that all issues have been resolved because it's not just up to the leaders that these issues depend on you what we were working together to improve and enhance our relations. as it was under president rice and ron had joined bricks and the seal, which is testimony to the fact that we were moving together in the right direction . interested them in particular in the direction of setting up a multi polar world order in blue. and iran had continued to play a significant role in that regard. there's one thing i would like to say concluding my answer to your question of the issue. i would like to say that we're hopeful that everything that has been achieved by president rice and russian. and ronnie and relations is going to be picked up and continue. and i have no doubts that this is exactly what's going to happens. this is because everything we're doing to show it meets the mutual interest of a rush. any ron, you say we should. we know that the iranian statehood is very stable. that the too many, we're aware how the executive and the power system in iran are working. i've listed
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in the we know that it's not just the president and his colleagues who worked on formalizing because you see the supreme leader is also playing a significant role in that regard station. and so we're waiting for the elections of the next president to have to and i look forward to meeting the new president over on different international events, including the shanghai cooperation organization and the brain was assigned to it. and i'm confident that we will find common ground, and we'll follow up on these projects so whose foundations were laid by the late president vices. and millions of people around the world are opposing the attacks against the guys and people which is amount to the level of genocide right now. and then once russia has a way for his intent to play that role in the solution of the situation right now, having gaza and do you have any intention to also get the security council in motion? and because of the people,
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not only the guys and people about the posting and people in general and the people off a different origins, religion at the city are free from any identity and backgrounds. the people of the world are actually asking for the big powers to finish what is happening right now on the ground in the cousins. thank you here to extinguishers because it's, well, the 1st thing i want to say is that we're certainly against terrorism in all its forms and we're against attacks and the civilian population in any place in any countries. but what we're seeing today and guys that in response to the well known terrorist attacks in israel does not look like a war, it looks like a total destruction of the civilian populations from goods. i can only reiterate rushes official position, easiest with the interest of the result of the united states policies with which moved away all the tools that had been a created for attempting to collective solution to this problem. maybe some more of
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the us administration decided that and you have to remember options. the process will be set up. but experience has shown michelle, this is not true, but it isn't in resolving this issue. so just providing material resources is also not a promising endeavor on that. but when you mentioned it's a solution to political questions such as the fate of the palestinian people. and it's historical prospects cannot be solved, is the providing some economic handouts. of course, it is a necessary component to create an environment where a solution can be found, but you must address the political question. and the main political question for revolves around the creation of the palestinian state. the 2 state solution was a mandated by the human decision to go so that the house command states to co exist with the jewish state. so without addressing the key issues, resolving the substance of this problem would not be positive. but then the russian position here is principal and it does not depend on the current situation with
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them. it has been standing since the soviet times. we know that president are the one is making energetic efforts to achieve a solution to this. a difficult problem looks and considering his high authority in the region like this and in the world in the as lama core world. first of all, 5 cases is making a significant contribution in russia and they might, sparks is willing to do everything it can to help solve this. let's see, especially considering the relation to that you've achieved it with the state of israel over recent decades. so, so to give us a shake bus, which, you know, then what has been going on for 8 months, the tremulous that they all said to on stuff onto the kids home us yet, you know, it's do that. so how do you see the scenario? how do you see it got this confidence unfolding and given you diplomatic? you know, the nations of cloud was depressed. you know, sort of g was home us. even with the is the, i don't know. is it a bit strange but with gunfire? guns these jews think of playing a leading role in it in uh,
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existing an end to the conflict based on the 2 state solution as somebody to call for us and really believes that there is hope for the, for the city and state. this is one and then i think there is whole year in particular due to the fact that most in the us and in israel, there are people who advocate for a 2 state solution. you'll list are people there who believe that this is precisely because it has pursued the so namely to set up 2 sovereign states people. and there are people who believe that this path is going to lead us to peace. the. this is what will allow finding the piece for me, lovers. as for russia playing a leading role, i don't think we need to do that because there are many players who are involved in that conflict and who have a great deal of influence with the developments we're making a contribution to finding the solution is something we could do given the relationships of who we have fostered over the recent decades with israel and also
