tv Documentary RT June 7, 2024 8:30am-9:00am EDT
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of new from their budgets and the region secure. those those come have bigger and bigger bunches with every year. and as for the investment tax deduction in the regions, and in addition to this we're going to in for the as the federal tax deduction, we see under the adjustment of the tax system that we have, we need to encourage the business to invest more in the development to bank, the united, the business is more a quote more affair to deliveries the gaps between the citizens. so you need and we need to to determine the parameters and the volume. so the federal investment projects to make it efficient to deal with them to make it required wasn't as it so we just, we have to figure it out super by just dealing with the deal and to think we found using got it. yeah, let me just think about our business mechanisms. so there is a good investment standard program, and that's the business. it takes into consideration recommendation from the business. this comes up with the someone principles for the investment attraction
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across the entire country in every region. when you're gonna send me, you say universal investment co system is going to be for an an understandable algorithm will be established so that the industries there can years now were established. then some of these supports mattress are available to all of us and they are very much in demand. today, the original investment standard is introduced in all the russian federation regions at the specialists help in train. that's what you're responsible for. interaction with the potential investors. colleagues, friends, i would like to think regional teams and business alliances, the government for the words that they've done. i know there is suggestion and proposals to adopt along on the investment standards by suggesting that the government discussed as a basis topic with the business societies and with the regions. and now the goal that we have is to make this magazines and really work to actively use it in
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practice. and that should seem to be, this is our goal for the near future. let's just come on corporate w to you can just ask for the teams to ship the toilet. cheese the best results or shoot me a new we need to have a stimulus mechanism. this young governance level 2 and it was done by the launching of the regional stand that allowed him to many regions in the to make a leap in the investment climate trading. you want it to get fixed, eileen, and then let's just and by tradition we are presenting the results of this reading here. this for him was like, are they, i mean, within the last year, thanks to leave excellent range of experience and leadership practices literally seem to $74.00 regions of russia is advantage of worship gym to improve the compound index, which is you more than the year before i actually am on the regions with the best dynamics, my other public aubrianna young and more w, as well as
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a lead testing can be on our account, goes to regions. got you, is this. i congratulate see me, my colleagues and what they are, the results and the wish them successes in the future. the problem is the move we didn't have insurance with you and that's and then the agent in the system. and we will certainly can present the rating and you meet with the see the investment climate trading, and we will share our experience with the brakes colleagues that knows everything useful as a recent meeting of the supervisory board of the agency. as strategic initiatives. we agreed to improve the methodology behind the reading to do with the fluid and adopt the target to of conditions model you put in for the national claim. it's another, it is the best. so there's a model that used internationally meeting a couple of them as a sub major change which watch aiming for him as a new, qualitative for the labor market and the east gives it. apparently, russia has
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a record low unemployment. each seat was only 2.6 percent in april, a slip of the work which are connected to you. and as i'm due to complain you do is as much each of these, these we have to reduce the structural unemployment especially relevant to to use unemployment c state each in region squared was historically high. nothing has gone down to the glumly levels. so sales to him and got the main question to several years ago was how to find a job. and now the main question is how to find people getting us through a system of put it under the know because they were and yeah, and those that we need to re shape uh, education system was to train the mountains mr. general. and it was straight, sweet, relevant specialist, free to allow people to go in for continuous education throughout that career, gods. and we do so we're making a full cost of human resources needs of the national economy. and it's probably
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middle based on that full costs, a little bit of that when we are restructuring them to do the professional training and education system and russia who the 25th 01 these and the, this means that we're expecting a growth of people was to so we still with qualified, highly skilled jobs, which was providing full high added value. and this is you have a bigger income that would be to go to get you the goal of the district training system for just to ensure the sustain growth in this area. plus with the professional education system quoted you, you can look up that has allowed us to get out of grad upgrade and update the curricula safety to ship building pharmaceuticals, electronics of defense industry, and that this would be feature web situation, this areas. but you will see to wait for the community one to speak. so i use the word of what you will train about one and what email in which you nothing. she was
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a highly skilled people until 2028. she says that i see as to higher education, which in the coming years, 14 new university campuses will be created in russia. now in the coming years, if they will provide a will, that's a conditions for research and studies. would you send your students and you had sent those graduates quoted, we will assess the work of diversity is less than when the colleges, vocational schools, that are but people on the other by the gross income of, of the, on their alumni, with the hand value. she's because we must use make sure that we know don't just get some educated people, but people highly qualified for the jobs and who can train audits with the version of who can become just teachers and men to simulate you difficult. and so we must support the aspirations of people to those shape a multiple have reached the time and age, but we want to keep sharing that knowledge. whereas that skills and this, you know,
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to provide new resources with each for the economy and the social sphere. this is ebony gloves and i'm with the she's the senior. this means that we must increase the level of salaries of waking pension is the 9th, which we've just discussed. this with the governor send to petersburg and i was at the meeting we had before the recession of this for him to get us. but email is, would you the deputy just to get a 3 my is if you're in the conversations we have with us citizens, but hopefully we'll do it by 25 and 6. that's the, that's the last year and continued, we did have an index ation of pensions for west pension is not sure it has been, this is something that affects millions of people in our country. so you wouldn't even us. and that is a solution to this, a trouble them is usually overdue. now we have the resource to start addressing it to the issue. the interest of the people need, the so i propose that starting next year we renewed the practice as an end of
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indexing. past pensions for where compassion is beautiful. you should do starting up the february, the 1st 2025. but what should have sent you to get to him? was it? well that will be an annual increase in pension. so sony for those who have already retired, but also those who continue working. and this brush will have to be that only say, i mean, if i request the united russia body drawing thing with the government's gc to draft might still be relevant low and adopted at the spring session. i know that the, the parliamentary groups will also support this initiative easily and put in with the 4th senior structural change that is directly related to increasing efficiency high school, which is a goal with setting the my degree. that's what i mean. we're considering the demographic challenges that we're seeing was the fluid age deficit. human resources we have the most but which really we must insure the productivity of labor,
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see which one to achieve better efficiency. see some of the new electric and to make that happen when it be supposed to be invested just, you know, moving into the mobilization. sure. looking all of our enterprises and to use the as a go means of automation. the deluxe goods in a short time frame, russia must have become one of the top 25 countries that be split up in terms of globalization. for them, that means we need to introduce over 100000 robots and to look like that production . based on our own technological capacity, which we certainly have these 2 issues, we also must increase the efficiency of the use of the current equipment technologies to do with what i'm. i'm the introduce and the a lean practices. she's div that's now covered over $6000.00 companies. and over 120000 people this year is
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a key here for the national project. but i'm know, we must renew the national projects a to ensure a competitiveness, product, and effectiveness of our economy itself in the most expensive global practices solutions that have proven successful media set up to involve at least 40 people buzz up at least 40 percent of a small and medium sized enterprises and all sectors of the economy by 2030 different as well as the basic plan, organizations of the social se, ask you, and you have and the public sector and your interest in companies will increase their outputs, increase the quality of the services that you can, you send, the staff will have a better working conditions and increased salaries when she see you again, the coming 16 is we should jump, the growth salaries must be higher. we moved them at the g, d p at the end. the 5th see for the structural change that i want to talk about is
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what the platform revolution. what do you mean? the modern conditions improving the productivity of labor requires the will to mention the use of the visual intelligence. the qualities are like by 2030 bucks for which we will create digital platforms in old and key sectors of the economy. shift from move and the social sphere because this will be covered by the data economy. national projects going to increase the media waste in becoming 6. he is at least 80 percent. those need be the organization. so the key select this. um this, you must start using with russia and made it software in the industrial and managerial processes internally jump into support to the industry. we will attempt to collect a number of measures for considering the share of the costs on russian software when using, calculating income taxes and didn't seem to provide reduce to see if i can come on a tax dish at the rate of $0.05 for the russian id companies,