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given the relations we have traditionally had with these law minute role with the arrow more uh these relations are based on trust. but i think that the main contribution was need to come from the countries of the region are and also the regional organizations such as the organization for as long as the cooperation, mostly the arab league of the neighboring countries, such as the egypt, saudi arabia, the gulf, countries certainly as one of the leading players and these lawman world and certainly the us to meet them. we are not holding onto some extreme issues issues according to which the us has to be excluded from the settlement. that's just impossible on the new and israel has to play a role as well because this is what the golden mean needs to be found. and i reiterate this can be done, given the sentiments in the american society is rarely society, given the sentiment in the error of world a scanner. as long as we're trying to do what we can provide in particular, humanitarian assistance. as you're aware of, we played a certain role in securing the release of several hostages of russian origin. so
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should we continue to work in pursuing this avenue by working with our partners, discussion, your options, saying that we've got good relations based on trust. and we've been fostering those relations for decades, but we need to work together rather than trying to monopolize the peace process that would be harmful to us because monopolizing could be a good thing if the one doing the monopolizing structural mutual was sions. but the monopolize, or is incapable of pursuing this neutral position sooner or later its sides with one that besides, it all falls apart, resulting in the tragedies like the ones we are currently witnessing. so it's about the scenario. how do you see this conflict now door and goes on for the and one last question. the finish on the menus, for sure, we have come up with a number of initiatives for you in securities council calling for a cease fire like you us is blocked. that is on the veto in those initiatives.
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just a moment. how do we've been working solidarity, trying to secure an agreement that would be a positive scenario. but so far it has not succeeded directly call for a cease fire because she this initiative and that an issue there had not been reciprocal vito's rather trying to find a solution working together really. and that would probably be the path towards finding the solution to this problem, to the solos, to addition, the problem is, and another question you wanted to ask is just my question. is that going back to kind of what to do to get a nuclear war? and how it goes, oh, each doctor is the really to slip, not sure. you know, there are always accusations funded us that we are a new killer cyber rattling with the but i'm, i the one asking the question about the possible and the, because i'm your, you're the one to ask a big question. you weren't pushing me towards this question, and then you'll say that i've been brandishing that lead to their truncheon about,
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i'm as good as a fairy braves. i'm young. the us as the only country to of use nuclear weapons during the 2nd world war fershema and august socks, 20 killer tires of the car, tactical nuclear weapons. similarly 775 kill with the just the package with me to, i mean he comes from. so let's not push the situation to towards the point. so when even a threat is involved, let alone the new. so we need to the weapons. for some reason, the west believes that russia is never going to resort to that. but we've got a new doctor in place, he's just have a look at it to what does it say? it says that someone else's action is to just threaten our sovereignty or territorial integrity to then we believe we have the right to use all the tools we've had artist or something. no. and no one should take that lightly. or super. officially, there needs to be in the professional view of that when you should, and i am hopeful that everyone across the world is going to receive that in this fashion. when addressing such issues,
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the the stick them with them for me to put them for the gifts at the side of celia was this because they did just wouldn't care to get a car through the new year. oh for g t. so i know for me teaching scholars should go and you've cheated us. i'm going to west valley forward you with that the she's more, it's the ocean by cheese. and when you move, move them on the status from 1st month's and mostly putting them on the move menu. so the continue, i will just, i did i as well as to the lowest quality unload over the summer that i'll study to
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the progressive rock. i used to wish i finish this is just all just for the i'm a fraction of when you come swing to do friday. is it for you or the people for the, for sure. and shoot me an the temperature of induction to some of this the
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this forwarded in that direction of nato brings natal closer to the award another before it in an archie exclusive the hon gary and foreign minister stresses that has come so you will never participate in actions that would escalate evincing ukrainians on by adding a t s page to join nato. lee bring the blog closer to war. also, it should say, if someone's believes that it's possible to supply such weapons to a war zone in order to strike our territory, the response could be a symmetric lot of our put new ones at law school is considering deploying military hardware to regions within striking distance of countries that supply weapons which key as uses to target russian other countries leader, also slum what he called the full narrative. politicians used to escalate the prey come.


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