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but i should wait until 2030 the fall inclusive. and they are instructed to governments to don't just create a new mattress to support trash and develop a software and to determine the procedure for both do it to, to go to ensuring what do we use a couple of state procurement and some of his cuts of software from russian developers, we must not reduce the for the so you can use the version of the speed of this process. if we decide we must improve it as we go along the point, which is the can i shoot the whole and we must cover the construction and become housing sectors system. the reason is the last 5 years we've managed to reduce administer to batteries and excessive requirements. because we need to reduce the investment in construction cycle by a factor of almost 2 years old has been done. and there's still much to be done,
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steve. but we will continue work and to make sure that more roads comes from factories does to fluids really. so, so it can be created in russia, and it is that there's more affordable housing of its employees and see if that is showing a good rate of energy efficiency gloves, setting them. and then providing more than conditions when you say that there's a source of great potential to use and easy to understand that the most secondary resources to use green energy solutions. i'm think 6, i think the structural change is, hey, shift this issue and you know, let me just do what you mean that you can bond saturation of the economy with modern technologies and innovation. so she's so one of the key areas for us in 6 years we plan to be one of the top 10 companies in nothing. i can see research and development media gym, the filter for of the,
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with these costs. so we shouldn't amount to at least 2 percent of g d, p c to the number of national projects will be launched, but the 2 chief technological sovereignty in such a key areas as means of production and automation. new materials, chemistry in advance space services, which would kinetic technologies and some of the skip the industry will have a number of solutions to that. so you know, keep a good book. you got to promote science and to support from the researches that are when you get into with who will help from that was hopefully taking will usually launch serial production and to stimulate demand for high tech products. as part of these projects, we will know, determine a priority universities to provide trained people for a key industries. and we certainly must improve the legal framework for companies
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to feel confident and they tend to invest in the promising and research intensive rich initiatives to which is for the long planning to rise in room. so we have a cued creative potential. you busy and we must and usually implemented to, to the full extent to kind we're seeing on the subject trends that will give cause for optimism for them to push the road a lot. 3, is that? yeah, we need to be seen almost believing increasing. she's $18000.00 applicant applications, but it's just, you know, for inventions you wasn't content and thousands of useful models in that class and you be to display the metal production of speech, vision, engine, concepts and engine engineering and energies and other fields still. but we must ensure the commercial east and the implementation and application of these inventions so that they go the full cycle from idea to product. i'm just the another just most of us more of this city of this year. and one of the things i
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know we must ensure that she is actually pretty excited about that. the right smartgate model and then the from the contact the customer to come to the dentist and minutes. and that account number of experts thinks this is the case. the land of we must ensure that smaller companies which have ideas and how to commercialize the solutions have that possibility to do so. i'm of course you happen to have a legal education. so i know that there's a lot to be taken care of. if you of pain, if you're paying for the convention, then you are the owner of invention. obviously, you must have the rights. so we must create a soft market mechanism and assuring the use of these inventions so that they are not sitting idly on the shelf from the warehouse, which is. so the problem is in the government will take care of this mean, if the 7th of the month, major structural change in the mile away is a transformation to increase the role of smaller businesses, the economy like you mean, mean you want them to be if the we currently have $6500000.00,
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a small and medium sized companies in the country. then we used to have a target just to increase the share of people involved in the sector to 25000000. and it seemed like a difficult target community. some of the colleagues chuckled and said, that's not realistic, that's not we can say with confidence that this target has been hit ahead of schedule. i'm not sure, but it's pretty much if the interest malware, interpreters, younger generation, etc. printers are in the mode through mckinney up keeping up the pace in the are developing the market. we are using the commodities that are sometimes better than before and equivalent and more than that. russian entrepreneurs, sandra stan that approve of the quality and important acid is the trademark. we have more and more applications for clothing for shoes or software or
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pharmaceuticals. for household chemistry, for candy, and for the pastry and so on and so forth. more than 143000 applications for trade market was not to received more than in the pre coby present. i'm inclined to 19, in the purchase of the trademark registration is one of the most convenient and most rapid ones in the world. that's absolutely digital, it takes 4 months to consider such an application. after which i'm this to spell it chronic certificate as they should, i should suggest you use and more and more new the young man, the meanest mean we receive applications from the original brands from the way, which is a good sign of the preservation of the traditions and culture of our ethnic groups and you can do to where you can use that and these interpreters that you can work there in the regions and the businesses, they see that, that people want to buy domestically produce domestically,
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manufacturing commodities, and a lot of regional brands and create q in the yard part of the so called creative artistic industry is the most i do more than half of the regions of help support their development. and in the spring parliamentary section. and i would like to see a law adopted that would set the legal framework for it. so that's great if the industries and in the future it will allow us to establish that seals common standards, also become supporting it. so we will create all the conditions for the estimates to grow within faster. we are going to enhance the efficiency of the or a state support. and in addition to that, we are going to, such as the new ones, was an important part in the development of the start ups and large scale business as displayed by the so called markets lasers with the russian post. the are establishing a modern infrastructure as well as i'm finding blog system,
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then all of the world supplies and deliveries of the commodities sell. but even the most remote towns and villages had the access to the russian market. i would like to instruct our colleagues from the government to pay special attention to the implementation of such project, submit a $1.00 unit, something i need to modernize the infrastructure of the russian post teacher and to help the is that we shouldn't domestic businesses. we have launched all russia competition, and i think the number of applications approved by 2.5 times we are receiving in such a locations from absolutely all the regions of the russian federation. these computation is growing. it has proven as a true business lift and we need to see these practices implemented at the regional level as well. i would like to draw your attention to these, your colleagues, to your account or, and notice, and another point that i would like to mention, especially almost all the participants, all these competition and what our issues,
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russian entrepreneurs support. you've seen participants and veterans of the special mueller transportation. there is families that are close ones and loved ones. they send their commodities to the special middle this reparations advise various items and commodities for them. the health of the hospitals, which is the petri arctic ceiling poetry, arctic sense in the best possible meaning of the word and it deserves every kind of gratitude in every kind of respect. thank you very much. was the other issue. what anguish include all these to put on the next you the 8th structural change, and that has to do with the tapping into the potential of the russian regions. that this has been huge. you all go through all the development and establishing rosalie areas in the town, seeing the villages of the russian, the region so that the people,
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not only major. so it is not only in capital city as good, find a good job and what could find a good deal. well, paid jobs to and to aspire to something to start family. essentially, you're very uncomfortable conditions, right? these here are we are going to launch new national projects in the state programs to develop education in the health care, what we call the support of the couch or to enhance and ensure the environmental conditions in our smaller towns and villages. it is as easy to implement and the federal and regional programs and we made scores and we need a economics foundation to achieve all of that. it is established in the regions us and we are going to enhance that. you cannot make pro, is of the regions and then disregard it, even though we are discussing with the governments an idea to transfer the unit, had offices of our corporations and states organizations to the regions because we
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need to think more on that. but it deserves that requires the support. then we have positive examples. for example, for us hydro move from must go to crashing or yards to get some headquarters. and we need to concentrate our resources on promising but growth areas. but i'm must have blown the we have a new use, they said privilege under the programs for the far eastern and artic regions. we agreed to establish a similar programs and documents for $200.00 more the settlements and they will cover all the regional centers. you're going to that you're going to issue and the city is that play a vital role in enhancing the logical software and to russia for the long term development of the regions. we need to remove restrictions in energy and transportation system. we need to build and repair roads. we need to improve the infrastructure, and the regions are receiving infrastructure, old budgets and loans who work on this project. as i have mentioned before,
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starting next year, we are going to increase of small liam. price based portfolio will continue to grow . it will be increased by no less than $250000000000.00 roubles annually. and we'll do some before 2030, the budget and the amount of the budget to live. you need loans for infrastructure . it will amount to 2.5 trillion through bows and these funds will be allocated not only to get us know what you point you to in accordance with the limits that every region has. but in accordance with the competition and context and that we're going to run for every region, but usually it again that in these emails. and we need to come up with a decision to support the regional, legitimate a bunch of because we are starting to write off the what the data that the regents have and the funds that will be released due to the service and the ride. all the regions will need to allocate to the infrastructure with investments at the supplement of industrial sports and advanced in the development areas. and it
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shouldn't be spend on the utilities on the road. the construction of bridges construction that are in this ation of the massive frenzy, the clothes and the for the edge of my efforts to build new housing the deal. and i would like to interact with the government to engage in the dying, like with the region as it to work on every detail of this mechanism. next to excuse me, is waiting for us and we should not only remove the bottlenecks in the infrastructure area. we need to involve more lands that are not being efficiently use, for example, a band and how be lots and buildings. and we have thousands of thousands of science like base across the country with the right approach. they will serve the people they will generate income for the businesses would have to do in accordance with the, with the attorney general information and statistics. russia has more than 180000 abandons buildings and houses. and almost more than 3rd of them is not registered and the property rights are registered only for the one seats or 3rd party. but i
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will, i need this jose when you typically do the landfills, our office and also bank. and then the municipalities have no budgets to maintain them. i would like the following suggestion. if a businessman or an interpreter can lovely, didn't work to remove this landfill, then you should receive this land free of charge as a proper to you or is a long term sub to associate because we thought see some young ladies it up. so i would like to, i would like the government to engage in consultations with the regents and to think about if you didn't need forgiveness enough for this. if there's about the property is that a lot of federal agencies because this house on the, you know, going to their balance and they, they, if it's not being used, so it should not be abused and the cd to sense uh, the towns they should not believe us their land, but because of this program, but something has to be done and disregard. i'm sure they have solution solution to
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this issue will not only improve the life quality of the people in this series, but that will also help to capitalize the. see the urban assets it will attract the businesses to be more in bolt into housing projects and in disregard. that would like to say a couple of words about the mortgage loans when it has, you know, we extended up until the 23rd to the family mortgage loan sent with the interest rate of 6 percent is available to all the russians. families with the children like a is this under the 6 years of age, i would like to add additional social solution. what is the for the families that believe or would like to about why are you able to housing in smaller towns, orange, the regions where the housing volume is not taken up to move? what was, what was the, what to see me and the families with the children can use the 6 percent interest rate mortgages, no matter the age of all of their children. to me about the condition is that the one of the children must be mine already by the time when they are to receive these
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mortgage loan issues using voicemails for and able to get rid of of you, you on the same conditions will be available in all directions of russia for every family that wants to build their own house with a food in the world. and that it's especially important for the families with the many children for the big families. i would like to instruct the government to start this program from july. the 1st couple days here and then i'll do with to improve distinguish which aspect of stuff that they're going to look at. there's an image of the status and we are going to run a special contest on possible projects in house, on the left, a fully automated program. and just to be, to reduce the site is, can look a battery and it's a display program that is very popular. and we are going to line a similar program for the parts and for the to the east that each going us river banks. and the state is it's, and by 2030 across the counter 3,
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we need the 2 pieces. you think you, if the rent is a, a 1000 to all the science that is considered cultural or historical legacy of the street is they need to serve the people in their street and they need to strengthen our identity. they must become important. the landmarks for the city is as far as, as teresa magnets and one of the prior to his is developing tourism. over the 6 years, the share of the tourism industry in virginia be must be increasing each and reach 5 percent. and the number of travels across the country and boston a total accommodations should reach 140000000 people. we need to establish uncomfortable and accessible conditions. we need to build more hotels in smaller size companies. ski resort each case, it's in the body to keep those movies in your book and keep the mattress that we take must not only be efficient, but also fair and adjustable. so the 9th frontier roller shift is reducing the
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poverty pricing, branching and inequality. the proof of income of the russian families, it will increase and think internal demand and the volume of the domestic market. and all the tools must be used to accomplish this task, including the tax of deductions, so certainly comfortable and social counteract and storing it. and the main tool, something that i've mentioned before, the issue of what is the left, is this the wife and the salary is set to customize the index. that's the road you might know what an elected we're going to increase the minimum of wage. it's already higher than the sustenance wage, as defined by the constitution. and in the future, we are going to the tides in big station to the average level of the salary tre, within the economy. starting the next year we are going to establish the connection between the minimal wage weeds and meetings.
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